Senator Tim KaineVerified account


U.S. Senator from Virginia. Husband and father of 3. Avid reader and outdoorsman. Bluegrass and harmonica enthusiast.

Joined July 2010


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  1. Bipartisan governors know would be a disaster, just like previous ACA repeal efforts were

  2. Replying to

    ...treatment for mental health & substance abuse disorders, Rx drugs, pediatric care, helping people w/disabilities & chronic diseases 2/2

  3. includes an age tax on seniors & lets states waive protections for maternity, newborn & preventive care, hospitalization 1/2

  4. Americans are loud & clear: they want Congress working together to improve the health care system, not repeal bill

  5. Make no mistake, bill is a repeal of the ACA that guts Medicaid & would hurt seniors, kids, people with disabilities

  6. We’re going to fight this tooth and nail. It’s bad for Virginia & bad for the country.

  7. We need your voices now more than ever. Let your Senators know you want bipartisan health care fixes, not a repeal of the ACA

  8. Great to see Richmond recognized by with a . has made great strides in improving community health

  9. Dr. Carrier helped make a world-class institution. My condolences to his family & the entire JMU community as they remember Uncle Ron

  10. Sep 18
  11. Sep 18
    Replying to

    Many wins in for the troops but we owe them an important debate on . They sacrifice so much & deserve to know we have their backs

  12. Sep 18
    Replying to

    I'm proud Senate stood with me in support of $10 billion in additional funding for the Navy, critical to Hampton Roads & our shipbuilders

  13. Sep 18

    The will make a difference in the lives of Virginians. It supports our servicemembers & the work of our defense community

  14. Sep 18

    We have to know the effects on millions of families' care & how much this will cost them before voting on bill

  15. Sep 18

    Senate HELP Committee is working on fixes to stabilize market & lower premiums. bill would undercut this bipartisan effort

  16. Sep 18

    bill would change Medicaid, hurting VA's children, seniors, people with disabilities, and people with substance use disorders

  17. Sep 18

    bill threatens protections for those with pre-existing conditions

  18. Sep 18

    bill would hurt millions of Americans. Virginia would face a $3.8 billion health care cut in 2027 alone

  19. Sep 17
  20. Sep 17
    Replying to

    So let's vigorously & respectfully play the roles we have the fortune to inhabit. So many around the world don't have the freedoms we do

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