Showing posts with label Silver Age. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Silver Age. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

If You Blinked You Missed: The Owl

When the Groovy Age was just a-dawning, Batmania ruled the world. Because of this, most every comicbook company, even those who'd rarely (if ever) produced superhero comics started churning them out. Unfortunately, most of them were cashing in on the "camp" craze Batmania had spawned--and not doing it very well. Jerry Siegel, the creator of ever-lovin' Superman, made sort of a mini-comeback during this time, writing Archie/Radio/Mighty Comics' revival of their old MLJ characters. Siegel was also the man behind Gold Key's revival of Dell's Golden Age "Creature of the Night" character (hence the Halloween Countdown tie-in) The Owl.

The Owl's mag ran for only two annual issues (January 1967, January 1968), and yeah, it was a hoot (there's no way I was gonna pass that one up). Lone Ranger veteran Tom Gill's art gave the mag a polished look comparable to Gold Key's Hanna-Barbera superhero mags, so the mag looked good in spite of our hero's silly-looking costume. Siegel's scripts were filled with the "hip", campy dialogue he had churned out for the Mighty Comics Group, but the plots were a bit more polished and fleshed out, due, no doubt, to their being full-length stories as opposed to the short one-offs he'd done for the Mighty line.

So, let's set the Waybak Machine for early 1967, back to a time when DC's mags were still polished to a Silver Age sheen, Marvel was marching onward and upward, and cute camp could mix with nostalgia and whimsy to produce comics you could love no matter what your age. From The Owl #1, here's "The Attack of the Diabolical Birdmen"!

But wait, there's more! In July, 1976, Don Glut and Jesse Santos brought The Owl back for one last hurrah, making him part of (their corner of) the Gold Key Universe, in Dr. Spektor #22 (Hey! I haven't covered Dr. Spektor, yet! Man, I gotta fix that and soon!). Santos' art actually made The Owl look less cheesy, and Glut's script was a fun update of the character, making him more "real" without sacrificing any of the hero's past. Here's a sneak peek (including "Dr. Spektor's Special Files", in which we get Spektor's take on The Owl's career):

Wanna see the whole Dr. Spektor/Owl story? How 'bout The Owl #2? All ya have'ta do is ask, Groove-ophiles! Catch ya on the flip-side!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Fantastic 50th Post!

What's happening, Groovesters! Welcome to a very special edition of Diversions of the Groovy Kind! Today, it's all about the 50s!

No, not those fifties, Arthur! I'm talking about fiftieth issues. Lasting fifty issues (or more) was a major accomplishment during the Groovy Age of Comics. Most comics that premiered during that time lasted less than dozen issues, while a lucky few lasted maybe twice that. So, to celebrate our fiftieth post, Ol' Groove proudly presents the cavortin' covers to fifty comics that actually made it to that fiftieth milestone issue during the Age we call Groovy. Enjoy!


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Note to "The Man": All images are presumed copyright by the respective copyright holders and are presented here as fair use under applicable laws, man! If you hold the copyright to a work I've posted and would like me to remove it, just drop me an e-mail and it's gone, baby, gone.

All other commentary and insanity copyright GroovyAge, Ltd.

As for the rest of ya, the purpose of this blog is to (re)introduce you to the great comics of the 1970s. If you like what you see, do what I do--go to a comics shop, bookstore, e-Bay or whatever and BUY YOUR OWN!