Penetration Testing Services

We are vendor neutral and platform agnostic. This means that you get unbiased testing and appraisal of any and every environment. We keep a very clear and level head too. We are not fazed by high pressure situations so we can and do advise on incident response- in real-time when needed.

We’re not swayed by whatever the latest bleeding-edge technology is either, we’ve usually already found a way to break or subvert it, in the same way that hackers do.

Penetration Testing

CHECK, CREST and Tiger accredited security testing.

Social Engineering

On-site, over the ‘phone, or both, carried out by seasoned testers.

Security Training

Interactive, not dry, bespoke sessions and programmes, delivered on-site to meet specific needs.

STAR Financial Services Testing

For financial services organisations, we provide Penetration Testing and Simulated Target Attack & Response (STAR) services via CREST’s framework.

CREST Cyber Essentials Testing

Independent assurance for organisations wishing to implement CREST’s Cyber Essentials security controls, as mandated by the Department for Business Innovation & Skills.

General Data Protection Regulation Compliance

The GDPR will introduce the biggest changes to data protection law in Europe in more than 20 years, along with huge fines if you don’t comply.