Showing posts with label political correctness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label political correctness. Show all posts

Fwd: Irish Colunmist, Ian O`Doherty, on The Moment When America was Made Great Again-----brilliant piece!!!

Date: Dec 26, 2016 06:00
Subject: Irish Colunmist, Ian O`Doherty, on The Moment When America was Made Great Again-----brilliant piece!!!

Ian O'Doherty is a columnist who works for the Irish Independent.  His "iSpy" column is published Monday –Thursday and contains news articles blended with comedy and shock-jock opinions.  On Fridays O'Doherty publishes a rather more serious column containing his opinion on a chosen subject in "The World according to Ian O'Doherty".  He was formerly with the Evening Herald.
(Note: The V sign or “two fingers”, when the palm is facing toward the person giving the sign, has long been an insulting gesture in England, and later in the rest of the United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia, Canada, India, Pakistan and New Zealand)

Ian O'Doherty (Tuesday November 8, 2016): A “Two Fingers” To A Politically Correct Elite - A Day That Will Live In Infamy Or The Moment When America Was Made Great Again?

The truth, as ever, will lie somewhere in the middle.  After all, contrary to what both his supporters and detractors believe - and this is probably the only thing they agree on - Trump won't be able to come into office and spend his first 100 days gleefully ripping up all the bits of the Constitution he doesn't like.

But even if this week's seismic shockwave doesn't signal either the sky falling in or the start of a bright new American era, the result was, to use one of The Donald's favourite phrases, ‘'’huge.’ It is, in fact, ‘a total game changer.'

In decades to come, historians will still bicker about the most poisonous, toxic and stupid election in living memory. They will also be bickering over the same vexed question - how did a man who was already unpopular with the public and who boasted precisely zero political experience beat a seasoned Washington insider who was married to one extremely popular president and who had worked closely with another?

The answer, ultimately, is in the question. History will record this as a Trump victory, which of course it is.  But it was also more than that, because this was the most stunning self-inflicted defeat in the history of Western Democracy.

Hillary Clinton has damned her party to irrelevance for at least the next four years.  She has also ensured that Obama's legacy will now be a footnote rather than a chapter.  Because the Affordable Care Act is now doomed under a Trump presidency and that was always meant to be his gift, of sorts, to America.

How did a candidate who had virtually all of the media, all of Hollywood, every celebrity you could think of, a couple of former presidents and apparently, the hopes of an entire gender resting on her shoulders, blow up her own campaign?  I rather suspect that neither Donald nor Hillary know how they got to this point.  Where she seemed to expect the position to become available to her by right - the phrase "she deserves it" was used early in the campaign and then quickly dropped when her team remembered that Americans don't like inherited power - his first steps into the campaign were those of someone chancing their arm (trying your hand...). If he wasn't such a staunch teetotaler, many observers would have accused him of only doing it as a drunken bet.

But the more the campaign wore on, *something truly astonishing began to happen - the people began to speak.  And they began to speak in a voice which, for the first time in years in the American heartland, would not be ignored.

Few of the people who voted for Trump seriously believe that he is going to personally improve their fortunes.  Contrary to the smug, middle-class media narrative, they aren't all barely educated idiots. They know what he is, of course they do.  It's what he is not, that appeals to them.

Clinton, on the other hand, had come to represent the apex of smug privilege. Whether it was boasting about her desire to shut down the remaining coal industry in Virginia - that worked out well for her, in the end - or calling half the electorate a "basket of deplorables", she seemed to operate in the perfumed air of the elite, more obsessed with coddling idiots and pandering to identity and feelings than improving the hardscrabble life that is the lot of millions of Americans.

Also, nobody who voted for Trump did so because they wanted him as a spiritual guru or life coach. But plenty of people invested an irrational amount of emotional energy into a woman who was patently undeserving of that level of adoration.

That's why we've witnessed such fury from her supporters - they had wrapped themselves so tightly in the Hillary flag that a rejection of her felt like a rejection of them. And when you consider that many American colleges gave their students Wednesday off class because they were too 'upset' to study, you can see that this wasn't a battle for the White House - this became a genuine battle for America's future direction…and, indeed, for the West.

We have been going through a cultural paroxysm for the last 10 years - the rise of identity politics has created a Balkanised society where the content of someone's mind is less important than their skin colour, gender, sexuality or whatever other attention-seeking label they wish to bestow upon themselves.

In fact, where once it looked like racism and sexism might be becoming archaic remnants of a darker time, a whole new generation has popped up which wants to re-litigate all those arguments all over again.

In fact, while many of us are too young to recall the Vietnam War and the social upheaval of the 1960s, plenty of observers who were say they haven't seen an America more at war with itself than it is today.

One perfect example of this new America has been the renewed calls for segregation on campuses. Even a few years ago, such a move would have been greeted with understandable horror by civil rights activists - but this time it's the black students demanding segregation and "safe spaces" from whites.  If young people, calling for racial segregation from each other isn't the sign of a very, very sick society, nothing is.

The irony of Clinton calling Trump and his followers racist while she was courting Black Lives Matter was telling.  After all, no rational white person would defend the KKK, yet here was a white women defending both BLM and the New Black Panthers - explicitly racist organisations with the NBP, in particularly, openly espousing a race war if they don't get what they want.

Fundamentally, Trump was attractive because he represents a repudiation of the nonsense that has been slowly strangling the West. He represents - rightly or wrongly, and the dust has still to settle - a scorn and contempt for these new rules.

He won't be a president worried about microaggressions, or listening to the views of patently insane people just because they come from a fashionably protected group.  He also represents a glorious “two fingers” to everyone who has become sick of being called a racist or a bigot or a homophobe - particularly by Hillary supporters who are too dense to realise that she has always actually been more conservative on social issues than Trump.

That it might take a madman to restore some sanity to America is, I suppose, a quirk that is typical to that great nation - land of the free and home to more contradictions than anyone can imagine.

Trump's victory also signals just how out of step the media has been with the people. Not just American media, either. In fact, the Irish media has continued its desperate drive to make a show of itself with a seemingly endless parade of emotionally *incontinent gibberish that, ironically, has increased in ferocity and hysterical spite in the last few days.

The fact that Hillary's main cheerleaders in the Irish and UK media still haven't realised where they went wrong is instructive and *amusing in equal measure. They still don't seem to understand that by constantly insulting his supporters, they're just making asses of themselves.

One female contributor to this newspaper said Trump's victory was a "sad day for women". Well, not for the women who voted for him, it wasn't. But that really is the nub of the matter - the 'wrong' kind of women obviously voted for Trump. The 'right' kind went with Hillary….and lost.

The Irish media is not alone in being filled largely with dinner-party liberals who have never had an original or socially awkward thought in their lives. They simply assume that everyone lives in the same bubble and thinks the same thoughts - and if they don't, they should.

Of the many things that have changed with Trump's victory, the bubble has burst.  Never in American history have the polls, the media and the chin-stroking moral arbiters of the liberal agenda been so spectacularly, wonderfully wrong.

It was exactly that condescending, obnoxious sneer towards the working class that brought them out in such numbers and that is the great irony of Election 2016 - the Left spent years creating identity politics to the extent that the only group left without protection or a celebrity sponsor was the white American male. That it was the white American male who swung it for Trump is a timely reminder that while black lives matter, all votes count - even the ones of people you despise.

You don't have to be a supporter of Trump to take great delight in the sheer, apoplectic rage that has greeted his victory. If Clinton had won and Trump supporters had gone on a rampage through a dozen American cities the next night, there would have been outrage - and rightly so.

But in a morally and linguistically inverted society, the wrong-doers are portrayed as the victims. We saw that at numerous Trump rallies - protesters would disrupt the event, claiming their right to free speech (a heckler's veto is not free speech) and provoking people until they got a dig before running to the *media and claiming victimhood.

But, ultimately, this election was about people saying enough with the bullshit. This is a country in crisis, and most Americans don't care about transgender bathrooms, or safe spaces, or government speech laws. This was about people taking some control back for themselves.

It was about them saying that they won't be heckled and bullied by the toddler tantrums thrown by prissy and spoiled Millennials and they certainly won't put up with being told they're stupid and wicked just because they have a difference of opinion.

But, really, this election is about hope for a better America; an America which isn't obsessed with identity and perceived 'privilege'; an American where being a victim isn't a virtue and where you don't have to apologize for not being up to date with the latest list of socially acceptable phrases.

Trump's victory was a “two fingers” to the politically correct.  It was a brutal rejection of the nonsense narrative which says Muslims who kill Americans are somehow victims. It took the ludicrous Green agenda and threw it out.  It was a return, on some level, to a time when people weren't afraid to speak their own mind without some self-elected language cop shouting at you. Who knows, we may even see Trump kicking the UN out of New York.

Frankly, if you're one of those who gets their politics from Jon Stewart and Twitter, look away for the next four years, because you're not going to like what you see. The rest of us, however, will be delighted.
This might go terribly, terribly wrong. Nobody knows - and if we have learned anything this week, it's that nobody knows nuthin'.

But just as the people of the UK took control back with Brexit, the people of America did likewise with their choice for president.  It's called Democracy.

Berlin terror attack: Europe must 'de-Islamise' says Geert Wilders

FW: Wal Mart vs. the Federal Morons

I know lots of folks don't like Wal-Mart, but this is fascinating.

This is spot-on.


Wal-Mart vs. The Morons

1. Americans spend $36,000,000 at Wal-Mart Every hour of every day.

2. This works out to $20,928 profit every minute!

3. Wal-Mart will sell more from January 1 to St. Patrick's Day (March 17th) than Target sells all year.

4. Wal-Mart is bigger than Home Depot + Kroger + Target +Sears + Costco +K-Mart combined.

5. Wal-Mart employs 1.6 million people, is the world's largest private employer, and most speak English.

6. Wal-Mart is the largest company in the history of the world.

7. Wal-Mart now sells more food than Kroger and Safeway combined, and keep in mind they did this in only fifteen years.

8. During this same period, 31 big supermarket chains sought bankruptcy.

9. Wal-Mart now sells more food than any other store in the world.

10. Wal-Mart has approx 3,900 stores in the USA of which 1,906 are Super Centers; this is 1,000 more than it had five years ago.

11. This year 7.2 billion different purchasing experiences will occur at Wal-Mart stores. (Earth's population is approximately 6.5 Billion.)

12. 90% of all Americans live within fifteen miles of a Wal-Mart.

You may think that I am complaining, but I am really laying the ground work for suggesting that MAYBE we should hire the guys who run Wal-Mart
to fix the economy.

This should be read and understood by all Americans… Democrats, Republicans, EVERYONE!!

To all 535 voting members of the Legislature, it is now official that the majority of you are corrupt morons:

a. The U.S. Postal Service was established in 1775. You have had 240 years to get it right and it is broke.

b. Social Security was established in 1935. You have had 80 years to get it right and it is broke.

c. Fannie Mae was established in 1938. You have had 77years to get it right and it is broke.

d. War on Poverty started in 1964. You have had 51 years to get it right; $1 trillion of our money is confiscated each year and transferred to
"the poor" and they only want more.

e. Medicare and Medicaid were established in 1965. You have had 50 years to get it right and they are broke.

f. Freddie Mac was established in 1970. You have had 45 years to get it right and it is broke.

g. The Department of Energy was created in 1977 to lessen our dependence on foreign oil. It has ballooned to 16,000 employees with a budget of
$24 billion a year and we import more oil than ever before. You had 38 years to get it right and it is an abysmal failure.

You have FAILED in every "government service" you have shoved down our throats while overspending our tax dollars.

I know what's wrong. We have lost our minds to "Political Correctness"!!!!!!!

Someone please tell me what is wrong with all the people that run this country!!!!!!

We're "broke" and can't help our own Seniors, Veterans, Orphans, Homeless etc. and the last months we have provided aid to Haiti, Chile, and Turkey and now Pakistan ( the previous home of bin Laden). literally, BILLIONS of DOLLARS!!!

Our retired seniors living on a 'fixed income' receive no aid nor do they get any breaks.

AMERICA: a country where we have homeless without shelter, children going to bed hungry, elderly going without needed medicines, and mentally ill without treatment, etc.

Imagine if the GOVERNMENT gave U. S. the same support they give to other countries. Sad isn't it?

Re: Fw: From a retired old cop, coming soon to a city near you!!

 From a retired old cop, coming soon to a city near you!! 


That was the score 4th of July (2013) weekend in Chicago: 86 shot (actually puncture wounds) twelve dead. Chicago stopped counting graze wounds and only counts actual bullet holes now. You don't count if you get your nose or ear shot off. Chicago is also a  city three quarters of which is unsafe to walk in. The thug and gang infested South, West and East sides are expanding like a cancer, while the few remaining safe neighborhoods are shrinking annually due, largely in part, to scattered site housing.
This is the crowning achievement of our politicians and the social engineers, who long ago decided that big, bad, brutish policemen were no longer needed. So, it came to pass that, in the '70s, they started allowing females onto the department. That did away  with height and strength requirements. They then decided that the correct rainbow of colors was needed. To accomplish this, they lowered the aptitude tests and created quotas. That did away with intelligence and integrity requirements. Of course, gays could  not be excluded, either. The ideal candidate for promotion became a black transvestite with a Spanish surname.
Our weapons were next on their agenda. Blackjacks, sap gloves and the like were banned. Our shotguns were moved from the front seat to the trunk, from the trunk to the radio room and, from there, just disappeared. New ammunition was issued, which was so inadequate  it would ricochet off of car windshields. And God help you if you hit someone with your flashlight.
Finally, the politicians got rid of the real Policemen. The old dinosaurs were lured into early retirements and replaced with internal affairs weenies and gays with a decent sprinkling of color. The brutish "Old Police Officers, like Pat keane" stereotype was laid to rest and replaced  by "Officers Ken & Barbie." The end result is a department that is befuddled, cow towed, hamstrung, weak and totally not feared by the thugs and gang bangers, but oh so politically correct.
The City has succeeded in ridding itself of the brutish dinosaur cops of old and has replaced them with little girls and college yuppies who wouldn't know a bad guy if he shit in their face. They have invented new politically correct terms like Wilding and  Flash Mobs to describe black Mob Violence, which is rapidly spreading into the once "Safe Zones" of Michigan Avenue, River North and Wrigleyville.
After you have been shot, raped or robbed, Officers Ken & Barbie will arrive and write a most excellent report with perfect grammar and punctuation, which will be fed into a state of the art computer, which will crunch and manipulate the numbers precisely.  Me, I long for the old days when Pat Keane crunched and manipulated the thugs before I became the next victim.
All of this in the most corrupt city, most corrupt county, most corrupt state in the country, whose political leaders zealously and vehemently fight to impose the most restrictive gun control legislation in the nation. If you believe Officers Ken & Barbie are  going to protect you and yours, you had better get your head out of your butt and smell the coffee. Pat Keane has passed now. It's now up to you to protect yourself.
Rejoice, oh liberals. You have gotten exactly what you wanted. Hope you enjoy it!
"old-school" Chicago officer
Spike Keane

Fwd: FW: : Foreign Cartoons

Subject: : Foreign Cartoons

How the president is seen in other countries!
Too close to the truth to be amusing.













         NONE OF THESE ARE FROM USA PAPERS                        

Fwd: Political correctness

Subject: Fwd: Political correctness

Although I consider myself reasonably fluent in English, that term was not in my vocabulary.
Curiosity got the better of me so I decided to do a little research, and after two weeks of chasing fruitless leads, I found what I’d been looking for at the Truman Library and Museum in Independence Missouri .
An unnamed source there sent me copies of four telegrams between then-President Harry Truman and Gen Douglas MacArthur on the day before the actual signing of the WW2 Surrender Agreement in September 1945..

The contents of those four telegrams below are exactly as received at the end of the war - not a word has been added or deleted!

(1) Tokyo , Japan
0800-September 1,1945
To: President Harry S Truman
From: General D A MacArthur
     "Tomorrow we meet with those yellow-bellied bastards and sign the Surrender Documents, any last minute instructions? "

(2) Washington, D C
1300-September 1, 1945
To: D A MacArthur
From: H S Truman
       " Congratulations, job well done, but you must tone down your obvious dislike of the Japanese when discussing the terms of the surrender with the press,
          because some of your remarks are fundamentally not politically correct! "

(3) Tokyo , Japan
1630-September 1, 1945
To: H S Truman
From: D A MacArthur and C H Nimitz
             " Wilco Sir, but both Chester and I are somewhat confused, exactly what does the term politically correct mean? "

(4) Washington, D C
2120-September 1, 1945
To: D A MacArthur/C H Nimitz
From: H S Truman
         "Political Correctness is a doctrine, recently fostered by a delusional, illogical minority and promoted by a sick mainstream media, which holds forth
           the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a piece of shit by the clean end! "

Now, with special thanks to the Truman Museum and Harry himself, you and I finally have a full understanding of what ‘POLITICAL CORRECTNESS’ really means.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, Apr 6, 2015 at 9:50 AM



For the last six odd years, almost all of the things I wanted to write or
say, have been stymied by a recently coined term referred to as "POLITICAL
CORRECTNESS"! Although I consider myself rather fluent in the English
language, that term was not in my vocabulary. My curiosity got the best of
me and I decided to do a little research and after two weeks of chasing
fruitless leads, I found what I'd been looking for at the Truman Library and
Museum in Independence Missouri. A unnamed source there sent me copies of
four telegrams that were between Harry Truman and Douglas MacArthur on the
day before the actual signing of the Surrender Agreement. The contents of
those four telegrams below are exactly as received, not a word has been
added or deleted!

(1) Tokyo,Japan

0800-September 1,1945

To: President Harry S Truman

From: General D A MacArthur

    Tomorrow we meet with those yellow bellied bastards and sign the
Surrender Documents, any last minute instructions!

(2) Washington, D C

1300-September 1, 1945

To: D A MacArthur

From: H S Truman
    Congratulations, job well done, but you must tone down your obvious
dislike of the Japanese when discussing the terms of the surrender with the
press, because some of your remarks are fundamentally not politically

(3) Tokyo, Japan

1630-September 1, 1945

To: H S Truman

From: D A MacArthur and C H Nimitz

    Wilco Sir, but both Chester and I are somewhat confused, exactly what
does the term politically correct mean?

(4) Washington, D C

2120-September 1, 1945

To: D A MacArthur/C H Nimitz

From: H S Truman

    Political Correctness is a doctrine, recently fostered by a delusional,
illogical minority and promoted by a sick mainstream media, which holds
forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a piece of
shit by clean end.

    Now, with special thanks to my friends at the Truman Museum and Harry,
you and I finally have a full understanding of what "POLITICAL CORRECTNESS!

Fw: Fwd: The Silencer

date:15 January 2015 at 10:15
subject:Fw: Fwd: The Silencer

FW: Passengers to the USA from Ebola stricken countries

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, Oct 30, 2014 at 10:04 AM
Subject: FW: Passengers to the USA from Ebola stricken countries

Subject: Passengers to the USA from Ebola stricken countries


​​Isn’t it encouraging to know that 1,050 air passengers per week enter theU.S. from Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea, the countries at the heart of
the Ebola​ outbreak.
I suggest we start a petition that it is mandatory for these arriving
passengers to tour the White House immediately upon arrival​.
​ ​
After all what better way to ‘spread’ good will and political correctness.



Date: Fri, 18 Jul 2014 09:29:38 -0600

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, Jul 18, 2014 at 9:07 AM





Here is an e mail sent to Clarence Page of the Chicago Tribune after
an article he published concerning a name change for the Washington

Dear Mr. Page...
I always love your articles. and I generally agree with them.  I would
suggest, as in an email I received, they change the name to the
"Foreskins" to better represent their community, paying tribute to the
dick heads in Congress.

Here are some other politically correctness to consider: I agree with
our Native American population. I am highly insulted by the racially
charged name of the Washington Redskins. One might argue that to name
a professional football team after Native Americans would exalt them
as fine warriors, but nay, nay. We must be careful not to offend, and
in the spirit of political correctness and courtesy, we must move
forward. Let's ditch the Kansas City Chiefs, the Atlanta Braves and
the Cleveland Indians.   If your shorts are in a wad because of the
reference the name Redskins makes to skin color, then we need to get
rid of the Cleveland Browns.

The Carolina Panthers obviously were named to keep the memory of
militant Blacks from the 60's alive. Gone.   It's offensive to us
white folk.

The New York Yankees offend the Southern population. Do you see a team
named for the Confederacy?  No!  There is no room for any reference to
that tragic war that cost this country so many young men's lives.

I am also offended by the blatant references to the Catholic religion
among our sports team names.  Totally inappropriate to have the New
Orleans Saints, the Los Angeles Angels or the San Diego Padres.

Then there are the team names that glorify criminals who raped and
pillaged. We are talking about the horrible Oakland Raiders, the
Minnesota Vikings, the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and the Pittsburgh

Now, let us address those teams that clearly send the wrong message to
our children. The San Diego Chargers promote irresponsible fighting or
even spending habits. Wrong message to our children.

The New York Giants and the San Francisco Giants promote obesity, a
growing childhood epidemic. Wrong message to our children.

The Cincinnati Reds promote downers/barbiturates . Wrong message to
our children.

The Milwaukee Brewers---well that goes without saying . . . Wrong
message to our children.

So, there you go.   We need to support any legislation that comes out
to rectify this travesty, because the government will likely become
involved with this issue, as they should.   Just the kind of thing the
do- nothing congress loves . . .

As a die hard Oregon State fan, my wife and I, with all of this in
mind, it might also make some sense to change the name of the Oregon
State women's athletic teams to something other than "the Beavers."

Fw: Jay Leno speaks some truths

Subject: Jay Leno speaks some truths

Now that he's a short timer, Jay does not feel constrained to stay within the network guidelines of "no Obama criticism and staying politically correct" -- what a breath of fresh air!

"I was going to start off tonight with an Obama joke, but I don't want to get audited by the IRS."

On NSA surveillance: "We wanted a president who listens to all Americans - now we have one."
On a new IRS commissioner: "He's called 'acting commissioner' because he has to act like the scandal doesn't involve the White House."
On closing the Guantanamo prison for terrorists: "If he really wants to close it, turn it into a government-funded solar power company. The doors will be shut in a month."
Concerning the Benghazi, Associated Press, and IRS scandals: "Remember the old days when President Obama's biggest embarrassment was Joe Biden?"
On Obama saying he didn't know about the IRS scandal: "He was too busy not knowing anything about Benghazi to not know anything about the IRS."

"The White House has a new slogan about Benghazi: Hope and change the subject."
"It's casual Friday, which means that at the White House, they're casually going through everybody's phone calls and records."
"It is not looking good for President Obama. Today his teleprompter took the fifth."
"Fox News has changed its slogan from 'Fair and Balanced' to 'See, I told you so!'"
On Obama's commencement address: "He told the young graduates their future is bright unless, of course, they want jobs."
On a Chicago man who set a record for riding a Ferris wheel: "The only other way to go around and around in a circle that many times is to read the official report on Benghazi ."

On White House claims of ignorance on the scandals: "They took 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' out of the Pentagon and moved it into the White House."

now the last, and I think best!—

"These White House scandals are not going away anytime soon. It's gotten so bad that People in Kenya are now saying he's 100 percent American."

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