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Fan Contributors are regular people who possess one very special talent: a desire to share their passion of beloved pop culture topics.

Sound like you?

Then join our team of fan writers, share your voice with other fans, and make FANDOM the only entertainment site that is for fans, by fans.

Perks of being a
Fan Contributor can include:

  • Instant visibility and
    promotion for your work
  • Professional editorial
    support and guidance
  • Attending major events like
    San Diego Comic-Con or E3
  • Interviewing your favorite
    stars and creators

See the Possibilities.

Detailed FAQ

Become a Fan Contributor at FANDOM

FANDOM is creating new tools to empower Fan Contributors like you to write about your favorite Games, Movies and TV shows. In the coming months, we are seeking fans to write about their fandoms while testing these tools. Interested? Fill out the form below to help FANDOM become the only entertainment site that is for fans, by fans!

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