IMDb > Benjamin Salt (Character)
Benjamin Salt
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Benjamin Salt (Character)
from Stonehearst Asylum (2014)

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Stonehearst Asylum -- Trailer for Stonehearst Asylum
Stonehearst Asylum -- A recent medical school grad who takes a position at a mental institution soon finds himself taken with one of his colleagues -- though he has no initial idea of a recent, horrifying staffing change.
Stonehearst Asylum -- A recent medical school grad who takes a position at a mental institution soon finds himself taken with one of his colleagues -- though he has no initial idea of a recent, horrifying staffing change.
Stonehearst Asylum -- A recent medical school grad who takes a position at a mental institution soon finds himself taken with one of his colleagues -- though he has no initial idea of a recent, horrifying staffing change.
Stonehearst Asylum -- A recent medical school grad who takes a position at a mental institution soon finds himself taken with one of his colleagues -- though he has no initial idea of a recent, horrifying staffing change.

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  1. Stonehearst Asylum (2014) Played by Michael Caine
    ... aka "Eliza Graves" - USA (original title)

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