Extraterrestrial Contact

Let Disclosure Begin!



by Sasha Alex Lessin, Ph.D.

Review the steps on your life’s path.  See, and draw lifemaps that show where you’ve been, what you learned and where you head. Discover and reinforce the warp, woof and golden threads of your life fabric.  Re-assess what you declined and maybe bring it into what you weave today.  Draw life maps, purge negatives, embrace positives. You purge programs and attitudes that block your heart’s desires.


Set out a large piece of paper and crayons.

Close your eyes.  See the landscape of your life; include your love life.  See the roads you took. 

Draw what you saw on a ROADMAP OF YOUR LIFE

Draw roadblocks, dangerous curves, detours, fast lanes on your highways, freeways, back roads, toll roads and spirit journeys.

When you finish the drawing, view the regions‑‑physical, emotional, social and spiritual‑‑you traveled.  More comes to you as you look at your map; add it.

Close your eyes.  Imagine your stand below a peak that symbols your HIGHEST PURPOSE.  Your experiences prepared you to climb to the PEAK, fulfill your missions, find you purpose, meet your destiny. 

As you climb you create several great things at subpeaks long your trail.  At each subpeak, a luminescent figure of a more advanced version of the present you greets you.  Move your awareness behind the figure’s eyes.  From her or his eyes remote view what you created at that subpeak.  Then climb to the ultimate peak.

Draw you as you trek to your peak.  Show your past, present and future.  Show what got you to ascend.  Identify regions, travel conditions and destinations.  Put your drawing on a wall; view it daily for a week and note what you learn.  .

[Reference: Progoff, I., 1975, At a Journal Workshop]

Have a partner take you through the cues in bold type below, then take your partner through them.  Write your responses and summarize your partner’s. Where you see ***, you, then your partner, responds]

On your back, eyes closed, relax.  Take 5 deep breaths. ***  

Imagine you lived to a healthy OLD AGE–way older than your present years–and it’s your birthday today.  Which birthday, how many years have you worn your present body on this future birthday? ***   

Imagine you’ve had your druthers.  You lived right.  You’ve developed your talents.  Your conscience guided you.  Today, you share your birthday with people.  Tell them how your life, so far, has been FULFILLING.  *** 

Tell them what you learned about RELATIONSHIPS. ***   

Relate what you loved about your LIFESTYLE through the years. *** 

Say the MOTTOS that moved you. ***   

Tell them what FASCINATED you. ***     

What did you CREATE? *** 

Tell your guests what, now that you’re at this ripe old age birthday party, what TALENTS you’ve developed so far. *** 

Summarize the philosophy and the PRINCIPLES you lived so well so many years. ***    

What GOALS did you reach? ***   

Say how your CONSCIENCE guided you. ***   

What COMMITMENTS led to your good outcomes. ***   

If you could achieve ONE MORE THING in this life, what would it be? ***   

Tell your PLANS from now till you die. *** 

Say what you’d like to those gathered at your birthday. ***   

Return to the present.  Open your eyes; make eye contact with me.

Trade roles with me; take me through the cue sequence.


 What happened this year?  What did you get into and how did it affect you?  Tell the story, the sequence of EVENTS–personal, social and political. 

What main CHOICES did you make this year?   How did these choices affect your Inner Child?  Your other subs? 

Who were your most important PEOPLE this year?  Picture or think about each person who loomed large in your year.  Say how you got along with each.

 Who was your CLOSEST PERSON?  What did you share this year? 

Discuss your HEALTH this year.  Describe how you exercise, eat and do substances. 

What INNER EXPERIENCES did you have and what did they teach you?  Share meaningful dreams, visions, or IMAGES you got this year. 

Which VOICES (subs) have you heard from this year?  

Say five THINGS YOU LEARNED this year.

Visualize, feel your emotions toward, and list the names of people and animals important in this chapter of your life.  Draw a star  next to the names of PEOPLE WHO INSPIRED you. 

Write a sentence after each name, say how you get along the person named.  After each name, note ANGER, QUARRELS, FIGHTS, LOVING, SEXUAL or other intense feelings with each person on your list.

EXPRESS unfinished feelings–withheld expression, misunderstood messages, unexpressed resentments, longing, appreciation, wishes–as notes to three people on your list.

 Visualize a SYMBOL for your life’s emotional quality now. Sketch the symbol you get.

Finish: “My life resembles ….”                                       

How have you done at your WORK? 

On what PROJECTS do you work?  How do you feel about these projects?

Describe any good or bad LUCK you had this era.     

What SOCIAL activities were important to you this era?

What POLITICAL activities were important to you this era?

What books, workshops or other WISDOM sources inspired you through this period?

Who INSPIRED you this year?

Note artistic, spiritual, meditative or therapeutic BREAKTHROUGHS.

Imagine you lean over a muddy pool. The pool stands for events in your life nowadays.  Watch the mud settle. Images in the pool clarify.  See, hear, feel, intuit and record what you see.  Note the images’ MEANINGS.

Relate five THINGS YOU LEARNED this era and your present life- chapter.


Contemplate your entire life, your journey from conception till now.
Write a Table of Contents.  In it, list 8-12 chapters of your life, from your earliest memories till now. 

Give each chapter a concise, descriptive label and jot your age through the period (eg: age 13-16). 

Write summaries of each chapter of your life except the last (you already wrote your current chapter in the last cue section).  For each chapter before your current one, note EVENTS, FEELINGS ABOUT YOURSELF, PEOPLE important to you.  First, just list them.  Then write a sentence for each that tells how you-two get along.


Record your CHOICES, the roads you traveled and your detours.  Write WHAT MIGHT HAVE BEEN, had you decided other than you did.  Note how you can now bring the joys from the roads you bypassed into your life.

Record what, in each chapter, YOU LEARNED about yourself and life.

READ your Table of Life Contents and Chapter Summaries to a friend and have him or her read you his or hers.  How did you feel sharing?


Purge negatives, embrace positives for yourself, then for seekers.  Edit attitudes that block your heart’s desires. Then celebrate blessings, successes, strengths, gifts and inspirations. Write life plans, affirm commitments and write your goals for next year and years to come.  Lead seekers through the cues below.

MYTHOLOGIZE MISERY & MATURE [Reference: Houston, J., 1982, The Possible Human]

[Write out or respond to a partner who reads the cues to you.  Then read the cues for Mythologize Misery to seeker]

Perceive the patterns pain pinpoints for you to improve. Pain, processed, propels progress‑‑yours and humanity’s. If you don’t process your pain, you gut your growth, rankle for revenge, ruin relations, sicken, withdraw, obsess.  So process pain: grasp the bigger picture; rise above the particulars you experienced. Pain punctures your complacency so you can prune your patterns. Evoke evolutionary energy tragedy offers you and humanity. Let wounds waken you.

Relate your epic and hear the metaphors that emerge turn trauma to transcendence.  Say your story as a sacred saga and speed your spiritual ascent.                                          

Relive major emotional hurts in your life, how you suffered till now.  Recall when the womb, birth, illness or accident hurt you. Review times someone invaded, abused, raped, tortured or robbed you. Feel again when you lost trust, job, home, status, fortune, marriage, family, sanity, self‑esteem, loved ones. Detect each injury’s effect. What did you want in each situation? Find the motifs threaded through them. 

Replay your pains and the programs they implanted in you as though your tale touted you as a hero.

Don’t say “I”; instead refer to yourself as a mystical child, god, goddess, animal, plant, another person or being on another planet. Include a call to adventure, guides, ordeal, reward, maturity‑gain.  Start with, “Once upon a time …”

Forgive the people and forces who hurt or betrayed you. 

Resolve the story in way that helps the hero and the world. 

Fathom the fable’s moral, the pain’s purpose.

Next time you feel pain, make it epic and transcend it. Evoke the archetypal pattern that helps you and everyone grow.

Write your life story as a hero‑myth.

Who do you forgive and for what?

What do you perceive as your pain’s purpose? 


Don’t make yourself fail, frustrate yourself, over-criticize yourself.  Don’t resent and blame others.  Instead, list your negative impulses so you can purge them. [Create a separate page.  Title it “Purge Negatives”]

On a separate page make a “Negatives List” that enumerates
Ways You Make Yourself Fail
Negative Attitudes, Habits
Unreasonable Demands
Things You Blame on Others
Unreasonable Guilts
People whose vibes you hate

Shred and burn the Negatives List and let the negatives on the list vanish from your life.


List your TREASURES.

 Write ways you feel FORTUNATE.

What do you APPRECIATE?

Write what you ENJOY.


When you give, you express and enjoy more.  You feel more fortunate.  When you help someone in certain way, you grow in that way too.

List PEOPLE, PROJECTS AND CHARITIES YOU SUPPORT.   After each, note what you’ll give.



Review, then write your inspirations.

What FASCINATES me is …

My MISSIONS and callings are …

My PURPOSE in life is …


I vow to understand and live these PRINCIPLES …”



Acknowledge your wins and feel your self-confidence grow.

 Record how you succeeded and what you accomplished THIS YEAR.

List your successes so far IN LIFE.

Read your successes list to a lover and hear her or his triumphs.


The more you like yourself, the more you prosper and the contribute to humanity.

Assess your GOOD POINTS and STRENGTHS.    Finish the following: “I consider these traits my strengths ….                                           

 “If I pursued my strengths, I might … [Finish]

From now when the strength develops further, what potentials present themselves? …

Describe your life A YEAR from now when you’ve developed and applied your strenths.


BEFORE I DIE, I intend to ..

20 YEARS from now, I aim to …

10 years from now, I’ll …

The next 5 years, I reckon I’ll …

Next 2 years, my goals are …


I aim, the NEXT 6 MONTHS, to …

My goals, NEXT TWO MONTHS: …


I intend, THIS WEEK to accomplish …

My projects TOMORROW are …

TODAY I’ll …

Read your goals and purposes to a friend.  Sign the commitment contract and have your friend sign as witness.



      Witnessed before me on this, the       day of             (month), 20                                                                                                                    

                                                    (Witness signature)

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ETS & HYBRIDS TO SAVE EARTH-Hansen, Hardy, Lindsey, Hawker, Skye, Wilde, April, Swerdlow, Lessin, Eagle Heart, Hill

ETS & HYBRIDS TO SAVE EARTH-Hansen, Hardy, Lindsey, Hawker, Skye, Wilde, April, Swerdlow, Lessin, Eagle Heart, Hill

By Sasha Alex Lessin, Ph.D. (Anthropology, UCLA)

Suzy Hansen* relates that she’s a dual soul–Zeta Grey and Homo sapien. She can integrate the individuality of humans and the group empathy of the Greys.  And she bears a message of hope for us all.  Through her soul journey and continuing, Suzy recalls much and, with hypnotic facilitation, remembers even more.

She assures us that the Universal Governing Body and advanced life forms in our galaxy hear the pain of Earth and the Earthlings.  The Governing Body has sent three waves of volunteer souls to usher in the movement of Earth to a planet of peace, empathy, free energy and enhanced health.  “What affects one sector of the galaxy affects all and we cannot be left behind in the expansion of the universe.”

Suzy’s interview begins at 1:06:31/1:59:47 Place your cursor on the button on the bottom of the graphic and slide it over to 1:06:31/1:59:47 to hear her.

The Universal Governing Body saw many souls on Earth forgot why they came here and asked the Greys to help volunteer souls to help them remember so the whole galaxy can evolve.The Greys sent 3 waves of volunteers to guide us to the Aquarian Age

The Universal Governing Body saw many souls on Earth forgot why they came here and asked the Greys to help volunteer souls to help them remember so the whole galaxy can evolve.

The Greys sent 3 waves of volunteers to guide us to the Aquarian Age.



Innovators from other planets or existences felt the tingle from the Universal Govening Body to enter a new life and help us evolve out of our repetitive war, slavery and drudgery.  They birthed on Earth since the 1900s.  From the 1930s to 1960s they “became inventors, critical thinkers and scientists” advancing industry, spiritualism, UFO research and early mediumship movements.





The larger part of the First Wave, Enlighteners, agreed to birth here from the 1980s right up to nowadays (some are still to be born); many are adults already. “Star Children, Indigos, Crystal Children, New Humans” and conscious experiencers.  “Enlighteners have come here to accustom us to kinaesthetic and metaphysical skills” and are oft “involved in environmental, healing and spiritual pursuits, art and music.”  Many give us “personal information on UFOs and contact experiences.”
hris H. Hardy, Ph.D., lays the foundations for a universe in which consciousness is the driving force of creation that we experience in our lives, and yet a hyperdimension of collective intelligence…all the way to the origin.


Dr. Hardy takes us on a tour of the 5th dimension, black holes, the Zero Point and vacuum, and the hottest cosmologies, to show that adding this ISS hyperdimension of consciousness (interlaced with hyperspace and hypertime) not only is very consistent with most physics discoveries, but also explains why we are endowed with consciousness. Moving beyond the materialistic or random frameworks, Hardy weaves a new cosmological paradigm in which consciousness and matter evolve in synchrony, and a part of our being is hyperdimensional.

From the point of origin, an immense time before the first quantum, before particles and matter, space and time are born, this hyperdimension unfolds as a golden spiral driven by the phi ratio—an Infinite Spiral Staircase. It bears on its innumerable spires a boundless field of information issued from parent universes, that contains the imprint of all beings and worlds of many past experiments; and yet, this ‘Cosmic DNA’ is a field of potentials that is neither deterministic nor limiting for our own universe. Rather, it is a collective consciousness that will grow and choose its innumerable paths; it is the true dimension of our Selfs and individual consciousnesses.












Pioneers started birthing on Earth from the 1940s through the 1960s and include abductees, experiencers and contactees.  Their job: sharing with us and “share our universe with other sentient beings that have already made contact with humans.”  Many Pioneers experienced contact throughout their lives and retained memories.  Others have yet to uncover them.

Pioneers “engendered worldwide interest worldwide, telling of positive contacts with gentle human-lie cosmic visitors whose teachings, along with those of the spiritual innovators of the First Wave gave form to NEW AGE philosophies.”  Pioneers “still experienced ridicule but made steps opening the way for the emergence of communicators.


Communicators, aged 50 to 78 now, “came forward as the experiencer group evolved, spoke of positive, transformative contact with non-human entities.”  The Communicators synchronized with First Wave Enlighteners and reinforced detailed descriptions of telepathy and psychic skills in communication with these entities..  From the 1970s to the present Communicators have written books, appeared in documentaries, formed UFO groups and contact support organization and have spoken publicly about their contact experiences.  Their information about alien technology will be corroborated by new understandings about consciousness, physics and science.” 

A small group within the Communciators birthed on Earth with DUAL SOULS and are parents to the Impementers and Peacemakers in Wave 3.







Implementers birthed from dual-soul parents and “will be responsible for implementing sweeping positive changes in our world” from within the political, scientific and institutional matrix as it descends into chaos.  Most Implementers like Suzi Hansen are dual Zeta Grey and Human Hybrids.  Stewart Swerdlow is a hybrid Sirian; Michael Lee Hill, Janet Lessin and others.








We are here to promote peace, creativity, contributionsism and worldwide empathy for all beings.

Sacred Matrix-With Sasha and Janet Lessin -2017-12-03.mp3



Listen to “Peace The Final Frontier” on Spreaker.
* MORE ON SUZY HANSEN, who’s given us our overview
Suzy’s focus for the last decade has been on encouraging members of the scientific community to participate in examining the wealth of science-related detail contained in accounts of human interactions with extraterrestrial species/consciousness, as well as aspects of UFO sighting investigation data relating to technology and physics. She believes one of the major issues facing mankind in the future will be open contact with other civilizations in the Universe. In the meantime, there is much to be learnt from humans who have already made this tremendous leap in consciousness, and who have witnessed the vast array of potential benefits available to mankind and our environment through such associations.

The Dual Soul Connection: The Alien Agenda for Human Advancement by Suzy Hansen

At age twenty, Suzy Hansen’s life changed. On a lonely country road in broad daylight, her car was engulfed by a massive ball of white light, resulted in ninety minutes of missing time and the unfathomable experience of “waking” after dark. This riveting experience led to her discovery of an alternative reality – time spent with extraterrestrials on-board their craft since childhood, and in fact, since her inception as a soul. The Dual Soul Connection – the Alien Agenda for Human Advancement, uniquely combines absorbing details of the life-long alien encounters of UFO researcher and experiencer Suzy Hansen (NZ), with scientific examination by Dr. Rudy Schild, Emeritus Astrophysicist, Harvard/Smithsonian Centre for Astrophysics (USA). 

Hansen and Dr. Schild address such issues as alien culture, spirituality and consciousness, alongside scientific concepts of advanced physics and organic “conscious” technology – all within the framework of Hansen’s contact with these non-human species. The book outlines human participation in complex alien programs that assist and advance humankind, and Hansen’s experience of a dual soul identity central to this positive agenda.














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Johnston Atoll – ET Underwater Base


Published on Dec 31, 2009

The round things to the south of Johnson Atoll I’ve found out since are camera mounts….High ranking military personnel were supposed to have et with ets – greys,reptilians,”silicon-based lifeforms called “the Conformers”, and human looking ets on November 10 on the remote atoll of AKAU ATOLL, near Hawaii,as part of Project “SERPO”. I thought Serpo was dead and buried,but here we go again…. wiki=”According to the most common version of the story, an alien survived a crash near Roswell in the later 1940s (see Roswell UFO incident). This alien was detained but treated well by American military forces, contacted its home planet and eventually repatriated.

The story continues by claiming that this led to the establishment of some sort of relationship between the American government and the people of its home world – said to be a planet of the binary star system Zeta Reticuli.[1] Zeta Reticuli has a history in ufology (including the Betty and Barney Hill abduction), having been claimed as the home system of an alien race called the Greys. The story finally claims that twelve American military personnel visited the planet between 1965 and 1978 and that all of the party have since died, from ‘after effects of high radiation levels from the two suns’.[1] [edit] Criticisms One criticism of Project Serpo stems from the lack of veracity of one of its alleged witnesses, Sergeant Richard Doty. Doty has been involved in other alleged UFO-related activities (see Majestic 12 and Paul Bennewitz), and this makes the Project Serpo allegations automatically suspect.[1] Additionally, there is no physical evidence supporting the project’s existence.[1] According to Tim Swartz of Mysteries Magazine, Doty, who promised evidence to Moulton Howe before backing out, has been involved in circulating several other UFO conspiracy stories.[1] Swartz also expressed that the details of Project Serpo have varied considerably with different accounts. [1] It has since been discovered that the entire set of posts were merely to virally encourage sales for a new book by Doty.

Cited here; http://www.realityuncovered.net/ufolo… Further criticisms of the story include the usual arguments against conspiracy theories, UFOs, and faster-than-light travel, as well as astronomical knowledge of the Zeta Reticuli system. There is currently no evidence of technological life in the system and also no evidence of planets. Because the stars are widely separated (several thousand astronomical units), claims of excess radiation as a result of the presence of a second star are nonsensical. On a more fundamental level, it is entirely possible that the messages originating the story were deliberate hoaxes.

The postings were to Internet forums that cover conspiracy theories and UFOs, and a cursory examination of such forums shows that hoaxes are not uncommon. Some ufologists have even claimed that the messages were a hoax perpetrated by the American military and intelligence communities to protect real, related, activities. [edit] Discontinuation of website Bill Ryan, a chief proponent of publicizing the Project Serpo claims, announced on March 5th, 2007 that he was stepping down from his role as webmaster for the Serpo material. Ryan nevertheless maintains his belief that an extraterrestrial exchange program did occur – although he states that the Serpo releases definitely contained disinformation.[2] [edit] References 1.^ a b c d e f g h Project Serpo: Fact or Fiction?, Mysteries Magazine, Issue #15, Tim Swartz, November 2006 2.^ Serpo.org: A Final Update from Bill Ryan: 5 March 2007 ” – 1 1 10 HAPPY NEW YEAR

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Expand ET Experiences: Self-hypnosis Cues, Youtubes, Slides by Sasha Alex Lessin, Ph.D.

Expand ET Experiences: Self-hypnosis Cues, Youtubes, Slides by Sasha Alex Lessin, Ph.D.


Article by Sasha Alex Lessin, Ph.D. (Dean, School of Counseling, Certified Hypnotherapist) excerpted from “Experiencers: Conscious Contactees” Edited by Janet Kira Lessin


Extraterrestrials have interacted with us, the current Earthlings, since 300,000 years ago, when geneticists of the Goldmining Expedition from Planet Nibiru to Earth (the Anunnaki) adapted (adding Proto-Sasquatch genes, copper, minerals and mDNA) their genome to this planet to create us as their slave race. Statues, clay tablets and oral traditions tell us many a story of our ancestors traveling in and viewing Nibiran spacecraft.

Ancient depiction of rocket in silo, astronauts within

Ancient depiction of rocket in silo, astronauts within

We see ETs’ skeletons, advanced technological devices, models of their aircraft, depictions of their astronauts and megalithic structures on every continent, under the seas and in the caverns deep within the Earth.







The wall at Pumapunku, Peru next to their spaceport at Tiahuancu features reliefs of Greys and Coneheads.

The Bible abounds with stories of ETs intervening in the affairs of Earthlings.

Ezekiel rockets to Nibiru

Ezekiel rockets to Nibiru






Modern UFO research and documented contactee testimonies give us evidence that any reasonable court of law would find utterly convincing that we have been and still are in extensive contact with ETs and that the Nations of Earth have made treaties of cooperation with Extraterrestrials, some of whom have abducted Earthlings for experimentation, breeding and slavery.





Millions of people from every continent have been in direct, personal and astral contact with ETs on this and other planets, in space and on their craft.





Contemporary Earth governments and the Vatican have suppressed information about their clandestine treaties and ridiculed, intimidated, ruined and even assassinated people who have blown the whistle on our leaders’ agreements with the ETs as well as our secret space program bases and orbiting craft as well as those of several species of extraterrestrials on Mars, Luna and other planets and satellites in our solar system and others.


If you want to explore Alien contact you may have had, get a nonjudgmental, open hypnotherapist. This person shows you how to accept yourself, your subselves, and your experiences.

She or he hears what you say you experience and doesn’t bug you about whether what you saw, felt, heard, intuited, envisioned was real. Your therapist says, “After the trance session, you’ll remember of the session what’s in your best interest to remember when the time’s right for you to remember it.”

You came to hypnosis to explore alien contact, but past, future, parallel or interdimensional lives may flood your consciousness. You may well then relive ET contact you had in these incarnations in other bodies, times and places.

Trance-work lets you recall way more detail of how you and aliens contacted each other.

Again, though you came to explore your alien experiences, you may instead relive military or cult abductions, psychedelic journeys, vision quests or astral trips. The alien memories you access can, in your trance, segue with womb, childhood and adult memories. Whatever you notice, your therapist helps you drop fear, trauma and memory blocks when it serves you to do so.

Perhaps you’ll hear again words and thoughts you and your hybrid kids and ancestors shared as you and they dwelt in other bodies, times and places–within the Earth, in space on spacecraft, on other planets,and in nonphysical realms.

You could remember sex with aliens.

Or merge with the Creator-of-All.

You benefit from the perspectives and wisdom you gain during the contact and get even more benefits when you expand your memories in trance. Inevitably, you give the world the insights you got, still get and will continue to get from alien contact.

Your therapist lets you recall alien contacts at a pace you can assimilate. In trance, you can keep enlarging what you recall. You glean more details.

You see how you and your family members have made ET contact all your lives. You see that contact is ongoing and will probably continue.

You get that you consented to alien contact.

You celebrate your mission in the Big Story.

You end each hypnotherapy session when you’ve had enough for now; your therapist won’t push you. She or he helps you center yourself so you can operate in daily life, honor your ecology and recognize, accept and address the needs of your Inner Child, Internal Critic, Social Subself and Inner Therapist.

Click arrow on graphic to see slide show.


The great alien contact hypnotherapist, Barbara Lamb, says that how you react to alien contact “may range from wonder, awe, and enlightenment to extreme anxiety, phobias, and sometimes, inability to function.”

Mysterious interruptions in your life, disorientation, confusion, panic attacks, anxieties you don’t understand, flashbacks, intense dreams, fears that you’re crazy, distrust of others, addiction, compulsions, psychic abilities, fears of being left alone or fears bright lights follow you may be clues aliens contacted you. If you fear darkness, if you’re scared of falling asleep, these fears may lead you in therapy, to a repressed ET contact memory. Lamb writes that If you fear praying mantises, spiders, snakes or worry about animal or owl eyes your hypnotist can use these fears as a gateways to recall alien contacts you repressed.

Here’s more hints you had alien contact: you sleep clothed, wake at a certain time each night, feel like you’ve been dropped into bed, wake in strange positions, waken in rooms other than the one in which you went to sleep or wake miles away from your house, or wake up with your clothes on backward or not waken wearing clothes that belong to someone else.

Suspect alien contact if you have scoop-shaped scars, triangular marks on your butt, pus in your navel, fingertip marks on your body, pin-prick marks, lumps near your ear on or on your forehead.

Headaches, pains behind an eye, stiffness, back, neck or genital pain, nose problems, ringing or buzzing in your ears or blood on your pillow may, when you enter a trance, flash you back to an alien contact.

If you carried a fetus but hadn’t had sex, if you had a fetus in your uterus for a few months and then that fetus vanished without a trace, you probably had contact with ETs and should explore this with your therapist.


When you relive alien contact, you may feel again paralysis, you may re-experience levitating, moving through walls and windows, remember beaming up

You might recall ETs on a spacecraft doing medical procedures on you or re-experience Ambassador tutorials with ETs, or training classes you had on a spacecraftt with other children who have become people in your life now.

Whatever you recall, hypnotherapy can help you “assimilate and make sense of bizarre experiences and function well, even though these experiences continue.”


Your therapist helps you relive alien contacts and to see the resonances of the alien experiences in ever-expanding detail even if aliens told you to forget them. You recorded everything you saw, felt, heard and thought. All your experiences imprinted in your biocomputer’s memory banks, some of which has been offline in your unconscious.

You can, with hypnotherapy, relive your experiences and release emotions and thoughts from your alien contacts. You learn to use your memories to better your life and enjoy ongoing contacts with the aliens.

“You have a right,” Lamb says, “to know. No harm will come to you or the aliens by remembering and sharing.”

Reference: Lamb, B., 2016, “Extra-Terrestrial Contact Experiences: How Regression Therapy Can Help”, The Journal of Regression Therapy



If you’re an extraterrestrial or interdimensional Contactor, you may’ve suppressed an inner voice that agreed to your contacts. Perhaps you agreed and forgot you did.

Maybe you remember ETs invaded you and think they did so against your will. But a protective part of you– a primary subself–labeled the contact to which you agreed as “involuntary.” Your primary self may have hidden from your awareness that you said yes to paranormal or extraterrestrial contact.

Sometimes after extensive therapy and maturity you realize a part of you–a suppressed subpersonality, alter, part or repressed inner voice–did say “yes’ to contact. Your social or primary subselves can push your Inner Contactor, a voice inside your head–from your conscious awareness to shield you from conventional people who’d shame, punish, or even lock you away for recalling and speaking of your ET or other paranormal experiences.

But it can be safe now to let yourself to experience part of you that wants you to remember your experiences with ghosts, spacefaring entities, time travelers, and spirit guides as well as your own existence on other planets, in other dimensions and in the past and future. To the degree that you judge it safe, you can remember and even judiciously share your experiences with other Contactors as well as people in the ET-experiencers’ networks. You can, of course, share under a pen name and keep your privacy.

I suggest you let yourself remember such experiences. You can opt to keep your contacts private or share them. You learn, when you follow the cues below, to review and relive your contacts from your Center. Then you choose what to tell and what to hide from those who might freak if they hear what you experienced.

The cues teach you to center yourself, to identify with your Center. Your Center is your conscious awareness of your many subselves or inner voices. From your ever-expanding Center, you coordinate behavior that meets the deep needs of ever more of your inner voices. Your Center takes into account the needs of your Contactor subself as well as the needs of your primary social and practical selves. Primary selves like your Pleaser, Intellect, Parent, Judge and Self-Critic may keep you from the full awareness of the Contactor part of you so you can meet your social duties and not sound like a crazy to other people.

From your Center, you choose the degree to which you reveal or conceal your Contactor subself and its unconventional experiences. You assess how much of your Contactor you reveal to your own awareness and to other people. From your Center you can assess probable pushback you’ll get if you remember and share your contacts. You predict possible pushback from mates, friends, bosses, disinformation agents, military intimidators, religious bigots, and people who fear your revelations. Such people may fear your revelations if they’ve repressed their own paranormal intimations. You decide how much to reveal and how much to conceal, but you can at least let yourself remember.

The cue sequence below begins with an evocation of your primary inner voices. Seek their permission to explore your Contactor. Your primary voices that protect you from shame and punishment may’ve blocked you from either recalling your contacts or may have blocked you from recalling that you consented to contact. You’ve must get permission from your protective primary voices to let you hear the memories, desires and needs of your Inner Contactor. In the cue-sequence, you tell your primary voices you’ll let them stop interviewing your Contactor if these they sense that you’re recalling too much too fast. Your protective voices let you remember enough for you to handle as you respond to the cues to follow.


Disconnect phone, make sure no one can interrupt you for a few hours as you work through the cues. You’ll need several chairs or cushions and an area large enough area to lie down. Wear loose-fitting clothes. Create semi-darkness in the room.


Ask a nonjudgmental friend or therapist–your Reader–to read the cues to you. Tell her or him to give you plenty of time–at least five deep breaths–to respond to each cue. Make sure the reader doesn’t challenge the reality status (ontology) of your contact memories or ask questions that imply answers s/he expects. If you lack an open-minded reader, read the cues aloud into a recording device and play them to yourself. Or read each cue to yourself and take as much time as you like to respond aloud or in writing.

[Instructions for Reader]

Read the cues in bold aloud to the experiencer. Exception: read words in square brackets [like this] silently. The person to whom you read is “the Experiencer.” . Give the experiencer a few breaths’ time to respond aloud where you see asterisks (***). If the experiencer doesn’t respond to a cue-sentence, pause several breaths and read the cue aloud again. Address the Experiencer’s inner voices and the entities s/he invokes respectfully, appreciatively; do not push their limits. Start now; read aloud:


[Center Yourself]

Sit here [Indicate place]; it’s the place for you to center yourself where you hear all your inner voices (parts). I’ll address your Center with your name [example: “Alex” is the name of my Center]. Breathe deeply and center yourself. Say, Center, about one of the main protective inner voices (like Intellect, Critic, Pleaser, and Pusher) you present to the world. What words or labels do you use for that voice? [Example: I call my Primary “Professor Lessin”] Describe this primary voice, the one you call [Use the same word Experiencer did to label the Primary]. Tell what this Primary’s like and what it does for you. ***

Thank you, Center.

[Identify with a Primary Subself]

Disidentify with your Center and move to a new place to embody this Primary–a subself from which you relate to other people.

[Wait till Experiencer moves. when you read the cues, substitute the name (e.g.: Inner Critic) with which Experiencer “Primary” where you see the word “Primary” below].

Hi. Embody that Primary. Say who you are [in example, you’d say, “Embody your Critic and say who you are.”] and the job you do in your Experiencer’s ecology. ***

When, Primary, did your life start? How long have you been around? What’s your history as [Experiencer name] ‘s Primary? ***

Say, Primary, what voices you protect? ***

What contributions have you, as [Experiencer name]s Primary, made to [Experiencer’s name] throughout life? ***

What would you like to be acknowledged and appreciated for? ***

When I ask you, Primary, to let [Experiencer’s name] speak from an inner voice that accesses ETs, ghosts, multidimensionals, visions, dreams and/or simultaneous existences in other times and places, if you sense your person’s Inner Child panic, shift the Contactor voice offstage and again take center-stage in Experiencer’s consciousness.

Thank you, Primary. I liked talking with you. Now let [Experiencer’s name] return to the Center position.

[Return to Center]

[Wait till Experiencer moves.] Hello again, Center. Say what you learned about the primary voice you just embodied. ***

Tell me, Center, about your Contactor–an inner subself–that experiences the paranormal. ***

Move your seat to a new place for your Contactor.

[Embody Contactor]

[Wait till Experiencer moves.] Become your Contactor. As Contactor, say what name your person can call you *** [Example: what I call my contactor “Alexander-Ben-Irving.” use Experiencer’s name for the word “Contractor” wherever you see it in the cues].

Say, Contactor, how you are, what you do for [Experiencer’s name] and what you like. ***

[Contact Events]

Tell me, Contactor, and main contact events with ETs, ghosts, multidimensionals, visions, dreams and/or simultaneous existences in other times and places in this and other lives with [Experiencer’s name]. ***

Relate one critical contact event in this life, a past life or future life. ***

[Trance Induction Steps] Imagine, contactor, you descend ten steps a spiral stairway. Each time you exhale, slide your hand along the bannister, go down a step and relax more. [Pause] after a while, step off of the staircase and onto a landing. See a blackboard and chalk on the landing. Take the chalk and write a number on the blackboard corresponding to how relaxed you are. 1-12 is slightly relaxed; 13-24, moderately; 25+, very relaxed. Tell me the number you write on the blackboard. ***

Relax more by writing the succeeding number below the first one. Relax still more by writing the next number behind the first one. Write the next number above your initial number, and relax more. Deepen your relaxation: write the next number in front of the first one. What number do you write in front? ***


Opposite the blackboard, see an elevator which is also a transporter. Its dial shows you’re on a floor, numbered the same as how many years old you are now. Enter the elevator-transporter. Push one of the elevator buttons. the floor number on the button you push is the year to which you’ll descend to access a critical event that might make your person’s contact experiences more accessible to conscious awareness. What’s the number on the button you pushed? ***

Go down in the elevator to the floor/age of the button you pushed. If your person experienced the event in a past life, let the elevator go to the subterranean floors of the building. If s/he experienced the event in a parallel or dream world existence, let him or her enters the transporter chamber under the building, activate the transporter, and emerge in the alternate reality.

[Relive Critical Contact Experience] Emerge from the elevator or transporter and step into a hall. There, see many doors. One bears your name and the contact experience that will help you remember so your Center can access your contacts. Open the door to your critical contact experience. Go inside a holographic chamber that can let you relive the experience. Any time, you can shift to a neutral, witnessing mode, detached from emotion or you can let a primary subself take you from this reverie if it is too intense for you right now. If you choose to proceed, see, hear, feel, sense and intuit everyone and everything as it was when you first experienced it.

Use the present (is, am, are) tense and describe the contact you relive. Experience and tell me in detail:

What you see ***

What you hear ***

What you feel ***

What you smell ***

What you taste ***

What you sense ***

What you think ***

What you intuit ***

How do you breathe during this situation? ***

Do you get an implant, upgrade, pregnancy, healing during the experience. ***

Do you give ova, sperm or a fetus in the experience? ***

[Speak as “Other” & Other’s Commander]

Now let “other” (one of the beings or people present or implied in the experience) speak with your voice, but not take you over. Temporarily identify with and vocalize for the “other” in your paranormal experience. [Allow plenty of time–take 10 breaths before you read the next cue]. Who are you, being who now will speak with [Experiencer’s name]’s voice? ***

What are your reasons for contacting [Experiencer’s name]? ***

What mission do you have for [Experiencer’s name]? ***

How does your contact with [Experiencer’s name] fit into a program you’re working? ***

Why did you implant, upgrade or manipulate the Contactee’s reproductive material and organs? ***

What’s your existence and the existence of your colleagues like in space, time, on your Homeworld, or in your dimension? ***

How is your Homeworld organized? How is it organized politically? ***

Describe housing, family and social relations on your Homeworld. Tell me about transport devices and craft there. ***

Cross-connect with your headquarters. We wish to speak with your High Commander. [Allow time]

Commander, tell us through your subordinate who now speaks through my Experiencer’s voice, what your purpose is in contacting my Experiencer. ***

What mission do you have for contactors in general? ***

Thank you, Commander. Now let your subordinate–the one we’re calling “Other”– resume speaking through [Experiencer’s name]’s voice. As the voice of the “Other”, what else would you like your person to know before you release her/his voice? ***

Thank you, “Other.”

[Embody contactor again]

Return again to the seat for your Contactor. [Wait till Experiencer moves back to the place where s/he enacts Contactor]

Hello again, Contactor. Tell your person what you’d like to be appreciated for now and through the years. *** What do you want, Contactor? ***

Why do you want that? What needs motivate what you want? ***

What else would you like your person to know before s/he goes back to Center? ***

Bid adieu to your Contactor for now. Exit the holo room, return to the elevator-transporter in the building of your ages. Go back in the elevator-transporter to the floor of your current age.

Go past the blackboard where you chalked the numbers, then ascend the stairs that lead you back to right here. On the tenth steps from the top, feel your consciousness start to return to the present. Step 9, more awake. 8,7,6, 5, becoming more awake. 4, 3, 2–almost totally alert. 1–wake up, fully awake and alert

[Snap your fingers; give Experiencer time to re-orient.]

[Return to Center]

Welcome back. Move back to the place for your Center. [Wait till s/he moves]

As Center, what did you learn from accessing your contactor and the voice of the “other” and its commander that your paranormal voice channeled for you? ***

[Identify with Neutral Witness]

Stand behind me and become neutral. Witness the energy from each of the positions–the Primary’s, Contactor’s, and other voices’ seats–from which you spoke as I summarize what each said. Feel the energy of each as I review them for you.

[Synopsize what Experiencer said from each voice]. ###

[Return to Center]

Experience yourself between your Primary and your Contactor. With the info from your Witness on your current ecology, regulate how much of your Contactor’s experience to reveal and what to conceal in various social contexts. Comment on the balance that seems right for you now. ***

[Own Your Power]

Pull your energy back from me; realize you now know how to conduct this sort of exploration on your own, without my reading to you.


Lamb, B., 2016, “Extra-Terrestrial Contact Experiences: How Regression Therapy Can Help”, the Journal of Regression Therapy

Stone, H. & Winkelman, S., 1998, “Embracing Our Selves”, and “Embracing Each Other” both 1989, New World Library: San Rafael).


Read More




Hear Andrew Basiago, Randy Cramer, Ken Johnston, George Green, Sherry Wilde, Miesha Johnston, Cynthia Crawford, Robert Peralta, Janet Kira Lessin, John Titor II, Reinerio Hernandez, Hildregard Gmeiser, Karen Christine Patrick, Olaf Jansen and others share their experiences.

Aloha. I’m Dr. Sasha Lessin. Wife Janet and I are hypnotherapists. We specialize in exploration of nonordinary consciousness, including alien contact.

Collegue Karen Chrisine Patrick joined us in the radio shows below as we interviewed hero whistleblowers, ET ambassadors and genetic donors.

Click on the sound band, arrows or yellow dot in the upper left-hand corner of the interviewee’s photo for each entry below to listen; okay to skip around. I’m adding hotlinks to most of the interviews below. If you click the links, you get extended information pages to which you can click through for illustrations, experiencer bios an publications and contact info on each.

We’ll keep adding to this site.


Below are several findings from the WORLD’S FIRST COMPREHENSIVE ACADEMIC RESEARCH STUDY ON INDIVIDUALS THAT HAVE HAD UFO RELATED CONTACT EXPERIENCES WITH NON-HUMAN INTELLIGENCE! http://www.experiencer.org/survey/ Our Executive Director is Harvard Astrophysicist Dr. Rudy Schild. Our Research Committee Co-Chairs are 2 retired academic professors– Dr. Bob Davis (Neuroscientist) & Dr. Jon Klimo (Transpersonal Psychology). All of our Phase 1 & Phase 2 research data and our research methodology is available in our FREE Website: http://www.experiencer.org/survey/

Our initial survey findings, based upon 600 questions and almost 3,300 survey responses, totally contradict what is being circulated in the Internet and in the field of Ufology.
Over 3,300 participants from over 100 countries

  • Surveys conducted in 4 languages: English, Spanish, French and German
  • Memories only from CONSCIOUS EXPLICIT MEMORIES NOT from Hypnotic Regressions
  • The following data is only from the ENGLISH LANGUAGE SURVEY
  • 65%, or 1,024 of these individuals have had a witness to the UFO sighting
    1,072 have physically seen a Non-Human Intelligent Being
    Over 75% of individuals have viewed their physical contact experiences as “Positive”
    Only 15% have viewed their contact experiences as “Negative”
  • The “Energy Beings” (55%) and “Human Looking Being” (54%) is the most common type of being seen by Experiencers and not the Short or Tall Greys
  • 593 individuals have seen an “Energy Being”
  • 5% view the Energy Being as “Mainly Negative
  • 570 individuals have seen a “Human Looking Being”
  • 5.5% view the Human Looking Being as “Mainly Negative
  • 542 individuals have seen “Small Grey Being”
  • 11.72% view the Small Grey Being as “Mainly Negative
  • 498 individuals have seen “Ghost/Spirit Being”
  • 6.6% view the Ghost/Spirit Being as “Mainly Negative
  • 346 individuals have seen “Tall Grey Being”
  • 10.5% view the Tall Grey Being as “Mainly Negative
  • 270 individuals have seen a “Reptilian Being”
  • 23% view the Reptilian Being as “Mainly Negative
  • 238 individuals have seen a “Praying Mantis Type Being”
  • 9.44% view the Praying Mantis Type Being as “Mainly Negative
  • 1,092 individuals stated they saw “Other Types of Beings”
  • 8.8% view the “Other Types of Beings” as “Mainly Negative”
  • 85% have undergone major transformations for the “POSITIVE” per 75 Life Style Changes Questions (more spiritual, less egotistical, more concern for the environment, less concern for monetary values, etc)
  • 50% have reported a medical healing by a non-human intelligent being
  • 80%, or 1,570 have had an Out of Body Experience (OBE)
  • 35% have had a Near Death Experience
  • 32% of those that have had BOTH UFO Contact AND Contact with a Non-Human Intelligence have had an “Abduction”
  • 71% state that they are “CONTACTEES” and NOT ABDUCTEES
  • 84% do NOT want their ET contact to stop
  • 450 individuals have had “conscious” memories of being aboard a craft
  • 55% have had “missing time”;
  • 79% state the ETs have a personality
  • 66% have received telepathic messages
  • the majority of Experiencers have seen non-human intelligent being (NHIB) more than 10 times;
  • 395 individuals have stated that they believe that they have been involved in what is commonly called an “Alien Breeding Program”;
  • 100 individuals have stated they had a MILAB Abduction
  • 83% of Experiencers believe that the non-human intelligent beings (NHIBs) are somehow related to the “Spirit World”
  • 95% of Experiencers have had some type of “paranormal” experience
  • 826 have received information about advanced science or technology
  • Only 15% have RH Negative blood– the national average
  • Finally, there appears to be a very strong relationship between NDEs and UFO related Contact (OBEs, Telepathic Communication with Human Looking Beings, both groups experience numerous physical and psychic changes such as increased ESP skills, ability to see energy fields, effects on electrical devices, medical healings, “Spirit World” connections, and many other similarities)

Below you’ll find the youtubes and short intos.


Click on the little arrow on the bar below and hear how Johnston got photos showing mile-high domed spaceports, large cities and ancient ruins on the moon and how his regression session with Dr. Lessin awakened memories of how extraterrestrials trained him and other whistleblowers to bring about disclosure of the ET presence on the moon, Mars and Earth.

Click arrow above.

Listen to “Andrew D. Basiago ~ 03-27-2016 ~ Sacred Matrix” on Spreaker.

Click the dots on the icon to hear each show.

Listen to “Randy Cramer on Sacred Matrix with-Sasha and Janet Lessin-2015-10-04” on Spreaker.
Click Circle upper left to start audio.


John entered duty with the air force as an Airman in the U.S. Air Force at Dulce, New Mexico. He was specifically trained because of his abilities to become an officer and pilot. He received intensive training on the latest air frames and power plants available which included the TR-3B spacecraft. John commanded the 177th Time Travel Division. Later he was given the command of a combat group focused on eliminating a threat to the planet by extraterrestrials. He became proficient in martial arts, including karate, and kendo. He is proficient with all firearms in use by the military which includes the most advanced weaponry not generally known to the public at this time. This includes plasma and particle beam weaponry. John retired from the Air Force and entered private life to make the public aware of environmental issues the world faces and force the issue of Disclosure with the government. John verifies the existence of our clandestine off-planet military settlements.


Listen to “Sacred Matrix ~ Cynthia Crawford ~ 11-15-2015” on Spreaker.
Click the dots on the icon to hear each show.

Cynthia Crawford was born a fraternal twin with totally different blood type and tissue type than her twin sister. Unlike her twin, she was born without an amniotic sac, baffling the medical community since it had never happened before. Prior to her birth, her father had been approched by agents with the OSS to participate in a secret government project, and eventually rejoining the Army to work on another secret project for the OSS.

However, it was not until she was in her mid 30s that she learned from her father that she was a hybrid created in a petri dish by a government program utilizing DNA from two different alien races added to human DNA. Throughout Cynthia’s toddler years, she was taken to underground military medical facilities at night for testing and examinations. During this time and throughout her life, she encountered what she believed were alien abductions, examinations, impregnations, as well as miraculous healings and organ replacements.

Through the 1950s and into the late 1970s, Cynthia tried to seek help and understanding of her experiences, but there were no support groups at that time, nor could she find anyone who would believe her experiences. She was chastised for having and using psychic powers. Her life changed when she gave up fear to consciously face these other worldly beings, only to learn that they are her star family. This awakened her to the truth of her mission that brought her to this planet at this very special time in history.

In 2003, Cynthia began making ET sculptures with the assistance of the various star beings that she had encountered, and later added more sculptures that other contactees had experienced. It is important to note, however, that Cynthia’s Guides only allow her to make sculptures of benevolent beings for it is these beings that put their frequency into the sculptures to assist the star seeds in their mission on Earth. To date, she has received thousands of emails from people all over the world who share their experiences and or communication, as well as healings, with benevolent beings after receiving their sculptures.

Today, Cynthia devotes her life to doing counseling, workshops and talks, teaching how we are all connected to the star people and how to live in an integrated Galactic society in the very near future. She also teaches about DNA activation, remembering and reactivating your own true powers, and self-empowerment.

See more at: http://aquarianradio.com/2015/11/18/cynthia-crawford-bio/#sthash.gmXgdyQH.dpuf

Listen to “George Green ~ 12-20-2015 ~ Sacred Matrix” on Spreaker.
Click dot on George’s photo to hear show.

A former investment banker, George is probably the last person you’d expect aliens to choose to communicate with but that is exactly what has happened to publisher George Green. He shared how he was contacted, why he was chosen and the vital message he agreed to relay. George agreed to publish the extraterrestrial information to “awaken” us earthlings so we may all be in contact (those that choose to be). George will discuss how and when he saw his first spacecraft, subsequent investigation and how things began to “happen” in his life.

In the 1980’s, Green said he went to visit Billy Meier at his complex in Switzerland, and it was there that he began having direct contacts with aliens, who he said looked human in appearance. Later Green said he moved to Idaho, to be able to more clearly receive transmissions from the beings, who informed him that Earth was considered a “prison planet” by other species in the galaxy. George rebuilt his world and is in direct contact with Pleiadian intelligences and other beings. He has devoted his life to spreading the word that all is not as it seems.

Listen to “Sherry Wilde~05-29-16~Sacred Matrix~Janet & Dr. Sasha Lessin” on Spreaker.<a class=”spreaker-player” href=”https://www.spreaker.com/user/aquarianradio/sherry-wilde-05-29-16-sacred-matrix-jane” data-resource=”episode_id=8650142″ data-theme=”light” data-autoplay=”false” data-playlist=”false” data-cover=”https://d3wo5wojvuv7l.cloudfront.net/images.spreaker.com/original/ad421cebf57c27ef6872d2567c751b31.jpg” data-width=”100%” data-height=”400px”>Listen to “Sherry Wilde~05-29-16~Sacred Matrix~Janet &amp; Dr. Sasha Lessin” on Spreaker.</a><script async src=”https://widget.spreaker.com/widgets.js”></script>
Click dot on icon to hear Sherry.

Sherry Wilde was living an idyllic life as a wife, mother and business owner until 1987 when her community experienced a UFO flap that was considered one of the most active in the world. No one could have ever guessed the unbelievable turn of events that would occur over the next 18-24 months as Sherry was forced to accept her involvement in a phenomenon that was totally unknown to her. Faced with the indisputable evidence that she was experiencing contact with extra-terrestrial beings was astonishing to this pragmatic and levelheaded woman of 37, but to learn her contact had been ongoing for her entire life almost pushed her over the edge.

Sherry spent the next several years of her life trying to erase the experiences from her mind and did her best to return to a normal life, but when heavy contact started again in late 2009, after several years of relative peace, she could no longer ignore it. Inexplicably she found herself writing a book about the encounters as her memory opened up to the past events and the teachings these beings had imparted to her. Overcoming her fear and learning the truth of her involvement with these ultra-dimensional beings became her life goal. She now accepts the truth of these encounters and has cooperative contact on a regular basis with the beings she affectionately refers to as “her guys.”

Sherry has had an overwhelming amount of physical contact with beings from an alternate reality and has worked her way through the layers of disbelief, fear, confusion and ridicule. She found support and answers in places she never expected and through that process began to remember the truth of who she is. In this lecture she shares highlights and intimate details of that journey and talks about the differences between being an abductee and a volunteer.


Sherry’s the real thing; I have looked into her eyes, felt her heart. She, like many of you, is an ambassador of powers that value us Earthlings and our beautiful planet. Hear her story and tell us yours at  https://www.facebook.com/groups/1522717851335629/

Listen to “Sacred Matrix -Barbara Jean Lindsey -Sasha and Janet Lessin-2016-09-25” on Spreaker.
Click Circle upper left to start audio.

In 1989, Barbara Jean had an extraordinary near-death-experience after full-body channeling an ancient Egyptian being. Her lungs collapsed and she died in front of a live audience. Over the next few days she fought for her life (on the physical plane, spiritual plane and beyond). Barbara Jean’s story, journey and transformation are chronicled in her autobiography, Dying For the Light.

Listen to “Sacred Matrix Rey Hernandez with-Sasha and Janet Lessin-2016-09-11” on Spreaker.
Click Circle upper left to start audio.

Rey’s old dog was dying.  His wife prayed over it.  She called Rey to see what she perceived as an angel that Rey perceived as an energy ball.  The dog was healed.  Rey had been tapped as an ET experiencer ambassador.  He founded FREE, the scientific research and contactee-support organzation cited at the start of this post.


Click Circle upper left to start audio.
Miesha is a second-generational experiencer. She had her first experience at age three. She has, had numerous contacts and abductions and has been involved with at least 5 different alien types: grays, insectoids, mammalians, reptilians, and human looking groups. She has had many MILAB experiences and has been in the underground bases which includes a black ops branch of our government and some Grey and Reptilian factions. She was born and raised in a MK-Ultra family started her trauma based training for Project Monarch at age 3 and was put in to service at age 9. She has had three missing periods of time in her life extending to 8 months. During which time she has little or no memory of what happened. Including a wedding & husband she has no memory of at all.


Listen to “Osie & Elizabeth April with-Sasha and Janet Lessin–05-08-2016” on Spreaker.

Click Circle upper left to start audio.

Elizabeth April explores the topic of hybrids who combine human and alien species.  She had her first conscious abduction at age 18 and learned she connected to the extraterrestrials through her past life lineage. Through channelling, meditation and many inter-dimensional self-portraits, she came to terms with her connection, the information she accessed and the reason for her existence.

Osie, as a young child in rural Newfoundland on the outskirts of Grand Falls, woke up screaming every night from her terrible nightmares. She was abducted as a child and is still being abducted today by aliens who have been doing medical procedures to her for her entire life. She writes, “I have been experiencing “missing time” / “out of body” my entire life. In January 2015 I remembered what was happening to me.  It was terrifying. I’d wake from a nightmare, feel a sudden “pull” and I float to the sky, stars, then onto a metal table. I felt excruciating pain as things/hands/tools were forced into my body through my stomach.  I would black out. I would see them above me. I could hear them (in my head) saying,  she’s awake. Then I was pushed down and would find myself in my bed again. It always happened at night and I was always taken from my bed.”

Listen to “Robert Perala ~ 05/15/16~ Sacred Matrix ~ Revolution Radio” on Spreaker.
Click Circle upper left to start audio.
Robert Perala was taken aboard a spacecraft by three extraterrestrial astronauts. He was returned sunburned and covered in a honey / oil like substance. After locking himself in his apartment for 3 months, he found his way to the first UFO Conference of it’s kind headed up by Dr. J. Allen Hynek founder of Project Blue Book. Robert is a clairvoyant, and has seen visitors and apparitions all of his life

HILDREGARD GMEINERListen to “Mark & Hildegard ~ 06-26-2016 ~ Sacred Matrix- Host Karen Patrick” on Spreaker.
Click Circle upper left to start audio.

In her early thirties, during many near-death-experiences Hildregard realized consciousness is not limited to the physical vessel, where generally put most of our focused attention.  She was able to experience her 3-D life, as well as many other realities simultaneously, without being bound by a physicality. Surrounded by the light, she was able to feel, hear and communicate telepathically with different levels of intelligence.  Since then, she has been receiving ongoing telepathic guidance from her Andromedan brother Lui Mar, a 7th dimensional consciousness scientist from Boötes/Andromeda Galaxy. She regained her health against all expert medial prognoses given at the time by following the telepathically received insights from the invisible worlds.


Listen to “Michael Lee Hill 07/26/15 Anunnaki, AR Bordon” on Spreaker.
Click Circle upper left to start audio.

Michael reveals that the Anunnaki pledge amends for suffering they caused us. Anunnaki Prince Marduk, who has been running the Earth atop the pyramids of clandestine governmental, intelligence, spacefaring, military, criminal, banking, opium-financed and ET-Earthling research projects has contacted Hill. Marduk claims to have had a great change of heart, been redeemed, and wishes to make amends to humanity for the harsh treatment to which he has subjected us.

Michael says, “In July, 2008, a man called “Loki” led Hill into a round gazebo named, “I Dream of Genie Bottle”. There, Hill met MARDUK, in control of Earth since 70 CE. Marduk wore “a glowing, white-hooded robe and his face was not human, wavy with very sculpted features, very beautiful. He seemed transparent.” His face seemed translucent. Marduk brought in a man and a woman to do painless procedures on Hill to read his mind; they’d read and uplevel his “third eye”. They had shiny, flashing instruments and laser pointers. One device looked like a small wand with a bright purple/blue LED on top of it. They told Hill they’d remove some memory blocks. When they were done, the male said. “I heard that you wanted to meet us and that you filmed our craft over Lake Erie.”

Marduk said Hill’s belonged to the Serpent Lineage within the Anunnaki Ruling Family that supports Marduk. Marduk said Loki led Hill to the gazebo to discuss how Marduk would bring a change how Nibiru’s King Nannar runs the Earth. Marduk said he had a new “game plan” for humanity and that both Hill and someone else were incarnated here now to help Earth with its end time changes.

Hill asked Marduk and his associates if he could see their faces, and they said, “Not now; Tomorrow.” Next morning, Hill saw Marduk and a female walking up to his tent on the dirt road, and though they looked like Earthlings, Hill instantly “knew” it was the Anunnaki leader and his consort. Marduk said, “Good morning, Commander Michael.” Hill now saw Marduk had radiant blue eyes. He and Hill spent that day together, and Marduk made dinner for Hill. (Bill Birnes writes,‘The Anunnaki are not 3rd Density beings; they are interdimensional and capable of bending and manipulating light so what we see can have a different shape and form if we look at them from a different light perspective.


Click Circle upper left to start audio.

Click the arrow on the icon below and hear her mind-blowing experiences.
Listen to “Starseed Awakening with Miesha Johnston 2015 09 19” on Spreaker.

Janet Kira Lessin wrote “Journey of Souls, Book 1: Pierce the Veil”–the story of her hero’s journey through consciousness. Janet tells how at eighteen months of age, Masons ritually evoked her spirit and how she stayed connected to the paranormal her whole life. Extraterrestrials revived her from a brutal rape she suffered at age 4. They fortold her role in helping humanity survive and thrive.

In 1996, a team of Grey Aliens and American soldiers abducted Janet from her dorrn on Johnston Atoll in the Pacific. They took her in a USO to a base under the atoll. There, twelve-foot Nordic-looking extraterrestrial humans, the Anunnaki, marched with her to a huge female dragon. The Dragon readied Janet to speak for modern feminine Homo sapien aspirations before the Gallactic Federation. The Dragon opened Janet to the consciousness of Ninmah, Mother of Humanity, charged with creating a civilized civilization based on peace, love, and partnership.

The audio program ends with a meditation for extraterrestrial, spiritual and helpful paranormal experiences to assist you on your journey to higher consciousness and to aid your return to humanity with what you learn.

More at http://wp.me/p1TVCy-3Uk

Click Circle upper left to start audio.

OLAF JANSEN: Adventure in Inner Earth-Agartha
Click Circle upper left to start audio.

Dr. Sasha and Janet Lessin read selected excerpts from “The Smoky God” by Willis Erickson. Erickson interviewed and published the notes of Norweigan sailor Olaf Jansen the Lessins read.

Jansen said a storm drove him and his dad in small fishing sloop near the North Pole into the Inner Earth. They returned to the surface world in Antarctica, near the South Pole, where the Dad drowned.

Olaf asked his rich Uncle Osterlind to fit out an expedition back to Agartha.
Osterlind brought Olaf before authorities to (Olaf thought) plan the expedition he proposed. But, said Olaf, “upon the conclusion of my narrative I found myself arrested and hurried away to dismal and fearful confinement in a madhouse, where I remained for twenty-eight years. “I never ceased to assert my sanity, and to protest against the injustice of my confinement. Finally, on the seventeenth of October,1862, I was released.

“I shipped with a fisherman on a long fishing cruise to the Lofoden Islands and eventually bought a fishing-brig of my own. For twenty-seven years thereafter I followed the sea as a fisherman, five years working for others, and the last twenty-two for myself. I took great care not to mention to anyone the story concerning the discoveries made by my Father and myself. In 1889 I sold out my fishing boats, and found I had accumulated a fortune quite sufficient to keep me the remainder of my life. I then came to America. When my days on Earth are finished, I shall leave maps and records that will enlighten and, I hope, benefit Mankind. The memory of my long confinement with maniacs, and all the horrible anguish and sufferings are too vivid to warrant my taking further chances.

“We’d left Stockholm in our fishing-sloop on the third day of April, 1829, and sailed around the Scandinavian coast to the westward for the Lofoden Islands. We sailed through the Hinlopen Strait, coasted along the North-East-Land, and sailed along Franz Josef Land to its West Coast. In 24 hours, we came to a one or two acre warm and tranquil inlet. In front of us to the North, lay open sea.  Father said that still farther north was land more beautiful than any that mortal man had. I exclaimed: “Why not sail to this goodly land? The sky is fair, the wind favorable and the sea open.”

Jens, Olaf’s father, said: “Son, are you willing to go with me beyond where Man ever ventured?” When Olaf said yes, they sailed due north for thirty-six hours till they lost sight of Franz Josef Land.

Hear what the Jansens saw on this show; learn more about it at http://wp.me/p1TVCy-41U



Click circle to hear about Centering, Subselves and benefits of exploring the paranormal, extraterrestrial and multidimensional

If you’re an extraterrestrial or interdimensional Contactor, you may’ve suppressed an inner voice that agreed to your contacts. Perhaps you agreed and forgot you did. Maybe you remember ETs invaded you and think they did so against your will. But a protective part of you– a primary subself–labeled the contact to which you agreed as “involuntary.” Your primary self may have hidden from your awareness that you said yes to paranormal or extraterrestrial contact.

I suggest you let yourself remember such experiences. You can opt to keep your contacts private or share them. You learn, when you follow the cues at https://www.facebook.com/School-of-Counseling-416599551860…/ , to review and relive your contacts from your Center. Then you choose what to tell and what to hide from those who might freak if they hear what you experienced. The cues teach you to center yourself, to identify with your Center. Your Center is your conscious awareness of your many subselves or inner voices. From your ever-expanding Center, you coordinate behavior that meets the deep needs of ever more of your inner voices. Your Center takes into account the needs of your Contactor subself as well as the needs of your primary social and practical selves. Primary selves like your Pleaser, Intellect, Parent, Judge and Self-Critic may keep you from the full awareness of the Contactor part of you so you can meet your social duties and not sound like a crazy to other people.

From your Center, you choose the degree to which you reveal or conceal your Contactor subself and its unconventional experiences. You assess how much of your Contactor you reveal to your own awareness and to other people. From your Center you can assess probable pushback you’ll get if you remember and share your contacts. You predict possible pushback from mates, friends, bosses, disinformation agents, military intimidators, religious bigots, and people who fear your revelations. Such people may fear your revelations if they’ve repressed their own paranormal intimations. You decide how much to reveal and how much to conceal, but you can at least let yourself remember.

The cue sequence at https://www.facebook.com/School-of-Counseling-416599551860…/  begins with an evocation of your primary inner voices. Seek their permission to explore your Contactor. Your primary voices that protect you from shame and punishment may’ve blocked you from either recalling your contacts or may have blocked you from recalling that you consented to contact. You’ve must get permission from your protective primary voices to let you hear the memories, desires and needs of your Inner Contactor. In the cue-sequence, you tell your primary voices you’ll let them stop interviewing your Contactor if these they sense that you’re recalling too much too fast. Your protective voices let you remember enough for you to handle as you respond to the cues.

Get the cues at https://www.facebook.com/School-of-Counseling-416599551860…/


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WikiLeaks Reveals UFO ​Messages in Clinton Campaign Emails

WikiLeaks Reveals UFO ​Messages in Clinton Campaign Emails

By BYRON TAU ~ Oct 10, 2016 2:09 pm ET
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL ~ http://blogs.wsj.com/washwire/2016/10/10/wikileaks-reveals-ufo-%E2%80%8Bmessages-in-clinton-campaign-emails/

In this Oct. 9, 2007 file photo, radio telescopes of the Allen Telescope Array are seen in Hat Creek, Calif. Astronomers at the SETI Institute have been forced to shutter its program that scanned the skies for signs of extraterrestrial life, saying they're out of government funds. (AP Photo/Ben Margot, File)

In this Oct. 9, 2007 file photo, radio telescopes of the Allen Telescope Array are seen in Hat Creek, Calif. Astronomers at the SETI Institute have been forced to shutter its program that scanned the skies for signs of extraterrestrial life, saying they’re out of government funds. (AP Photo/Ben Margot, File) PHOTO: ASSOCIATED PRESS

In this Oct. 9, 2007 file photo, radio telescopes of the Allen Telescope Array are seen in Hat Creek, Calif. Astronomers at the SETI Institute have been forced to shutter its program that scanned the skies for signs of extraterrestrial life, saying they’re out of government funds. (AP Photo/Ben Margot, File) PHOTO: ASSOCIATED PRESS

The former lead singer of the band Blink 182 was in recent contact with Hillary Clinton‘s campaign chairman John Podesta about UFOs, newly disclosed emails show.

Tom DeLonge, who was the guitarist for the power punk trio best known for songs like “Dammit” and “What’s My Age Again,” emailed Mr. Podesta at least twice. He wrote in cryptic terms about their well-documented mutual interest in more government disclosure about the phenomenon of unidentified flying objects of potential extraterrestrial origin.

The emails, released by the website Wikileaks this month, also reveal that Mr. Podesta participated in a documentary that Mr. DeLonge is producing.

It isn’t clear whether Mr. Podesta responded to the messages.

Mr. Podesta, who has worked in the highest levels of government in the administrations of Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, has expressed interested in the topic. And he has long championed further government disclosure around classified files concerning UFOs.

In one of the emails from 2015, Mr. DeLonge says he would to introduce Mr. Podesta to two very important people involved in issues “relating to our sensitive topic.”

“I think you will find them very interesting, as they were principal leadership relating to our sensitive topic. Both were in charge of most fragile divisions, as it relates to Classified Science and DOD topics. Other words, these are A-Level officials. Worth our time, and as well the investment to bring all the way out to you,” Mr. DeLonge writes.

In another email from 2016, Mr. DeLonge writes that he has been working with a former military official.

“He just has to say that out loud, but he is very, very aware- as he was in charge of all of the stuff. When Roswell crashed, they shipped it to the laboratory at Wright Patterson Air Force Base. General McCasland was in charge of that exact laboratory up to a couple years ago,” Mr. DeLonge wrote, referring to the Roswell conspiracy theory that the U.S. government recovered an alien vessel in 1947. The military maintains that the crash at Roswell was a surveillance balloon.

Both Messrs. DeLonge and Podesta have been quite open about their interests in the topic of unidentified flying objects. The band Blink 182 recorded a song called “Aliens Exist” on their 1999 album “Enema of the State” After the band dissolved last year, Mr. DeLonge launched a new franchise focused around the paranormal and unexplained phenomenons called Sekret Machines. The franchise includes fiction, nonfiction, documentary and music.

Upon leaving the Obama administration in 2015, Mr. Podesta wrote on Twitter that his “biggest failure” was “not securing the #disclosure” of the UFO files.”

Mr. DeLonge didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment.

A spokesman for the Clinton campaign, without responding to questions about the UFOs meeting, accused the Russian government of interference in the U.S. election. Intelligence officials have blamed groups with ties to the Russian government for a number of hacks.

“It should concern every American that Russia is willing to engage in such hostile acts in order to help Donald Trump become President of the United States,” said Glen Caplin, adding that it was “disgraceful” that Mr. Trump and his campaign were encouraging the hacks.

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Article by Sasha Alex Lessin, Ph.D. (Dean, School of Counseling, Certified Hypnotherapist) excerpted from “Experiencers: Conscious Contactees” Edited by Janet Kira Lessin


Extraterrestrials have interacted with us, the current Earthlings, since 300,000 years ago, when  geneticists of the Goldmining Expedition from Planet Nibiru to Earth (the Anunnaki) adapted (adding Proto-Sasquatch genes, copper, minerals and mDNA) their genome to this planet to create us as their slave race.  Statues, clay tablets and oral traditions tell us many a story of our ancestors traveling in and viewing Nibiran spacecraft.

Ancient depiction of rocket in silo, astronauts within

Ancient depiction of rocket in silo, astronauts within

We see ETs’ skeletons, advanced technological devices, models of their aircraft, depictions of their astronauts and megalithic structures on every continent, under the seas and in the caverns deep within the Earth.







The wall at Pumapunku, Peru next to their spaceport at Tiahuancu features reliefs of Greys and Coneheads.

The Bible abounds with stories of ETs intervening in the affairs of Earthlings.

Ezekiel rockets to Nibiru

Ezekiel rockets to Nibiru






Modern UFO research and documented contactee testimonies give us evidence that any reasonable court of law would find utterly convincing that we have been and still are in extensive contact with ETs and that the Nations of Earth have made treaties of cooperation with Extraterrestrials, some of whom have abducted Earthlings for experimentation, breeding and slavery.





Millions of people from every continent have been in direct, personal and astral contact with ETs on this and other planets, in space and on their craft.





Contemporary Earth governments and the Vatican have suppressed information about their clandestine treaties and ridiculed, intimidated, ruined and even assassinated people who have blown the whistle on our leaders’ agreements with the ETs as well as our secret space program bases and orbiting craft as well as those of several species of extraterrestrials on Mars, Luna and other planets and satellites in our solar system and others.


If you want to explore Alien contact you may have had, get a nonjudgmental, open hypnotherapist. This person shows you how to accept yourself, your subselves, and your experiences.

She or he hears what you say you experience and doesn’t bug you about whether what you saw, felt, heard, intuited, envisioned was real. Your therapist says, “After the trance session, you’ll remember of the session what’s in your best interest to remember when the time’s right for you to remember it.”

You came to hypnosis to explore alien contact, but past, future, parallel or interdimensional lives may flood your consciousness. You may well then relive ET contact you had in these incarnations in other bodies, times and places.

Trance-work lets you recall way more detail of how you and aliens contacted each other.

Again, though you came to explore your alien experiences, you may instead relive military or cult abductions, psychedelic journeys, vision quests or astral trips. The alien memories you access can, in your trance, segue with womb, childhood and adult memories. Whatever you notice, your therapist helps you drop fear, trauma and memory blocks when it serves you to do so.

Perhaps you’ll hear again words and thoughts you and your hybrid kids and ancestors shared as you and they dwelt in other bodies, times and places–within the Earth, in space on spacecraft, on other planets,and in nonphysical realms.

You could remember sex with aliens.

Or merge with the Creator-of-All.

You benefit from the perspectives and wisdom you gain during the contact and get even more benefits when you expand your memories in trance. Inevitably, you give the world the insights you got, still get and will continue to get from alien contact.

Your therapist lets you recall alien contacts at a pace you can assimilate. In trance, you can keep enlarging what you recall. You glean more details.

You see how you and your family members have made ET contact all your lives. You see that contact is ongoing and will probably continue.

You get that you consented to alien contact.

You celebrate your mission in the Big Story.

You end each hypnotherapy session when you’ve had enough for now; your therapist won’t push you. She or he helps you center yourself so you can operate in daily life, honor your ecology and recognize, accept and address the needs of your Inner Child, Internal Critic, Social Subself and Inner Therapist.

Click arrow on graphic to see slide show.


The great alien contact hypnotherapist, Barbara Lamb, says that how you react to alien contact “may range from wonder, awe, and enlightenment to extreme anxiety, phobias, and sometimes, inability to function.”

Mysterious interruptions in your life, disorientation, confusion, panic attacks, anxieties you don’t understand, flashbacks, intense dreams, fears that you’re crazy, distrust of others, addiction, compulsions, psychic abilities, fears of being left alone or fears bright lights follow you may be clues aliens contacted you. If you fear darkness, if you’re scared of falling asleep, these fears may lead you in therapy, to a repressed ET contact memory. Lamb writes that If you fear praying mantises, spiders, snakes or worry about animal or owl eyes your hypnotist can use these fears as a gateways to recall alien contacts you repressed.

Here’s more hints you had alien contact: you sleep clothed, wake at a certain time each night, feel like you’ve been dropped into bed, wake in strange positions, waken in rooms other than the one in which you went to sleep or wake miles away from your house, or wake up with your clothes on backward or not waken wearing clothes that belong to someone else.

Suspect alien contact if you have scoop-shaped scars, triangular marks on your butt, pus in your navel, fingertip marks on your body, pin-prick marks, lumps near your ear on or on your forehead.

Headaches, pains behind an eye, stiffness, back, neck or genital pain, nose problems, ringing or buzzing in your ears or blood on your pillow may, when you enter a trance, flash you back to an alien contact.

If you carried a fetus but hadn’t had sex, if you had a fetus in your uterus for a few months and then that fetus vanished without a trace, you probably had contact with ETs and should explore this with your therapist.


When you relive alien contact, you may feel again paralysis, you may re-experience levitating, moving through walls and windows, remember beaming up

You might recall ETs on a spacecraft doing medical procedures on you or re-experience Ambassador tutorials with ETs, or training classes you had on a spacecraftt with other children who have become people in your life now.

Whatever you recall, hypnotherapy can help you “assimilate and make sense of bizarre experiences and function well, even though these experiences continue.”


Your therapist helps you relive alien contacts and to see the resonances of the alien experiences in ever-expanding detail even if aliens told you to forget them. You recorded everything you saw, felt, heard and thought. All your experiences imprinted in your biocomputer’s memory banks, some of which has been offline in your unconscious.

You can, with hypnotherapy, relive your experiences and release emotions and thoughts from your alien contacts. You learn to use your memories to better your life and enjoy ongoing contacts with the aliens.

“You have a right,” Lamb says, “to know. No harm will come to you or the aliens by remembering and sharing.”

Reference: Lamb, B., 2016, “Extra-Terrestrial Contact Experiences: How Regression Therapy Can Help”, The Journal of Regression Therapy



If you’re an extraterrestrial or interdimensional Contactor, you may’ve suppressed an inner voice that agreed to your contacts. Perhaps you agreed and forgot you did.

Maybe you remember ETs invaded you and think they did so against your will. But a protective part of you– a primary subself–labeled the contact to which you agreed as “involuntary.” Your primary self may have hidden from your awareness that you said yes to paranormal or extraterrestrial contact.

Sometimes after extensive therapy and maturity you realize a part of you–a suppressed subpersonality, alter, part or repressed inner voice–did say “yes’ to contact. Your social or primary subselves can push your Inner Contactor, a voice inside your head–from your conscious awareness to shield you from conventional people who’d shame, punish, or even lock you away for recalling and speaking of your ET or other paranormal experiences.

But it can be safe now to let yourself to experience part of you that wants you to remember your experiences with ghosts, spacefaring entities, time travelers, and spirit guides as well as your own existence on other planets, in other dimensions and in the past and future. To the degree that you judge it safe, you can remember and even judiciously share your experiences with other Contactors as well as people in the ET-experiencers’ networks. You can, of course, share under a pen name and keep your privacy.

I suggest you let yourself remember such experiences. You can opt to keep your contacts private or share them. You learn, when you follow the cues below, to review and relive your contacts from your Center. Then you choose what to tell and what to hide from those who might freak if they hear what you experienced.

The cues teach you to center yourself, to identify with your Center. Your Center is your conscious awareness of your many subselves or inner voices. From your ever-expanding Center, you coordinate behavior that meets the deep needs of ever more of your inner voices. Your Center takes into account the needs of your Contactor subself as well as the needs of your primary social and practical selves. Primary selves like your Pleaser, Intellect, Parent, Judge and Self-Critic may keep you from the full awareness of the Contactor part of you so you can meet your social duties and not sound like a crazy to other people.

From your Center, you choose the degree to which you reveal or conceal your Contactor subself and its unconventional experiences. You assess how much of your Contactor you reveal to your own awareness and to other people. From your Center you can assess probable pushback you’ll get if you remember and share your contacts. You predict possible pushback from mates, friends, bosses, disinformation agents, military intimidators, religious bigots, and people who fear your revelations. Such people may fear your revelations if they’ve repressed their own paranormal intimations. You decide how much to reveal and how much to conceal, but you can at least let yourself remember.

The cue sequence below begins with an evocation of your primary inner voices. Seek their permission to explore your Contactor. Your primary voices that protect you from shame and punishment may’ve blocked you from either recalling your contacts or may have blocked you from recalling that you consented to contact. You’ve must get permission from your protective primary voices to let you hear the memories, desires and needs of your Inner Contactor. In the cue-sequence, you tell your primary voices you’ll let them stop interviewing your Contactor if these they sense that you’re recalling too much too fast. Your protective voices let you remember enough for you to handle as you respond to the cues to follow. 


Disconnect phone, make sure no one can interrupt you for a few hours as you work through the cues. You’ll need several chairs or cushions and an area large enough area to lie down. Wear loose-fitting clothes. Create semi-darkness in the room.


Ask a nonjudgmental friend or therapist–your Reader–to read the cues to you. Tell her or him to give you plenty of time–at least five deep breaths–to respond to each cue. Make sure the reader doesn’t challenge the reality status (ontology) of your contact memories or ask questions that imply answers s/he expects. If you lack an open-minded reader, read the cues aloud into a recording device and play them to yourself. Or read each cue to yourself and take as much time as you like to respond aloud or in writing.

[Instructions for Reader]

Read the cues in bold aloud to the experiencer. Exception: read words in square brackets [like this] silently. The person to whom you read is “the Experiencer.” . Give the experiencer a few breaths’ time to respond aloud where you see asterisks (***). If the experiencer doesn’t respond to a cue-sentence, pause several breaths and read the cue aloud again. Address the Experiencer’s inner voices and the entities s/he invokes respectfully, appreciatively; do not push their limits. Start now; read aloud:


[Center Yourself]

Sit here [Indicate place]; it’s the place for you to center yourself where you hear all your inner voices (parts). I’ll address your Center with your name [example: “Alex” is the name of my Center]. Breathe deeply and center yourself.   Say, Center, about one of the main protective inner voices (like Intellect, Critic, Pleaser, and Pusher) you present to the world. What words or labels do you use for that voice? [Example: I call my Primary “Professor Lessin”] Describe this primary voice, the one you call [Use the same word Experiencer did to label the Primary].  Tell what this Primary’s like and what it does for you. ***

Thank you, Center.

[Identify with a Primary Subself]

Disidentify with your Center and move to a new place to embody this Primary–a subself from which you relate to other people. 

[Wait till Experiencer moves. when you read the cues, substitute the name (e.g.: Inner Critic) with which Experiencer “Primary” where you see the word “Primary” below].

Hi. Embody that Primary. Say who you are [in example, you’d say, “Embody your Critic and say who you are.”] and the job you do in your Experiencer’s ecology. ***

When, Primary, did your life start? How long have you been around? What’s your history as [Experiencer name] ‘s Primary? ***

Say, Primary, what voices you protect? ***

What contributions have you, as [Experiencer name]s Primary, made to [Experiencer’s name] throughout life? ***

What would you like to be acknowledged and appreciated for? ***

When I ask you, Primary, to let [Experiencer’s name] speak from an inner voice that accesses ETs, ghosts, multidimensionals, visions, dreams and/or simultaneous existences in other times and places, if you sense your person’s Inner Child panic, shift the Contactor voice offstage and again take center-stage in Experiencer’s consciousness.

Thank you, Primary. I liked talking with you. Now let [Experiencer’s name] return to the Center position.

[Return to Center]

[Wait till Experiencer moves.] Hello again, Center. Say what you learned about the primary voice you just embodied. ***

Tell me, Center, about your Contactor–an inner subself–that experiences the paranormal. ***

Move your seat to a new place for your Contactor.

[Embody Contactor]

[Wait till Experiencer moves.] Become your Contactor. As Contactor, say what name your person can call you *** [Example: what I call my contactor “Alexander-Ben-Irving.” use Experiencer’s name for the word “Contractor” wherever you see it in the cues].

Say, Contactor, how you are, what you do for [Experiencer’s name] and what you like. *** 

[Contact Events]

Tell me, Contactor, and main contact events with ETs, ghosts, multidimensionals, visions, dreams and/or simultaneous existences in other times and places in this and other lives with [Experiencer’s name]. ***

Relate one critical contact event in this life, a past life or future life. *** 

[Trance Induction Steps] Imagine, contactor, you descend ten steps a spiral stairway. Each time you exhale, slide your hand along the bannister, go down a step and relax more. [Pause] after a while, step off of the staircase and onto a landing. See a blackboard and chalk on the landing. Take the chalk and write a number on the blackboard corresponding to how relaxed you are. 1-12 is slightly relaxed; 13-24, moderately; 25+, very relaxed. Tell me the number you write on the blackboard. ***

Relax more by writing the succeeding number below the first one. Relax still more by writing the next number behind the first one. Write the next number above your initial number, and relax more. Deepen your relaxation: write the next number in front of the first one. What number do you write in front? *** 


Opposite the blackboard, see an elevator which is also a transporter. Its dial shows you’re on a floor, numbered the same as how many years old you are now. Enter the elevator-transporter. Push one of the elevator buttons. the floor number on the button you push is the year to which you’ll descend to access a critical event that might make your person’s contact experiences more accessible to conscious awareness. What’s the number on the button you pushed? ***

Go down in the elevator to the floor/age of the button you pushed. If your person experienced the event in a past life, let the elevator go to the subterranean floors of the building. If s/he experienced the event in a parallel or dream world existence, let him or her enters the transporter chamber under the building, activate the transporter, and emerge in the alternate reality. 

[Relive Critical Contact Experience] Emerge from the elevator or transporter and step into a hall. There, see many doors. One bears your name and the contact experience that will help you remember so your Center can access your contacts. Open the door to your critical contact experience. Go inside a holographic chamber that can let you relive the experience. Any time, you can shift to a neutral, witnessing mode, detached from emotion or you can let a primary subself take you from this reverie if it is too intense for you right now. If you choose to proceed, see, hear, feel, sense and intuit everyone and everything as it was when you first experienced it.

Use the present (is, am, are) tense and describe the contact you relive. Experience and tell me in detail:

What you see ***

What you hear ***

What you feel ***

What you smell ***

What you taste ***

What you sense ***

What you think ***

What you intuit ***

How do you breathe during this situation? ***

Do you get an implant, upgrade, pregnancy, healing during the experience. *** 

Do you give ova, sperm or a fetus in the experience? ***

[Speak as “Other” & Other’s Commander]

Now let “other” (one of the beings or people present or implied in the experience) speak with your voice, but not take you over. Temporarily identify with and vocalize for the “other” in your paranormal experience. [Allow plenty of time–take 10 breaths before you read the next cue]. Who are you, being who now will speak with [Experiencer’s name]’s voice? ***

What are your reasons for contacting [Experiencer’s name]? ***

What mission do you have for [Experiencer’s name]? ***

How does your contact with [Experiencer’s name] fit into a program you’re working? ***

Why did you implant, upgrade or manipulate the Contactee’s reproductive material and organs? ***

What’s your existence and the existence of your colleagues like in space, time, on your Homeworld, or in your dimension? ***

How is your Homeworld organized? How is it organized politically? ***

Describe housing, family and social relations on your Homeworld. Tell me about transport devices and craft there. ***

Cross-connect with your headquarters. We wish to speak with your High Commander[Allow time]

Commander, tell us through your subordinate who now speaks through my Experiencer’s voice, what your purpose is in contacting my Experiencer. ***

What mission do you have for contactors in general? ***

Thank you, Commander. Now let your subordinate–the one we’re calling “Other”– resume speaking through [Experiencer’s name]’s voice. As the voice of the “Other”, what else would you like your person to know before you release her/his voice? ***

Thank you, “Other.”

[Embody contactor again]

Return again to the seat for your Contactor. [Wait till Experiencer moves back to the place where s/he enacts Contactor]

Hello again, Contactor. Tell your person what you’d like to be appreciated for now and through the years. *** What do you want, Contactor? ***

Why do you want that? What needs motivate what you want? ***

What else would you like your person to know before s/he goes back to Center? ***

Bid adieu to your Contactor for now. Exit the holo room, return to the elevator-transporter in the building of your ages. Go back in the elevator-transporter to the floor of your current age.

Go past the blackboard where you chalked the numbers, then ascend the stairs that lead you back to right here. On the tenth steps from the top, feel your consciousness start to return to the present. Step 9, more awake. 8,7,6, 5, becoming more awake. 4, 3, 2–almost totally alert. 1–wake up, fully awake and alert 

[Snap your fingers; give Experiencer time to re-orient.]

[Return to Center]

Welcome back. Move back to the place for your Center. [Wait till s/he moves]

As Center, what did you learn from accessing your contactor and the voice of the “other” and its commander that your paranormal voice channeled for you? ***

[Identify with Neutral Witness]

Stand behind me and become neutral. Witness the energy from each of the positions–the Primary’s, Contactor’s, and other voices’ seats–from which you spoke as I summarize what each said. Feel the energy of each as I review them for you. 

 [Synopsize what Experiencer said from each voice]. ### 

[Return to Center]

Experience yourself between your Primary and your Contactor. With the info from your Witness on your current ecology, regulate how much of your Contactor’s experience to reveal and what to conceal in various social contexts. Comment on the balance that seems right for you now. ***

[Own Your Power] 

Pull your energy back from me; realize you now know how to conduct this sort of exploration on your own, without my reading to you.


Lamb, B., 2016, “Extra-Terrestrial Contact Experiences: How Regression Therapy Can Help”, the Journal of Regression Therapy

Stone, H. & Winkelman, S., 1998, “Embracing Our Selves”, and “Embracing Each Other” both 1989, New World Library: San Rafael).


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Ruins of Ancient City Found In Antarctica

Ruins of Ancient City Found In Antarctica

Ruins Of Ancient City Found In Antarctica


A California TV crew missing since November 2002, a video they left behind and a mission by U.S. Navy SEALs are the key elements in a story that claims extensive ancient ruins have been found under the ice of Antarctica. That’s according to archaeologist and adventurer Jonathan Gray of World Education Research Ltd in his free newsletter Archaeology News Flash.

A spokesman for the company is reported to have said at the time that “The U.S. government said it will seek to block the airing of a video found by Navy rescuers in Antarctica that purportedly reveals that a massive archaeological dig is underway two miles (3,200 meters) beneath the ice.”

“The AtlantisTV production crew that shot the video is still missing.” reports Gray.
Attorneys for the Beverly Hills-based AtlantisTV stressed at the time that the company’s primary concern was for the safety and welfare of the crew.

But they stated they would vigorously oppose any attempts to censor material that is clearly in the public interest and public domain.

The icy continent of Antarctica, they pointed out, belongs to no nation. “The U.S. has no jurisdiction there.”


McMurdo Station Antarctica

“That video is the property of AtlantisTV, said a company spokesman, We shot it. It’s ours. And as soon as it is rightfully restored to us, were going to air it. End of story.”


Two Navy officers who saw the tape described its contents to National Science Foundation (NSF) researchers upon their return to the Amundsen-Scott Station at the South Pole,” asserts Gray in his recent newsletter.


Amundsen-Scott Station

So reported sources at McMurdo Station, the main American base in Antarctica.They said it showed spectacular ruins and other things they couldn’t go into”, an NSF scientist reported.

“We chalked it up to some kind of subzero-induced delusion,” he said, “until a helicopter full ofNavy SEALs landed and picked them up and took off. Now, were scratching our heads.”

Officials of the U.S. Naval Support Task Force in Antarctica predictably denied the story or the possession of any video shot by the missing AtlantisTV crew.

Navy sources said they found the video in an abandoned supply dump 100 miles (160 kilometers) west of Vokstok Station.

Are you keeping up with the astonishing secrets of our past?
At least four YouTube posters think there just may be a lost city on the continent of Antarctica.

A team of researchers are claiming that they have discovered three ancient pyramids on the ice covered continent of Antarctica. Exact details are sketchy, but the team have released three intriguing pictures of their discovery. according to Stephen Hannard ADGUK

The international team comprises researchers from the United States, and several other, are from various European countries. Two of the huge pyramid structures were found approximately 10 miles inland, the third one not far from the coastline, clearly visible from ocean.

The team are currently planning an expedition to reach one of the pyramids to find out if it is a natural or an artificial structure. No further Details have been reported from the team as of 29 August 2012. More news is pending. Im undecided on this one guys until further confirmation, so as always you decide.



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BREAKING: Army scientists successfully ‘teleport’ Soldiers

BREAKING: Army scientists successfully ‘teleport’ Soldiers

April 1, 2016
By Bob Reinert, USAG Natick Public Affairs

Army scientists successfully 'teleport' Soldiers

Pvt. Kelley McCoy begins to dematerialize as he is successfully “teleported” from Natick to the Grafenwoehr Training Area.

NATICK, Mass. (April 1, 2016) — Army scientists have successfully “teleported” a fully equipped squad from a Massachusetts research and development facility to a training area in Germany, the Natick Soldier Systems Center (NSSC) announced today.

The nine human research volunteers, fresh out of Advanced Individual Training, were participating in experiments in the Doriot Climatic Chambers at NSSC when they disappeared and moments later materialized at the Grafenwoehr Training Area, completely unharmed. The chambers are capable of replicating any climate or weather in the world but have never before been used in this manner.

Teleportation, made famous in the “Star Trek” television series and movies, had been — until what the Army is calling the “Natick incident” — a hypothetical way of moving objects from place to place. American writer Charles Fort is reported to have coined the word in 1931.

Officials at Natick were elated by the event, which promises to one day revolutionize the way that American troops and equipment are transported around the globe. It also could ultimately make overseas bases obsolete as forces are instead moved from U.S. soil to remote trouble spots in the blink of an eye.

“No one is more impressed by this than I am,” said Benjamin Storm, who manages the 61-year-old climatic chambers at Natick. “One moment, I was chatting with the young Soldiers, and the next, they all vanished into thin air.”

The Soldiers were dressed in combat gear for the revolutionary experiment and being monitored by Storm and his colleagues when they were sent from one continent to the other. Still photographs of the event were captured in the chambers and have been released by the Army.

After thorough medical examinations at an Army hospital, they were flown back to the U.S. and returned to duty at Natick.

“It’s one thing to see Captain Kirk or Mr. Spock do it at the movies, but it’s another to have it happen to you in real life,” said Pvt. Kelley McCoy, one of the teleported Soldiers. “I felt a little tingling and the next thing you know, I’m in Bavaria. I always wanted to visit Europe, but I figured that I’d go by plane.”

Storm and other Natick researchers are now poring over mountains of data from the development in hopes of replicating it. Meanwhile, the Army quickly established a Teleportation Study Task Force, which will be based at Natick. Leading scientists from private industry and academia worldwide are converging on the chambers to lend whatever assistance they can.

According to Storm, a device not unlike the “flux capacitor” seen in the “Back to the Future” movie series was employed during the experiment. This led to immediate speculation that the Army was also working on time travel, but time travel requirements of generating 1.21 gigawatts is no trivial feat.

“We’re only concerned with place, not time,” said Storm, a twinkle in his eye. “This development could change the entire course of human history.”

The Task Force expects to report its initial findings by April 1, 2017.

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Russia Orders Obama: It’s Time To Tell The World About Aliens, Or We Will!

Russia Orders Obama: It’s Time To Tell The World About Aliens, Or We Will!

Dead Greys 1449323605_1449212380_0A stunning Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) report on the agenda of Prime Minister Medvedev at the World Economic Forum (WEF) that Russia will warn President Obama that “it’s time” to let the world know the truth about aliens, and if the United States doesn’t participate in the announcement, the Kremlin will do so on its own.


The WEF (The Forum), which is based in Cologny, Geneva, is a Swiss non-profit organization. It describes itself as an independent international organization committed to improving the state of the world, with the participation of business, political, academic and other leaders of society to shape global, regional and industry agendas.
Dead Greys 1449323736_1449212380_71ccb7a35a452ea8153b6d920f9f190eThe Forum is best known for its annual meeting in Davos, a mountain resort in Graubünden, in the eastern Alps region of Switzerland. The meeting brings together some 2,500 top business leaders, international political leaders, selected intellectuals and journalists to discuss the most pressing issues facing the world, including health and the environment.
Medvedev plans to open this years Forum where as many as 50 heads of government, including Germany’s Angela Merkel and Britain’s David Cameron, will attend the five-day meeting.
Critical to note about this years Forum is that the WEF, in their 2013 Executive Summary, scheduled for debate and discussion a number of items under their X Factors from Nature category, and which includes the “discovery of alien life” of which they state: “Proof of life elsewhere in the universe could have profound psychological implications for human belief systems.”
Equally critical to note is that Medvedev, after completing a 7 December 2012 on-camera interview with reporters in Moscow, continued to respond to reporters and made some off-air comments without realizing that his microphone was still on. He was then asked by one reporter if “the president is handed secret files on aliens when he receives the briefcase needed to activate Russia’s nuclear arsenal,” Medvedev responded:
“Along with the briefcase with nuclear codes, the president of the country is given a special ‘top secret’ folder. This folder in its entirety contains information about aliens who visited our planet… Along with this, you are given a report of the absolutely secret special service that exercises control over aliens on the territory of our country… More detailed information on this topic you can get from a well-known movie called Men In Black… I will not tell you how many of them are among us because it may cause panic.”
Western news sources reporting on Medvedev’s shocking reply about aliens stated that he was “joking” as he mentioned the movie Men In Black, which they wrongly assumed was a reference to the 1997 American sci-fi adventure comedy about two top secret agents battling aliens in the US.
Medvedev, however, wasn’t referring to the American movie but was, instead, talking about the famous Russian movie documentary Men In Black which details many UFO and alien anomalies.
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By Sasha Alex Lessin, Ph.D., Dean, School of Counseling

If you’re an extraterrestrial or inter-dimensional Contactor, you may’ve suppressed an inner voice that agreed to your contacts. Perhaps you agreed and forgot you did. Maybe you remember ETs invaded you and think they did so against your will but a protective part of you– a primary subself–labeled the contact you agreed to as “involuntary.” Your primary self may hid from your awareness that you said yes to paranormal or extraterrestrial contact.

1 aaaAAaaaAAaAaa1a 1A a 1 a A g contact rememberedSometimes after you get therapy or mature you see that a part of you–a suppressed subself, alter, part or inner voice–did say “yes’ to contact. Your social or primary subselves can push your Inner Contactor, a voice inside your head–from your awareness to shield you from people who’d shame, punish, or lock you away for speaking of ET or other paranormal experiences.

But it can be safe now to let yourself experience part of you that wants you to remember your experiences with ghosts, spacefaring entities, time travelers, and spirit guides as well as your own existence on other planets, in other dimensions and in the past and future.  To the degree that you judge it safe, you can remember and share experiences with other Contactors as well as people in the ET-experiencers’ networks.

Extraterrestrials gmThe cues teach you to identify with a Center that orchestrates behaviors to meet the needs of both your Contactor and your Social Self.  Your Center is your conscious awareness of your many subselves or inner voices. From your ever-expanding Center, you coordinate behavior that meets the deep needs of ever more of your inner voices.

The cue sequence below begins with an evocation of your primary inner voices. Seek their permission to explore your Contactor. Your primary voices that protect you from shame and punishment may’ve blocked you from either recalling your contacts or may have blocked you from recalling that you consented to contact. You must get permission from your protective primary voices to let you hear the memories, desires and needs of your Inner Contactor. In the cue-sequence, you tell your primary voices you’ll let them stop interviewing your Contactor if these they sense that you’re recalling too much too fast. Your protective voices let you remember enough for you to handle as you respond to the cues to follow.

The cue sequence below begins with an evocation of your primary inner voices. Seek their permission to explore your Contactor. Your primary voices that protect you from shame and punishment may’ve blocked you from either recalling your contacts or may have blocked you from recalling that you consented to contact. You’ve must get permission from your protective primary voices to let you hear the memories, desires and needs of your Inner Contactor. In the cue-sequence, you tell your primary voices you’ll let them stop interviewing your Contactor if these they sense that you’re recalling too much too fast. Your protective voices let you remember enough for you to handle as you respond to the cues to follow.

Disconnect phones, make sure no one can interrupt you for a few hours as you work through the cues. You’ll need several chairs or cushions and an area large enough area to lie down. Wear loose-fitting clothes. Create semi-darkness in the room.

Ask a nonjudgmental friend or therapist–your Reader–to read the cues to you. Tell her or him to give you plenty of time–at least five deep breaths–to respond to each cue. Make sure the reader doesn’t challenge the reality status (ontology) of your contact memories or ask questions that imply answers s/he expects.

If you lack an open-minded reader, read the cues aloud into a recording device and play them to yourself. Or read each cue to yourself and take as much time as you like to respond to it aloud or in writing.
[Instructions for Reader]
Read the cues in CAPITAL LETTERS aloud to the experiencer. Exception: read words in square brackets [like this] silently. The person to whom you read is “the Experiencer.”
Give the experiencer a few breaths’ time to respond aloud where you see asterisks (***). If the experiencer doesn’t respond to a cue-sentence, pause several breaths and read the cue aloud again.

Address the Experiencer’s inner voices and the entities s/he invokes respectfully, appreciatively; do not push their limits. Start now, reading aloud:


[Center Yourself]



DESCRIBE THIS PRIMARY VOICE, THE ONE YOU CALL [use the words Experiencer used to describe or label the primary]. SAY WHAT THIS PRIMARY’S LIKE AND WHAT IT DOES FOR YOU. ***


[Identify with a Primary Subself].
DISIDENTIFY WITH YOUR CENTER AND MOVE TO A NEW SEAT OR MOVE THE SEAT YOU’RE ON TO EMBODY THIS PRIMARY VOICE. THE NEW PLACE YOU SIT’S FOR A PRIMARY, A SUBPERSONALITY YOU USE TO RELATE TO OTHER PEOPLE. [Wait till Experiencer actually moves. When you read the cues, substitute the name (eg: Inner Critic) with which Experiencer labels her or his Primary subpersonality, where you see the word “Primary” below].

HI. EMBODY THAT PRIMARY VOICE AND TELL ME WHO YOU ARE [In example, you’d say, “Embody your Critic and tell me who you are.”] AND WHAT YOUR JOB IS. ***



WHAT CONTRIBUTIONS HAVE YOU, AS [experiencer name]’S PRIMARY, MADE TO [Experiencer’s name] throughout her/his life? ***




[Return to Center]




[Embody Contactor]
[Wait till Experiencer moves.] BECOME YOUR CONTACTOR. AS CONTACTOR, SAY HOW YOUR PERSON DESIGNATES YOU [example: what I call my Contactor “Alexander-ben-Irving.” Use Experiencer’s name for the word “Contractor” wherever you see it in the cues]. ***
















[Identfy and speak as “Other” and Other’s Commander]

WHO ARE YOU, WHO NOW WILL SPEAK WITH [Experiencer’s name]’S VOICE? ***


WHAT MISSION DO YOU HAVE FOR [Experiencer’s name]? ***












[Return to Contactor]
RETURN AGAIN TO THE SEAT FOR YOUR CONTACTOR. [wait till experiencer moves back to the place where s/he enacts her/his Contactor]







[Return to Center position]


[Stand to identify with your neutral Witness]

[Return to Center]

[Own your power to expand this process]

Lessin, S. and J.
1998 – present, extraterrestrialcontact.com

Stone, H. & Winkelman, S.,
1998, “Embracing Our Selves”, and “Embracing Each Other” both 1989, New World Library: San Rafael).

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The Most Famous and Mysteries Ghost Photograph of Abraham Lincoln and The Story of Lincoln’s Ghost

Published on May 1, 2015
Thanks for watching….
There have been several stories about ghosts of former Presidents revisiting the White House. However, the most common and popular is that of Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln’s Ghost, otherwise known as The White House Ghost, is said to have haunted the White House since his death.

Eleanor Roosevelt never admitted to having seen Lincoln’s ghost, but did say that she felt his presence repeatedly throughout the White House.

Mrs. Roosevelt also said that the family dog, Fala, would sometimes bark for no reason at what she felt was Lincoln’s ghost.

The former president’s footsteps are also said to be heard in the hall outside the Lincoln Bedroom.

Lillian Rogers Parks admitted in her 1961 autobiography My Thirty Years Backstairs at the White House that she had heard them.

Margaret Truman, daughter of President Harry S. Truman, said she heard a specter rapping at the door of the Lincoln Bedroom when she stayed there, and believed it was Lincoln.

President Truman himself was once wakened by raps at the door while spending a night in the Lincoln Bedroom.

Several unnamed eyewitnesses have claimed to have seen the shade of Abraham Lincoln actually lying down on the bed in the Lincoln Bedroom (which was used as a meeting room at the time of his administration), and while others have seen Lincoln sit on the edge of the bed and put his boots on. The most famous eyewitness to the latter was Mary Eben, Eleanor Roosevelt’s secretary, who saw Lincoln pulling on his boots (after which she ran screaming from the room).

Others have actually seen an apparition of the former president. The first person reported to have actually seen Lincoln’s spirit was First Lady Grace Coolidge, who said she saw the ghost of Lincoln standing at a window in the Yellow Oval Room staring out at the Potomac.

Theodore Roosevelt and Maureen Reagan and her husband have all claimed to have seen a spectral Lincoln in the White House. A number of staff members of the Franklin D. Roosevelt administration claimed to have seen Lincoln’s spirit, and on one occasion Roosevelt’s personal valet ran screaming from the White House claiming he had seen Lincoln’s ghost.

Perhaps the most famous incident was in 1942 when Wilhelmina of the Netherlands heard footsteps outside her White House bedroom and answered a knock on the door, only to see Lincoln in frock coat and top hat standing in front of her (she promptly fainted).

British Prime Minister Winston Churchill loved to retire late, take a long, hot bath while drinking a Scotch, and smoke a cigar and relax. On this occasion, he climbed out of the bath and naked, but for his cigar, walked into the adjoining bedroom. He was startled to see Lincoln standing by the fireplace in the room, leaning on the mantle. Churchill, always quick on the uptake, simply took his cigar out of his mouth, tapped the ash off the end of his cigar and said “Good evening, Mr. President. You seem to have me at a disadvantage.” Lincoln smiled softly, as if laughing and disappeared. Churchill smiled in embarrassment.

Lincoln’s ghost was reportedly seen outside of the White House as well. In Loudonville, New York, Lincoln’s ghost was said to haunt a house that was owned by a woman who was present at Ford’s Theatre when Lincoln was shot by John Wilkes Booth. Other Lincoln hauntings included his grave in Springfield, Illinois, a portrait of Mary Todd Lincoln and a phantom train on nights in April along the same path his funeral train followed from Washington, D.C. to Springfield.

The last sighting of Lincoln’s ghost was in the early 1980s, when Tony Savoy, White House operations foreman, came into the White House and saw Lincoln sitting in a chair at the top of some stairs.

Abraham Lincoln is not the only Lincoln ghost witnesses claim to have seen in the White House. Willie Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln’s 11-year-old son, died in the White House of typhoid on February 20, 1862.

Willie Lincoln’s ghost was first seen in the White House by staff members of the Grant administration in the 1870s, but has appeared as recently as the 1960s (President Lyndon B. Johnson’s college-age daughter, Lynda Bird Johnson Robb, saw the ghost and claims to have talked to him).









Music: A Walk Into Space,Topher Mohr and Alex Elena;YouTube Audio Library
The Rain,Silent Partner; YouTube Audio Library
Blank Holes,Jingle Punks; YouTube Audio Library
Late Night Snack,Gunnar Olsen; YouTube Audio Library

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UNICEF Marciano

UNICEF Marciano



Now this is incredible.. I am unsure why an alien child must be used. Is it not equally the same to use a human child being bullied? There is no real motive for this outside of a real message that has been given to the world here, that is clear. Prepare for a disclosure, my friends.

+Angie Marie your profile picture is gorgeous <3

I thought it was worthy of mentioning that I saw a Pandora ad earlier that seems to also be hinting at future disclosure. Quite literally, a guy randomly says “Do I believe in aliens? Of course I do.. the real truth is.. we are the aliens.. Think about it”, and that literally cuts the commercial off and it’s done. What sense does this make? This wasn’t selling a product or anything of the sort. I think we will hear some information from the Pope this month and Obama will back it.

well hello there…

This video is Satanic indoctrination of our children . Most people don’t even see this. This is part of the Vatican’s Luciferian agenda as part of the creation of this end-days antichrist one world order. The book of Revelation allows us to know that shall happen to these Satanic deceivers. Their glory days shall not even last for 7 years. My YouTube videos explain what they’re doing. Start with video 11 parts A, B and C – three videos and see for yourself.

+Az B lol

+Ralph Rome Nah.

UNICEF “Marciano” is a vile, cunning piece of alien psychological warfare propaganda to corrupt the innocent minds of children.

child abuse and grey alien hybrid propaganda. Don’t feed children with this horrific bullshit please.

YAHUSHA/JESUS CHRIST – HE is LORD of LORDs & KING of KINGS!  This is an alien agenda by Satan and his minions..demons…differents types and kinds!! In the power and authority of YAHUSHA/JESUS CHRISTbecause of the blood HE shed for each of  us: I bind the entities behind this agenda and I ask the FATHER to send HIS holy warrior angels to loose upon this evil abomination that their plans and schemes fall to the ground as dust. I pray the people see the true through all the lies to the occult who worship Satan ..he has many faces and names (fallen angels, greek mythos, hindu gods, NA gods) and is a liar, a destroyer and a murder wanting to take out all mankind. Satan hates us because we were made in the image of GOD ALMIGHTY YAHUAH the ONE & ONLY TRUE LIVING GOD that created heaven & earth.JESUS/YAHUSHA loves each and every person…but you have to ask HIM to come into your life and be your KING…there are 2 one Satan the liar..or JESUS CHRIST…but you have to repent of your sin and stop doing things that are wrong according to GOD’s standards..you can find those in Deuteronomy. HE created the Rules, He gave us the instruction book…you can not do what you want and think you will live with HIM. CONFESS today and ask JESUS to be ZYOUR KING and change your life and make HIM your best friend. HE can supernaturally change things in your life..nothing is impossible for HIM. You have free will ..ask HIM now, before it is too late..time is running short…Today is the day of salvation…do not get caught in these lies..JESUS is coming back and if you are not for if you are not for HIM..you default as being against HIM. This is not about religion..but about following GOD’s Rules and what JESUS did.YAHUSHA/JESUS my KING is coming back very, very …very soon…are you ready to met HIM? I pray your eyes are open and your heart changed to give glory and honor to the ONE who made you.HALLELUYAH!

+Yahushua MyAll (YahushuaMyALL) I’m with you hon. This is more about the beast being accepted by the children.

+Johnny Law lol you people have created the beast for the children…you fear them into believing your dogmatic views…you created their boogey man and call him satan….shame on you for mentally torturing kids

no aliens but DEMONS

+Angie Marie The Irony of an Antichrist calling a Follower/Believer in Jesus Christ a lost soul.

+Viliamus Fluxus I know it is harsh, we are in a Hardcore Spiritual War for our souls, the only way to escape is through Jesus Christ of The New Testament, (The Real Truth, Light, Love, Life) The Material is Temporary – Earth is a Test. Satan Counterfeits everything. (Artificial) I’m not trying to fear monger, rather to Expose the agenda. How does one prepare If the Negative is ignored? We have to overcome The Negative by seeing through the Luciferian IIIusions. This also isn’t about Religion, it is about repentance and a personal relationship with the Only Messiah/Savior – There is only one Truth, everything else is a lie. If you know that the Elites are Satanists, you should know that Satanists Invert the Bible and Hate Jesus Christ for a Reason – The Bible is The Truth. “Christianity” has also been infiltrated by Satan. All ancient religions are Pagan – Created by The Fallen. ———————————- John 8: 32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. John 3:17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. Romans 3: 23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; 24 Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus: 25 Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God; 26 To declare, I say, at this time his righteousness: that he might be just, and the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus. 27 Where is boasting then? It is excluded. By what law? of works? Nay: but by the law of faith. 28 Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law. John 8:24 I said therefore unto you, that ye shall die in your sins: for if ye believe not that I am he, ye shall die in your sins. Matthew 10:34 Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. (The Sword is the Word of The Father – New Testament) Luke 12:51 Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division: (Antichrists – Tares & Followers of Christ – Wheat) Unity = Deception. 1 Thessalonians 5:3 For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. (False Peace and Safety/Security) John 15: 18 If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you. 19 If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you. John 16:33 These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world. 2 Corinthians 4:4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them. (Satan has been given temporary reign on Earth) Matthew 16:26 For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? ————————- The Luciferian Elites have played their roles according to plan, have been working for their god Satan for generations to secure the foundation of the NWO that is near completion; they along with Satan and The Fallen Angels will be thrown into the lake of fire in the end. The engineered Economic Crash is a major step toward The One World (Mark of The Beast) Cashless System mentioned in The Bible. NWO = Antichrist Kingdom that will pose as Good in order to even deceive the “Elect” (Christians) to loose their only chance at Eternal Life. Unfortunately, the Change that is coming, is The TRAP. The Antichrist will deceive before the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. The Pre-programing for this event/series of events has been accelerating and will ultimately lead the majority astray. Revelation 13: 11 And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon. 12 And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed. 13 And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men, 14 And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live. 15 And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. 16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: 17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. 18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six. Isaiah 5:20 Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

ET, go home.

If (he?) obviously has the capacity for peace and understanding and wants to mutually co-operate with other sentient beings towards the goal of learning, living, and experiencing life…why not?

Okay everyone, stop bitching about the alien kid, stop saying its a demon, whatever. Put a black child in his place and time it 40 or so years ago. Would the reactions of the other kids be the same? YES. Don’t deny it. It’s true, minorities were bullied like this alien child is. The bottom line is the producers is saying is to ACCEPT that there are different looking folk out there, but all can be treated equally and decent?

+Homer InNC They aren’t “alien children” they are energy vampires, self-serving entities/aliens. Watch some videos about the ‘black eyed children’ that is these beings. They ask to come in, to be invited in and those that invite them in, meet with a horrible fate. A boy once invited one in, while his mother wasn’t arround, he got sick due to the encounter and almost died.  These entities are pure evil. Real evil. The are from the dark side.

+2CircIes No they are not, you’re an idiot. Please get off the internet.

That’s ridiculous. They start saying ”we must to accept differeces”. Don’t believe in this ”great deception”. Aliens are Demons.

If i see them. i shoot them. then ask questions later.

+imperialxs I thought as much. But honestly I’ve met people who would say stuff like that and mean it lol.

+Jason Marcus i never shoot anything lol. but who knows. these days a mind can change on a whim.. well these people that drink to much or do hardcore drugs.. cant tell what mind state these people are in..  don’t think we need to worry about aliens or Zombies. its be the crazy’s that be our downfall.

3spooky5me! E.T 2 CONFIRMED?!

Most of the people here seem to miss the whole point why there are different cultures and looks on our planet. People are still racist so until they learn to love each other no matter what colour or shape, no matter what culture or religion then aliens can not visit us en mass and join our humanity. First learn the love of humans and then you will learn to love all beings, no matter what planet or how they look.

+Debassi I agree it could be used to promote more ‘good’ than ‘seduce’ our attention to petty narcissism. It is a tool. Which could be used for both. We now have the tools like Youtube, social media and people are promoting positive change through it. But the equation involves the diversity of human thought processes, and many of us still harbour a ‘tribal’ mentality. The ‘Big companies’ are infact capitalising on the issues that exist already, exploiting our world views and alue system for profit. Yet the same ‘tool’ could be (and is) used for the reverse. We are only as ‘controllable’ as we choose to be, by giving our attention, based on where it is being drawn.

what the actual ass is this?


Demon propaganda

This treasure to Dagobert II King and to Sion and he is there dead.Shepardess no temptation that Poussin Teniers[ artist/painting] hold the key peace 681 by the cross and the horse of God I complete this Daemon guardian at midday BLUE APPLES. Rennes Le Chateau  an interesting read, talks about the Blue Apples in a window but some say it has other meanings.


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Kerry Cassidy Humans are a Mixture of 12 Extraterrestrial Races

Published on Jul 9, 2015
Kerry Cassidy will cover whistleblower testimony, False Flags, and the agenda for takeover, ETs, Artificial Intelligence and the NWO, along with an obsession with following an ‘armageddon-like” timeline. I will discuss how this may all play out, the balance between light and dark and how the Illuminati and their ET handlers are influencing events.

KERRY’S BLOG has gone viral and become a must see news commentary space picked up by alternative news organizations around the world. Kerry travels the world conducting interviews and documenting the testimony of whistleblowers with above top secret clearances as well as authors, researchers and experiencers covering conspiracies, the secret space program, black projects, ETs, kundalini and ascension and free energy

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A New Crop Formation with an Ominous Warning

A New Crop Formation with an Ominous Warning

A New Crop Formation with an Ominous Warning

On June 28 in a field near Torino, Italy, a magnificent crop formation appeared. Like the Crabwood formation of 2002, this formation contains at least one message, and the one that we have thus far been able to translate should be considered carefully, as it echoes the warning in the Crabwood formation. Both formations contain readable messages in simple binary code. The Torino formation’s readable binary is in sixteen lines arranged along the outer ring of the formation. There is more code in the inner rings, but so far translation has not been successful. It might be significant that Turin is known as “the cradle of Italian liberty.”
Both formations contain similar warnings, essentially that we should be wary of extraterrestrials, a concern echoed by astrophysicist Stephen Hawking. Hawking has said that aliens “would be only limited by how much power they could harness and control, and that could be far more than we might first imagine…Such advanced aliens would perhaps become nomads, looking to conquer and colonize whatever planets they can reach..I imagine they might exist in massive ships, having used up all the resources from their home planet…If aliens ever visit us, I think the outcome would be much as when Christopher Columbus first landed in America, which didn’t turn out very well for the Native Americans.”The Crabwood formation’s binary message translates into English as follows: ”

Beware the bearers of FALSE gifts & their BROKEN PROMISES. Much PAIN but still time. BELIEVE. There is GOOD out there. We oPpose DECEPTION. Conduit CLOSING” Torino echoes this concern with its message. It is in Latin, and appears to be a contraction from a famous line in the ancient Roman poet Virgil’s Aeneid. The first word is “timeo,” which means “dread.” The second is “et” which means “and” in Latin, but in modern vernacular is used to mean “extraterrestrial.” The third word, “ferentes” in Latin is the nominative masculine of “ferens,” to bear. Virgil’s line is “Timeo Danaos et dona ferentes,” “Beware of Greeks bearing gifts.” It is a reference to the Trojan Horse, which was used to deceive the Trojans into letting Greek soldiers into their walled city. The soldiers then opened the gates and Troy fell.:The Aeneid is about the journey of Aeneas, a refugee from Troy who traveled to Italy and became one of the founders of Rome.

So, does the Torino formation contain a warning: “Beware ET bearing…” Would that be gifts, perhaps? Beware ET bearing gifts?

In his book “Solving the Communion Enigma” Whitley Strieber pointed out that benevolent extraterrestrials and malevolent ones might both keep their presence in our world secret, but for different reasons. Malevolent ones might be exploiting us or our planet in some way that we don’t understand, but would object to if we did. So they would certainly keep their presence and activities secret. Benevolent ones would possibly have the same motive, the reason being that they would be concerned that the culture shock attendant upon our discovering just how advanced they really are would cause our own scientific and cultural evolution to be catastrophically interrupted. We would go from being masters of our world to supplicants in theirs. The result would be that one of the few things that might interest them about us–perhaps the only thing–which is our ability to innovate, would be lost.

He makes reference to a paper published by D.B.H. Kuiper and Mark Morris in the April, 1977 edition of the magazine Science in which they state, “knowledge, in a general sense, that encompasses science and culture, is likely to be most highly prized by an advanced civilization.” And then comes what could be the primary reason that the intelligence that is here appears to be so interested in concealing its observation of us behind a cloud of questions: “Before a certain threshold is reached, complete contact with a superior civilization (in which most of their knowledge is made available to us) would abort further development through a ‘culture shock’ effect.”

But the messages in these two crop formations don’t raise questions. The offer clear warnings, so it’s worth considering how advanced nonhumans might want to exploit us and our planet. There are really just a few possibilities. First, there could be something about us that has value. One of the darkest hidden veins in the close encounter lore is that we have souls, and they can be captured and used in what are essentially machines so extremely advanced that we cannot now even conceive of what they do. Another, better known fear is that they may be harvesting our sexual material for their own purposes. A third possibility is that there is something about Earth and what it contains that they wish to harvest, but which we might want to retain if we knew what they were doing.

None of these negative motives suggest that ET would ever want to reveal himself, not as long as the harvest, whatever it may be, can continue uninterrupted. So what would the motive of negative ETs be for revealing themselves?

Actually, it would be exactly the same as that of benevolent ones: if we are indeed in an extinction event, if Earth is going to become unable to support us, then both benevolent and malevolent ETs end up with the same motive: both would want to preserve the species and/or preserve the planet.

But they would probably go about it differently. Benevolent ETs, wishing to preserve our spontaneity and cultural vitality, would minimize direct contact while doing things to help us survive. Malevolent ones, interested not in preserving culture but only in making certain that we continue to survive, might be more open in their approach.

Thus is revealed the inner meaning and truth of the two warnings: if ET appears openly and wears a mask of benevolence, be careful, because that smiling mask is likely to conceal the most dangerous deception that mankind has ever known.

Image copyright 2015 Valeria Margherita Zanola
Read more about the Crabwood formation on Crop Circle Connector.

“Beware the bearers of FALSE gifts & their BROKEN PROMISES. Much PAIN but still time. BELIEVE. There is GOOD out there. We oPpose DECEPTION. Conduit CLOSING” from the Crabwood formation.

Regarding the Torino formations,I feel that equating ‘et’ as ET is a bit of stretch, considering that the formation appears to be in Latin.

The Crabwood formation did include a visual of what many would consider an ‘ET’.

Both formations could be referencing something (or someone) completely different. They could even be referencing ourselves. There is much deception out there, and much of it is coming from the humans, including politicians, world governments, religion, etc. I personally do not fear an invasion by aliens or inter-dimensional entities near as much as I fear what we are doing to our planet and ourselves. What if our future selves are warning us about what we are doing to Earth with wars, industrialization, politics, and the destruction of our environment? There is lots of deception going on about the environment and climate change. ‘False gifts’ and ‘broken promises’ abound around the globe too.

They, whoever or whatever they are, say there is ‘still good out there’, and that they ‘oppose deception’. So the messages are coming from a source unknown that apparently cares about us and our welfare, and they oppose the lies and deception that would do us harm. That gives me hope.

There IS good out there, and that should be our focus. Find the good and also be the warriors that see through the deception and reinforce one another.


“Beware of Greeks bearing gifts”

Considering the financial situation in Greece right now; the “fall of Rome”(Again?) comes to mind.


“Conduit CLOSING” caught my eye. This fits w/my own conclusion that the portals/connections between worlds/timelines and between locations within a world are separating/closing in comparison to the recent past/present. imo, it indicates an “end” to the flow of something.

Perhaps our “breakaway civilization” has been the receiver of these “gifts” (and many of us as the technology has filtered down) and this crop circle serves as warning and hope to those who have been badly deceived over many years.

I was unable to find other views of the referenced crop circle. It seems a bit too perfect in its execution — which makes me question its origins. Some of the more complex crop circles seem to be generated thru technological means. They are spectacular in scope, but one needs to keep in mind who may have generated the message. Earth generated crop circles tend to have kind of earthy (lol) imperfection to them.

“Beware the bearers of FALSE gifts & their BROKEN PROMISES. Much PAIN but still time. BELIEVE. There is GOOD out there. We oPpose DECEPTION. Conduit CLOSING”

Read the original source: http://www.unknowncountry.com/insight/new-crop-formation-ominous-warning…


Do people still think these crop circles are not made by people ? they have been appearing for the last 44 years and still no one knows what they mean, is it because they don’t mean anything ?
If you look hard enough you Will find what you want to find .


Who in the world would be doing this for all these years, and why? What people, and, above all, how? Some of the ones in England in recent years are man made and look like it. But things like the Crabwood and Torino formations cannot be made by people, I’m sorry. We do not have the technology to do it.I know some of the people who make formations. They do this for fun and for farmers, who then charge people to enter the fields. Crop circle tourism can be a valuable business if done right. But they do not trespass. They are not going into some field unbidden and pushing down a farmer’s crop. Why do this? To what end? So when this happens and the farmer is furious and the formation is filled with characteristic signs that it was created by unknown means, then you know that it is an unknown, and there are plenty of these, believe me.As to who or what creates the true unknowns, that also remains unknown.


Regarding ‘conduits’, these two formations also connect to the ‘Open doors’ formation. (I know you remember that one Whitley! We had an interesting synchronicity with that one!)

When I attended the first ‘Dreamland Festival’ in Nashville, Whitley did a meditation on the last day that was about connecting with crop formations. I have never forgotten that feeling of myself flying over the crops and gently laying down the stalks myself. I felt like I was light, as a feather and there was a slight tickling sensation as I grazed the tops of the stalks. Vivid imagination? Yes, very likely, but it did feel ‘real’ in that moment.

Another time during meditation, I asked the questions and was told that these formations were being made by time travelers. When I asked “From the past or the future?”, the answer was both and neither, but ‘All Time’.

As with all of this stuff, I am very much about leaving the the questions wide open, just like those ‘Open Doors’ were back in 2007.


I swear to GOD I have nothing to do with this…


This idea of digital information, IMO, is almost proof positive that these are of terrestrial origin. The fact that people take it so seriously, and without any hint of skepticism (in the article above) I think is ridiculous.

Other than binary numbers, digital information has no inherent meaning. It means what we assign it to mean. In this case, the “code” is no doubt relying on the ASCII system for translating numbers into letters. The letters then spell words. It’s the basis for what you’re reading right now, and it’s an entirely human invention, JUST LIKE ENGLISH!

What that means is that the message is hardly hidden, and might as well have been spelled out in English letters in the wheat. That it is the merest of abstractions seems good enough for fooling people into thinking it’s like a DaVinci Code mystery, has otherworldly origins and must be of great significance.

They are very pretty, and unless they’re “printed” from a satellite they look like a lot of work and planning to execute. I don’t know how they’re made, but I seriously doubt ET, mother Earth, spirit lights, or what have you would be using ASCII code to (barely) hide some important message in a wheat pattern. You should doubt it, too.


So, I am sitting down to do my morning meditation, close my eyes and in my thoughts hear “Ezekiel’s Wheel.” Might this be showing us a STARGATE and how it works? Then again, probably only my imagination…..Just sayin’


It will be interesting to see if the messages in the inner rings can be decoded. Could it be a calendar that tells us when these events may happen?


If you believe in the possibility of a secret space program, or that the military is at least 50 years ahead of the technology we know about, why is it such a stretch to believe these circles could be made with technology imagined and created by humans? And I don’t mean time travelers. How can you say we do not have the technology to do it? Maybe we don’t. Or maybe we have no idea how advanced our technology is.


I think it most likely that the beings we are being warned about – if it is a warning – are certain humans among us.
Remember that occult science teaches that for a civilization to make significant advances in science and technology that will end up being applied to contact with beings of other worlds – an advancement in the global spirituality of that race is first required.
I really want to believe this is the case. It certainly explains why we have not populated any planets other than Earth (and maybe our moon and Mars).


^One of my ponderings for several years now has been the concept of “4th World”, “5th World”, etc. It has occurred to me that since the overiding paradigm of our mutually shared reality is 4th World (tho admittedly w/large pockets/bubbles of 5th World manifestation) — we are still most likely to interact w/the Universe on a 4th World level — i.e, we shldn’t expect non-earth beings to be much more advanced spiritually than we are — in fact, chances are that we wld encounter other civilizations/cultures with power structures akin to our own — along w/their unhappy, struggling, and abused inhabitants. Since most of these kind of greedy paradigm worlds tend to implode before they get off the ground/planet — I do not think we are likely to encounter many other civilizations either like ours or much more advanced than ours.


I think Blue is on the right track here. Assuming that the purported translation is correct, it should refer to those who brought advanced technology to our military-industrial complex, and/or those corporate entities who are herding us into accepting advanced gadgets (Google glasses, RFID chips, “smart” meters, etc) that are used to spy on, and control, the citizenry. We are experiencing exponential technological growth without the requisite spiritual progress, and it is leading us down the road to ruin.

Read the original source: http://www.unknowncountry.com/insight/new-crop-formation-ominous-warning#ixzz3fcgr6LVL

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Was John Lennon ‘UFO sighting’ recorded in rare drawing by The Beatles frontman?

Was John Lennon ‘UFO sighting’ recorded in rare drawing by The Beatles frontman?

In Lennon’s song, Nobody Told Me, he appears to refer to the incident with the lyric “There’s a UFO over New York and I ain’t too surprised”


Liverpool EchoJohn Lennon UFO sketch
Saucer: The drawing seems to detail New York alien encounter

A rare sketch said to have been drawn by John Lennon appears to record an alien encounter the former Beatle experienced in America.

Russ Kellett, is known for investigating the 1974 UFO Berwyn Mountains incident in North Wales, involving theories of an extraterrestrial craft crashing in the area.

A few months ago he bought the sketch, supposedly by Lennon, reports the Daily Post.

It seems to detail an encounter the musician had with a flying saucer in New York – the same year as the North Wales incident.

John Lennon
Lennon: The singer wrote about the alleged encounter in his song Nobody Told Me

Lennon, whose first wife Cynthia died earlier this year and once lived in Ruthin, was said to have made a number of drawings following the sighting.

He claimed he was standing on the balcony of his apartment on August 23 1974, with former girlfriend May Pang.

The pair claimed to have seen a flying saucer hovering silently over them.

In Lennon’s song Nobody Told Me he appears to refer to the incident with the lyric “There’s a UFO over New York and I ain’t too surprised.”

Mr Kellett, an avid collector of UFO material and a Beatles fan, said when he was the chance to acquire the sketch, he jumped at the opportunity.

He said: “A friend of mine told me it was becoming available from a private collector and I thought, this was a double dream for me.

“I am a massive collector of all things UFO and have a huge archive and am a collector of Beatles memorabilia.

“I have a leather jacket worn by John Lennon in 1969 up until 1974. So this was fantastic.

“It is one of a few he made he made of the incident.

“This one shows him on the balcony pointing into the sky at the object which says UFO on it.”

Former Beatle John Lennon
Beatle: May Pang and Lennon claimed to have seen a saucer hovering silently over them

However, Mr Kellett remained tight-lipped over how much he paid for the sketch and said it is stored away in a bank vault.

Mr Kellett has been researching the Berwyn Mountains mystery for years.

On January 23, 1974, local people reported hearing a huge bang, felt earth tremors and saw a brilliant light in the sky above the range.

Families in the villages of Llandderfel and Llandrillo were settling down to watch television when they heard an explosion and the ground shook.

Liverpool EchoRuss Kellett
Owner: UFO investigator Russ Kellett

The eruption measured 3.5 on the Richter scale.

As people ran from their homes fearing another tremor, they saw a blaze of light on the mountainside.

A nurse who believed an aircraft had crashed drove to the site said she saw a pulsating orange and red glow on the hillside and other lights.

Mr Kellett believes at least one extraterrestrial UFO may have crashed that night in the mountains.

Meanwhile others believe the unusual occurrence was nothing more than a coincidental combination of an earthquake, a meteor shower and poacher’s lights on the mountainside.

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HOW NANNAR BECAME NIBIRU KING by Sasha Alex Lessin, Ph.D. (Anthropology, U.C.L.A.)

HOW NANNAR BECAME NIBIRU KING by Sasha Alex Lessin, Ph.D. (Anthropology, U.C.L.A.)

The featured image here is Nannar, King of Nibiru since 70BCE 

Click arrow on icon and hear the show

The Anunnaki are the people who adapted their genome to Earth to make us, their slaves.  They rocketed to Earth 450,000 years ago.  They came from a planet called Nibiru or SaAMi.  Nibiru goes clockwise round our Sun’s dim twin star, Nemesis.  Every 3,600 years or so, Nibiru crosses the plane on which the Sun’s other planets orbit counterclockwise.  Nibiru crosses that plane, the ecliptic, in the opposite direction, counterclockwise.  It crosses on a slant between Mars and Jupiter. 

As the Nibirans on Earth–they were called the Anunnaki–mined Earth for Gold, they split us into groups and religions and set us against each other.  Most Anunnaki left Earth by 331 BCE.  But the Anunnaki Royals who stayed here warred continuously. They loosed weapons of mass destruction,–even nuclear missiles–on each other and on us.  Anu’s grandson, Prince Marduk, seemed on the verge of taking all Earth and maybe even Nibiru, whose throne he said was rightfully his.

To stop Marduk, Anu, the Nibiran King, created a succession crisis bring the warring Anunnaki Royals back to Nibiru and unite stop Marduk.  Around 70 BCE, Anu ordered the Royals on Earth, Come home to unite behind a new King for Nibiru; I’m abdicating.”


Anu Nibirtu’s King from 450,000 – 70 BCE











Anu’s ploy led to the surprise appointment of Nannar as King when Ningishzidda, the leading candidate, declined the Crown.


Sirians, advanced beings from the Lyran stars, moved to planets in the Pleiades of Orion’s belt. Sixty million years ago, Homo sapiens Pleiadians rocketed to Earth to escape war. Other Lyrans and Pleiadians came to Earth and warred on Earth too. The first Pleiadians fled back to the Pleiades, some to Nibiru.

Nibirans developed technologically advanced warring nation-states [Horn, 1994, Enki: 25, 26]. Around 656,000 years ago, nations of the Nibiru’s North and South nuked each other. Nuclear explosions and fallout left many Nibirans sterile and killed a huge percentage of men.

To end the war, leaders drew lots for rule of the planet. The North’s military leader, An, won the drawing. He created Agade, the new capital. From Agade, An imposed military rule, hierarchical, male-centered, patrilineal, and issued decrees. He ordered men, “Take principal and secondary wives, official concubines too.” His successors set the Law of Succession: when the king dies, the son the deceased king begat with his father’s half-sister succeeds.

Since around 1400BCE, following the abdication of King Anu, his grandson Nannar of the Royal Enlil Lineage has ruled Nibiru as King.  He was never on King Anu’s “A-List” of candidates for successor.  The King had to balance the claims of the two main lineages within the clan he begat, the lineage of Enlil-Yahweh-Nammur (Enlilites) and the lineage of Enki-Adonoi-Ankur (the Enkiites) and the sublineage of Maruk (Mardukites) within Enki’s lineage. 

Anu had rejected lineage heads Enlil and Enki as the next king and instead gave them major portfolios in his Council of Ministers.  He made Enlil Secretary of the Treasury (Nunerimtar) and Enki Secretary of Science and the Quantum Computer (Dirgam).  He rejected both Enlil’s eldest son Ninurta and Enki’s son Nergal as next King for the war crimes they committed on Earth.  He gave Ninurta charge of Defense and Interplanetary Affairs (Nunurusar) and chose Nergal as his diplomatic representative.  Anu made Enki’s son Utu-Shamsh chief of all Space Operations. Anu favored Ningishzidda, whose mother was Ereshkigal, of Enlil’s line but whose father was Enki, head of the Enkiites as a sop to both lineages. 

Anu distributed portfolios buy their loyalty and unify those he chose agains Marduk.  A unified Council would, he hoped, block Marduk’s demand that Anu follow his pledge to King Alalu.

The Council to which Anu appointed his sons and grandsons, twelve Royals who act as “a sounding board for decisions and policies to be adopted “after they reach consensus.  Their decisions then go to the AKILAH, an organization equivalent to the House of Representatives, a consensus-builder for policies emanating from the Court and the Council of Ministers.”

Prince Marduk argued that he, not Anu, should rule Nibiru.  Marduk argued that when Anu deposed King Alalu, who preceded Anu as Nibiru’s King, Marduk was the next lawful King. Anu reneged on his pledge that Marduk would follow Alalu to rule the planet. Anu had seized the crown on Nibiru for himself. He then kept Marduk from authority on Earth as much as he could.To block Marduk’s growing alliance with us Earthlings, Anu authorized Ninurta to nuke the Sinai Spaceport to keep it from Marduk and had Nergal bomb allies of Marduk’s son Nabu at Sodom and Gomorrah in Canaan.

Before they were Anunnaki or even before they were Nibians, our ancestors from space were Sirians.  Sirians were people–Homo Sapiens like us and the Anunnaki–advanced beings from the Lyran star cluster.  From Lyra, then from Siria, the Sirians moved to planets in the Pleiades cluster of stars in the belt of the Constellation we call Orion.

Sixty million years ago, these Pleiadians rocketed to Earth to escape war. Other Lyrans and Pleiadians came to Earth and fourght each other there too. Some of the first Pleiadians who’d settled Earth fled back to the Pleiades, some fled to Nibiru.

The Pleiadians who’d been on Earth, then fled to Nibiru developed technologically advanced warring nation-states, half in a Kingdom of the South, half in a Kingdom of the North. Around 656,000 years ago, Nibiru’s North and South kingdoms nuked each other. Their bombs and the fallout left many Nibirans sterile and killed a huge percentage of men.

To end the war, leaders drew lots for rule of the planet. The North’s military leader, An, won the drawing. He created Agade, the new capital. From Agade, An imposed military rule, hierarchical, male-centered, patrilineal, and issued decrees. He ordered men, “Take principal and secondary wives, official concubines too.” His successors set the Law of Succession: when the king dies, the son the deceased king begat with his father’s half-sister succeeds.

Since around 1400BCE, following the abdication of King Anu, his grandson Nannar of the Royal Enlil Lineage has ruled Nibiru as King.  He was never on King Anu’s “A-List” of candidates for successor.  The King had to balance the claims of the two main lineages within the clan he begat, the lineage of Enlil-Yahweh-Nammur (Enlilites) and the lineage of Enki-Adonoi-Ankur (the Enkiites) and the sublineage of Maruk (Mardukites) within Enki’s lineage. 

Anu had rejected lineage heads Enlil and Enki as the next king and instead gave them major portfolios in his Council of Ministers.  He made Enlil Secretary of the Treasury (Nunerimtar) and Enki Secretary of Science and the Quantum Computer (Dirgam).  He rejected both Enlil’s eldest son Ninurta and Enki’s son Nergal as next King for the war crimes they committed on Earth.  He gave Ninurta charge of Defense and Interplanetary Affairs (Nunurusar) and chose Nergal as his diplomatic representative.  Anu made Enlil’s son Utu-Shamsh chief of all Space Operations. Anu favored Ningishzidda, whose mother was Ereshkigal, of Enlil’s line but whose father was Enki, head of the Enkiites as a sop to both lineages. 

Anu distributed portfolios to buy loyalty and unify those he so pacified against Marduk.  A unified Council would, he hoped, block Marduk’s demand that Anu follow his pledge to King Alalu.
Marduk claimed Earth2












The Council to which Anu appointed his sons and grandsons, twelve Royals who act as “a sounding board for decisions and policies to be adopted “after they reach consensus.  Their decisions then go to the AKILAH, an organization equivalent to the House of Representatives, a consensus-builder for policies emanating from the Court and the Council of Ministers.

Prince Marduk argued that he, not Anu, should rule Nibiru.  Marduk argued  that when Anu deposed King Alalu, who preceded Anu as Nibiru’s King, Marduk was the next lawful King. Anu reneged on his pledge that Marduk would follow Alalu to rule the planet.  Anu had seized the crown on Nibiru for himself.  He then kept Marduk from authority on Earth as much as he could.  To block Marduk’s growing alliance with us Earthlings, Anu authorized Ninurta to nuke the Sinai Spaceport to keep it from Marduk and had Nergal bomb allies of Marduk’s son Nabu at Sodom and Gomorrah in Canaan.

Anu declared “he was planning on stepping down decades before the birth of Christ.  A fast Nibiran exodus from Earth ensued.  Enlil and Enki returned to Nibiru to be with Anu and to lobby for their own interests. Enki’s sons Marduk and Ningishzidda and their families went back following the final closure of the smelting operation in Bolivia. Enki’s son Nergal, his consort (Nannar’s daughter Ereshkigal) and Enlil were first to return to Nibiru with King Anu’s grandson Ninurta and consort.”  Enlilites Nannar, his mate, Ningal, Adad, brother Adad, daughter Inanna as well as Asnan and Nanshe left Earth for an orbiting platform to wait for transport to Nibiru.” but  Nannar and Ningal returned to northern Syria in “the middle of the the Common Era,”  then returned to the orbiting platform to head to Nibiru with the rest of the Royals.  No sooner had Nannar and Ningal returned to the platform, when Anu and Enlil communicated orders from Nibiru for Nannar to return to the Altiplano of southeastern Peru to help Nannar’s son Utu close “the smelter at Sacsahuaman and dismantle runway operations in the Nazca area of southern Peru with assistance from relocated Kassites from southern and central Turkey.” Anunnaki in outposts in the American midwest, southeast and southwest, Africa, Japan, coastal China, Korea, Nepal and Tibet passed on farming and animal husbandry technology to their Earthling followers before leaving the Earth.
1 aaaAAaaaAAaAaaa A Ningishzidda









Back on Nibiru, “Marduk refused to give the oath of allegiance and loyalty to the King.” Anu put Marduk “in quarentine.  The King had a rebellious leader on his hands. The Council, with the King’s consent, asked Marduk to leave Nibiru and not return.” around 1000 CE, Marduk and “some 300 loyalists and supporters returned to Earth” where they infiltrated the clandestine half-caste organizations the Enlilites had left to rule Earth and continue to gather gold. [Bordon: 51 -57]

King Anu, writes Bordon, actually preferred Enki as Nibiru’s ‘s next king but the Law of Successsion (When the king dies, the son the deceased king begat with his father’s half-sister succeeds) ” prevented Enki’s accession. for Anu “could not go against tradition by choosing second-ranking heir Enki and slighting the official one, Enlil.”  If he choose Enki, “it would split the Nibiran people and their “biomind–the power of the entire Nibiran population  to act as one.  Neither could Anu choose Enlil.” If he chose Enlil as the next King, that would “split his own clan and those who faithfully serve the Kingdom by having to choose sides in a battle with no clear winner.”

Anu informed Ningishzidda that he wanted him to be Nibiru’s King.  Ningishzidda politely declined and said Nannar’d di a better job uniting the Nibirans.  “The King asked Ningishzidda why he was pitching Nannar.”  Ningishzidda replied that Nannar would better stimulate and direct the collective mind of the Nibirans, since Nannar’s energy emanation was most like Anu’s and therefore most likely to inspire unity. 

And so it was.  Nannar became King of Nibiru 70 CE or so.

References click here

Anunnaki Chronology Link click-me

Anunnaki Who’s Who

Anunnaki Evidence

More on the Gods of Old: Anunnaki: Gods No More by Sasha Lessin, Ph.D. (Anthropology, U.C.L.A.)

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LoveAWomanNotItsAbydos by Sasha Alex Lessin, Ph.D. (Anthropology, U.C.L.A.)

Von Ward summarizes some of the evidence: “Eyewitness reports recorded on papyrus, copper, clay, stone, wood and fabrics can be found in situ or of known provenance. Later interpretation of these texts reflect the culture’s record of its conscious memories. Sumerian, Egyptian, Hindu, Hebrew records that report observations of Advanced Beings or human interaction with them are credible and reliable pieces of evidence. Examples include the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Nag Hamadi Scriptures, Gnostic Gospels and the Paleo-Hebrew Torah.” [2012: 188]

Papyrus cunieform clay tablets

Papyrus cuneiform clay tablets

Sumerians display rocket route maps and verbal descriptions they say the gods dictated of planets and their orbits beyond eye-range. Dark dwarf star Nemesis’ orbit plus the orbit of the Nibiran planetary complex brings Nibiru from some 1000 astronomical units away to the vicinity of Earth, on a 30degree plane to Earth’s orbit , between Mars and Jupiter. This view of Earth, from the outer planets of the inner solar system to the inner showed Nibirans the orbits of our planetary system.

Nibiru acted “as a spacecraft that sailed past all the other planets, gave them a chance at repeated close looks.” They labeled the inner planets from the farthest from the sun (Pluto) to the closest (Mercury) from one to twelve, Earth, seven–counting the sun and Earth’s moon as planets, hence Sitchin’s title, The Twelfth Planet [Genesis: 19, 46].

Sumerian Space Maps
Sumerian Space Maps

On “a clay tablet in the ruins of the Royal Library at Nineva shows how to go through inner solar system. Commander Enlil’s route to Earth: The line that inclines at 45o shows “the spaceship’s descent from a point high, high, high, high through vapor clouds and a lower zone that is vaporless, toward the horizontal point, where the skies and ground meet.” [ZS, 12th Planet:275] “In the skies near the horizontal line, the instructions are ‘set, set, set’ their instruments for the final approach, which should be raised up before reaching the landing point because it had to pass over rugged terrain.” [ZS, 12th Planet:276]



Sumerians lacked telescopes and couldn’t see Uranus’ and Neptune’s orbits the route maps show. Nibiran-dictated maps prove they had astronomical info Sumerians, on their own, didn’t. The maps accurately detail the entire Earth from space, a perspective impossible for ancient Sumerians on their own. On “a clay tablet in the ruins of the Royal Library at Nineva shows how to go through inner solar system. Commander Enlil’s route to Earth: The line that inclines at 45o shows “the spaceship’s descent from a point high, high, high, high through vapor clouds and a lower zone that is vaporless, toward the horizontal point, where the skies and ground meet.” [12th Planet:275]

“In the skies near the horizontal line, the instructions are ‘set, set, set’ their instruments for the final approach, which should be raised up before reaching the landing point because it had to pass over rugged terrain.” [12th Planet:276]

Sumerians began the list of solar system planets with the most distant from the sun and beyond human vision. Nibiru, the most distant, then Pluto, Neptune (only found by modern astronomers in 1846) and Uranus (re-discovered in 1781). They next listed planets seen on Earth without telescopes–Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Earth, and then Earth’s Moon (which they counted as a planet). They listed last Venus, then Mercury, planets closest to Solaris. The Sumerians wrote that the Nibirans told them of the planets beyond unassisted human vision. The sequence of planets the Nibirans listed reflected their experience when they came to Earth from Nibiru–from beyond the inner solar system toward the sun. Their sequence therefore adds to the evidence the Nibirans were indeed extraterrestrial astronauts. [Lloyd: 2-39; Time: 4-6; UFOTV: Are We Alone? Geneis Revisited http://enkispeaks.com/2012/09/03/1603/]

The astronomical depiction from 5000BCE on the walls of Fodhla’s tomb in Oldcastle Ireland shows the same accurate depiction of our inner solar system that we find on the ancient Sumerian seals.

Fodhla, Oldcastle wall fresco solar system map and overlay from Ancient Aliens, Season 5, Disk 2, ):22:45

Fodhla, Oldcastle wall fresco solar system map and overlay from Ancient Aliens, Season 5, Disk 2, ):22:45



Clay-tablets from Sumer say Mars had water. They show water on asteroids, comets, Neptune, Uranus, Venus, Saturn, Jupiter, the rings of Saturn and on Saturn’s and Jupiter’s moons. Our astronomers recently confirmed water where Sumerian scribes said. “Mars once had surface water several meters deep over the whole planet. There’s enough water in Mars’ crust to flood the planet 1000 miles deep. Martian canyons have flowing water below the dry riverbeds. Mars, Venus and Earth confirm Sumerian texts of water ‘below the firmament’ on inner planets.” [Genesis: 53 -55; Dark Star: 1-16-17]

Uranus: Our scientists only recently validated water on Uranus. Sumerian scribes long ago said Nibirans said water covered Uranus. Before Voyager 2 proved otherwise, our astronomers dismissed the Sumerian “myth” of water on Uranus. They thought Uranus made of gas only. Voyager 2 showed Uranus covered with a 6000 mile layer of “superheated water.” [Genesis: 12]

Neptune: Sumerians scribes wrote on that Nibiran goldminers marked the orbit, water surface and swamp vegetation on Neptune, three billion miles from Earth, long before Le Verrier and Galle “discovered” Neptune in 1846 (when wobbles in Uranus’ orbit–closer to Earth than Neptune–augured “another celestial body beyond it”). Before Voyager 2 showed Neptune’s “floating surry mixture of ice water,” Sitchin published Sumerian records of Neptune as “blue- green, watery, with patches of swamplike vegetation.” [Genesis: 5 -9]

Datum 3: NIBIRANS NOTED TWIN TRAITS OF URANUS AND NEPTUNE 6000 YEARS AGO Sumerians recorded Nibirans’ observations that Neptune and Uranus were “twins.” Rings surround both, satellites orbit both, water covers both and both show blue-green color. Both planets have 16-hour days and “extreme inclination relative to the planets’ axes of rotation. Sumerians recorded this in 4000 B.C.; NASA didn’t get it till 1989, 6000 years later [Genesis: 13 -14].


Sumerians recorded Nibirans’ hypothesis that satellite moons evolved to planets with their own orbits around the sun instead of around the planet whose satellite they’d been. Modern astronomers too came to this after they saw the twin qualities of Uranus and Neptune, studied Pluto’s orbit and after Pioneer and Voyager spacecraft showed that “in the past decade Titan, the largest moon of Saturn, was a planet-in-the-making whose detachment from Saturn was not completed.” [Genesis: 16 -18].

Scholars dismissed as myths Sumerian tales of moons on outer planets. But Sumerians said the Anunnaki saw moons circling Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. In 1610 A.D., Galileo saw four of Jupiter’s; before that “it was unthinkable for a celestial body to have more than one moon, since Earth had just one.” Mars has 2; Jupiter, more than 16, Saturn, more than 21, Uranus, up to 15 and Neptune, 8. What Sumerians said about outer planets’ moons supports the hypothesis that they saw these moons from beyond the inner solar system. [Genesis: 50]


4.6 billion years ago, when Tiamat–the proto-Earth–orbited Solaris beyond Mars, Tiamat’s moon, Kingu, almost attained solar orbit. But 600 million years later, Nibiru entered the inner Solar System. Nibiru’s moon, Evil Wind, hit Tiamat into orbit within Mars’and left Kingu circling Earth. Our Pioneer and Voyager probes sent back evidence Kingu formed from Tiamat, the planet that became Earth. Tiamat, then beyond Mars, generated Kingu. Glassy material with nickel in the Moon’s rocks validate the likelihoodthat a moon of Nibiru impacted Kingu 500 million years after Kingu grew into a Tiamat’s satellite, when Kingu had almost attained planetary orbit around the Sun. “Tiamat was split in two; one half shattered [and became the asteroids]; the other half, accompanied by Kingu, thrust into a new orbit to become the Earth and its moon.” [Wood, J., 1984, The Origin of The Moon; ZS, 1990, Genesis: 107 – 131]

The collision depleted most of Kingu’s iron, “resulting in decrease in its density. The mass of the Moon’s core “bears the mark of the ‘big whack’ compressed the moon, just as the Sumerians related. Contrary to views the moon was always inert, it was found in the 1970s and 1980s to possess all attributes of a planet except independent orbit around the Sun: rugged mountains, plains and seas formed by water [or] molten lava. It retained a magnetic field caused by rotation of a molten iron core, heat and water, as true of Earth and other planets” until the Evil Wind struck it. “The Moon witnesses the accuracy of ancient knowledge.” Nibirans, who ruled the Sumerians, knew the Moon’s history long before our scientists did.


Nibirans described asteroids as pieces of Earth knocked into space when, four billion years ago, a moon of Nibiru struck Tiamat. “Debris from the lower half of Tiamat stretched into space. Sumerian texts and the biblical version thereof” said the asteroid belt, a bracelet of debris, orbited the sun between Jupiter and Mars, “but our astronomers were not aware of that” until in 1801 Piazzi found the first asteroid, Ceres. “It’s taken modern astronomy centuries to find out what Sumerians knew 6,000 years ago. [Genesis: 51]


“Earth’s crust, plate tectonics, differences between the continental and oceanic crusts, emergence of Pangaea from under the waters, the primordial encircling ocean: the findings of modern science corroborated ancient knowledge. The only explanation of the way Earth’s landmasses, oceans and atmosphere evolved is a cataclysm four billion years ago. What was that cataclysm? Mankind possessed the Sumerian answer six thousand years: The Celestial Battle” between the planets “Nibiru/Marduk and Tiamat.” [Genesis: 88-106]

The Sumerian tale predicted Earth’s geo-features. “In the aftermath of the Celestial Battle, Earth evolved into an independent planet and attained the shape of a globe dictated by the forces of gravity. Waters gathered into the cavity on the torn-off side. Dry land appeared on the other side of the planet. Earth’s crust is 12 miles to 45 miles thick; but in parts taken up by oceans the crust is only 3.5 miles thick. While the average elevation of continents is 2,300 feet, the average depth of oceans is 12,500 feet. The thicker continental crust reached much further down into the mantle [rock layer], whereas the oceanic crust is a thin layer of solidified sediments. In the Pacific, the crust has been gouged out at some points 7 miles. If we could remove from the Pacific’s floor the crust built up over the last 200 million years, we arrive at depths 12 miles below the water’s surface and 60 miles below the surface.” [Genesis: 93- 98]


“Scientists now believe Earth’s atmosphere reconstituted initially from gasses spewed out from wounded Earth. Clouds thrown up from these eruptions shielded Earth and it began to cool, the vaporized water condensed and came down in torrential rains. Oxidation of rocks and minerals provided the first reservoir of higher levels of oxygen on Earth; plant life added both oxygen and carbon dioxide to the atmosphere and started the nitrogen cycle with the aid of bacteria. The fifth tablet of the Enuma elish describes the gushing lava as Tiamat’s “spittle” as it poured forth, “assembling the water clouds; after that the foundations of Earth were raised and the oceans gathered” just as the verses of Genesis reiterated. Thereafter life appeared: green herbage upon the continents and “swarms” in the waters.” [Genesis: 134 (Genesis condenses Enuma.)]

3.4 billion years ago, “clays acted as chemical laboratories where inorganic materials were processed into more complex molecules. Inorganic proto-organisms in the clay acted as a template from which living organisms [one- celled microscopic algae like today’s blue-green algae] evolved. Defects in the clays acted as sites where stored energy and chemical directions for the formation of proto-organisms developed.” Green algae’s “the precursor of chlorophyllic plants that use sunlight to convert their nutrients to organic compounds, emitting oxygen in the process after algae spread upon dry land. For plantlike forms to process oxygen, they needed rocks containing iron to bind the oxygen; free oxygen was still poison to life forms. Such banded-iron formations sank into ocean bottoms as sediments, the single-celled organisms evolved into multicelled ones in the water. The covering of the lands with algae preceded the emergence of maritime life” [Genesis: 136 – 139] .

Crick and Orgel, our Nobel laureate scientists, say, in “Directed Panspermia [Icarus, vol. 19], a technologically advanced society on another planet in a spaceship with due protection and a life-sustaining environment, seeded Earth” Crick and Orgel “rule out the possibility that the essential genetic material had time to evolve on Earth.” They found the same twenty amino acids in all living organisms on Earth. All Earth’s organisms, when they evolved, incorporated within themselves the same four nucleotides “that and no other. [Genesis: 152]

The Nibirans “figured out evolution on Earth.” Maritime vertebrates came 500 million years ago; land vertebrates, 100 million years later. 225 million years ago, fish filled the waters. Sea plants and amphibians moved from water to land. Plants lured amphibians to land; amphibians adapted into egg-laying reptiles. Some reptiles evolved into birds; reptiles on land grew to dinosaurs. 65 million years ago, dinosaurs died out. “Full agreement here” among the Enuma, Genesis and modern science.” [Genesis: 141 – 145]


“300,00 years ago, the Anunnaki jumped the gun on evolution and using genetic engineering, upgraded a hominid, Homo Erectus–to an intelligent, tool-handling Homo Sapiens) to be their serf. It happened in the Great Rift Valley zone of southeast Africa, just north of the goldmining land. “The wild hominid of the Abzu had DNA similar enough to the Anunnaki’s that just a little genetic mixing produced a Being that, according to Sumerians and the Bible, was akin to the ‘gods’ both inwardly and outwardly except for their longevity.

“All life on Earth, from birds to fishes, flora to algae, and down to bacteria and viruses–all have the very same DNA, the four nucleic acid letters from which all genes and genomes are made. The DNA of the Anunnaki was the same as the DNA of all life on Nibiru. The DNA on Earth and the DNA on Nibiru were the same.” Our genome–less than 30,000 genes–holds 223 genes without evolutionary predecessors. These 223 genes, absent in vertebrae evolution, regulate the human body and mind. The theory of panspermia, that Earth was “seeded from elsewhere,” was incised in clay tablets millennia ago. Nibiru gave Earth its DNA during the Celestial Battle. This “explains how life could begin on Earth in the relatively immediate aftermath of the cataclysm. Since Nibiru, at the time of the collision, already possessed formed DNA, evolution began there much earlier. Just 1% earlier would mean a head start of 45,000,000 Earth-years–more than enough evolutionary time for Nibiru’s astronauts to meet Homo Erectus on Earth.” The planet “Nibiru is the ‘Creator of the Primeval Seed who ‘furnished the Seed of Earth,’ culminating with ‘the Seed of All People, all life stemming from the same DNA.” [Giants: 153 -160]

We Homo Sapiens “showed up suddenly, 200,000 years ago in the fossil record with differences from “any other anthrodoid or homanoid” which evolved on Earth. This sudden appearance supports the hypothesis that creationism–which Enki, Ninmah and Ningishzidda claimed on tablets their scribes wrote–was a component of our history (as are both devolution and evolution of earlier humans before the Anunnaki). “Darwin principles do not apply to our unique genesis and subsequent development except as a minor theme in our climactic and incidental regional adaptation.”

Freer lists our differences from other humans on Earth before Enki, et. al. created us modern Earthlings: “we have foreheads, hardly any brow ridges, eye sockets far more rectangular than round; relatively tiny nasal passages; small flat mouths and a chin; far less muscular strength and bone density; our skin, sweat process and glands, body hair, throats, and salt management are completely different. Human females do not have an estrus cycle. We are bipedal. Our brains, different. We are a product of a melding of two racial gene codes where quality control was conditioned by practical purposes [creating obediant slaves] have some four thousand genetic defects rather than none to other species.” [Freer, Sapiens Arising]


Long before our scientists understood evolution, Nibirans knew the developmental sequence of organisms on Earth. More than 300,000 years ago, they decoded the pan-human genome. They isolated their own, various animals’ and Homo Erectus’ deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) chromosomal sequences. Enki’s symbol, entwined serpents, “emulated the structure of the genetic code, the secret knowledge that enabled Enki to create the Adam and then grant Adam and Eve the ability to procreate.”

Enki’s built a sterile lab; its air-conditioned is “the source of the biblical assertion that after having fashioned the Adam, Elohim ‘blew in his nostrils the breath of life. Enki, Ninmah and Ningishzidda mapped chromosomes, genes and genomes. They fertilized ova in test tube flasks with sperm soaked in Nibiran blood serum and mineral nutrients. They experimented with cloning, cell fusion and recombinant technology–cutting DNA strands with enzymes, targeted viruses, absorbing sperm in genetic material to be used for fertilization and splicing in DNA patches of other species to create, at first, hybrids unable to reproduce. Then Ningishzidda isolated the XX and XY chromosomes that allowed the creation of fertile Nibiran/Erectus mineslaves. [Genesis: 158 – 182, 202]


“13,000 years ago, the Ice Age abruptly ended; Antarctica was freed of its ice cover. Its coasts, bays, rivers were seen.” Nibiran Goldmining Expedition personnel, from spacecraft orbiting Earth, saw the Antarctic landmass after the icecap slid into the South Sea. Our ancestors didn’t even know the Antarctic continent existed before “A.D. 1820, when British and Russian sailors discovered it. It was then, as it is now, covered by a massive layer of ice; we know the continent’s true shape under the icecap by means of radar.” Yet, in 1958, Antarctica appears on world maps–ice-free–from the fourteenth centuries A.D.–hundreds of years before the discovery of Antarctica.”

Ancient Antarctic Maps

Ancient Antarctic Maps

Ice and Landmass of Antarctica

Ice and landmass of Antarctica



The first Nibiran to reach Earth, the deposed Nibiran King Alalu, reported his locale as near the confluence of four rivers, two of which are nowadays extinct. Alalu splashed down in a marsh and came ashore ) on land which is nowadays underwater) on the Persian Gulf, where the waters of four rivers–Gehon (Karun), which flowed thro through Iran, the Pishon, which flowed through Northern Arabia, joined the Tigris and Euphrates in Iraq and flowed together into the Persian Gulf marshes.

Iraq's 4 rivers, including 2 now gone but shown in soundings

Iraq’s 4 rivers, including 2 now gone but shown in soundings

Datum 13 ETS LEFT HUGE DOODLES & ROCKETS TAKEOFF LINES Evidence of the last Nibiran spaceport on Earth includes over 800 straight take-off trails atop and next to over 70 huge scraped drawings [geogylphs] of “known and imaginary animals and birds. There are over 150 geometrical drawings.

Nazca geometrical drawings {Ancient Aliens, Season 5, Disk 2]

Nazca geometrical drawings [Ancient Aliens, Season 5, Disk 2]

Nazca geometrical drawings2



The lines and geoglyphs are made by removal the topsoil several inches. The geoglyphs are executed with one continuous line that curves and twists without crossing over itself. Attempts to show that a horde of workers working at ground level and using scrapers could have created these images failed. Someone airborne used a soil-blasting device to doodle on the ground below.

Geoglyphs, Nazca

Geoglyphs, Nazca

Nazca dog “The feet-deep ’Candelabra’ in nearby Bay of Paracas was obtained in the same way” by aircraft “equipped with some ray gun gizmo.

Candelabra, Adad/Viracocha's trademark, Bay of Paracas, Peru

Candelabra, Adad/Viracocha’s trademark, Bay of Paracas, Peru

Nibiran pilots used “the Nazca flatlands in their final spaceport, doodling for fun while killing time before takeoffs.” [Journeys: 192 -211] The Nazcae area’s rich in nitrates, a probable component of Anunnaki rocket fuel. Nazca bird


The bird glyph on the left is 1000 feet long.

Nazca person geoglyph

The Astronaut glyph has one hand pointing to the sky, one to the Earth. .

Spider Gylph and Orion: snip from Ancient Aliens, Season 5, Disk 2
Spider Gylph and Orion: snip from Ancient Aliens, Season 5, Disk 2

A huge spider gylph depicts the constellation Orion, the extension the spider’s leg on the viewer’s right, locates the star Sirius. The glyphs and the mandalas formed by the layout of Anunnaki structures may have been signs for off-worlder viewers. In addition to geoglyphs, “the Nazca Lines run straight and stretch (sometimes narrow, wide, short, or long–over hill and vale no matter the shape of the terrain.” Von Daniken’s researchers found very powerful electromagnetic currents eight feet under the Nazca lines they studied. Nazca4

The straight lines “crisscross each other, sometimes running over and ignoring the animal drawings. These are not made with handheld ray guns. The lines are not horizontally level–they run straight over uneven terrain, ignoring hills, ravines, gullies. They are not runways; they are embedded in soil too loose to hold anything as heavy as an airplane. They may be the result of takeoffs by craft taking off. The rocket engine exhausts left ground ‘lines.’ Childress says the lines are lined up for aircraft incoming on the Pacific Coast to turn left and follow the way to Tiahuanaco to which the lines point. [AAS5D2] Nazca

In one part of Nazca, Linda Howe measured a 6-mile long, 24 inch deep perfect triangle something very heavy pressed into the earth. [Ancient Aliens, Season 5] On a nearby mountain, lines of grooves outline a landing corridor; “circles and squares form a cross, as in a modern heliport.” [Journeys:212 -213]

Nazca lines





Ancient engravings show spaceports, rockets, launch towers, helicopters, flying saucers, accounts of take-offs, landings and journeys. Rocket and airplane journeys of Anu, Enlil, Anu, Enki, Ea, Anzu, Marduk, Inanna abound.

 3-Stage rocketship carving from Anu’s temple in Uruk

3-Stage rocket carving from Anu’s temple in Uruk

Rocket on cuneiform tablet

Rocket on cuneiform tablet

Abidos 1

Helicopter, two airplanes, Ziasudra’s submersible on ancient relief frieze, twenty-five feet above the floor on an Abydos temple Egypt


Drawing from Anu’s temple at Uruk shows “multistage rocket atopwhich rests the command cabin, engines at the bottom, Igigi Astronauts within. 
Drawing from Anu’s temple at Uruk shows “multistage rocket atop which rests the command cabin, engines at the bottom, Igigi Astronauts within.

Phoenician coin from Gebal, Lebanon shows a launch tower.

Phoenician coin from Gebal, Lebanon shows a launch tower.


Hittite glyphs showed cruising missiles, rockets mounted on launch pads and a god inside a radiating chamber.

Hittite glyphs showed cruising missiles, rockets mounted on launch pads and a god inside a radiating chamber.


Nibirans on Earth had  “craft that appear over a place, 
hover awhile,  and disappear from sight again.  
Ezekial, on the banks of the Khabur in northern Mesopotamia, 
reported “a helicopter consisting of a cabin resting on four posts.  
The craft sported rotary wings.  They called it a "whirlbird".
Sumerian rendering of whirlbird = helicopter

Sumerian rendering of whirlbird = helicopter

 “Seal9 found in Crete dated to the thirteenth century depicts a rocketship moving in the skies (above cart) and propelled by flames escaping from its rear.”

13th Century Seal from Crete shows (over cart) rocket moving in the sky propelled by flames from its rear.”

 Earthlings saw rockets and jets as fire- breathing dragons. Earthlings saw rockets and jets as fire- breathing dragons.

The epic of Gilgamesh details an “ancient account of launching a rocket. First the tremendous thud as the rocket engines ignited (‘the heavens shrieked’), accompanied by the shaking of the ground (‘the earth boomed’). Clouds of smoke and dust enveloped [the Sinai Spaceport] the launching site (‘daylight failed, darkness came’). Then the brilliance of the ignited engines showed through (‘lightning flashed’); as the rocket began to climb skyward, ‘a flame shot up.’ The cloud of dust and debris ‘swelled’ in all directions; then as it began to fall down, ‘it rained death!’ Now the rocket was high in the sky, streaking heavenward (‘the glow vanished; the fire went out’). The rocket was gone from sight; and the debris ‘that had fallen had turned to ashes’” [ZS, 12th Planet: 128 -172]

Canaan Israel’s King Solomon flew, “flying in a heavenly car”between his place in Jerusalem Queen Makeda’s palace in Ethiopia and mountaintop platforms in Persia, Kashmir and Tibet. [Childress, 2000: 155 -156]


Indian texts describe vimanas–Earth-travel and interplanetary Anunnaki rockets, motherships, dirigibles, fighter-planes made of “very light, heat-absorbing metals, “impregnable, unbreakable, non-combustible, indestructible, capable of coming to a dead stop in a twinkling.” Pilots could shield their vehicles from sight. They could see, hear, record and even paralyze crew inside enemy craft. Hindu literature cites aircraft of the Anunnaki, whom Childress calls “The Rama”. The Mahabharata told of a vimana “with sides of iron and wings. The Ramayana describes a vimana as a double-decked cylindrical aircraft with portholes and a dome that gave a humming noise. The Vaimanika Shastra (4th Century BCE) included information on steering, precautions for long flights, protection of airships from storms and lightening and how to switch the drive to solar of free energy.” Vimanas took off straight up and could hover. Vimana pilots controlled climate within their craft. Vimanas parked in hangars located all over the globe, including Rapa-Nui, opposite the Indus Valley civilization. The craft “were propelled by a yellowish-white liguid. [Childress, 2000: 166 – 168]



Atlantian civ by Harimein












Our science still can’t cut, move and fit huge rocks as well as the Anunnaki. They cut stones as large as 10 tons with huge cutting tools run on power pulled from the earth and capacitated and amplified by crystals that broadcast energy within pyramids such as the Great Pyramid at Giza and Enki’s Pyramids in South Africa. They used white powder of monoatomic gold to lighten iron-laden, magnetically charged stones for transport to construction sites.

The Anunnaki, other extraterrestrials and then the ancestors of humanity on every continent built megalithic–big rock–sites on Earth’s ley lines–oscillating telepathic internet fields where all who worship fuse their consciousness into one group mind and can communicate with people and their knowledge at other megalithic sites.
1 Earth's Ley Lines

“Giant telluric [mind-harmonizing telepathic] waves, undulating vertically and linked to the geomagnetic field of Earth, create a network of crisscrossing lines all around the planet.” The builders marked crossing points with standing stones. Elongated shapes–mehir, steeples or towers) acted as antennae, attracted “cosmo telluric waves” that continue to flow through the worldwide network.

“These cosmo-telluric lines” let the Anunnaki, other ETs on Earth and our ancestors “gather a whole body of knowledge.” Hardy contends we can, at these sites, “trigger a shift to a heightened and more spiritual state of consciousness.” Though the ETs chose the sites, our ancestors in every era and on every land anchored them with stones and buildings. Once fixed, our forfathers’ reinforced the broadcasting power when they prayed at the sites. Our genitors experienced “planetary consciousness when they did rituals at the big-stone sites.” [Sacred Network: 4 – 8]

The chief Nibiran Architect, Ningishzidda, planned and Earthlings built the gigantic astro-navigation landmark pyramid and Sphinx at Giza. Nibirans made spaceports at Sippar, then on the Sinai Peninsula and the Nazca Plateau in Peru. Ningishzidda directed Lagash’s King Gudea who built a temple for Ninurta. Nibirans used their know-how and Earthling labor to build rocket silos and airplane hangers in the cities and temple-complexes of Sumer.


Babylon & Lagash








Enlil designed a huge temple for Solomon in Jerusalem, following the same design for the landing platform there that he’d used for the landing planform at Baalbek, Lebanon. Baalbek n

Quarry for Baalbek Landing Platrorm; stones moved by sound, lift assisted by monoatomic gold?

Quarry for Baalbek Landing Platrorm; stones moved by sound, lift assisted by monoatomic gold?


Baallbek open drawers

Ancient Aliens shows the huge stones under the Temple of Jupiter the Romans later added to the Landing Plantform

. Baalbek rocket lands2 HC

Ancient Aliens on History Channel pictures rocket landing on Baalbek platform.


Nibirans built a launch tower at Baalbek, Lebanon for the goldmining expedition, “on a vast horizontal platform, artificially created 4,000 feet above sea level, surrounded by a wall. The enclosed squarish area, 2,500 feet long, over five million square feet, built before the Flood” [13,000 years ago] was “held together without mortar, rising stage after stage, to incredible heights, placed on a vast stone platform. The massive stones formed an enclosure that surrounded a cavity, a hollow within which stood the rocket about to be launched. The encompassing walls were multileveled, rising in stages to enable servicing the rocketship, its payload, [&] a command module.

Arriving rocketships landed on the vast stone platform adjoining the launch tower, then would be put in place–as had been done to the colossal stone blocks–within the massive stone enclosure ready for launching.” “Baalbek was incorporated into the post-Deluvian Landing Corridor of the Anunnaki when they planned the planning of a spaceport in the Sinai to replace the one in Mesopotamia wiped out by the Deluge. They ran a line from the peaks of Ararat through Baalbek and extended it to Giza, where they built the pyramids. They placed the Great Pyramid and the anchor in Sinai that in the end delineated the Landing Corridor equidistant from Baalbek.”

Baalbek included “stone blocks of incredible size, precisely cut and placed, including three colossal stone blocks that are the largest in the world, the Trilthon. The stone blocks that make up the Trilithon weigh more than 1,100 tons each and are placed upon older immense stone blocks, over sixty feet long with sides of fourteen to twelve feet, cut to have a slanting face that weigh 500 tons each. There is even now no man-made machine, no crane, vehicle or mechanism that can lift such a weight of 1,000 to 1,200 tons–to say nothing of carrying such an immense object over valley and mountainside and placing each slab in its precise position, many feet above the ground. There are no traces of any roadway, causeway, ramp or other earthworks that could suggest hauling these megaliths from their quarry, several miles away.”

“The stone blocks that comprise the platform are “so tightly put together that no has been able to penetrate it and study the chambers, tunnels, caverns and substructures hidden beneath,” though Arabs did penetrate a “460-feet long tunnel at the southeast corner of the platform.” They proceeded through “a long vaulted passage like a railway tunnel under the great in total darkness broken by green lights from puzzling ‘laced windows.”

Nibirans “not only lifted and placed such colossal stone blocks but also carried them from a quarry several miles away. The quarry has been located and in it one of those colossal stone blocks had not been completed, still lies partly attached to the native rock; its size exceeds the Trilithon blocks. [Stairway: 168 – 176; Expeditions: 166 -179]

1a  Gobekli composite










GOBEKLI TEPE, Turkey, an ancient (9000 BCE) amphitheater, focuses above on the star Deneb in the constellation The Swan or The Vulture. Gobekli sits on a ridge above the Plain of Harran–turf of Moon God Nannar (aka Sin-El-Allah after Noah’s flood). Gobekli sits on a ridge above the Plain of Harran–turf of Moon God Nannar (aka Sin-El-Allah after Noah’s flood).


Ampitheaters like Gobekli abound in this part of Anatolia. The builders made them ovoid-shaped with stone and mortar benches that face two central monolith-pillars. At Gobekli, the amphitheater surrounds the central monoliths stand 18-feet high. They weigh 15 -20 tons apiece and face each other across a space where a priest communed with the gods.

A century after the builders made a theater, it no longer (due to precession of the equinoxes) aligned with Deneb. So they buried the theater and, along the same ridge, build a new one atop or near the old, out of date one. They built ever-smaller theaters each century, as the Earth moved off its alignment with Daneb.

Central pillars in the middle of these theaters feature anthropomorphic statues. The statues’ arms wrap around them like those on Rapa Nui statues that the Anunnaki and the Capensis ETs erected with flood survivors. The builders of both Gobekli and Rapa Nui carved snakes on the statues.

Easter and Gobekli

Swidarians, Collins says, flood survivors from the North Mountains–Poland, the Carpathian Mountains and Belarus–came down to Turkey and got local hunters and gatherers to work for them and build these structures. Swindarians were tall hybrids with Capensis as well as Neanderthals; some of the Swindarinans had ELONGATED HEADS and left traces of their DNA in human populations.


Collins considers Deneb, the brightest star in The Swan and the star to which the ampitheaters orient, the home in the stars to which the old megalithic structures in Turkey, Ireland, UK and the Baltics point. Deneb points to “the exact point where the Milky Way splits into two to form The Great Rift–the Signus Rift.”

MALTA (Part of Sicily when these structures were built.)

Malta Gozo preEgyptian


Malta map

A temple both below a limestone hill and beneath it too, the Hypogeum near Malta’s capital Valletta, dates back to either before Noah’s flood of 11,000 BCE or from before Thera erupted and killed Minoan hegemony in the eastern Mediterranean. One large room in the Hypogeum, The Oracle Room, amplified sound a hundred times. People curled up in small rounded cubicles carved into the walls to listen.

The part of the Hypogeum Malta lets us see holds 30 rooms that passages, stairs and halls link. The builders cemented the walls with concrete of compacted rock dust and water. In the rooms, they smoothed the walls with imported flint instruments. [Coppens, 2012]

Before authorities removed them, long-headed skeletons were among the many bones washed in from flood. The structure also contained a statue of a grey. A a   Malta Grey Skeleton








At Enki’s palace–Great Zimbawe–we see a 12-fathom high tower and the lab he shared with Ninmah and Ningishzidda.

Zimbabwe Map

Zimbabwe ruins2

Zimbabwe reconstruction2





There, above the gold mines of the inland plains between the Limpopo and Zambezi rivers, the genetics team first adapted their Nibiran genome to Earth to create Ti-Amat, the first adapted homo sapiens woman and Adamu, the first homo sapiens man.



Great Zimbabwe construct1

Great Zimnbabwe reconstruction3

Zimbabwe reconstruction4









This ellipse-shaped complex lies within a mortarless stone wall 12 fathoms high and six meters thick.
Zimbabwe Wall2






The bricks, made from a mixture of granitic sand and clay. Great Zimbawe’s 11 meter-high outer wall extends 250 meters. Enki’s palace sits among thousands of miles of twelve-foot wide lanes, lined with graniteboulders. Enki engineered sonar systems to transport water, gold diggings and machines over these lanes.








Sphinx Pyramids People


Ningishzidda designed the 5,955,000 ton Great Pyramid at Giza with eight concave faces. With sonar technology and the help of monoatomic gold to lighten the stone blocks, Ningishzidda and his assistants stacked 2,300,000 stone blocks–250 tons worth–on the pyramid. The pyramid’s outer mantle featured 144,000 polished and flat casing stones 100 inches thick and 15 tons each. The pyramid “covered 592,000 feet in area.”

“Granite used in the Great Pyramid gives off a significant electromagnetic charge, contains 25% quartz and has the ability to enhance sound. The magnitite in the granite is a natural magnet that creates around it a magnetic field. The Giza pyramids’ core consists of red granite, one of the most conductive rocks on earth due to its high contents of quartz, iron, and magnitite. It exudes natural radioactivity. This core is encased in a rough limestone with a high content of magnesium that acts as an electrical conductor. The limestone was dressed on the outside by Tura limestone–finer grained and highly polished–and because it contains minute traces of magnesium, unlike the inner limestone, it serves as an insulator, keeping the energy inside the temple. This energy seeks to escape to the top of the structure, so the tips of the pyramids were capped with a stone of dororite and covered with electrum, a two-thirds mix of gold and silver, making it an excellent conductor.” [Silva, 2012b: 203, 204]
Giza ground area






The east/west parallel that crosses the most land and the north/south meridian that crosses the most land intersect here.

The Great Pyramid aligned with Alpha Draconis, the Pole Star at the time. The pyramid aligns also with the center of the land mass of the earth. The east/west parallel that crosses the most land and the north/south meridian that crosses the most land intersect here. “The Great Pyramid divides the oceans and the continents into two equal parts.” It “is a giant sundial. The shadows thrown from mid October to early March indicate the seasons and the length of the year. The length of the stone slabs that surround the Great Pyramid correspond perfectly to the length of the shadow on one day.” [Von Daniken: 236]

Casing stones of polished limestone covered the outside and reflected the sunlight people could, without magnification, see from Israel and from the moon.











The Great Pyramid, when built, aligned with Alpha Draconis, the Pole Star at the time.
pyramids-starsGiza stars











Pyramidal chambers also, from their various views, shows lines of sight to Deneb (in the Swan) and Sirus, near the belt of the constellation Orion.










The Great Pyramid entrance had a 20-ton nearly invisible swivel door, nearly invisible when closed and lacked a grasp from the outside. The pyramid’s cornerstones have ball and socket construction that adjusts to heat expansion and earthquakes. Temperature inside stayed 68 Degrees Fahrenheit.

The relationship between Pi (p) and Phi (F) is expressed in the fundamental proportions of the Great Pyramid. [Ancient, 2014]


Indus map asia and near east

From 3300 to 1900 BCE, 1000 cities in the Indus Valley extended over an area twice size of France. The people of this civilization kept had cattle, sheep and goats. Each village had a crafts area, markets, jewlers’stalls. Inanna’s Indus Valley cities–Harappa, Mohenjo Daro and Dholavira and their agricultural village hinterlands–stretched over a million square kilometers 3000 kilometer along the Indus River. In Mohenjo Daro, 40,000 people concentrated in one square kilometer.

Indus Valley Civilization lacked caches of weapons and had instead a multitude of toys, musical instruments, metal tools, scales, pottery, jewelry, cloth, wheeled carts, statuary and caches of grain for commerce.

Boats from Dholavira traded all the way to the Arabian Peninsula. Indus Valley civilization smelted and traded copper, bronze, lead and tin.


Mohenjo Daro map

Roads that intersected at right angles connected residential blocks in Mohenjo Daro–a city of 40,000 in one square kilometer. Gutters and rubbish bins lined the roads. The main street kept nine meters width. Atop the highest hill, where residents retreated from periodic Indus flooding, Mohenjo featured a huge public bath. Mohenjo had eighty public toilets and a sewage system that serviced the entire city. In the residential area, every house had its own tile bathtub and its own well.

Mohenjo Daro

Mohenjo Daro

Mohenjo Daro2








Along the Indus, Inanna’s people grew barley, wheat, melons, peas, sesame seeds, cotton, cattle, buffalo, sheep and goats.



Harappa featured two-stories high, baked brick identical houses with flat roofs; each with windows that overlooked a courtyard. Outside walls lacked windows. Each home had its own private drinking well and its own private bathroom. Clay pipes ran from the bathrooms to sewers under the roads. The sewers drained into streams.







Sixteen meter high brick walls surrounded Dohlavira, a commercial city of 48 acres surrounded with a population of. 20,000. Dohlavira contained grain-storage bins and reservoirs with flood control dams. The largest reservoir was 7 meters deep,79 long.

The dams kept water around the city for grapes (they made raisins) barley, wheat, peas, cotton and sesame seed crops and flowed downhill from the highest reservoir to lower ones. Rainwater channeled down a city-wide collector reservoir. Dikes diverted an ancient river–the Ghaggar–to water the area between Indus and Ganges.

Mohenjo Daro Reconstruction







Indus Valley cities featured reservoirs and multi-storied fired-brick buildings laid out along a grid of wide brick-paved streets with run-off gutters.


To ready the Jerusalem site for the Enlil’s temple, Israel’s King David, whom Enlil forbade to build the temple, readied its site for his successor, Solomon. David had thirty-three hundred foremen guide seventy thousand carriers and eighty thousand stonecutters in the hills as they took large blocks of quality stone for the Temple’s foundation.

Solomon built Enlil-Yahweh’s first permanent temple on huge stones–too heavy to move and fit in place without Anunnaki technology (so we know that’s how the stones were moved) in 957 BCE.

Temple of the Mount Foundation Stones in Jerusalem features several massive stones estimated to weigh 500 tons each. They were found when excavations along the western 'Wailing wall' uncovered them. Masonry similar to this: Baalbek in Lebanon, and at Giza, Egypt.

Temple of the Mount Foundation Stones in Jerusalem
features several massive stones estimated to weigh 500 tons each. They were found when excavations along the western ‘Wailing wall’ uncovered them.
Masonry similar to this: Baalbek in Lebanon, and at Giza, Egypt.























The Temple’s east-west axis aligned with the equinox.

David gave Solomon a scale model and architectural drawings for the Temple.









Solomon set the temple so the sun at dawn entered the Tabernacle at spring and autumn equinoxes.

The temple featured a 100 x 200 foot main hall and a smaller room for Moses’ Arc. Solomon put the Ark on the rock where Abraham started to kill his son Isaac to prove himself loyal to Enlil. The new temple replaced the portable one Moses made in the desert, local sanctuaries and altars in the hills.

The Temple complex had a large basin (called the “Brazen Sea”) 10 cubits wide brim to brim, 5 cubits deep and with a circumference of 30 cubits around the brim on the backs of twelve oxen. The basin held 3,000 baths.

The Temple Palace, 40 cubits long, had walls lined with cedar, on carved with figures of cherubim, palm-trees and open flowers overlaid with gold. Fir-wood overlaid with gold covered the Temple floor. Olive-wood doorposts held doors, also of olive, boasted carved cherubim, palm-trees, and flowers, all being overlaid with gold.

Egypt’s Pharaoh Sheshonk I sacked the Temple a few decades later.

In 931, when Solomon,died, Abraham’s descendants split their turf into the kingdoms of Judea in the south, Israel on the north.

In 835 BCE Jehoash, King of Judah, renovated the Temple, but in 700. Assyrian King Sennacherib stripped it again. In 586, Nebuchadnezzer, Marduk’s Babylonian King, sacked Jerusalem and destroyed by the Temple.

In 539,Cyrus of Persia, whom Marduk welcomed, conquered Babylon and returned Nebuchadnezzar’s hostages to Jerusalem. Cyrus built the Second Temple from 538 to 515.



This second temple narrowly avoided being destroyed again in 332 BCE when the Jews refused recognize Macedonian King Alexander as a god. Ptolemies ruled Judea and the Temple from Egypt after Alexander died.

Seleucid King Antiochus III defeated Egypt in 198 BCE. He prompted a short-lived rebellion in 187 when he introduced Marduk-Zeus and the Greek pantheon into the temple. Antiochus IV Epiphanes again pushed the Greek gods for the Temple and, when the Jews again rebelled and Antiochus again crushed them, he again he forbade circumscision which marked Jews as followers of Enlil. Antiochus banned the Jewish Sabbath, put a statue of Zeus in their temple and had Greek priests sacrifice pigs there. When a Greek ordered Jewish priest Mattathias to perform a Hellenic sacrifice, Matathias killed him.

In 167 BCE the Jews rose up behind Mattathias and his five sons to fight and win their freedom from Seleucid authority. Mattathias’ son Judas Maccabeus re-dedicated the temple in 165 BCE and the Jews celebrate this event to this day as a major part of the festival of Hanukkah.

Judas Maccabaeus rededicated the Temple under Judas Maccabaeus in 164 BCE.

During the Roman era, Pompey entered (and desecrated) the Holy of Holies in 63 BCE, but left the Temple intact.

In 54 BCE, Crassus looted the Temple treasury Jews revolted again but Romans subdued them again in 43 BCE.

Herod the Great renovated the Temple in 20BCE; When Romans occupied Judea, they let Jewish priests run the Temple. Then in 70 CE, Romans destroyed the Temple.

During the last revolt of the Jews against the Romans in 132–135 CE, Simon bar Kokhba and Rabbi Akiva led another failed revolt from 132 to 135 and the Romans banned Jews from Jerusalem.

The Temple Palace, 40 cubits long, featured walls lined with cedar with carved cherubim, palm-trees and open flowers overlaid with gold. Fir-wood overlaid with gold covered the Temple floor. Olive-wood doorposts held doors, also of olive.

The Temple complex featured a large basin (called the “Brazen Sea” measured 10 cubits wide brim to brim, 5 cubits deep and with a circumference of 30 cubits around the brim, rested on the backs of twelve oxen It held 3,000 baths for the purification by immersion of the body of the priests.


Pyramids flattened on top for aircraft landing abound in northern and central China’s (though China’s bosses hide this) rival Egypt’s and Central America’s for age–12,000years ago–and size.
Chinese Pyramids1
Chinese emperors claimed descent from these “skymen-godpeople” who landed in “flying dragons” from another planet. The pyramids show astronomic alignment that dates them to the times the Anunnaki girded Earth with these structures. Records of that time speak of the emperors descending from heaven in flying dragons.
Chinese emperor flies1










The tallest pyramid reported rises 300 metres high. Its sides measure 500 metres long –two times larger than and twenty times the volume of the Great Pyramid at Giza. The Chinese and Giza pyramids both align their baselines with north-south andwest-east. Stones once covered the Chineses pyramids but now only a few stones lie at the bottom; both have water channels from nearby rivers.

The Xianyang pyramid in Qinghai province near Mount Baigong’s top rises 200 feet amidst pieces of pressurized fuel and water pipes made of cobalt and elements exogenous to Earth.


China's Xion Pyramid, like Egypt's Giza Pyramid, replicate Orion in the sky.

Pyramids of Zian, China and Giza, Egypt mirror Orion in the Sky.




















In addition to the Anunnaki, Chinese relate ETs they call the “Dropa,” stranded from an exploration expedition crashed on Earth some 12,000 years ago in the Baian-Kara-Ula Mountains on the Chinese-Tibetan border.

A dropa dropa











They left stones the Chinese call “Dropa stones.”

Dropa stones

The Dropa covered cavern walls with pictograms that show our Solar System and map routes among the stars with intersecting lines and dots. Their pictograms illustrate frail beings with round helmet-like bowls on their heads. In one of their caves a stone disc had a thin spiral groove filled with hieroglyphics. Another disc shows aliens with bulging heads and withered bodies. The disks had a hole in the middle and, when spun, emitted electrical impulses. [Coppins, 2010; Aym, 2011]


Angkor Wat’s huge city complex centers about a square (5,000 feet by 4,000 feet), walled, moated temple.* The temple sits atop an ancient Anunnaki landing platform, power station and metallugy plant. The temple complex features red sandstone paved causeways “lined with stone figures who pull a hooded serpent.” The moat is 623 feet wide, the walls on each side, a mile long. Within the walls, paved courtyards join three galleries. A large tower caps the highest, center gallery.

Before the world-wide Deluge of 11,000 B.C., Preah Pisnokar, a part-Earthling, part-Anunnaki, built a landing-platform, power station and gold-processing plant at Cambodia’s Angkor Wat. He built Angkor with advanced technology from Nibiru, the planet of his mother.

Preah and later kings reduced local sandstone to a slushy concrete. They poured the sandstone concrete into molds that formed continuous mile-long walls on four sides of the temple complex. The walls nestle within a canal that surrounds the temple. Preah poured “magical water onto stone, which made the stone into a concrete which hardened in place as blocks in the structures of Angkor.

He probably used technology Dunn proved in Egypt’s Giza Pyramids. Angkor generated power as part of a world-wide grid Anunnaki pyramidal power stations and monoliths that accessed and augmented power for aircraft, communication, lighting and computing.

Here’s how the Anunnaki, and probably Angkor’s builders, generated power. From the canal around Angor’s walls, they piped water into a stagnant pool under pyramids. They pressured the stagnant pools with pumping and/or sonar devices. This created a powerful vibration moving up the structures. In sealed chambers above the vibrations from the pools, they exploded hydrogen (from hydrochloric acid they mixed with hydrated zinc). [Dunn, C., in http://enkispeaks.com/2013/12/20/mars-and-earths-pyramid-parallel-power-stations-statues-spaceports/]



Excerpt from “Anunnaki: Legacy of the Gods” by Sasha Lessin, Ph.D. and Janet Kira Lessin




After Enki ordered Ningishzidda to cede Egypt to Marduk, Ningishzidda built a stone observatory at Stonehenge, a site he chose for it. Ningishzidda–architect of the Anunnaki–goldminers from the planet Nibiru who came to Earth 450,000 years ago–built, and with Middle Eastern and Black Olmec crew from Central America, rebuilt Stonehenge II and III from 2100 and 2000 BCE on the Salisbury Plain in Britain (80 miles from London), among people who had inhabited the area since 30,000 BCE.


“Stonehenge, built initially around 2900 BCE (Stonehenge, Phase I) is the most elaborate of nine hundred ancient stone, wooden and earthen circles in the British Isles, as well as the largest and most complicated one in Europe. Stonehenge, a planned astronomical observatory” adjusted for latitude, let its builders fortell eclipses, solstices, moon as well as changing apparent positions of stars.


Stonehenge II alignments chart









Stonehenge features thirty upright stones, of which seventeen remain: “pairs of huge upright stone blocks, each about thirteen feet high, connected at the top by a massive lintel stone to form free-standing Trilithons erected in a semicircle, surrounded in turn by a massive circle of similar giant stones connected at the top by lintels carved to form a continuous ring around the paired uprights. Inside this massive stone ring, smaller stones (bluestones) from 250 miles away over land and two miles down the Avon River from southwestern Wales, of which 29 are still there, form the Bluestone Circle outside the Trilithons and a bluestone semicircle.” “Within this second ring stood five pairs of trilithons, making up the Sarsen Horseshoe of ten massive sarsen blocks. The innermost circle consisted of nineteen bluestones that form the Bluestone Horseshoe. Within this innermost compound, on the axis of the whole Stonehenge complex, stood the Altar Stone–a sixteen-foot long dressed block of blue-grey sandstone half-buried under an upright and the lintel of one of the Trilithons.

“The rings of stone are in turn centered within a large framing circle. It is a deep and wide ditch whose excavated soil was used to raise its banks and forms an encompassing ring around the whole Stonehenge complex, a ring with diameter three hundred feet. “A circle of fifty-six deep pits (Aubrey Holes) surround the inner bank of the ditch. “Two stones, on opposite sides of the ditch’s inner embankment and further down the line, two circular mounds with holes in them once held stones akin to the first two stones and the four called Station Stones, connected by lines outline a perfect rectangle.

Stonehenge inner rectangle












The embankment had a wide gap that opened into the concentric rings of stones, holes and earthworks. The opening in the ditch, oriented northeast, leads to a causeway (the Avenue). Two parallel embankment ditches outline this avenue, leaving a passage thirty feet wide for a third of a mile where it branches northward toward the Cursus, an elongated earthwork at an angle to the Avenue; the other branch of the Avenue curves toward the Avon River.
Stonehenge wide overview






A line drawn through the center of the Avenue passes through the center of the circles and holes to form the structures axis” along which are marker stones, one of which, the Heel Stone, were placed along the axis.
Stonehenge heel stonestonehengeHeelstone2









Some of the bluestone semicircles are missing, some lie about as fallen giants.
Stonehenge E

Stonehenge began with a ditch and a berm, an earthen circle with a circumference of 1050 feet at its bottom, twelve feet wide, six feet deep, digging up two raised banks within this outer ring of the circle are 56 pits. Ningishzidda left the northeast part of the dirt ring undug as an entrance to the middle of the circle. The two (now missing) gateway stones that flanked the entrance. The entrance stones gave the Heel Stone, a massive boulder set four feet underground and sixteen feet above on a 24 degree angle round points on which to create lines of sight down the Avenue that movable pegs set into holes on the entrance stones. Ningishzidda put four rounded Station Stones within the circle to form a perfect triange. That was the extent of Stonehenge 1–the Earthen Ring, an entranceway axis, seven stones, and wooden pegs.

About 2100 BCE, Ninghzidda directed the Wessex people to add four-ton bluestones to Stonehenge; now called Stonehenge II. A double Bluestone Circle thus surrounded Stonehenge II. The builders shifted the Heel Stone, widened and realigned the Avenue to keep up with the changes in the Earth’s tilt made in the sunrise point. Ningishzidda and the Wessex moved the “Altar Stone” when the remodeling began.

Stonehenge III: Around 2000 BCE, Ningishzidda re-erected the Heel Stone and dug holes for new sightings. He completely dismantled the Bluestone Circle of Stonehenge II. With Anunnaki sonar technology, he brought 77 fifty-ton sarsen stones from Marlbough Downs, forty miles away. He incorporated nineteen of these bluestones in a new inner oval of stones topped by lintel stones and placed the others bluestones ready to be inserted in holes dug for two new circles (not yet completed). He replaced the old entrance stones with two huge new ones. [Time: 39 – 180]


NEWGRANGE (County Meath): One of Ireland’s many Anunnaki observatories, Newgrange, a large circular mound of stone with a long hall and inner rooms. Anunnaki flood survivors built Newgrange and other stone observatories in Ireland to track the moon, sun, and the precession of the equinoxes in relation to the constellation Signa (aka the Swan or Southern Cross), where they could see Anunnaki craft and Nibiru nearingEarth.

White stone facade's a modern addition.

White stone facade’s a modern addition.









Grass grows atop the layers of earth and stones that make the Newgrange mound. The mound measures 249 feet across and 39 feet high. Inside, a hallway of large stone slabs engraved with star maps stretches 60 feet to three small chambers off a larger central chamber with a high corbelled vault roof.

Newgrange schema








Each of the smaller chambers has a large flat basin stone. Once a year, at the winter solstice, the rising sun shines directly along the long passage and lights up the inner chamber and, for seventeen minutes, sunlight enters the passage through a specially contrived opening, known as a roofbox, directly above the main entrance.
Newgrange light









Sunlight focuses on a triple spiral star map on the front wall of the chamber.

Newgrange map lit


13,000 years ago Earth’s climate deteriorated in the run-up to the perigee of 10,500 years ago that caused Noah’s flood. Enlil, Commander of the goldmining expedition from the planet Nibiru to Earth (the Anunnaki), ordered a second interplanetary spaceport atop the Andes, where his son Adad had built a landing platform around 15,000 BCE [Lost Realms: 222]. Enlil wanted the second rocket base in case Marduk and his ex-astronaut allies (the Igigi) overran the Sinai rocketport that Enlil’s grandson Utu ran.

Enlil, under orders from his father, King Anu, back on Nibiru, expected to return to Nibiru with the Nibirans he commanded as well as enough gold to powder into Nibiru’s atmosphere to protect it from destructive dissipation.

Enlil warned Anu that Marduk, the son of Enlil’s rival, Chief Scientist Enki, had created alliances not only with the ex-astronauts, but also with the hybrid Erectus-Nibiran Earthling miners and slaves Enki had made from the Nibiran genome. Marduk and his allies, Enlil and Anu realized, could push the claim of Marduk to rule Nibiru by dint of the treaty Anu had sworn with Marduk’s mother’s father, Alalu, Anu’s predecessor on the Nibiran throne.


Enlil sent his youngest son, Adad-Viracocha and Adad’s older half-brother General Ninurta to the Andes to scout out a potential second spaceport. They found their ideal site at Lake Titicaca, Earth’s highest (913,861 feet) lake–perfect for boats–20 by 44 miles large, 100 -1000 feet deep and dotted with over 41 islands.



Waters running from the lake gave the Anunnaki placer gold and cassiterite tin and bronze for their European and Middle Eastern centers. The Desaguadero river flows from the southwest corner of Lake Titicaca into the satellite lake, Lake Poopo, 260 miles to the south; “there is copper and silver all the way to the Pacific Coast, where Bolivia meets Chile.” [Lost Realms: 242 – 243]

A moat surrounded Pumapunku and connected to a canal system that ran to lake Titicaca, fifteen miles away through level ground. Upheavals, probably from the same disturbances that caused the destruction of the Nile area that Moses, whom Enlil forewarned, from the nearing of Nibiru or its lagrange points in 1450 BCE, destroyed the huge landing platform and scattered its H-shaped 400-ton twelve by ten by two foot thick red sandstone blocks that Adad had quarried ten miles from Pumapunku.
Quarry for Pumapunka







“A destructive wave of water from Lake Titicaca violently destroyed Pumapunku, Tihuanacu to the south of the lake.” [Childress, 2012:107, 177]






“The stones at Pumapunku interlocked by grooves and articulated notches in the edges of the stones and cemented together by keystone cuts and bronze clamps.” [Childress, 2012: 105; Lost Realms: 211]






Adad’s workers survived Noah’s flood on Titicaca and Coati Islands in the sheltered southern portion of the lake.

island in Titicaca






Adad and his Sumerian foremen had them build, 1/4 of a mile from Pumapunku, Tiahuanacu, aka “Tin City,” [Anuku = “metal granted by the Anunnaki.”] a two-square-mile city, metallurgical, temple, and observatory complex powered by electricity, on the shore and a with subterranean chambers. Tin supplies had run out in Europe after 2600 BCE, then Adad’s Cassites [Kosseans] Earthlings, related to the Hittites and Hurrians, flowed vast amounts of tin from South America to the Near East. [Lost Realms: 243 -245]

The Anunnaki employed “portable power plants” and “rotating magnetic fields” that gave Tiahuanacu AC power.” They “set up hydroelectric or wave stations to generate a large amount of power to send via microwaves to satellites and then redirect them to the remote parts of the earth as a form of usable power.” They sent cargos of precious metals and dried or honey-packed psychedelic mushrooms around the world. [Childress, 2012: 151]

The Anunnaki smelted, at high temperature, alloys including plantinum and extracted mercury from mineral cinnabar. They used the mercury to extract nearby silver. They built also an underwater city, Huanacu, some 80 feet down, hewn into the northern side of Titicaca Island. Tiahuanacu’s “builders planned Tiahuanacu in advance, with diverted rivers, water reservoirs on the top of pyramids (on or in which water washed ores) and massive stone [refining] structures with gigantic solid-stone doors. Pumapunku, the original New World El Dorado-Ophir city (the one to which Israel’s King Solomon flew over the Pacific from the Java Sea) featured gigantic walls covered in sheets of gold, golden masks, sun disks, gold-woven tapestries and drill holes to attach sheets of gold and other gold items.”

Nearby, Bolivians gathered the Fuante Magna Bowl, that bore ancient Sumerian cuneiform writing circa 3000 BCE and the Aymara language that the descendants of Ka-in developed from Proto-Elamite or Akkadian [Childress, 2012: 86, 109, 129 – 131, 146,150].
fuente bowl






Tiahuanacu set off Pumapunku with a grand gate, the “Gate of the Sun,” originally a doorway for a solid granite door to for a nine-foot tall person or a person with an elaborate headdress.

SunGateTiahuancu1Sun Gate collage of 2







The door led to a smashed 400 by 450 foot rectangular astronomical observatory called the “Kalasasaya,” that a moat had surrounded. The building, like a similar building at Pumapunku, had been destroyed and the door frame moved to form an arch leading to Pumapunku.

The Nibirans cut and shaped the gate as it stood in Tiahuanacu from a single hundred-ton, 10 x 20 foot stone block that features a carving of Adad, with golden tears. Tears, which represent the molton gold, tin, iron, platinum and mercury Tiahuanacu refined, run down his cheeks. The statue wears an elaborate headdress and holds Adad’s symbol, the forked lightening the zodiac of Sumerian Anunnaki. Reliefs of 30 “bird men”on Adad’s right–probably Nibiran astronauts–run toward him; one of these holds the trumpet-like object the Anunnaki used to move large stones.
Viracocha and birdmen at Gate to Sun






After the building that contained the gate broke apart, the Anunnaki reconstructed it and incorporated as an arch to Pumapunku for a pilgrimage site for Andean “Indians.” Next to the gate stands a wall into which the builders sculpted heads of the various Earthling and ET types that visited the site [Childress, 2012: 88; Lost Realms: 210, 216 -217].
download (1)
Pumapunka relief looks like contemporty Grey.Relief on Pumapunka wall (left) looks like contemporary Grey (Right).

Around 3800 BCE, Nibiru’s King Anu and Queen Antu flew with their grandson, Ninruta, from Sumer to the Tiahuanancu where a gold-plated enclosure (held together with solid gold nails) he and Adad had built awaited them. They saw the Spaceport on the 200 square-mile Pampa plain below where. On the runway, “Anu and Antu’s celestial chariot stood ready, with gold to the brim it was loaded.” Anu pardoned Marduk tor his last offensive against Enlil, then the King and his Queen rocketed off to Nibiru, then to Mars, then to Nibiru. Enlil ordered Adad to guard the Enlilite South American facilities from Marduk while he and the other Nibiran Earth Mission leaders returned to Sumer. [Enki: 272-276, Lost Realms: 255; Journeys: 206]

By 2200 BCE, as supplies of tin for bronze dwindled in Europe, Adad sent tin aplenty from Tiahuanaco back to Sumer, through his Hittite-Cassite subjects in Turkey. Descendants of these Middle Easterners still dwell on Titicaca and Coati Isles. Tiahuanaco, after most of the Anunnaki returned to Nibiru, became a pilgrimage site for the growing “Indian” population. There, Adad directed the construction of Mochica, Chan-Chan, Cuzco, Macho Picchu, Chavin, Ollantaytambu and tutored a couple he chose to create Machu Picchu [Time: 247].

From Lake Titicaca and Tiahuanacu in Bolivia and Peru’s south, Anunnaki spread megalithic culture–landing platforms, metallurgical plants, pyramid power plants, astronomical observatories, palaces, canals, homes, statues, city walls, roads, bridges and quarries. Everywhere they settled, they left deep, extensive tunnels that moderns have not yet explored. Anunnaki culture spread North into ancient, pre-Inca Cusco, Ollantaytambu, Machu Pichu and Chavin. The Anunnaki mined copper and gathered gold and alluvial casseiterite–oxidized, water-washed tin from the Eastern coast of Lake Titicaca and the Lake Poopo area southeast of La Paz (down the Desaguardero River from Tiahuanacu).



















Anunnaki brought successive waves of descendants of Ka-in, the South American Indians to coastal settlements along the Peruvian coast. At Paracas Bay, Adad blasted a huge image of his metal tool with its forked lightning to welcome incoming boats and aircraft from the Pacific.






Ollantaytambo's 637 km (miles along the Urubamba River from Tiahuancu (roads and airroute erased)

Ollantaytambo’s 637 km (386 miles) along the Urubamba River from Tiahuanacu (roads and air-route erased).


Ollantaytambo rests 637 km from Pumapunku, 45 miles north of Cuzsco. Ollantaytambo lies northwest along the Urubamba, on an exact 45 degree angle line between the Titicaca Island off Tiahuanacu and the Equator. “A 45-degree line originating at Tiahuanacu, combined with squares and circles embraced all the key ancient sites between Tiahuanacu, Cuzco and Ollataytambu.” Earth’s tilt (obliquity) when the Anunnaki laid out this grid was 24 degrees, 08’ in 3172 BCE, the Age of Taurus [Enlil’s Age] between 4000 BCE and 2000 BCE.” [Lost Realms: 199 – 205]

Ollantaytambo, a landing platform (probably for the gold refinery at Sacashuaman, 60 miles to the southeast) rests “atop a steep mountain spur” and overlooks “an opening between the mountains that rise where the Urubamba-Vilcanota and Patcancha rivers meet.”
Ollantaytambo summit





On the summit “megalithic structures begin with a retaining wall built of fashioned polygonal stones.








Through a gateway cut of a single stone block, one reaches a platform supported by a second retaining wall of polygonal stones of a larger size. On one side, an extension of this wall becomes an enclosure with twelve trapezoid openings–two as doorways and ten false windows. On the other side of the wall stands a massive gate to the main structures.” The Anunnaki channeled a stream through Ollantaytambo’s structures. Childress suggests Ollantaytambo featured a control building for an airport below the plaza along the river. [2012: 315]
















“A row of six colossal monoliths stand on the topmost terrace. The gigantic stone blocks are from eleven to fourteen feet high, six or more feet in width and vary in thickness from three to over six feet. These 50-ton or so blocks stand joined together without mortar with long dressed stones inserted between the colossal blocks to create an even thickness. The megaliths stand as a single wall oriented southeast. One of the monoliths touts a relief of the “Stairway symbol” of Tiahuancu” that shows the connection between Earth and Sky.

Something interrupted Ollantaytambu’s construction; “stone blocks lie strewn about,” with T-cuts for poured metal clamps in them to hold the blocks together during earthquakes. The clamp-cuts duplicate those at Tiahanacu. “A levitation device made the stones leap down the road from the quarry to slides, where the stones would be pushed over the edge and retrieved at the bottom. They would again be made to jump to the river and across, then up to the plaza. During this process, certain stones were “lazy” and could not be made to jump properly and were therefore abandoned.” [Childress, 2012: 303]

Ollantaytambo Lazy stones


The Anunnaki carved huge blocks of very hard red [porphyry] granite that holds large-grained quartz crystal, from Kachiqhata, the opposite mountainside of Ollantaytambo’s valley. There builders hewed and shaped the blocks, then, with inverse piezoelectricity, moved them over two streams to slides on each side of the rivers, then up to Ollantaytambo where they raised, precisely placed and fused the blocks together. Though they brought many blocks across the river, the builders left 40 or more on the river’s eastern side. [Childress, 2012: 259 – 303; Lost Realms: 199 – 205]


MACHU PICCHU (Tampu-Tocco)

macho and tiahuanacu map











On the eastern slope of the Andes, 7,585 feet above the sea, Machu covers 32,500 hectares4,000 feet above a bend in the Urubamba River, “which forms a horseshoe gorge half encircling the city’s perch, 75 miles northwest of Cuzco. Machu “was situated to control access to Ollantaytambu and Tiahuanacu.







Machu Picchu “first served as a model for Cuzco, then emulated it.” Both Machu and Cuzco “consisted of twelve wards, royal-priestly groupings on the west and residential-functional ones occupied by the Virgins and clan hierarchies on the east separated by wide terraces. Common people tilled and cultivated the mountainsides. They lived outside the city and in the surrounding countryside.”


Machu Picchu layoutMachu scale model








Royal residences are built of ashlars [squared facing stones] laid in courses, finely cut and dressed.”

In the most ancient area, the Temple of Three Windows, Sacred Plaza [landing platform?] and Principal Temple display huge, precisely-cut stone blocks locked together without mortar.

“One of the stones has 32 angles. Cutting, shaping and angling of the hard granite stones was as though they were soft putty. White granite stones had to be brought from great distances, through rough terrain and rivers, down valleys and up mountains.

“The Temple of Three Windows has only three walls” and on its open, western side” faces a 7 foot tall pillar for “astronomical sighting purposes.

Temple of 3 windows and ashlar Machu







“The Principle Temple too has only three walls, some twelve feet tall. The western wall is constructed of just two giant stone blocks held together by a T-shaped stone.”
andes6 machu14






A huge monolith, fourteen by five by three feet, rests against the north wall of the Principal Temple.
machuPicchuN wall monolith Principal Temple







The Intihuatana:
Intihuatanna at Machu






“Winding steps lead from the northern edge of the Sacred Plaza up a hill whose top was flattened to serve as a platform for the Intihuatana, a stone cut with precision to measure the movements of the sun, determine the solstices and make the sun return, lest it return the Earth to darkness that occurred before.”

The Torreon:
Machu semicircle


“At the end of the western part of Machu Picchu, the semicircular Torreon is built of ashlars “creates its own sacred enclosure at the center of which there is a rock that’s been cut and shaped and incised with grooves” like the rock in Jerusalem’s Temple Mound and Mecca’s black stone.



The Cave:

Machu cave 4Machu cave1Machu cave2Machu cave3









Beneath Machu, lies a huge cave “enlarged and shaped artificially to precise geometric forms, masonry of white granite ashlars. This is the cave from which the Anunnaki sent the first Inca king to found Cuzco, 75 miles southeast of Machu. [Childress, 2012:319 -343; Lost Realms 140 – 154]



Cuzco map









Cuzco, which the Anunnaki built sometime after Noah’s Deluge of 10,500 BCE, sits on a promontory called Sacshauman (11,500 feet above sea level) that rises above the Tullaumayo and Rodadero Rivers. The site panned gold and featured aircraft landing facilities.

Cuzco overview

Cuzco’s “older edifices were built of perfectly cut, dressed and shaped stones of brown trachtyte, stones of great size and the oddest shapes that fitted one into another’s angles with precision and without mortar.”megalithic walls at Cuzco


Some of Cuzco’s megalithic stones had been melted with added oxygen in temperatures over 1,100 degrees. This glazed their silicate surfaces, so the “surfaces even if irregular, feel smooth to touch.” The builders put each newly placed but still hot stone next to stones already cool and hardened prior-placed jigsaw polygonal blocks. The new, just placed stone stayed fixed in perfect precision against the hardened stones. The new stone became its own separate block of granite, that would then have more blocks fitted into their interlocking positions in the wall. [Childress, 2012: 249]


The Saschuaman promontory, “shaped like a triangle with its base to the northwest,” rises eight hundred feet above the city below. Cuzco overviewGorges form Saschuaman’s sides and “separates it from the mountain chain which it rejoins at its base.”

Tunnels, niches and grooves perforate huge rock outcroppings, cut and shaped into giant platforms. Siphon-fed aquaducts channeled water to wash ores. Childress speculates that one of the tunnels connects Cuzco with Tiahuanacu, though moderns who explored the tunnels never returned to the surface. “Cuzco started out as a mining camp and processing area, then became a temple.” [Childress, 2012: 246]cusco tunnel






A flattened area, “hundreds of feet wide and long”–probably an aircraft landing strip marks the promontory’s middle. From here, aircraft lofted away the nuggets the structures panned. “The narrower edge, elevated above the rest of the promontory, contained circular and rectangular structures under which run passages, tunnels and openings beneath a maze cut into natural rock”–all part of Cuzco’s gold-panning operation.

Three massive walls of massive stones “rise one behind the other, each one higher than the one in front of it to a combined height of sixty feet.” The walls run parallel to each other in a zigzag” and protect this area from the rest of the promontory. Earth-fills behind each wall created terraces. The lowest first [Anunnaki-built] wall, built of colossal boulders” weigh ten to twenty tons, many fifteen feet high, fourteen feet long and thick.” One of these boulders in this wall reaches “twenty-seven feet tall and weighs over 300 tons. As in the city below, faces of these boulders have been artificially dressed to perfect smoothness, beveled at the edges. The massive blocks lie atop one another, sometimes separated by a thin stone slab.Sacsayhuaman terraces







Everywhere the stones are polygonal, odd sides and angles fitting without mortar into the odd and matching shapes of the adjoining stone blocks.

Larger blocks were Anunnaki; smaller stones, Incan.

Larger blocks were Anunnaki; smaller stones, Incan.









The builders quarried the gigantic stone blocks miles away and moved them “over mountains, valleys, gorges and streams.” Cusco quarry At the center of the front wall, the Gate of Viracocha made a four-foot opening. “Steps then led to a terrace between the first and second walls from which a passage opened against a transverse wall at a right angle” and led to the second terrace. There two entrances at an angle to each other led to the third wall” and “could be blocked by lowering large, specifically fitted stones into the openings.Cusco-Sights-Puma-Puncu-Sacsayhuaman-Madeleine-Ball









On a nearby plateau, Sitchin noted a cut rock that once held “a mechanical contraption.”

Bed for mechanical tool at Cusco [Lost Realms:  129]

Bed for mechanical tool at Cusco [Lost Realms: 129]

“Walls, conduits, receptacies, channels form a series of water-channeling structures one above the other; rain or spring water could flow from level to level. A huge hircular area enclosed by megalithic ashlars lies underground at a level permitting the running off of the water from the circular area–a large-scale gold-panning facility. The water was flowed off througth the sluice-chamber and away through the labyrinth. In the stone vats, what remained was gold.” “Facing the cyclopean walls across the wide open flat area, the Chingana (labyrinth), a cliff whose natural features have been artificially enlarged into passages, corridors, chambers, niches, and hollowed-out spaces” featuring “rocks dressed and shaped into horizontal, vertical, and inclined facings, openings, grooves cut in precise angles and geometric shapes, holes drilled down.”gold panning circle, CuzcoSitchin says the megalithic builders of Tiahuancu, rather than the very recent Incas, that built Cuzco, long before Inca times. “One of the Inca mastermasons decided to haul up a stone where the original builders had dropped it. More than 20,000 Indians, dragging it with great cables.” But the rock rolled down the slope and killed four thousand Indians.”CoricanchaThe Coricanchais [conflated into the “Temple of the Sun” by the Spanish] an Anunnaki temple of which a semicircular wall survives, Sitchin wrote, honored Adad. The Coricancha adjoined auxiliary temples for Nannar, Inanna and other Anunnaki. Next to an enclosure, the Acilla-Huasi, we see “a secluded enclave where virgins dedicated to the Great God lived.”[Childress, 2012: 209-254; Lost Realms:120 – 131 ]CHAVIN DE HUANTAR
Chavin map
The nation of Chavin appeared suddenly, around 15000BCE or Earlier.” The main city, Chavin De Huantar–probably a ceremonial center– sits “at an elevation of 10,000 feet in the Cordillera Blanca range of the northwestern Andes of northern Peru between the coast and the Amazon basin.
Chavin 3Chavin chart2
There in a mountain valley where tributaries of the Maranon River form a triangle, an area of 300,000 square feet was flattened and terraced for complex structures precisely laid out.chavin map1Buildings and plazas form precise rectangulars and squares aligned with east-west as the major axis.” The builders “ingeniously used the two levels of the tributaries to create a flow for panning gold. The site once held ultramodern machinery. chavintemple 






The site yielded artifacts with motifs from Ninishzidda’s Mayans as they retreated south –jaguars, condors, entwined fangs–Egyptian motifs–the Eye of Marduk/Ra, serpents, pyramids–Mesopotamian motifs–winged disks, Anunnaki headdresses, and trophy statues of Sumerians in pain– and portraits of black African Olmecs holding mining tools.

Adad at Chavin









Adad at Chavin2









Figure on top's bearded, not Native American. Lower left--an Olmec; Lower right, a "giant" with a weapon or tool. (Lost Realms: 192]

Figure on top’s bearded, not Native American. Lower left–an Olmec; Lower right, a “giant” with a weapon or tool. (Lost Realms: 192]

A nearby site Peruvian site shows Gilgamesh of Uruk, Sumer, in Mesopotamia, wrestling two lions–good evidence of the same people inhabited both places.

Gilgamesh at Chavin





The Sumerian trophy statues show straight-nosed Indo-European men from “Asia Minor, Elam and the Indus Valley, the “giants” with metal tools–perhaps part of two invasions, one by Naymlap who landed at La Plata Island and Equador. Inca histories say Adad and his Sumerian assistants massacred these newcomers.

The three main buildings rose from terraces that elevated them and leaned them against forty-foot high outer western wall that ran 500 feet and encompassed the complex on three sides and left the site open to the river on the east side.

The southeast corner building– the site’s largest (240 x 250 feet in area)–rose three stories made of smooth-faced incised masonry stone blocks. “From a terrace on the east a monumental stone stairway led to a gate up to the main building.” Two cylindrical columns flanked the gate. “Adjoining vertical stone blocks supported a thirty-foot horizontal lintel made of a single monolith. A double stairway led to towers atop the building.

Steps led from the eastern terrace at Chavin De Huantar to a sunken plaza surrounded on three sides by rectangular platrorms. A large flat boulder with seven grind holes and a rectangular niche stood “Outside the southwestern corner of the sunken plaza.”

The three buildings featured corridors and inside maze-like passages, connecting galleries rooms and staircased faced with decorated stone slabs. The stone slabs that roofed the passages set to support the buildings.

The Tello Obelisk

This monolith in the main building engraved Chavin’s tales of figures with “human bodies and faces with feline hands, fangs or with wings” as well as animals, birds, trees, gods emitting rocketlike rays, and geometric designs.”
Tello disk 2Tello a










The Raimondi Monolith

A seven-foot carved stone on the southwestern edge of the sunken plaza, probably Adad with his thunderbolt and his cult animal, the bull of his grandfather, Enlil.








El Lanzon

El LanzoneRamondi 3










This stone column, enscribed with Adad’s bull, in the Chavin De Huacar’s middle building sticks through a hole in the floor above it. [Lost Realms: 184 – 196]










Paracus Bay

Behold the feet-deep ’Candelabra’ in nearby Bay of Paracas, Peru, symbol of Adad-Viracocha, the Great God of South America.

Candelabra, Adad/Viracocha's trademark, Bay of Paracas, PeruCandelabra, Adad/Viracocha’s trademark, Bay of Paracas, Peru

From South America, Ningishzidda surveyed Yucatan and the Valley of Mexico for gold and then brought his Olmec and Sumerian aides to organize Indians to mine and refine gold, silver and other minerals. [Lost Realms: 237 – 250]


On Easter Island (Rapa Nui), a native informant told Ancient Aliens [Season 3, Disk 2, 44:53] that a god, wearing an Eagle Helmet (helmet of the Nibiran Astronaut Corps [Igigi]) transported the huge statues through the air to their platforms on the hill. Rapa Nui Moi moving thru spaceEaster Isle Statue moves through space











map cancun












After Enlil nuked Sinai and radiated Sumer in 2024 BCE, Ningishzidda and his team–Anunnaki assistants, Black Olmec and bearded Mesopotamians–brought descendants of Ka-in (“Indians” to American Anthropologists) across the Atlantic to Yucatan and then to Teotihuacan in the Valley of Mexico. In both Central America’s Yucatan and in the valley of Mexico, the Anunnaki team first built their megalithic pyramidic power stations, then had their Indians built megalithic structures and statues. In Yucatan, the Maya, guided by Olmec technicians and Sumerian overseers, built (at Dzibilchaltun, Palenque, Tikal, Uxmal, Izamal, Mayapan, Chichen Itza, Copan, Tolan and Izapa) huge stepped-stone temples like Sumer’s. [Lost Realms: 86 – 110]

The Olmec-Maya culture spread across Central America and into the Valley of Mexico till Ningishzidda* left them in 311 BCE, when he said he’d return December 21, 2012, with other Anunnaki, to wrest control of Earth from its current matrix of war, miscegenation and debt-slavery. [* Ningishzidda’s also known as Hermes, Thoth, Votan, Quetzlcoatl, Kukuklan, Itzmam, Mercury.]

Olmec structures appeared suddenly throughout Yucatan, without prior development. The ceremonial center at Itza aligned with three-mile markers along a north-south line. Heads were buried around 1 CE as Olmecs retreated south. Pyramids laid out south to north to allow transit-sightings.

Toltecs moved to Itza after they left Tolan, near Mexico City. Toltec pyramid to the Plumed Serpent reaches 185 feet high; it duplicated the pyramid the Toltecs left at Tula.
Toltec centers in the Yucatan featured ballcourts where opposing teams enacted the astronomical events depicted in the Anunnaki account of Earth’s creation. Toltecs beheaded the losing captain of the losing team to mimic how Nibiru, the Anunnaki homeplanet, decapitated Tiamat, the Proto-Earth.

The Maya decorated the main ballcourt at Chichen Itza “with scenes of the Sumerian Tree of Life and the standard winged and bearded Anunnaki.”

Maya Ballgame beheads losing teams captain

Mayan Ballgame beheads losing teams captain

Maya cast virgins into sacred well.
Maya, at urging of priestly caste Ningishzidda left to rule them, cast virgins into sacred well.








Itzas mined. They employed cutting tools and lights for their mines. They–perhaps after Ningishzidda left them–threw maidens as well as mirrors, gold, silver, refined tin and bronze ornaments engraved with bearded Mesopotamians and Anunnaki gods [Itzas were beardless descendants of Ka-in] into the well.

Olmec ponds connected thru subterranean conduits.

Itza statues had glyph writing and calendar starting 3113 BCE. Their engavings showed miners and metalworkers with tunneling and metalworking tools [metal-cutting flame thrower], as well as Anunnaki flight (Winged people).

Archeologists unearthed sixteen buried massive stone Negroid heads the Olmec’s had moved through over sixty miles of jungle and swamp. The buried heads measured “5 10 feet high, 21 feet in circumfrance and weighed up to 25 tons. The Olmec, as they retreated south to survive Indian attackers, buried the stone heads. [Lost Realms: 86 – 110]

“Maya cities were open-ended ceremonial centers surrounded by a population of administrators, artisans and merchants supported by an extensive rural population. “From a base abutting the Gulf of Mexico, the cities of La Venta, Tres Zapotes and San Lorenzo formed the area of Olmec settlement and cut southward toward the Pacific Coast of Mexico and Guatemala. By AD 900 the realm of the Maya extended from the Pacific Coast to the Gulf of Mexico and the Carribean. Mayan civilization spread “southward across Mesoamerica by 800B.C.. Thoth organized the Maya into four domains, 4 parts, each with a capital. Palenque was capital of the West, Calakmul was capital of the North, whose rulers conquered Palenque. Copan was capital of the South and Tikal, the East.

Palenque with plumbing

Palenque with plumbing


Palenque ruin with written  history carved in stone

Palenque ruin with written history carved in stone









From Palenque, a focus on the twelve-foot king buried under a pyramid:

Mayan Astronaut Lord Pikal AAstros Season 4, Disk 1

Capstone on Lord Pacal’s sarcophagus

Palenque Spaceman, Lord Pacal, in spaceship, model made on basis of carvings atop Lord Pical’s sarcophagus [from Ancient Aliens, Season 4, Disk 1, Tsoukalos narration]

MayanDepictionAstronaut&ModernMayan Astronaut demo2Mayan Astronaut Lord Pikal Close up showing breathing tube 2 AAstros Season 4, Disk 1

Mayan Astronaut Lord Pikal Close up showing exhaust flames AAstros Season 4, Disk 1
Mayan Astronaut Lord Pacal Closeup showing exhaust flames

Mayan Astronaut Lord Pikal Close up showing exhaust flames 2 AAstros Season 4, Disk 1Ancient Aliens illustrates exhaust from Lord Pacal’s rocketMaya Kuklukan1

Tsoukalo's display of probable source of the Mayan, Indian and Chiese saw as a dragon or plumed serpent: Anunnaki rocket. [Ancient Aliens, Season 4, Disk 1]

Kukuklan emerges from rocket

Kukuklan emerges from rocket

Itza and the other Mayan centers featured ballcourts where Celestial Battle acted out by opposing teams. Losing captain decapitated, enacting, Sitchin suggests, how the Anunnaki homeplanet, Nibiru, decapitated Tiamat, the Proto-Earth.

Ningishzidda tutored the Maya in both phonetic and character writing; they manufactured ink and paper books. The Maya produced monumental sculptured art, carved jade, hand-held lights, weapons, flamethrowers and tools fitted with mirrors. Thoth taught them the principles of place value and zero which let them, with the advanced astronomy he dictated, so they could know when Nibiru neared Earth and when Nibiran “gods’ came and went.

He showed them how to make calendars that showed Venus circled the sun every 6000 years. Thoth also taught the Mayans the more-than 26,000-year Precession of the Equinoxes on Earth.

He showed them how to make and use telescopes, and had astronomer apprentices raised in the dark to better see the heavens through the telescopes. The accuracy of their predictions over time validates Nibiran presence and influence on Earth. [Tsarion, M., 2012]

Thoth left Earth. He said he and his father Balam Yokte (Enki) would return on December 21, 2012, and challenge the forces of evil on Earth. Thoth and his accompanying Nibirans “left, presumed to be swallowed by the ruler of the night, the Jaguar; and the image of Thoth was henceforth covered by the jaguar’s mask through which serpents, his symbol, emerge.”

Bolam Yakte (Enki/Ptah)

Bolam Yakte (Enki/Ptah)

 Kuklukan Emerging from  Flying Serpent craft

Kuklukan Emerging from Flying Serpent craft









The night (jaguar) eats Kukuklan
The night (jaguar) eats Kukuklan





Priests encouraged blood sacrifice, ostensibly to bring back the gods, but then to execute prisoners and control people. Kings and Priests kept blood sacrifice–at first those of rulers, then of enemy rulers, then anyone they needed to control.

Mayan priests ask Kukuklan to have a heart and return

Mayan priests ask Kukuklan to have a heart and return.










Chichen Itza Yucatan south east map very large mex1

Chichen Itza mex2

Chichen Itza, Yucatan

From 1000 to 450 B.C., Chichen Itza, near where Thoth first landed in Yucatan, became “the principle sacred city of Yuctan.

Chichen Itza by 450BC, “the principle sacred city of Yucatan,” boasted a sacred well. The Itzas, migrants from the south, built their ceremonial center–the great central pyramid and the observatory–near where Thoth first came ashore in Yucatan. The Toltecs, who had migrated from central Mexico, gradually populated Tiotihuacan, then migrated south to Chichen Itza, to be near the place Thoth came ashore and would return.

At Chichen Itza, the Toltecs reproduced sculpture of the Sumerian stories of the Celestial Battle including the astronomical events that killed Tiamat, the proto-Earth and resurrected Tiamat as Earth. The art shows the exact position of the Earth from the outside to the inside of the inner solar system. They built a 9-stage pyramid dedicated to Thoth, decorated with carvings of him. The decorations incorporated in its structure calendrical aspects and duplicates the pyramid in Tula, capital of the Toltecs from Teotihuacan.

Toltecs, in the sacred well at Chichen Itza, threw 40 virgin girls as sacrifices, as well as gold, silver and copper ornaments made from metals refined from ores Mesoamerica lacked. Art on the ornaments showed bearded Sumerian types, as well as Sky Gods [Nibirans].

The Olmecs gradually retreated south as Indians moving down from the North attacked them. Olmecs first fled their older metropolitan center near the Gulf, circa 300 BCE. They gave up their more southern centers last. The Indians killed both negroid Olmecs and the Bearded Ones,” from the Eastern Mediterranean.”



In Mexico, Ningishzidda, Sumerian overseers, Olmec foremen and Indian laborers built two unadorned pyramids at Teotihuacan.

In Mexico, Anunnaki and their assistants  started Teotihuacan ca 4000 BCE and the Aztec's Tenochtitlan aftter 1,400 CE

In Mexico, Anunnaki and their assistants started Teotihuacan ca 4000 BCE and the Aztec’s Tenochtitlan aftter 1,400 CE


Teotihuacan’s thirty miles north of Mexico City.

















Temple of the Sun, Teotihuacan

Temple of the Sun, Teotihuacan


Stone markers, two miles out, lined up with The Temple of the Sun on its east-west axis; its other axis is north-west at the time it was built on the model of the Giza Pyramids. Teotihuacan’s Sun Pyramid’s 745 feet per side on its base. The Anunnaki built the Sun Pyramid of “mud bricks, adobe,pebbles and gravel held together by a sheath of crude stones and stucco with and aggregate mass of 10,000,000 feet.” The Sun Pyramid rises250 feet. [Lost Realms: 49]



Ningishzidda brought the Maya then the Toltecs to Teotihuacan. In in 987 CE, the Toltecs moved to the Yucatan Peninsula.



The Anunnaki Council of Enlil, Commander of the goldmining expedition from the planet Nibiru to Earth, exiled Marduk–once heir to rule Nibiru–from Egypt to North America in 8670 BCE for his attack on their forces.

Marduk and his cohorts, 7-10 tall, blond and red-haired people, the thousands of so-called “Mound Builders” built pyramids, effigies, fortresses, underground tunnels, energy capacitating chambers, astronomical observatories and megalithic cities, as well as more recent burial mounds for tens of thousands of inhabitants all over North America.



Map of MB sites Vieira

Map of Mound Builder Sites [Vieira, 2013]


The Anunnaki mined gold and copper and used electromagnetic and sonar energy to move huge stones along many mile-lanes of magnetically-charged rocks like those Marduk’s father, Chief Scientist Enki, developed in southern Africa. Anunnaki sites in North America yielded iron implements, cuneiform writing, incised designs, woven fabrics and evidence of advanced metallurgy.










The Anunnaki took descendants of Ka-in from Asia and of Adamu from Africa across both the Atlantic and Pacific. These Anunnaki and perhaps other extraterrestrials–the moundbuilders–far preceded both the Eskimo and “Indians” who crossed from Asia as well as the South American “Indians”–also descendants of Ka-in and Adamu who came north from the Lake Titicaca area. Some of these giants and their hybrid offspring may have stayed on as rulers of the more recent arrivals to North America, the ones who call themselves “Indians” and came to occupy the mounds of the ETs. Some of the giants had double rows of both upper and lower teeth and may have been cannibals.

Mound Builder skeleton w moderns at Smithsonian

Mound Builder skeleton with moderns at Smithsonian


On Mars, Nibirans manned a spaceport and lasered a monument to Alalu, one of their kings, who was exiled to Mars and died there. Nibiran Chief Medical Officer, Princess Ninmah, on orders from King Anu of Nibiru, had Pilot Anzu create the statue and left 20 men with him to construct Marsbase for transhipment of gold from Earth to Nibiru . Cyndonia37jpgMarsbase3









Pyramid Bosnia close up good Bosnian Pyramid beaming energy Bosnian Pyramids

Cement for the Bosnian Pyramid

Cement for the Bosnian Pyramid

Semir Osmanagich describes pre-Deluge Bosnian Pyramids–the biggest 700 feet high, (vs Giza’s 450 feet). Nibirans probably build these structures and the labyrinth beneath them. The Bosnian Pyramids of huge blocks of very fine pour concrete. The Deluge buried the 5 pyramids about 13,000 years ago. Under the Bosnian Pyramid complex, Osmanagish found a labyrinth of tunnels with fresh running water. Pyramid Bosnia, Healing Water system







The tunnels lead to chambers that connect the five pyramids. The chambers held ceramic sculptures with runic writing on them. Pyramid Writing in BosnianPyramid Bosnia Runic writing on Bosnian Pyr2Pyramid Bosnia Runic writing on Bosnian Pyr









Under the pyramid Osmanagish calls Bosnia’s Pyramid of the Sun, he reports, are mysterious little generators that still run on Tesla technology. The pyramid still sends an ever -growing energy wave up and releases a high frequency sound wave (like that Tellinger reports from the South African structures and lanes). Pyramid as power house4

All who’ve worked inside these tunnels come out euphoric; the vibrations inside release endorphines and pleasurable sensations in them. The vibrations also purify the water that runs through the pyramid complex.






The Master Computer

In 400,000 BCE the master computers and command modules that controlled space and Earth communication sat in Enlil’s place at Nippur in southern Iraq. In 380,000 BCE, Anzu stole crystals [computers]and MEs [portable command modules]. Each ME controlled a certain function, and only its possessor could operate it. Anzu now had the ME of Enlil’s Command of Earth, the ME called The Brilliance or ME of Enlilship, until Ninurta retook them for Enlil.

After the Deluge of 11,000 BCE that destroyed Nippur, Ningishzidda installed the master computer controls in the Great Pyramid (the E.Kur) in Egypt. “The Great Pyramid was directed by different gods in turn. During the Second Pyramid War [8670 BCE], the Great Pyramid was the temple abode of Marduk-Ra. After Ninmah-Ninharsag-Hathor brokered a peace agreement that ended the war, she was appointed mistress of the new Ekur and got the title Goddess of the Rocket Ships.” Later “Isis became Mistress of the Pyramid.” Finally, Ningishzidda, when he reigned in Egypt, took the title “Guardian of the the Secrets of the Ekur.” In 3450 BCE, when Enki ordered Ningishzidda to yield to Marduk, Ningishzidda hid the master computer progams and plans to the Pyramid. [DNA: 55 -57]


Anunnki royals carried crystal computers a few inches large–MEs– in purses they wore on their wrists. They sewed MEs they controlled into their clothes or worked into their scepters, hand-held weapons as well as weapons and devices they ensconsed on their aircraft and in their control rooms. Inanna seduced Enki for ninety MEs that Anu ruled she could keep.

“MEs give their depositories or the persons in possession of them powers such as the control of interplanetary travels and communications, scientific and technological knowledge and quasi-magical potency. In Sumer, the proprietor of a specific ME is the only one to have full power over it and to bend its operations according to his or her will: the proprietor is the unique master of the system.” [DNA: 58 – 75]

References abound for Anunnaki devices–probably atomic–in their structures, rockets and even in the Ark of the Covenant.

Ninurta, after he defeated Marduk in the Giza pyramid, smashed a technological device called “The Heart of the Ekur” which “emitted a net force.”

Enki, drunk and in sexual heat with Inanna, gave her computer devices (MEs) he later regretted but couldn’t get back. These devices, including The Exalted Tiara, the Exalted Scepter and Staff, the Exalted Shrine, set in jewels and and crystals and affixed to her clothes, a scepter or shrine, could “emit and control a force field,” or a ME sewn into her clothes “could emit a luminous field” that made her “look clothed in radiance” and let her proclaim herself queen, “clothed in radiance. For centuries afterward, Earthlings with whom she coupled were dead the next morning–perhaps a combination of radiation and Inanna’s sexual practices.

A computer, dated one hundred years before Jesus, discovered in 1900 of the island of Antikythera near Crete contained a system of differential gears not known to have been used until the sixteenth century.
Antikathera computer







Pyramid as power house w meditator Bosnia ANUNNAKI DATA BEST EXPLAINS OUR HISTORY

Compare and contrast the variants of Gardiner, Pye, Tellinger, Sitchin, Childress, Cremo, Thompson, Pravupad and others for the elements they have in common. Use the principle of parsimony–which explanations best account for all the data–and leave the least ooparts (data and artifacts that the explanations out their comprehension. All our theories are hypothetical formulations, words and mathematical models we employ to account for our observations. Our observations are in turn directed by our theories. In science we test the null hypothesis–what data would disprove our theories.

Consensus determines social reality but does it predict the chemical composition of asteroids or the shape of the landmass beneath the Antarctic icepack the way ancient Sumerian tablets do? We’re left with alternate explanations of much. Enjoy them, wonder, and keep asking what to cut away with Occam’s razor. We grasp the elephant of reality from varying perspectives. See them all and get a clearer picture of the beast and the blind who generalize from their particular vantages to the nature of the whole and its context. An explanation or theory that most parsimoniously (simplest, with least words, numbers, adumbrations) accounts for the all the data and makes more accurate predictions of future behavior as well as past accumulated data is more useful for our understanding than one that uses more words and symbols and must exclude exceptions to work.

Thus, Copenicus’s heliocentric explanation of the apparent movement of planets takes less math than Ptolomy’s epicycle system, though the latter also can predict apparent planetary movement. Freer writes: “I am convinced of the correctness of Sitchin’s thesis and of Sir Laurence Gardiner’s by utter coherence; they are the only explanations which contain no inexplicable elements, no contradictions and in which all the facts dance together in total consort. Our species’ internecine violence, a product of Babel-factoring for crowd control that has carried through to great wars and the religious mayhem of crusades, jihads, inquisitions and persecutions and not intrinsically of human nature. The Roman Church, a continuation of the fear of the god Enlil [Yahweh] type of subservient religion came into ascendance by an alliance with the gradual assimulation of the Roman empire and adopting its practices. Suppression of our true history through promulagation of the Hebrew Old Testament forgeries done to make Enlil their single monotheistic god affected a racial amnesia and the ancient Sumerian culture was forgotten and only rediscovered in the late 1800s. Military and political controllers have suppressed the knowledge and data about alien presence on this planet by denial and ridicule.”

References click here

Anunnaki Chronology Link click-me

Anunnaki Who’s Who

Anunnaki Evidence


More on the Gods of Old: Anunnaki: Gods No More by Sasha Lessin, Ph.D. (Anthropology, U.C.L.A.)



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by Sasha Lessin, Ph.D. (Anthropology, U.C.L.A.)

Click the arrow and hear the web radio show.

1 aaaAAaaaAAaAaaa Nemesis system captioned

1 aaaaAAaaaAAaAaaa Nemisis & Nibiru















Nibiru, whose people call SaaMe, is “a rocky, watery planet 4.8 times the size of Earth.” Nibiru’s crust runs from 127 to 149 miles deep.

Nibiru’s way older–6.8 billion years old–than Earth (4.5 billion old). “Nibiru does not revolve around the Sun on the same plane as the ecliptic, comes in at an angle, and crosses the ecliptic at an inclination of 31.2 degrees, coming from the south.

Nibiru’s “solid core density is 4.2 that of Earth” and this core gives Nibiru a much greater electrical charge (which the Nibirans direct for their power needs) than Earth’s. “The magnetic core makes the planet volcanically active, with some two hundred volcanoes” which the Nibirans “harvest on the surface for heat, carbon dioxide, trace gases and oxygen.

Nibiru’s satellites are rocky and rife with frozen water; they lack the internal heat Nibiru has.

As Nibiru approaches, as it now does, it increasingly looks like a huge planet “with a trail as it approaches the Sun due to loss of water mass due to electromagnetic interaction.” [Bordon: 43-45]

Nibiru hits Earth4

Six thousand years ago, men from Nibiru dictated Enuma elish–the Creation Epic–to the Sumerians. From Sumer, The Epic spread to all Earth’s ancient civilizations; the Bible’s Old Testament echos the Enuma.

Click arrow above and hear the web radio while you see the illustrations below

NIBIRU’S MOONS, THEN NIBIRU, HIT EARTH Our Solar System grew from a gas cloud that circled its own center counterclockwise, cooled, and formed both our sun and, in Andy Lloyd’s formulation, formed also a dimmer pair-star, a subbrown dwarf Nemesis. Both the sun and Nemesis developed planets that circled them.
Nemesis Orbit








Tiamat, the very watery planet that would become Earth orbited the sun between the orbital paths of Jupiter and Mars. The ancient Enuma Elish describes how, four and a half billion years ago, our sun created Tiamat, then Mercury.

The sun then, says the Enuma, sent Mercury with water and gold–comets and meteorites–to Tiamat. Planet-pairs formed: Venus with Mars, Jupiter with Saturn, and Uranus with Neptune. These planets orbited the Sun counterclockwise, as did Tiamat.

There was no planet between Venus and Jupiter, where the Earth now resides and Pluto was a moon of Saturn Tiamat lacked a partner-planet, but one of her moons, Kingu, enlarged. Kingu started to partner with Tiamat. Then Kingu could orbit the Sun, not Tiamat. But, four billion years ago, before Kingu could orbit the Sun, either Nibiru or Nemisis invaded the Sun’s inner planetary system. (I call the invader Nibiru, but it could be Nemesis.) Nibiru, newly formed, belched fire and radiation. Neptune’s gravity pulled into the inner solar system, where it changed the orbits of all Solaris’ planets. When it approached Tiamat,” both Tiamat and Nibiru sprouted moons. [Dark Star: 41, 122 -124; 12th Planet: 219]

Nibiru, still plastic then passed Uranus, orbiting counterclockwise. Uranus’ gravity tore matter off Nibiru. This matter formed four moons (called South, North, East and West Winds) that orbited Nibiru clockwise. Hit One: Nibiran Moon North Wind hit Earth: In the first Proto-Earth vs Nibiru clash, the planets didn’t hit but some the moons formed around Nibiru as it passed Uranus, hit Tiamat [Dark Star: 122 -124; Giants: 111 – 114].
Nibiru Incoming 1


When Nibiru pierced our Solar System, it lost three of its moons and tore four moons from Uranus. When Nibiru passed Uranus, it tilted Uranus’ orbit. One orbit of Nibiru into the inner solar system forced all Tiamat’s new sprouting moons from counterclockwise orbit into clockwise orbit. 12 new moons then circled Nibiru (instead of Tiamat). They formed “retrograde orbiting comets.” Nibiru’s perigee sucked off Kingu’s air and blocked Kingu’s orbit around the Sun. Kingu remained Earth’s moon.

Hit 2, Part 2: Nibiru and its moons knocked Tiamat to chunks. Some 200 million years ago, as Nibiru again transited the inner solar system, the gravity of Jupiter and Mars tore three more moons, Evil Wind, Whirlwind and Matchless Wind, from Nibiru. Evil Wind struck Tiamat. The collision knocked bits of Tiamat and its waters into clockwise orbits. Tiamat got genetic building blocks this moon of Nibiru had developed. We call the comets thus formed, retrograde ( clockwise) comets. Then Nibiru itself hit Tiamat and split Tiamat into two parts.

The collision gouged a huge gap, the Pacific Basin, in the upper remains of Tiamat, leaving more of Nibiru’s genetic material on Earth. Nibiru knocked all the remaining landmass into a single continent on the side opposite the Pacific gauge.

Hit 2, Part 3: Nibiru’s moon North Wind then hit the upper part and knocked it from its orbital position between Mars and Jupiter into a new orbit, between Mars and Venus.
North Wind Hits Tiamat













From this new orbit, Earth stabilized and began to rotate on its own tilted orbit as it revolved around Solaris.

Hit 2, part 4: Next time Nibiru passed through the inner solar system, it hit the lower part, the body of Tiamat’s remains. We call these shards, which careened into space, “asteroids”; Nibirans called them “The Hammered Bracelet.”

Tiamat strikes Earth








Earth’s crust formed 4 billion years ago on continents, but formed 200 million years ago under the Pacific. The crust, 12 – 45 miles deep on land, lies but 3.5 – 5 miles under the Pacific Ocean. When Evil Wind and Nibiru hit Tiamat, no crust remained in the Pacific Gap, only a gaping hole.

Moon makes Pacific Basin




After collisions, silt ran into the gap from the land and volcanoes spewed lava into it; they created the thinner crust under the Pacific. Evil Wind and Nibiru broke Earth’s crust into slabs.Nibiru Orbit Cropcircle composit of 3 pix

Then Earth “attained the shape of a globe dictated by forces of gravity. Waters gathered into the cavity on the torn-off side. Dry land appeared on the other side of the planet. Breakup of the Earth’s crust, plate tectonics, differences between continental and oceanic crusts, emergence of a Pangaea [a single continent] from under the waters, the primordial encircling ocean” led our scientists to confirm the Nibiran model of Earth formed after EvilWind then Nibiru hit Tiamat. [Genesis: 96 -105].






Earth’s tilted 21 – 24 degrees on its path around the sun. Nibiru or its moon or a massive meteor shower 65 million years ago tilted Earth. The tilt makes seasons; it also makes the days when the Sun, when it rises, seem to stand still against the horizon. When Evil Wind and Nibiru hit Tiamat, they gave it rare molybdenum, needed for enzymatic reactions. Nibiru and Evil Wind set a “single genetic code for all terrestrial life.” In the Pacific, waters and life-seeds of Nibiru and Tiamat evolved together. [12th Planet: 255 -256; 2010, Giants: 109-114].

Nibiru stabilized into a clockwise 3,600-year orbit.

Tiamat's Orbit










But in 10,900 B.C. Uranus drifted away from the Sun and sped Nibiru toward Earth sooner than 3,600 years. As Nibiru flew by, Uranus caught Miranda, a moon of Nibiru. Miranda, now a moon of Uranus, circled it instead of Nibiru.

From 10,000 BCE. on, Uranus speeded Nibiru’s orbit to 3450 Earth years rather than 3600. Nibiru returned to perigee in 7450, 4000, and 556 B.C. and next returns to the inner solar system in 2900 BCE rather than 2012 BCE as it would on its earlier 3600-year orbit (though the debris 180 degrees from Nibiru on Nibiru’s orbital path, its far LaGrange point moving in harmonic procession always opposite Nibiru, may be upon us now).

[Bordon: 44]

[Bordon: 44]

Nibiru has its LaGrange points--places 90 degrees and 180 degrees from it at all times on its orbital path.  Asteroids and comets at these points always keep the same distance from NibiruN

ibiru has its LaGrange points–places 90 degrees and 180 degrees from it at all times on its orbital path. Asteroids and comets at these points always keep the same distance from Nibiru

Nibirans can communicate with and even travel to Earth both before and after Nibiru’s perigee the two “Heaven’s Gates.” The Infrared Imaging Satellite and the Naval Observatory confirmed Nibiru [MBOL 61 \f “WP TypographicSymbols” \s 12s existence 1983 -1984.]

“NASA attempted to hush-up” Nibiru’s discovery in an published then denied the IRAS sighting. [Freer: Part 1; Lloyd:75; End: 315 – 317]

Genetic material from the collisions seeded Earth with genetic material from Nibiru. Disturbance the collision caused also created our Moon, the former almost-planetary pair to Tiamat (Proto-Earth). The passing of Nibiru and its satellites sent gold-heavy meteorites from Mercury to Earth, setting Earth up as a gold depository that Nibirans came to exploit, and ultimately the need of Nibiru for gold brought the Nibiran Goldmining Expedition to Earth. To get the gold, they created us, the slave race, to dig the gold and serve them in building, mining, armed conflict and tantric temples.

“Earth’s crust, plate tectonics, differences between the continental and oceanic crusts, emergence of Pangaea from under the waters, the primordial encircling ocean: the findings of modern science corroborated ancient knowledge. The only explanation of the way Earth’s landmasses, oceans and atmosphere evolved is a cataclysm four billion years ago. What was that cataclysm [Genesis: 88-106]

The Sumerian tale predicted Earth’s geo-features. “In the aftermath of the Celestial Battle, Earth evolved into an independent planet and attained the shape of a globe dictated by the forces of gravity. Waters gathered into the cavity on the torn-off side. Dry land appeared on the other side of the planet. Earth’s crust is 12 miles to 45 miles thick; but in parts taken up by oceans the crust is only 3.5 miles thick. While the average elevation of continents is 2,300 feet, the average depth of oceans is 12,500 feet. The thicker continental crust reached much further down into the mantle [rock layer], whereas the oceanic crust is a thin layer of solidified sediments. In the Pacific, the crust has been gouged out at some points 7 miles. If we could remove from the Pacific’s floor the crust built up over the last 200 million years, we arrive at depths 12 miles below the water’s surface and 60 miles below the surface.” [Genesis: 93- 98]

“Scientists believe Earth’s atmosphere reconstituted initially from gasses spewed out from wounded Earth. Clouds thrown up from these eruptions shielded Earth and it began to cool, the vaporized water condensed and came down in torrential rains. Oxidation of rocks and minerals made the first reservoir of higher levels of oxygen on Earth. Plant life added oxygen and carbon dioxide to the atmosphere and started the nitrogen cycle with the aid of bacteria. “The fifth tablet of the Enuma elish describes the gushing lava as Tiamat’s ‘spittle’ as it poured forth, assembling the water clouds; after that the foundations of Earth were raised and the oceans gathered” just as the verses of Genesis reiterated. “Thereafter life appeared: green herbage upon the continents and swarms in the waters.” [Genesis: 134 (Genesis condenses Enuma.)]

3.4 billion years ago, “clays acted as chemical laboratories where inorganic materials were processed into more complex molecules. Inorganic proto-organisms in the clay acted as a template from which living organisms [one- celled microscopic algae like today’s blue-green algae] evolved. Defects in the clays acted as sites where stored energy and chemical directions for the formation of proto-organisms developed.” Green algae’s “the precursor of chlorophyllic plants that use sunlight to convert their nutrients to organic compounds, emitting oxygen in the process after algae spread upon dry land. For plantlike forms to process oxygen, they needed rocks containing iron to bind the oxygen; free oxygen was still poison to life forms. Such banded-iron formations sank into ocean bottoms as sediments, the single-celled organisms evolved into multicelled ones in the water. The covering of the lands with algae preceded the emergence of maritime life. [Genesis: 136 – 139].

Crick and Orgel, our Nobel laureate scientists, say, in “Directed Panspermia, a technologically advanced society on another planet in a spaceship with due protection and a life-sustaining environment, seeded Earth.” Crick and Orgel “rule out the possibility that the essential genetic material had time to evolve on Earth.” They found the same twenty amino acids in all living organisms on Earth. All Earth’s organisms, when they evolved, incorporated within themselves the same four nucleotides Athat and no other. [Icarus, vol. 19; Genesis:152]

The Nibirans “figured out evolution on Earth.” Maritime vertebrates came 500 million years ago; land vertebrates, 100 million years later. 225 million years ago, fish filled the waters. Sea plants and amphibians moved from water to land. Plants lured amphibians to land; amphibians adapted into egg-laying reptiles. Some reptiles evolved into birds; reptiles on land grew to dinosaurs. 65 million years ago, dinosaurs died out. We see “full agreement here “among the Enuma, Genesis and modern science.” [Genesis: 141 – 145]

Here’s how Sumerian, on a cylinder seal show this:
Solar System tablet composit














In the radio show you get when you click the arrow on the icon above, futant Neil Freer (author of Breaking the Godspell), Anthropologist Dr. Sasha Lessin (Anunnaki: Gods No More) and ET researcher Janet Kira Lessin (Legacy of the Gods) discuss A. R Bordon’s The Link and how Anunnaki (goldminers from the planet Nibiru who adapted their genome to Earth with copper, clay and proto-Bigfoot genes to make us as disposable slaves. The Anunnaki programmed and pitted us–via religions, nations and debt–against each other. The spawn of the Anunnaki, the planetary oligarchy, maintain control of Earth.

Bordon revealed that The Link, a network of twelve mixed extraterrestrials and non-government humans, meets annually on Earth to consider planetary engineering to save us from ourselves.

The Link includes several types of humans similar enough to us that we can interact with them without us knowing they’re ETs. In their meetings, Bordon met also with extraterrestrial humans we’d see as unlike us–several kinds of Greys, beings with Reptilian ancestries and insect ancestries, machine intelligences and android-robots interested in Earth.message behind The Link by A. R. Bordon


Bordon brings insight into the human genome, secret societies, new physics, cosmology, extraterrestrial influence on earth, and the spiritual nature and purpose of humankind.

Bordon’s the most public individual in a network of people who have had direct contact with various individual extraterrestrials and groups, both of a human nature and non-human nature. This exopolitical network has direct face to face and telepathic contact and communication with ETs but is independent of National military and intelligence groups.

This network does liaison with the military and intelligence agencies involving issues of National Security when considered necessary.
The members of this exopolitical network have backgrounds with corporations, military and intelligence agencies, but the group works independently and negotiates as a loosely knit operation to identify and to understand the evolution, motives and agendas of a rather large number of extraterrestrial races and civilizations and their interactions with earth humankind.

These direct interactions include several types of humans that closely resemble us enough to interact with us on the street without us knowing who they are. Other types of humans we would recognize as different from us if met on the street. Types that are not human include several kinds of Greys, several types of beings with Reptilian ancestries and insect ancestries and others including machine intelligences, robots, etc.

The big picture is of a well-populated universe of space faring beings of very diverse nature, some who have taken an interest in Earth affairs for a number of reasons as it is profitable for them to interface with us out of self-interest and cooperative interest.

A. R. Bordon the incoming info Nibiru Planet X or What White Peak Vistancia Peoria Arizona

Violet Sphere Naval Station Norfolk A. R. Bordon – Between the Devil and the Returning Rock


References click here

Anunnaki Chronology Link click-me

Anunnaki Who’s Who

Anunnaki Evidence

More on the Gods of Old: Anunnaki: Gods No More by Sasha Lessin, Ph.D. (Anthropology, U.C.L.A.)

Read More



Synopsis: “The U.S. Government has to formally contend with the presence of two Anunnaki camps in conflict with one another, to deal with both.” Prince Nannar-Allah, son of Earth-Commander Enlil-Yahweh runs the camp of Anunnaki already here. Nannar and his czars nowadays run all of Earth’s institutions. Prince Marduk heads the Anunnaki camp of 330 Anunnaki, here from Nibiru since the 1970s. Alexander the Great saw Marduk’s body floating in oil and assumed him dead. But Anunnaki could sometimes revive the dead, keep people in suspended cryogenic-like state or clone them again from their DNA. And the “Marduk” returning could even be one of his descendants who now bears “Marduk” as a title. The Marduk, whoever he really is, intends to depose Nannar and free us from Nannar’s matrix. Marduk brings with him the “Dedicated Human” who, he says, will create “direct democracy” for those of us who survive the Earth changes Nibiru’s nearing will cause.  Marduk’s operatives and agents have infiltrated all Nannar’s organizations and they have been assassinating Nannar’s Earthling assets and Anunnaki agents; that’s why the Nannar’s Anunnaki always travel in pairs now. Marduk covertly instigates actions in the secret groups that rule NATO, Russia, China, Japan, OPEC, the Vatican, Brazil, South Africa, the G8, Iran and North Korea so they create events that drastically reduce our population but do not reveal Marduk’s hidden hand and spoil his PR.

The Anunnaki (people from the planet Nibiru) are Homo sapiens a lot like us.  But they live hundreds of thousands of years. U.S. GovernmeAnunnaki incomingnt officials who’ve dealt with them since the 1940s say that the Anunnaki are “seven or eight feet tall, looking almost like albinos–almost milky white skin with a sort of sweat on their skin like a film, hair snow-white like white wool, kinky.  Some of them wear their hair shoulder-length, others close-cropped.  Their eyes are red when they are not wearing almost black contact-like lenses.  Nowadays, they always travel in pairs. Their cellular electrical capacitance is much higher than ours, which makes them an energetic envelope of much higher electrical potential than ours. When you are in the presence of one of them you can feel a force of intention emanate from them. [Bordon, 2007: 10, 11, 24].

Anunnaki from Penre,  2011

Anunnaki from Penre, 2011*


NInurtaEarthlingSitchin78p106 (1)


A.R. Bordon, for many years our representative at monthly meetings of The Link of  Species Concerned with Earth, writes: “The U.S. Government has to formally contend with the presence of two Anunnaki camps in conflict with one another, to deal with both.”  Prince Nannar-Allah, son of Earth-Commander Enlil-Yahweh runs the camp of Anunnaki already here.

Nannar, aka Sin, Moon God, Allah
Nannar, aka Sin, Moon God, Allah

 Nannar and his czars nowadays run all of Earth’s institutions.  

 Prince Marduk** heads the Anunnaki camp of 330 Anunnaki, here from Nibiru since the 1970s.



 Marduk’s brother Ningishzidda, disavowed cooperation with Marduk and allied with Nannar.  

Marduk intends to depose Nannar and free us from Nannar’s matrix.  Marduk brings with him the “Dedicated Human” who’ll create “direct democracy” for those who survive the Earth changes Nibiru’s nearing will cause.


In 2016 BCE, the Anunnaki Chief Scientist, Prince Enki, told his Sumerian scribe Endubscar that the Anunnaki rocketed to Iraq 450,000 years ago from a planet called Nibiru.  Anunnaki enforcers from Nannar’s camp warned Zecharia Sitchin (the scholar who translated what Endubscar wrote) not to reveal the secret ways the Anunnaki here have controlled the world in recent centuries.
Sitchin tabs 


Sitchin was able to let us know that Enki wrote that the Anunnaki came to Earth for gold to send back (via Mars) to Nibiru to powder into an atmospheric shield.  Miners from Nibiru spent lifetimes mining gold in Africa until, 300,000 years ago, Enki manipulated the miners to mutiny, then won approval from Nibiru to replace the mutineers with a worker race adapted from the Anunnaki genome. Enki, his sister Ninmah and his son Ningishzidda first created short-lived slaves, called Adamites (descendants of Adam, with an “m” for Adam), from their own genome but modified with clay, copper and genes from an intelligent African hominoid, Homo erectus.

Adamite birthT
wo hundred thousand years ago, Commander Enlil ordered Enki to create more efficient, intelligent and obedient miners.  In response, Enki begat a line of Earthlings called AdaPites (that’s with a P for AdaPa, the boy Enki made with an Adamite girl).

adapa as babe  


Fifty thousand years ago Enki and Adapite beauty Batanash begat Noah, who carried Enki’s longevity genes and ruled the Iraqi city of Sharuppak until the Deluge of 13,000 years ago.

Noah birth

Enki saved Noah and many of his subjects from the Deluge.  The Anunnaki then ruled (and still do) though descendants of Noah’s sons, Shem, Ham and Japhet.

The Anunnaki helped flood survivors proliferate and build cities of 50,000 people in the Middle East, Egypt and the Indus Valley.  They built airports, pyramidal powerhouses and temples around the entire Earth.  The Anunnaki ruled the new civilizations as gods.
Marduk rules

The Anunnaki gave us the best and the worst of planet-wide civilization–kings, historians, taxes, temples, priests, bicameral congresses, record-keeping, law codes, library catalogs, furnaces, kilns, wheeled vehicles, paved roads, medicines, cosmogony, cosmology, festivals, beer, food recipes, art, music, music instruments, music notes, dance, textiles, and multicolored apparel.  Sumerian schools taught mathematics, architecture, theology, writing, grammar, botany, zoology, geography. They had (but didn’t show us how to build) a world-wide energy grid, air, submarine and interplanetary transport vehicles and advanced computers.

The Anunnaki taught us hierarchy, misogyny, violence, greed, slavery, debt and war that featured genocide and weapons of mass destruction. In 2024 BCE they ruined their eastern Mediterranean cities with nuclear blasts and fallout storms. Most Anunnaki returned to Nibiru by 311 BCE. But Nannar and his followers of pure Nibiran ancestry stayed.  They secretly run everything on Earth to this very day. They and their half-breeds perpetuate exclusive, hostile nations, economies and religions to war with weapons, ideology and debt to prevent us uniting against them.  Nannar and his minions are still “masters of those in positions of political, military, economic and religious power through whom they could influence the creation of third-party conflicts by manipulation of witting and unwitting minions who wield power within the political/economic/religious/military grid.” [Ibid: 15]

The Anunnaki’s tales of their stay on Earth before they made our ancestors, as well as what our forefathers directly saw imprinted us with the values of the Nibiran hierarchic, male-run, master-slave-enemy mentality. We assumed values of extraction, pollution, monetary monopoly and obsession with gold. Fortunately the genetics team that created us also gave us the capacity and preserved the histories Sitchin and others translated so we can overcome the liabilities the Anunnaki left us. 

Reagan and etI
n 1979, Nannar’s Anunnaki faction, the one running this planet now, forced U.S. President Reagan and USSR Chairman Gorbachev to develop a world-wide “star wars” defense GRID aimed–not at each other–but at incoming spacecraft of the rival Anunnaki faction led by Prince Marduk. “The grid is completely interactive–from surveillance, counterintelligence to asset disposition, military policy to event response sets based on the assumption there will be an invasion by technologically advanced forces incoming. Everything is geared to disallow beachheads fifth column assets have on the ground.”  

Bordon identifies Nannar’s top 10 bosses–the czars–of Earth.  The czars do Nannar’s bidding and run
*”The American/NATO group,
*the Russia/Mafia group,
*the Japan group,
*the China group,
*the OPEC group,
*the Cartel/Triads councils group,
*the supply margin economic/political group in Latin America and Africa headed by Brazil (Latin America) and  South Africa (Africa),
*the seven members of the ecumenical community led by the Roman Pope, *the trigger states, Iran, North Korea as well as
*the G-8.”

President Reagan agreed to defend Nannar’s system of 10 czars that already rules Earth against Marduk’s incoming forces.  “The U.S. Government has to formally contend with the presence of two Anunnaki camps in conflict with one another, to deal with both.”

Marduk brings with him his son Nabu, his brother Gibil, a leader called Nuskum, as well as a person Marduk calls “The Dedicated Human” to free us from the matrix in which Nannar enslaved us. 

Marduk’s incoming faction offers us instead a “direct democracy” to run the planet instead of Nannar’s power elite.  Marduk’s operatives and agents have infiltrated all Nannar’s organizations listed above and they have been assassinating Nannar’s Earthling assets and Anunnaki agents; that’s why the Nannar’s Anunnaki always travel in pairs now.  Marduk covertly instigates actions within the organizations listed above so they create events that drastically reduce our population but do not reveal Marduk’s hidden hand and spoil his PR. [Ibid: 23-24]

It’s time for us to govern ourselves with compassion, empathy and intelligence rather than continue toadying to the hierarchies, secret control and lies of the both false Anunnaki gods–Marduk and Nannar–and their allies among us.  We’ve had enough genetic racism and know everyday people have just as valuable lights to shine as those with more genes from the Anunnaki royals.  We shall not be the spoils of a war between the Anunnaki factions.  Never again.


* Re Anunnaki woman pictured: Here's what Wes Penre wrote on his website: "This particular photo has a story behind it, which I need to tell. It was taken by Dr. Bordon in a meeting in Puerto Rico. This particular LPG-C member, whom of course knew about their existence from earlier annual meetings, was surprised to meet four of these beings in the Puerto Rico gathering. Bordon told me that these beings were taller than humans, but not tremendously taller; somewhere between 6 to 7 feet. They look like albinos, with white, kinky hair, which they sometimes wear long and sometimes short (like in Figures 9a and 9b). Their eyes are red when seen in certain light, and the red eyes in this picture is the only thing that has been manipulated, according to LPG-C. The picture was not meant to come in public domain, and certainly not on the Internet; only for circulation between the LPG-C scientists, The eye color was enhanced to emphasize their real eye color, which did not come out well on the original photo.

Although I felt I had established a relationship with the LPG-C, and especially with Dr. A.R. Bordon, I was skeptic at first when I saw the photo, because I did a search on the Internet and could easily find the photo on different websites. Some even suggested it was a photoshop job of the Polish model, Anja Rubic (fig. 10).

The Polish model, Anja Rubic

“I decided to send the alleged Anunnaki female photo to two different photoshop experts. The first one wants to be anonymous, but the second one was Barbara Brown, aka Wiolawa (http://wiolawapress.com), of Native Indian descendent, whom in my opinion has done amazing research into the exopolitical scene, mostly by using Photoshop as a tool. More often than not, she’s been right on! I didn’t mention anything about what I’d been told about this photo.  In both cases they came back with the same answer: this person is not totally human, but a hybrid. Wiolawa even said she seemed to have some kind of “overlay”. Reptilian? We’ll see…Anja Rubic, on the other hand, having quite some similarities in looks with the Anunnaki female, is not the same person. The observant reader can see that if s/he looks carefully, but one may ask if Ms. Rubic may actually be an Anunnaki hybrid as well? I will left that question hanging, and if someone wants to look into that, it may be worth the effort. LPG-C guarantees that this is how the earth-bound females look like, and they tell me they know this from face-to-face encounters, and also by using Extra Neurosensing (ENS) remote viewing.

To complete the story about the photo of the Anunnaki female, it was stolen (and I know this to be fact) from LPG-C by an impostor, who joined the group, pretending to do so with the best of intentions. He joined under the name Roy W. Gordon. The photo was supposedly taken in 2006, and some time in 2008, Roy Gordon stole it (and other sensitive information) and escaped. The photo was later posted on the Internet by the organization that Gordon was/is a member of: S.A.A.L.M. or the ACIO/NSA (National Security Agency), located in Pine Gap, Australia, known for its huge amount of Reptilian sightings[18], and also one of the major bases for Marduk associated Intelligence Agencies. S.A.A.L.M. stands for “Supreme Annunaki Assembly of Lord Marduk”. Fig. 11 below is showing the S.A.A.L.M. version of the Anunnaki female.

** Alexander saw Marduk’s body floating in oil and assumed him dead, but Anunnaki could sometimes revive the dead, keep people in suspended cryogenic-like state or clone them again from their DNA. And the “Marduk” returning  could even be one of his descendants who now bears “Marduk” as a title.


References click here

Anunnaki Chronology Link click-me

Anunnaki Who’s Who

Anunnaki Evidence

More on the Gods of Old: Anunnaki: Gods No More by Sasha Lessin, Ph.D. (Anthropology, U.C.L.A.)



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IKTTOTW: Planet X Nibiru Now Uncovered On Google Sky & Global Military Drills!!

Published on Jun 10, 2015
The Planet X Nibiru System has been covered up for years by a Black box that Google put there to censor it… Not anymore though, also check out all the Global Military drills and jobs the U.S Government is advertising for to work along side the Army in disaster hit areas all around the U.S except a disaster hasn’t happened yet!!

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Passage 2 days ago
If you want to see it yourself go to: https://www.google.com/sky/#latitude=22.61407353592708&longitude=-94.41178321838379&zoom=13&Spitzer=0.00&ChandraXO=0.00&Galex=0.00&IRAS=0.00&WMAP=0.00&Cassini=0.00&slide=1&mI=-1&oI=-1
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El aine Hawkins 1 day ago
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sally-ann Williams 1 day ago
+Passage Thank you. I remember looking years ago and there was a black patch over the area at the time.
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solarpurplestarlight 1 day ago
OMG!!! I just went to Google Sky and found the image. As soon as I get to just past the halfway point of zooming in, the whole image disappears. It won’t let me zoom in any closer. This sucks, because if I was able to get zoomed in, I might have been able to see the planets that are with this winged ball of fire. I will try again, later. Thanks, IKTTOTW, for this video and the coordinates! =)
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Angel Light 1 day ago
If you want to see it with its moons, look in the northwest sky between nine and eleven pm. It is visible in all parts of the world. You will see a very bright large gold star. If you zoom in with your cell phone and take a photo, then fully enlarge the image upon viewing it, you will see the wings and moons. It has been in this position for more than five months. I recommend Ddragoon slayer channel video from about a week ago. Brightest thing in the sky. Peace.
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Robert Steven Thomas on the Anunnaki legacy in ‘Intelligent Intervention’

Robert Steven Thomas on the Anunnaki legacy in ‘Intelligent Intervention’

Robert Steven Thomas on the Anunnaki legacy in 'Intelligent Intervention'

Robert Steven Thomas has written an excellent new book entitled “Intelligent Intervention The missing link in human evolution.” Robert is a retired Executive and Multi-disciplined Historion and of course author. He delves into the creation of humanity and the evidence. As well as an advanced alien presence which includes the Anunnaki legacy. I like his approach to close minded individuals and I really enjoyed this interview and his book. I hope you do to. Presenting.

Intelligent Intervention


1 – What does the title of your book Intelligent Intervention imply?

RT: The history of the last 200,000 years currently being taught in the schools of advanced nations is fundamentally flawed and outdated. There are major missing chapters. Ironically, the information and knowledge which form these chapters is becoming increasingly evident as a result of new discovery during the last fifty years. To the detriment of humanity … mainstream science and education ignore this knowledge and refuse to deal with it in an honest, open exchange
One missing chapter involves the fact that Darwinism does not provide a scientifically acceptable beginning for biological life on Earth. Science’s current explanation for the emergence of the first living, self-reproducing cell is a fairy story. The hypothesis of Random Formation is unacceptable and has been mathematically shown to be a statistical impossibility. The reason? Unimaginable complexity confirmed in a cell and its DNA has been clearly recognized by a growing number of the world’s leading cellular-biologists as self-evidently well beyond statistical random-chance.

In another major area, science’s explanation for human evolution from Homo erectus to modern man (or roughly the last 200,000 years of evolution) is fatally flawed. There hasn’t been enough time for the rapid changes we have undergone described as “natural selection” and there simply are no missing links in the fossil record as predicted and expected by science. None will ever be found because the theory is wrong.

In each of these two examples some form of intelligence is demanded and therefore “intervened” with human evolution – hence, Intelligent Intervention.

2 – So, is this intelligence you are referring to God?

RT: First, understand that while my book has religious implications, it’s not a work of theology or superstition. Its function for the reader is much more simple and practical. But to answer the question – Yes and No. Let’s say it refers to god with a small “g.” The big-G – God Almighty, as presently described by Western religions is truly a misunderstood myth. If we are going to heal the world, before the present conflicting religious worldviews destroy the planet, humanity must come to a new and universally acceptable understanding of god. In my book I refer to this concept as “Universal Intelligence” or UI for short. Contemporary philosopher Wayne Dyer describes this very same manifestation as “the Source.”

My years of research have led me to see UI as a scientifically recognizable force of nature. I expect UI will ultimately be established as one of the eleven dimensions predicted by M (string) Theory.

Universal Intelligence was present in the Singularity which preceded the Big Bang and is the matrix upon which everything in the visible-material universe we see around us is formed. How we visualize UI depends on the words we use to describe it and the mental images those words convey. Use the correct modern words and UI is a logical, reasonable concept, not supernatural as both religion and science choose to claim. They each maintain their dogma in opposition to the overwhelming evidence to the contrary … because it is politically expedient for both.

3 – You describe “an advanced alien presence” in Earth’s history … how does that relate to your “god-as-intelligence” concept?

RT: The most scientifically sensible explanation for the existence of life on Earth is Panspermia … Tiny, hibernating, biological-microbes finding their way to Earth embedded in the debris from another part of our Galaxy and taking seed here. And/or early life may have been sent and planted by a space-probe when the Earth’s surface was appropriate to sustain it by evolutionarily advanced beings from a nearby star. If we make it through the next century or so, mankind will discover there are intelligent, biological, life-forms dispersed throughout the Universe, all being infused with UI. Everything that experiences biological life has a dilute amount of the same force UI is composed of. The specific amount is based on the level of accumulated knowledge and intellect our soul accrues through the experiences of many past bio-forms and lifetimes. From my research, I have come to the conclusion that this second possibility – advanced aliens – is most certainly the one which correctly explains how man evolved from a hairy beast to being able to travel to the moon and make plans to terraform Mars.Ancient Aliens are the missing link. There is an overwhelming amount of solid evidence coming to light which substantiates alien intervention on Earth during the last 200,000 years.

4 – If in fact, the Ancient Alien Theory is the correct interpretation for the evolution of modern man … how does your book establish this notion?

RT: Through science, logic and direct evidence. When you get right down to it, there are only four possibilities that have ever been presented in all of human history which account for the impossibly rapid evolution of humanity over the last 200,000 years, and also explain the existence of the archeological anomalies which we find all over the planet. They are:

1) Religious Creation Theology (A supreme Almighty God did it all supernaturally)

2) Mainstream Scientific Materialism (It all happened by accident, randomly)

3) The Atlantis Theory (An unknown ancient culture evolved to a technologically high state naturally through the processes described by evolution and Scientific Materialism in remote history, then mysteriously vanished from the planet, leaving only the anomalies behind as a clue to their former presence

4) The Anunnaki Legacy (Advanced humanoid aliens visited and colonized Earth in remote history, upgraded our human genome and eventually mentored early humanity, teaching us some advanced skills and also intermarrying with us. We all, modern man, are their children.)

The first two explanations vary between just plain silly to simply outrageous. My research as presented in this book establishes that Theory 4, ancient aliens, is not only the best, most scientific and logically reasonable theory … but also the correct one. While there are many researchers in our field who choose to “believe” in The Atlantis Theory, my work has found much more compelling logic in support of the Anunnaki Legacy. While I respect every person’s individual right to believe as they choose … it does not follow that what everyone chooses to believe is right.

5- Some people claim too much has been made of Zechariah Sitchin’s Anunnaki theories and they contain inaccuracies … how would you respond?

RT: Sitchin is an Icon and was a pioneer of legendary proportion. History will one day regard him as such. Like Galileo, Sitchin opened a new window of understanding. He may not have gotten every detail of what he saw through the window on pre-history exactly right in every respect, but his vision established the correct path of understanding. Some of the cosmological details of the Anunnaki Legacy he describes in his work may not be exactly correct … like the notion of the Anunnaki’s home planet, Niburu, being a renegade member of the Sun’s Solar System … but the main concept is spot on. Cynics can whine and cringe all they like, as do witches at the coming of dawn … but, no one to my knowledge has ever successfully discredited Sitchin’s basic theory.

6- You devoted a lot of pages in your book to religion. Why was that necessary?

RT: One of the richest sources for understanding the story of the last five to six thousand years of human history comes from religious records. Fortunately, many of these records are still available to us and useful. Unfortunately, we have to read these ancient documents through 21st Century vision to get past all of the cumulative errors, editing, misunderstanding and misinterpretations, compounded through the ages by our misguided human ancestors. But, if you study the material available closely, long enough and with an open mind … a bigger-unifying story clearly emerges from it all. In short, each of the major religions of today’s world are either a direct or indirect descendent of the oldest major civilization – Sumer and its recorded history and story of cosmology as found in the Enuma Elish, what I refer to as the Anunnaki Legacy. The Anunnaki Legacy and Ancient Alien Theory are one-in-the-same. Anunnaki is the name of the advanced alien civilization that colonized Earth thousands of years ago, created, mentored and then interbred with our early ancestors resulting in modern man. To put all of this religious history in proper perspective took a lot of explanation, but it was critical to support my book’s conclusions.

7 – Your book includes chapters on reincarnation and duality. Please elaborate.

RT: Reincarnation, or more precisely – the fact that all biological things have a dual nature – the physical mortal body and a separate immortal spirit or “soul” … which survives physical death … is a very old and basic area of human understanding. Both Western religion and science have done their best to purge this natural process from modern understanding. The problem for them is … evidence of reincarnation and duality both establish a firm case for the natural existence of human consciousness apart from the physical body – a heresy for scientific materialism. As I explained earlier, Universal Intelligence is a reality. Human consciousness is the direct link and means of understanding this simple fact of life. Science fears this knowledge, and established religion has a need to control it for their own devices.

8 – You claim all major religions today have a single root-source in common. Please explain how you came to this conclusion.

RT: The oldest written record available to us today is the cuneiform clay-tablet Sumerian Library of Ashurbanipal, an ancient-historical Babylonian ruler. This library was unearthed by archeologists in modern Iraq at the turn of the last century. One of the books in the collection brought back to light was the Enuma Elish.

The Enuma Elish is a recorded history of the Sumerian civilization … which is the oldest advanced culture mainstream science has verified to date (4000-6000 BC). The belief that Sumer was the oldest civilization is currently being taught in our school systems. The problem is … the mainstream do not presently accept or teach that the early history of man found in the Enuma Elish as factual and regard this early part as myth. The first part is the Anunnaki Legacy.

To the Establishment’s chagrin, when you study Sumerian history with 21st century eyes two things become strikingly evident. First, many of the stories that would later be written into the chronicles of the major religions that followed – Hindu, Egyptian, Babylonian, Greco/Roman and the biblical Genesis, were simply a retelling of the stories which originated in the Enuma Elish and other Sumerian records. These would include the Golden Age, Flood Story and a War of the Gods. If you have an open mind and study all of the earliest religious material, unimpeachable evidence for the root source of all religions as originating in Sumer speaks loudly for itself, in spite of claims to the contrary from biblical and theological circles.

9 – A growing number of informed people are convinced mainstream science, education and the media establishments do suppress a good amount of important new discovery and modern information on legitimate phenomena like UFO’s and other subjects you cover in your book. How do you challenge this dogma and close-mindedness?

RT: By challenging them directly. Badger the mainstream into putting-up or shutting-up. In my book I offered several very doable specific challenges for mainstream science, archeology and historians. Here is just one example … Many of your readers will be familiar with the ancient, giant, intricately-cut H-blocks at Puma Punku in Bolivia. The Establishment insists they were carved and constructed from quarries, over 22 miles of mountainous terrain away … by the indigenous primitive Amerindian tribes with stone chisels, ropes, timbers and brute force.

I challenge them to either put up or reconsider. It would not be that difficult or unreasonable to send teams of archeological and engineering students from major colleges to Bolivia for a summer experiment. Have them go to the quarry, dislodge a rough stone from its source, transport it to Puma Punku and reproduce an exact replica of the original H-blocks, using only the methods claimed by mainstream science that were available 1500 years ago. I maintain it cannot be done. Until it is done as they claim, it’s simply a working hypothesis … and a lame one at that. By the dictates of established science, if you have no direct evidence to support your hypothesis it cannot be elevated to “theory.” Slam Dunk.

Puma Punku’s existence is not only the most important archeological site in the world, but also, along with Baalbek and the Quimbayan Jets, represents the best physical evidence we have in support of The Anunnaki Legacy. It is tragic and borderline dishonest that a major news source has never done a feature story or TV program on Puma Punku or Baalbek. To their credit, while derided by the science establishment, the History2 Channel has featured Puma Punku on a recent “Ancient Aliens” episode. What does CBS, NBC, ABC and FOX all fear? The answer is simple. Conventional explanations of history and evolution simply will not work at these locations and many others around the world. Fresh new thinking is demanded.

10 – One of the final chapters in your book is titled “The Confucian Paradox.” Explain what this means exactly?

RT: I have read all of the world’s great philosophers, both ancient and more contemporary. Of them all, Confucius is my favorite. His major points are all short, simple to relate to for everyone, and timeless. You don’t need to have a great intellect to learn from him. A good deal of Confucius’ philosophy has to do with personal responsibility and the ideal format for a true democratic government and egalitarian society – one which would best benefit all peoples and social classes.

2500 years later, in 1776, Confucius’ vision finally took real form in the constitution of the United States. During its first 150 years American citizens used the gift of self-governance to create the most prosperous, successful and generous civilization in human history. During the last 50 years or so, we have surrendered our authority and given it back to the banksters, wealthy families and multi-national corporations – formerly known as the kings, royalty, clergy and merchants. What happened? We controlled our own destiny, but over the last three generations too many of our citizens couldn’t handle it and traded it back in return for government largess. That is the Confucian Paradox.

Somehow we must find the collective will to regain control and hold on to it. Government must obey the people not the reverse. Understanding the real history of humanity is the first requirement. Too many people are apathetic and just plain lazy about coming to terms with the changes brought about by modern advances. So too are we equally challenged to consider that the story of history we have been taught to “believe” in school is incomplete. That is why the Anunnaki Legacy is not more widely known or accepted.

Bringing an end to the terrible carnage caused by religious dogma throughout the 5500 years of recorded history is the second requirement. Religious division is the single greatest cause of human suffering and slaughter. As it is presently practiced, religion is a plague on humanity. It needs major reform.

It’s easy to lose sight of the fact that we are now in the midst of a new century. If we are going to put an end to the lunacies within last century’s two primary, failed worldviews (Religion & Scientific Materialism), it will be our youth that will form the frontline of change. We need to support and guide them with fresh thinking. The information in this book opens a doorway for humanity to help reach the next level of human evolution during the 21st Century.

Official site for more info and to purchase the book


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New Zealand Now Recognizes All Animals As Sentient Beings.

New Zealand Now Recognizes All Animals As Sentient Beings.

New Zealand Now Recognizes ALL Animals As Sentient Beings!

June 3, 2015 by Sophie McAdam
A landmark decision by the Kiwis sets a precedent that other countries should follow.


New Zealand has just set a great example to the world by recognizing what animal lovers have known forever- that our furry friends are as sentient as we are, and (obviously, dur) they have feelings just like we do. It’s a theme we have covered time and again here at True Activist, but this landmark ruling by NZ is the first time this shift in perception and policy has been extended to all animals, not justchimpanzeesorangutans, or dolphins.

The Animal Welfare Amendment Bill, passed last month, aims to make it easier to prosecute people in animal cruelty cases, as well as banning animal testing and research, and making all hunting, capture or ill-treatment of any wild animal illegal.

Animal rights activists have celebrated the decision. “To say that animals are sentient is to state explicitly that they can experience both positive and negative emotions, including pain and distress,” said Dr Virginia Williams, chair of the National Animal Ethics Advisory Committee. “The explicitness is what is new and marks another step along the animal welfare journey.”

New Zealand Veterinary Association president Dr Steve Merchant said the bill greater clarity, transparency and enforceability of animal welfare laws, according to the country’s regional newspaper the Nelson Mail.

“Expectations on animal welfare have been rapidly changing, and practices that were once commonplace for pets and farm stock are no longer acceptable or tolerated,” he said. “The bill brings legislation in line with our nation’s changing attitude on the status of animals in society.”

You can read the entire Bill here. Let’s hope the rest of the world follows suit!

Read More: http://www.trueactivist.com/new-zealand-now-recognizes-all-animals-…

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Peter Kling: Christ coming as soon as 2017

Peter Kling: Christ coming as soon as 2017

Jesus_on_White_horse_2Peter Kling: Christ coming as soon as 2017; Judgement for hidden controllers – move into Love or leave planet

By Alfred Lambremont Webre




VANCOUVER, BC – Hermeneuticist and author Peter Kling discusses the events of the Jesuit Pope Francis Bergoglio Latin American visits during June 2015; the planned Yom Kippur/Tetra Lunar Eclipse Sept 23, 2015Oct 1112, 2016 False Flag; the post 2015 UN Millennial Goals, adding an hermeneutical evaluation that Christ may come as soon as 2017 with a Judgment for the hidden controllers including the Giants (nefilim); the ancient Vampires, the cone heads, the war merchants and the Bauer and other front families, etc. – “Move into Love or leave the planet.”

Turning Your News Inside Out

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Spread the word. Free humanity and all beings from the perverted matrix.  Today begins the process that lets freedom ring throughout the solar system spreading outwards towards the galaxies encompassing the Universe.  Play this video which in itself is a meditation.  Meditation works for self and all life, all existence.  Let it begin!

Janet Lessin 1 second ago
Spread the word. Free humanity and all beings from the perverted matrix. Today begins the process that lets freedom ring throughout the solar system spreading outwards towards the galaxies encompassing the Universe. Play this video which in itself is a meditation. Meditation works for self and all life, all existence. Let it begin!
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Smaly7 Shared on Google+ · 6 days ago
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Arctrys 1 day ago
“Light is ON” – Count me in.
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Laura Petrilli 1 hour ago
5 oclock im am with you
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Valerie Last 2 days ago
Peace will finally be on earth and we will no longer be slaves just to eat and have shelter and warmth.

Marian van der Veen Shared on Google+ · 7 hours ago
For those of you concerned with our Solar System and life
unknown to us, but not for long, hopefully. I guess this is shared by others here too, please do what feels right for you, even letting this pass.

EmGBlackout 2 days ago
meditation at 5:11 pm…. LOL 1 minute after my break is over at work.
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Guardian Of Aura 22 hours ago
Better get a move on. Lmao
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DJ Phillip 2 days ago
Music : Vangelis – Voices 🙂
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Alcyon Pleiades Shared on Google+ · 2 days ago
FREE THE COLONIES! MAY 30TH, 2015:https://youtu.be/L8WOTqeJcC8
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Debbie Kimsey Shared on Google+ · 1 day ago
Who said that Star Trek, Star Wars, Lost in Space, and so on & on & on, Is NOT real?????
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donald breaux 1 day ago
shared Face Book “Together We Liberate”
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Jennifer Wyatt Shared on Google+ · 1 day ago
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youBoob 11 hours ago
I hope no aliens kidnap me and eat me. I probably dont taste too good anyway. I eat a lot of got sauce so be warned.

Nobody better try and eat me while im trying to help
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Bndoe Doorman 6 days ago
colonization of mars? , was done long time ago be the dark elite in colaboration with an alien race , maybe pleiades,
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Wellness Hero 3 hours ago
Spreading the vibrational resonance of #Love #Peace #Joy #Unity together is pure #Awesomeness I am honored to be a planetary volunteer in the liberation of our solar system with #honor #commitment & source #LIGHT! #Nameste Humanity we are doing this!
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Ljubisa Luke Jovanovic 9 hours ago
At last, freedom for humanity, starting first with final liberation human slaves from colonies on many planets in our Solar system, This is not Sci Fi and you have a lots of articles on internet about colonies on Moon, Mars and Jupiter’s Moons and many others and about Human slaves, keeping as a Hostages on that places / one of web site is Exopolitics org/. Please join us to, reach critical mass, for global meditation to support our Galactic families of Light in final liberation of Human slaves, to goes as smooth as possible.
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batfly 1 day ago
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Peter Reed 19 hours ago
reposted on my prepare for change SW florida.
let’s free our solar system and help take this planet to another level!
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Per Bergman Shared on Google+ · 8 hours ago
Free the Colonies! (Cobra)

Free the Colonies! activation is coming soon. In order for people to have more understanding about the situation in our Solar System, I will explain a few things about various breakaway civilizations and their space programs.


In 2012, the Light Forces have cleared all those secrets space programs, along with all deep underground military bases such as Dulce, Area 51 and Pine Gap. Most of the top brass in these space programs was taken to the Galactic Central Sun as they have committed grave crimes and were unwilling to accept the Light. Most of the supersoldiers participating in these programs were good people that genuinely believed they are defending the Earth against the alien threat. The vast majority of them have joined the positive Alliance fleet in this Solar System and are now assisting in MOSS.

Now they will assist in the final operations to liberate our Solar System from last vestiges of darkness, the Chimera bases and implant stations.

The completion of these operations will have extremely beneficial impact on the geopolitical situation. Therefore I would ask as many people as possible to support the operations by meditating on May 30th to ensure that the whole process will take place as peacefully and as harmoniously as possible:

The Youtube videos for this activation have been prepared in 24 languages.

Read more
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Greta Medes Shared on Google+ · 1 day ago
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Anne Kelly 2 days ago
Let there be light , Peace to our beautiful Planet
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Urantia Wins 15 hours ago
Gaia is OUR planet….stay with it.
If you board a ship you are at their mercy.. There are many wolfs in sheep’s clothing like the Christ said. Do not be duped. Trust your heart and intuition….
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lara L Shared on Google+ · 6 hours ago
Let’s do it !
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Jilly Shared on Google+ · 15 hours ago
Whatever your beliefs, how could it hurt to meditate for the Planet Earth, its Cosmos and all living beings? I only ask that you view this with an open mind and an open Heart. Thank You.
Infinite Love ♥ Jilly

Chyrstal Chimes 7 hours ago
How interesting! We human slaves of this planet are being asked to help free the slaves of colonies in the solar system. For years & years, I’ve been hearing a lot of talk from someone called Drake about freeing Earth from control & slavery & now the tune has changed & we have Cobra who wants “US” to free others while we Earthlings are sinking deeper into despair & being controlled even more. Yea, I’m having some trouble wrapping my mind around this new logic. A whole lot of more hocus pocus distraction & giving our time & energy to false leaders again.
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Wolfwitchanonymous Soul Shared on Google+ · 1 hour ago

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Shane Adler Shared on Google+ · 1 hour ago

Richard Blocher Shared on Google+ · 9 hours ago

Dennis Terrell Shared on Google+ · 16 hours ago
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Eiko Yamamoto Shared on Google+ · 20 hours ago
Let’s get together !! Breakthrough is here !!!
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yr 3 hours ago
Collective meditation is really a conspiracy!
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Mariana Smile Shared on Google+ · 20 hours ago
lets all be part of this have a look is a must…………………….
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Petia Dimitrova Shared on Google+ · 5 days ago
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muranoteal 4 hours ago
I’m in!!!
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Ann C Shared on Google+ · 1 day ago
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FullyAwake 2 hours ago
10 minutes out
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Paolo Serra Shared on Google+ · 15 hours ago
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Shawn Tootill 2 days ago
ITs finally time 🙂
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takeCare4eu Shared on Google+ · 17 hours ago
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Mr72368 Shared on Google+ · 2 days ago
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Michelle Leonard 1 day ago
We can all help. Let’s do this Light Team
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Teo Estevez 6 days ago
Thank you Smaly7: Let there be peace, peace, peace love and joy.

Shirley Teixeira Shared on Google+ · 1 day ago
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Frank Hardie 1 day ago
What about Earth, the vestiges of darkness that run and control everything, need to be killed
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Cai Ming Jie蔡明傑 Shared on Google+ · 1 day ago
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Ef M 2 days ago
4:11pm i will try to formally meditate with you all ! <3
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joseph tany 1 day ago
am dedicating my abilities and sending blessings to you who fight For The Light now Liberating the slaves colonies wherever you find them.
Know as well Sense me With You


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dominic royston Shared on Google+ · 5 days ago
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Mary O’Grady (Cali) 1 day ago
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poppy11439 1 day ago
Light Is ON , Full Power , Vibrating at Peak Levels !! Kickin ass & chewing gum,and all out of gum ! All For One – One For ALL 🙂 Lets get at em Dog , PEACE
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Jun Tang 4 days ago
very nice
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愛光與 Shared on Google+ · 1 day ago
FREE THE COLONIES! MAY 30TH, 2015:https://youtu.be/L8WOTqeJcC8
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JOSEE1505 Shared on Google+ · 5 days ago · Shared to Generation aware of our new society on earth

JOSEE1505 Shared on Google+ · 5 days ago
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White Spark Shared on Google+ · 1 day ago

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Rhuby Star Diamond (MsRhuby) 4 days ago
Taipei, the capital of Taiwan, is a modern metropolis with Japanese colonial lanes, busy shopping streets and contemporary buildings. The skyline is crowned by the 509m-tall, bamboo-shaped Taipei 101 skyscraper, with upscale shops at the bottom and a rapid elevator to an observatory near the top. Taipei is also known for its lively street-food scene and many night markets, including expansive Shilin market.
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Lady Dyxea 5 days ago (edited)
This is so awesome. Free the colonies, and Earth is next. That sound so wonderful.. Thank You brave beloved family of light. Amen…<3

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