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Poseidon is one of the three Ancient Weapons, alongside with Pluton and Uranus. It is a mermaid who has the power to communicate with Sea Kings.


Rather than being an inanimate object like usual weapons, Poseidon was a mermaid belonging to the Ryugu Kingdom's royal bloodline. After she died, her descendants who possessed the same ability to speak with Sea Kings were granted her name as a Title, known colloquially as the "Mermaid Princess" (人魚姫 Ningyo Hime?). Currently, Shirahoshi has inherited Poseidon's power and her name.

Abilities and PowersEdit

Shirahoshi Summons Sea Kings as a Child

The Sea Kings inadvertently summoned by Shirahoshi.

Poseidon has the power to communicate with and control Sea Kings, an ability that not even the most powerful merfolk possess. This is considered to be a powerful weapon because of the Sea Kings' destructive potential to sink islands with ease, and to control such a force is regarded as one of the most fearsome abilities in the entire world. While guided by the power of love, it can save thousands of lives, but with evil intentions, it can sink everything into the ocean.[2] The Sea Kings refer to the Mermaid Princess as their queen.

When the current Mermaid Princess Shirahoshi's powers first awoke at age six, she demonstrated no control over her own abilities and would inadvertently summon Sea Kings when she cried out loud, something which put her kingdom at risk. Ten years later, during the battle against the New Fishman Pirates, she fully awakened her ability and seemingly gained control of it.


Original PoseidonEdit

Otohime Speaks of the Legend of Poseidon

The legendary Mermaid Princess Poseidon who could command Sea Kings.

Poseidon lived during the Void Century and made a pact with Joy Boy. She would use her powers to command the Sea Kings to bring Noah to the surface and activate its intended mission, for which the details would be revealed when raised. However, Joy Boy failed in his commitment to Poseidon due to unknown reasons.


Skypiea Poneglyph

The Shandora Poneglyph, holding the secret to Poseidon.

After the Void Century, Poseidon disappeared from records, with the only information about her being found on the Shandora Poneglyph in Skypiea,[3] and the Ryugu Poneglyph located in the Sea Forest, which is written as a letter of apology from Joy Boy to Poseidon, apologizing for breaking his end of the bargain.[4]

Even after her death, her power did not die and Poseidon's ability was passed through the generations of the royal family, although never awakened. Meanwhile, Fishman Island attempted to keep its end of the bargain despite Joy Boy not keeping his. The World Government spent the next few centuries trying to avoid the awakening of the Ancient Weapons by outlawing the reading of the poneglyphs.

Poseidon's story became a legend within Fishman Island over time and stories were passed throughout the Ryugu Kingdom royal family. According to one such legend, a mermaid would be born with the ability to control the Sea Kings; on that day a man would come to guide her. The first Vander Decken traveled to Fishman Island to find this mermaid. However, he failed to find her and the story was passed down through his descendants as well, with each new Vander Decken trying to find the princess.

Current PoseidonEdit

Sea Kings stop Noah

Shirahoshi summons Sea Kings to stop Noah.

Eight years before the start of the series, Princess Shirahoshi had unwittingly demonstrated the ability to summon Sea Kings when her mother was in danger of being shot by the World Noble Mjosgard. Her cries summoned a group of the sea monsters, allowing her mother and Vander Decken IX to find out about her ability. At this point, Decken deduced that Shirahoshi is the Mermaid Princess of legend that his family had been searching for and decided to marry her to gain access to her fearsome abilities (as well as her unparalleled beauty), leading him to send her threatening marriage proposals for the next ten years. Otohime, knowing that such powers can be both beneficial and deadly, had her three sons train hard to become strong warriors in order to protect Shirahoshi when the time came. Shirahoshi's power was fully awakened during the fight with the New Fishman Pirates, which Neptune noted was not a good thing.

Indeed, when Caribou overheard Nico Robin and King Neptune discussing about Ancient Weapons and Shirahoshi as Poseidon, he swiftly tried to kidnap her for her apocalyptic power, only to be thwarted by the Straw Hat Pirates.[5]


  • In Greek mythology, Poseidon (Ποσειδών) is the god of the sea, water, and earthquakes. This notably keeps with the theme of her parents; Neptune is the Roman equivalent of Poseidon and Otohime is the daughter of the Japanese sea-god Ryūjin.


  1. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 62 Chapter 612 (p. 17-19) and Episode 531, Shirahoshi is finally seen for the first time.
  2. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 63 Chapter 626 and Episode 546, Otohime speaks about the legend of the Mermaid Princess.
  3. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 29 Chapter 272 and Episode 174, Robin reads the poneglyph at Shandora.
  4. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 66 Chapter 649 and Episode 569, Neptune explains to Robin who Joy Boy was.
  5. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 66 Chapter 650 and Episode 570, Caribou attempted to kidnap Shirahoshi.

Site NavigationEdit

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Swords and Bladed Weapons
Named Blades: Wado Ichimonji  •  Yamaoroshi  •  Shodai Kitetsu  •  Nidai Kitetsu  •  Sandai Kitetsu  •  Yubashiri  •  Shigure  •  Kashu  •  Yoru  •  Terry Sword  •  Eisen Whip  •  Funkfreed  •  Shusui  •  Oto and Kogarashi  •  Soul Solid  •  Durandal  •  Kikoku  •  Same-kiri Bocho  •  Napoleon  •  Pretzel  •  Shirauo  •  Shichiseiken 
Other Blade Weapons: Axe  •  Cat Claws  •  Kogatana  •  Kiribachi  •  Bruiser Axe  •  Peacock Slashers  •  Heat Javelin  •  Burn Blade  •  Ten-Fold Axe  •  Kessui  •  Kirisame
Related: Meito  •  Kitetsu  •  Swordsmen
Projectile Weapons
Firearms: Flintlock  •  Flintlock .44 Caliber 6 Shot Revolver  •  Lassoo  •  Yellow Gun  •  Gero Gero Gun  •  Senriku  •  Flash Gun  •  Walker
Artillery: Buggy Balls  •  Royal Drum Crown 7-Shot Bliking Cannon  •  Burn Bazooka/Flame Bazooka  •  Brachio Tank V  •  KX Launcher  •  King Cannon   •  Eagle Launcher   •  Alpacacino 
Slingshots: Ginga Pachinko  •  Kabuto  •  Kuro Kabuto
Others: Milky Arrow  •  Battle Smasher
Other Weapons
Ancient Weapons: Pluton  •  Poseidon  •  Uranus
Non-Bladed Polearms: Nanashaku Jitte  •  Clima-Tact  •  Nonosama Bo  •  Perfect Clima-Tact  •  Sorcery Clima-Tact
Cyborgs: Cyborg Tactics/Armored Me  •  Pacifista (Shiro Kuma)  •  Kau Ra Kau   •  Zau Ra Zau 
Others: Poison  •  Dials  •  Gorilla Puncher 13  •  Shinokuni  •  Roba-san Kick 18   •  Senpu King   •  Dyna Stone 
[v · e · ?]
Archaeologists: Demons of Ohara (Nico Robin  •  Professor Clover  •  Nico Olvia  •  Rint  •  Zadie  •  Roche  •  Busshiri  •  Hack  •  Gram  •  Hocha)
Literature: Newspaper  •  Brag Men  •  Liar Noland  •  Rainbow Mist, Volumes I to VIII   •  Sora, Warrior of the Sea
Significant Figures
Explorers and Pioneers: Montblanc Noland  •  Fisher Tiger  •  Louis Arnote  •  Jew Wall
Pirates: Gol D. Roger  •  Kaido  •  Silvers Rayleigh  •  Fisher Tiger  •  Shiki  •  Captain John  •  Edward Newgate  •  Vander Decken  •  Chinjao
Marines: Sengoku  •  Monkey D. Garp  •  Vegapunk  •  Kong
Leaders/Royalty: Monkey D. Dragon  •  Calgara  •  Tom  •  Oars  •  Shirahoshi  •  Otohime  •  Vinsmoke Judge
Misc.: Rob Lucci  •  Ryuma  •  Jigoro  •  Joy Boy  •  Mousse  •  Herb  •  Seto  •  Pantri  •  Kashigami
Void Century
Ancient Weapons: Pluton  •  Poseidon  •  Uranus
Artifacts: Poneglyph  •  Shandorian Golden Belfry Bell  •  Noah
Locations: Loguetown  •  Tomb of the Kings  •  Water 7  •  Tree of Knowledge  •  Ohara  •  Shandora  •  Mariejois  •  Raftel  •  Sea Forest  •  Fishman District  •  Wano Country
The Great War: World Government  •  Great Kingdom  •  Shandia
Others: Will of the D.  •  New Age  •  World Timeline
[v · e · ?]
Fishman Island
Fishmen: Arlong  •  Hatchan  •  Chew  •  Kuroobi  •  Pisaro  •  Kaneshiro  •  Take  •  Shioyaki  •  Octopako  •  Jinbe  •  Hammond  •  Kasagoba  •  Hody Jones  •  Fisher Tiger  •  Ammo Knights  •  Dosun  •  Zeo  •  Daruma  •  Ikaros Much  •  Harisenbon  •  Junan  •  Papaneel  •  Togare  •  Gotan  •  Nuru  •  Tom  •  Hack
Merfolk: Keimi  •  Hyouzou  •  Medaka Mermaid Quintuplets  •  Ishilly  •  Kairen  •  Hiramera  •  Seira  •  Mero  •  Lulis  •  Adele  •  Fillonce  •  Sora  •  Fukaboshi  •  Ryuboshi  •  Manboshi  •  Shyarly  •  Neptune  •  Minister of the Right  •  Minister of the Left  •  Shirahoshi  •  Den  •  Aladdin  •  Otohime  •  Maria Napole  •  Luca  •  Meverly  •  Garcia
Animals: Pappug  •  Hoe  •  Megalo  •  Surume  •  Daidalos
Fighting Style Based: Haki  •  Fishman Karate (Fishman Jujutsu)  •  Merman Combat  •  Merman Gujutsu
Weapon Based: Rokutoryu  •  Kiribachi  •  Hattoryu  •  Kirisame
Others: Energy Steroid  •  Bubbly Coral  •  Voice of All Things
Related Articles
Story Arc(s): Fishman Island Arc  •  Whole Cake Island Arc
Locations: Ryugu Kingdom  •  Ryugu Palace  •  Mermaid Cove  •  Coral Hill (Mermaid Cafe)  •  Gyoverly Hills  •  Sea Forest  •  Criminal Brand Company  •  Fishman District  •  Fishman Karate Dojo  •  Candy Factory  •  Gyoncorde Plaza  •  John's Candies Shop
Ship(s): Noah  •  Ryugu
Organizations: Shichibukai  •  Sun Pirates  •  Arlong Pirates  •  Macro Pirates  •  New Fishman Pirates  •  Flying Pirates  •  Big Mom Pirates  •  Whitebeard Pirates
Others: Slavery  •  Edward Newgate  •  Charlotte Linlin  •  Tamatebako  •  Mermaid Princess (Poseidon)
[v · e · ?]
Titles: King  •  Queen  •  Prince  •  Princess
Royal families: Nefeltari Family  •  Gorgon Sisters  •  Riku Family  •  Donquixote Family   •  Vinsmoke Family
Royals (canon)
Alabasta: Nefeltari Cobra  •  Titi   •  Nefeltari Vivi
Drum\Sakura Kingdom: Wapol's Father   •  Wapol   •  Dalton
Skypiea: God of Skypiea   •  Gan Fall  •  Enel 
Black Drum Kingdom: Wapol  •  Miss Universe
Amazon Lily: Boa Hancock  •  Boa Sandersonia  •  Boa Marigold  •  Gloriosa 
Goa Kingdom: Stelly  •  Sarie Nantokanette
Ryugu Kingdom: Neptune  •  Otohime   •  Fukaboshi  •  Ryuboshi  •  Manboshi  •  Shirahoshi  •  Poseidon 
Dressrosa: Donquixote Doflamingo   •  Riku Dold III  •  Scarlett   •  Viola  •  Rebecca 
Tontatta Kingdom: Gancho  •  Mansherry
Mokomo Dukedom: Inuarashi  •  Nekomamushi
Germa Kingdom: Vinsmoke Judge  •  Vinsmoke Sora   •  Vinsmoke Reiju  •  Vinsmoke Ichiji  •  Vinsmoke Niji  •  Vinsmoke Sanji   •  Vinsmoke Yonji
Elbaf: Loki
Bourgeois Kingdom: Cavendish 
Others: Thalassa Lucas  •  Goldfish Princess  •  Bellett  •  Emporio Ivankov  •  Elizabello II  •  Charlotte Linlin
Royals (non-canon)
Crown Island: Kirin Lion   •  Mobambi
Mecha Island: Ratchet  •  Roba
Others: Musshuru  •  Caroline