Archive for the 'Deceit: Rome vs. Italy/ War in Iraq' Category

Deception in the Aeneid

Juno hating Trojans from Classics1 on Comiqs Juno, the wife and sister of Jupiter, clearly instigates the war between Aeneas and Turnus. The aggressive nature of Juno is seen as early as her entrance in the epic. Juno appeared as a figure to be reckoned with from the very first book: “…Behind them Baleful Juno […]

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War in Iraq: The War on Terror

The War on Terror was launched in response to the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. It is intended to enhance our national security at home, and to spread democracy in the Middle East. The Administration’s campaign of propaganda has been a notable success. The characterization of today’s war as a fight against terrorists and […]

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