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The Golden Lion Pirates was a pirate crew led by Shiki the Golden Lion.

Known CrewmembersEdit

See also the associated category: Golden Lion Pirates.
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Golden Lion Pirates
Top Members
Shiki Indigo Scarlet Nami   ??????
 ??????  ??????   ??????  ??????  ??????
Mutated Animal Army
Billy  Land Gator Mori Dako Don Kamakiriri Terror Guma
Guntai Ari Baku Zame Screen Buffalo Dasoku Kaen Kabuto
Shimatori Giragon Oh Imomushi Toramata Cowball
Ettousaurus Mammoth Dense Maou Game King Umi Mukade Black Brothers
Fat Lion Zarley Davidson Boxer Penguin Big Tree Tsujigiri Itachi
Meteor Ibex Kung-Fu Dot Spider Tank Erimakitokageps Groggysaurus
Kill Rabi Batta GT-7000 Shogun Jishi Hippo Iron Seiuchi Mountain
Del Kong Golden Bat Jura Chou Miyama Emperor Ikahula
Hammer Isoginchaku Batch Fly Agehaguera Monkey Trooper Kubinagaryu
 ??????  ??????  ??????  ??????  ??????
 ??????  ?????? Kitajima Amigo Pirates

  •  : the character is deceased.
  •  *: the character's status is unknown. Hovering the symbol may give further details.
  •  : the character is non-canon.
  •  : the character is no longer part of this group. Hovering the symbol may give further details.

Crew StrengthEdit

Edd War Infobox

The Golden Lion Pirates' armada, 25 years ago.

Little is known about the strength of the Golden Lion Pirates, but they managed to terrorize the entire sea with their largest fleet twenty-five years ago, and managed to gain an upper hand against the Roger Pirates. Roughly half the fleet was lost during the Battle in Edd War.

The captain, Shiki, was one of the most infamous pirates of all times, being the first person to ever escape Impel Down, and match against powerful figures such as Roger, Whitebeard, Marine Vice Admiral Garp and Admiral Sengoku.

Kinjishi Main Alliates

Sketch of Shiki's the main alliates, all New World pirate captains

Over the last twenty years, the crew spent much of their time creating an enormous army of mutant animals, greatly gaining in military power, as well as still having over fifty divisions in the crew. They are too, one of the few pirate´s crew from Roger´s time that continue to be active to this day, even though more than two decades has passed since then. But even with all this power on their side, they were finally and completely defeated by the Straw Hat Pirates.


Edd War and Shiki's SeclusionEdit

Twenty-three years prior the story's beginning, the Golden Lion Pirates were the biggest pirate fleet in the seas. When Shiki confronted Gol D. Roger in the New World, wishing to ask him to join the Golden Lion due to finding an Ancient Weapon, hoping to rule the world together, Roger refused, leading to the Battle in Edd War. Though the Golden Lion Pirates were gaining the upper hand, a storm suddenly struck, wiping out half of Shiki's fleet, and allowing the Roger Pirates to escape.[1]

Three years after the war, after Shiki was imprisoned in Impel Down for attacking Marineford, the Golden Lion Pirates kept a low profile, until their captain escaped. Shiki attempted to ask Whitebeard to join him, to which he once again got rejected. Shiki then retreated to Merveille in the Grand Line, having Dr. Indigo create a massive army of monstrous animals to help dominate the world.[1]

Inviting the Amigo PiratesEdit

Main article: Little East Blue Arc

Twenty years since Indigo started creating the monstrous army, one of them, Boss, escaped, and as such, Shiki made an offer with the captain of the Amigo Pirates: if Largo can recapture Boss, he would be invited to become the commander of the Golden Lion Pirates' 51st division.[2] Ultimately, Largo was defeated by Monkey D. Luffy and the entire Amigo Pirates were arrested at Little East Blue. Shiki, not knowing that Luffy was the one who defeated Largo, merely stated that this one setback would not upset his ultimate plan.[3]

Clash with the Straw Hat PiratesEdit

Continuing with his plans, Shiki continued to recruit powerful allies to accompany him in world domination, as well as to destroy East Blue, due to Shiki bearing a grudge to the sea for being Roger's death place. When he came across Nami, he noted on her exceptional navigational skills and beauty, he forced her to become a member of his crew by holding her crewmates as hostages. Eventually, the rest of the Straw Hat Pirates attacked Shiki to retrieve Nami and to stop the Golden Lion Pirates from attacking East Blue. Chopper and Robin went to destroy Indigo's laboratory where the SIQ drug was, to prevent anymore mutant animals from being created, while the rest of the crew attacked Shiki's allies and palace. Eventually, Nami tricked Shiki into guiding Merveille, now converted into a floating island fortress with Shiki's levitating powers, into a lightning storm, and with that, Luffy crashed a lightning-enhanced giant leg down onto Shiki and the floating island, defeating the Flying Pirate and sending the mutants plummeting into the sea. The Marines then arrived to arrest the falling pirates, but it is unknown if Shiki and his main members survived.


  • Ironically, the captain, Shiki, gained the steering wheel in his skull after he made his Jolly Roger, which consisted of a skull with a mane of golden hair, and instead of cross bones, it had a ship's steering wheel.


  1. 1.0 1.1 One Piece Manga and Anime - Vol. 0 Chapter 0 and Episode 0, The Golden Lion Pirates' back-story revealed.
  2. One Piece Anime - Episode 426, Shiki invites the Amigo Pirates to join him.
  3. One Piece Anime - Episode 429, Shiki claiming Largo's defeat would not upset his plans.

Site NavigationEdit

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Golden Lion Pirates
Members: Shiki  •  Indigo  •  Scarlet  •  Nami   •  Mutant Animal Army (Billy   •  Boss )
Allies: Amigo Pirates (Largo  •  Corto)  •  Kitajima
Ships: Island Ship
Devil Fruit based: Fuwa Fuwa no Mi  •  Ami Ami no Mi
Weapon based: Oto and Kogarashi
Others: SIQ  •  Daft Green
Related Articles
Movie and Other media: One Piece Film: Strong World  •  Chapter 0  •  Episode 0 OVA
Locations: Edd War  •  Impel Down  •  Merveille
Others: Battle in Edd War  •  Roger Pirates
[v · e · ?]
Pirate Crews
Four Blues
East Blue: Straw Hat Pirates  •  Buggy Pirates  •  Black Cat Pirates  •  Krieg Pirates  •  Yes Pirates  •  Tulip Pirates  •  Spade Pirates  •  Bluejam Pirates  •  Barto Club
West Blue: Fire Tank Pirates  •  Happo Navy
North Blue: Bellamy Pirates  •  Hawkins Pirates  •  Drake Pirates  •  Heart Pirates
South Blue: Bonney Pirates  •  Kid Pirates  •  Gyro Pirates
Grand Line
Paradise: Giant Warrior Pirates  •  Saruyama Alliance  •  Foxy Pirates  •  Macro Pirates  •  Fallen Monk Pirates  •  On Air Pirates  •  Caribou Pirates
New World: Whitebeard Pirates  •  Rolling Pirates  •  Maelstrom Spider Pirates  •  Sun Pirates  •  Beautiful Pirates  •  A.O Pirates
Shichibukai: Kuja Pirates  •  Buggy and Alvida Alliance
Yonko: Red Hair Pirates  •  Big Mom Pirates  •  Blackbeard Pirates  •  Beasts Pirates
Disbanded: Alvida Pirates  •  Usopp Pirates  •  Cook Pirates  •  Arlong Pirates  •  Bliking Pirates  •  Roger Pirates  •  Candy Pirates  •  Golden Lion Pirates  •  Brownbeard Pirates  •  Impostor Straw Hat Pirates  •  New Fishman Pirates  •  Flying Pirates  •  Donquixote Pirates  •  Nox Pirates
Deceased: Rumbar Pirates  •  Barrels Pirates
Origin Unknown: Roshio Pirates  •  Hokahoka Pirates  •  Eraser Pirates  •  Fanged Toad Pirates  •  Big Helmet Pirates  •  Acumate Pirates  •  Space Pirates  •  Niho Navy
Non-Canon: Galley Pirates  •  Ganzack Pirates  •  Gejitsu Pirates  •  Banzai Pirates  •  Trump Siblings  •  Barbar Pirates  •  Zenny Pirates  •  Wetton Pirates  •  Pumpkin Pirates  •  Gasparde Pirates  •  Bayan Pirates  •  Tearoom Pirates  •  Mustache Pirates  •  Red Arrows Pirates  •  Phoenix Pirates  •  Amigo Pirates  •  Schneider Pirates  •  Naguri Pirates  •  Simon Pirates  •  Sea Animal Pirates  •  Breed Pirates  •  World Pirates  •  Silver Pirate Alliance  •  Sweet Pirates  •  Treasure Pirates
[v · e · ?]
Movies and Specials Characters
Protagonist Individuals: Tobio  •  Ganzo  •  Akisu  •  Borodo  •  Meroie  •  Hamu  •  Mobambi  •  Anaguma  •  Amanda  •  Maccus  •  Bonney  •  Shuraiya Bascùd  •  Maya  •  Lacos  •  Izaya  •  Brief  •  Randolph  •  Roba  •  Mao  •  Yoko  •  Fabre  •  Boss  •  Billy  •  Schneider  •  Buzz  •  Mobston  •  Bolt  •  Marin  •  Zomino  •  Gari  •  Purin  •  Homey  •  Diego  •  Regis  •  Lily Enstomach  •  Panz Fry  •  Minoru Kazeno  •  Kinoconda  •  Myskina Olga  •  Elizabeth  •  Myskina Acier  •  Livia  •  Chavez  •  Carina
Protagonist Groups: Tearoom Pirates  •  Mustache Pirates  •  Schneider Pirates  •  Golden Lion Pirates
Antagonist Individuals: El Drago  •  Golass  •  Joke  •  Bear King  •  Honey Queen  •  Pin Joker  •  Skunk One  •  Boo Jack  •  Governor  •  Lego  •  Jim  •  Butler  •  Heaby  •  Hotdog  •  Zap  •  Bayan  •  Drake  •  Gasparde  •  Needless  •  Saga  •  Shichiseiken  •  Toma  •  Bismarck  •  Boo Kong  •  Omatsuri  •  Lily Carnation  •  DJ Gappa  •  Muchigoro  •  Four Wise Men  •  Kotetsu  •  Ratchet  •  Maji  •  Honki  •  Musshuru  •  Shiki  •  Indigo  •  Scarlet  •  Kitajima  •  Shuzo  •  Alpacacino  •  Z  •  Ain  •  Binz  •  Bilic  •  Byrnndi World  •  Byojack  •  Gairam  •  Sebastian  •  Nightin  •  Komei  •  Dojaku  •  Kansho  •  Mad Treasure  •  Psycho P  •  Naomi Drunk  •  Gild Tesoro  •  Baccarat  •  Dice  •  Tanaka
Antagonist Groups: Hyena Three  •  Trump Siblings  •  Bayan Pirates  •  Gasparde Pirates  •  Red Arrows Pirates  •  Golden Lion Pirates  •  Neo Marines  •  World Pirates  •  Long Long Pirates
Miscellaneous: Woonan  •  Kirin Lion  •  Bald Parrot  •  Karasuke  •  M. Danbo  •  Odacchi  •  Bobby  •  Milia  •  Holy  •  Lola  •  Pogo  •  Willy  •  Gonzo  •  Bigalo  •  Biera  •  Rosario  •  Daisy  •  Papa  •  Rick  •  Rosa  •  Suita  •  Jotto  •  Alan  •  Ever  •  Xiao  •  Mendo  •  Luigia  •  Mitsuboshi  •  Ryudo  •  Koba K  •  Shorts  •  Tsubaki  •  Bonbori  •  Bit  •  Lepre  •  Raise Max  •  Stella