Dec 21 2017

Americans have no savings and with very good reason:  housing, education, and health care have seen extraordinary inflation while wages are stagnant.

It has now become a daily ritual in which story after story of broke Americans plaster the web.  Yet somehow on the mainstream press, very little is discussed about this topic.  Americans are largely broke because inflation is vey real.  Housing, education, and health care costs have soared out of control while wages have remained […]

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Nov 26 2017

Largest employer in each U.S. state:  In 22 states Walmart is the largest employer.

With the holiday season comes the usual mindless shopping and stampedes of people looking for that blowout sale.  If you have any doubt about how far we have slid into a low wage nation just look at the largest employer data for each state.  Walmart is the largest employer in 22 states.  Instead of the […]

Nov 11 2017

A new record yet again:  95,385,000 Americans not in labor force.  The army of non-working Americans continues to grow.

We continue to live in a country with two very different stories to tell.  In one of the stories, we have a country with a very low unemployment rate and a record in the stock market.  In the other story we live in a place where 95,385,000 Americans are not in the labor force.  This […]

Oct 27 2017

The secret to the current recovery is that American households are up to their eyeballs in debt once again!  Consumer credit hits a record $3.7 trillion.

Do you notice more credit card offers hitting your mailbox?  Are you noticing more “easy financing” for purchasing a new car?  Welcome to the new recovery where spending is being fueled by consumer credit.  Once again people are spending beyond their means.  In an economy driven by consumption you need to keep people spending and […]

Oct 10 2017

5 charts highlighting the epic housing crisis for Millennials – one third of young adults living at home with parents.

Millennials are starting to realize that living at home may be a longer-term proposition.  Moving back home is being motivated by heavy levels of student debt and jobs that simply pay a lower wage.  These trends run directly into the current reality that rental prices are soaring and home values are once again near peak […]

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