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Is X.org the X Consortium?

Is X.org the X Consortium?

Posted Apr 8, 2004 16:50 UTC (Thu) by tedickey (guest, #20738)
In reply to: Is X.org the X Consortium? by tjc
Parent article: X.Org Foundation releases X Window System X11R6.7

Since most of the comment was either misleading,
or incorrect, there was not much to elaborate upon.

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Is X.org the X Consortium?

Posted Apr 8, 2004 16:56 UTC (Thu) by Baylink (guest, #755) [Link]

So, um, if you believe the assertions made to be factually incorrect, and you believe yourself
to have proper factual information...

and you aren't going to bother to post it (or link to it) for our edification...

um, why are you here again?

Is X.org the X Consortium?

Posted Apr 8, 2004 18:43 UTC (Thu) by tedickey (guest, #20738) [Link]

> um, why are you here again?
hmm - since you don't know how to use google, start here:


(I don't _believe_ the comment to be incorrect, I _know_ it).

Is X.org the X Consortium?

Posted Apr 8, 2004 21:06 UTC (Thu) by Baylink (guest, #755) [Link]

And, oddly, there's nothing on that page to connect it with either you *or* the history of the
orgnization presently known as X.org. I guess I should have expected the ad-hominem from
someone as helpful as yourself, though.

Is X.org the X Consortium?

Posted Apr 9, 2004 0:10 UTC (Fri) by tedickey (guest, #20738) [Link]

> And, oddly, there's nothing on that page to connect it with either you
> *or* the history of the orgnization presently known as X.org. I guess
> I should have expected the ad-hominem from someone as helpful as
> yourself, though.
indeed. I gave you too much credit by assuming you could do your
own analysis (or had in fact read the comment to which I objected).

Is X.org the X Consortium?

Posted Apr 9, 2004 0:40 UTC (Fri) by Baylink (guest, #755) [Link]

You know, it's strange.

There is occasionally this perception that I see amongst some members of the open source community that the donation of your time you make to the community somehow *entitles* you to be a smarmy prick in public.

It doesn't.

The page you pointed to doesn't even mention your name, much less does it contain any links that even *appear* to point to any information concerning whether X.org is the same as the Consortium. Certainly, it is neither more nor less blather than my own website, but at least I'm not pointing people to mine with a snotty off-hand remark.

So it didn't seem to be a fertile ground for any research (which, rather than analysis, seems to be what you're upbraiding me for not having done). In any event, I gave you three bites before calling you on your attitude; I'm done now.

Is X.org the X Consortium?

Posted Apr 9, 2004 0:57 UTC (Fri) by tedickey (guest, #20738) [Link]

I pointed you at my home page for xterm. My name appears
on the FAQ and CHANGE LOG pages from that point. Similarly,
if you chose to google on xterm, you would find my name. If
you had bothered to read the comment, it stated (among
other things):

>It has been X.org's versions of things like xrdb, xterm,
>xfontsel, etc. which you get if you get XFree86.

which is completely untrue. Arguing about this proves that
you don't understand what you're saying, don't care if you
do, and are unlikely to change.

On the other hand, you are posting anonymously, and acting
precisely as you're complaining about.

Is X.org the X Consortium?

Posted Apr 9, 2004 1:17 UTC (Fri) by Baylink (guest, #755) [Link]

Arguing about this proves that you don't understand what you're saying, don't care if you do, and are unlikely to change.

Well, no. I wasn't even arguing about the point you're standing on; didn't bring it up at all, not even once.

And as for anonymous...

well, I'll be dipped. This is about the only place I comment that doesn't hotlink my name to either an email address or a website; notwithstanding which, anyone who wanted to do their research could turn up a meat address and phone number for me with (frankly, far too) little effort.

But, you know, none of this meta-argument speaks at all to your orginal reply, which (clearly) other people found as useless as I did. I stand on my reputation, and by my comments.

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