The Largest Entertainment Fan Site in the World


Launched in 2006 by founder Jimmy Wales, Wikia, Inc. is the home of FANDOM - the largest entertainment fan site in the world. With more than 385,000 fan communities and a global audience of over 175 million monthly uniques, FANDOM is a global entertainment media brand that is for fans, by fans.

FANDOM puts fans at the center of entertainment and pop culture. Powered by fan passion, we provide the deepest level of entertainment knowledge possible, insider stories, the latest news, and a home for fans to engage and share their love for pop culture with others.

Using FANDOM, anyone can start a new wiki around any subject, or participate in existing fan communities by reading or contributing new content, or by starting or joining a discussion. With over 50 million pages of rich content in languages across the globe, FANDOM’s communities are the most authentic and authoritative destination for fans.


Craig Palmer
Bud Austin
Walker Jacobs
Ted Gill
Chief Product & Innovation Officer
Kenneth Shapiro
William Schulze
SVP, Business Development
Dorth Raphaely
SVP, Content
Marc Steir
SVP, U.S. Sales
Andrzej Swędrzyński
SVP, Engineering
Desmond Cussen
General Counsel
Jen Burton
VP, Community
Ann Watson
Head of Human Resources

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