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Mukkashimi Tower[2] is a spectator at the Corrida Colosseum.[1]


Tower is a pale, old man with a wrinkled, rectangular face, a predominant chin, and slicked-back, grey hair. He also has a grey mustache. He wears an off-white collared shirt and a polka-dotted tie.


Tower has a very good memory, remembering the fighting style used by Kyros and Ricky from many years ago.[1]

He has been a regular patron of the colosseum for many years, and loves watching the matches so much that his family left him. Despite this, he remains healthy and in good spirits.[2]



Twenty-nine years ago, Mukkashimi Tower was in the crowd when the 15-year-old Kyros fought for the first time in the Corrida Colosseum.[3]

He was also in the crowd nine years later when Kyros had his 3000th victory, over Riku Dold III (who was was in disguise under the alias "Ricky").[4]

Dressrosa ArcEdit

He was first seen as a spectator watching the B block battle royale. He commented on Ricky's shield-less fighting style, saying he felt he had seen it long ago.[1]


  • His name is a pun on "Mukashi Mita wa" (昔見たわ?), meaning "saw long ago".


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 71 Chapter 707 (p. 13) and Episode 637.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 SBS One Piece MangaVol. 75 (p. 106).
  3. One Piece Manga — Vol. 74 Chapter 741 (p. 16).
  4. One Piece Manga — Vol. 74 Chapter 742 (p. 2).

Site NavigationEdit

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Corrida Colosseum
Donquixote Pirates' Diamante Army: Diamante  •  Senor Pink  •  Dellinger  •  Lao G  •  Machvise
Block A: Jesus Burgess *  •  Komaking 
Block B: Bartolomeo *  •  Bellamy  •  Elizabello II  •  Dagama  •  Abdullah  •  Jeet  •  Blue Gilly  •  Tank Lepanto  •  Ricky  •  Hack  •  Capman
Block C: Lucy * (Monkey D. LuffySabo)  •  Chinjao  •  Sai  •  Boo  •  Bobby Funk  •  Kelly Funk  •  Hajrudin  •  Jean Ango  •  Ideo  •  Fighting Bull
Block D: Rebecca *  •  Cavendish  •  Suleiman  •  Orlumbus  •  Mummy  •  Meadows  •  Agyo  •  Damask  •  Rolling Logan  •  Acilia  •  Gardoa 
Unknown Block: Spartan  •  Hera  •  Gambia
Former Participants: Kyros
Staff: Gatz
Spectators: Franky  •  Issho  •  Aremo Ganmi  •  Mukkashimi Tower
Animals: Fighting Fish
Devil Fruit Based: Mera Mera no Mi  •  Gomu Gomu no Mi  •  Bane Bane no Mi  •  Bari Bari no Mi  •  Jake Jake no Mi  •  Sui Sui no Mi  •  Hira Hira no Mi  •  Ton Ton no Mi
Fighting Style Based: Haki  •  Fishman Karate  •  Jao Kun Do  •  Hasshoken  •  Ryusoken  •  Jio-Ken
Weapons Based: Durandal
Locations: Dressrosa  •  Kano Country  •  Mogaro Kingdom  •  Prodence Kingdom  •  Rommel Kingdom  •  Majiatsuka Kingdom
Prizes: Mera Mera no Mi
Crews: Donquixote Pirates  •  Blackbeard Pirates  •  Straw Hat Pirates  •  Barto Club  •  Beautiful Pirates  •  Happo Navy
Organizations: Revolutionary Army  •  Marines  •  Yonta Maria Grand Fleet
[v · e · ?]
Donquixote Pirates: Donquixote Doflamingo   •  Trebol   •  Diamante   •  Pica   •  Machvise   •  Lao G   •  Jora   •  Baby 5  •  Gladius   •  Buffalo   •  Senor Pink   •  Dellinger   •  Monet   •  Sugar   •  Bellamy  •  Kyuin
Riku Family: Riku Dold III  •  Rebecca  •  Viola  •  Scarlett   •  Kyros/Thunder Soldier
Other Citizens: Gatz  •  Spartan  •  Tank Lepanto  •  Fighting Bull  •  Esta  •  Milo  •  Mario  •  Aremo Ganmi  •  Mukkashimi Tower  •  Tegata Ringana  •  Shin Detamaruka  •  Shin Jaiya  •  Uhho
Devil Fruit Based: Ito Ito no Mi   •  Yuki Yuki no Mi   •  Buki Buki no Mi  •  Guru Guru no Mi   •  Bane Bane no Mi   •  Giro Giro no Mi  •  Ato Ato no Mi   •  Hobi Hobi no Mi   •  Sui Sui no Mi   •  Hira Hira no Mi   •  Ishi Ishi no Mi   •  Ton Ton no Mi   •  Beta Beta no Mi   •  Pamu Pamu no Mi 
Fighting Style Based: Haki
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Locations: Acacia  •  Sebio  •  Carta  •  Primula  •  Corrida Colosseum  •  Flower Hill  •  SMILE Factory 
Story Arcs: Punk Hazard Arc  •  Dressrosa Arc  •  Whole Cake Island Arc
Others: SMILE  •  Toys  •  Operation SOP