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"Demon Lady" Amande is a member of the Big Mom Pirates.[2]


Amande is a tall, very slim, and extremely pale woman with long, light blue hair that is curled at the end. She has large lips, sullen eyes, and a small, almost flat nose. She also has an unusually long neck which has a tattoo of a stripe and two hearts on it.[3] Her face is obscured by a hat with an extremely wide brim which is easily about three times her size. When her face is visible, she usually wears a cold and melancholic expression with a lit cigarette in corner of her mouth. She wears a pair of hooped earrings, a light blue dress with vertical stripes, and a red sash around her waist.[2]


What is the use in killing another if their life ends instantly……?!!! I only slice my foes at the most painful and excruciating of speeds…!!!
— Amande[3]

Amande is very loyal to Big Mom and will execute any mission she is given, with no qualms about killing enemies.[4] She seems to be highly ruthless and sadistic at the same time, as she claims there is no meaning in slaughter without greviously tormenting the victim first as shown when she killed King Baum, she made sure that his death would be long and agonizing, even though he tried to explain himself of his powerlessness against the Straw Hats.[3]

Abilities and PowersEdit

Amande is a capable warrior, as she was capable of massacring several armed knights in order to gather eggs.[1] She has a great reputation, as Germa Kingdom princes Vinsmoke Niji and Vinsmoke Yonji recognized her as a heavyweight within the Big Mom Pirates, which is notable considering the great size and strength of the crew.[2]

Physically AbilitiesEdit

Amanda is extremely strong, as the force of her sword strikes can cut down large number of knights equipped with metal armors and shields. While killing Baum, Amande was able to cleanly slice through his giant trunk with great ease, despite cutting him at slow speed to torment him.


Amande is exceptionally proficient with her Nodachi Shirauo, as she could easily massacre an entire army of armored knights as well as cut apart King Baum, a massive tree homie.[2]


Shirauo Infobox


Main article: Shirauo

Amande wields a nodachi called Shirauo. The sword is a Meito, implying that it is of very high quality.[3]


Yonko SagaEdit

Whole Cake Island ArcEdit

Amande Acquires Eggs

Amande kills a group of knights to steal eggs.

Three days before the wedding between Charlotte Pudding and Vinsmoke Sanji, Charlotte Linlin sent Amande to an island decorated with very large eggs in order to gather eggs for the wedding cake. Amande succeeded in obtaining them after massacring several knights guarding them.[1]

Amande Kills King Baum

Amande bisects King Baum.

Two days later, Amande was on Whole Cake Island. After Monkey D. Luffy defeated Sweet Commander Charlotte Cracker, Amande and an army marched towards Luffy's location and began battling him.[4] During the battle, Amande punished the homie King Baum for serving the Straw Hat Pirates by bisecting him vertically, making sure to make his death as slow as possible. After finishing Baum off, Amande removed Nami's Vivre Card and saw that it was from Lola. The army then returned to Sweet City with the captive Straw Hats in tow.[3]

Later, Amande attended a meeting to go over the statuses of the Sanji Retrieval Team and the Vinsmoke Family.[5]

Amande attended Big Mom's Tea Party and wedding ceremony for Pudding and Sanji. After Luffy started causing chaos at the wedding venue, Amande witnessed Jinbe officially resigning from the Big Mom Pirates.[6]

Major BattlesEdit



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 82 Chapter 827 (p. 15) and Episode 786, Amande first appears.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 One Piece Manga — Vol. 84 Chapter 845 (p. 5).
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 One Piece Manga — Vol. 84 Chapter 846.
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 One Piece Manga — Vol. 84 Chapter 845 (p. 4-5, 11, 16-17).
  5. One Piece Manga — Vol. 85 Chapter 854 (p. 11-13).
  6. One Piece MangaChapter 863 (p. 18-19).

Site NavigationEdit

[v · e · ?]
Big Mom Pirates
Captain: Charlotte Linlin
Sweet Commanders: Charlotte Cracker  •  Charlotte Smoothie  •  Charlotte Katakuri  •  Snack 
Combatant: Tamago  •  Pekoms  •  Bobbin *  •  Capone Bege 
Members: Streusen  •  Zeus  •  Prometheus  •  Charlotte Pudding  •  Napoleon  •  Amande  •  Diesel  •  Randolph  •  Charlotte Mont-d'Or  •  Charlotte Galette  •  Charlotte Opera  •  Charlotte Brûlée  •  Charlotte Perospero  •  Charlotte Counter  •  Charlotte Cadenza  •  Charlotte Cabaletta  •  Charlotte Compote  •  Charlotte Daifuku  •  Charlotte Oven
Subordinates: Sun Pirates  (Jinbe)  •  Fire Tank Pirates  (Capone Bege)
Allies and Affiliates: Carmel   •  Germa 66 (Vinsmoke Judge  •  Caesar Clown 
Devil Fruit Based: Soru Soru no Mi  •  Kame Kame no Mi  •  Shiro Shiro no Mi   •  Gasu Gasu no Mi   •  Mira Mira no Mi  •  Pero Pero no Mi  •  Bisu Bisu no Mi  •  Memo Memo no Mi  •  Tama Tama no Mi  •  Mochi Mochi no Mi  •  Hoya Hoya no Mi  •  Netsu Netsu no Mi  •  Kuku Kuku no Mi
Fighting Style Based: Haki  •  Fishman Karate 
Weapons Based: Pretzel  •  Shirauo  •  Walker
Related Articles
Locations: New World  •  Totto Land (Whole Cake Island  •  Cacao Island  •  Jam Island  •  Nuts Island  •  Cheese Island  •  Biscuits Island  •  Candy Island  •  Milk Island)  •  Fishman Island  •  Elbaf 
Story Arc(s): Fishman Island Arc  •  Dressrosa Arc  •  Zou Arc  •  Whole Cake Island Arc
Others: Yonko  •  Underworld (Broker)  •  Charlotte Family  •  Vinsmoke Family  •  Gigantification  •  Homies  •  Roulette  •  Tea Party  •  Sheep's House 
[v · e · ?]
Canon: Roronoa Zoro  •  Helmeppo  •  Kuina   •  Koshiro  •  Cabaji  •  Johnny  •  Yosaku  •  Dracule Mihawk  •  Hatchan  •  Arlong  •  Bogard  •  Tashigi  •  Miss Catherina  •  Dorry  •  Yurikah  •  Hyota   •  Arrow   •  Gyaro  •  Sarkies  •  Pickles  •  Ohm  •  Montblanc Noland   •  Mikazuki  •  T-Bone  •  Mozu  •  Kiwi  •  Baskerville  •  Momonga  •  Kaku  •  Strawberry  •  Cyrano   •  D.R.   •  Shanks  •  Ryuma   •  Jigoro   •  Lola (Zombie)   •  Killer  •  Heat  •  Shachi  •  Silvers Rayleigh  •  John Giant  •  Shiliew  •  McGuy  •  Squard  •  Vista  •  Fossa  •  Haruta  •  Atmos  •  Palms  •  Bizarre  •  Karma  •  Little Oars Jr.  •  Brownbeard  •  Albion  •  Lip Doughty  •  Hyouzou   •  Yarisugi  •  Issho  •  Kyros  •  Dagama  •  Jeet  •  Suleiman  •  Cavendish  •  Rebecca  •  Riku Dold III  •  Pica  •  Wanda  •  Sicilian  •  Amande
Devil Fruit Powered: Pell  •  Chaka  •  Spandam  •  Onigumo  •  Brook  •  Shiki  •  Trafalgar D. Water Law  •  Kin'emon  •  Issho  •  Diamante  •  Jack  •  Charlotte Cracker
Non-canon: Billy  •  Golass  •  Pin Joker  •  Heaby  •  Geronimo  •  Kimmel  •  Saga  •  Toma  •  Bismarck  •  Mendo  •  Yukimura  •  Nuru  •  Dojaku