
FANDOM provides the most passionate fans a home to explore, speculate, and give perspective on their interests with millions of fans on the world's largest entertainment fan site. Become a FANDOM Contributor and create unique content inspired by the games and entertainment you love.

What are we
looking for?

  • An avid pop culture enthusiast
  • A passionate, strong writer
  • A commitment to writing a minimum of 1 article per month

What's in it for me?

If you’re a good fit for the FANDOM Contributor Program, you may have a chance to:

  • Receive awesome swag
  • Attend conventions, events, and festivals
  • Attend FANDOM community events
  • Build relationships with editors in entertainment and games media
  • Receive honest and encouraging feedback on your writing
  • Develop your writing skills, voice, and portfolio
  • And more!

The Journey to Becoming a FANDOM Contributor

  1. Sign up using the application form below
  2. Complete 5 fun writing quests
  3. Receive an invite to join the FANDOM Contributor Program