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Drum Island is a Winter Island in Paradise. It is the location of the Sakura Kingdom, formerly known as the Drum Kingdom, the birthplace of Tony Tony Chopper, and the setting of the Drum Island Arc. It was the third island on the Grand Line visited by the Straw Hat Pirates.

General InformationEdit

The local kingdom of Drum Island was formerly known as the Drum Kingdom, and was ruled by Wapol's family. During Wapol's reign, he fled the country after an attack from the Blackbeard Pirates, leaving the kingdom without a ruler. Wapol later tried to return and take the kingdom back by force but was defeated by Monkey D. Luffy. Dalton was then elected king by the population.

The kingdom is famous for having some the best doctors in the Grand Line, with most of them forming the Isshi-100, currently led by Kureha.

Kingdom InformationEdit

Main article: Sakura Kingdom


The Sakura Kingdom is located here. It is covered in snow and features a series of drum shaped mountains known as the Drum Rockies. The Drum Castle is located at the summit of the largest of the Drum Rockies, at the very center of the island. The Drum Ropeway functions as a way of travel between the Drum Castle and the rest of the kingdom.

Bighorn, Cocoa Weed, Gyasta and Robelle are some of the villages that form the Sakura Kingdom.

Landmarks and TownsEdit



  • Drum Rockies: The main landmark of the island. A chain of drum-shaped mountains that tower over the entire kingdom.
  • Drum Castle: The kingdom's royal castle, located at the top of the highest of the Drum Rockies.
  • Drum Ropeway: A tram-way system that connects the Drum Castle to the rest of the kingdom.


See also the associated category: Drum Island Characters.
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Drum Island Citizens
Dalton Tony Tony Chopper  Kureha Hiluluk  Negikuma Maria
Stool Tamachibi Isshi-100 Wapol's Father  Wapol 
Chess  Kuromarimo  Robson  Musshuru  

  •  : the character is deceased.
  •  *: the character's status is unknown. Hovering the symbol may give further details.
  •  : the character is non-canon.
  •  : the character is no longer part of this group. Hovering the symbol may give further details.


Main article: Drum Island Arc

When the Sakura Kingdom was the Drum Kingdom, it was ruled by the royal family of Drum Island. It once had a kind ruler and many of the greatest doctors on the Grand Line. However, when the king and his son died, Wapol came into power, things took a turn for the worse. Wapol issued that the twenty best doctors work exclusively for him (the Isshi-20), while the rest of the doctors were banished or killed.

Then, the Blackbeard Pirates came and invaded the island, and Wapol fled in fear. Since then, Drum Island was left without a ruling government, and Dr. Kureha took residence in his castle. When Wapol came back to try to retake his kingdom, it was also the same time when the Straw Hat Pirates landed on the island, looking for a doctor to help a sick Nami. Wapol then tried to destroy Dr. Hiluluk's flag which was standing on top of Drum Castle. In response to this, Luffy used Gomu Gomu no Bazooka to knock Wapol out of the kingdom.

After Wapol was blown away by Luffy, the people of the kingdom decided to make Dalton the king, who decided to erase the bitter effect of Wapol's actions by renaming the kingdom "Sakura" in memory of Dr. Hiluluk and his goal of using the sakura to cure all diseases of the heart. The new kingdom also uses Dr. Hiluluk's Jolly Roger as the flag.

Ace is first seen on Drum Island, where he left a message for Luffy to meet him in 10 days in the city of Nanohana, at Alabasta.


  • The first two Zoan-type Devil Fruit users in the series came from this Island.
  • Currently, Sakura Kingdom's flag is a Jolly Roger designed by Hiluluk (a jolly roger with numerous sakura petals surrounding it), as seen in one of the mini-arcs.


  1. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 15 Chapter 132 and Episode 79, Drum Island makes its debut.

Site NavigationEdit

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Drum Island
Citizens: Former King   •  Dalton  •  Kureha  •  Hiluluk  •  Tony Tony Chopper   •  Negikuma Maria  •  Stool  •  Tamachibi  •  Isshi-100  •  Wapol   •  Chess   •  Kuromarimo   •  Robson *  •  Musshuru  
Devil Fruit Based: Baku Baku no Mi  •  Ushi Ushi no Mi, Model: Bison  •  Hito Hito no Mi  •  Noko Noko no Mi
Related Articles
Locations: Drum Castle  •  Bighorn  •  Cocoa Weed  •  Gyasta  •  Robelle  •  Drum Rockies
Misc: Sakura Kingdom  •  Drum Ropeway
Story Arc(s): Drum Island Arc  •  Post-Enies Lobby Arc  •  Post-War Arc  •  Whole Cake Island Arc
Movies: Episode of Chopper Plus: Bloom in Winter, Miracle Sakura
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Bliking Pirates
Members: Wapol  •  Chess  •  Kuromarimo  •  Chessmarimo  •  Isshi-20  •  Robson  •  Musshuru 
Ship(s): Bliking
Devil Fruit Based: Baku Baku no Mi  •  Noko Noko no Mi 
Weapon Based: Royal Drum Crown 7-Shot Bliking Cannon
Related Articles
Story Arc: Drum Island Arc  •  Wapol's Omnivorous Hurrah
Movies: Episode of Chopper Plus: Bloom in Winter, Miracle Sakura
Locations: Drum Island
[v · e · ?]
Islands and Locations
Blue Sea
East Blue: Dawn Island (Foosha Village  •  Mt. Colubo  •  Midway Forest  •  Gray Terminal  •  Goa Kingdom)  •  Goat Island  •  Shells Town  •  Shimotsuki Village  •  Organ Islands (Orange Town)  •  Island of Rare Animals  •  Gecko Islands (Syrup Village)  •  Baratie  •  Conomi Islands (Arlong Park  •  Cocoyasi Village  •  Gosa Village)  •  Loguetown  •  Kumate's Island  •  Mirrorball Island  •  Tequila Wolf  •  Cozia
North Blue: Germa Kingdom   •  Lvneel  •  Spider Miles  •  Rakesh  •  Flevance  •  Minion Island  •  Rubeck Island  •  Swallow Island  •  Notice
West Blue: Ilusia  •  Ohara  •  Thriller Bark   •  Toroa  •  Las Camp  •  Kano Country
South Blue: Briss Kingdom  •  Karate Island  •  Centaurea  •  Torino Kingdom  •  Baterilla  •  Black Drum Kingdom
Grand Line
Paradise: Cactus Island (Whiskey Peak)  •  Nanimonai Island  •  Little Garden  •  Kyuka Island  •  Drum Island (Drum Castle  •  Drum Rockies  •  Robelle  •  Gyasta  •  Cocoa Weed  •  Bighorn)  •  Alabasta (Alubarna  •  Yuba  •  Rainbase  •  Nanohana  •  Erumalu  •  Spiders Cafe  •  Katorea  •  Tamarisk  •  Suiren  •  Tomb of the Kings  •  Sandora Desert  •  Sandora River)  •  Vira  •  Renaisse  •  Jaya (Mock Town)  •  Long Ring Long Land  •  Ukkari Hot-Spring Island  •  Water 7 (Dock 1  •  Franky House  •  Galley-La HQ)  •  Scrap Island  •  St. Poplar  •  San Faldo  •  Pucci  •  Enies Lobby  •  Banaro Island  •  Florian Triangle  •  Thriller Bark  •  Sabaody Archipelago (Sabaody Park  •  Antonio's Graman  •  Human Auctioning House  •  Sabao Dome  •  Shakky's Rip-off Bar)  •  Karakuri Island  •  Momoiro Island  •  Boin Archipelago  •  Namakura Island  •  Kuraigana Island  •  Kenzan Island  •  Merveille  •  Marineford  •  Sea Floor (Underworld of the Sea  •  Goldfish Empire  •  Headband Catfish Village)  •  Foolshout Island
New World: Raftel  •  Elbaf  •  Yukiryu Island  •  Wano Country  •  Edd War  •  Foodvalten  •  Totto Land (Whole Cake Island  •  Cacao Island  •  Jam Island  •  Nuts Island  •  Cheese Island  •  Biscuits Island  •  Candy Island  •  Milk Island)  •  Punk Hazard  •  Raijin Island  •  Risky Red Island  •  Mystoria Island  •  Dressrosa (Corrida Colosseum  •  Acacia  •  Sebio  •  Carta  •  Primula  •  Flower Hill)  •  Green Bit (Tontatta Kingdom)  •  Zou (Mokomo Dukedom)  •  Prodence Kingdom  •  Mogaro Kingdom  •  Jewel Ice Sheet  •  Doerena Kingdom  •  Majiatsuka Kingdom  •  Applenine Island  •  Karai Bari Island  •  Broc Coli Island  •  Germa Kingdom
Unknown: Baltigo
Sky Islands: Skypiea (Milky Road  •  Upper Yard  •  Angel Island  •  White Sea  •  White-White Sea)  •  Birka  •  Weatheria  •  Ballon Terminal
Calm Belt: Amazon Lily  •  Tarai Current (Marineford  •  Enies Lobby  •  Impel Down)  •  Rusukaina
Red Line: Reverse Mountain  •  Twin Cape  •  Mariejois  •  Fishman Island (Ryugu Kingdom)
Space: Moon
Unknown: Emerald City  •  Pirate Island  •  Great Kingdom  •  Land of Ice  •  Nakrowa  •  Rommel Kingdom  •  Bourgeois Kingdom
Anime Only: East Blue: Ocean's Naval  •  Warship Island  •  Lost Island  •  Grand Line: Papanapple Island  •  Fireworks Island  •  Goat Island  •  Ruluka  •  Rainbow Mist  •  Navarone Island  •  Hyokaido  •  Spa Island  •  Little East Blue  •  Eight Nine Island  •  New World: Maubeugemour Sea  •  Hand Island  •  Nebulandia  •  Silver Mine
Movie Only: East Blue: Gold Island  •  Clockwork Island  •  Grand Line: Crown Island  •  Hannabal  •  Navarone Island  •  Elena  •  Partia  •  Asuka Island  •  Omatsuri Island  •  Mecha Island  •  Kilauea  •  New World: Endpoints  •  (Firs Island  •  Secon Island  •  Piriodo)  •  Dock Island
Other: Samba Island  •  Trans Town