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The Maelstrom Spider Pirates[1] is a pirate crew, led by Squard. It is a subordinate crew of the Whitebeard Pirates.

Crew StrengthEdit

The crew from twenty-four years ago was unknown, but they were decimated by the Roger Pirates, with their captain the sole survivor. The current crew is presumably strong, as their captain has managed to make himself a reputation in the second half of the Grand Line, and are a subordinate crew of the Whitebeard Pirates.


Twenty-Four Years AgoEdit

Twenty-four years before the start of the storyline, the Maelstrom Spider Pirates were massacred by Gol D. Roger. Their captain, Squard, was the only survivor, which led him to develop a hatred against the pirate king. He was plunged into a deep depression until meeting Roger's rival, Edward Newgate, also known as "Whitebeard", who adopted him as a son, saving him from the loneliness. From this, Squard was able to regain enough confidence and rebuild his crew, forming a new Maelstrom Spider Pirates, which was a subordinate crew of the Whitebeard Pirates.

Battle of MarinefordEdit

The Maelstrom Spider Pirates were amongst the forty-three New World pirate crews to join the Whitebeard Pirates in attacking the Marines to save Portgas D. Ace from execution. Squard was manipulated by Admiral Akainu to attack Whitebeard, with Ace being Roger's son as the catalyst. Despite this, Squard was forgiven and he and his crew continued to fight against the Marines on Whitebeard's sakes. They tried to destroy Marineford after Ace was rescued by commandeering one of Whitebeard's paddle-boats, as Squard's way of repentance, but Whitebeard ordered them all to retreat. After Whitebeard died at the hands of the Blackbeard Pirates and truce was declared, the Maelstrom Spider Pirates left tearfully, in order to hold a funeral for Ace and Whitebeard.


  1. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 58 Chapter 572 and Episode 481, The Maelstrom Spider Pirates' crew name is referred to by pirates.

Site NavigationEdit

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Whitebeard Pirates
Members: Edward Newgate   •  Marco  •  Portgas D. Ace   •  Jozu  •  Thatch   •  Vista  •  Blamenco  •  Rakuyo  •  Namur  •  Blenheim  •  Curiel  •  Kingdew  •  Haruta  •  Atmos  •  Speed Jiru  •  Fossa  •  Izo  •  Marshall D. Teach   •  Kozuki Oden    •  Inuarashi   •  Nekomamushi   •  Stefan   •  Chameleone    •  Former Spade Pirates
Subordinate Captains and Crews: Jinbe  •  Monkey D. Luffy  •  Doma  •  McGuy  •  Decalvan Brothers  •  Maelstrom Spider Pirates (Squard)  •  Elmy  •  Ramba  •  A.O Pirates (A.O)  •  Delacuaji  •  Zodia  •  Palms  •  Bizarre  •  Karma  •  Pavlik  •  Vitan  •  Islewan  •  Epoida  •  Kechatch  •  Little Oars Jr.  •  Choi  •  Arthur  •  Hangan  •  Reforte  •  Whitey Bay  •  Andre  •  Ninth  •  Blondie  •  Nosgarl  •  Amadob  •  Baggaley  •  Wallem  •  Brew  •  Brocca  •  Rush  •  Great Michael  •  Zucca  •  Cands  •  Kinga  •  Colscon  •  Agsilly  •  Julius  •  Happygun  •  Sleepy  •  Forliewbs
Ship(s): Moby Dick   •  Striker
Devil Fruit Based: Gura Gura no Mi   •  Mera Mera no Mi   •  Yami Yami no Mi   •  Kopi Kopi no Mi  
Fighting Style Based: Haki
Related Articles
Story Arcs: Jaya Arc  •  Post-Enies Lobby Arc  •  Impel Down Arc  •  Marineford Arc  •  Post-War Arc
Locations: New World  •  Foodvalten  •  Fishman Island  •  Samba Island   •  Hand Island 
Others: Yonko  •  Blackbeard Pirates  •  Roger Pirates  •  Spade Pirates  •  Payback War  •  Will of the D.
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Pirate Crews
Four Blues
East Blue: Straw Hat Pirates  •  Buggy Pirates  •  Black Cat Pirates  •  Krieg Pirates  •  Yes Pirates  •  Tulip Pirates  •  Spade Pirates  •  Bluejam Pirates  •  Barto Club
West Blue: Fire Tank Pirates  •  Happo Navy
North Blue: Bellamy Pirates  •  Hawkins Pirates  •  Drake Pirates  •  Heart Pirates
South Blue: Bonney Pirates  •  Kid Pirates  •  Gyro Pirates
Grand Line
Paradise: Giant Warrior Pirates  •  Saruyama Alliance  •  Foxy Pirates  •  Macro Pirates  •  Fallen Monk Pirates  •  On Air Pirates  •  Caribou Pirates
New World: Whitebeard Pirates  •  Rolling Pirates  •  Maelstrom Spider Pirates  •  Sun Pirates  •  Beautiful Pirates  •  A.O Pirates
Shichibukai: Kuja Pirates  •  Buggy and Alvida Alliance
Yonko: Red Hair Pirates  •  Big Mom Pirates  •  Blackbeard Pirates  •  Beasts Pirates
Disbanded: Alvida Pirates  •  Usopp Pirates  •  Cook Pirates  •  Arlong Pirates  •  Bliking Pirates  •  Roger Pirates  •  Candy Pirates  •  Golden Lion Pirates  •  Brownbeard Pirates  •  Impostor Straw Hat Pirates  •  New Fishman Pirates  •  Flying Pirates  •  Donquixote Pirates  •  Nox Pirates
Deceased: Rumbar Pirates  •  Barrels Pirates
Origin Unknown: Roshio Pirates  •  Hokahoka Pirates  •  Eraser Pirates  •  Fanged Toad Pirates  •  Big Helmet Pirates  •  Acumate Pirates  •  Space Pirates  •  Niho Navy
Non-Canon: Galley Pirates  •  Ganzack Pirates  •  Gejitsu Pirates  •  Banzai Pirates  •  Trump Siblings  •  Barbar Pirates  •  Zenny Pirates  •  Wetton Pirates  •  Pumpkin Pirates  •  Gasparde Pirates  •  Bayan Pirates  •  Tearoom Pirates  •  Mustache Pirates  •  Red Arrows Pirates  •  Phoenix Pirates  •  Amigo Pirates  •  Schneider Pirates  •  Naguri Pirates  •  Simon Pirates  •  Sea Animal Pirates  •  Breed Pirates  •  World Pirates  •  Silver Pirate Alliance  •  Sweet Pirates  •  Treasure Pirates