With You All the Way

by Sharron Campbell,

Certified Meeting Professional, 30 years experience

About Us

PlanningHelper.com is a free, "how-to," educational resource designed to make the complex process of meeting and event planning easier to learn and manage for beginners, volunteers, and students - and to help any planner in need of a refresher. The basics and beyond.

Developed and directed by Sharron Campbell, a Certified Meeting Professional (CMP) with more than 25 years experience.  It's free.  Why?  Giving back to an industry that's been good to her. 

Mission Statement

To make the complex job of meeting planning and coordination easier to understand and manage and to encourage those new to the field to pursue professional certification not only for their own benefit but also for the benefit of the organizations they represent and the meeting planning industry.

Read Sharron's Story

Sharron Campbell, CMP