Extraterrestrial Contact

Let Disclosure Begin!



LoveAWomanNotItsAbydos by Sasha Alex Lessin, Ph.D. (Anthropology, U.C.L.A.)

Von Ward summarizes some of the evidence: “Eyewitness reports recorded on papyrus, copper, clay, stone, wood and fabrics can be found in situ or of known provenance. Later interpretation of these texts reflect the culture’s record of its conscious memories. Sumerian, Egyptian, Hindu, Hebrew records that report observations of Advanced Beings or human interaction with them are credible and reliable pieces of evidence. Examples include the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Nag Hamadi Scriptures, Gnostic Gospels and the Paleo-Hebrew Torah.” [2012: 188]

Papyrus cunieform clay tablets

Papyrus cuneiform clay tablets

Sumerians display rocket route maps and verbal descriptions they say the gods dictated of planets and their orbits beyond eye-range. Dark dwarf star Nemesis’ orbit plus the orbit of the Nibiran planetary complex brings Nibiru from some 1000 astronomical units away to the vicinity of Earth, on a 30degree plane to Earth’s orbit , between Mars and Jupiter. This view of Earth, from the outer planets of the inner solar system to the inner showed Nibirans the orbits of our planetary system.

Nibiru acted “as a spacecraft that sailed past all the other planets, gave them a chance at repeated close looks.” They labeled the inner planets from the farthest from the sun (Pluto) to the closest (Mercury) from one to twelve, Earth, seven–counting the sun and Earth’s moon as planets, hence Sitchin’s title, The Twelfth Planet [Genesis: 19, 46].

Sumerian Space Maps
Sumerian Space Maps

On “a clay tablet in the ruins of the Royal Library at Nineva shows how to go through inner solar system. Commander Enlil’s route to Earth: The line that inclines at 45o shows “the spaceship’s descent from a point high, high, high, high through vapor clouds and a lower zone that is vaporless, toward the horizontal point, where the skies and ground meet.” [ZS, 12th Planet:275] “In the skies near the horizontal line, the instructions are ‘set, set, set’ their instruments for the final approach, which should be raised up before reaching the landing point because it had to pass over rugged terrain.” [ZS, 12th Planet:276]



Sumerians lacked telescopes and couldn’t see Uranus’ and Neptune’s orbits the route maps show. Nibiran-dictated maps prove they had astronomical info Sumerians, on their own, didn’t. The maps accurately detail the entire Earth from space, a perspective impossible for ancient Sumerians on their own. On “a clay tablet in the ruins of the Royal Library at Nineva shows how to go through inner solar system. Commander Enlil’s route to Earth: The line that inclines at 45o shows “the spaceship’s descent from a point high, high, high, high through vapor clouds and a lower zone that is vaporless, toward the horizontal point, where the skies and ground meet.” [12th Planet:275]

“In the skies near the horizontal line, the instructions are ‘set, set, set’ their instruments for the final approach, which should be raised up before reaching the landing point because it had to pass over rugged terrain.” [12th Planet:276]

Sumerians began the list of solar system planets with the most distant from the sun and beyond human vision. Nibiru, the most distant, then Pluto, Neptune (only found by modern astronomers in 1846) and Uranus (re-discovered in 1781). They next listed planets seen on Earth without telescopes–Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Earth, and then Earth’s Moon (which they counted as a planet). They listed last Venus, then Mercury, planets closest to Solaris. The Sumerians wrote that the Nibirans told them of the planets beyond unassisted human vision. The sequence of planets the Nibirans listed reflected their experience when they came to Earth from Nibiru–from beyond the inner solar system toward the sun. Their sequence therefore adds to the evidence the Nibirans were indeed extraterrestrial astronauts. [Lloyd: 2-39; Time: 4-6; UFOTV: Are We Alone? Geneis Revisited http://enkispeaks.com/2012/09/03/1603/]

The astronomical depiction from 5000BCE on the walls of Fodhla’s tomb in Oldcastle Ireland shows the same accurate depiction of our inner solar system that we find on the ancient Sumerian seals.

Fodhla, Oldcastle wall fresco solar system map and overlay from Ancient Aliens, Season 5, Disk 2, ):22:45

Fodhla, Oldcastle wall fresco solar system map and overlay from Ancient Aliens, Season 5, Disk 2, ):22:45



Clay-tablets from Sumer say Mars had water. They show water on asteroids, comets, Neptune, Uranus, Venus, Saturn, Jupiter, the rings of Saturn and on Saturn’s and Jupiter’s moons. Our astronomers recently confirmed water where Sumerian scribes said. “Mars once had surface water several meters deep over the whole planet. There’s enough water in Mars’ crust to flood the planet 1000 miles deep. Martian canyons have flowing water below the dry riverbeds. Mars, Venus and Earth confirm Sumerian texts of water ‘below the firmament’ on inner planets.” [Genesis: 53 -55; Dark Star: 1-16-17]

Uranus: Our scientists only recently validated water on Uranus. Sumerian scribes long ago said Nibirans said water covered Uranus. Before Voyager 2 proved otherwise, our astronomers dismissed the Sumerian “myth” of water on Uranus. They thought Uranus made of gas only. Voyager 2 showed Uranus covered with a 6000 mile layer of “superheated water.” [Genesis: 12]

Neptune: Sumerians scribes wrote on that Nibiran goldminers marked the orbit, water surface and swamp vegetation on Neptune, three billion miles from Earth, long before Le Verrier and Galle “discovered” Neptune in 1846 (when wobbles in Uranus’ orbit–closer to Earth than Neptune–augured “another celestial body beyond it”). Before Voyager 2 showed Neptune’s “floating surry mixture of ice water,” Sitchin published Sumerian records of Neptune as “blue- green, watery, with patches of swamplike vegetation.” [Genesis: 5 -9]

Datum 3: NIBIRANS NOTED TWIN TRAITS OF URANUS AND NEPTUNE 6000 YEARS AGO Sumerians recorded Nibirans’ observations that Neptune and Uranus were “twins.” Rings surround both, satellites orbit both, water covers both and both show blue-green color. Both planets have 16-hour days and “extreme inclination relative to the planets’ axes of rotation. Sumerians recorded this in 4000 B.C.; NASA didn’t get it till 1989, 6000 years later [Genesis: 13 -14].


Sumerians recorded Nibirans’ hypothesis that satellite moons evolved to planets with their own orbits around the sun instead of around the planet whose satellite they’d been. Modern astronomers too came to this after they saw the twin qualities of Uranus and Neptune, studied Pluto’s orbit and after Pioneer and Voyager spacecraft showed that “in the past decade Titan, the largest moon of Saturn, was a planet-in-the-making whose detachment from Saturn was not completed.” [Genesis: 16 -18].

Scholars dismissed as myths Sumerian tales of moons on outer planets. But Sumerians said the Anunnaki saw moons circling Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. In 1610 A.D., Galileo saw four of Jupiter’s; before that “it was unthinkable for a celestial body to have more than one moon, since Earth had just one.” Mars has 2; Jupiter, more than 16, Saturn, more than 21, Uranus, up to 15 and Neptune, 8. What Sumerians said about outer planets’ moons supports the hypothesis that they saw these moons from beyond the inner solar system. [Genesis: 50]


4.6 billion years ago, when Tiamat–the proto-Earth–orbited Solaris beyond Mars, Tiamat’s moon, Kingu, almost attained solar orbit. But 600 million years later, Nibiru entered the inner Solar System. Nibiru’s moon, Evil Wind, hit Tiamat into orbit within Mars’and left Kingu circling Earth. Our Pioneer and Voyager probes sent back evidence Kingu formed from Tiamat, the planet that became Earth. Tiamat, then beyond Mars, generated Kingu. Glassy material with nickel in the Moon’s rocks validate the likelihoodthat a moon of Nibiru impacted Kingu 500 million years after Kingu grew into a Tiamat’s satellite, when Kingu had almost attained planetary orbit around the Sun. “Tiamat was split in two; one half shattered [and became the asteroids]; the other half, accompanied by Kingu, thrust into a new orbit to become the Earth and its moon.” [Wood, J., 1984, The Origin of The Moon; ZS, 1990, Genesis: 107 – 131]

The collision depleted most of Kingu’s iron, “resulting in decrease in its density. The mass of the Moon’s core “bears the mark of the ‘big whack’ compressed the moon, just as the Sumerians related. Contrary to views the moon was always inert, it was found in the 1970s and 1980s to possess all attributes of a planet except independent orbit around the Sun: rugged mountains, plains and seas formed by water [or] molten lava. It retained a magnetic field caused by rotation of a molten iron core, heat and water, as true of Earth and other planets” until the Evil Wind struck it. “The Moon witnesses the accuracy of ancient knowledge.” Nibirans, who ruled the Sumerians, knew the Moon’s history long before our scientists did.


Nibirans described asteroids as pieces of Earth knocked into space when, four billion years ago, a moon of Nibiru struck Tiamat. “Debris from the lower half of Tiamat stretched into space. Sumerian texts and the biblical version thereof” said the asteroid belt, a bracelet of debris, orbited the sun between Jupiter and Mars, “but our astronomers were not aware of that” until in 1801 Piazzi found the first asteroid, Ceres. “It’s taken modern astronomy centuries to find out what Sumerians knew 6,000 years ago. [Genesis: 51]


“Earth’s crust, plate tectonics, differences between the continental and oceanic crusts, emergence of Pangaea from under the waters, the primordial encircling ocean: the findings of modern science corroborated ancient knowledge. The only explanation of the way Earth’s landmasses, oceans and atmosphere evolved is a cataclysm four billion years ago. What was that cataclysm? Mankind possessed the Sumerian answer six thousand years: The Celestial Battle” between the planets “Nibiru/Marduk and Tiamat.” [Genesis: 88-106]

The Sumerian tale predicted Earth’s geo-features. “In the aftermath of the Celestial Battle, Earth evolved into an independent planet and attained the shape of a globe dictated by the forces of gravity. Waters gathered into the cavity on the torn-off side. Dry land appeared on the other side of the planet. Earth’s crust is 12 miles to 45 miles thick; but in parts taken up by oceans the crust is only 3.5 miles thick. While the average elevation of continents is 2,300 feet, the average depth of oceans is 12,500 feet. The thicker continental crust reached much further down into the mantle [rock layer], whereas the oceanic crust is a thin layer of solidified sediments. In the Pacific, the crust has been gouged out at some points 7 miles. If we could remove from the Pacific’s floor the crust built up over the last 200 million years, we arrive at depths 12 miles below the water’s surface and 60 miles below the surface.” [Genesis: 93- 98]


“Scientists now believe Earth’s atmosphere reconstituted initially from gasses spewed out from wounded Earth. Clouds thrown up from these eruptions shielded Earth and it began to cool, the vaporized water condensed and came down in torrential rains. Oxidation of rocks and minerals provided the first reservoir of higher levels of oxygen on Earth; plant life added both oxygen and carbon dioxide to the atmosphere and started the nitrogen cycle with the aid of bacteria. The fifth tablet of the Enuma elish describes the gushing lava as Tiamat’s “spittle” as it poured forth, “assembling the water clouds; after that the foundations of Earth were raised and the oceans gathered” just as the verses of Genesis reiterated. Thereafter life appeared: green herbage upon the continents and “swarms” in the waters.” [Genesis: 134 (Genesis condenses Enuma.)]

3.4 billion years ago, “clays acted as chemical laboratories where inorganic materials were processed into more complex molecules. Inorganic proto-organisms in the clay acted as a template from which living organisms [one- celled microscopic algae like today’s blue-green algae] evolved. Defects in the clays acted as sites where stored energy and chemical directions for the formation of proto-organisms developed.” Green algae’s “the precursor of chlorophyllic plants that use sunlight to convert their nutrients to organic compounds, emitting oxygen in the process after algae spread upon dry land. For plantlike forms to process oxygen, they needed rocks containing iron to bind the oxygen; free oxygen was still poison to life forms. Such banded-iron formations sank into ocean bottoms as sediments, the single-celled organisms evolved into multicelled ones in the water. The covering of the lands with algae preceded the emergence of maritime life” [Genesis: 136 – 139] .

Crick and Orgel, our Nobel laureate scientists, say, in “Directed Panspermia [Icarus, vol. 19], a technologically advanced society on another planet in a spaceship with due protection and a life-sustaining environment, seeded Earth” Crick and Orgel “rule out the possibility that the essential genetic material had time to evolve on Earth.” They found the same twenty amino acids in all living organisms on Earth. All Earth’s organisms, when they evolved, incorporated within themselves the same four nucleotides “that and no other. [Genesis: 152]

The Nibirans “figured out evolution on Earth.” Maritime vertebrates came 500 million years ago; land vertebrates, 100 million years later. 225 million years ago, fish filled the waters. Sea plants and amphibians moved from water to land. Plants lured amphibians to land; amphibians adapted into egg-laying reptiles. Some reptiles evolved into birds; reptiles on land grew to dinosaurs. 65 million years ago, dinosaurs died out. “Full agreement here” among the Enuma, Genesis and modern science.” [Genesis: 141 – 145]


“300,00 years ago, the Anunnaki jumped the gun on evolution and using genetic engineering, upgraded a hominid, Homo Erectus–to an intelligent, tool-handling Homo Sapiens) to be their serf. It happened in the Great Rift Valley zone of southeast Africa, just north of the goldmining land. “The wild hominid of the Abzu had DNA similar enough to the Anunnaki’s that just a little genetic mixing produced a Being that, according to Sumerians and the Bible, was akin to the ‘gods’ both inwardly and outwardly except for their longevity.

“All life on Earth, from birds to fishes, flora to algae, and down to bacteria and viruses–all have the very same DNA, the four nucleic acid letters from which all genes and genomes are made. The DNA of the Anunnaki was the same as the DNA of all life on Nibiru. The DNA on Earth and the DNA on Nibiru were the same.” Our genome–less than 30,000 genes–holds 223 genes without evolutionary predecessors. These 223 genes, absent in vertebrae evolution, regulate the human body and mind. The theory of panspermia, that Earth was “seeded from elsewhere,” was incised in clay tablets millennia ago. Nibiru gave Earth its DNA during the Celestial Battle. This “explains how life could begin on Earth in the relatively immediate aftermath of the cataclysm. Since Nibiru, at the time of the collision, already possessed formed DNA, evolution began there much earlier. Just 1% earlier would mean a head start of 45,000,000 Earth-years–more than enough evolutionary time for Nibiru’s astronauts to meet Homo Erectus on Earth.” The planet “Nibiru is the ‘Creator of the Primeval Seed who ‘furnished the Seed of Earth,’ culminating with ‘the Seed of All People, all life stemming from the same DNA.” [Giants: 153 -160]

We Homo Sapiens “showed up suddenly, 200,000 years ago in the fossil record with differences from “any other anthrodoid or homanoid” which evolved on Earth. This sudden appearance supports the hypothesis that creationism–which Enki, Ninmah and Ningishzidda claimed on tablets their scribes wrote–was a component of our history (as are both devolution and evolution of earlier humans before the Anunnaki). “Darwin principles do not apply to our unique genesis and subsequent development except as a minor theme in our climactic and incidental regional adaptation.”

Freer lists our differences from other humans on Earth before Enki, et. al. created us modern Earthlings: “we have foreheads, hardly any brow ridges, eye sockets far more rectangular than round; relatively tiny nasal passages; small flat mouths and a chin; far less muscular strength and bone density; our skin, sweat process and glands, body hair, throats, and salt management are completely different. Human females do not have an estrus cycle. We are bipedal. Our brains, different. We are a product of a melding of two racial gene codes where quality control was conditioned by practical purposes [creating obediant slaves] have some four thousand genetic defects rather than none to other species.” [Freer, Sapiens Arising]


Long before our scientists understood evolution, Nibirans knew the developmental sequence of organisms on Earth. More than 300,000 years ago, they decoded the pan-human genome. They isolated their own, various animals’ and Homo Erectus’ deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) chromosomal sequences. Enki’s symbol, entwined serpents, “emulated the structure of the genetic code, the secret knowledge that enabled Enki to create the Adam and then grant Adam and Eve the ability to procreate.”

Enki’s built a sterile lab; its air-conditioned is “the source of the biblical assertion that after having fashioned the Adam, Elohim ‘blew in his nostrils the breath of life. Enki, Ninmah and Ningishzidda mapped chromosomes, genes and genomes. They fertilized ova in test tube flasks with sperm soaked in Nibiran blood serum and mineral nutrients. They experimented with cloning, cell fusion and recombinant technology–cutting DNA strands with enzymes, targeted viruses, absorbing sperm in genetic material to be used for fertilization and splicing in DNA patches of other species to create, at first, hybrids unable to reproduce. Then Ningishzidda isolated the XX and XY chromosomes that allowed the creation of fertile Nibiran/Erectus mineslaves. [Genesis: 158 – 182, 202]


“13,000 years ago, the Ice Age abruptly ended; Antarctica was freed of its ice cover. Its coasts, bays, rivers were seen.” Nibiran Goldmining Expedition personnel, from spacecraft orbiting Earth, saw the Antarctic landmass after the icecap slid into the South Sea. Our ancestors didn’t even know the Antarctic continent existed before “A.D. 1820, when British and Russian sailors discovered it. It was then, as it is now, covered by a massive layer of ice; we know the continent’s true shape under the icecap by means of radar.” Yet, in 1958, Antarctica appears on world maps–ice-free–from the fourteenth centuries A.D.–hundreds of years before the discovery of Antarctica.”

Ancient Antarctic Maps

Ancient Antarctic Maps

Ice and Landmass of Antarctica

Ice and landmass of Antarctica



The first Nibiran to reach Earth, the deposed Nibiran King Alalu, reported his locale as near the confluence of four rivers, two of which are nowadays extinct. Alalu splashed down in a marsh and came ashore ) on land which is nowadays underwater) on the Persian Gulf, where the waters of four rivers–Gehon (Karun), which flowed thro through Iran, the Pishon, which flowed through Northern Arabia, joined the Tigris and Euphrates in Iraq and flowed together into the Persian Gulf marshes.

Iraq's 4 rivers, including 2 now gone but shown in soundings

Iraq’s 4 rivers, including 2 now gone but shown in soundings

Datum 13 ETS LEFT HUGE DOODLES & ROCKETS TAKEOFF LINES Evidence of the last Nibiran spaceport on Earth includes over 800 straight take-off trails atop and next to over 70 huge scraped drawings [geogylphs] of “known and imaginary animals and birds. There are over 150 geometrical drawings.

Nazca geometrical drawings {Ancient Aliens, Season 5, Disk 2]

Nazca geometrical drawings [Ancient Aliens, Season 5, Disk 2]

Nazca geometrical drawings2



The lines and geoglyphs are made by removal the topsoil several inches. The geoglyphs are executed with one continuous line that curves and twists without crossing over itself. Attempts to show that a horde of workers working at ground level and using scrapers could have created these images failed. Someone airborne used a soil-blasting device to doodle on the ground below.

Geoglyphs, Nazca

Geoglyphs, Nazca

Nazca dog “The feet-deep ’Candelabra’ in nearby Bay of Paracas was obtained in the same way” by aircraft “equipped with some ray gun gizmo.

Candelabra, Adad/Viracocha's trademark, Bay of Paracas, Peru

Candelabra, Adad/Viracocha’s trademark, Bay of Paracas, Peru

Nibiran pilots used “the Nazca flatlands in their final spaceport, doodling for fun while killing time before takeoffs.” [Journeys: 192 -211] The Nazcae area’s rich in nitrates, a probable component of Anunnaki rocket fuel. Nazca bird


The bird glyph on the left is 1000 feet long.

Nazca person geoglyph

The Astronaut glyph has one hand pointing to the sky, one to the Earth. .

Spider Gylph and Orion: snip from Ancient Aliens, Season 5, Disk 2
Spider Gylph and Orion: snip from Ancient Aliens, Season 5, Disk 2

A huge spider gylph depicts the constellation Orion, the extension the spider’s leg on the viewer’s right, locates the star Sirius. The glyphs and the mandalas formed by the layout of Anunnaki structures may have been signs for off-worlder viewers. In addition to geoglyphs, “the Nazca Lines run straight and stretch (sometimes narrow, wide, short, or long–over hill and vale no matter the shape of the terrain.” Von Daniken’s researchers found very powerful electromagnetic currents eight feet under the Nazca lines they studied. Nazca4

The straight lines “crisscross each other, sometimes running over and ignoring the animal drawings. These are not made with handheld ray guns. The lines are not horizontally level–they run straight over uneven terrain, ignoring hills, ravines, gullies. They are not runways; they are embedded in soil too loose to hold anything as heavy as an airplane. They may be the result of takeoffs by craft taking off. The rocket engine exhausts left ground ‘lines.’ Childress says the lines are lined up for aircraft incoming on the Pacific Coast to turn left and follow the way to Tiahuanaco to which the lines point. [AAS5D2] Nazca

In one part of Nazca, Linda Howe measured a 6-mile long, 24 inch deep perfect triangle something very heavy pressed into the earth. [Ancient Aliens, Season 5] On a nearby mountain, lines of grooves outline a landing corridor; “circles and squares form a cross, as in a modern heliport.” [Journeys:212 -213]

Nazca lines





Ancient engravings show spaceports, rockets, launch towers, helicopters, flying saucers, accounts of take-offs, landings and journeys. Rocket and airplane journeys of Anu, Enlil, Anu, Enki, Ea, Anzu, Marduk, Inanna abound.

 3-Stage rocketship carving from Anu’s temple in Uruk

3-Stage rocket carving from Anu’s temple in Uruk

Rocket on cuneiform tablet

Rocket on cuneiform tablet

Abidos 1

Helicopter, two airplanes, Ziasudra’s submersible on ancient relief frieze, twenty-five feet above the floor on an Abydos temple Egypt


Drawing from Anu’s temple at Uruk shows “multistage rocket atopwhich rests the command cabin, engines at the bottom, Igigi Astronauts within. 
Drawing from Anu’s temple at Uruk shows “multistage rocket atop which rests the command cabin, engines at the bottom, Igigi Astronauts within.

Phoenician coin from Gebal, Lebanon shows a launch tower.

Phoenician coin from Gebal, Lebanon shows a launch tower.


Hittite glyphs showed cruising missiles, rockets mounted on launch pads and a god inside a radiating chamber.

Hittite glyphs showed cruising missiles, rockets mounted on launch pads and a god inside a radiating chamber.


Nibirans on Earth had  “craft that appear over a place, 
hover awhile,  and disappear from sight again.  
Ezekial, on the banks of the Khabur in northern Mesopotamia, 
reported “a helicopter consisting of a cabin resting on four posts.  
The craft sported rotary wings.  They called it a "whirlbird".
Sumerian rendering of whirlbird = helicopter

Sumerian rendering of whirlbird = helicopter

 “Seal9 found in Crete dated to the thirteenth century depicts a rocketship moving in the skies (above cart) and propelled by flames escaping from its rear.”

13th Century Seal from Crete shows (over cart) rocket moving in the sky propelled by flames from its rear.”

 Earthlings saw rockets and jets as fire- breathing dragons. Earthlings saw rockets and jets as fire- breathing dragons.

The epic of Gilgamesh details an “ancient account of launching a rocket. First the tremendous thud as the rocket engines ignited (‘the heavens shrieked’), accompanied by the shaking of the ground (‘the earth boomed’). Clouds of smoke and dust enveloped [the Sinai Spaceport] the launching site (‘daylight failed, darkness came’). Then the brilliance of the ignited engines showed through (‘lightning flashed’); as the rocket began to climb skyward, ‘a flame shot up.’ The cloud of dust and debris ‘swelled’ in all directions; then as it began to fall down, ‘it rained death!’ Now the rocket was high in the sky, streaking heavenward (‘the glow vanished; the fire went out’). The rocket was gone from sight; and the debris ‘that had fallen had turned to ashes’” [ZS, 12th Planet: 128 -172]

Canaan Israel’s King Solomon flew, “flying in a heavenly car”between his place in Jerusalem Queen Makeda’s palace in Ethiopia and mountaintop platforms in Persia, Kashmir and Tibet. [Childress, 2000: 155 -156]


Indian texts describe vimanas–Earth-travel and interplanetary Anunnaki rockets, motherships, dirigibles, fighter-planes made of “very light, heat-absorbing metals, “impregnable, unbreakable, non-combustible, indestructible, capable of coming to a dead stop in a twinkling.” Pilots could shield their vehicles from sight. They could see, hear, record and even paralyze crew inside enemy craft. Hindu literature cites aircraft of the Anunnaki, whom Childress calls “The Rama”. The Mahabharata told of a vimana “with sides of iron and wings. The Ramayana describes a vimana as a double-decked cylindrical aircraft with portholes and a dome that gave a humming noise. The Vaimanika Shastra (4th Century BCE) included information on steering, precautions for long flights, protection of airships from storms and lightening and how to switch the drive to solar of free energy.” Vimanas took off straight up and could hover. Vimana pilots controlled climate within their craft. Vimanas parked in hangars located all over the globe, including Rapa-Nui, opposite the Indus Valley civilization. The craft “were propelled by a yellowish-white liguid. [Childress, 2000: 166 – 168]



Atlantian civ by Harimein












Our science still can’t cut, move and fit huge rocks as well as the Anunnaki. They cut stones as large as 10 tons with huge cutting tools run on power pulled from the earth and capacitated and amplified by crystals that broadcast energy within pyramids such as the Great Pyramid at Giza and Enki’s Pyramids in South Africa. They used white powder of monoatomic gold to lighten iron-laden, magnetically charged stones for transport to construction sites.

The Anunnaki, other extraterrestrials and then the ancestors of humanity on every continent built megalithic–big rock–sites on Earth’s ley lines–oscillating telepathic internet fields where all who worship fuse their consciousness into one group mind and can communicate with people and their knowledge at other megalithic sites.
1 Earth's Ley Lines

“Giant telluric [mind-harmonizing telepathic] waves, undulating vertically and linked to the geomagnetic field of Earth, create a network of crisscrossing lines all around the planet.” The builders marked crossing points with standing stones. Elongated shapes–mehir, steeples or towers) acted as antennae, attracted “cosmo telluric waves” that continue to flow through the worldwide network.

“These cosmo-telluric lines” let the Anunnaki, other ETs on Earth and our ancestors “gather a whole body of knowledge.” Hardy contends we can, at these sites, “trigger a shift to a heightened and more spiritual state of consciousness.” Though the ETs chose the sites, our ancestors in every era and on every land anchored them with stones and buildings. Once fixed, our forfathers’ reinforced the broadcasting power when they prayed at the sites. Our genitors experienced “planetary consciousness when they did rituals at the big-stone sites.” [Sacred Network: 4 – 8]

The chief Nibiran Architect, Ningishzidda, planned and Earthlings built the gigantic astro-navigation landmark pyramid and Sphinx at Giza. Nibirans made spaceports at Sippar, then on the Sinai Peninsula and the Nazca Plateau in Peru. Ningishzidda directed Lagash’s King Gudea who built a temple for Ninurta. Nibirans used their know-how and Earthling labor to build rocket silos and airplane hangers in the cities and temple-complexes of Sumer.


Babylon & Lagash








Enlil designed a huge temple for Solomon in Jerusalem, following the same design for the landing platform there that he’d used for the landing planform at Baalbek, Lebanon. Baalbek n

Quarry for Baalbek Landing Platrorm; stones moved by sound, lift assisted by monoatomic gold?

Quarry for Baalbek Landing Platrorm; stones moved by sound, lift assisted by monoatomic gold?


Baallbek open drawers

Ancient Aliens shows the huge stones under the Temple of Jupiter the Romans later added to the Landing Plantform

. Baalbek rocket lands2 HC

Ancient Aliens on History Channel pictures rocket landing on Baalbek platform.


Nibirans built a launch tower at Baalbek, Lebanon for the goldmining expedition, “on a vast horizontal platform, artificially created 4,000 feet above sea level, surrounded by a wall. The enclosed squarish area, 2,500 feet long, over five million square feet, built before the Flood” [13,000 years ago] was “held together without mortar, rising stage after stage, to incredible heights, placed on a vast stone platform. The massive stones formed an enclosure that surrounded a cavity, a hollow within which stood the rocket about to be launched. The encompassing walls were multileveled, rising in stages to enable servicing the rocketship, its payload, [&] a command module.

Arriving rocketships landed on the vast stone platform adjoining the launch tower, then would be put in place–as had been done to the colossal stone blocks–within the massive stone enclosure ready for launching.” “Baalbek was incorporated into the post-Deluvian Landing Corridor of the Anunnaki when they planned the planning of a spaceport in the Sinai to replace the one in Mesopotamia wiped out by the Deluge. They ran a line from the peaks of Ararat through Baalbek and extended it to Giza, where they built the pyramids. They placed the Great Pyramid and the anchor in Sinai that in the end delineated the Landing Corridor equidistant from Baalbek.”

Baalbek included “stone blocks of incredible size, precisely cut and placed, including three colossal stone blocks that are the largest in the world, the Trilthon. The stone blocks that make up the Trilithon weigh more than 1,100 tons each and are placed upon older immense stone blocks, over sixty feet long with sides of fourteen to twelve feet, cut to have a slanting face that weigh 500 tons each. There is even now no man-made machine, no crane, vehicle or mechanism that can lift such a weight of 1,000 to 1,200 tons–to say nothing of carrying such an immense object over valley and mountainside and placing each slab in its precise position, many feet above the ground. There are no traces of any roadway, causeway, ramp or other earthworks that could suggest hauling these megaliths from their quarry, several miles away.”

“The stone blocks that comprise the platform are “so tightly put together that no has been able to penetrate it and study the chambers, tunnels, caverns and substructures hidden beneath,” though Arabs did penetrate a “460-feet long tunnel at the southeast corner of the platform.” They proceeded through “a long vaulted passage like a railway tunnel under the great in total darkness broken by green lights from puzzling ‘laced windows.”

Nibirans “not only lifted and placed such colossal stone blocks but also carried them from a quarry several miles away. The quarry has been located and in it one of those colossal stone blocks had not been completed, still lies partly attached to the native rock; its size exceeds the Trilithon blocks. [Stairway: 168 – 176; Expeditions: 166 -179]

1a  Gobekli composite










GOBEKLI TEPE, Turkey, an ancient (9000 BCE) amphitheater, focuses above on the star Deneb in the constellation The Swan or The Vulture. Gobekli sits on a ridge above the Plain of Harran–turf of Moon God Nannar (aka Sin-El-Allah after Noah’s flood). Gobekli sits on a ridge above the Plain of Harran–turf of Moon God Nannar (aka Sin-El-Allah after Noah’s flood).


Ampitheaters like Gobekli abound in this part of Anatolia. The builders made them ovoid-shaped with stone and mortar benches that face two central monolith-pillars. At Gobekli, the amphitheater surrounds the central monoliths stand 18-feet high. They weigh 15 -20 tons apiece and face each other across a space where a priest communed with the gods.

A century after the builders made a theater, it no longer (due to precession of the equinoxes) aligned with Deneb. So they buried the theater and, along the same ridge, build a new one atop or near the old, out of date one. They built ever-smaller theaters each century, as the Earth moved off its alignment with Daneb.

Central pillars in the middle of these theaters feature anthropomorphic statues. The statues’ arms wrap around them like those on Rapa Nui statues that the Anunnaki and the Capensis ETs erected with flood survivors. The builders of both Gobekli and Rapa Nui carved snakes on the statues.

Easter and Gobekli

Swidarians, Collins says, flood survivors from the North Mountains–Poland, the Carpathian Mountains and Belarus–came down to Turkey and got local hunters and gatherers to work for them and build these structures. Swindarians were tall hybrids with Capensis as well as Neanderthals; some of the Swindarinans had ELONGATED HEADS and left traces of their DNA in human populations.


Collins considers Deneb, the brightest star in The Swan and the star to which the ampitheaters orient, the home in the stars to which the old megalithic structures in Turkey, Ireland, UK and the Baltics point. Deneb points to “the exact point where the Milky Way splits into two to form The Great Rift–the Signus Rift.”

MALTA (Part of Sicily when these structures were built.)

Malta Gozo preEgyptian


Malta map

A temple both below a limestone hill and beneath it too, the Hypogeum near Malta’s capital Valletta, dates back to either before Noah’s flood of 11,000 BCE or from before Thera erupted and killed Minoan hegemony in the eastern Mediterranean. One large room in the Hypogeum, The Oracle Room, amplified sound a hundred times. People curled up in small rounded cubicles carved into the walls to listen.

The part of the Hypogeum Malta lets us see holds 30 rooms that passages, stairs and halls link. The builders cemented the walls with concrete of compacted rock dust and water. In the rooms, they smoothed the walls with imported flint instruments. [Coppens, 2012]

Before authorities removed them, long-headed skeletons were among the many bones washed in from flood. The structure also contained a statue of a grey. A a   Malta Grey Skeleton








At Enki’s palace–Great Zimbawe–we see a 12-fathom high tower and the lab he shared with Ninmah and Ningishzidda.

Zimbabwe Map

Zimbabwe ruins2

Zimbabwe reconstruction2





There, above the gold mines of the inland plains between the Limpopo and Zambezi rivers, the genetics team first adapted their Nibiran genome to Earth to create Ti-Amat, the first adapted homo sapiens woman and Adamu, the first homo sapiens man.



Great Zimbabwe construct1

Great Zimnbabwe reconstruction3

Zimbabwe reconstruction4









This ellipse-shaped complex lies within a mortarless stone wall 12 fathoms high and six meters thick.
Zimbabwe Wall2






The bricks, made from a mixture of granitic sand and clay. Great Zimbawe’s 11 meter-high outer wall extends 250 meters. Enki’s palace sits among thousands of miles of twelve-foot wide lanes, lined with graniteboulders. Enki engineered sonar systems to transport water, gold diggings and machines over these lanes.








Sphinx Pyramids People


Ningishzidda designed the 5,955,000 ton Great Pyramid at Giza with eight concave faces. With sonar technology and the help of monoatomic gold to lighten the stone blocks, Ningishzidda and his assistants stacked 2,300,000 stone blocks–250 tons worth–on the pyramid. The pyramid’s outer mantle featured 144,000 polished and flat casing stones 100 inches thick and 15 tons each. The pyramid “covered 592,000 feet in area.”

“Granite used in the Great Pyramid gives off a significant electromagnetic charge, contains 25% quartz and has the ability to enhance sound. The magnitite in the granite is a natural magnet that creates around it a magnetic field. The Giza pyramids’ core consists of red granite, one of the most conductive rocks on earth due to its high contents of quartz, iron, and magnitite. It exudes natural radioactivity. This core is encased in a rough limestone with a high content of magnesium that acts as an electrical conductor. The limestone was dressed on the outside by Tura limestone–finer grained and highly polished–and because it contains minute traces of magnesium, unlike the inner limestone, it serves as an insulator, keeping the energy inside the temple. This energy seeks to escape to the top of the structure, so the tips of the pyramids were capped with a stone of dororite and covered with electrum, a two-thirds mix of gold and silver, making it an excellent conductor.” [Silva, 2012b: 203, 204]
Giza ground area






The east/west parallel that crosses the most land and the north/south meridian that crosses the most land intersect here.

The Great Pyramid aligned with Alpha Draconis, the Pole Star at the time. The pyramid aligns also with the center of the land mass of the earth. The east/west parallel that crosses the most land and the north/south meridian that crosses the most land intersect here. “The Great Pyramid divides the oceans and the continents into two equal parts.” It “is a giant sundial. The shadows thrown from mid October to early March indicate the seasons and the length of the year. The length of the stone slabs that surround the Great Pyramid correspond perfectly to the length of the shadow on one day.” [Von Daniken: 236]

Casing stones of polished limestone covered the outside and reflected the sunlight people could, without magnification, see from Israel and from the moon.











The Great Pyramid, when built, aligned with Alpha Draconis, the Pole Star at the time.
pyramids-starsGiza stars











Pyramidal chambers also, from their various views, shows lines of sight to Deneb (in the Swan) and Sirus, near the belt of the constellation Orion.










The Great Pyramid entrance had a 20-ton nearly invisible swivel door, nearly invisible when closed and lacked a grasp from the outside. The pyramid’s cornerstones have ball and socket construction that adjusts to heat expansion and earthquakes. Temperature inside stayed 68 Degrees Fahrenheit.

The relationship between Pi (p) and Phi (F) is expressed in the fundamental proportions of the Great Pyramid. [Ancient, 2014]


Indus map asia and near east

From 3300 to 1900 BCE, 1000 cities in the Indus Valley extended over an area twice size of France. The people of this civilization kept had cattle, sheep and goats. Each village had a crafts area, markets, jewlers’stalls. Inanna’s Indus Valley cities–Harappa, Mohenjo Daro and Dholavira and their agricultural village hinterlands–stretched over a million square kilometers 3000 kilometer along the Indus River. In Mohenjo Daro, 40,000 people concentrated in one square kilometer.

Indus Valley Civilization lacked caches of weapons and had instead a multitude of toys, musical instruments, metal tools, scales, pottery, jewelry, cloth, wheeled carts, statuary and caches of grain for commerce.

Boats from Dholavira traded all the way to the Arabian Peninsula. Indus Valley civilization smelted and traded copper, bronze, lead and tin.


Mohenjo Daro map

Roads that intersected at right angles connected residential blocks in Mohenjo Daro–a city of 40,000 in one square kilometer. Gutters and rubbish bins lined the roads. The main street kept nine meters width. Atop the highest hill, where residents retreated from periodic Indus flooding, Mohenjo featured a huge public bath. Mohenjo had eighty public toilets and a sewage system that serviced the entire city. In the residential area, every house had its own tile bathtub and its own well.

Mohenjo Daro

Mohenjo Daro

Mohenjo Daro2








Along the Indus, Inanna’s people grew barley, wheat, melons, peas, sesame seeds, cotton, cattle, buffalo, sheep and goats.



Harappa featured two-stories high, baked brick identical houses with flat roofs; each with windows that overlooked a courtyard. Outside walls lacked windows. Each home had its own private drinking well and its own private bathroom. Clay pipes ran from the bathrooms to sewers under the roads. The sewers drained into streams.







Sixteen meter high brick walls surrounded Dohlavira, a commercial city of 48 acres surrounded with a population of. 20,000. Dohlavira contained grain-storage bins and reservoirs with flood control dams. The largest reservoir was 7 meters deep,79 long.

The dams kept water around the city for grapes (they made raisins) barley, wheat, peas, cotton and sesame seed crops and flowed downhill from the highest reservoir to lower ones. Rainwater channeled down a city-wide collector reservoir. Dikes diverted an ancient river–the Ghaggar–to water the area between Indus and Ganges.

Mohenjo Daro Reconstruction







Indus Valley cities featured reservoirs and multi-storied fired-brick buildings laid out along a grid of wide brick-paved streets with run-off gutters.


To ready the Jerusalem site for the Enlil’s temple, Israel’s King David, whom Enlil forbade to build the temple, readied its site for his successor, Solomon. David had thirty-three hundred foremen guide seventy thousand carriers and eighty thousand stonecutters in the hills as they took large blocks of quality stone for the Temple’s foundation.

Solomon built Enlil-Yahweh’s first permanent temple on huge stones–too heavy to move and fit in place without Anunnaki technology (so we know that’s how the stones were moved) in 957 BCE.

Temple of the Mount Foundation Stones in Jerusalem features several massive stones estimated to weigh 500 tons each. They were found when excavations along the western 'Wailing wall' uncovered them. Masonry similar to this: Baalbek in Lebanon, and at Giza, Egypt.

Temple of the Mount Foundation Stones in Jerusalem
features several massive stones estimated to weigh 500 tons each. They were found when excavations along the western ‘Wailing wall’ uncovered them.
Masonry similar to this: Baalbek in Lebanon, and at Giza, Egypt.























The Temple’s east-west axis aligned with the equinox.

David gave Solomon a scale model and architectural drawings for the Temple.









Solomon set the temple so the sun at dawn entered the Tabernacle at spring and autumn equinoxes.

The temple featured a 100 x 200 foot main hall and a smaller room for Moses’ Arc. Solomon put the Ark on the rock where Abraham started to kill his son Isaac to prove himself loyal to Enlil. The new temple replaced the portable one Moses made in the desert, local sanctuaries and altars in the hills.

The Temple complex had a large basin (called the “Brazen Sea”) 10 cubits wide brim to brim, 5 cubits deep and with a circumference of 30 cubits around the brim on the backs of twelve oxen. The basin held 3,000 baths.

The Temple Palace, 40 cubits long, had walls lined with cedar, on carved with figures of cherubim, palm-trees and open flowers overlaid with gold. Fir-wood overlaid with gold covered the Temple floor. Olive-wood doorposts held doors, also of olive, boasted carved cherubim, palm-trees, and flowers, all being overlaid with gold.

Egypt’s Pharaoh Sheshonk I sacked the Temple a few decades later.

In 931, when Solomon,died, Abraham’s descendants split their turf into the kingdoms of Judea in the south, Israel on the north.

In 835 BCE Jehoash, King of Judah, renovated the Temple, but in 700. Assyrian King Sennacherib stripped it again. In 586, Nebuchadnezzer, Marduk’s Babylonian King, sacked Jerusalem and destroyed by the Temple.

In 539,Cyrus of Persia, whom Marduk welcomed, conquered Babylon and returned Nebuchadnezzar’s hostages to Jerusalem. Cyrus built the Second Temple from 538 to 515.



This second temple narrowly avoided being destroyed again in 332 BCE when the Jews refused recognize Macedonian King Alexander as a god. Ptolemies ruled Judea and the Temple from Egypt after Alexander died.

Seleucid King Antiochus III defeated Egypt in 198 BCE. He prompted a short-lived rebellion in 187 when he introduced Marduk-Zeus and the Greek pantheon into the temple. Antiochus IV Epiphanes again pushed the Greek gods for the Temple and, when the Jews again rebelled and Antiochus again crushed them, he again he forbade circumscision which marked Jews as followers of Enlil. Antiochus banned the Jewish Sabbath, put a statue of Zeus in their temple and had Greek priests sacrifice pigs there. When a Greek ordered Jewish priest Mattathias to perform a Hellenic sacrifice, Matathias killed him.

In 167 BCE the Jews rose up behind Mattathias and his five sons to fight and win their freedom from Seleucid authority. Mattathias’ son Judas Maccabeus re-dedicated the temple in 165 BCE and the Jews celebrate this event to this day as a major part of the festival of Hanukkah.

Judas Maccabaeus rededicated the Temple under Judas Maccabaeus in 164 BCE.

During the Roman era, Pompey entered (and desecrated) the Holy of Holies in 63 BCE, but left the Temple intact.

In 54 BCE, Crassus looted the Temple treasury Jews revolted again but Romans subdued them again in 43 BCE.

Herod the Great renovated the Temple in 20BCE; When Romans occupied Judea, they let Jewish priests run the Temple. Then in 70 CE, Romans destroyed the Temple.

During the last revolt of the Jews against the Romans in 132–135 CE, Simon bar Kokhba and Rabbi Akiva led another failed revolt from 132 to 135 and the Romans banned Jews from Jerusalem.

The Temple Palace, 40 cubits long, featured walls lined with cedar with carved cherubim, palm-trees and open flowers overlaid with gold. Fir-wood overlaid with gold covered the Temple floor. Olive-wood doorposts held doors, also of olive.

The Temple complex featured a large basin (called the “Brazen Sea” measured 10 cubits wide brim to brim, 5 cubits deep and with a circumference of 30 cubits around the brim, rested on the backs of twelve oxen It held 3,000 baths for the purification by immersion of the body of the priests.


Pyramids flattened on top for aircraft landing abound in northern and central China’s (though China’s bosses hide this) rival Egypt’s and Central America’s for age–12,000years ago–and size.
Chinese Pyramids1
Chinese emperors claimed descent from these “skymen-godpeople” who landed in “flying dragons” from another planet. The pyramids show astronomic alignment that dates them to the times the Anunnaki girded Earth with these structures. Records of that time speak of the emperors descending from heaven in flying dragons.
Chinese emperor flies1










The tallest pyramid reported rises 300 metres high. Its sides measure 500 metres long –two times larger than and twenty times the volume of the Great Pyramid at Giza. The Chinese and Giza pyramids both align their baselines with north-south andwest-east. Stones once covered the Chineses pyramids but now only a few stones lie at the bottom; both have water channels from nearby rivers.

The Xianyang pyramid in Qinghai province near Mount Baigong’s top rises 200 feet amidst pieces of pressurized fuel and water pipes made of cobalt and elements exogenous to Earth.


China's Xion Pyramid, like Egypt's Giza Pyramid, replicate Orion in the sky.

Pyramids of Zian, China and Giza, Egypt mirror Orion in the Sky.




















In addition to the Anunnaki, Chinese relate ETs they call the “Dropa,” stranded from an exploration expedition crashed on Earth some 12,000 years ago in the Baian-Kara-Ula Mountains on the Chinese-Tibetan border.

A dropa dropa











They left stones the Chinese call “Dropa stones.”

Dropa stones

The Dropa covered cavern walls with pictograms that show our Solar System and map routes among the stars with intersecting lines and dots. Their pictograms illustrate frail beings with round helmet-like bowls on their heads. In one of their caves a stone disc had a thin spiral groove filled with hieroglyphics. Another disc shows aliens with bulging heads and withered bodies. The disks had a hole in the middle and, when spun, emitted electrical impulses. [Coppins, 2010; Aym, 2011]


Angkor Wat’s huge city complex centers about a square (5,000 feet by 4,000 feet), walled, moated temple.* The temple sits atop an ancient Anunnaki landing platform, power station and metallugy plant. The temple complex features red sandstone paved causeways “lined with stone figures who pull a hooded serpent.” The moat is 623 feet wide, the walls on each side, a mile long. Within the walls, paved courtyards join three galleries. A large tower caps the highest, center gallery.

Before the world-wide Deluge of 11,000 B.C., Preah Pisnokar, a part-Earthling, part-Anunnaki, built a landing-platform, power station and gold-processing plant at Cambodia’s Angkor Wat. He built Angkor with advanced technology from Nibiru, the planet of his mother.

Preah and later kings reduced local sandstone to a slushy concrete. They poured the sandstone concrete into molds that formed continuous mile-long walls on four sides of the temple complex. The walls nestle within a canal that surrounds the temple. Preah poured “magical water onto stone, which made the stone into a concrete which hardened in place as blocks in the structures of Angkor.

He probably used technology Dunn proved in Egypt’s Giza Pyramids. Angkor generated power as part of a world-wide grid Anunnaki pyramidal power stations and monoliths that accessed and augmented power for aircraft, communication, lighting and computing.

Here’s how the Anunnaki, and probably Angkor’s builders, generated power. From the canal around Angor’s walls, they piped water into a stagnant pool under pyramids. They pressured the stagnant pools with pumping and/or sonar devices. This created a powerful vibration moving up the structures. In sealed chambers above the vibrations from the pools, they exploded hydrogen (from hydrochloric acid they mixed with hydrated zinc). [Dunn, C., in http://enkispeaks.com/2013/12/20/mars-and-earths-pyramid-parallel-power-stations-statues-spaceports/]



Excerpt from “Anunnaki: Legacy of the Gods” by Sasha Lessin, Ph.D. and Janet Kira Lessin




After Enki ordered Ningishzidda to cede Egypt to Marduk, Ningishzidda built a stone observatory at Stonehenge, a site he chose for it. Ningishzidda–architect of the Anunnaki–goldminers from the planet Nibiru who came to Earth 450,000 years ago–built, and with Middle Eastern and Black Olmec crew from Central America, rebuilt Stonehenge II and III from 2100 and 2000 BCE on the Salisbury Plain in Britain (80 miles from London), among people who had inhabited the area since 30,000 BCE.


“Stonehenge, built initially around 2900 BCE (Stonehenge, Phase I) is the most elaborate of nine hundred ancient stone, wooden and earthen circles in the British Isles, as well as the largest and most complicated one in Europe. Stonehenge, a planned astronomical observatory” adjusted for latitude, let its builders fortell eclipses, solstices, moon as well as changing apparent positions of stars.


Stonehenge II alignments chart









Stonehenge features thirty upright stones, of which seventeen remain: “pairs of huge upright stone blocks, each about thirteen feet high, connected at the top by a massive lintel stone to form free-standing Trilithons erected in a semicircle, surrounded in turn by a massive circle of similar giant stones connected at the top by lintels carved to form a continuous ring around the paired uprights. Inside this massive stone ring, smaller stones (bluestones) from 250 miles away over land and two miles down the Avon River from southwestern Wales, of which 29 are still there, form the Bluestone Circle outside the Trilithons and a bluestone semicircle.” “Within this second ring stood five pairs of trilithons, making up the Sarsen Horseshoe of ten massive sarsen blocks. The innermost circle consisted of nineteen bluestones that form the Bluestone Horseshoe. Within this innermost compound, on the axis of the whole Stonehenge complex, stood the Altar Stone–a sixteen-foot long dressed block of blue-grey sandstone half-buried under an upright and the lintel of one of the Trilithons.

“The rings of stone are in turn centered within a large framing circle. It is a deep and wide ditch whose excavated soil was used to raise its banks and forms an encompassing ring around the whole Stonehenge complex, a ring with diameter three hundred feet. “A circle of fifty-six deep pits (Aubrey Holes) surround the inner bank of the ditch. “Two stones, on opposite sides of the ditch’s inner embankment and further down the line, two circular mounds with holes in them once held stones akin to the first two stones and the four called Station Stones, connected by lines outline a perfect rectangle.

Stonehenge inner rectangle












The embankment had a wide gap that opened into the concentric rings of stones, holes and earthworks. The opening in the ditch, oriented northeast, leads to a causeway (the Avenue). Two parallel embankment ditches outline this avenue, leaving a passage thirty feet wide for a third of a mile where it branches northward toward the Cursus, an elongated earthwork at an angle to the Avenue; the other branch of the Avenue curves toward the Avon River.
Stonehenge wide overview






A line drawn through the center of the Avenue passes through the center of the circles and holes to form the structures axis” along which are marker stones, one of which, the Heel Stone, were placed along the axis.
Stonehenge heel stonestonehengeHeelstone2









Some of the bluestone semicircles are missing, some lie about as fallen giants.
Stonehenge E

Stonehenge began with a ditch and a berm, an earthen circle with a circumference of 1050 feet at its bottom, twelve feet wide, six feet deep, digging up two raised banks within this outer ring of the circle are 56 pits. Ningishzidda left the northeast part of the dirt ring undug as an entrance to the middle of the circle. The two (now missing) gateway stones that flanked the entrance. The entrance stones gave the Heel Stone, a massive boulder set four feet underground and sixteen feet above on a 24 degree angle round points on which to create lines of sight down the Avenue that movable pegs set into holes on the entrance stones. Ningishzidda put four rounded Station Stones within the circle to form a perfect triange. That was the extent of Stonehenge 1–the Earthen Ring, an entranceway axis, seven stones, and wooden pegs.

About 2100 BCE, Ninghzidda directed the Wessex people to add four-ton bluestones to Stonehenge; now called Stonehenge II. A double Bluestone Circle thus surrounded Stonehenge II. The builders shifted the Heel Stone, widened and realigned the Avenue to keep up with the changes in the Earth’s tilt made in the sunrise point. Ningishzidda and the Wessex moved the “Altar Stone” when the remodeling began.

Stonehenge III: Around 2000 BCE, Ningishzidda re-erected the Heel Stone and dug holes for new sightings. He completely dismantled the Bluestone Circle of Stonehenge II. With Anunnaki sonar technology, he brought 77 fifty-ton sarsen stones from Marlbough Downs, forty miles away. He incorporated nineteen of these bluestones in a new inner oval of stones topped by lintel stones and placed the others bluestones ready to be inserted in holes dug for two new circles (not yet completed). He replaced the old entrance stones with two huge new ones. [Time: 39 – 180]


NEWGRANGE (County Meath): One of Ireland’s many Anunnaki observatories, Newgrange, a large circular mound of stone with a long hall and inner rooms. Anunnaki flood survivors built Newgrange and other stone observatories in Ireland to track the moon, sun, and the precession of the equinoxes in relation to the constellation Signa (aka the Swan or Southern Cross), where they could see Anunnaki craft and Nibiru nearingEarth.

White stone facade's a modern addition.

White stone facade’s a modern addition.









Grass grows atop the layers of earth and stones that make the Newgrange mound. The mound measures 249 feet across and 39 feet high. Inside, a hallway of large stone slabs engraved with star maps stretches 60 feet to three small chambers off a larger central chamber with a high corbelled vault roof.

Newgrange schema








Each of the smaller chambers has a large flat basin stone. Once a year, at the winter solstice, the rising sun shines directly along the long passage and lights up the inner chamber and, for seventeen minutes, sunlight enters the passage through a specially contrived opening, known as a roofbox, directly above the main entrance.
Newgrange light









Sunlight focuses on a triple spiral star map on the front wall of the chamber.

Newgrange map lit


13,000 years ago Earth’s climate deteriorated in the run-up to the perigee of 10,500 years ago that caused Noah’s flood. Enlil, Commander of the goldmining expedition from the planet Nibiru to Earth (the Anunnaki), ordered a second interplanetary spaceport atop the Andes, where his son Adad had built a landing platform around 15,000 BCE [Lost Realms: 222]. Enlil wanted the second rocket base in case Marduk and his ex-astronaut allies (the Igigi) overran the Sinai rocketport that Enlil’s grandson Utu ran.

Enlil, under orders from his father, King Anu, back on Nibiru, expected to return to Nibiru with the Nibirans he commanded as well as enough gold to powder into Nibiru’s atmosphere to protect it from destructive dissipation.

Enlil warned Anu that Marduk, the son of Enlil’s rival, Chief Scientist Enki, had created alliances not only with the ex-astronauts, but also with the hybrid Erectus-Nibiran Earthling miners and slaves Enki had made from the Nibiran genome. Marduk and his allies, Enlil and Anu realized, could push the claim of Marduk to rule Nibiru by dint of the treaty Anu had sworn with Marduk’s mother’s father, Alalu, Anu’s predecessor on the Nibiran throne.


Enlil sent his youngest son, Adad-Viracocha and Adad’s older half-brother General Ninurta to the Andes to scout out a potential second spaceport. They found their ideal site at Lake Titicaca, Earth’s highest (913,861 feet) lake–perfect for boats–20 by 44 miles large, 100 -1000 feet deep and dotted with over 41 islands.



Waters running from the lake gave the Anunnaki placer gold and cassiterite tin and bronze for their European and Middle Eastern centers. The Desaguadero river flows from the southwest corner of Lake Titicaca into the satellite lake, Lake Poopo, 260 miles to the south; “there is copper and silver all the way to the Pacific Coast, where Bolivia meets Chile.” [Lost Realms: 242 – 243]

A moat surrounded Pumapunku and connected to a canal system that ran to lake Titicaca, fifteen miles away through level ground. Upheavals, probably from the same disturbances that caused the destruction of the Nile area that Moses, whom Enlil forewarned, from the nearing of Nibiru or its lagrange points in 1450 BCE, destroyed the huge landing platform and scattered its H-shaped 400-ton twelve by ten by two foot thick red sandstone blocks that Adad had quarried ten miles from Pumapunku.
Quarry for Pumapunka







“A destructive wave of water from Lake Titicaca violently destroyed Pumapunku, Tihuanacu to the south of the lake.” [Childress, 2012:107, 177]






“The stones at Pumapunku interlocked by grooves and articulated notches in the edges of the stones and cemented together by keystone cuts and bronze clamps.” [Childress, 2012: 105; Lost Realms: 211]






Adad’s workers survived Noah’s flood on Titicaca and Coati Islands in the sheltered southern portion of the lake.

island in Titicaca






Adad and his Sumerian foremen had them build, 1/4 of a mile from Pumapunku, Tiahuanacu, aka “Tin City,” [Anuku = “metal granted by the Anunnaki.”] a two-square-mile city, metallurgical, temple, and observatory complex powered by electricity, on the shore and a with subterranean chambers. Tin supplies had run out in Europe after 2600 BCE, then Adad’s Cassites [Kosseans] Earthlings, related to the Hittites and Hurrians, flowed vast amounts of tin from South America to the Near East. [Lost Realms: 243 -245]

The Anunnaki employed “portable power plants” and “rotating magnetic fields” that gave Tiahuanacu AC power.” They “set up hydroelectric or wave stations to generate a large amount of power to send via microwaves to satellites and then redirect them to the remote parts of the earth as a form of usable power.” They sent cargos of precious metals and dried or honey-packed psychedelic mushrooms around the world. [Childress, 2012: 151]

The Anunnaki smelted, at high temperature, alloys including plantinum and extracted mercury from mineral cinnabar. They used the mercury to extract nearby silver. They built also an underwater city, Huanacu, some 80 feet down, hewn into the northern side of Titicaca Island. Tiahuanacu’s “builders planned Tiahuanacu in advance, with diverted rivers, water reservoirs on the top of pyramids (on or in which water washed ores) and massive stone [refining] structures with gigantic solid-stone doors. Pumapunku, the original New World El Dorado-Ophir city (the one to which Israel’s King Solomon flew over the Pacific from the Java Sea) featured gigantic walls covered in sheets of gold, golden masks, sun disks, gold-woven tapestries and drill holes to attach sheets of gold and other gold items.”

Nearby, Bolivians gathered the Fuante Magna Bowl, that bore ancient Sumerian cuneiform writing circa 3000 BCE and the Aymara language that the descendants of Ka-in developed from Proto-Elamite or Akkadian [Childress, 2012: 86, 109, 129 – 131, 146,150].
fuente bowl






Tiahuanacu set off Pumapunku with a grand gate, the “Gate of the Sun,” originally a doorway for a solid granite door to for a nine-foot tall person or a person with an elaborate headdress.

SunGateTiahuancu1Sun Gate collage of 2







The door led to a smashed 400 by 450 foot rectangular astronomical observatory called the “Kalasasaya,” that a moat had surrounded. The building, like a similar building at Pumapunku, had been destroyed and the door frame moved to form an arch leading to Pumapunku.

The Nibirans cut and shaped the gate as it stood in Tiahuanacu from a single hundred-ton, 10 x 20 foot stone block that features a carving of Adad, with golden tears. Tears, which represent the molton gold, tin, iron, platinum and mercury Tiahuanacu refined, run down his cheeks. The statue wears an elaborate headdress and holds Adad’s symbol, the forked lightening the zodiac of Sumerian Anunnaki. Reliefs of 30 “bird men”on Adad’s right–probably Nibiran astronauts–run toward him; one of these holds the trumpet-like object the Anunnaki used to move large stones.
Viracocha and birdmen at Gate to Sun






After the building that contained the gate broke apart, the Anunnaki reconstructed it and incorporated as an arch to Pumapunku for a pilgrimage site for Andean “Indians.” Next to the gate stands a wall into which the builders sculpted heads of the various Earthling and ET types that visited the site [Childress, 2012: 88; Lost Realms: 210, 216 -217].
download (1)
Pumapunka relief looks like contemporty Grey.Relief on Pumapunka wall (left) looks like contemporary Grey (Right).

Around 3800 BCE, Nibiru’s King Anu and Queen Antu flew with their grandson, Ninruta, from Sumer to the Tiahuanancu where a gold-plated enclosure (held together with solid gold nails) he and Adad had built awaited them. They saw the Spaceport on the 200 square-mile Pampa plain below where. On the runway, “Anu and Antu’s celestial chariot stood ready, with gold to the brim it was loaded.” Anu pardoned Marduk tor his last offensive against Enlil, then the King and his Queen rocketed off to Nibiru, then to Mars, then to Nibiru. Enlil ordered Adad to guard the Enlilite South American facilities from Marduk while he and the other Nibiran Earth Mission leaders returned to Sumer. [Enki: 272-276, Lost Realms: 255; Journeys: 206]

By 2200 BCE, as supplies of tin for bronze dwindled in Europe, Adad sent tin aplenty from Tiahuanaco back to Sumer, through his Hittite-Cassite subjects in Turkey. Descendants of these Middle Easterners still dwell on Titicaca and Coati Isles. Tiahuanaco, after most of the Anunnaki returned to Nibiru, became a pilgrimage site for the growing “Indian” population. There, Adad directed the construction of Mochica, Chan-Chan, Cuzco, Macho Picchu, Chavin, Ollantaytambu and tutored a couple he chose to create Machu Picchu [Time: 247].

From Lake Titicaca and Tiahuanacu in Bolivia and Peru’s south, Anunnaki spread megalithic culture–landing platforms, metallurgical plants, pyramid power plants, astronomical observatories, palaces, canals, homes, statues, city walls, roads, bridges and quarries. Everywhere they settled, they left deep, extensive tunnels that moderns have not yet explored. Anunnaki culture spread North into ancient, pre-Inca Cusco, Ollantaytambu, Machu Pichu and Chavin. The Anunnaki mined copper and gathered gold and alluvial casseiterite–oxidized, water-washed tin from the Eastern coast of Lake Titicaca and the Lake Poopo area southeast of La Paz (down the Desaguardero River from Tiahuanacu).



















Anunnaki brought successive waves of descendants of Ka-in, the South American Indians to coastal settlements along the Peruvian coast. At Paracas Bay, Adad blasted a huge image of his metal tool with its forked lightning to welcome incoming boats and aircraft from the Pacific.






Ollantaytambo's 637 km (miles along the Urubamba River from Tiahuancu (roads and airroute erased)

Ollantaytambo’s 637 km (386 miles) along the Urubamba River from Tiahuanacu (roads and air-route erased).


Ollantaytambo rests 637 km from Pumapunku, 45 miles north of Cuzsco. Ollantaytambo lies northwest along the Urubamba, on an exact 45 degree angle line between the Titicaca Island off Tiahuanacu and the Equator. “A 45-degree line originating at Tiahuanacu, combined with squares and circles embraced all the key ancient sites between Tiahuanacu, Cuzco and Ollataytambu.” Earth’s tilt (obliquity) when the Anunnaki laid out this grid was 24 degrees, 08’ in 3172 BCE, the Age of Taurus [Enlil’s Age] between 4000 BCE and 2000 BCE.” [Lost Realms: 199 – 205]

Ollantaytambo, a landing platform (probably for the gold refinery at Sacashuaman, 60 miles to the southeast) rests “atop a steep mountain spur” and overlooks “an opening between the mountains that rise where the Urubamba-Vilcanota and Patcancha rivers meet.”
Ollantaytambo summit





On the summit “megalithic structures begin with a retaining wall built of fashioned polygonal stones.








Through a gateway cut of a single stone block, one reaches a platform supported by a second retaining wall of polygonal stones of a larger size. On one side, an extension of this wall becomes an enclosure with twelve trapezoid openings–two as doorways and ten false windows. On the other side of the wall stands a massive gate to the main structures.” The Anunnaki channeled a stream through Ollantaytambo’s structures. Childress suggests Ollantaytambo featured a control building for an airport below the plaza along the river. [2012: 315]
















“A row of six colossal monoliths stand on the topmost terrace. The gigantic stone blocks are from eleven to fourteen feet high, six or more feet in width and vary in thickness from three to over six feet. These 50-ton or so blocks stand joined together without mortar with long dressed stones inserted between the colossal blocks to create an even thickness. The megaliths stand as a single wall oriented southeast. One of the monoliths touts a relief of the “Stairway symbol” of Tiahuancu” that shows the connection between Earth and Sky.

Something interrupted Ollantaytambu’s construction; “stone blocks lie strewn about,” with T-cuts for poured metal clamps in them to hold the blocks together during earthquakes. The clamp-cuts duplicate those at Tiahanacu. “A levitation device made the stones leap down the road from the quarry to slides, where the stones would be pushed over the edge and retrieved at the bottom. They would again be made to jump to the river and across, then up to the plaza. During this process, certain stones were “lazy” and could not be made to jump properly and were therefore abandoned.” [Childress, 2012: 303]

Ollantaytambo Lazy stones


The Anunnaki carved huge blocks of very hard red [porphyry] granite that holds large-grained quartz crystal, from Kachiqhata, the opposite mountainside of Ollantaytambo’s valley. There builders hewed and shaped the blocks, then, with inverse piezoelectricity, moved them over two streams to slides on each side of the rivers, then up to Ollantaytambo where they raised, precisely placed and fused the blocks together. Though they brought many blocks across the river, the builders left 40 or more on the river’s eastern side. [Childress, 2012: 259 – 303; Lost Realms: 199 – 205]


MACHU PICCHU (Tampu-Tocco)

macho and tiahuanacu map











On the eastern slope of the Andes, 7,585 feet above the sea, Machu covers 32,500 hectares4,000 feet above a bend in the Urubamba River, “which forms a horseshoe gorge half encircling the city’s perch, 75 miles northwest of Cuzco. Machu “was situated to control access to Ollantaytambu and Tiahuanacu.







Machu Picchu “first served as a model for Cuzco, then emulated it.” Both Machu and Cuzco “consisted of twelve wards, royal-priestly groupings on the west and residential-functional ones occupied by the Virgins and clan hierarchies on the east separated by wide terraces. Common people tilled and cultivated the mountainsides. They lived outside the city and in the surrounding countryside.”


Machu Picchu layoutMachu scale model








Royal residences are built of ashlars [squared facing stones] laid in courses, finely cut and dressed.”

In the most ancient area, the Temple of Three Windows, Sacred Plaza [landing platform?] and Principal Temple display huge, precisely-cut stone blocks locked together without mortar.

“One of the stones has 32 angles. Cutting, shaping and angling of the hard granite stones was as though they were soft putty. White granite stones had to be brought from great distances, through rough terrain and rivers, down valleys and up mountains.

“The Temple of Three Windows has only three walls” and on its open, western side” faces a 7 foot tall pillar for “astronomical sighting purposes.

Temple of 3 windows and ashlar Machu







“The Principle Temple too has only three walls, some twelve feet tall. The western wall is constructed of just two giant stone blocks held together by a T-shaped stone.”
andes6 machu14






A huge monolith, fourteen by five by three feet, rests against the north wall of the Principal Temple.
machuPicchuN wall monolith Principal Temple







The Intihuatana:
Intihuatanna at Machu






“Winding steps lead from the northern edge of the Sacred Plaza up a hill whose top was flattened to serve as a platform for the Intihuatana, a stone cut with precision to measure the movements of the sun, determine the solstices and make the sun return, lest it return the Earth to darkness that occurred before.”

The Torreon:
Machu semicircle


“At the end of the western part of Machu Picchu, the semicircular Torreon is built of ashlars “creates its own sacred enclosure at the center of which there is a rock that’s been cut and shaped and incised with grooves” like the rock in Jerusalem’s Temple Mound and Mecca’s black stone.



The Cave:

Machu cave 4Machu cave1Machu cave2Machu cave3









Beneath Machu, lies a huge cave “enlarged and shaped artificially to precise geometric forms, masonry of white granite ashlars. This is the cave from which the Anunnaki sent the first Inca king to found Cuzco, 75 miles southeast of Machu. [Childress, 2012:319 -343; Lost Realms 140 – 154]



Cuzco map









Cuzco, which the Anunnaki built sometime after Noah’s Deluge of 10,500 BCE, sits on a promontory called Sacshauman (11,500 feet above sea level) that rises above the Tullaumayo and Rodadero Rivers. The site panned gold and featured aircraft landing facilities.

Cuzco overview

Cuzco’s “older edifices were built of perfectly cut, dressed and shaped stones of brown trachtyte, stones of great size and the oddest shapes that fitted one into another’s angles with precision and without mortar.”megalithic walls at Cuzco


Some of Cuzco’s megalithic stones had been melted with added oxygen in temperatures over 1,100 degrees. This glazed their silicate surfaces, so the “surfaces even if irregular, feel smooth to touch.” The builders put each newly placed but still hot stone next to stones already cool and hardened prior-placed jigsaw polygonal blocks. The new, just placed stone stayed fixed in perfect precision against the hardened stones. The new stone became its own separate block of granite, that would then have more blocks fitted into their interlocking positions in the wall. [Childress, 2012: 249]


The Saschuaman promontory, “shaped like a triangle with its base to the northwest,” rises eight hundred feet above the city below. Cuzco overviewGorges form Saschuaman’s sides and “separates it from the mountain chain which it rejoins at its base.”

Tunnels, niches and grooves perforate huge rock outcroppings, cut and shaped into giant platforms. Siphon-fed aquaducts channeled water to wash ores. Childress speculates that one of the tunnels connects Cuzco with Tiahuanacu, though moderns who explored the tunnels never returned to the surface. “Cuzco started out as a mining camp and processing area, then became a temple.” [Childress, 2012: 246]cusco tunnel






A flattened area, “hundreds of feet wide and long”–probably an aircraft landing strip marks the promontory’s middle. From here, aircraft lofted away the nuggets the structures panned. “The narrower edge, elevated above the rest of the promontory, contained circular and rectangular structures under which run passages, tunnels and openings beneath a maze cut into natural rock”–all part of Cuzco’s gold-panning operation.

Three massive walls of massive stones “rise one behind the other, each one higher than the one in front of it to a combined height of sixty feet.” The walls run parallel to each other in a zigzag” and protect this area from the rest of the promontory. Earth-fills behind each wall created terraces. The lowest first [Anunnaki-built] wall, built of colossal boulders” weigh ten to twenty tons, many fifteen feet high, fourteen feet long and thick.” One of these boulders in this wall reaches “twenty-seven feet tall and weighs over 300 tons. As in the city below, faces of these boulders have been artificially dressed to perfect smoothness, beveled at the edges. The massive blocks lie atop one another, sometimes separated by a thin stone slab.Sacsayhuaman terraces







Everywhere the stones are polygonal, odd sides and angles fitting without mortar into the odd and matching shapes of the adjoining stone blocks.

Larger blocks were Anunnaki; smaller stones, Incan.

Larger blocks were Anunnaki; smaller stones, Incan.









The builders quarried the gigantic stone blocks miles away and moved them “over mountains, valleys, gorges and streams.” Cusco quarry At the center of the front wall, the Gate of Viracocha made a four-foot opening. “Steps then led to a terrace between the first and second walls from which a passage opened against a transverse wall at a right angle” and led to the second terrace. There two entrances at an angle to each other led to the third wall” and “could be blocked by lowering large, specifically fitted stones into the openings.Cusco-Sights-Puma-Puncu-Sacsayhuaman-Madeleine-Ball









On a nearby plateau, Sitchin noted a cut rock that once held “a mechanical contraption.”

Bed for mechanical tool at Cusco [Lost Realms:  129]

Bed for mechanical tool at Cusco [Lost Realms: 129]

“Walls, conduits, receptacies, channels form a series of water-channeling structures one above the other; rain or spring water could flow from level to level. A huge hircular area enclosed by megalithic ashlars lies underground at a level permitting the running off of the water from the circular area–a large-scale gold-panning facility. The water was flowed off througth the sluice-chamber and away through the labyrinth. In the stone vats, what remained was gold.” “Facing the cyclopean walls across the wide open flat area, the Chingana (labyrinth), a cliff whose natural features have been artificially enlarged into passages, corridors, chambers, niches, and hollowed-out spaces” featuring “rocks dressed and shaped into horizontal, vertical, and inclined facings, openings, grooves cut in precise angles and geometric shapes, holes drilled down.”gold panning circle, CuzcoSitchin says the megalithic builders of Tiahuancu, rather than the very recent Incas, that built Cuzco, long before Inca times. “One of the Inca mastermasons decided to haul up a stone where the original builders had dropped it. More than 20,000 Indians, dragging it with great cables.” But the rock rolled down the slope and killed four thousand Indians.”CoricanchaThe Coricanchais [conflated into the “Temple of the Sun” by the Spanish] an Anunnaki temple of which a semicircular wall survives, Sitchin wrote, honored Adad. The Coricancha adjoined auxiliary temples for Nannar, Inanna and other Anunnaki. Next to an enclosure, the Acilla-Huasi, we see “a secluded enclave where virgins dedicated to the Great God lived.”[Childress, 2012: 209-254; Lost Realms:120 – 131 ]CHAVIN DE HUANTAR
Chavin map
The nation of Chavin appeared suddenly, around 15000BCE or Earlier.” The main city, Chavin De Huantar–probably a ceremonial center– sits “at an elevation of 10,000 feet in the Cordillera Blanca range of the northwestern Andes of northern Peru between the coast and the Amazon basin.
Chavin 3Chavin chart2
There in a mountain valley where tributaries of the Maranon River form a triangle, an area of 300,000 square feet was flattened and terraced for complex structures precisely laid out.chavin map1Buildings and plazas form precise rectangulars and squares aligned with east-west as the major axis.” The builders “ingeniously used the two levels of the tributaries to create a flow for panning gold. The site once held ultramodern machinery. chavintemple 






The site yielded artifacts with motifs from Ninishzidda’s Mayans as they retreated south –jaguars, condors, entwined fangs–Egyptian motifs–the Eye of Marduk/Ra, serpents, pyramids–Mesopotamian motifs–winged disks, Anunnaki headdresses, and trophy statues of Sumerians in pain– and portraits of black African Olmecs holding mining tools.

Adad at Chavin









Adad at Chavin2









Figure on top's bearded, not Native American. Lower left--an Olmec; Lower right, a "giant" with a weapon or tool. (Lost Realms: 192]

Figure on top’s bearded, not Native American. Lower left–an Olmec; Lower right, a “giant” with a weapon or tool. (Lost Realms: 192]

A nearby site Peruvian site shows Gilgamesh of Uruk, Sumer, in Mesopotamia, wrestling two lions–good evidence of the same people inhabited both places.

Gilgamesh at Chavin





The Sumerian trophy statues show straight-nosed Indo-European men from “Asia Minor, Elam and the Indus Valley, the “giants” with metal tools–perhaps part of two invasions, one by Naymlap who landed at La Plata Island and Equador. Inca histories say Adad and his Sumerian assistants massacred these newcomers.

The three main buildings rose from terraces that elevated them and leaned them against forty-foot high outer western wall that ran 500 feet and encompassed the complex on three sides and left the site open to the river on the east side.

The southeast corner building– the site’s largest (240 x 250 feet in area)–rose three stories made of smooth-faced incised masonry stone blocks. “From a terrace on the east a monumental stone stairway led to a gate up to the main building.” Two cylindrical columns flanked the gate. “Adjoining vertical stone blocks supported a thirty-foot horizontal lintel made of a single monolith. A double stairway led to towers atop the building.

Steps led from the eastern terrace at Chavin De Huantar to a sunken plaza surrounded on three sides by rectangular platrorms. A large flat boulder with seven grind holes and a rectangular niche stood “Outside the southwestern corner of the sunken plaza.”

The three buildings featured corridors and inside maze-like passages, connecting galleries rooms and staircased faced with decorated stone slabs. The stone slabs that roofed the passages set to support the buildings.

The Tello Obelisk

This monolith in the main building engraved Chavin’s tales of figures with “human bodies and faces with feline hands, fangs or with wings” as well as animals, birds, trees, gods emitting rocketlike rays, and geometric designs.”
Tello disk 2Tello a










The Raimondi Monolith

A seven-foot carved stone on the southwestern edge of the sunken plaza, probably Adad with his thunderbolt and his cult animal, the bull of his grandfather, Enlil.








El Lanzon

El LanzoneRamondi 3










This stone column, enscribed with Adad’s bull, in the Chavin De Huacar’s middle building sticks through a hole in the floor above it. [Lost Realms: 184 – 196]










Paracus Bay

Behold the feet-deep ’Candelabra’ in nearby Bay of Paracas, Peru, symbol of Adad-Viracocha, the Great God of South America.

Candelabra, Adad/Viracocha's trademark, Bay of Paracas, PeruCandelabra, Adad/Viracocha’s trademark, Bay of Paracas, Peru

From South America, Ningishzidda surveyed Yucatan and the Valley of Mexico for gold and then brought his Olmec and Sumerian aides to organize Indians to mine and refine gold, silver and other minerals. [Lost Realms: 237 – 250]


On Easter Island (Rapa Nui), a native informant told Ancient Aliens [Season 3, Disk 2, 44:53] that a god, wearing an Eagle Helmet (helmet of the Nibiran Astronaut Corps [Igigi]) transported the huge statues through the air to their platforms on the hill. Rapa Nui Moi moving thru spaceEaster Isle Statue moves through space











map cancun












After Enlil nuked Sinai and radiated Sumer in 2024 BCE, Ningishzidda and his team–Anunnaki assistants, Black Olmec and bearded Mesopotamians–brought descendants of Ka-in (“Indians” to American Anthropologists) across the Atlantic to Yucatan and then to Teotihuacan in the Valley of Mexico. In both Central America’s Yucatan and in the valley of Mexico, the Anunnaki team first built their megalithic pyramidic power stations, then had their Indians built megalithic structures and statues. In Yucatan, the Maya, guided by Olmec technicians and Sumerian overseers, built (at Dzibilchaltun, Palenque, Tikal, Uxmal, Izamal, Mayapan, Chichen Itza, Copan, Tolan and Izapa) huge stepped-stone temples like Sumer’s. [Lost Realms: 86 – 110]

The Olmec-Maya culture spread across Central America and into the Valley of Mexico till Ningishzidda* left them in 311 BCE, when he said he’d return December 21, 2012, with other Anunnaki, to wrest control of Earth from its current matrix of war, miscegenation and debt-slavery. [* Ningishzidda’s also known as Hermes, Thoth, Votan, Quetzlcoatl, Kukuklan, Itzmam, Mercury.]

Olmec structures appeared suddenly throughout Yucatan, without prior development. The ceremonial center at Itza aligned with three-mile markers along a north-south line. Heads were buried around 1 CE as Olmecs retreated south. Pyramids laid out south to north to allow transit-sightings.

Toltecs moved to Itza after they left Tolan, near Mexico City. Toltec pyramid to the Plumed Serpent reaches 185 feet high; it duplicated the pyramid the Toltecs left at Tula.
Toltec centers in the Yucatan featured ballcourts where opposing teams enacted the astronomical events depicted in the Anunnaki account of Earth’s creation. Toltecs beheaded the losing captain of the losing team to mimic how Nibiru, the Anunnaki homeplanet, decapitated Tiamat, the Proto-Earth.

The Maya decorated the main ballcourt at Chichen Itza “with scenes of the Sumerian Tree of Life and the standard winged and bearded Anunnaki.”

Maya Ballgame beheads losing teams captain

Mayan Ballgame beheads losing teams captain

Maya cast virgins into sacred well.
Maya, at urging of priestly caste Ningishzidda left to rule them, cast virgins into sacred well.








Itzas mined. They employed cutting tools and lights for their mines. They–perhaps after Ningishzidda left them–threw maidens as well as mirrors, gold, silver, refined tin and bronze ornaments engraved with bearded Mesopotamians and Anunnaki gods [Itzas were beardless descendants of Ka-in] into the well.

Olmec ponds connected thru subterranean conduits.

Itza statues had glyph writing and calendar starting 3113 BCE. Their engavings showed miners and metalworkers with tunneling and metalworking tools [metal-cutting flame thrower], as well as Anunnaki flight (Winged people).

Archeologists unearthed sixteen buried massive stone Negroid heads the Olmec’s had moved through over sixty miles of jungle and swamp. The buried heads measured “5 10 feet high, 21 feet in circumfrance and weighed up to 25 tons. The Olmec, as they retreated south to survive Indian attackers, buried the stone heads. [Lost Realms: 86 – 110]

“Maya cities were open-ended ceremonial centers surrounded by a population of administrators, artisans and merchants supported by an extensive rural population. “From a base abutting the Gulf of Mexico, the cities of La Venta, Tres Zapotes and San Lorenzo formed the area of Olmec settlement and cut southward toward the Pacific Coast of Mexico and Guatemala. By AD 900 the realm of the Maya extended from the Pacific Coast to the Gulf of Mexico and the Carribean. Mayan civilization spread “southward across Mesoamerica by 800B.C.. Thoth organized the Maya into four domains, 4 parts, each with a capital. Palenque was capital of the West, Calakmul was capital of the North, whose rulers conquered Palenque. Copan was capital of the South and Tikal, the East.

Palenque with plumbing

Palenque with plumbing


Palenque ruin with written  history carved in stone

Palenque ruin with written history carved in stone









From Palenque, a focus on the twelve-foot king buried under a pyramid:

Mayan Astronaut Lord Pikal AAstros Season 4, Disk 1

Capstone on Lord Pacal’s sarcophagus

Palenque Spaceman, Lord Pacal, in spaceship, model made on basis of carvings atop Lord Pical’s sarcophagus [from Ancient Aliens, Season 4, Disk 1, Tsoukalos narration]

MayanDepictionAstronaut&ModernMayan Astronaut demo2Mayan Astronaut Lord Pikal Close up showing breathing tube 2 AAstros Season 4, Disk 1

Mayan Astronaut Lord Pikal Close up showing exhaust flames AAstros Season 4, Disk 1
Mayan Astronaut Lord Pacal Closeup showing exhaust flames

Mayan Astronaut Lord Pikal Close up showing exhaust flames 2 AAstros Season 4, Disk 1Ancient Aliens illustrates exhaust from Lord Pacal’s rocketMaya Kuklukan1

Tsoukalo's display of probable source of the Mayan, Indian and Chiese saw as a dragon or plumed serpent: Anunnaki rocket. [Ancient Aliens, Season 4, Disk 1]

Kukuklan emerges from rocket

Kukuklan emerges from rocket

Itza and the other Mayan centers featured ballcourts where Celestial Battle acted out by opposing teams. Losing captain decapitated, enacting, Sitchin suggests, how the Anunnaki homeplanet, Nibiru, decapitated Tiamat, the Proto-Earth.

Ningishzidda tutored the Maya in both phonetic and character writing; they manufactured ink and paper books. The Maya produced monumental sculptured art, carved jade, hand-held lights, weapons, flamethrowers and tools fitted with mirrors. Thoth taught them the principles of place value and zero which let them, with the advanced astronomy he dictated, so they could know when Nibiru neared Earth and when Nibiran “gods’ came and went.

He showed them how to make calendars that showed Venus circled the sun every 6000 years. Thoth also taught the Mayans the more-than 26,000-year Precession of the Equinoxes on Earth.

He showed them how to make and use telescopes, and had astronomer apprentices raised in the dark to better see the heavens through the telescopes. The accuracy of their predictions over time validates Nibiran presence and influence on Earth. [Tsarion, M., 2012]

Thoth left Earth. He said he and his father Balam Yokte (Enki) would return on December 21, 2012, and challenge the forces of evil on Earth. Thoth and his accompanying Nibirans “left, presumed to be swallowed by the ruler of the night, the Jaguar; and the image of Thoth was henceforth covered by the jaguar’s mask through which serpents, his symbol, emerge.”

Bolam Yakte (Enki/Ptah)

Bolam Yakte (Enki/Ptah)

 Kuklukan Emerging from  Flying Serpent craft

Kuklukan Emerging from Flying Serpent craft









The night (jaguar) eats Kukuklan
The night (jaguar) eats Kukuklan





Priests encouraged blood sacrifice, ostensibly to bring back the gods, but then to execute prisoners and control people. Kings and Priests kept blood sacrifice–at first those of rulers, then of enemy rulers, then anyone they needed to control.

Mayan priests ask Kukuklan to have a heart and return

Mayan priests ask Kukuklan to have a heart and return.










Chichen Itza Yucatan south east map very large mex1

Chichen Itza mex2

Chichen Itza, Yucatan

From 1000 to 450 B.C., Chichen Itza, near where Thoth first landed in Yucatan, became “the principle sacred city of Yuctan.

Chichen Itza by 450BC, “the principle sacred city of Yucatan,” boasted a sacred well. The Itzas, migrants from the south, built their ceremonial center–the great central pyramid and the observatory–near where Thoth first came ashore in Yucatan. The Toltecs, who had migrated from central Mexico, gradually populated Tiotihuacan, then migrated south to Chichen Itza, to be near the place Thoth came ashore and would return.

At Chichen Itza, the Toltecs reproduced sculpture of the Sumerian stories of the Celestial Battle including the astronomical events that killed Tiamat, the proto-Earth and resurrected Tiamat as Earth. The art shows the exact position of the Earth from the outside to the inside of the inner solar system. They built a 9-stage pyramid dedicated to Thoth, decorated with carvings of him. The decorations incorporated in its structure calendrical aspects and duplicates the pyramid in Tula, capital of the Toltecs from Teotihuacan.

Toltecs, in the sacred well at Chichen Itza, threw 40 virgin girls as sacrifices, as well as gold, silver and copper ornaments made from metals refined from ores Mesoamerica lacked. Art on the ornaments showed bearded Sumerian types, as well as Sky Gods [Nibirans].

The Olmecs gradually retreated south as Indians moving down from the North attacked them. Olmecs first fled their older metropolitan center near the Gulf, circa 300 BCE. They gave up their more southern centers last. The Indians killed both negroid Olmecs and the Bearded Ones,” from the Eastern Mediterranean.”



In Mexico, Ningishzidda, Sumerian overseers, Olmec foremen and Indian laborers built two unadorned pyramids at Teotihuacan.

In Mexico, Anunnaki and their assistants  started Teotihuacan ca 4000 BCE and the Aztec's Tenochtitlan aftter 1,400 CE

In Mexico, Anunnaki and their assistants started Teotihuacan ca 4000 BCE and the Aztec’s Tenochtitlan aftter 1,400 CE


Teotihuacan’s thirty miles north of Mexico City.

















Temple of the Sun, Teotihuacan

Temple of the Sun, Teotihuacan


Stone markers, two miles out, lined up with The Temple of the Sun on its east-west axis; its other axis is north-west at the time it was built on the model of the Giza Pyramids. Teotihuacan’s Sun Pyramid’s 745 feet per side on its base. The Anunnaki built the Sun Pyramid of “mud bricks, adobe,pebbles and gravel held together by a sheath of crude stones and stucco with and aggregate mass of 10,000,000 feet.” The Sun Pyramid rises250 feet. [Lost Realms: 49]



Ningishzidda brought the Maya then the Toltecs to Teotihuacan. In in 987 CE, the Toltecs moved to the Yucatan Peninsula.



The Anunnaki Council of Enlil, Commander of the goldmining expedition from the planet Nibiru to Earth, exiled Marduk–once heir to rule Nibiru–from Egypt to North America in 8670 BCE for his attack on their forces.

Marduk and his cohorts, 7-10 tall, blond and red-haired people, the thousands of so-called “Mound Builders” built pyramids, effigies, fortresses, underground tunnels, energy capacitating chambers, astronomical observatories and megalithic cities, as well as more recent burial mounds for tens of thousands of inhabitants all over North America.



Map of MB sites Vieira

Map of Mound Builder Sites [Vieira, 2013]


The Anunnaki mined gold and copper and used electromagnetic and sonar energy to move huge stones along many mile-lanes of magnetically-charged rocks like those Marduk’s father, Chief Scientist Enki, developed in southern Africa. Anunnaki sites in North America yielded iron implements, cuneiform writing, incised designs, woven fabrics and evidence of advanced metallurgy.










The Anunnaki took descendants of Ka-in from Asia and of Adamu from Africa across both the Atlantic and Pacific. These Anunnaki and perhaps other extraterrestrials–the moundbuilders–far preceded both the Eskimo and “Indians” who crossed from Asia as well as the South American “Indians”–also descendants of Ka-in and Adamu who came north from the Lake Titicaca area. Some of these giants and their hybrid offspring may have stayed on as rulers of the more recent arrivals to North America, the ones who call themselves “Indians” and came to occupy the mounds of the ETs. Some of the giants had double rows of both upper and lower teeth and may have been cannibals.

Mound Builder skeleton w moderns at Smithsonian

Mound Builder skeleton with moderns at Smithsonian


On Mars, Nibirans manned a spaceport and lasered a monument to Alalu, one of their kings, who was exiled to Mars and died there. Nibiran Chief Medical Officer, Princess Ninmah, on orders from King Anu of Nibiru, had Pilot Anzu create the statue and left 20 men with him to construct Marsbase for transhipment of gold from Earth to Nibiru . Cyndonia37jpgMarsbase3









Pyramid Bosnia close up good Bosnian Pyramid beaming energy Bosnian Pyramids

Cement for the Bosnian Pyramid

Cement for the Bosnian Pyramid

Semir Osmanagich describes pre-Deluge Bosnian Pyramids–the biggest 700 feet high, (vs Giza’s 450 feet). Nibirans probably build these structures and the labyrinth beneath them. The Bosnian Pyramids of huge blocks of very fine pour concrete. The Deluge buried the 5 pyramids about 13,000 years ago. Under the Bosnian Pyramid complex, Osmanagish found a labyrinth of tunnels with fresh running water. Pyramid Bosnia, Healing Water system







The tunnels lead to chambers that connect the five pyramids. The chambers held ceramic sculptures with runic writing on them. Pyramid Writing in BosnianPyramid Bosnia Runic writing on Bosnian Pyr2Pyramid Bosnia Runic writing on Bosnian Pyr









Under the pyramid Osmanagish calls Bosnia’s Pyramid of the Sun, he reports, are mysterious little generators that still run on Tesla technology. The pyramid still sends an ever -growing energy wave up and releases a high frequency sound wave (like that Tellinger reports from the South African structures and lanes). Pyramid as power house4

All who’ve worked inside these tunnels come out euphoric; the vibrations inside release endorphines and pleasurable sensations in them. The vibrations also purify the water that runs through the pyramid complex.






The Master Computer

In 400,000 BCE the master computers and command modules that controlled space and Earth communication sat in Enlil’s place at Nippur in southern Iraq. In 380,000 BCE, Anzu stole crystals [computers]and MEs [portable command modules]. Each ME controlled a certain function, and only its possessor could operate it. Anzu now had the ME of Enlil’s Command of Earth, the ME called The Brilliance or ME of Enlilship, until Ninurta retook them for Enlil.

After the Deluge of 11,000 BCE that destroyed Nippur, Ningishzidda installed the master computer controls in the Great Pyramid (the E.Kur) in Egypt. “The Great Pyramid was directed by different gods in turn. During the Second Pyramid War [8670 BCE], the Great Pyramid was the temple abode of Marduk-Ra. After Ninmah-Ninharsag-Hathor brokered a peace agreement that ended the war, she was appointed mistress of the new Ekur and got the title Goddess of the Rocket Ships.” Later “Isis became Mistress of the Pyramid.” Finally, Ningishzidda, when he reigned in Egypt, took the title “Guardian of the the Secrets of the Ekur.” In 3450 BCE, when Enki ordered Ningishzidda to yield to Marduk, Ningishzidda hid the master computer progams and plans to the Pyramid. [DNA: 55 -57]


Anunnki royals carried crystal computers a few inches large–MEs– in purses they wore on their wrists. They sewed MEs they controlled into their clothes or worked into their scepters, hand-held weapons as well as weapons and devices they ensconsed on their aircraft and in their control rooms. Inanna seduced Enki for ninety MEs that Anu ruled she could keep.

“MEs give their depositories or the persons in possession of them powers such as the control of interplanetary travels and communications, scientific and technological knowledge and quasi-magical potency. In Sumer, the proprietor of a specific ME is the only one to have full power over it and to bend its operations according to his or her will: the proprietor is the unique master of the system.” [DNA: 58 – 75]

References abound for Anunnaki devices–probably atomic–in their structures, rockets and even in the Ark of the Covenant.

Ninurta, after he defeated Marduk in the Giza pyramid, smashed a technological device called “The Heart of the Ekur” which “emitted a net force.”

Enki, drunk and in sexual heat with Inanna, gave her computer devices (MEs) he later regretted but couldn’t get back. These devices, including The Exalted Tiara, the Exalted Scepter and Staff, the Exalted Shrine, set in jewels and and crystals and affixed to her clothes, a scepter or shrine, could “emit and control a force field,” or a ME sewn into her clothes “could emit a luminous field” that made her “look clothed in radiance” and let her proclaim herself queen, “clothed in radiance. For centuries afterward, Earthlings with whom she coupled were dead the next morning–perhaps a combination of radiation and Inanna’s sexual practices.

A computer, dated one hundred years before Jesus, discovered in 1900 of the island of Antikythera near Crete contained a system of differential gears not known to have been used until the sixteenth century.
Antikathera computer







Pyramid as power house w meditator Bosnia ANUNNAKI DATA BEST EXPLAINS OUR HISTORY

Compare and contrast the variants of Gardiner, Pye, Tellinger, Sitchin, Childress, Cremo, Thompson, Pravupad and others for the elements they have in common. Use the principle of parsimony–which explanations best account for all the data–and leave the least ooparts (data and artifacts that the explanations out their comprehension. All our theories are hypothetical formulations, words and mathematical models we employ to account for our observations. Our observations are in turn directed by our theories. In science we test the null hypothesis–what data would disprove our theories.

Consensus determines social reality but does it predict the chemical composition of asteroids or the shape of the landmass beneath the Antarctic icepack the way ancient Sumerian tablets do? We’re left with alternate explanations of much. Enjoy them, wonder, and keep asking what to cut away with Occam’s razor. We grasp the elephant of reality from varying perspectives. See them all and get a clearer picture of the beast and the blind who generalize from their particular vantages to the nature of the whole and its context. An explanation or theory that most parsimoniously (simplest, with least words, numbers, adumbrations) accounts for the all the data and makes more accurate predictions of future behavior as well as past accumulated data is more useful for our understanding than one that uses more words and symbols and must exclude exceptions to work.

Thus, Copenicus’s heliocentric explanation of the apparent movement of planets takes less math than Ptolomy’s epicycle system, though the latter also can predict apparent planetary movement. Freer writes: “I am convinced of the correctness of Sitchin’s thesis and of Sir Laurence Gardiner’s by utter coherence; they are the only explanations which contain no inexplicable elements, no contradictions and in which all the facts dance together in total consort. Our species’ internecine violence, a product of Babel-factoring for crowd control that has carried through to great wars and the religious mayhem of crusades, jihads, inquisitions and persecutions and not intrinsically of human nature. The Roman Church, a continuation of the fear of the god Enlil [Yahweh] type of subservient religion came into ascendance by an alliance with the gradual assimulation of the Roman empire and adopting its practices. Suppression of our true history through promulagation of the Hebrew Old Testament forgeries done to make Enlil their single monotheistic god affected a racial amnesia and the ancient Sumerian culture was forgotten and only rediscovered in the late 1800s. Military and political controllers have suppressed the knowledge and data about alien presence on this planet by denial and ridicule.”

References click here

Anunnaki Chronology Link click-me

Anunnaki Who’s Who

Anunnaki Evidence


More on the Gods of Old: Anunnaki: Gods No More by Sasha Lessin, Ph.D. (Anthropology, U.C.L.A.)



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-by Sasha Alex Lessin, Ph.D. (Anthropology, U.C.L.A.)
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Excerpted from ANUNNAKI: Gods No More, Unmasking Technologically-Advanced Goldminers From The Planet Nibiru Who Posed as Divine


Long-lived (hundreds of thousands of years) extraterrestrial Homo Sapien giants (8-12 feet tall) from the planet Nibiru rocketed to Earth and mined gold some 400,000 years ago. 300,000 years ago they created Earth-adapted, short-lived mine slaves—that’s us–from their genome. We called them “Anunnaki,” People-From-The-Sky. They taught us hierarchy, violence, greed, slavery, debt. They made us worship them, call them “gods.”

200,000 years ago, Enki, their Chief Scientist, begat his own line of Earthlings, whom he exalted. He begat Noah with Batanash, his Earthling lover in 11,000 BCE. After Noah’s flood, Anunnaki ruled through Noah’s sons’ descendants.

After the Anunnaki ruined their eastern Mediterranean cities with nuclear blasts and fallout storms, most of them returned to Nibiru.

But some stayed. They and their descendants (the power elite) rule us to this day.

The Nibirans showed us how to obsess on one-upsmanship, to kill to rule. We watched them kill each other. Our ancestors had to plunder, enslave or kill whomever their particular masters, the dominant Nibiran in their areas told them.

The Anunnaki loosed plagues, nuclear bombs and other weapons of mass killing upon us. They forced mutually unintelligible languages and scripts upon us and withheld knowledge. They and their spawn made exclusive, hostile nations and religions to keep us divided. They addicted us to credit institutions to keep us slaving.

The Anunnaki stand feet taller and live millennia longer than we. They bred us as short-term slaves and soldiers. We killed in their names: Allah (= Sumerian Nannar), Yahweh (sometimes Enlil, sometimes Adad) and Inanna (Ishtar)–mining expedition personnel all, all Nibirans. They bred us to slave in mines, armies, businesses, schools, governments, farms, factories, brothels and building projects.

They made us worship them and serve the “royal” lines of ever-murderous hybrid rulers and priests–the elite–they begat. Most of the Anunnaki returned to Nibiru. A few who remained on Earth and the hybrids through whom they still rule give all factions and nations credit and arms and engineer wars among them. The elite run competing religions which each say they’ll bring back the Anunnaki god of their faith and defeat gods and followers of other faiths. The ancient scenarios of divide-and-rule, to this very day, make us deplete our resources, pollute our environment and wage war. The matrix the Anunnaki modeled makes us recklessly exploit our resources and pollute. The elite and their ET controllers see that we never feel our unity as a planet of peace.

Anunnaki and hybrid overseers imprinted their greed, one-upsmanship and dominator-consciousness on us. They modeled, dictated and indoctrinated avarice, domination, slavery, competition, hate and violence. Yahweh and Allah-Nannar murdered many. These Anunnaki lacked compassion, showed neither love nor divinity. Other Anunnaki–Enki, Ningishzidda, Ninmah–love us and continue to work to free us from the mental virus with which Yahweh and Allah have infected us. Enki, Ninmah and Ningishzidda can, when we stop warring, advance our astronomy, medicine, energy, rocket science and survival strategies.

The Anunnaki dictated their world view to Earthling scribes of Iraq (then called Sumer). Clay tablets the gods dictated say that back on Nibiru, a king and his military ruled. The gods dictated tales of how, 450,000 years ago, they got gold from Earth and how, till 300,000 years ago, when they created us for the mines, they shipped the gold back to Nibiru. Their tales of their stay on Earth before they made our ancestors as well as what our forefathers directly saw, imprinted us with the values of their hierarchic, male-run, master-slave-enemy mentality. We assumed values of extraction, pollution, monetary monopoly and obsession with gold.

Millions of years before the Anunnaki got to Earth, other ET terraformers seeded hominoids here. The terraformers introduced advance hominoids, ancestors of Homo Erectus, Neanderthal and Bigfoot, to Earth so the Anunnaki could Homo Erectus genes to adapt the Homo Sapien genome to Earth. The Anunnaki created what the terraformers planned for us–Homo Sapien like the Nibirans, but adapted to Earth [Pye, 2013]. Eighty percent of our DNA is from off-planet [Tellinger, 2011b].

We progressed when the Anunnaki gave us advanced technologies. Every 3,600 years, they gave us marvelous devices, astronomical and geological information, new crops, new chemistry and ever-more lethal weapons. Suddenly, our architecture, public projects, military training revved up and we build new cities and temples.

Our Sumerian ancestors didn’t imagine gods who made them literate and told them what to write. Rather than make up gods, Sumerians saw, heard and even touched Anunnaki as people like them, though the Anunnaki stood taller and lived longer. Sumerians watched the giants run computers and advanced machines, saw them fire weapons of mass destruction.

People of Sumer heard the Anunnaki speak instantaneously with voices they said came from rockets, shuttlecraft, orbiting stations and planes they could see. The Sumerians heard communications sent, the gods said, from what the Africa, the Andes and Pakistan here on Earth, as well as from spacecraft beyond sight, from the moon, Mars and even from Nibiru.

In Sumer, then all over this planet, the gods gave our ancestors ever-advanced technologies and models so that the Earthlings the gods chose—their half-breeds–could rule, relate, mine, store data, compute, write, build, trade and war.

The Anunnaki bred with our ancient grandmothers each generation. Our ancestors everywhere on Earth saw, heard and even felt Anunnaki gods. Gods were not imaginary. Nor were they gods.

Mesopotamians, Egyptians, Indians, Norse, Chinese, Tibetans, Central and South Americans all spoke of gods who rode Celestial Chariots, threw thunderbolts and, when Nibiru neared Earth, might gave us crops, herds, devices, medicine, laws, knowledge and more Nibiran genes.

In 2000, Zecharia Sitchin showed us clay and stone proof. Rocks and inscribed records astronomical, geological, geographical, chemical and biological info Sumerians said gods gave them, info our scientists only caught up with many millenia later.

Sitchin solved the mysteries of missing hominid links and periodic leaps in our social and industrial evolution. No missing physical links existed because we emerged suddenly, when Enki and his cohorts blended their genome and Erectus’. We got stronger tools and weapons when a Sumerian “gods” them to us.

Sumerians tagged Anunnaki aircraft, submarines, helicopters, spaceships, weapons and computers with their own words and words the gods taught them. Our ancestors called aircraft and rockets “skyships, “celestial chariots” and “fire-breathing dragons.” They named helicopters “whirlbirds.” A whale that swallowed Jonah = a submarine; weapons = “brilliances.” We labeled Nibiran medical and scientific achievements “miracles.”

Our ancestors also recorded the history, scientific words and concepts the gods taught them. What gods called “MEs” we call computer programs. Our cultures added descriptions, metaphors, similes and analogies to the words the gods gave us. We can now decode our ancestors’ metaphors for the gods and their technology instead of dismissing the weapons, vehicles and personalities of gods as superstitious myths.

The truth of our genetics frees us from the master-slave, god-devotee, boss-worker, lord-tenant model the ETs imposed on us.

The new view frees us of the physical and economic slavery, hierarchic obsession, derogation of women, gold lust, antagonistic religions and nations the gods and the hybrid elite they created dictated.

Free of short, desperate lives, we’ll create our future. We’ll activate our latent Nibiran genes, better our genome and join galactic civilization.

TIMELINE: 500,000 – 311 BCE

The dates below, all BCE–Before the Common Era– guide you through our history and the history of our creators. Underlines indicate hotlinked click-throughs.


Our Solar System grew from a gas cloud that circled its own center counterclockwise, cooled, and formed both our sun and a dimmer pair-star, a subbrown dwarf Nemesis. Both the sun and Nemesis developed planets that circled them. Around Solaris, Tiamat, the watery planet whose corpse developed into today’s Earth, orbited. Tiamat’s orbit: the orbits of Jupiter and Mars. Around Nemesis, orbited Nibiru, a planet four to eight times the size of Earth. Moons orbited Nibiru.

No planet orbited between Venus and Jupiter, where the Earth now resides. Pluto was a moon of Saturn.

Tiamat lacked a partner-planet, but one of her moons, Kingu, enlarged. Kingu started to partner with Tiamat. Then Kingu could orbit the Sun, not Tiamat.

But, four billion years ago, before Kingu could orbit the Sun Nibiru invaded the Sun’s inner planetary system. Nibiru belched fire and radiation. Neptune’s gravity pulled Nibiru into the inner solar system, where it changed the orbits of all Solaris’ planets. When it approached Tiamat,” both Tiamat and Nibiru sprouted moons. [Dark Star: 41, 122 -124; 12th Planet: 219]

Nibiru Moon Hits Tiamat Drawing

























Asteroids: A moon of Nibiru (called “Evil Wind”) hit Tiamat. Another orbit, Nibiru hit Tiamat and knocked rocks—the Asteroids–and ice–comets–from Tiamat into orbit between Jupiter and Mars.

The Pacific Basin: Nibiru gouged a deep gap inTiamat and knocked a big chunk of Tiamat into orbit between Mars and Venus. The chunk–now Earth–orbited the Sun. Evil Wind and Nibiru broke Earth’s crust into slabs. Nibiru and its moons seeded Earth with gene material from Nibiru.

We call the gap in our chunk of Tiamat “the Pacific Basin.” Earth’s crust formed 4 billion years ago on continents, but formed 200 million years ago under the Pacific. The crust, 12 – 45 miles deep on land, lies but 3.5 – 5 miles under the Pacific Ocean. When Evil Wind and Nibiru hit Tiamat, no crust remained in the Pacific Gap, only a gaping hole. After collisions, silt ran into the gap from the land and volcanoes spewed lava into it; they created the thinner crust under the Pacific.

Earth’s crust formed 4 billion years ago on continents, but formed 200 million years ago under the Pacific. The crust, 12 -45 miles deep on land, lies but 3.5 – 5 miles under the Pacific Ocean. When Evil Wind and Nibiru hit Tiamat, no crust remained in the Pacific Gap, only a gaping hole. After collisions, silt ran into the gap from the land and volcanoes spewed lava into it; they created the thinner crust under the Pacific.

Kingu, the planet about to orbit the sun, instead stayed in orbit around the Earth in their new location, between Mars and Venus.

Earth “attained the shape of a globe dictated by forces of gravity. Waters gathered into the cavity on the torn-off side. Dry land appeared on Earth’s other side. Breakup of the Earth’s crust, plate tectonics, differences between continental and oceanic crusts, emergence of a Pangaea [a single continent] from under the waters, the primordial encircling ocean” led our scientists to confirm the Nibiran model of Earth formed after Evil Wind then Nibiru hit Tiamat. [ZS,Genesis:96-105]

Nibiru attained a clockwise 3,600-year orbit around Nemesis and back through the Solaris System between Mars’ and Jupiter’s orbits. Nibiru went through regions of great cold when distant from both Nemesis and Solaris. Nibiru’s volcanoes kept spewing ash into its atmosphere, so that in the cold parts of its orbit, ash kept the planet’s inner heat within its atmosphere. As it neared Solaris, ash also shielded Nibiru from Solaris’ heat and radiation.

Sirians, advanced beings from the Lyran stars, moved to planets in the Pleiades of Orion’s belt. 60 million years ago, Homo Sapien Pleiadians rocketed to Earth to escape war. “Other Lyrans and Pleiadians came to Earth” and fought there too. Some of the first Pleiadians fled back to the Pleiades, others settled Nibiru.

The Plieadians on Nibiru became the Nibirans. They eventually sorted into an alliance of the North and one of the South. 656,000 years ago, they nuked each other. Explosions and fallout left many sterile and killed a huge percentage of men. [Horn, A. and L., 1994, Humanity’s Extraterrestrial Origins, Silberschnur; Enki: 25-26].


Meanwhile, on Earth, terraformers added advanced hominoids to the biosphere.

656,000 Nations of the Nibiru’s North and South nuked each other. Nuclear explosions and fallout left many Nibirans sterile and killed off a huge percentage of men. To end the war, leaders drew lots for rule of the planet. AN won the drawing. He created Agade, the new capitol, imposed military rule–hierarchical, male-centered, patrilineal–, and issued decrees. An ordered men, “Take principle and secondary wives, official concubines too.” His successors set the Law of Succession: when the King dies, his son with his father’s half-sister succeeds.

500,000 Nibiru’s volcanoes stopped erupting; ash no longer shielded the planet as its atmosphere thinned.

Savants told Lahma, then King, to nuke the volcanoes and/or send miners to the Asteroids for gold to refine into white powder of monatomic gold to float into Nibiru’s atmosphere and replace the ash. Lahma ignored the savants and instead heeded his wife, who said, “Beseech the Creator.”

Anu, next in line as King, cancelled marriage he’d declared for his eldest son Enki (called then Ea) and his daughter Ninmah. Though engaged to Enki, Ninmh bore a son, Ninurta, with Enlil, Anu’s second son. Enlil‘s mother, Antu, Anu’s half-sister, outranked Enki’s mother.


Prince Alalu killed Lahma and pacified Anu, Lahma’s successor. Alalu, now King, married his daughter Damkina to Anu’s son Enki. Damkina and Enki would breed a king of the lines of both Alalu and Anu for Nibiru. Damkina and Enki begat Marduk. They prepped Marduk to rule Nibiru.

Alalu nuked the volcanoes to spew an ash shield about Nibiru. The bombs didn’t activate eruptions. The atmosphere’s hole grew. Alalu also sent fifty scientists to the Asteroids for gold. A rock hit their rocket and killed them all.


Anu wrestled Alalu for rule.

1      Alalu Anu fight

Anu won. Alalu escaped to Earth in a rocket loaded with missiles for nuking volcanoes.

On Earth, Alalu landed on marshy land–now underwater where the Persian Gulf laps at Basara (Iraq). Then, four rivers–Tigris, Euphrates, Gehon and the mile-wide Pishon– flowed into the Gulf.

4 Rivers of Iraq captioned above

Alalu confirmed gold, targeted Agade with his nukes, and demanded return of his Crown.

King Anu gave Enki the job his half-brother Enlil coveted—charge of the mission to Earth to verify its gold. The king told son Enki to mollify Alalu (Enki’s father-in-law). Anu sent Alalu’s grandson, astronavigator Anzu and fifty men to Earth with Enki. En-route, they landed on Mars and renewed their rocket’s water.

Mars approach

On Earth, Enki and Alalu set up base camp, called Edin (Sumer)-in seven days and extracted sample gold from the Gulf.

Enki and ABGAL took the nuclear bombs from Alalu’s rocket and hid them in a cave in East Africa. Then Abgal flew the gold back to Nibiru in the rocket.


On Nibiru scientists powdered the gold. Pilots flew the gold dust high above Nibiru. To spread spread the golddust, they used “crystal beams.” When Nibiru next neared Solaris, however, the sun’s rays blew the gold away. Anu sent Abgal back to Earth for more gold.


Enlil, then Anu rocketed to Earth. They and Enki drew lots for their jobs. Anu, Alalu said, stacked the draw, and of course, drew Nibiru; Enlil got Command of the Earth Expedition. Enki, with the short straw, got Seas, Science and Mining.

Anu, Enki, Enlil Drew For  Nibiru, Expedition Command, Mining Chief

Alalu again wrestled Anu for Nibiru. Again Anu won. Alalu, sore loser, bit off Anu’s penis. Anu, hurt, held a trial that condemned Alalu to die in exile on Mars from the poison he’d ingested from the King’s penis. Anzu said he’d stay on Mars with Alalu till the latter died. Anu ordered Enlil to prepare a landing platform in Sumer for Nibiran spacecraft. Anu blasted off for Nibiru.

Enroute back to Nibiru, the King ordered Anzu to plan a gold-transshipment base for Mars for Anzu to command. Anu then had Alalu and Anzu, lowered in a “sky chamber” onto Mars.

Back on Earth, Enki and Abgal traced the Gulf’s gold flecks to rich lodes in southeast Africa while Enlil planned centers in Sumer: Sippar the Spaceport; Nippur, Mission Control; Badtibira, Metallurgical Center; Shurrupak, Med Center.

The Nibirans build a fleet of rockets (which Enki designed) to freight gold. They trained astronauts to man the rockets and to run Earth’s facilities and transshipment stations from Mars and moons of the inner Solaris-system moons.

Anu sent daughter Ninmah with 50 female medical officers to Earth. Enroute, they stopped on Mars. Anzu’d died but Ninmah revived Anzu from a coma. On a lakeshore, she and Anzu carved a 1,500 foot high statue (a mile long on its longest side) of Alalu’s head on a rock mountain [Cyndonia].


She left Anzu twenty astronauts to build a way-station on Mars for the gold freighters and blasted on to Earth, where Enlil and Enki awaited her and each sought her womb for a male child.[Martel, 2014: 33:29].

Ninmah Enki Enlil composite


Ninmah and her doctors made landfall at Enlil’s headquarters. He, obsessed with besting Enki, courted Ninmah. He and Enki both wanted male babies with her, their half-sister and only half-sister on Earth. Nibiran law held that only with boys Ninmah could beget with them, would build their royal lines.

Enlil told Nimah he’d bring their son Ninurta to Earth. He promised her a center in Sumer for her doctors. He bragged of his plans to lay out Expedition settlements in lines across Iraq that would show incoming rockets where to land.

Then he flew her to his place in Lebanon, perfect, he said, for her seeds from Nibiru. They’d make “euphoric elixer” from fruit her seeds would grow.

At his place, he held and “with fervor kissed her, ‘Oh my sister, my beloved,‘ Enlil whispered. By her loins he grabbed her.” But “Into her womb his semen he did not pour” [Enki: 108].

For many months, hurt and angry, Enlil mooned about his gardens. Then, one day, he saw Sud, Ninmah’s gorgeous assistant. He hid and watched her bathe in his stream with other Med-Corps women. Gorgeous Sud would help him get over Ninmah.

He asked Sud to get high on elixir made from seeds Ninmah brought.

“Sud drank, Enlil drank too; to her Enlil of intercourse was speaking. Unwilling was the lass. ‘My vagina is too little. It knows not copulation,’ to Enlil she was saying. ‘My lips are too small, they know not kissing.” Enlil laughed and embraced her, kissed her.”

“His semen into her womb he poured.

“To Ninmah, Sud’s commander, the immoral deed was reported. ‘Enlil, immoral one, for your deed judgement you shall face.’ So did Ninmah to Enlil in anger say.


“In the presence of fifty Anunnaki, Seven Who Judge assembled. On Enlil a punishment decreed: Let Enlil from all cities be banished. Let him exiled be. In a skychamber [plane]they made Enlil leave the Landing Place [Lebanon] to a “Land of No Return” in Africa.” The Tribunal told Abgal, Enki’s pilot, to choose Enlil’s site. [Enki: 112 – 114]

Abgal, recall, helped Enki hide Alalu’s nuclear missiles. In Africa, at the site he picked for Enlil, Abgal secretly defected from Enki and allied with Commander Enlil. Abgal showed Enlil the missiles in the cave where he and Enki hid them after they sneaked them out of Alalu’s rocket.

Enki thought the nukes hidden. But, Abgal told Enlil, “At the right time, seize the missiles and prevail over all rivals. With the weapons your freedom obtain.” Abgal also gave Enlil the codes to activate the missiles.

Enlil choose for now to keep secret the fact that he knew where the nukes hid and how to activate them. [Enki: 112 -114]

While Enlil viewed the missiles in Africa, in Sumer, Sud’s womb swelled. Enki and the Tribunal sympathized with her and asked if she’d marry Enlil. If he made her Royal Wife, she would. So Enlil returned to Lebanon, married her, and professed sexual conservatism. He concealed his knowledge of the nukes’ secret cave.

Enlil, restored to command, married Sud, gave her the title, Ninlil.

440,000 plus 9 months

Sud, now called Ninlil (Lady of Command), bore Nannar, the first Nibiran Royal born on Earth, then Adad. [Handbook: 7; Giants: 15; Lost Realms: 116].


In Africa, at his palace in Great Zimbabwe, “Enki to Ninmah words of loving spoke, sweet words he spoke, ‘You are still my beloved’ to her he said, caressing. He embraced her, he kissed her, she caused his phallus to water. Enki his semen into the womb of Ninmah poured.

“‘Give me a son,’ he cried.” If he could begat a son with Ninmah, the boy would rival Enlil and sons.

Ninmah bore daughters Ninsun and Geshtinianna and six other daughters. Enki coupled with Ninsun who also bore a girl. In one version of the story, when Enki said he’d try to beget a boy with one of Ninsun’s daughters, Ninmah gave him poisoned elixir. In another version, he got drunk and ate medicinal plants in her garden. In any case, he fell ill. She cured him but “never again let herself trust men. To the Edin Ninmah returned.“[Ferguson, in Heaven: 1995; 32-33; Enki: 115-116]

Ninmah bore daughters Ninsun and Geshtinianna and six other daughters. Enki coupled with Ninsun who also bore a girl. When Enki said he’d try to beget the boy he wanted with one of Ninsun’s daughters, Ninmah gave him poisoned elixir in one version of the story. In another version, he got drunk and ate the medicinal plants in her garden. In any case, he fell ill. She cured him but “never again let herself trust men. To the Edin Ninmah returned.”[Ferguson, in Heaven: 1995; 32-33; Enki: 115-116]


Enki brought wife Damkina—now titled Ninki–and their son Prince Marduk (whom they’d trained as Nibiru’s next king) to Earth. Enki built them a mansion at Basara. Now Enki and Damkina begat Nergal, Gibil, Ninagal and Dumuzi.

1.1 genealogy royal nibirans


Enki seduced Ereshkigal (Enlil’s son Nannar’s daugher) as he flew her to Cape Agulhas Weather Observatory on South Africa’s tip. Enki delivered Ereshkigal, pregnant with his child, to the Observatory. There, Enki’s son, Nergal bossed the mines and energy grid that ran over all southeast Africa. Nergal thought Ereshkigal, an Enlilite Princess, crowded him. He attacked the Station to kill her, but instead, married her. Pregnant already, Ereshkigal bore Ningishzidda and ran the Cape Agulhas Station while Nergal ran the mines and energy grid.

When Ningishzidda, Enki’s son with Ereshkigal, grew up, she sent him to Enki at his biology lab in Zimbabwe.


Enlil built four centers in Sumer: Sippar his spaceport, Nippur, Mission Control, Shurrupak, Med Center and Badtibira, Metallurgy Center. Enki’s submersible boats took gold from southeast Africa to Badtibira. At Badtibira, technicians processed the gold into bars. At Nippur, Enlil build the Dur.An.Ki–Bond Heaven-Earth. Topped with telescopes, the Durnanki (“Navel of Earth”) connected to a tower that let Enlil speak with Nibiru, similar towers in each Nibiran center and Nibiran rockets.


Anzu and the Igigi Astronaut Corps rebelled. They seized Lebanon Landing Platform and immobilized Sumer. Ninurta, Enlil’s and Ninmah’s son, defeated and executed Anzu. Enlil sent Marduk to Mars to display Anzu’s body and run Marsbase. Shamgaz, Head Astronaut on Mars, allied with Marduk.


In East Africa, Enki studied Homo Erectus, a hominoid terraformershad introduced to Earth a million years before the Anunnaki came here. He hypothesized Erectus’ genome as compatible with the Nibiran genome. He decided to instigate a mutiny among the Nibirans who worked the mines in Africa so he could test his hypothesis. He said, “Add Homo Erectus genes to the Nibiran genome and make mine-slaves.” Homo Erectus exhibited intelligence and compassion; Erectus kept releasing animals from the traps Enki made to capture and study Earth’s creatures.


Earth’s climate warmed dramatically. In Africa, Enki left mines, worked by Nibirans who’d come to Earth to be heros and get gold to save the homeplanet. Years in the dark mines had soured them, and they complained bitterly. Ennugi, who ran the Nibiran miners while Enki studied Erectus, radioed Enki in Zimbabwe, but Enki sided with the miners. He plotted with them to shrink gold shipments, lure Enlil to the mines and trap him. Enki’d then save Enlil and free the miners from Nibiru as well. All the Commander need do: let him, Ninmah and Ningiszidda engineer Earth-adapted miners.

When the miners cut gold to Badtibira, Enlil sent Ninurta to investigate. Miners “were backbiting and lamenting, in the excavations they were grumbling. ‘Unbearable is the toil.‘”

Nibiran Miners

“Call Enlil to the mines,” Enki radioed Ninurta, “Let the Commander see how the miners suffer.”

When Enlil and his Vizier, Nusku, arrived, “‘Let us unnerve Enlil,’ mine-working heros shouted. ‘Of the heavy work let him relieve us. Let us proclaim war, with hostilities let us gain relief.‘ To their tools they set fire, fire to their axes they put.” They held Ennugi hostage and, with tools as torches, surrounded the house Enlil occupied.

Enlil beamed Anu to shuttle to Earth and shoot the miners’ leaders and their instigator (he implied Enki). But the miners wouldn’t tell Ninurta who led or incited them, but Anu felt for them.

Ninurta wanted new miners from Nibiru. Enki said, instead, “Let us create a Lulu, a primitive worker, the hardship to take over, let the Being the toil of the Anunnaki carry on his back. The Being that we need, it already exists. All that we have to do is put on it the mark of our essence [genes], thereby a Lulu, a Primitive Worker, shall be created![Enki: 124 -127;Encounters: 347- 380]

Enki showed Erectus to Enlil and Ninurta, “Ningishzidda, my son, their fashioning essence [DNA structure] has tested; akin to ours it is, like two serpents it is entwined. When with our life essence shall be combined, our mark upon them shall be, a Primitive Worker shall be created. Our commands will he understand. Our tools he will handle, the toil in the excavations he shall perform, to the Anunnaki in the Abuzu relief shall come.” [Enki: 130]


Enlil objected. “Don’t create slaves. Slavery has from Nibiru long been ended. Tools are slaves, not other beings.”

Ninurta told Enki, “Make machines, not slaves. [Wars: 130]

“Earthlings we create,” said Enki, “shall helpers, not slaves, be.’”

Enlil shouted, “To create hybrid beings is in The Rules Of Planet Journeys forbidden.”

Enki responded, “A new species create we shall not; the Apeman is in his fashioning essence [genotype] as we of Nibiru are. Our ancestor the Apeman is; into us he evolves. Speed Apeman shall we, speed him but some millions of years to what has always been his destiny.”

Enki and Enlil beamed Anu and the Council on Nibiru. Each brother voiced their say to the council–Enki, pro; Enlil, con–adapted mine slaves. In the end, King ruled and the Council ratified Enki’s proposal. Nibiru sent Earth: “Gold must be obtained. Let the Being be fashioned! Forsake The Rules of Planetary Journeys, let Nibiru be saved.” [Wars: 132]

Enki, Ninmah and Ningishzidda experimented; they spliced genes into their genome. They created combinations of their own genome and the genome of Erectus with other creatures (eg: centaur, griffin, cyclops, minotar).

Enki and Ningishzidda serviced Erectus women but failed to impregnate them. So they gathered their own seed, and, in test tubes, fertilized Erectus ova to create zygotes. Then they planted the zygotes in Erectus women. The first babies born of the Erectus women lacked vision, hand dexterity or internal functioning.

To beat these defects, Ninmah created the next zygote in a vessel of copper and African clay instead of a test tube.

But this zygote grew into a child who couldn’t talk. Then “In the clay vessel the admixture they made, the oval of an Earth female with Anunnaki male essence they put together. The fertilized egg into the womb of Ninmah by Enki was inserted. There was conception.[ZS, 12th Planet, 352; Genesis: 164 -165, 201]

“To a male child Ninmah birth was giving.

“Enki the boy child held in his hands, the image of perfection was he. He slapped the newborn on his hindparts; the newborn uttered proper sounds. He handed the newborn to Ninmah. ‘My hands have made it!‘ victoriously she shouted.” [ZS, Wars 138 – 139]


Once Ninmah had Adamu, the prototype for the primitive worker, she radioed the Med Center at Shurubak. She said she needed seven doctors to volunteer their wombs for offspring of Adamu. “‘His essence alone as a mold shall be!’” Ninmah and the doctors swore they’d love and support the babes they’d bare. [ZS, Enki 141]

“In seven vessels of the clay of Abzu made, Ninmah ovals [zygotes which Ningishzidda’s and Enki’s sperm fertilized] of the two-legged females placed. The life essences of Adamu she extracted bit by bit in the vessels she it inserted. Then in the malepart of Adamu an incision she made, a drop of blood to let out.

“’Let this a Sign of Life be; that Flesh and Soul have combined let it forever proclaim.’ She squeezed the malepart for blood, one drop in each vessel to the admixture she added. ‘In this clay’s admixture, Earthling with Anunnaki shall be bound. To a unity shall the two essences, one of Heaven, one of Earth, together be brought.’ In the wombs of the birth-giving heroines the fertilized ovals were inserted.” Ninmah cut Adamu’s seven healthy boys from their wombs. [Enki: 141; 12th Planet: 352]

Ti-Amat, Hybrid Girl: White, Blonde, Blue-Eyed Like Nibiran Girls

To create a female, Ningishzidda planted a zygote made with Adamu’s blood in Damkina; our ancestress, Ti-Amat, carried Damkina’s mitochondrial DNA. The Anunnaki geneticists “realized the artificially inseminated ovum had to be inserted into the uterus of an Anunnaki, then carried, birthed, suckled and reared by her. “When the zygote grew to a viable female fetus, Ninmah excised her from Damkina. Ninmah named the hybrid Ti-Amat (Mother of Life), “a sandy-blonde. The successful hybrid ova of Adamu and Ti-amat were carried and nursed by Damkina and Ninmah, then both of them reared and trained the infants. Adamu and Ti-amat were in close contact with their ‘parents’, who taught them to speak and to relate emotionally, and to prod them to experience all the feats, the play, and the tasks a Nibiran kid learns.” Adamu and Ti-Amat were “endowed with self-awareness. [DNA: 102 -103, 107; Slave Species: 452]

Ningishizidda put ova from Ti-Amat into seven test-tubes. Then he planted the seven ova in the same doctors who’d borne the hybrid males. All the surrogate mothers carried female hybrids, which he removed surgically. But, after at least twenty-seven pairs of clones, Ningishzidda told the doctors he needed their wombs again, Ninmah objected, “For my heroines too burdensome is baring more Earthlings. Too few are the heroines to bare numbers enough to work mines.”

Enki brought Adamu and Ti-Amat to Edin. He left the seven female and the eight male hybrids made from Adamu’s and Ti-Amat’s gametes together in an enclosure at his African lab. They copulated often, but the females didn’t conceive. In the meantime, the miners again threatened mutiny if Enki and Ningishzidda didn’t bring slaves to relieve them. Under pressure at the Med Center in Shuruppak, Ningishzidda compared Nibiran genes and genes from Adamu and Ti-Amat. He found the genes for reproduction. Nibiran females had a recessive XY chromosomal allele in their genotype whereas Ti-Amat had only XX.

Then, at Enki’s place in Iraq—Eridu-Basara—Ningishzidda secretly made Adamu and Ti-Amat breedable. “Enki, Ninmah and Ningishzidda were not satisfied until they came up with a human couple who could be a match for their own minds and culture—who showed the same mental, emotional, and artistic potentials and abilities to learn and master scientific data and technologies that they themselves had. They wanted the new humanity to know everything about their origin and how and by whom they had been perfected and how they had mixed the Anunnaki genes with the hominid genes; and how much we resembled them in all matters except immortality.” [DNA: 92, 94]

Ningishzidda anesthetized Enki, Ninmah and Ti-Amat. “From the [stem-cell producing rib bone marrow] Enki the life essence he extracted; into the rib of Adamu the life essence he inserted. From the rib of Ninmah the life essence he extracted; into the rib of Ti-Amat the life essence he inserted.”

Ningishzidda, with Ninmah’s stem-cells makes Ti-amat biologically, Hardy contends, become conscious of herself before Adamu became self-aware. [Hardy, DNA: 108] Ningishzidda “proudly declared, ‘To their Tree of Life two branches have been added, with procreating powers their life essencs are now entined.’” [Enki: 148] Enki, Ninmah and Ningishzidda hid Ti-Amat’s newly-installed breedability. Ti-Amat and Adamu stayed in Enki’s Persian Gulf orchard while her fetus gestated. “Ti-Amat and Adamu, there at Enki’s settlement, developed “self-reflexive capacities.” Now conscious of soul connection in their sexuality, “Ti-Amat and Adamu awakened to higher consciousness. They discovered bliss in their sexuality.” Tiamat built little tables of branches and adorned her loins to celebrate her sexual awareness in a leaf-apron she made of leaves. [Hardy, DNA: 93, 108, 132]


When Enlil, visited Enki’s nearby place, he noticed Ti-Amat wore a loincloth of leaves while Adamu remained naked. Ti-Amat, proud of herself, spoke up and showed the Commander the apron she’d just made. Enlil made Enki explain. Enki confessed; Ti-Amat’s fetus would, in turn, breed. “The last bit of our life essence to these creatures you have given, to be like us in procreation knowing, perchance our [millions of years]life cycles on them to bestow,” Enlil roared. Enki’s team had exceeded Enlil’s okay to clone mine slaves in test tubes or with surrogate Nibiran mothers. Enlil arrested and tethered Enki.

Enlil tethered Enki for giving Adamu and Ti-Amat consciousness and reproduction.  Eve, who is conscious before Adam, has adorned her sexuality and shows she's conscious of her source of pleasure.  She's staring at how neighbor Enlil came over and tied up Enki, her Dad.

Enlil tethered Enki for giving Adamu and Ti-Amat consciousness and reproduction. Eve, who is conscious before Adam, has adorned her sexuality and shows she’s conscious of her source of pleasure. She’s staring at how neighbor Enlil came over and tied up Enki, her Dad.

Enlil demanded an Anunaki Assembly trial and the “Nine Who Judge” sentence Enki for insubordination. [DNA: 113,123]. Ningishzidda, however, mollified Enlil and the Commander released Enki. After Enlil evicted Adamu and Ti-Amat from Edin, Enki knew the Commander would limit them. Enlil called him snake, sliding his genetic program in without permission. Enki started the secret Brotherhood of the Snake for Adapa’s smartest descendants. The Brotherhood gave them advanced scientific knowledge as well as the truth that Earthlings are adapted Nibirans and that Nibirans weren’t gods. [Slave Species: 145]

Enki put Adamu and Ti-Amat in an enclosure in Zimbabwe. She bore children who, in turn, bred with their parents and with each other and with Anunnaki.

In a few thousand years, “the Earthlings were proliferating. To be with the Anunnaki they were eager, for food rations they toiled well. Of heat and dust they did not complain, of backbreaking they did not grumble. Of hardships of work the Anunnaki were relieved.”

The Earthlings worked the African mines and submersible cargo boats that, in just ten days, brought the gold from the mines to Bad-Tibira in Sumer to smelt, refine and form into portable ingots for transshipment to Mars. “The vital gold to Nibiru was coming; steadily. Nibiru’s atmosphere was slowly healing.”[Lost Realms: 232; Enki: 151; Giants: 99]

Nibirans shuttled to and from Earth. They left Nibiru 13 to 18 Earth years before Nibiru got closest to Earth. When the rocket neared Earth, “it went into orbit around the planet without landing and released a shuttlecraft to land at Sippar’s spaceport.” Shuttles took gold Earthlings mined to and from the base on Mars. To return to Nibiru from Earth, Nibirans and gold flew the shuttle to rejoin the mother rocket. The rocket had 1.5 Earth years to catch Nibiru. [ZS, 12th Planet: 282 – 271].

Nibirans gave Earthlings “food and shelter while they performed grueling tasks, the reason for which they did not understand. The stuff [gold] they were digging up had no value to them. They could not eat it, or use it in any way.” The Nibiran Royals, their staffs and the Astronaut Corps needed “a steady stream of fresh laborers for projects.”

In the south Africa, from Mozambique to Botswana, Zimbabwe and beyond, where the descendants of Adamu labored for the Nibirans, “the extended ancient settlement covered an area much larger than modern Johannesburg, more than 500,000 square kilometers.” The Nibirans and their Adamite slaves built circles of stone. These circles were not dwellings; they lacked entrances.

These stone circles capacitated sonar energy. Nibirans and their adapted worker-slaves laid channels of stone that connected all the stone circles in south Africa. They set iron-rich, magnetically-charged granite rocks on both sides of the channels among the stone circles. The linked, continuous stone channels spread in a never-ending web of 500 million stones over a 500 kilometer area. The channels climb hills too steep for animals or carts. The channels gave the Nibirans and their slaves the energy grid for the mining operations and life support. The Nibirans directed electromagnetic energy from the Earth along the stone channels. Sound waves capacitated the energy along the channels.


Nibiran overseers directed goods and water along the channels with “a levitation device that tapped into the magnetic content of the stones–the same way modern trains float above electromagnetic tracks. The levitation device helped them lift stones heavier than 10 tons. They used a floating substance, the same monoatomic gold that they shipped back to Nibiru to save its atmosphere. The stone channels connected pits to leach gold, houses, terraces, workstations and ceremonial centers. Three of these South African cities that contained 1086 million circular stone ruins stretched over 10,000 kilometers.” [Slave Species: 125;Temples:53-82]

Some of the Earthling miners in South Africa–after 100,000 years of toil to get what seemed an unimportant substance, gold–revolted, others kept digging. Nibirans let many Earthlings “leave the mining compounds.” Some Earthlings created new communities and survived without Nibirans’ help. [Slave Species:117]

We Earthlings “were civilized first (lived in city or mining centers of the Nefilm [Nibiran mining bosses] and worked for them) and then some of us were forced into an uncivilized (non-city-center) environment. Humans in the city centers were contemporaneous with humans in the wild.” Slaves the mining bosses cast off in Africa developed their own so-called native indigenous traditions, but remembered and embellished stories of the Nibiran gods, cities, mines and miscegenation. [Godspell: 68]


Ninurta and fifty men raided Enki’s slave facility in south Africa, caught Earthlings and brought them to work gardens, orchards and cities in Iraq. Enlil let Ninurta could keep the Earthlings in Iraq and even breed them, for now since he thought all Nibirans would soon leave Earth.

In Iraq, the naked Earthlings worked, cavorted, copulated and bred. They slaved and foraged. Their numbers grew till they ran out of food. Enlil, angry Enki created fertile Earthlings, told him to teach them to feed themselves. Enki gave the Earthlings seeds, plants and tame beasts. [Encounters: 47; Genesis: 201]


When Nibiru crossed between Jupiter and Mars, Nibiru’s gravity jounced planets and disrupted Nibiru’s atmosphere. When, 300,000 years ago, Nibiru crossed, hurricanes and “brimstones” hit Earth’s Moon. The crossing agitated atmosphere, ignited volcanoes, and loosed mighty earthquakes on Earth.Nibiru’s crossing battered Mars too then. It ruined the astronaut base, destroyed the smelting plant and wrecked the transshipment warehouses on Mars. Marduk, Mars’ manager, asked Enlil to employ him on Earth. Enlil beamed King Anu on Nibiru: No more gold transshipment from Mars. Rockets had to take gold right from Sumer to Nibiru.


“Keep Marduk as Astronaut’s leader and re-assign them to a moonbase,” Enki beamed Nibiru. “‘The netpull [Gravity] of Earth greatly exceeds Lahmu’s [Mars’]. To overcome it our powers shall be exhausted. Let us an alternative examine: nearby Earth, the Moon. Smaller is its netpull, ascent and descent thereon little effort will require. Let us a waystation consider, let me and Marduk thereto journey.’ “‘Let the Moon be first examined,’ Anu to Enki and Enlil the decision beamed.”

Though he approved the Moon trip for Enki and Marduk, the King shrunk Enkiite power, especially Marduk’s with Shamgaz and the astronauts. Anu regretted he’d agreed Marduk’d succeed Alalu as Nibiru’s king. Anu also suspected Enki, Marduk’s father, abetted both the Igigi revolt Anzu led and also the miners’ mutiny in Africa.
So Anu ended gold transfer on Mars and with it, Marduk’s job as Operations Boss. He gave Utu, Enlil’s loyal grandson, rule of the new spaceport (from which the gold would rocket straight to Nibiru) at Sippar. Now an Enlilite, Utu, not an Enkiite, Marduk, commanded the astronauts. “In a rocketship did Enki and Marduk to the Moon journey. In a place of rolling hills they set the rocketship down. Eagles’ helmets [eagle-shaped helmets] they had to don; the atmosphere was for breathing insufficient. In the rocket they made their dwelling. For one circuit [orbit one Earth year] they remained.

Enki promised Marduk Supremacy. Marduk, on the Moon with Enki, told him, “You, Father, are Anu’s Firstborn; yet Enlil and not you the Heir is. Gold in the city of Ninurta is assembled, therefrom to send to or withhold. The survival of Nibiru in his hands is, not mine. Am I to fame and kingship fated or again to humiliated be.”

Enki hugged Marduk. “On that which I have been deprived [command of Earth] your future lot shall be. Your Celestial Time will come.” Enki alludes here to the “Age of the Ram,” Marduk’s constellation, when Marduk should, with the calender he (Enki) created, rule. Enki’s calendar assigned twelve equal segments to star constellations. The constellation in front of which the sun rose on June 21, he said, showed the Anunnaki would rule all, and Marduk’s time to reign supreme would, in Celestial Time, come.

Anu ruled, “Earthlings multiplying in Abzu must assist excavation, transport, refining gold till after several shars [3,600 years] sufficient will be the shield of Earth’s gold powder to save Nibiru. Then home shall the heroes [astronauts] from Earth return.” Some of the Earthling miners in South Africa–after 100,000 years of toil to get what seemed an unimportant substance, gold–revolted, others kept digging. Nibirans let many Earthlings “leave the mining compounds.” Some Earthlings created new communities and survived without Nibirans’ help.


One of Nibiru’s approaches upset Earth’s climate and ruined the new crops. Earthlings adapted and foraged afar but made less food. Enlil prodded Enki to make Earthlings smart enough to farm and herd better. Enki decided to raise Earthling intelligence and, at the same time, enjoy himself. [12th Planet: 5 – 6]

In his African reserve, “Enki in the marshlands looked about. With him was Ismud, his visier, who secrets kept. “On the river’s bank, frolicking Earthlings he noticed; two females among them were wild with beauty, firm were their breasts. Their sight the phallus of Enki caused to water, a burning desire he had.

“A young one to him Enki called, a tree fruit she offered him. Enki bent down, the young one he embraced, on her lips he kissed her. Sweet were her lips, firm with ripeness were her breasts. Into her womb she took the holy semen, by the semen of the Enki she was impregnated.” Enki then coupled with the second young Earthling. [Enki: 167-168]

One of the girls bore a boy, ADAPA; the other, a girl–TITI. Enki kept his fatherhood secret.

Adapa and Titi mated and she bore the twins, Ka-in and Abael.

Enki’s wife, Damkina, “to Titi took a liking; all manner of crafts was she teaching.

Enki taught Adapa; Damkina taught Titi

“To Adapa, Enki teachings gave, how to keep records he was him instructing.” Enki boasted, “A Civilized man I have brought forth. A new kind of Earthling from my seed has been created, in my image and after my likeness. From seed they from food will grow, from ewes sheep they will shepherd. Anunnaki and Earthlings henceforth shall be satiated. [Encounters: 47; Enki,:168-170]

Enki schooled his (albeit clandestine) son Adapa. He had Adapa then teach his descendants–the enhanced Earthlings–to run farms, herds, estates and how to run less enhanced Earthlings. Enki brought more Earthlings from Africa to Sumer for Adapa to train for the Expedition bosses’ homes and facilities.

Adapa trained and oversaw the workers Anunnaki brought from Africa to work the bases in Iraq. He watched over bakers, water system workers and fishermen and made sure they supplied the Anunnaki and fed themselves Adapa kept the stats—he was in charge of offerings to Enki.

Enki told Adapa that royals on Nibiru ate “The Bread of Life” and drank ‘The Water of Life” to live hundreds of thousands of years. Without those substances, Enki told Adapa, he’d die in a thousand years. Adapa, of course, begged Enki for the Bread and Water of everlasting life. But Enki said only King Anu, back on Nibiru, could decide whether to give him the substances.

Enlil messaged Anu on Nibiru about Adapa. Enlil said his spies saw Adapa pilot a plane north in the Persia Gulf against prevailing wind. Curious how one of the adapted workers could master an aircraft, Anu ordered Adapa brought to him. The King let Enki’s sons Ningishzidda and Dumuzi–but not Marduk, his potential rival for rule on Nibiru–rocket with Adapa to Nibiru. [Encounters: 51-55]

Adapa’s son Ka-in–Ninurta and the Enlilites’ prodigy–killed Abael– Marduk and the Enkiites’ prodigy. The Anunnaki Council had Ningishzidda remove the genes for facial hair to mark Ka-in’s descendants and had Ninurta banish Ka-in and his clan East of Iraq.

After she bore Abael and Ka-in,Titi bore thirty sons and daughters to her brother Adapa. Among themselves, the Anunnaki distributed these kids and taught them to write, do math and astronomy; they taught them to cultivate crops, husband animals, dig wells. They taught these “Adapite” kids to make oils, euphoric intoxicants (“elixir from the Ibu fruits”—probably grapes) and beer from barley. The Adapites learned to build furnaces and kilns, smelt and refine bitumens, play harp and flute.

Nannar made some of Adapa’s descendants priests. The priests led rituals for the Earthlings and taught them to support, obey and worship Nannar and the other Anunnaki as gods.

A perigee of Nibiru dislodged and hurled meteors–asteroid bits–at Earth, created intense warming, earthquakes, hurricanes and floods on Earth and on Mars. The perigee ruined Mars’ atmosphere and enveloped it in dust storms. Marbase, ruined, Marduk’s Command on Mars ended. Enki said he’d help Marduk, once successor to Nibiru Crown, get his turn to rule.

Enki started the Brotherhood of the Snake, a secret society for Adapa’s smartest descendants. The Brotherhood gave certain Earthlings advanced scientific knowledge. He told them, “We of Nibiru, long-living people are–not gods.”


Nibiru’s perigee dislodged and hurled meteors–asteroid bits–at Earth, created intense warming, earthquakes, hurricanes and floods on Earth and on Mars. The perigee ruined Mars’ atmosphere and enveloped pt in dust storms. Marbase, ruined, Marduk’s Command on Mars ended. Enki said he’d help Marduk, once successor to Nibiru Crown, get his turn to rule.

On Nibiru, Ningishzidda gave Anu a tablet from Enki. The tablet asked Anu to deny Adapa food or elixir–the Bread of Life (monoatomic gold, the “Manna from the Heavens”) and the Water of Life–that would lengthen the lives of Adapa and his descendants. Ningshzidda took Adapa, denied immortality, back to breed and supervise the Earthlings.


Ningishzidda flew to Earth with Adapa and grain seeds. Ningishzidda would teach Abael animal care so he could help Dumuzi when he too returned to Earth. When Dumuzi returned, however, Marduk pre-empted Abael and the animal project for the Enkiites.

Enlil had Ninurta tutor Ka-in to raise grain Ningishzidda brought. Enlilites, not Enkiites, would run Earth’s farming. Ninurta taught Kai-in, Marduk taught Abael.

At the “Celebration for Firsts,” Ka-in offered first grain, Abael showed Enlil and Enki their first lambs. Enki lauded Abael’s lambs for mat and wool but said nothing of Ka-in’s grain.

“By the lack of Enki’s blessing greatly was Ka-in aggrieved.”

The twins quarreled an entire winter. They argued whether Ka-in’s grains and fish-filled water canals or Abael’s meat and wool gave most.

In summer, when Abael’s meadows dried and his pastures shrunk, he drove his flocks “from the furrows and canals to drink. By this Ka-in was angered.”

The twins fought with fists till Ka-in bludgeoned Abael with a stone, then sat and sobbed. [Enki: 183-184]

Enki took Ka-in to Eridu, where the senior royals (“The Seven Who Judge) met decide Kai-in’s fate. The Enlilites in the meeting–Enlil, Ninki, Ninurta, Nannar.

Marduk, at first agreed Ka-in should die for killing Abael, the Expedition’s animal breeder-designate. But Enki, Marduk’s father, said he begat Ka-in’s father Adapa. Marduk then accepted Ka-in as his own grandnephew.

Ka-in must live,” said Enki, “to breed superior Earthlings to work field, pasture and mines. If Ka-in too shall be extinguished, satiation [of food supplies] to an end would come, mutinies will be repeated.”


The Seven ruled, “Eastward to a land of wandering for his evil deed Ka-in must depart. Ka-in and his generations shall distinguished be.’

“By Ningishzidda was the life essence [genotype] of Ka-in altered: his face a beard could not grow.” The beardless Indians of the Western Hemisphere (we’ll see) descended from Ka-in. [Genesis: 201]


“With his sister Awan as spouse, Ka-in from the Edin departed.” They wandered in the wilderness to the east. [Enki: 186 – 187; 1990, Genesis: 201]

Kai-in wandered until Adapa, his father lay dying. Ninurta searched for, found and (in his plane), took Ka-in back to Adapa in Ed-in. “The eyesight of Adapa having failed, for recognition of his sons’ faces he touched. The face of Ka-in was beardless.”

Adapa told Ka-in, “For your sin of your birthright you are deprived, but of your seed seven nations will come. In a realm set apart [the Western Hemisphere–ie, they’re one group of the “Indigenous Amerinds] they shall thrive, distant lands they shall inhabit. But having your brother with a stone killed, by a stone will be your end.”

Ninurta returned Ka-in to the wilds east of Edin. There Ka-in “begat sons and daughters.” Ninurta, “for them a city built, and as he was building, by a falling stone was Ka-in killed.” Ninurta may have killed Ka-in. [Wars: 112]

Ka-in’s survivors planted grain. They founded and ruled the city of Nud [also called Dun, Dunnu and Nu.dun]. Ka-in’s successors for the next four generations murdered their fathers. For the next three generations after that, each ruler of Nud killed his parents, married his sister, then ruled.

Ka-in’s son’s son’s son, Enoch, succeeded Ka-in four generations later. Enoch married his sisters, Adah and Zillah. Adah’s first son, Jabal (and the sub-lineage Jabal begat), lived in tents and herded cattle. Adad’s second son, Jubal, begat lyre and flute players. Enoch’s other wife, Zillah, bore Tubal-Cain, a smith, “artificer of gold, copper and iron.”

After she bore Abael and Ka-in, Titi bore thirty sons and daughters to her brother Adapa. Among themselves, the Anunnaki distributed these kids and taught them to write, do math and astronomy; they taught them to cultivate crops, husband animals, dig wells. They taught these “Adapite” kids to make oils, euphoric intoxicants (“elixir from the Ibu fruits”—probably grapes) and beer from barley. The Adapites learned to build furnaces and kilns, smelt and refine bitumens, play harp and flute.

Nannar made some of Adapa’s descendants priests. The priests led rituals for the Earthlings and taught them to support, obey and worship Nannar and the other Anunnaki as gods.

Enki taught advanced astronomy to one of his own descendants, a hybrid Anunnaki-Adapite named Enkime. Marduk rocketed Enkime to the Moon and Marsbase, then to the Spaceport at Sippar to oversee the Earthlings there for Utu.

Enki divvied Africa among his sons with Damkina. He gave Marduk Egypt and let Nergal rule southern Africa. Enki kept Gibil (whom he’d taught metalworking) in northeastern Africa’s mining region. Enki awarded and the Great Lakes and headwaters of the Nile to Ninagal. Enki gave the grazing region, further north (Sudan) to his youngest son, Dumuzi.


Enlil and Anu let Marduk marry Earthling Sarpanit, a seventh-generation descendant of Adapa, to stop him from ever ruling Nibiru.

Marduk coordinated the rite so his astronaut (Igigi) allies who attended revolted. Inanna and Dumuzi, of the Enlilite and Enkiite lineages respectively, flirted, then left the wedding before the Igigi abducted 200 Adapite Earthling women. The Igigi occupied the on-planet Baalbek Landing Platform, forced Commander Enlil to recognize the women they kidnapped as legal wives. The Igigi forced Enlil to give them estates on Earth.

Enlil expressed alarm at the growing population of Earthlings whom the ex-astronauts kept inseminated with ever-more Nibiran genes.


Skirmishes and the likelihood of destructive war grew between Enki’s and Enlil’s lineages. Then their darlings decided to marry. Enkiite and Enlilite elders hoped that if Dumuzi wed Inanna, deadly rivalry between their lineages would stop.“Perchance the espousing peace between the linages truly will bring” Enlil to them all did say.” He ordered the Indus Valley developed as a dowry for Inanna and Dumuzi. [Enki: 251;Giants: 215]

Dumuzi had gone with Ningishzidda and their hybrid half-brother, Adapa, to Nibiru. When Dumuzi returned to Earth with Adapa, he brought sheep and goats. Enki made Dumuzi, now his favorite son, boss of Africa’s domestic herds and herdsmen.

Jealous, Marduk plotted Dumuzi’s death. Marduk sent his sister Geshtinanna to Inanna. “To her Inanna revealed, ‘A vision of a great nation I have. As a Great Anunnaki Dumuzi there will rise. His queen-spouse I shall be. To Dumuzi I will status give, the country I will rightly direct.’ Inanna’s visions of rulership and glory by Geshtinanna to her brother Marduk were reported. By Inanna’s ambitions Marduk was greatly disturbed; to Geshtinanna a secret plan he said.”

As Marduk rehearsed her, Geshtinanna told Dumuzi,“Before you your young wife in your embrace will sleep, a legitimate heir, by a sister born, you must have [to keep succession within the Enki Lineage]. Inanna’s son to succession shall not entitled be.” After she got his ejaculate, Geshtianna panicked Dumuzi. “Marduk of raping me will accuse you, evil emissaries to arrest you he will send. To try you and disgrace you he will order, the liaison with an Enlilite to disunite.”

Dumuzi fled to hide behind a waterfall but slipped into the rapids and drowned in Lake Victoria. Gibil fished Dumuzi’s corpse from the lake and brought the body to Inanna’s sister Ereshkigal in South Africa. [Enki: 251 – 253]

Inanna flew to her sister’s Erishkigal’s weather station at Cape Aguelas, where Gibil left Dumuzi’s body.

Ereshkigal stopped hubby Nergal and Inanna; no way she’d let them breed an heir to Dumuzi’s fief.

Ereshkigal knew Inanna came to Arguelas for levirate. For levirate, a brother–Nergal, Dumuzi’s brother in this case–of the man who died impregnates his dead brother’s wife. The child they beget succeeds the dead brother. But Inanna hated Dumuzi’s eldest brother Marduk who’d made Dumuzi die. She wanted to kill, not boff, Marduk. But she still wanted to carry a child for the dead Dumuzi, a child through whom she could rule northeast Africa.

So Inanna sought Dumuzi’s next oldest brother, Ereshkigal’s mate Nergal, as Dumuzi’s stand-in to beget a child with her. Inanna would, through Nergal and the boy they’d beget, rule in Africa despite Dumuzi’s death. Their son would inherit Dumuzi’s realms in northeast Africa, she, as Regent would usurp Ereshkigal in Africa. “Of scheming an heir by Nergal, Dumuzi’s brother, Inanna was accused.”

When Inanna got to Ereshkigal’s place, Erkeshkigal barred her entry. When Inanna forced her way in, Ereshkigal disarmed her and hung her on a stake to die. But “from clay of the Abzu Enki two emissaries fashioned, beings without blood, by death rays unharmed, to lower Abzu he sent them, Inanna to bring back. “Upon the corpse the clay emissaries a Pulsar and an Emitter directed, then the Water of Life on her they sprinkled, in her mouth, the Plant of Life they placed. Then the dead Inanna arose.” [Enki: 255]

Inanna took Dumuzi’s body to Sumer and mummified him so he could rejoin her bodily on Nibiru, since, she said, Nibiran gods live forever [Cosmic Code: 90, 96].


Enki begat Ziasudra with Batanash, wife of his Overseer of Iraq, Lu-Mach [DNA: 6].


Enlil, enraged that Enki and Ninmah let Ziasudra rule Shuruppak, vowed Earthlings’ genocide.


Aztec legend cited in the Codex Boturini relates a Nibiran god “whose symbol was a seeing eye on an elliptical rod” guided four clans in boats” from Sumer to Guatemala. “The four clans trekked inland, split into several tribes. One, the Mexica, reached Tenochtilan.” Tenochtitlan means “‘The City of Enoch’– the son of Cain.” [Time: 261]


Uranus drifted away from the Sun and sped Nibiru toward Earth sooner than 3,600 years. As Nibiru flew by, Uranus caught Miranda, a moon of Nibiru. Miranda, now a moon of Uranus, circled it instead of Nibiru. Uranus sped Nibiru’s orbit to 3450 Earth years rather than 3600.

When Nibiru reached its most distant point [apogee] from Earth, the debris farthest from Nibiru–its 190 degree LaGrange point–created a sudden warming of Earth’s northern oceans. This LaGrange point’s nearing Earth, may’ve begun melting Earth’s ice. [Dark Star: 248] Or, Nibiru itself could’ve crossed between Mars and Jupiter. In any case, Earthlings’ living standard worsened and we regressed to living in caves and in the bush. Each generation’s life became poorer.

Drought, plague and starvation stalked the Earthlings. Crops dried-up, Earthlings starved, plagues killed many. “Diseases overcame humans. But Ninmah [said]Let us the Earthlings curing teach, how themselves to remedy to learn.’”

Enlil refused. “‘Let the earthlings by hunger and pestilence perish.’” In his mind the stay of the Anunnaki on Earth was nearing an end and he would rather wipe out all life before they departed for Nibiru. “Nothing grew and winds, heat and drought haunted them. Tremors and quakes became regular events.”

Enki implored Enlil, “Let us show the dredging of ponds and canals for surviving drought and famine.”

But the Commander responded, “Marduk–your eldest–the Igigi, and the with armies the astronauts breed with the daughters of Adapa, challenge me. No ponds, no canals. For Marduk, no more soldiers; let the Earthlings starve, every one. When we, sated with Earth’s gold, to Nibiru return, leave no Earthling subjects for Marduk, no force for him, the homeplanet to invade.” [Enki: 204 -205; Slave Species: 470]

The Earthlings at Shurubak (where Ziusudra lived) sent Ziusudra to Enki at the Persian Gulf for help. Enki said he couldn’t openly help, but advised, covertly, “The policy of Enlil protest, worship of the gods boycott.”

Enki secretly fed the Earthlings from his corn. He showed them how to get to and fish the seas. When Enlil said Enki defied the decree that Earthlings starve, Enki said he didn’t know how Earthlings learned salt-water fishing.

When Enki ruined his attempt to starve the Earthlings, Enlil instead waited for the next perigee when Nibiru’s approach to Earth would create a great flood. Just before that, Enlil, planned, Nibirans would quit Earth with all the gold they needed. Nergal warned of a flood, one that would kill off us troublesome slaves and hide fact we ever existed. [Enki: 206; 1978, 12th Planet: 292 -294]

Nergal reported from Ereshkigal’s station on Africa’s tip. “The Antarctic ice sheet built speed as it slid toward the South Sea. When Nibiru reaches closest to Earth, the icesheet’ll slip into the Sea and push out mountainous waves. The waves’ll bounce off each other and landmasses and combine in many ways. The waters will cover all Earth except great peaks.”

When King Anu and the Counsel on Nibiru got Nergal’s report, they beamed Earth: “‘For evacuating Earth and Lahmu prepare.’ In the Abzu the gold mines shut down; therefrom the Anunnaki to the Edin came; smelting and refining ceased, all gold to Nibiru was lofted. Empty, for evacuating ready, a fleet of celestial chariots to Earth returned.


“One spaceship that came for gold and Anunnaki returning to the homeplanet brought the mysterious white-haired Galzu (Great Knower).” Galzu ceremoniously deplaned and presented a sealed message from Anu to Enki, Enlil and Ninmah.

“Enlil the seal of Anu examined; unbroken and authentic it was, its encoding trustworthy. ‘For King and Council Galzu speaks. His words are my commands.‘ So did the message of Anu state.

“‘I am Galzu, Emissary Plenipoteniary of King and Council, to Enlil,’” said the mysterious visitor.”


Galzu told Ninmah, “‘Of the same school and age we are.’ This Ninmah could not recall: the emissary was as young as a son, she was as his olden mother.” Galzu told her she’d aged and he hadn’t because she and her brothers lived on Earth so long. He said, they’d die if they returned to Nibiru. Their bodies, adapted to Earth, couldn’t survive Nibiru’s gravity.

Galzu lied: “The three of you on Earth will remain; only to die to Nibiru you will return. Ninmah and her brothers must, he said, orbit Earth in rockets when the icesheet sped waves over the planet. When the waters calmed, to live, they must return to Earth.

Commander Enlil read the rest of the order Galzu said he brought from King Anu, “To each of the other Anunnaki, a choice to leave or the calamity outwait must be given. The Igigi who Earthlings espoused must between departure and spouses choose. No Earthling, Marduk’s Sarpanit included, to Nibiru to journey is allowed. For all who stay and what happens see, in celestial chariots they safety must seek.[Enki: 209-211]

Enlil convened the Anunnaki Council–the Leaders’ sons and grandchildren–and the Igigi commanders. He decreed the Earthlings drown in the deluge. Enki objected, “‘A wondrous Being by us was created, by us saved it must be,‘ Enki to Enlil shouted.”

Enlil roared back,”‘To Primitive Workers knowing you endowed. The powers of the Creator of All into your hands you have taken. With fornication Adapa you conceived, understanding to his line you gave. His offspring to the heavens you have taken, our wisdom with them you shared. Every rule you have broken, decisions and commands you ignored. Because of you a Civilized Earthling brother [Abael] a brother [Ka-in] murdered. Because of Marduk your son the Igigi like him with Earthlings intermarried.'”

“The Earthlings”, Enlil said, “must drown.”

He demanded Enki and all Nibirans on Earth swear they would not warn us of our coming death. Enki refused to swear. He and Marduk stamped out of the Council. [Enki: 212-214]

Enlil brought the Council back to order. Astronauts with Adapite wives and children, he decreed, must move to the peaks above the waves. He, Enki, Ninmah, their sons, daughters and descendants would orbit Earth. Marduk must shelter on Marsbase and Nannar on the Moon. When the waters receded the leaders and kin would return to Earth.

Enki and Ninmah buried their records and computer programs in diorite crypts under the rocket platform in Lebanon. Underground, they made genetic banks to save Earth’s creatures from the flood. “Male and female essences and life-eggs they collected, of each kind two by two they collected for safekeeping while in Earth circuit to be taken, thereafter the living kinds to recombine.”

Enki dreamed Galzu spoke “‘Into your hands Fate take, for the Earthlings the Earth inherit. Summon your son Ziusudra, without breaking the oath [swearing not to tell Earthlings] to him the coming calamity reveal. A boat that the watery avalanche can withstand, a submersible one, to build him tell, the likes of which on this tablet to you I am showing. Let him in it save himself and his kinfolk and the seed of all that is useful, be it plant or animal, also take. That is the will of the Creator of All.'”

Enki woke and pondered his dream. He stepped out of bed and kicked an actual physical computer file–one he had not put there– next to his bed. The file showed how to build a submersible craft in which Ziusudra and his followers could ride out the deluge. Enki searched his home and grounds for Galzu but didn’t find him. None except Enki (in the dream) had seen Galzu. “That night to the reed hut where Ziusudra was sleeping Enki stealthily went. The oath not breaking, the Lord Enki not to Ziusudra but to the hut’s wall [computer bank] spoke from behind the reed wall.”

Galzu, center, guide's Enki (left) to insert ME (computer disk) into Noah's Wall Computer. Noah-Ziasdura's on right.

Galzu, center, guide’s Enki (left) to insert ME (computer disk) into Noah’s Wall Computer. Noah-Ziasdura’s on right.








In the drawing above (from an inscribed Sumerian tablet), Galzu (center) tells Enki (left–with his snake icon) to warn Ziusudra (right). Galzu aims Enki’s hand to send the file to Ziasudra’s wall computer (Notice its screens and slots). The disk leaves Enki’s hand en route to Ziusudra’s computer.

“When Ziusudra by the words awakened, Enki said, ‘A calamitous storm will sweep, the destruction of Mankind it will be. This is the decision of the assembly by Enlil convened. “Abandon thy house, Ziusudra. Build a boat, its design and measurements on the file you see on your wall. “‘A boatguide [Ninagal] to you will come. To a safe haven the boatguide will navigate you. By you shall the seed of Civilized Man survive. “‘Not to you,” Enki concluded, “Not to you, Ziusudra, have I spoken, but to the wall did I speak.’[Enki: 220 -222]

Ziasudra and his community built the sub. Ziasudra (as Enki’d prompted) told Enlil he devoted himself to Enki (Enlil didn’t know Enki fathered Ziasudra). Ziasudra said he’d finish the boat and sail his community down to Africa, near Enki. Enlil, thinking Ziasudra and the Earthlings devoted to Enki would drown in the coming flood, let Ziasudra’s workers keep building. Let Enki’s followers leave Sumer, sail to Africa, and there die in the flood, thought Enlil.

Enki or other Anunnaki secretly helped other Earthling communities scattered on the Earth prepare for the flood with submersibles, high mountain refuges, underground shelters and a refuge on an island in Lake Titicaca atop the Andes.

Enki prepared for the waves. Before they hit, he sent Ninagal with boxes to Ziusudra. The boxes held “DNA, sperm and ova, ‘the life essence and life eggs of living creatures it contains, by the Lord Enki and Ninmah collected. From the wrath of Enlil to be hidden, to life resurrected if Earth be willing.’”

Ningishzidda prepared too; he inscribed “ancient wisdom on two great pillars and hid sacred objects and scrolls inside them. [Hauck, Emerald Tablets: 22]


13,000 years ago, “in the Whiteland, at the Earth’s bottom, off its foundation, the [Antarctic] icesheet slipped. By Nibiru’s netforce it was pulled into the south sea. A tidal wave arose, northward spreading.” “The tidal wave, several hundred metres high, moved northward from Antarctica at 500 km per hour, like a giant circle around the world; it destroyed all lands lower than 2,000 metres above sea level.” [Slave Species: 472 – 473]

“The boat of Ziusudra the tidal wave from its moorings lifted, then plunged beneath the raging waves. “Though completely submerged, not a drop of water into it did enter. For forty days, waves and storms swept Earth, downing everything on the planet except those on mountaintops and in Ziusudra’s boat. Ninagal surfaced, raised sail and steered to Mt Ararat” [Enki: 227] or “Mount al-Judi, the modern Cudi Dag, close to the Turkish-Syrian border.” [Collins, 2014: 263]

“The orbiting Anunnaki surveyed the flood’s results.” “Enlil the survivors saw, Enki’s son Ninagal among them. `Every Earthling had to perish‘, he with fury shouted. At Enki with anger he lunged, to kill his brother with bare hands he was ready.”

Ninagal messaged Ninmah and Ninurta, “Bring your whirlers down quick.”

“He is no mere mortal, my son he is,” Enki to Ziusudra pointing.

To a wall,’ said Enki, ‘I spoke, not Ziusudra.'” Ninurta and Ninmah restrained the raging Commander.

Enki told them he’d seen Galzu in a dream, then, when he woke, found next to his bed, a file that showed how Ziusudra should build the sub. Together, Enki, Ninurta and Nimah convinced Enlil “The survival of mankind the will of the Creator of All must be.” [Enki: 228-229].

When the floodwaters receded, they left the uplands intact but left the spaceport at Sippar, all of Sumer and African mines under mud and silt. Earthlings at low elevations had drowned. Less than a thousand Earthlings dug alive from mountain caves to a world of mud that ruined for gathering and hunting. [Freer: Sapiens Arising: 110]

People with Ziusudra on Ararat, hybrid Igigi-Earthling families who fled to Mesopotamia’s mountains and the descendants of Ka-in at the Peruvian refinery and spaceport lived. Nibirans in charge of the Andean space and refining facilities helped “the few Andean survivors upon the high peaks to repopulate the continent. A green stone (computer with green print on its screen?) through which the Great God delivered navigational and other instructions guided a leader named Naymlap and his fleet of balsa-wood boats across the Pacific to South America. The stone led them to Cape Santa Helena in Ecuador. There, the god, “still speaking through the green stone, instructed the people in farming, building and handicrafts.”

In North America, Hopi remember a “handful of their ancestral Flood survivors digging out of cave shelters to start over.”

“All the Anunnaki built in the past 432,000 years was buried under miles thick mud.” Of their settlements, only the stone Landing Platform [Baalbek] in Lebanon, survived intact.” [Enki: 230; Cosmic Code: 54]

Enki and Ninmah recovered genetic starts from their diorite vault under Iraq’s mud.


Flood survivors from the North Mountains–Poland, the Carpathian Mountains and Belarus–the Swidarians–migrated to Turkey. The Swidarians got local hunters and gatherers help them and their ET handlers build huge megalithic structures–Gobekli Tepe and scores of similar spiritual centers. The Swindarians organized the locals in extensive farming. Swinderians included 6-footers and towered over the 5-foot locals. The Swindarians resulted from Cromagnon-Neanderthal European matings with cone-headed Homo Capensis ETs. Swindarinans had elongated heads. [Collins, 2014b]

(Enlil gave this part of Anatolia to his son Nannar-Sin. Enlil sent his own trusted enhanced Earthling, Terah to supervise Nannar, for Enlil suspected Nannar of covertly encouraging the Anzu rebellion. Nannar developed his part of Turkey from his center in Harran, the Gobekli Tepe area. In 2025 BCE, Nannar will leave Turkey for Marsbase, later return to Harran and, in 555 BCE, this time as “Allah,” make Mohammed and his followers kill followers of Enlil-Yahweh–Jews and Christians–in his name just as the Christians killed Muslims in Yahweh’s name.)

The Anunnaki renewed our crops and beasts and built world-wide civilization with a base on Mars. Enlil, Enki, Inanna, Adad, Ninurta, Utu and Nannar in Sumer gave us urban societies, kingship, temples, priesthoods, festivals, beer, culinary recipes, art, music, musical instruments, musical notes, dance, writing and record keeping, medicines, textiles, and multicolored apparel. The plants, animals, guidance and knowledge they gave let us multiply. We built them magnificent temples and cities. To make the cities, they showed us brickmaking, taught us to make bronze implements. They let us help them build a new spaceport on the Sinai Peninsula.

Both Anunnaki factions—Enlil’s descendants and Enki’s—as well as our ancestors– renewed Earth’s crops and beasts. Cooperation, synergy, 1000 years of peace, a Satya Yuga.

The farming the gods taught us in Sumer “spread over the world from the Near Eastern mountains and highlands.” They gave us wheat and barley, then “millet, rye, spelt, flax (for fibers and edible oil), onions, lentils, beans, cucumbers, cabbage, lettuce, apples, apricots, cherries, pears, olives, figs, almonds, pistachios, walnuts, as well as tame dogs, geese, ducks, sheep, goats, and pigs.” They showed us how to weave fiber into cloth, make flour, bread, porridge, cakes, pastries, biscuits, yogurt, butter, cream, cheeses, beer and wine. They gave us “horned and hornless cattle for hides, meat, milk and wool.”

Ninurta introduced plows. First, we Earthlings pulled them, then cattle pulled the plows. The plows, plus Enki’s new grains, boosted our food-growing.

Anunnaki and their foremen helped us regulate the Nile. We made, as they directed, pastureland for herds of cows and goats.

Sumer had naphtha, asphalts and bitumens. They seeped above ground all over Mesopotamia. With naphtha, we surfaced roads, waterproofed boats and buildings. With it, we caulked, cemented, painted and molded. Sumer itself lacked raw ores to make metals, but we exchanged naphtha for ore. The Anunnaki gave us “extensive international trade routes.” They gave the wheel, carts and chariots. [12th Planet: 6 – 9; Wars: 125]

They gave us a mathematical system–sexagesimal–that initiated the circle of 360 degrees, timekeeping that divided day/night into 12 double hours, a luni-solar calendar of 12 months intercalated with a thirteenth leap month. They gave geometry, distance measurement units, units of weight and capacity. They gifted us with astronomy–planetary, star, constellation and zodiacal knowledge. They bestowed law codes and courts of law on us. They gave us transportation networks, customs stations and even taxes on us. [Giants: 58, 70]

Enlil, his sons and his grandchildren ruled Sumer. Enlil’s granddaughter Inanna ruled Elan in the southeast. His youngest son, Adad, ruled the Taurus Mountains, Asia Minor the northwest and the Landing Platform at Lebanon. Ninurta reigned in the highlands. Nannar got Canaan and Syria; Utu commanded Sinai. Enlil kept Nippur, Sumer’s center, and there stored his computer programs, “Tablets of Destinies” and the “Command and Control Center for Earth to off-planet communication, as well as the Bond Heaven-Earth in his high-rise stepped pyramid. In Nippur, Enlil had Earthlings built schools of science and scribing as well as a library with 30,000 inscribed clay tablets. [ZS, Wars: 125; Giants: 67 – 69]

Each Anunnaki walled his sacred precincts, “each with a skyscraping ziggurat [stepped pyramid]. The ziggurats rose in several steps (usually seven) to 90 meters. Built of two kinds of mud brick sun-dried for highrise cores and kiln- burned for extra strength for stairways, exteriors, and overhangings, they bonded with bitumen as mortar.”

Ur ziggurat

Enlil ordered a new rocket terminal at Sinai (Arabian Peninsula), for craft to freight gold to Nibiru. He told Enki and his lineage to build the new terminal, Mission Control and guidance facilities in a mountain-like Great Pyramid he’d have built at Giza, near the Nile at the 30th Parallel.

“Although the Sinai Peninsula and the Giza pyramids were supposedly neutral under Ninmah, Enki and the Enkiites” intended to control Sinai. Whoever ran the Giza Pyramid and Sinai, controlled “space activities, the comings and goings of the ‘gods,’ the vital supply link to and from Nibiru.”

From 10,000 on, Enki’s sons Marduk and Ningishzidda assisted Enki, as did his descendants Shu, Tefnut, Geb and Nut. “The secret plans of the Great Pyramid were in the hands of Ningishzidda.” [Wars: 149-155]

Viracocha [Adad-Ishkar] gathered the descendants of Ka-in who survived the Deluge atop the Andes. He had them build palaces there for him and his Overseers. Viracocha readied couples he chose to start an empire they’d rule from Cuzco. [Time: 247]

In Sumer, Ninurta built dams and drained floodwaters into rivers.

In Africa, Enki (now called Ptah) reclaimed the Nile Basin. He moved to Elephantine (Abu) Island near Aswan (Syene). From Abu, he ruled Egypt. His Earthlings built dams, dykes and tunnels. They controlled the Nile’s flowto the Mediterranean.

Enki then abdicated in Egypt. He gave Marduk, (now Ra) rule of Egypt and its Earthlings.

Enki divvied the rest of Africa among his other sons. Nergal got southern Africa. Enki kept Gibil (whom he’d taught metalworking) in north Africa’s mining region and gave Ninagal the Great Lakes and headwaters of the Nile. Enki gave the grazing region, further north (Sudan) to his youngest son, Dumuzi.

Ningishzidda built new Sinai Spaceport with controls on Mt. Moriah, the Jerusalem to-be.


Marduk gave rule of the Nile lands successively to brother-sister ruling pairs–Shu and Tefnut, then their children, Geb and Nut. In Egypt Geb and Nut had four children–Osiris, Isis, Seth and Nephtys. In some versions, Isis and Nephtys were Shamgaz’s daughters whom Osiris and Seth married. Osiris took Isis; Seth, Nephys. Seth and Shamgaz allied. [Enki: 243- 244.]

In another version, Isis and Nephtys were Geb’s daughters. Osiris took Seth’s half-sister Isis as his spouse. This blocked Seth’s chances to have his descendants rule Egypt. Seth then married Nephys, his full sister.” The full siblingship of Seth and Nephtys disqualified their offspring from rule. [Enki: 243 – 244.]

Osiris and Isis lived near Marduk in the northern lowlands of Lower Egypt. Seth and Nephtys settled in southern Upper Egypt’s mountains, near Shamgaz’s villa and the Lebanon Landing Platform. Shamgaz and Nephtys told Seth that while Osiris lived he and the Igigi would lack good fiefs on Earth. Osiris, said Shamaz, will succeed Marduk and rule of the fertile lower Nile. Only Upper Egypt for you and the Igigi.” [Enki: 243 – 244.]

So Seth, Nephtys and Shamgaz decided to kill Osiris.


Shamgaz and Seth invited him to an Igigi and Royals banquet honoring Aso, Ethiopia’s visiting Queen. Shamgaz drugged Osiris’s wine. When Osiris passed out, Seth sealed him in a coffin which the conspirators tossed in the sea. “Now,” said Seth, “I, as Marduk’s sole surviving descendant on Earth, rule all Egypt.”

Isis, Sarpanit and Marduk retrieved Osiris’s coffin from the water. Marduk wanted Seth dead for killing Osiris but Enki forbade this.

Enki extracted semen from Osiris’s corpse and Isis inseminated herself with it. “I carry Osiris’ son,” she said. “Our son, not Seth, shall rule Lower Egypt.” [Later versions say Thoth-Ningishzidda revived and restored Osiris.] In any case, Isis hid and bore Horus (Horon) to fight Seth and avenge Osiris. Shamgaz and the astronauts ignored Isis. Isis raised Horus to kill Seth and avenge Osiris.

The Igigi extended their estates and their Earthling armies from Lebanon all the way to the edge of Ninmah’s neutral Jerusalem region. They advanced toward the Interplanetary Landing Zone on Sinai.

In Upper Egypt, Gibil tutored Horus to manhood. Gibil taught Horus to pilot aircraft, made multi-headed missiles for him and taught him and his Earthlings to smelt iron and make iron weapons.


Horus’ army marched on Sinai. Seth, rather than face Horus’s better-armed army, dared Horus to an air battle. Seth Horus collage

Horus flew his fighter toward Seth, who hit him with a poison dart missile. Ningishzidda gave Horus an antidote and a “blinding weapon.” Horus hit Seth with the weapon, then with a missile called “the harpoon.” Blind, Seth crashed, his testicles squashed; Horus bound him and dragged him before the Council.

Though Enlil’s Council had reserved Canaan Enlilites and their Earthlings, Enlil let Seth settle there. The Council had ordered Enkiite Nibirans and Earthlings descended from Noah’s son Ham restricted to Africa, but the Ham-ites defied the Council and occupied Canaan. The Council let Seth live among these Enkiites. Seth soon ruled Canaan.

Seth’s rule in Canaan meant Enkiites controlled the Giza Spacecraft Marker-Pyramid, the control tower and runways on Sinai, and the new Mission Control Jerusalem.

Marduk ordered the face of Osiris replace Ninghzidda’s on the stone lion fronting the Great Pyramid.


Marduk gave metal weapons to his Earthling armies; he advanced on Sinai. Ninurta and Inanna launched their planes armed with solar, sonar and explosive weapons of mass destruction.

Marduk, Enki, Nergal and Horon retreated to the Great Pyramid but Ninurta and Inanna broke in, captured them, and took their weapons, energy-generation machines and communication devices.

Ninmah convened a peace conference. Enki accepted Enlil’s conditions of peace. At the conference, the Council banished Marduk to North America and gave Ningishzidda-Thoth rule of Egypt.

Enlil rejected Ninmah’s request that he let their son, Ninuta, run the Sinai Mission Control Center, Jerusalem. Instead, Enlil, favored Nannar his son with his wife Ninlil. Enlil gave Canaan to Nannar and Jerusalem to Nannar’s son, Utu-Shamash.

Thoth built Heliopolis as beacon city whose obelisks replaced the gug stone Ninurta took from the Giza Pyramid.


The Igigi reserved Jerico, where they built an advanced urban town, for themselves and their hybrid offspring. [Wars, 182 -184]

The Anunnaki showed us to reinforce bricks—fire them with chopped reeds in a kiln. With the bricks, we paved roads. With the strengthened bricks, we raised highrises and temples. With the kilns, we forged pottery cups, bowls, plates and storage urns. The kilns gave “intense but controllable temperatures without dust or ashes. The Nibirans showed us how to make paints, pigments, pottery glazes and artificial lapis lazuli. They had us mass-produce bronze tool and weapons. Via kiln-metallurgy, they led us to coins, then to banking.


Earthlings regressed, abandoned villages and stopped making pottery.


Anu and his wife Antu landed at Tilmun. Enki, Enlil and Ninmah–Anu’s three children–greeted them. “At each other they looked, aging to examine: though greater in shars [Nibiru’s orbits of Solaris] were the parents, younger than the children they looked. The two sons [Enki and Enlil] looked old and bearded; Ninmah, once a beauty, was bent and wrinkled.” [Enki: 268]

Enlil told Anu “Enki was withholding from the other gods [i.e.,the Enlilites] the ‘Divine Formulas’[information devices called MEs], for the hundred aspects of civilization. Only for his Earthlings at Eridu does Enki the MEs employ.” Anu ruled, “Divine Formulas, Enki, with other gods share, so urban centers establish they can. Civilization to all Sumer grant.” [Wars: 193-194]

“I dreamed,” Enki said,“your Plenpotentiary, Galzu, gave me plans for Ziusudra’s boat. I woke and kicked a stone tablet with boat plans engraved.”

Puzzled, Anu said, “Never did I send a secret plenipotentiary to Earth.”

Enki and Enlil exclaimed, “On account of Galzu Ziusudra and the seed of life were saved. On account of Galzu on Earth we remained. The day you to Nibiru return, you shall die’ so did Galzu to us say.’

“Incredulous of that was Anu, ‘the change in cycles [between Earth and Nibiru] indeed havoc did cause, but with elixirs cured it was.’”

Whose emissary, if not yours was Galzu?’ Enki and Enlil in unison said. ‘Who the Earthlings to save wanted, who on Earth made us stay?’

Anu said, “While fates we decreed, the hand of destiny at every step directed. The will of the Creator of All is: on Earth and for Earthlings, only emissaries are we. The Earth to the Earthlings belong, to preserve and advance them we were intended. Whatever Destiny for the Earth and Earthlings, let it so be. If Mankind, not Anunnaki, to inherit the Earth is destined, let us destiny help. Give Mankind knowledge, up to a measure secrets of heaven and Earth them teach, laws of justice and righteousness teach them, then depart and leave.” [Enki: 271,275]

Enlil, Anu, Ninmah and Enki decided: “Cities of Man to establish, therein sacred precincts abodes for the Anunnaki create. Kingship as on Nibiru on Earth establish, crown and scepter to a chosen man give, by him the word of the Anunnaki to the people convey, work and dexterity to enforce; in the sacred precinctsa priesthood to establish, the Anunnaki as lofty lords to serve and worship. Secret knowledge to be taught, civilization to Mankind convey.” [Enki, 271- 272; Giants: 127]

Earthlings learned the palace-servant duties religious rituals memorialize to this day. “Serving meat became burnt offerings, the table became an altar. Carrying the local Anunnaki ruler on a dias became a procession of statues. Anunnaki palaces became temples.” [Sapiens Arising]

Anu decreed four regions, three–Sumer, Egypt and Africa, and Indus Valley.

Region 1: Enlilites’: Enlil and his lineage named kings, men descended from Ziusudra’s sons, Shem and Japhet the Fair, through whom they ruled Sumer. Shem, and his successors ran nations from the Persian Gulf to the Mediterranean. Shem’ s descendants settled the ex-spaceport area of Iraq and the Landing Place at Lebanon. Japhet’s issue ruled lands in Asia Minor, the Black and Caspian Sea areas, as well as the nearby coasts and islands, as they recovered from the flood.

Region 2: Enkiites’: Anu said Enki and his descendants ruled Egypt and Africa though successors of Ziusudra’s son Ham the Dark. Ham’s line ruled Canaan, Cush, Mizra’im, Nubia, Ethiopia, Egypt, and Libya. They spread from the highlands to the reclaimed lowlands.

Region 3: Inanna’s: Inanna would rule the Indus Valley (to settle around 2800 B.C.) as a grain-source for the other regions.

Region 4: Ninmah’s: she reigned in The fourth region, Tilmun (Sinai). Anu reserved Sinai for Nibirans and their descendants. [Wars: 129-135; Enki: 271- 272]

Anu bedded Inanna. “Anu to his great-granddaughter Inanna took a liking; he drew her closely, he hugged and kissed her.” At Anu’s temple at Uruk, Sumer’s sacred precinct, Anu’s wife, Antu, taught Inanna tantric sexual meditations and howto channel the sexual energy she and Anu would share to elevate their whole clan. Then Antu ritually gave Inanna to Anu. Antu and the Nibiran elite meditated outside the love-chamber as Anu and Inanna coupled. Antu and the Nibiran royals shared ecstasy, epiphany and satori. “The sexual experience was a merging of energies which enhanced the creative powers of both partners and the aggregate of their race.” [Enki: 273]

Anu renamed his great granddaughter Inanna, “Anu’s Beloved;” She’d been “Irnini” before this. He’d bed her whenever he visited Earth. The King gave her the temple where they loved and the skyship he’d use to survey Earth. Inanna, he said, would run Uruk’s temple through a priest/king, the son of her brother Utu with an Earthling.

Earthlings paved Uruk with “limestone blocks brought from mountains fifty miles to the East.” They erected a thick, six-mile long wall around Uruk’s living quarters and Inanna’s temple.[Encounters: 166-176; Giants: 75]

Anu and Antu flew (In the skyship he’d leave to Inanna) with Ninurta to the Tiahuanaco temple, observatory and metallurgy (tin) works Ninurta’d built. The King saw the Spaceport on the 200-square mile Pampa plain below where, on the runway, “Anu and Antu’s celestial chariot stood ready, with gold to the brim it was loaded.”

Anu ordered grandson Marduk from exile in North America. Marduk and his son Nabu came. “Death,” Marduk said, “has my beloved Sarpanit claimed.” Anu forgave him for the Pyramid war of 8670. As a reinstated Anunnaki, Marduk could again live on any of Enki’s domains.

After Anu and Antu flewback to Nibiru, Marduk raged. Inanna, he said, used her sexual access to the king to convince the King that Marduk had ordered Dumuzi run to death. Now, Marduk whined, Anu, gave Inanna the Indus Basin, as well as Uruk. Enlil noted Marduk’s attitude and told Adad to guard the Enlilite South American facilities from Marduk while the other Nibiran Earth Mission leaders returned to Sumer.

Ninurta asked Enki at Eridu for computer programs (MEs) he needed for a city. When Enki temporized, Ninurta got King Anu to order Enki give Ninurta the MEs. With the MEs, Ninurta had his Earthlings create Kishi, the first city an Earthling king he appointed ruled. Then Ninurta had his men build Lagash, a city with a hangar for his aircraft, an armory for his missiles and a temple-home for himself and his wife, Bau.


Ninmah reigned for the Anunnaki and their descendants in Sinai.

Ninurta asked Enki at Eridu for computer programs (MEs) he needed for a city. When Enki temporized, Ninurta got King Anu to order Enki give Ninurta the MEs. With the MEs, Ninurta had his Earthlings create Kishi, the first city an Earthling king he appointed ruled. Then Ninurta had his men build Lagash, a city with a hangar for his aircraft, an armory for his missiles and a temple-home for himself and his wife, Bau.

Inanna fumed while male Enlilite Royals built cities in Sumer. “While the domain of her own she demanded. ‘The Third Region [Indus Valley] after the second one will come, her leaders thus assured her.” [Enki: 275 -279; Journeys: 206; Lost Realms: 255]


Inanna seduced Enki for Uruk’s master programs, the City Planning MEs. She wanted a city complex, like Ninurta’s at Kishi, built around her temple at Uruk. Ninurta’d built Kishi with fifty MEs–programs for math, smithing, pottery as well as making beer, pottery, wagons wheels and law–Enki gave him. Enki released the MEs “to benefit mankind, step by step.” Inanna, too, needed Enki to give her MEs too. She flirted with him at his villa on the Persian Gulf.

She coveted MEs for weaponry, statecraft, mathematics, writing, metallurgy, masonry, arts, courts. He could thrill her with advanced sexual practices too. She visited him at his palace in southeast Africa, got him drunk, seduced him. He gave her the MEs. She slipped them to her pilot to take back to Uruk. Enki sobered, captured her, locked her up at Eridu and tried to get the MEs back.

Enlil flew to Eridu. Inanna shouted, “By right the MEs I obtained, Enki in my hand placed them! So did Inanna to Enlil say; the truth Enki meekly admitted.” [Enki: 281]

Inanna choose Sumer’s first King, the Lugal. He spoke for the gods to the Earthlings. 23 successive Lugals ruled Sumer for 24,510 years. Lugals shifted venue from Ninurta’s Kishi to Inanna’s Uruk, then to Akad. When Enlil ordered kingship moved to Uruk, Inanna launched the MEs she’d seduced from Enki. She made Uruk a mighty city state and made Enmerkar (son of and successor to her nephew) its ruler.

Enlil named the era, his, “Age of the Bull.” He had his sons and grandsons declare themselves and other Nibirans descendants “gods.” Mixed Nibirans and Earthlings were demigods, who would direct Earthlings to build temples and cities to serve the gods. He ranked the gods. His father, King Anu, he ranked 60. He numbered himself and his successor, Ninurta, 50s. Enlil ranked Enki 40, Ninghzidda 52, Nannar, 30. Nannar’s son Utu ranked 20, Utu’s sister Inanna, 15.

Utu, from rebuilt Sippar, home of Sumer’s Supreme Court, and made laws for the Earthlings. Nannar ruled the city of Urim. Adad returned from the Andes to a temple in the mountains north of Sumer. Marduk and Nabu moved to Enki’s place in Eridu. [Encounters: 68; Enki: 275-278]

Enlilites introduced schools and taught Earthlings to write and print on clay; how to find, extract, transport, refine and alloy minerals. Through their kings’ administrations Enlil’s sons introduced silver money so Earthlings could buy and sell.

“Sumerian cities were highly organized, with central government and social class structures. Each city was populated by up to 10,000 people, rising to 50,000 by 2700 B.C. Agriculture still took the majority of workers, but created stable food so other citizens could work as masons, bakers, weavers and tradesmen overseen by municipal bureaucracy.”

Kings had assemblies frame laws and choose court justices. “Procedings, judgements and contracts were recorded. Justices acted like juries. A court was three or four judges, one a professional, the others drawn from a panel of thirty-six men.”

Earthling kings learned to “carry out major construction work with architectural plans, organize and feed huge labor forces, flatten land, raise mounds, mold bricks, transport stones, bring rare metals from afar, cast metal and shape utensils. Sumerians built many types of ships, some able “to reach faraway lands in search of metals, rare woods and stones.” [Dark Star: 33; 12th Planet:12- 49]

Enlil’s Sons and grandsons gave Sumer assemblies, courts, schools, writing, printing, prospecting, mining, road- and ship building in a petrol-fueled money economy.


Though “Sumer was the heartland of the Enlilite territories,” Enlil decreed the Eridu on Sumer’s south edge belonged forever to Enki and Marduk. Marduk developed Eridu into a base on the Euphrates “between rebuilt Nippur (the pre-Deluvial Mission Control) and Sippar (the pre-Deluvial spaceport).” He planned this base as his “Mission control and Spaceport” and called itHe named the place, Bab-Ili, “Gateway of the gods”–a place where Nibirans could take off and land. He had Babylon Earthlings built a “tower whose head shall reach the heavens–a launch tower.” [End: 22]

Marduk’s Igigi allies who’d seized Earthlings at Marduk’s wedding, ran great fiefs in Lebanon and Sumer. Their estates and the number of their Earthlings grew as the Igigi bred with each generation. Marduk’s son Nabu gathered Earthlings and Marduk taught them to make bricks for his spaceport. With his own launch tower at Babylon, he’d challenge the Sinai Spaceport Utu ran.“This evil plan must be stopped, ” roared Ninurta.

Enlil ordered Marduk to quit the project peacefully, but Marduk defied him and built his tower. Enlil decreed,”Marduk an unpermitted Gateway to Heaven is building, to Earthlings he is entrusting. If we let this happen, no other matter of Mankind shall be unreached.”

Ninurta bombed the tower and Marduk’s camp at Babylon.

Marduk fled to Enki’s other domain on the Nile. The Enlilites programmed diverse Earthlings scattered Marduk’s Earthlings and programmed them to different languages and scripts. [Encounters:110- 115; Enki: 281- 282]


Nibiru, as it reached perigee at the edge of the Kuiper Comet Belt, caused solar flares and severe heating on Earth.


Planetary cooling accelerated due to “debris ejected from 3190 BCE eruption of the Icelandic volcano Hekla [Divine Blueprint: 241].


The authority of Enlil and his constellation the Bull (4420 -2260 BCE) waned as climate too changed drastically. “global climate worsened dramatically. In India, the Kali Yuga set in motion; in Central America the Olmec calendar begins countdown.” Land strikes of meteorites in 3150 BCE included one in China. Global spikes in suphate and methane levels affected worldwide climate. A neoglacial period dropped the upper tree line in the Alps by 300 feet. The effects of this northern cooling period extended as far south as Peru and produced drought in the Near East. The Iranian Plateau changed from humid to arid. In the Persian Gulf, then low-lying alluvial land, in 500 years the sea rose so Ur, Eridu, Shuruppak, and Sippar found themselves very close to the sea. Every continent was affected by uplift, subsidence, tilt, down-warping, earthquakes and shifting riverbeds.”

The shifting climate and change of the reigning zodiacal house from the Enlil’s Bull to Marduk’s Aries “moved the telluric lines of the earth. Anchoring the shifting nodes of these currents worldwide with great stone circles, thousands of dolmens and menhirs, expansions of existing temples” protected these stone-encoded computation devices which now shifted to marking the winter solstice. Priesthoods running the sacred sites seized on people’s fear of continuing meteor stikes and used their terror to exercise ever more power. [Divine Blueprint: 241-243].

Ningiszidda, now Egypt’s ruler, landed bearded eastern Mediterranians and Black Olmecs on the Yucatan coast.


Ningshzidda established the Mayan Calender.


“Marduk, after a long absence, to the Land of the Two Narrows [Egypt] returned, Ningishzidda as its master he there found.” For the next 350 years, armies Marduk and Nigishzidda clashed over Egypt. Finally, Enki ordered Ningishzidda to leave Egypt to Marduk. Enki hadn’t passed rule of Nibiru to Marduk, but maybe he could settle Marduk in Egypt. Enki gave him computer programs to make Egypt prosper; he gave him all his knowledge except how to revive the dead. Marduk replaced Ningishzidda s image on the Sphinx with Osiris’. Marduk told his pharaohs he’d mummify and his son Osiris, whose brother Seth had killed, would convey their souls to Nibiru for eternity with the gods. He rallied Egypt against the Enilites. [Gilbert: 66]

In Peru, atop the Andes, Ningishzidda designed a spaceport and tin and gold- processing plants for Adad-Viracocha.[Time: 310,322-323; Enki: 84-285]

Ningishzidda moved on to his realms in Central America and brought some of his Olmec stonemasons and Sumerian foremen from there to build Stonehenge observatory in England. After he finished Stonehenge, he returned to Mesoamerica. He built planetariums throughout Mexico and Central America and gave Mayans their calendar to correlate with lines of sight built into the observatories he built for them.

Ningishzidda and his men helped Adad design observatories and smelting facilities at Tiahuanaco atop the Andes. [Time: 296]

Inanna ruled Harrapa and Mohenjo Daro in the Indus Valley, Uruk in Sumer and Virgo in the heavens.

The Enlilites took the constellation “Virgo,” and the corresponding seat on their Council from Ninmah and gave it instead to Inanna, who now had the MEs for Rulership. Inanna then sat in Council meetings instead of Ninmah. And Inanna got her turn, when the constellation Virgo arose before the Gaza Sphinx on the Spring Equinox, as Earth’s Supreme Diety/Anunnaki. The Council also named the star group “The Twins” after Inanna and Utu and they together reigned supreme when Gemini arose before the Sphinx in the June Equinox.

“In the eastern lands, beyond even seven mountain ranges, was the Third Region, Zamush, Land of Sixty Precious Stones, was its highland called. Aratta [Harappa] the Wooded Realm, was in the valley of a meandering great river [Indus] located. In the great plain did the people cultivate crops of grains and horned cattle herd. There too two cities with mud bricks they built, with granaries they were filled.” Inanna appointed an Earthling Shepherd-Chief (descended from Dumuzi) King of Aratta. [Enki: 286 – 287]

Igigi followed Inanna to Indus Valley. Inanna roamed “the lands and took a liking to the people who in the upper plain of the two rivers dwelt. They were the Igigi who descended to Earth from heaven from Lahmu (Mars). The Igigi Aryans moved east, following Inanna [they called her Ishtar] to the Indus Valley [Aratta] and laid the foundation for the Indo-European culture.” [Slave Species: 499]

Enlil ordered Enki to craft a new language and script for Aratta. Enki wrote the language but refused MEs for Aratta to make Inanna a world power. He said she could share with Aratta the MEs she’d already gotten from him for Uruk.

Inanna shuttled in her skyship between Aratta and Uruk. But “what to Inanna was entrusted she neglected, other domains, not to her granted, in her heart she coveted. By Inanna was the bitter end started, Marduk as Ra with Destiny tangled.” [Enki: 291]

Her second ruler in Uruk, Enmerkar (Utu’s grandson and an Earthling) sent an emissary to the Arattan King with a written message to Aratta. In the message, Enmerkar demanded Aratta swear feality to Uruk, but the Arattan King couldn’t read the Sumerian writing.

After ten years, Enmerkar told Utu to have Nisaba, the astronauts’ scribe, teach him Arattan script. When he’d learned it, Enmerkar sent his son, Banda The Short, to Aratta with a message in Arattan: “Submit or War!”

The Aratta King wrote back that he’d prefer trade–Aratta’s precious stones for the MEs of Uruk, or if Enmerkar insisted on war, let one champion of Aratta and one of Uruk fight to settle the war.

“On the way back, carrying the peace message, Banda fell sick; his spirit left him. His comrades raised his neck, without the breath of life it was. On Mount Hurmu, on the way from Aratta, to his death was Banda abandoned”. So the peace message never reached. Utu, Inanna’s brother, however, revived Banda.[Enki: 287-289]

“Journeying between Unug-ki and Aratta, Inanna restless and ungratified was, for her Dumuzi she still mourned, her love’s desire unquenched remained. When she flew about, in the sunrays Dumuzi’s image she saw shimmering and beckoning.” In her dreams and visions, Dumuzi told her he’d return and share with her the “Land of the Two Narrows [Egypt].” [Enki: 291]

In Uruk, “A House for Nighttime Pleasure she established. To this young heroes, on the night of their weddings, with sweet words she lured: long life, a blissful future to them she promised; that her lover Dumuzi was she imagined.” But each one in the morning in her bed was found dead.”

Utu revived Banda, who returned to Uruk. Inanna saw Banda as Dumuzi. “‘A miracle!’ excited Inanna shouted. ‘My beloved Dumuzi to me came back!’ In her abode Banda was bathed.‘Dumuzi, my beloved! she called him. To her bed, with flowers bedecked, she lured him. When in the morning Banda was alive, Inanna shouted: ‘The power of dying in my hands was placed, immortality by me is granted.’ Then to call herself a goddess Inanna decided, the Power of Immortality it implied.”[Enki: 292]

Banda succeeded his father, Enmerkar, as King of Uruk. Banda married Ninsun, Enki’s daughter with Ninmah, who bore Gilgamesh. Gilgamesh oppressed the people of his city; he insisted on sex with brides before their grooms could couple with them.

Enki created Enkidu, an android, to tame Gilgamesh and sent the tantric practitioner Shamhat to tame him. Gilgamesh and Enkidu fought, then became best friends. Gilgamesh went with Enkidu to the rocketpad at Baalbek to plead with the gods for a rocket to Nibiru for immortality he thought they enjoyed. In Lebanon, near Inanna’s home, Gilgamesh and Enkidu tracked Enlil’s security robot to the launchpad. As they watched a rocket launch, Inanna, from her plane, saw them smash Enlil’s robot. “At the entrance to the Cedar Forest its fire-belching monster their way blocked. To pieces it they broke.”

“Watching Gilgamesh take off his clothes, bathe and groom himself, glorious Ishtar [Inanna] raised an eye at the beauty of Gilgamesh. “Come, Gilgamesh, be thou my lover. Grant me the fruit of thy love!”. But he declined and insulted her. She, enraged, demanded Anu release the guard-bull at the launchpad. Anu complied. The bull charged Gilgamesh and Enkidu but Gilgamesh stabbed it while Enkidu held it. When Enkidu died of illness, Enlil inflicted on him for destroying his robot, Gilgamesh grieved his friend. Then Gilgamesh went to the spaceport in Sinai for a plant to let him live forever.

In a tunnel in Sinai he met Enki’s son, Ziusudra, still alive all these centuries. “Ziusudra to Gilgamesh the secret of longliving he revealed a plant in the garden’s well was growing, Ziusudra and his spouse from getting old it prevented.” Enki, with Enlil’s permission, said Ziusudra, granted Gilgamesh this plant too. But when Gilgamesh got the plant, a snake snatched it from him. As a last resort, he begged Enlil to grant him immortality.

2860 King Gilgamesh of Uruk sought for himself the immortality of the Anunnaki. He destroyed Enlil’s robo-guard in Sinai and, in Lebanon, grasped life-extension herbs Noah and his wife had been using. A “snake” [agent of Enki?] ate the herbs before Gilgamesh could.


Enki ordered Ningishzidda to stop warring with Marduk in Egypt and to leave the whole Nile to Marduk.

Marduk reunited Egypt. He honored Father Enki/Ptah. Enki hadn’t passed rule of Nibiru to Marduk, but maybe he could settle Marduk in Egypt. Enki gave him MEs to make Egypt prosper–all his knowledge except howto revive the dead.

Marduk rewrote Egyptian history. He demoted Ningishzidda to “the Divine Measurer.”

Pharaohs yearned to live forever; Marduk said if they proved loyal, he’d mummify and rocket them to Nibiru to share eternity. Thus tempted, the pharaohs fought to unite Egypt against Inanna and the Enilites.


Due to precession, the Kali Yuga and Age of Marduk/Aries/Ram begin, “the cycle of quarrel, war, strife, discord, hypocracy, spiritual degradation, impulse and bluster-the time of masculine power, age of vice [Divine Blueprint: 241-243].

“On Gilgamesh’s deathbed, Utu told him Enlil wouldn’t grant him eternal life. Gilgamesh was consoled by promises to retain in Nether World the company of ‘his beloved wife, son, concubine, musicians, entertainers, cupbearer, valet, caretakers and palace attendants who served him.’” Undertakers brought his body to the royal cemetery of Ur. They drugged his friends and attendants in his burial chamber, then killed them. This “accompanied burial” gave “an extraordinary privilege to Gilgamesh, two- thirds of him divine, as compensation for not gaining the immortality of the gods.” [Encounters: 132 -172; Giants, 311 – 312, 339 (citing S. Kramer’s translation of cuneiform text, TheDeath of Gilgamesh)]


Ningishzidda shipped and flew Black Olmec managers across the Atlantic to Yucatan. [Time: 300].


The Enlilite leaders wanted a [“hybrid demigod”] war-king to unify the First Region fiefs and block Marduk’s threat to their squabbling temple-cities. “To Inanna, of Marduk the adversary, the task of the right man to find they entrusted.” [Enki: 30]

Anunnaki Princess Inanna and half breed Sargon conquered Earthlings


Inanna choose her gardener, Sargon, as the Akkadian warrior king to lead her armies and Sumer. Nannar had fathered both Sargon and Inanna. Sargon rose from gardener to king when he raped her and she liked it. Enlil ratified Sargon–who had Enlilite genes–as Sumer’s king.

Sargon began his rise when he saw Inanna snooze in his garden. “He bent over her perfect face and lightly, then, as she–half awake–responded, kissed her savagely. He entered her as she opened her eyes and her eyes shone with pleasure.” She declared Sargon her lover. Inanna repeatedly joined powerful aggressive men to lead her armies.

Inanna and Sargon conquered all Sumer. They built their capital, Agade in Akkad (near Babylon). They subdued all Sumer except Lagash, her Uncle Ninurta’s fief. She led Sargon’s army through Luristan in the Zagros Mountains. With the army and her mass-killing weapons, she and Sargon united Sumer. They spread spoken and written-on-clay Akkadian all over Sumer and spawned the Semitic languages (including Hebrew and Arabic).[Wars: 10 -11]


While Marduk built an army in Egypt, Sargon invaded Marduk’s empty stronghold, Babylon. To show his disdain for Marduk, the king planted in Agade an urn he’d filled with Babylon’s soil. Sargon “took away the soil for another Gateway to the Gods [Tower to Launch Rockets to Nibiru].” Inanna would build her own launch site and take interplanetary power. [Giants:270]

Marduk and Nabu returned from Egypt to Babylon. They fortified the city and diverted rivers to it from the other Sumerian cities. Marduk said he’d build his spaceport in Babylon. “In the heart of Edin, in the midst of the First Region, Marduk himself established!

“Inanna’s fury no boundaries knew; with her weapons on Marduk’s followers death she inflicted. The blood of people, as never before on Earth, like rivers flowed.” Inanna and Marduk both loosed lasers on each other’s Earthling armies.

“While Inanna remained gorgeous and enticing, Sargon began to age and drink too much. Inanna watched as the man she once loved passionately crumbled into a pathetic drunk afflicted by insomnia, haunted by demons.” In the end, Marduk’s minions besieged Sargon and he died cursing Inanna[Ferguson, “Inanna Returns,” in Heaven and Earth, ZS, Ed.: 97]

The Anunnaki Council told Nergal to restore their water and disarm Marduk and Babylon. Nergal and his retinue of black Earthlings left Kuth for Babylon. En route, he visited Inanna in Uruk.

Nergal allied himself with her against Marduk. Marduk ran Egypt, north of Nergal’s and Ereshkigal’s realm in South Africa. Marduk’s claim to rule all Earth alarmed Nergal. He asked Inanna to help him contain Marduk. Nergal and Inanna sealed their alliance sexually and planned to conquer all Earth for themselves.

When Nergal left Inanna, he and his Blacks continued to Babylon, where Marduk greeted them. Nergal promised him, if he’d leave Babylon for South Africa, he’d get weapons and computers, including “the instrument for giving orders, The Oracle of the gods, The Holy Scepter, sign of kingship which contributes to Lordship and the holy Radiating Stone which disintegrates all” hidden there since the Flood. Marduk said if he left Babylon, the waterworks for all Sumer which he ran would fail and Sumer’d flood, crops’d dry-up crops and cholera spread. Nergal said,“Ceremonial bulls at the Babylon’s gate only shall I install, upset waterworks I shall not.” Reassured, Marduk left for the weapons and programs in South Africa. [Wars: 252-254]

When Marduk left Babylon for South Africa, Nergal broke into the Babylon control room, destroyed the watering program and seized the radiation source that ran Sumer’s water. Fields and canals dried-out, parts of Sumer flooded.

Enki ordered Nergal back to Africa, but Nergal left his men in Elam, near Babylon, to aid Inanna. She then publicly, “to defy the authority of Anu and Enlil, abrogated their rules and regulations and declared herself Supreme Queen.”[Ancient text,Queen of all the MEs; Wars: 254]


“In the First Region, Enlil and Ninurta absent were, to the lands beyond the oceans Inanna and Nergal went; In the Second Region, Ra was away, as in other lands he traveled. Her chance in her hands to seize all powers Inanna envisioned.”[Enki: 303]

Inanna, Naram-Sin (Sargon’s grandson) and the Akkadian armies captured Baalbek, the Landing Platform in Lebanon. They dashed along the Mediterranean coast for the Sinai Spaceport and inland for Mission Control, Jerusalem. Akkadians crossed the forbidden Forth Region, taboo to Earthlings (across the Jordan from Tell Ghassul, the private city of the Igigi Astronauts’ and their Earthling wives).

Inanna and the Akkadians conquered Jerico. Nannar, her father lost Jerico. Now Jerico obeyed her.

Inanna’s armies, under Naram-Sin, joined Nergal’s Kuthians, and conquered Egypt.


Inanna, Naram-Sin (Sargon’s grandson) and the Akkadian armies captured the Lebanon Landing Platform and won Jerico, the private city of the Igigi astronauts’ and their Earthling wives.


Inanna recaptured Uruk, destroyed Anu’s temple there and sent Naram-Sin to attack Enlil’s minions at Nippur. She declared herself supreme to even Anu, King of Nibiru and father of Enlil, her father’s father.

In Sumer, only Ninurta’s city, Lagash [Tello],”beyond the reach of Inanna’s ambitions” and “protected by the best-trained soldiers in the land” held out against Inanna and Naram-Sin[ZS, Giants: 274].


Enlil sent Ninurta with cavalry and an army of Gutians (from the Zagros Mountains of northeast Sumer) to kill all Earthlings in Akkad/Agade. Gutians wasted most of Sumer; they spared only Ninurta’s city, Lagash.

Enlil had agents plant a scorpion to kill Naram-Sin for his attack on Nippur. Enlil also ordered Inanna arrested but Nannar and Ningal, her parents, gave her sanctuary. Then she flew to Nergal’s Lower Africa. For seven years, she and Nergal plotted to overthrow Enlil and his Council.


The Gutians left Sumer, returned to the Zagros Mountains.

Ninurta restored Elilite power and enforced a century of peace for Sumer. Ninurta fixed Sumer’s water system and the controls Nergal had ruined in Babylon. Ninurta’s Kings in Lagash “prohibited abuse of official powers, ‘taking away’ a widow’s donkey” and withholding day-workers’ wages. The kings had to maintain communal buildings and irrigation and transportation canals. Ninurta declared First Fruits and other festivals for the whole populace. He and his kings encouraged Earthlings to read and write. [Wars: 262- 64; Giants: 274]

Ninurta’s Lagash Eninnu touted Enlilite rule. He consolidated the Enlilite rule in Sumer and made it last another 200 years. He welcomed Ningishzidda to Lagash and had him design bunkers for his new aircraft, Black Bird, whose firepower made it invincible in Sumer. Ningishzidda drew two bunkers, one for Ninurta’s Black Bird and one for Ninurta’s “Awesome Weapon.” Ningishzidda build an observatory next to the bunkers. The top of the domed observatory measured “star and planetary positions after nightfall. Ninurta named the temple “E.Ninnu–House/Temple of Fifty”, affirming himself as the “next Enlil with the Rank of Fifty, just below Anu’s.”


Ninurta’s Lagash Eninnu touted Enlilite rule. He consolidated the Enlilite rule in Sumer and made it last another 200 years. He welcomed Ningishzidda to Lagash and had him design bunkers for his new aircraft, Black Bird, whose firepower made it invincible in Sumer. Ningishzidda drew two bunkers, one for Ninurta’s Black Bird and one for Ninurta’s “Awesome Weapon.” Ningishzidda build an observatory next to the bunkers. The top of the domed observatory measured “star and planetary positions after nightfall. Ninurta named the temple “E.Ninnu–House/Temple of Fifty,” affirming himself as the “next Enlil with the Rank of Fifty, just below Anu’s.”

Egypt split into Marduk’s south, his rivals’ north.


New Year’s dedication, Ninurta bestowed “immortality” on Gudea, Lagash’s demigod/king who’d supervised construction.

“In the forecourt were two stone circles to determine constellations at the moment of sunrise on equinox day,” March 20/21 and September 22/23. The equinoxes marked Zodiac Time based on the varied time-lengths star groups rose on the horizon on equinoxes, which Ninurta touted. Zodiac Time stretched his rule of Sumer longer than Celestial Time, based on twelve equal intervals. The observatory’s sight-lines would showthe Sun crossing the line of Earth’s orbit (ecliptic) from the zone of The Bull for the next 200 years.

“The Bull,” Ninurta told Ningishzidda, “proclaims Commander Enlil and me, his Champion and Successor. While the sun rises in The Bull, Enlil–through me–rules Earth.” [End of Days: 40-49; Giants: 276]

In Egypt, Marduk’s spy said. “Ninurta finished the E.Ninnu.” Curse his Observatory. Earth,” Marduk shouted, “must honor Celestial Time, not the Eninnu’s Zodiac Time. Coming is my constellation, The Ram. When the sun rises in The Ram, I, not Enlilites, rule Sumer. Each sign gets equal time on the horizon. The sun rises on my Ram, not Enlil’s Bull and I rule. Zodiac Time gives Ninurta rule two centuries more than Celestial Time.

After Ninurta defeated Naram-Sin and Inanna, he trained his Gutian tribesmen in martial arts and gave them horses and practice in cavalry tactics that stretched their reach thousands of miles. Then he left Sumer to explore lands to the northeast. His absences from Sumer and Inanna’s failed attempt to recapture the kingship for her city of Uruk prompted Enlil to order Ninurta’s younger brother Nannar-Sin to rule Sumer from Ur. Further, Ninurta had come from Nibiru–whereas Marduk [who married Hybrid Earthling Sarpanpit] and their son Nabu, Lord of Borsippa, had Earthling affinities. [Giants: 269-70]

Nannar’s birth on Earth appealed to the Earthlings. Nannar also had a plan to control the Earthlings with trade and credit rather than arms. Nannar, unlike other Enlilites, had avoided combat in the Anunnaki’s wars. Enlil choose him as Ur’s god to signal Earthlings, even in lands Marduk controlled, to worship Nannar and enjoy peace and prosperity.

“Enlilites dropped the ‘Ninurta Strategy’ and switched to a ‘Nannar Tactic,’ transferring the seat of national Kingship to Ur–Sumer’s thriving commercial and manufacturing center–[cult center] of Nannar, an Earthborn son of Enlil, who unlike Ninurta, also had an Akkadian name: Sin.” Enlil sent Terah, the High Priest of Nippur, to Nannar in Ur to make sure people there followed zodiacal time and Enlilite rule. Terah brought his son, Abraham (who’ll lead Enlil’s cavalry) with him.

Nannar ruled Ur’s 3rd Dynasty. His Earthlings adored him. Nannar bred sheep that made Ur “the wool and garment center of the ancient Near East and “developed foreign trade by land and water.” His half-Earthling/half-Anunnaki staff and their thousands of subject Earthlings built a navigable (and protective) canal to Ur’s two harbors. The canal separated the temple, palace and offices on one bank from shops and homes on the other bank. On their bank, merchants, craftsmen and laborers occupied multistoried white houses along broad, straight streets. [Wars: 271-272]


Nannar and Enlil choose (and Anu, from Nibiru okayed) Ninsun’s son Ur-Nammu as King of Sumer/Akkad. “The choice signaled that the glorious days under the unchallenged authority of Enlil and his clan are back.” The King would serve under Nannar who’d dictate laws of obedience, justice and morality. [Wars: 262-264; End: 52, 60 -61].

Enlil told King Ur-Nammu to kill Amorites allied with Marduk and Nabu. Enlil gave the King a “divine weapon that heaps up the rebels in piles. Enlilite gods of Sumer all gave Ur-Nammu blessing, honor, weapons and protection. Off he marched his army to attack the Amorites west of Sumer.”


“In the midst of battle, Ur-Nammu’s chariot got stuck in the mud. He fell off it, the chariot rushed along, leaving the King behind. The boat returning his body to Sumer sank with him on board.” In Sumer, “People could not understand how such a devout king who followed gods’ directives with weapons they put in his hands could perish so ignominiously.” Support of Utu, Nannar, Inanna, Enlil and even Anu failed Ur- Nammu.

Nabu fanned doubts about Enlilite gods, “The Enlilite gods deserted you. They hid from you that Nibiru’s almost here. Soon shines the homeplanet of the gods upon Earth in The Ram–Marduk’s constellation. Welcome the Era of Marduk the Redeemer, who shall conquer Sumer & Akkad, rule Elamites, Hittites and the whole world.” From Sinai to the cities and islands of the Eastern Mediterranean Nabu exalted, “Nibiru comes, Marduk shall rule.” [End: 63 – 66]


Shulgi succeeded Ur-Nammu as Sumer’s King. Inanna invited Shulgi to Uruk and declared him “the man for the vulva of Inanna.” They wed, to Enlil’s disgust, in the temple where Anu had elevated her in tantric ritual. She again bonded with an alpha Earthling. Shulgi built the Great West Wall from the Euphrates to the Tigris to keep out Nabu’s forces. To ally with the Elamites, Shulgi gave them the city of Larsa and married his daughter to an Elamite. Shulgi’s Sumerians and the Elamites “subdued the western provinces, including Canaan but failed to protect Mission Control at Sinai or the Landing Place in Lebanon from Marduk and Nabu. Enlil ordered Shulgi killed. [Wars: 276 -279]


Enlil installed Shulgi’s son, Amar-Sin, King of Sumer and sent him to stop a revolt in the north, then fight an alliance of five kings along the Mediterranean in the west. Enlil also sent his general, Abraham, trained in Hatti in Hittite military tactics, with cavalry to Canaan. After Abraham left Harran for Sinai, Marduk allied with Adad, ousted Nannar, moved in and cut Sumer’s trade with the Hittites. [Wars: 286]


Enlil bade Ninurta leave his Elamite cavalry, fly to the Andes and supervise an alternate spaceport there. But without Ninurta present in Sumer to control them, his Elamites looted all Sumer except Ninurta’s Lagash.

Marduk took Harran from Nannar, allied with the Hittites and cut Hittite trade to Sumer. Marduk’s Theban allies struck pro-Enlilite northern Egyptians. Meanwhile, Nabu, based in Bosippa (south of Babylon), brought cities west of the Euphrates as well as Canaan against Enlil. Marduk threatened the Spaceport.” [Wars: 298; Enki: 302- 306; End of Days: 78]

In a Council Enlil convened, Enlil rebuked Ninurta, though he’d been in South America, for his Elamites’ crimes. Nergal blamed Marduk and Nabu for the military threat to Sinai that made Ninurta bring the Elamites to Sumer in the first place. Enki told Nergal toshut up and support Marduk and Nabu or get out. “The council broke up in disarray.” [End of Days: 87-88]

Ninurta and Nergal sent Abraham and Lot to spy on Sodom and Gomorra, cities Marduk controlled. Enlil feared Marduk, from these cities “would marshal his large number of human followers and control of all establishments on Earth, including the Sinai Spaceport.” Nabu brought cities west of the Euphrates and Canaan against the Enlilites while Marduk’s Egyptians in the south attacked Northern Egypt.

Enlil ordered Abraham and his nephew Lot to the Negev desert on the border of Sinai. He equipped Abraham with the best chariots, finest horses, 380 well-trained soldiers and weapons that “could smite an army of ten thousand men in hours. He even sent Abraham and Lot to Egypt for more men and camels from the Northern Egyptians allied against Marduk. [End of Days: 73] 2060

Nabu organized Marduk allies to take Canaan but Abraham blocked him in the War of Kings.


Abraham blocked Ninurta’s Elamites from the Spaceport, then rescued Lot, whom the Ninurta’s Elamites, as they retreated west of the Jordan River, had captured from the Nabu-friendly city of Sodom.


Enlil made Amar-Sin’s brother, Shu-Sin, Boss. Shu-Sin built a shrine for Inanna’s son Shara at Nippur.

Mentuhotep II, Marduk’s Theban Pharaoh, took Egypt all the way to the western approaches to Sinai.

Amar-Sin sailed to Sinai to block Marduk’s Egyptians, defected to Enki and became his priest in Eridu, Enki’s cult center in Sumer. Amar-Sin died suspiciously of a poisonous bite. Enlil made Shu-Sin Overseer of Sumer and built a shrine for Inanna’s son Shara at Nippur.

Marduk returned to Babylon as Enlil and Ninlil left Sumer. [Wars: 309, 317, 320; End of Days: 68-72]

Galzu, in a vision, told Enlil to make Abraham (son of Ur’s High Priest Terah) General of Cavalry to keep Nabu and Ham’s descendants in Canaan from the Sinai Spacestation. Enlil kept the vision secret, but told Abraham,“Rule all lands from the border of Egypt to the border of Sumer.” [Wars: 289- 297]

Enlil sent Abraham and Terah to Harran [Turkey] at the foothills of the Taurus Mountains near the Syrian Border, where the Euphrates flowed to Ur. Harran dominated trade with Hatti, land of the Hittites, on whose trade Sumer depended. Harran straddled the trade and military land routes to the Spaceport as well.”


Ibbi-Sin succeeded Shu-Sin. Marduk returned to Babylon as Enlil left Sumer.


Marduk menaced the Spaceport. He announced “‘In my temple house let all the gods assemble, my covenant accept.’ By his appeal for their submission, the Anunnaki gods were disturbed and alarmed.” “To a great assembly, council to take, Enlil them all summoned. Opposed to Marduk and Nabu they all were.” All the senior Anunnaki except Enki agreed: “Leave Earth to Marduk. Keep the Spaceport from Nabu; nuke it.” [Enki: 308]

Enki, “angry and distraught, the council chamber left, in his heart was Enki smiling: only he knew where [In Africa] the weapons were hidden, so did Enki think. For it was he, before Enlil to Earth had come, who with Abgal in a place unknown the weapons did hide. That Abgal, to the exiled Enlil, the place disclosed, that to Enki was unknown. Thus it was that without Enki needing, Enlil to the two heros [Ninurta and Nergal] the hiding place disclosed.” [Enki: 306-308]

The Anunnaki Council on Earth beamed Anu on Nibiru: would he okay nuking the Spaceport as well as Nabu and his armies at the south end of the Dead Sea? Marduk, Enlil reminded Anu, claimed rule of Nibiru as well as Earth, as per the dynastic agreement between Anu and Alalu. Marduk threatened Anu in every way. So Anu said, “Bomb.”

Enlil evacuated the Igigi Astronauts from the Sinai and sent Ninurta and Nergal (the “angels” of the Bible) to confirm from his spies in Canaan–Abraham and Lot–that they should bomb Sodom, Gomorra and other cities allied with Marduk. Enlil gave his spies time to flee, then ordered the attack. Enlil sent Abraham to the Negev Desert, then to Canaan.

To brand Abraham’s men as loyal Enlilites, Enlil made them circumcise each other. Abraham’s principal wife, Sarah, bore Isaac in Canaan. Abraham, as Enlil ordered, left his secondary wife, Hagar, and Heir-Apparent Is-mael in the desert so Isaac, Abraham’s son with Sarah, would rule Enlil’s troops in Canaan. Only Abraham’s army, of Enlil’s Earthling forces survived the nuclear holocaust and its fallout. Abraham’s band lived because Enlil sent it to the Negev and Canaan to guard Sumer from Marduk’s forces in Egypt and Lebanon.

Enlil wanted his surviving Earthlings branded. So he ordered Abraham, then 99, and his male followers to cut off their foreskins so their penises would look like those of the Nibirans. Abraham and his men would have phalluses like Nibirans, who could see, by their amputation, they obeyed Enlilites. He told Abraham that after circumcision,”Unto thy seed have I given this land from the brook of Egypt [Nile] until the River Euphrates.” [Encounters: 257]

Enlil said Abraham, with his wife and half-sister, Sarah, would beget a son to replace Is-mael, Abraham’s son with his secondary wife (Sarah’s erstwhile Egyptian slave) Hagar. Abraham had raised Is-mael as his heir, due–all thought–to rule Canaan. [Encounters: 288.]

When Sarah bore Isaac, she told Abraham, “Rid us of that slave woman. Her son never shall the inheritance of my son Isaac share.”

Enlil agreed. He told Abraham,“Heed Sarah. Your descendants shall spring from Isaac. Ishmael, son of the maidservant too shall a nation begat, for Ishmael too springs from you.“Enlil told Abraham “Evict Hagar you must.” Enlil thus tested Abraham’s loyalty and drove a wedge between Abraham and Hagar.

Abraham gave Hagar bread and a water skin and left her and Ishmael in the Beersheeba wilderness.

“When the water in the skin was gone, she put Is-mael under one of the bushes.

She thought, ‘I cannot watch the boy die.’ No sooner had Hagar been left to die in the desert, than Enlil showed her a well,” saved her and Is-mael, won “her undivided loyalty.”

Ishmael became the genitor of the Arabs who to this day compete with the descendants of Isaac for Canaan.

“When Isaac grew, the apple of old Abraham’s eye, to adulthood, Enlil tested whether Abraham still obeyed. Enlil told Abraham to take Isaac to a distant mountain, far from eyes of others, and murder him in cold blood. Better there were no witnesses around to add to the growing discontent among humans to the gods.”

Abraham and Isaac “came to the place god had told him and Abraham built an altar there and arranged the wood and bound his son Isaac and laid him on the altar atop the wood. Abraham stretched out his hand and took the knife to slay his son.”

But an Emissary of Enlil appeared and said, “’Do not stretch out your hand against the lad, for now I know that you fear god since you have not withheld your son from Me. Because you have not withheld your son, indeed I will greatly bless you and I will greatly multiply your seed and your seed shall possess the gate of their enemies because you have obeyed My voice.’ Abraham passed the test; he was now ready to perform any task for the conniving god. Enlil made sure everyone knew about his favorite boy, Abraham. Many tribal heads, kings and priests came to seek his favor and suck up to Abraham to avoid acts of vengeance from the god.” [Encounters: 259, 288; Slave Species: 202, 212, 234- 236; Genesis, 21:10-14]

Abraham, worried Isaac would marry a local Canaanite and dilute their Enlilite bloodline from Sumer, sent him back to Harran on the Euphrates to marry a daughter of their relatives there. Isaac brought Rebecca back from Harran to Canaan.


Enlil’s son Ninurta attacked the Sinai. “The first terror weapon [a missile called One Without Rival] from the skys Ninurta let loose; the top of Mount Mashu [where the controlling equipment was housed] with a flash it sliced off, the mount’s innards in an instant it melted. Above the Place of the Celestial Chariots [rockets] the second weapon [called Blazing Flame] he unleashed, with a brilliance of seven suns the plain’s rocks into a gushing wound were made, the Earth shook and crumbled, the heavens after the brilliance were darkened; with burnt and crushed stones was the plain of the chariots covered, of all the forests that the plain had surrounded, only tree stems were left standing.”

Nergal bombed his brother Marduk’s forces in Canaan [Enki sired both Marduk and Nergal]. Nergal nuked Sodom, Gomorra and three other cities Abraham had identified as allied with Marduk. Nergal’s missiles made the Dead Sea dead. To this day, “the water of springs surrounding the Dead Sea has been contaminated with radioactivity, `enough to induce sterility in any animals and humans that absorbed it.’” [Enki: 315 – 316]

Archeologists confirm the flooding, abandonment of the area and sudden deadening of life in 2024 B.C. “Over the five cities Erra [Nergal] upon each from the skies a terror weapon sent, the five cities he finished off, all that lived there to vapor [“salt”] was turned. Mountains toppled, where the sea waters were barred the bolt broke open, down into the valley the sea’s waters poured, by the waters was the valley flooded.” [Enki: 310- 11, 315 – 316].

DeMenocal cited tephera as evidence for the abrupt changes in the area’s vegetation. He says rocks called tephera, “burnt-through pieces of blackened gravel-like rock” usually near volcanos, still cover Sinai–which lacks volcanos. [ Science, April 27, 2001; Geology, April 2000; http://www.sitchin.com/evilwind.htm]

Ninurta made Sinai’s tephera when he nuked the spaceport. The bombing left a huge black scar on the Sinai plain (where the shuttlecraft runway and launch platform had been) so large it can only be seen from satellite. North northeast of the scar (in an area where all other rocks display colors) DeMenocal found find millions of black-blasted rocks.

“The Place of Launching, the Spaceport, obliterated: the Mount within which the controlling equipment was placed was smashed; the launch platforms were made to fade off the face of the Earth. The plain whose hard soil the shuttlecraft had used as runways were obliterated, with not even a tree left standing.”[Wars: 331-334]

The Enlilites accidentally radiated Sumer. “By the darkening of the skies were the brilliances followed, then a storm began to blow, gloom from the skies an Evil Wind carried. From the Upper Sea, a stormwind began blowing, the dark-brown cloud eastward toward Shumer the death was carried. Where it reached, death to all that lives mercilessly it delivered.

“The alarm Enlil and Enki to the gods of Shumer transmitted, Escape! From their cities the gods did flee.

“The people of the land by the evil storms hand were clutched. Those who behind locked doors hid inside their houses like flies were felled. Those who in the streets fled, in the streets were their corpses piled up. Everything that lived perished.”

But Babylon, “where Marduk his supremacy declared, by the Evil Wind was spared.” [Enki: 312 – 313].

Enlil concluded that Marduk was now to be supreme on Earth, as his vision of Galzu predicted.


For the next 150 years, most Nibirans on Earth went first to Adad’s spaceport at Nazca, then in rockets back to Nibiru. Some, however, “dispersed from Sumer, accompanied their followers to far lands in the far corners of the Earth; others remained nearby, rallying their supporters to a renewed challenge to Marduk.” Marduk’s “extended family in Northern Sumer, the Aryans, invaded the lands to the east and Europe to the west, conquering humans everywhere and imposing their Aryan supremacy which, to this day, persists.” [End of Days: 122; Enki: 312- 313; Slave Species: 116]


Enki and Marduk purified Sumer’s water and decontaminated the radioactive soil so people could again live there. Then Enlilite troops from Elam occupied Sumer’s south and Gutian soldiers occupied the North.

Ninurta had Ishbi-Erra (who’d been Governor of Mari) rule Sumer from Isin. Ishbi-Erra dismissed the foreign troops from Ur and from there fought to control Iraq. [Wars: 343 -344]


For forty days, with a crystal-tipped electrum stylus, Endubscar, Master Scribe of Eridu, Sumer, wrote on a lapis lazuli tablet what Enki dictated.


Marduk proclaimed Babylon Capitol of Sumer and, 2000 B.C., himself God of the gods. He renamed Nibiru “Marduk.” He held NewYear’s rituals where priests enacted him, as he–a planet–invaded the inner solar system, created Earth, then made Earthlings. Marduk named Neptune “Nidimmud,’ (Enki), changed Mercury’s name from Adad to Nabu and Venus from “Inanna” to “Sarpanit.”

Marduk trained priests to study omens and a horoscope showing how planets–and their namesakes–affect Earthlings. He degraded astronomical observations, Earthling support and women’s rights. He barred women from high office and art. He substituted Nabu for the Nibiran woman Nisaba as Diety of Writing. [Time: 350-368]

Many Sumerians who survived the fallout fled Marduk. “Refugees were given asylum all around the Mesopotamia. They converted their host countries into flourishing states. Some ventured into more distant lands, accompanying the displaced gods.” Indo-Aryans from southwest of the Caspian Sea mingled with the Sumerian refugees and migrated to the Indus Valley and brought with them the tales of Sumer, which, combined with the culture Inanna had given her domains in India, evolved into Hindism. [Time: 370-371]

Under Marduk’s New Age, “gods guided the policies of their countries through signs and omens. For many millennia, Anu, Enlil and the other Anunnaki leaders [had] made decisions affecting the Anunnaki; Enlil by himself was Lord of Command as far as mankind was concerned. Now signs and omens in the heavens guided decisions. Celestial omens–planetary conjunctions, eclipses, lunar halo, stellar backgrounds were sufficient by themselves. No godly intervention or participation was required; the heavens alone foretold the fates.

“Astrology developed with fortune-teller priests on hand to interpret observations of celestial phenomena. Astronomical tablets of the Babylonians were computer printouts (Ephemerides), copies from pre-existing sourses of zodiacal constellations. All the Bablylonians knew was howto use them, translating into Babylonian the Sumerian procedure texts. Hellenistic, Persian and Indian astrology derived from such records.

“Deterioration of astronomy was symptomatic of overall decline and regression in the sciences, arts, laws, the social framework” under Marduk. “Medicine deteriorated to sorcery. Harshness and coarseness replaced the former compassion and elegance.”

Under Marduk, there was in the eastern Mediterrean, “a decline in the role of women and their status as compared to Sumerian times.” Marduk hated women. Ninmah had pushed for primacy of his rival, Ninurta, Inanna got him buried alive in the Pyramid. Goddesses in charge of the arts and sciences assisted the construction of the Eninnu in Lagash as a symbol of defiance of Marduk’s claims that his time had come.

Under Marduk, there was “an overall decline in the role of women and their status as compared to Sumerian times.” Marduk generated the decline in women’s status because Ninharsag, Mother of Gods and Men, was mother of Marduk’s main adversary on Earth, Ninurta. Another cause of his miscegenation: Inanna caused Marduk to be buried alive inside the Great Pyramid. Goddesses in charge of the arts and sciences assisted the construction of the Eninnu in Lagash as a symbol of defiance of Marduk’s claims that his time had come.[Time: 356- 368]


Rebecca she bore Isaac’s twin boys, Esau and Jacob.

Famine from drought struck Canaan when the twins matured. Isaac would’ve sent them to Egypt (where the Nile’s waters protected the people from famine) for brides but Enlil warned them not to cross the still lethally-radioactive Sinai to Egypt. He ordered Isaac’s family to an area of Canaan where wells tapped water. There Esau married a local. Isaac sent Jacob to Harran to marry daughters of Leban (Isaac’s maternal uncle).

On his journey north to Harran, “in a nighttime vision, Jacob sawa UFO, except for him it was not an UNidentified Flying Object; he realized its occupants were ‘angels of Elohim’ [Nibirans] and their Commander” [Enlil]. These “angels” were “flesh and blood human emissaries.”

In Harran, Jacob asked his uncle Leban for Leban’s daughter Rachael. Leban demanded Jacob first marry Rachael’s older sister Leah and, in Harran, earn the dowries for both women.

Jacob worked twenty years for his uncle. Then Jacob “dreamed” Enlil’s messenger bade him return to Canaan. The messenger, also in a dream, warned Leban to let Jacob and his wives go.

On his way back south from Harran to Canaan Jacob paused at the Yabbok Crossing of the Jordan River. “Uncertain what his brother Esau’s attitude” toward him, as a rival to rule Abraham’s tribe, Jacob sent his party ahead.

Alone at the Crossing, Jacob encountered and wrestled and, though he dislocated his thigh in the battle, pinned and held a Nibiran “angel” all night. Jacob let the “angel” go in exchange for a blessing. The angel renamed Jacob “ISRA-EL[he who fought a god]. Israel, who limped into Esau’s camp, became the patriarch of Enlil’s loyalists, “the Children of Israel.” [Encounters: 250- 256]


Marduk built a temple-landing platform (The Esagil) in Babylon.


Ishme-Dagan, third successor to Isin, rebuilt Enlil’s temple at Nippur and declared Sumer and Akkad officially habitable again. Anu and Enlil accepted Marduk’s rule in Babylon.


Enlilite loyalists to Inanna, Ninurta, Adad (Teshub) and Enlil (as Ashur) from Mari, relatives of Abraham and his descendants, formed a vise around Babylon, starting with Elam (Iran) and Gutium on the southeast and east; Assyria and Hatti in the north and Mari on the mid-Euphrates. [End: 126 -127]


Enlil’s Assyria, north of Babylon, attacked Marduk and Bablylon. Ilushuma won the territory down the Tigris all the way to the border of Elam. He liberated Ur and Nippur from Marduk for awhile. The struggle between Babylon and Assyria continued for a millennium.

Adad’s Hittites spread from Turkey to the landing platform at Baalbek Lebanon and the Post-Flood Mission Control Center in Jerusalem. [End: 141 -144]


In Canaan, Rachael and Jacob begat Joseph. Joseph’s half-brothers hated him.


Jacob’s older sons hated how how he obsessed with dream interpretation. They sold him as a slave to a caravan, which took him to Egypt.

In Egypt an official of the pharaoh worked Joseph as a household slave. The official’s wife tried to seduce Joseph. When he refused her sex, she said he’d propositioned her. The official jailed him. In jail, Joseph won renown as he kept reading dreams.


Amenemhet III ascended Egypt’s throne of Egypt and sent for Joseph to interpret a dream that seven skinny cows ate seven fat cows and seven scorched ears of grain ate seven healthy ones. “Your dreams show Egypt’ll have seven years of good harvest, then seven of famine,” said Joseph. In 1840 B.C., Amenemhet made Joseph Overseer of Egypt, responsible to store water and grain from the seven good years for the seven lean ones.

Joseph channeled Nile water at high flood level through a natural depression to an artificial lake near Hawara. He built canals and underground pipes for miles in the Fayam area, and made Fayem the breadbasket of Egypt. When drought and famine struck the Near East, refugees poured into Egypt where vegetables, fruit and fish still–thanks to Joseph–abounded.


Jacob/Israel (now 130 years old) and his sons (even those who sold Joseph as a slave) joined the refugees to Egypt from Canaan.

Joseph forgave his half-brothers and invited their descendants and dependents–the Children of Israel–to Egypt. There, for 300 years, they prospered and multiplied till there were 600,000 of them. Then a new regime, hostile to the Enlilites of Mitanni (Harran) with whom the Children of Israel were allied, took power. [Encounters: 289- 291;152-153; Expeditions:116- 128]

Anunnaki and Sumerians brought cuneiform writing, bronze weapons, chariots, walled cities to China’s Shang Dynasty. “Sumerian emigrants gave Central and Far Asia Sino-Tibetan languages, cultures, the Sumerian “calender of twelve months, time-counting that divides the day into twelve double-hours, the zodiac and Sumerian astronomy. Utu’s descendants ruled Japan as emperors. [Time: 371- 373]


Hamurabi, Marduk’s Babylonian King, destroyed Mari, home of Enlilite survivors of the Nuclear disaster of 2024.


New Kingdom pharaohs allied with Marduk/Ra conquered Egypt. Thothmose I of the new regime invaded Enlilite Sumer to the Euphrates River, where Abraham’s kin and their descendants lived. Thothmose expected Enlilite retaliation.


Meteor strikes “created substantial volcanic activity and volatile weather patterns” caused “upheaval, famine, plague and mass movement of people from the British Isles to the Mediterranean, across the Middle East and China [Divine Blueprint: 241-243].


The cluster trail of comets and rocks at the 180 degree position on Nibiru’s orbit crossed the orbit of Mars and Jupiter. This orbiting debris bombarded Earth.


Hittites won Babylon, captured Marduk, then left him under guard along at Hana, near the Euphrates.


Mitanni Horites from Syria and Lebanon, allied with the Israelites in Egypt, fought a series of wars against Egypt’s New Kingdom.


Kassites related to Hyksos in Egypt (both venerated Marduk as Ra) took Babylon, freed Marduk [End: 144 -147]

Joseph’s Spawn–Israelites & Moses–Menaced Egypt from Within. Marduk’s man, Thothmose III, marched past the Sinai along the Mediterranean, through Canaan, fought Mitanni and took both Mission Control in Jerusalem and the Landing Place at Lebanon. He impoverished and overworked Israelites in Egypt to keep them too weak to help the armies of their Enlilite kin against Egypt.

Thothmose’s royal successors ordered a child born of Tiye, one of Joseph’s daughters killed, since Enlilites would regard the child as one of theirs. Tiye put the babe in a waterproof box of bulrushes which she floated downstream to Hatshepsut, who became Pharaoh. Hatshepsut adopted the boy and called him Moses.” She gave him “the epithet common in her dynasty with the component “mss” (Mose).” Moses grew up an Egyptian prince. He killed an Egyptian overseer he saw beat an Israelite. Thothmose IV ordered Moses killed, but Moses fled to Sinai and there married the daughter of a Midianite priest.


Israelites in Egypt, descended from Jacob had the son who became Moses. His parents feared the Pharaoh would kill the baby. Pharaoh feared Egypt’s growing Israelite population, already in the hundreds of thousands, would join the Enlilites from Mitanni and overwhelm Egypt. To reduce the Israelite population, Pharaoh ordered death to Israelite children like Moses. But Moses’ mother put him in a waterproof box of bulrushes which she floated downstream to Hatshepsut.

Hatshepsut adopted the boy and called him Moses.” She gave him “the epithet common in her dynasty with the component mss (Mose).”


Thothmose 1 died. His successor, Thothmose II married Thothmose’s daughter, Hatshepsut.


Thothmose II died. Hatshepsut became Regent for the Thothmose II’s son with a concubine, the underage Thothmose III, then Pharaoh.

Thothmose III marched past the Sinai along the Mediterranean, through Canaan, fought Mitanni and took both Mission Control in Jerusalem and the Landing Place at Lebanon. He also intensified attacks on the Israelites in Egypt to neutralize them and stop them joining their Enlilite kin.

Though Hatshepsut was murdered, Moses grew up an Egyptian prince. He killed an Egyptian overseer who was brutalizing an Israelite. Thothmose IV ordered Moses killed, but Moses fled to Sinai and there married the daughter of a Midianite priest.


Elam and Anshan, east and northeast of Babylon, formed Persia (Iran) under Enlilite Champion Ninurta. Horites captured Syria and Lebanon and challenged the Kassite Dynasty in Babylon as well as Egypt. Then Marduk’s Egyptian armies campaigned thrust into Canaan and advanced northward against the Mitanni in Syria. [End: 154]


Pharaoh Amenhotep II dropped Moses’ death sentence. Enlil told Moses, “Go to Egypt, show Pharaoh magic. Tell him to let my people go.” Amenhotep knew that if he let the Israelites go, they’d join their Mitanni kinsmen against Marduk-ruled Egypt. So, instead, he ordered they each make three times more bricks per day. To encourage Pharaoh to release his chosen subjects from Egypt, Enlil hit Egypt with plagues, infestations, cattle diseases, darkness and weather disturbances he knew Nibiru’s nearing would soon create. The Earth chaos and devastation’s recorded in Kobbrin Bible. In the Old Testament Nibiru’s perigee spins into Yahweh’s execution of all non-Israelite firstborn children and cows in Egypt to punish Marduk’s Pharaoh.


Pharaoh told the Israelites, “Go,” then sent chariots after them. Enlil, whose astronomical computers showed him exactly how the Red Sea drained and refilled as Nibiru now neared Earth, guided the Israelite exodus.

For forty years,, Enlil led Moses and the Israelites through the desert to the edge of Sinai and Nights. Nights he led with a “fiery beacon;” days, with a dark cloud. He fed the Israelites and protected them from Amalekites. Enlil demanded they kill 3000 of their number who worshiped other Nibirans and kill 23,000 for sex before they married. [Exodus 32:26-28; Corinthians 10:8; Divine: 95].


A comet hit Earth, disintegrated, made day last 20 hours as Joshua and the Israelites attacked the Canaanites near Beth-Horon and delayed sunrise 20 hours at Teotihuacan in the Andes.


Enlil landed his aircraft on Mt. Sinai and ordered Moses up the mountain. There Moses heard Enlil’s orders. He came down and relayed the orders to the Israelites. Then Enlil with an amplifier, told the Israelite obey or die.

Enlil again flew to the mountaintop, ordered Moses up. He gave Moses plans for a Yahweh Temple in Jerusalem and told him how to build an Ark–a housing for a communication unit. With the unit, Moses’ brother Aaron and his priest-lineage could message Enlil, pose questions, and get “Yes” or “No” answers.

To stow in the Ark, Enlil gave Moses stone tablets with commandments. Enlil had probably manufactured the tablets with something like our emerging reduplicative computing technology. Enlil told Moses to also store the white powder of monoatomic gold (with which he’d been medicating the Israelites) in the Ark to lighten it, since the Ark and its stones weighed many tons. The Ark may even have housed a small nuclear reactor, because when Moses returned to the Israelites; he glowed with radiation.

Moses died before reaching the Promised Land, but his general, Joshua, led the Israelites there. When they crossed the Jordan River, Enlil “parted the waters” with HAARP-type technology so the Israelites could cross. [Journeys: 193]

Enlil’s tablets told the Israelites to reject all other Nibiran gods, spend every seventh day worshiping him, subjugate women and kids, refrain from murder, adultery, theft and false witness. They must not crave others’ homes, wives, slaves and property. [African Temples: 86] canaan Joshua's Time


Akhenaten, who succeeded to the Egyptian throne in 1379 BCE as Amenophis IV preached that Nibiru’s next nearing would “usher in a time of peace and benevolence to all.” He moved Egypt’s capitol from Thebes to Tell-el-Amarna. In a temple he build at Amara, he displayed the ben-ben–perhaps a space capsule with a communication device intact, a remote-viewing booth, a holographic display, an actual transporter, or just an object of veneration–from an Anunnaki rocket. Akhenaten had Egyptians follow his “Star Religion and worship Nibiru. Ra-Marduk’s priests in Thebes drove him from office and resumed Egypt’s loyalty to Ra. [End: 168 – 173]


King Kadashman-Enlil of Babylon switched the nation from venerating Marduk to venerating the Enlil and Adad as part of the agitation in Sumer and Egypt, expecting Nibiru’s return soon. [End: 178]


Enlilite King Tiglat-Pileser I of Assyria beat Lebanon and caught Marduk. Migrants and invaders flooded western Asia, Asia Minor, the Mediterranean coast and Arabia. Peoples of the Sea–the Philistines–repulsed in Egypt, invaded Canaan. Enlil choose Saul to rule the Israelites. Enlil spoke through the Ark of the Covenant (which held the talk-to-Enlil comm device) to the Israelite priest Samuel to order Israelite King Saul, whose capital was Hebron, south of Jerusalem, to make David Israel’s King.

Agamemnon, Menelaus and Odysseus led Greeks against Hittite allies of Adad and Inanna at Troy. Diamedes, a part-Nibiran Greek Earthling, injured Inanna but she recovered. Her son, Aeneas, fought on the Trojan side, fled to Carthage, then, Virgil asserted, to Italy.


David killed the Igigi intermixed Anunnaki-Earthlings in Hebron and made himself King of the Israelites there. He established his identity as Enlil-Yahweh’s man.


David took Jerusalem and made it his Capitol, “seeking a more secure location as the wars with the neighboring Philistines in the southern part of Canaan’s coastal plain intensified. He gave Yahweh-Enlil’s handwritten plans for a temple there to his son, Solomon. [End: 192 -193; journeys: 191]


Ninghzidda and his followers ran high-civilization Yucatan temple centers.

Adad and Nergal again sent an Assyrian king–Shalmaneser III–with technologically-advanced artillery against Marduk’s Babylonians. Shalmaneser won.


Solomon succeeded his father, David.


The new Assyrian Empire emerged.


Solomon started to build Enlil’s temple in Jerusalem.


Solomon finished Enlil’s temple in Jerusalem, installed the Ark on the rock where Abraham started to kill his son Isaac to prove himself loyal to Enlil.


Solomon, died; Abraham’s descendants split their turf into the kingdoms of Judea in the south, Israel on the north. Until 910 B.C., Jeroboam, Rehoboam, Abijah, Nadab, Baasah, Elah, Zimri, then Omri ruled Israel.


Ithbaal, King of Tyre gave his daughter Jezebel to Ahab, the successor to Omri as King of Israel to create Phoenician-Israeli alliance. Jehu (Enlil’s agent) purged Ahab’s dynasty and killed the alliance with Phoenicia. Jehu made Israel subject to Syria. Syria dispersed Israel’s intelligencia throughout the Assyrian empire.


Assyrians under Ashurnasirpal II conquered coastal Phoenician cities–Tyre, Sidon, Byblos—and the Landing Place in Lebanon.


Assyrians under Tiglath-Pileser III reconciled with Marduk.


Assyrian king Shalmaneser V captured Samaria in Israel.


Sargon II, Shalmanser’s successor, seized Nippur from the Enlilites, allied with Marduk, and exiled Israelites from northern Israel. 689

Sargon’s son Sennacherib shelled then sacked Babylon on the pretext that Babylonians disappointed Marduk. Sennacherib sentenced the Babylonians to Assyrian occupation for seventy years. He won Phoenicia, Gaza and Judea. Then–without Adad’s okay–attacked Jerusalem.

Enlil (or Adad acting in Enlil’s “Yahweh” name) who controlled Mission Control Jerusalem stopped the Assyrians. He killed 185,000 Assyrians with a techno-weapon. Sennacherib fled to Nineva in Sumer and named his younger son Esarhaddon, his successor. Sennacherib’s older sons killed Sennacherib, but the Nibirans hid Esarhaddon.


Medes (forerunners of the Persians) burned Ashur, Assyria’s religious capitol.


Babylon’s King Nabupolassar took Nineva, Assyria’s political capitol and home of the Assyrian royalty. The Assyrian royals retreated to Nannar’s city, Harran. Nannar, known here as “Sin,” refused to back them and angrily flew off to Marsbase. [End: 260 -264].

Enlil sent Inanna to Assyria where she disarmed the Ninevan army, burned their weapons and made Esarhaddon King. She and Esarhaddon attacked Marduk’s Egyptian forces; she blinded them with a techno-weapon.


Enlil let Babylon’s king Nebuchadnezzar II take Lebanon.

Anunnaki cycled home. First they rocketed to Mars. From Mars long-distance spaceships raced to intercept and land on Nibiruas it moved through away from its perigee. “Benefitting from Mars’ lower gravity compared to Earth’s, the Anunnaki found it easier to transport themselves and their cargos in shuttlecraft from Earth to Mars, and there transfer to reach Nibiru. Mars had water, walled structures, roads, a hublike compound” and the statue of Alalu’s face. [End: 260- 261]

Egypt’s Pharaoh Necho, in the name of Marduk and Nabu, attacked Babylon and conquered the Landing Platform in Lebanon as well as rocket-control sites in Judea. [End: 222]


Babylonians crushed the Egyptian army, retook Lebanon.


Ningishzidda left Central America. Native Mayas, for the next 100 years, revolted, drove Olmecs and their Sumerian bosses farther south and slew them.

Nebchadnezzar believed Yahweh left Earth and Marduk’s era of control had arrived, so he and burned Solomon’s temple.

Cyrus and the Persians began challenging Babylon.


Babylon King Nebuchadnezzer captured Jerusalem.


Nebuchadnezzer and destroyed the first Temple there. He installed a puppet king, ordered worship of Marduk, and took leading citizens of the city as hostages back to Harran. There Israeli scholars wrote the Hebrew Bible and created monotheism, for Yahweh/Enlil now lacked a land and could be a divinity free of a specific territory.”[Jezebel: 202- 203; Cosmic Code: 274 -275]


Most remaining Anunnaki left Earth from Nazca when Nibiru neared Earth. Nannar, disgusted at Marduk’s ascendancy, had left Earth for Marsbase.

Cyrus and the Persians challenged Babylon.

Nibiru neared Earth early. Since Nibiru’s prior nearing, Uranus and the outer planets had moved away from the sun. Now Uranus got in Nibiru’s way, and one of Nibiru’s moons whacked Uranus and tipped it on its side and changed the rotation of Uranus’s moon Miranda from counterclockwise to clockwise. The interaction between Uranus and Nibiru sped Nibiru into 3460 year orbit.


Nibiru, as part of its perigee with the Sun, eclipsed it in the “Darkness at Noon.” Rather than deliver Anu for a repeat of his visit of 3850 which the Earthlings expected, Nibiru’s perigee let most of the remaining Nibirans exit Earth. [End: 234, 267]

Nannar, disgusted at Marduk’s triumph, left Earth for Marsbase. 555 Adapaguppi, High Priestess of Nannar-Sin at his temple in Harran found a comm-device embedded in some of Nannar’s vestiments. With this device, she contacted Nannar on Mars Adapguppi promised Nannar that if he’d back her son Nabuaid, Commander of Babylon’s armies, as King of Babylon, Sumer and Akkad, she could get Marduk to endorse Nannar too. She would, she told Nannar, affect a truce between Marduk and the Enkiites on the one hand and Nannar, who now represented the Enlilites, on the other.

Nannar returned to Harran and backed Nabuaid to rule all Iraq. Nannar helped Nabuaid with “the weapon of Anu” which could from the air above “crush enemies on the Earth below with a beam of light.” [12th Planet: 113 – 116]

“Who of the great Anunnaki gods remained on Earth? Marduk and Nabu of the Enkiites; of the Enlilites: Nannar/Sin, his spouse Ningal/Nikkal, and his aid, Nusku and daughter, Inanna/Ishtar. Now, on side of a great relgious divide there was just one sold Great God of Heaven and Earth–Marduk for the Enkiites, Nannar/Sin for the Enlilites.”


Cyrus, whom Marduk welcomed, conquered Babylon and returned Nebuchadnezzar’s hostages to Jerusalem. Cyrus’ successor, Cambyses, brought Sumer, Mari, Mittani, Hatti, Elam, Assyria, Egypt and Babylon, into the Persian Empire.


Darius murdered Cambyses and ruled the extended Persian Empire.


Darius unsuccessfully invaded Greece.


Darius’s successor, Xerxes, attacked Greece, lost again.

Xerxes decided to destroy the tomb of Marduk, who’d recently died in Babylon. Marduk’s son and prophet, Nabu disappeared.


Mochica, coastal Peru, precursor to Chimu civilization, featured fifteen-foot wide roads, pottery, textiles, mud-brick pyramids and decoration showed Adad and other Sumerian gods referred to as Giants–and art styles with gold from Andean highlands.


Philip II of Macedonia united Greece. His son apparent, Alexander, thought Marduk had actually fathered him.

334 -323

Alexander conquered the Persian Empire, the Indus and Egypt; Egyptian priests at Siwa confirmed Alexander as Marduk’s son.


Alexander reached Babylon and rushed to the ziggurat temple to grasp the hands of Marduk as conquerors before him had done. But Alexander saw Marduk’s dead body preserved in oils in his ziggurat.


Indian descendants of Ka-in killed remaining Olmecs and Sumerians in Central America.


Seleucid King Antiochus III defeated Egypt and ruled Israel too.
Antiochus III introduced Marduk-Zeus and the Greek pantheon into the temple and precipitated a short-lived rebellion. Antiochus IV Epiphanes again pushed the Greek gods for the Temple and, when the Jews again rebelled and Antiochus again crushed them. He forbade circumcision which marked Jews as followers of Enlil. Antiochus IV banned the Jewish Sabbath, put a statue of Zeus in their temple and had Greek priests sacrifice pigs there. When a Greek ordered Jewish priest Mattathias to perform a Hellenic sacrifice, Matathias killed him.
The Maccabee rebellion freed Jerusalem, re-dedicated Enlil’s temple there.


Mattathias and the Jews overthrew the Seleucids.

Mattathias’ son Judas Maccabeus re-dedicated the Jerusalaem Temple and created the festival of Hanukkah in celebration.
Simon Maccabeus made Judea independent. The Maccabee family–Hasmoneans–ruled as kings in Jerusalem.
Roman General Pompey capture Jerusalem, desecrated the Temple.
Rome occupied Jerusalem and built Jupiter temple atop Anunnaki platform in Lebanon.
The Roman Crassus looted the treasury in the Jerusalem Temple.
Jerusalem’s Jews revolted again but Romans subdued them.
Herod, puppet of the Romans, renovated the Temple. Though Rome occupied Judea, Jews controlled the Temple.

*CE = AD in subsequent dates on this timeline


Jesus born in Bethlehem; ostensibly executed in 33 but escaped to Marsalla, in southern France.

Romans destroyed the Jerusalem Temple.
Roman Emperor Hadrian defeated Simon bar Kokhba revolt then rebuilt Jerusalem with a temple for Jupiter on the Temple Mount. Haridan forbade Jews from the city.
Byzantine Emperior Julian allowed Jews back to return to Jerusalem. He started, but didn’t finish rebuilding the Temple.
Constantinople let Jews again live in Jerusalem.
Shahrbaraz or Persia took Jerusalem and drove the Jews driven out of Jerusalem.
629 .
Emperor Heraclius of Byzantium recaptured Jerusalem from the Persians.
For the next 300 years Christians ran Jerusalem; Jews and Muslims barred..
Muslims conquered Jerusalem, Caliph Abd al-Malik built the ‘Dome of the rock’ mosque, and covered it with gold mosaics.
Toltec ruler Topilzin-Quetzlcoatl led his people from Tollan, near Mexico City, to Yucatan in Central America.
Godfrey de Boullon and the Crusaders, captured Jerusalem. Baldwin I ruled the city as King. .
Saladin recaptured Jerusalem for the Muslims. Ayyubid and Mameluke dynasties ruled.
Ottoman Turks ruled Jerusalem.
British occupied Jerusalem.
The British made Jerusalem capital of Palestine.
The United Nations divided Palestine into Israeli and Jordanian sectors.
Six day war. Israel retook Jerusalem in the Six-Day War.

References click here

Anunnaki Who’s Who

Anunnaki Evidence

More on the Gods of Old: Anunnaki: Gods No More by Sasha Lessin, Ph.D. (Anthropology, U.C.L.A.)


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ANUNNAKI WHO’S WHO with illustrations from Anunnaki: Legacy of the Gods by Sasha Alex Lessin, Ph.D. (Anthropology, U.C.L.A.)

ANUNNAKI WHO’S WHO with illustrations from Anunnaki: Legacy of the Gods by Sasha Alex Lessin, Ph.D. (Anthropology, U.C.L.A.)

Excerpt from Anunnaki: Legacy of the Gods : Techno-savvy ET Goldminers Who Posed as Divine” by Sasha Lessin, Ph.D. (Anthropology, U.C.L.A.) and Janet Kira Lessin (Professor, School of Ancient Studies)





ABAEL (Hevel)
Second son of hybrids Adapa and Titi (Enki’s Nibiran-Earthling son and daughter). 200,000 years ago at Enki’s lab in Zimbabwe, Titi bore the twins–first, Ka-in, then Abael. Enlil’s Enforcer Ninurta taught Kai-in farming; Enki’s heir Marduk taught Abael animal husbandry. Ka-in killed Abael.

Abael's offering (resented by Ka-in)Abael’s offering (resented by Ka-in)

Nibiran. Enki fired Anzu as his interplanetary pilot and promoted Abgal from his planetary to interplanetary pilot. There, in the rebellion of the Igigi astronauts, Anzu captured Abgal in the first Astronaut rebellion but Ninurta rescued him.

Abgal took Enlil into exile in Africa for raping Sud. There Abgal secretly showed Enlil where Enki hid Alalu’s missiles.

Abgal with his eagle helmet Abgal cropped w Eagle helmet




Enki did not know Enlil knew the the locale of the nukes’ cave. To reward Abgal, Enlil made him boss of the Landing Platform in Lebanon.

Abraham was born in 2123 BCE; his father Terah, Ur’s High Priest. Enlil sent them to the Harran in Anatolia. In 2041 BCE, Abraham led Enlil’s forces and defended the Sinai Spaceport. He reported the cities of Sodom and Gomorra were for Nabu and Marduk. In 2024 BCE Enlil sent Abraham to the Negev Desert while Ninurta and Nergal nuked the cities.

As Enlil ordered him, Abraham left his wife Hagar and their son Ishmael to die in the desert. He also obeyed Enlil and almost stabbed Isaac, his other son.

Abraham Almost Kills Isaac2


Enlil: “Kill Isaac to prove your love for me,
Abraham: “Your will, Lord.



Enlil made Abraham and his men sacrifice their foreskins to him. In the circumscion ritual, Abraham’s men branded themselves as Enlil’s warriors, ready to endure pain for him. Enlil then gave Abraham Canaan.

Adad ran the Lebanon Landing Place. In 3800 BCE, Enlil put him in charge of gold and tin works at Tiahuanaco. Adad, as Viracocha, inscribed his symbol, the forked lightening, for all to see from the air and the ocean, on a mountainside on the Bay of Paracas, Peru, the anchorage harbor for ships carrying tin and bronze of Tiahuanaco to the Old World.” The Bull logo symbolized Adad, like his father, Enlil. [Lost Realms: 252]







The first successfully test-tube-conceived and surrogate-carried Nibiran/Erectus Earthling. He gestated in Chief Medical Officer Ninmah’s womb.


“Adamu learned to speak. His skin was “smooth, dark red,” his hair, black. Adamu, unlike Nibirans, sported a foreskin.” [Enki: 148,168-170].

ADAPA (aka Enoch, Utu-Abzu, Nun.Me, He-Who-Can-Depher MEs)
Adapa, born around 200,000 BCE, Enki’s son with an Earthling woman descended from Adamu. “To Adapa, Enki himself teachings gave, how to keep records he was him instructing.” Enki boasted, “A Civilized man I have brought forth. A new kind of Earthling from my seed has been created, in my image and after my likeness. From seed they from food will grow, from ewes sheep they will shepherd. Anunnaki and Earthlings henceforth shall be satiated.”

Enoch to Nibiru 2


Adapa-Enoch Nibiru-bound


Adapa rocketed to Nibiru with Ningishzidda and Dumuzi. There, Enki’s father, Nibiru’s King Anu, denied Adapa the Nibirans’ extreme longevity and sent him back to Earth to breed and teach his descendants–Earthlings whom Enki enhanced with his seed each generation–to run farms, herds and estates. Nibirans believed Adapa and his line better servants than the hybrid Earthling miners descended from Adapa’s ancestor, Adamu. [Enki: 168-170]

a A Adapaguppi







High Priestess of Nannar-Sin at his temple in Harran. Nannar, disgusted at Marduk’s ascendancy, had left Earth for Marsbase. In 555 BCE, Adapaguppi found a comm-device embedded in Nannar’s clothes. With this device, she got Nannar on the Moon. She promised him if he’d back her son Nabuaid as king of Babylon, Sumer and Akkad, she’d get Marduk to endorse him too. Nannar returned to Earth to rule from Babylon. Nannar, Clark writes, became “Allah.

Pharaoh Akhenaten took the Egyptian throne in 1379 BCE as Amenophis IV. He may’ve been a Conehead, unlike his prececessors. Pharaohs before Akhenaten descended from Enki-Ptah, Chief Scientist of the Goldmining Expedition from the planet Nibiru to Earth or Enki’s sons Marduk-Ra and Ninghzidda-Thoth. Representations in stone and clay of Akhenaten’s predecessors showed them with skulls like ours. But statues of Akhenaten, his queen Nefertiti and their son Tutankhamen have skulls whose backs–their occipits–elongated like a cone. The added length gave them double both our proportional cranial capacity and the Anunnaki’ proportionate skull capacity. Nothing in the Sumerian literature I’ve seen says anything about the skull elongation. Akhenaten may even have been from Nibiru too. I infer this from the lack of Anunnaki comment on Akhenaten’s cranial anatomy. Jury’s still out on whether Akhenaten was a Coner.

Akhenaten family



Akhenaten, Nefertiti and their babies.


Akhenaten said that next time Nibiru neared Earth would “usher in a time of peace and benevolence to all.” Akhenaten had Egyptians follow his “Star Religion” and worship Nibiru. To escape Ra’s pesky priests, Akhenaten moved Egypt’s capitol and temple from Thebes to Tell-el-Amarna. In the temple, he put his space capsule (ben-ben). The capsule may have held communication devices, a viewing booth, holographic displays or an astral of physical from an Nibiran rocket.

Ra-Marduk’s priests in Thebes drove Akhenaten from office and resumed Egypt’s loyalty to Ra.Akhenaten [End: 168 – 173]

Nibiran, aka Chronos, Saturn. 450,000 years ago, Alalu killed Nibiru’s King Lahma, took his crown, he said, to nuke the volcanos or mine for gold on Earth to shield Nibiru’s atmosphere.

Alalu on Nibiru's Throne
Alalu on Nibiru’s Throne

Alalu displaced Anu, Lahma’s heir as King. Anu served Alalu in exchange for legal succession of Kingship from Alalu to Anu’s son Enki’s son Marduk with Alalu’s daughter, Damkina.

Anu deposed Alalu; he out-wrestled him. So Anu, not Marduk, succeeded Alalu as King of Nibiru. Alalu stole a rocket with nuclear missiles (that later destroyed Sinai and Sumer).

Anu rocketed to Earth and out-wrestled Alalu again but Alalu then bit off Anu’s penis. Anu sentenced Alalu to die on Mars. Chief Medical Officer Ninmah, enroute to Earth, buried Alalu on Mars and memorialized him there in the statue at Cyndonia.

Here’s how Alalu fits in with the other Anunnaki Royals:
1.1 genealogy royal nibirans













Alexander and Hephaestion2

Macedonia’s Philip II had Aristotle tutor his legal son Alexander. Alexander’s mother, Olympius of Epirus, said she begat Alexander with Marduk (known in Greece as Zeus).

Alexander sparked the Macedonian win over the other Greek city-states at Chaeronea. His cavalry encircled and massacred Thebans who refused surrender.

One of Philip’s bodyguards whom Olympius and Alexander had suborned killed Philip before Philip’s new son with a pure Macedonian (Cleopatra) could displace Alexander. An agent of Alexander killed Philip’s top general as he pursued the bodyguard. Olympius killed Cleopatra’s son and Cleopatra killed herself.

Alexander took Macedonia’s throne. He held Delphi’s Oracle Priestess at swordpoint. “Am I Zeus’ son?” She confirmed him as son the Zeus.

Alexander, in 334 BCE, with 32,000 infantry and 5,100 cavalry, attacked Persia. While Darius and the Persian army quelled a rebellion in Egypt, Alexander’s army rowed across the Dardanelles. The infantry formed lines that stretched for miles and faced enemies with a phalanx of 18-foot piles before the cavalry. Alexander led a cavalry charge that routed the Persian army and its Greek mercenaries at Granicus.

The Macedonians invaded northern Syria, left their wounded at Issus and marched south to fight the Persians but Darius took Issus and cut Alexander’s army off from its supply line to Greece. Daruis led the Persians over a mountain pass and killed the Greek wounded in Issus.

The Macedonians took the Landing Platform at Baalbek; Alexander renamed it Heliopolis. He tore the Greek city of Ephesos from the Persians, then defeated Darius at Issus. Alexander then took Sidon and Aleppo. In 332 BCE he conquered Syria. In Phoenicia, after a seven-month siege, he took the main Persian naval base at Tyre. When Tyre fell, the Greeks controlled the eastern Mediterranean. They massacred 8,000 Tyrians and sold 30,000 into slavery.

Alexander reached Babylon in 331 BCE and rushed to the ziggurat temple to grasp the hands of Marduk as conquerors before him had. But Alexander saw Marduk’s body in saved in oil.

Alexander won Egypt. He founded the city of Alexandria in 331 BCE. He left his troops and trekked a week over desert to Siwa Oasis. There, he commuted with the statue of Marduk. Alexander asked the statue, “Am I Zeus’ son?” The Temple’s priest, from a hidden chamber behind the statue, confirmed Alexander as son of Ra-Amen aka Marduk.

In 331 Greeks killed 300,000 Persians and lost 100 men. Alexander proclaimed himself the King of Asia and marched to the Persian capital, Susa, which he entered without a fight. He took Persepolis, Bactria, Sogdianna and Cyropolis. From Persepholis, he sent gold home to Macedonia. He let his troops rob, murder the men, rape the women. Alexander and his drunk generals led as the Greeks burned Darius’s palace.

Darius’ generals speared Darius and left him for dead, but Alexander found him alive. Alexander said, “Abdicate and I’ll honor your kin.” In return Darius then died.

Macedonian soldiers lobbied Alexander to return home. He and others whom he thought questioned his rule. He made his lover Hephaestion co-commander of the army.

In 329 BCE, Alexander married captive princess Roxanne. He ordered people to bow to him as a god. He created a huge harem of beautiful women and enjoyed a new one each night. He killed his historian for criticizing his hedonism, his “Persianization.”

In 327 BCE, the Macedonians invaded India. After the Hydaspes River battle in 326 BCE, Indian King Porus charged Alexander’s forces with elephants. Alexander almost died of wounds. The troops saw he lacked the invincibility he claimed he, as a god, possessed.” His generals refused to continue with the invasion of the Indian subcontinent. Alexander turned back to Asia Minor.” He planned to cross the Ganges for more conquests, but his troops mutinied, wouldn’t go further. So Alexander sent half his army back to Susa by sea. [Childress, 2000: 149]

He took the other half of his men through the Gedrosian Desert and reached Susa in 324 BCE. In Susa, Alexander married his senior officers to Persians.

In 324 BCE, an assassin may have poisoned his second-in-command, Hephaestion. Alexander hung Hephaestion’s doctor.

In 323 in Babylon, Alexander, dying of disease or poison, said he willed his empire “to the strongest.” Alexander’s erstwhile buddy Cassander killed Alexander’s wife and mother and named himself King of Macedonia. Ptolemy took Alexander’s corpse to Egypt and there started the Ptolemaic Dynasty. [Mark, 2013].



Nibiran. Anu deposed Alalu as Nibiru’s King and then ran Nibiru as a military dictatorship.

Anu begat Enki, his eldest, Enlil, his legal heir and daughter Ninmah and sent them and the goldmining expedition to Earth.

Anu visited Earth 400,000 years ago to set up the Expedition, visited again 300,000 years ago to settle the Nibiran miners’ strike Enki staged to justify mine slaves adapted from the Nibiran Homo Sapien genome with genetic material from Homo Erectus.

When Anu visited again in 3,840 BCE, he took Inanna, his great granddaughter, as concubine.

He divided Earth among his descendants.

Anu believed that the Creator of All, through Galzu, got the Anunnaki to create and save the adapted Earthling race.

Anu abdicated kingship of Nibiru in the 1400 CE period in favor of his official legitimate son, Nannar [Bordon, 2007:53-54)









Nibiran. Alalu’s grandson.

Enki fired Anzu as interplanetary pilot, though he’d nuked Enki through the asteroids enroute to Earth.

Anzu stayed with Alalu on Mars while Alalu died. Ninmah gave Alalu men on Mars to start a station there.

Anzu stole Enlil’s computer programs, disrupted his communications system and led the astronaut revolt against him. Enlil’s son Ninurta captured and executed Anzu.

BANDA Also called Lugalbanda and King Shorty)










Banda’s father, Uruk’s King Enmerkar (Utu’s grandson with an Earthling) sent an emissary with message in written Sumerian to the King of Aratta in the Indus Valley.

Enmerkar demanded Aratta swear feality to Uruk. But the Arattan couldn’t read Sumerian. After ten years, Enmerkar told Utu to have Nisaba, the astronauts’ scribe, teach him Arattan script.

When he’d learned it, Enmerkar sent his son Banda to Aratta with a message in Arattan: “Submit or War! ” The Arattan wrote back that he’d prefer trade–Aratta’s precious stones for the MEs [computer programs] of Uruk, or if Enmerkar insisted on war, one champion of Aratta and one of Uruk could fight to settle the war. “On the way back to Uruk, Banda fell sick; his spirit left him. On Mount Hurmu was Banda abandoned.

“Inanna restless and ungratified, for Dumuzi she still mourned. In Uruk, “A House for Nighttime Pleasure she established. To this young heroes, on the night of their weddings, with sweet words she lured: long life, a blissful future to them she promised; that her lover Dumuzi was she imagined.”

But “each one in the morning in her bed was found dead.” So when Utu revived Banda, Inanna saw Banda as Dumuzi. “‘Dumuzi, my beloved!’ she called him. To her bed, with flowers bedecked, she lured him.”

Banda succeeded his father, Enmerkar, as King of Uruk. Banda married Ninmah’s daughter, Ninsun, who bore Gilgamesh.


Wife of Lu-March (Enki’s foreman before the Deluge) made love with Enki and bore Ziasudra-Noah.

Batanash, Mother of Noah-Ziasudra
Batanash, Mother of Noah-Ziasudra





A Nibiran (also known as Gula), Bau–huge youngest Daughter of Nibiru’s King Anu and Queen Antu–married Enlil’s son Ninurta. Bau ran a medical facility for Earthlings in Ninurta’s city, Lagash. There she chose to die with her Earthlings when fallout from the nuclear bombs Ninurta dropped on Sinai blew over and killed everyone in Lagash.







Daughter of Nibiru’s King Alalu. Damkina wed Enki and bore Marduk, Nergal, Gibil, Dumuzi and Ninagal. To create a female, Ningishzidda planted a zygote made with Adamu’s blood in Damkina. Our ancestress, Ti-Amat, carried Damkina’s mitochondrial DNA. Damkina raised Adamu and Ti-Amat.

Damkina trimmed





Dumuzi (aka Tammuz, Adonis), a Nibiran born on Earth, youngest son of Enki and Damkina, trained on Nibiru to foster animal husbandry for the Earthlings.

An Enkiite, Dumuzi betrothed Enlilite Inanna and hoped to bring peace to the Enkiite-Enlilite conflict. But Marduk told their sister Geshtinanna to seduce Dumuzi, then to say he raped her. Marduk’s men ran Dumuzi to his death; Inanna mummified him and hoped he’d revive on Nibiru.


ENKI Enki in Greek versionEnki in Greek version





Enki’s also known as on Earth as Ea, Nidimmud, Adonai, Poseidon, Yam, Neptune, Aquarius, Ptah, Khnemu, Buzur, Serpent, Nahash, Hephaestus, Vulcan, Merlin and sometimes, Melchzdek. On Nibiru, he is called Ankur. Enki’s gylph is entwined serpents.

Born Anu’s Firstborn Son but not legal heir–that was Enlil–on Nibiru, Enki betrothed sister Ninmah but Anu forbade their marriage when Enlil impregnated her.
Enki instead married King Alalu’s daughter, Damkina. They parented Marduk, Alalu’s heir. Enki instead married King Alalu’s daughter, Damkina. They parented Marduk, Alalu’s heir. Alalu fled to the Persian Gulf on Earth, aimed his nukes at Nibiru, and demanded his throne back.

So, 450,000 years ago, Anu sent Enki to on Earth to pacify father-in-law Alalu. Enki and his pilot Abgal hid the nuclear missiles Alalu had brought to Earth. When Alalu failed to get Earth’s gold for Nibiru’s atmosphere, Anu deposed him, voided Marduk’s status as Pretender to the Throne and made Enlil his heir instead. For the Earth Expedition, Anu made made Enki, under Enlil’s overall command, master of Basara.When Alalu failed to get Earth’s gold for Nibiru’s atmosphere, Anu deposed him, voided Marduk’s status as Pretender to the Throne and made Enlil his heir instead. as well as Chief of Africa, Goldmining Operations and the Seas.

Ninmah joined Enki and they had many daughters, whom Enki kept impregnating.

Enki, his son Ningishzidda (whom Enki fathered with Ereshkigal) and Ninmah, created our Nibiran/Erectus hybrid ancestors as the solution to a mutiny of Nibiran astronauts working in the South African mines. Enki fomented the mutiny just to get Enlil to support genetic creation of mine Earthlings to replace the Nibiran astronauts. Each generation, Enki mated with the prettiest females born to the hybrids; he multiplied the ratio of Nibiran to Erectus genes in our stock.

He gave his part-Earthling son Ziasudra a computer program that showed Ziasudra how to build the submersible to save his community.

Nowadays Enki lives on Nibiru and is King Nannar’s Dirgam (“Minister of the Brilliance”) and “operates a quantum supercomputer that constructs future scenarios.” [Bordon:53]


Enlil as his zodiac avatar, Leo

Enlil as his zodiac avatar, Leo






Enlil’s a Nibiran. He’s also known onas Set, Jehovah, Jupiter, and, in Egypt, “The Bull.” Assyrians called Enlil “Ashur;” Jews called him “Yahweh.” On Nibiru, Enlil, is called Nammur and is now Minister of Finance (Nunerimtar) on his son Nannar’s cabinet [Bordon: 53] .

Legal heir to Anu, Enlil commanded the Earth Goldmining Expedition.

He fathered Ninurta with his (and Enki’s) sister Ninmah. Expedition Leaders forced Enlil to marry Sud, whom he’d raped and impregnated. Enlil and Sud (elevated as his wife to “Ninlil) begat Nannar and Adad.

Enlil ordered Earthlings drowned in the Deluge (here he’s Yahweh), but let Enki’s line of Earthlings who survived rule Earth for the Expedition. Enlil murdered thousands of both his rivals’ Earthlings and his own Earthling followers.


Ereshkigal, daughter of Nannar and Ningal daughter, was younger sister of Utu and Inanna, parturated on Earth like them.

Enki, en route to Point Agulhas, impregnated Ereshkigal with Ningishzidda.







Ereshkigal ran the climatological station at the Point. She married Enki’s son Nergal and ran the station with him. She killed Inanna to stop her baring a son Nergal’d begat for Dumuzi but Enki revived Inanna.





Galzu3 Galzu said he spoke for King Anu and lied to keep Enki, Enlil, Ninmah and their kids on Earth when they’d have left. Galzu gave Enki a build-a-sub program which Enki put into Ziasudra’s computer. Ziasudra built the sub and Enki’s son Ninagal guided it through the Deluge to Mt. Ararat. On Ararat, as per Galzu’s plan, the Nibirans decided to breed Earthlings to support them as gods. As gods, they’d rule through Ziasudra’s sons would oversee the Earthlings, who’d serve the Nibiran Royalty as their gods. Anu uncovered Galzu’s ruses to keep the Anunnaki fostering Nibiran-Earthling hybrids. Enki told Anu the dream he had of Galzu. In the dream, Galzu described a submarine for Ziasudra, Ziasudra’s clan and the villagers who would help build it. Enki related how, on waking, he found plans for the boat engraved on a stone tablet beside his bed. “By that was Anu greatly puzzled. ‘I never sent a secret plenipotentiary to Earth’” said the Nibiran King.

Enki and Enlil exclaimed, “On account of Galzu Ziasudra and the seed of life were saved. On account of GALZU on Earth we remained. ‘The day you to Nibiru you return, you shall die‘, so did Galzu to us say.’

“Incredulous of that was Anu; ‘the change in cycles [between Earth and Nibiru] indeed havoc did cause, but with elixirs cured it was.’

” ‘Whose emissary, if not yours was Galzu?’ Enki and Enlil in unison said. ‘Who the Earthlings to save wanted, who on Earth made us stay?’

“For the Creator of All did Galzu appear. To fashion Earthlings the Creator of All directed us. To help us preserve them did Galzu to Earth come,” said Ninmah.

While fates we decreed, the hand of destiny at every step directed,” Anu said. “The will of the Creator of All is: on Earth and for Earthlings, only emissaries are we. The Earth to the Earthlings belong, to preserve and advance them we were intended. [Enki: 271].

Galzu sent Enlil a dream Marduk would get Mesopotamia. Galzu, in the dream, told Enlil to order Nibirans on Earth, to let the Earthlings evolve. Galzu said the Creator wanted Abraham to block Nabu, Marduk’s son, who agitated against Enlil in Canaan and the Mediterranean ports. Galzu told Enlil that Abraham must also block Marduk’ advances on the Sinai Spaceport. Enlil kept his vision secret, but, as Galzu wished, chose Abraham to rule “all the lands from the border of Egypt to the border of Mesopotamia.” [Wars:289-297]


A Nibiran born on Earth to Enki and Ninmah, Gestinianna became Ningishzidda’s consort.



Gestinianna reigned over wine and winter; Egyptians considered her a divine dream reader and poet.

To stop the Inanna-Dumuzi union, Geshtinianna, at Marduk’s suggestion, seduced their bother Dumuzi, then claimed rape so Marduk’s men could seize Dumuzi. Dumuzi died from a fall as he ran from Marduk’s agents.






Gilgamesh’s father, Banda, married Ninsun, a daughter of Enki and Ninmah. Banda and Nisun begat Gilgamesh. He boasted, “I’m three-forths god. (as genetically-pure Nibirans called themselves). Gilgamesh

Gilgamesh’s relationship with Inanna excited him but left him unsatisfied. He had to pass the annual life-jeopardy tantra test of seed-withholding. Each year, in a ritual for which priests groomed and scented him, Gilgamesh penetrated Inanna 50 times as she, suspended on ropes, lowered her vagina onto his penis while he maintained his erection but did not ejaculate. If he petered out or ejaculated in this ritual, she’d kill him with her laser. When he passed the test, she invited him to her bed for a night of more varied sex. [King, 43-44]

The rest of the year, Gilgamesh loosed his lust on Uruk’s brides. He forced any he fancied to couple with him before their husbands could.

To tame Gilgamesh, Enki created Enkidu, a powerful man (maybe a cyborg, with mechanical parts as well as Neanderthal genes) to divert Gilgamesh from the brides.

Enki sent tantric priestess Shambat to tame Enkidu in the woods where Enkidu frolicked with antelopes. Enkidu learned the joy of tantric lovemaking. He decided to join civilization in Uruk. There Enkidu challenged Gilbamesh. They fought, then befriended each other.

Gilgamesh went with Enkidu to the rocketpad at Baalbek to plead with the gods for a rocket to Nibiru for immortality he thought the Anunnaki enjoyed.

In Lebanon, near Inanna’s home, Gilgamesh and Enkidu tracked Enlil’s security robot to the launchpad. As they watched a rocket launch, Inanna, from her plane, saw them smash Enlil’s robot. “At the entrance to the Cedar Forest its fire-belching monster their way blocked. To pieces it they broke.”

“Watching Gilgamesh take off his clothes, bathe and groom himself, glorious Ishtar [Inanna] raised an eye at the beauty of Gilgamesh. “Come, Gilgamesh, be thou my lover. Grant me the fruit of thy love.” But he declined and insulted her.

She, enraged, messaged Enlil and demanded he release the guard-bull at the launchpad. Enlil complied. The bull charged Gilgamesh and Enkidu but Gilgamesh stabbed it while Enkidu held it.

Enlil, enraged that Gilgamesh and Enkidu broke his robo-guard, wanted to kill them both. Ninsun and Ninmah, however, lobbied the Commander to kill only Enkidu and let Gilgamesh return to Uruk’s throne. Enkidu died and Gilgamesh mourned him.

Then Gilgamesh went to the spaceport in Sinai for a plant to let him live forever.

In a tunnel in Sinai he met Enki’s son, Ziusudra-Noah, still alive all these centuries. “Ziusudra to Gilgamesh the secret of longliving he revealed a plant in the garden’s well was growing, Ziusudra and his spouse from getting old it prevented.” Enki, with Enlil’s permission, said Ziusudra, granted Gilgamesh this plant too. But when Gilgamesh got the plant, a snake snatched it from him. As a last resort, he begged Enlil to grant him immortality.

“On Gilgamesh’s deathbed, around 2600 BCE, Utu told him Enlil wouldn’t grant him eternal life. Gilgamesh is consoled by promises to retain in Nether World the company of ‘his beloved wife, son, concubine, musicians, entertainers, cupbearer, valet, caretakers and palace attendants who served him.’”

Undertakers brought his body to the royal cemetery of Ur. They drugged his friends and attendants in his burial chamber, then killed them. This “accompanied burial” gave “an extraordinary privilege to Gilgamesh, two- thirds of him divine, as compensation for not gaining the immortality of the gods.” [Encounters: 132 -172; Giants, 311 – 312, 339 (citing S. Kramer’s translation of cuneiform text, The Death of Gilgamesh); King:42-43]


Hagar and Ismael banished at Sarah and Enlil's order, to die in the desertHagar and Ismael banished at Sarah’s nagging and Enlil’s order, to die in the desert.

Slave, then secondary wife to Abraham; their son, Ishmael, had been Abraham’s heir. Enlil, however, had Abraham and his son with first wife Sarah begat a child to displace Ishmael. Enlil ordered Abraham to leave Hagar and Ishmael to die in the desert. Abraham obeyed but Hagar and Ishmael survived and Ishmael bred the ancestors of the Arabs.

HORUS (Aka Horon, Hor, Falcon God)

Osiris’ wife Isis impregnated herself with Osiris’ semen after his brother Seth killed him. She delivered Horus and she and Gibil trained him to defeat Seth.









In 8970 BCE Horus won Egypt when he defeated Seth in an air battle above the Sinai.


(aka Irnini, Ishtar, Ashtoreth, Astarte, Annutitum, Aphrodite, Athena, Anat, Venus, Eshdar, Innin, Lillith, Ninni, Kali and Shakti), genetically Nibiran but born on Earth, Inanna’s parents, Ningal and Nannar, begat her and her elder twin Utu.

Offspring like Inanna, born to Nibirans on Earth, matured faster than those born on Nibiru. Inanna’s growth seemed stunted; she grew to 66 inches height, whereas Nibirans born on the homeplanet usually over 84 inches [Giants:221].

Inanna visited Nibiru at least once. She, like many Nibirans, often wore flight goggles or sunglasses to deal with greater sunshine on Earth than on Nibiru.



Enkiite and Enlilite elders hoped that if Enkiite Dumuzi wed Enlilite Inanna, the deadly rivalry between their lineages would stop. But Marduk, ruler of Egypt and Babylon, induced Geshtinanna, his sister (and also Dumuzi’s) to couple with Dumuzi then yell rape. Marduk’s security team drove Dumuzi to his death. She then wanted Dumuzi’s older brother Nergal to impregnate her for Dumuzi. Nergal’s mate, Inanna’s younger sister Ereshkigal, killed her but Enki sent medical androids who revived her.

In 8670 BCE, Inanna helped defeat Marduk and the Enkiites in the Second Pyramid War. She blasted them with “an explosive beam that tore the enemy apart.” Inanna demanded Enlil make her Egypt’s ruler in Marduk’s stead since Marduk caused Dumuzi’s death. But Enlil gave Ningishzidda Egypt.

Inanna saw Dumuzi in Earthling men she bedded, but usually killed them after sex.

In 3840 BCE, Anu and Queen Antu, rocketed to Earth. Antu taught Inanna to channel sexual energy to elevate their whole clan, then gave Inanna to Anu. As Anu and Inanna coupled, Antu and the Nibiran royals shared their ecstasy, epiphany and satori. Ani gave Inanna the temple where they loved and his survey plane. She’d run Uruk’s temple through a priest/king, son of her brother Utu with an Earthling.

Inanna visited Enki at Basara and seduced him for programs to expand her temple complex at Uruk into a city. She got Enki drunk, blind with lust and seduced him. He gave her the ME programs. She slipped them to her pilot to hide in Uruk.

When Enki sobered, he jailed Inanna at Eridu and demanded his MEs back.

Enlil intervened and Inanna told him: “By right the ME s I have obtained, Enki himself in my hand placed them! So did Inanna to Commander Enlil say; the truth Enki meekly admitted” [Enki :281].

In 3760 BCE., Inanna chose the first King of Sumer, the Lugal. The Lugal represented the gods to the Earthlings. Lugals shifted their center to Inanna at Uruk, then to Akad (which she ruled).

In 3450 BCE, Inanna and the Enlilites bombed Marduk’s Launch Tower at Babylon. The Enlilite Council named the Constellation Twins after Inanna and Utu and replaced Ninmah with Inanna both as member and as The Maiden [Virgo].

Inanna appointed an Adapite Hybrid Earthling Shepherd-Chief (descended from Dumuzi) King of Aratta.

Igigi Aryans followed Inanna east to Aratta in the Indus Valley. She shuttled her plane between the Indus and her temple at Uruk in Sumer.

In Uruk, “a House for Nighttime Pleasure she established.”

Her second ruler in Uruk, Enmerkar (Utu’s grandson and an Earthling) sent an emissary to the Arattan King. Enmerkar sent his son, Banda the Short, to Aratta. On his way back from Aratta, Banda sickened and died, but Inanna’s brother Utu revived him.

When Banda returned to Uruk, Inanna saw him as Dumuzi. “‘A miracle. My beloved Dumuzi to me came back!’ she shouted. In her abode Banda was bathed. “Dumuzi, my beloved,” she called him. “To her bed, with flowers bedecked, she lured him.” In the morning Banda still lived. “Inanna shouted: ‘The power of dying in my hands was placed, immortality by me granted.’ Then to call herself a goddess Inanna decided, the Power of Immortality it implied.” [Enki: 287-292]

At Baalbek, Inanna invited Gilgamesh to become her mate, not just couple with her as he did in the annual kingly ritual. When Gilgamesh declined, “No,”she sicced a mechanical guard-bull attack him. He, however, killed it and escaped her.

With her techno-weapons, armies and power, Inanna said s could bestow immortality.

Inanna ran kingship of Sumer for 1000 years. In 2371 BCE, she chose her Earthling half-brother, Akkadian gardener, Sargon (who’d raped her) to lead her armies. Sargon and Inanna built their capital, Agade, in Akkad (near Babylon). They subdued all Sumer except Lagash, her Uncle Ninurta’s fief. She led Sargon’s army through Luristan in the Zagros Mountains. With the army and her mass-killing weapons, she and Sargon united Sumer. They spread spoken and written-on-clay Akkadian all over Sumer and spawned the Semitic languages (including Hebrew and Arabic). [Heaven & Earth: 95; Wars: 10 – 11].

In 2316 BCE in Marduk’s absence, Sargon invaded Babylon. To show disdain for Marduk, Sargon “took away the soil” for Inanna to build a launch site of her own and take interplanetary power. Marduk and Nabu returned from Egypt to Babylon, fortified the city and diverted rivers to it from the other Sumerian cities. Inanna and Marduk both loosed lasers on each other’s Earthling armies. Marduk’s minions besieged Sargon. [Giants: 270 – 274; Heaven and Earth: 97]

In 2291 BCE Inanna, Naram-Sin (Sargon’s grandson) and the Akkadian armies captured the Baalbek Landing Platform. Then they dashed along the Mediterranean coast for the Sinai Spaceport and inland for Mission Control in Jerusalem. The Akkadians crossed the forbidden Forth Region, the region forbidden to Earthlings. Inanna and the Akkadians conquered Jerico, which switched alliance from Nannar to her. Her armies, under Naram-Sin, joined Nergal’s and conquered Egypt.

Nergal visited Inanna and asked her to help him contain Marduk and he tricked Marduk to leave Babylon, then took its power source, which controlled irrigation for all Sumer.

In 2255 BCE, Inanna recaptured Uruk, destroyed Anu’s temple there and sent Naram-Sin to attack Enlil’s minions at Nippur. She declared herself supreme to even Nibiru’s King Anu. Enlil sent Ninurta and Ninurta’s cavalry and Gutiums to reconquer Sumer. They wasted most of Sumer. Enlil ordered death for Inanna’s strongman, King Naram-Sin, for his attack on Nippur. Enlil’s agents planted a scorpion to kill the King and ordered Inanna arrested but she fled to Nannar, then flew to Nergal’s Lower Africa. For seven years, Inanna and Nergal plotted to overthrow the Council. [Ancient text, Queen of all the MEs; Wars: 254]

Inanna returned to Sumer, where, in 2095 BCE, Shulgi succeeded Ur Nammu as ruler. Inanna invited Shulgi to Uruk and declared him “the man for the vulva of Inanna.” They wed in the temple where Anu’d elevated her in tantric ritual.

In 689 BCE, Enlil sent Inanna to Assyria to disarm the Ninevan army and destroy their weapons. “Esarhaddon rules,” she proclaimed. In battles in Arabia and in an attack on Marduk’s Egyptian forces, she fired “an intense brilliance” from her helmet to blind enemies of Ashurbanipal (Esarhaddon’s successor). She “rained flames upon Arabia.” [Wars 12-19, 276 -279]

When Nergal and Ninurta bombed Sinai and the Dead Sea Cities loyal to Marduk and fallout from the nukes destroyed all life in Sumer, Inanna fled to Anatolia. In 1190 BCE (as Aphrodite) she fought for the Anatolians of Troy against Greece. The Greek half-breed Diamedes wounded her. She helped her half-Earthling son Aeneas flee Troy. Aeneus sojourned in Carthage, settled in Latinum, married a local and begat descendants. Numitor, King of Alba Longa and one of Inanna’s descendants begat Rhea, mother of Romulus and Remus whom Julius Caesar claimed as ancestor.



Born in 1963 BCE, Jacob, Abraham’s son, ruled Canaan for the Enlilites. He went to Harran in Turkey to find a bride and on the way saw a Nibiran flying saucer deplane and reboard Enlil and his aides. 20 years later, after Jacob’s bride service in Harran for two wives, Enlil sent him back to Canaan. En route, Jacob wrestled a Nibiran into submission. The Nibiran re-named Jacob ISRA-EL [he who fought a god]. Israel limped into his twin brother Esau’s camp, took over as Patriarch of Enlil’s loyalists, known now as “the Children of Isra-El.” Jacob fathered Joseph, whom Egypt’s Pharoh made Overseer of Egypt. [Encounters:250-256]



In 872 BCE, Ithbaal, King of Tyre, gave his daughter Jezebel to Ahab, the successor to Omri as King of Israel to create Phoenician-Israeli alliance.

Jezabel, Queen of Israel

Jezabel, Queen of Israel







Jehu (Enlil’s agent) purged Ahab’s dynasty and the alliance with Phoenicia and made Israel subject to Syria, which dispersed Israel’s intelligencia throughout the Assyrian empire.


Born, 1870 BCE, son of Jacob (Israel). Joseph’s half brothers, who hated how he analyzed dreams, sold Joseph into slavery in Egypt. Joseph’s owner’s wife asked him for sex. When he refused, she had him jailed as a sexual predator.

Joseph and Potiphar's wife1


In jail, Joseph won fame he when he interpreted dreams. Pharaoh Amenemhet III of the Middle Kingdom’s XII dynasty ascended the throne of Egypt in 1842 BCE. The new Pharaoh dreamed seven skinny cows ate seven fat cows and seven scorched ears of grain ate seven healthy ones. He summonsed Joseph from jail and asked him to interpret his dream. Joseph said Pharaoh’s dream augered seven years good harvest, then seven famine years. Impressed, in 1840 BCE, Amenemhet made Joseph Overseer of Egypt and let him store water and grain from the seven good years for the seven lean ones.

Joseph ran Nile high flood waters into miles of canals and underground pipes to an artificial lake near Hawara. He made the Fayam area breadbasket of Egypt. When drought and famine hit the Near East, refugees pored into Egypt where vegetables, fruit and fish still, thanks to Joseph, abounded. In 1833 BCE, Papa Jacob (now 130 years old) and Joseph’s half-brothers who’d sold him to slave joined the refugees from Canaan to Egypt.


Joshua at Jerico

Joshua at Jerico


When Moses died, his general, Joshua, led the Israelites. Joshua, whom Enlil told of astronomical events and assisted with techno-weapons, conquered much of Canaan. Joshua killed 120,000 men and enslaved 200,000 women and children. Enlil had him kill a million Ethiopians too. With the weapons and engineered plagues, Enlil and Joshua slew 10,000 Canaanites and Perizzites and 10,000 Moabites. [Judges 1:4, 3:28-29; Tellinger, Slave Species:173 -191]


Adapa and Titi (Enki’s Earthling son and daughter) begat Ka-in, their firstborn eldest twin. Titi bore the twins, first, Ka-in; second, Abael sometime 300,000 – 200,000 years ago at Enki’s lab.


Kai-In killedAbael2





The Expedition Council banished Ka-In East of Sumer after he killed his twin Abael.Ninghzidda marked Ka-In genetically to lack facial hair.





Lu-March worked as Enki’s pre-Deluge Workforce Foreman, husband of Batanash with whom Enki begat Ziasudra.


For a few decades on Nibiru, Marduk (aka Ra, Ra-amon, Amon, Aten, Bilulu, Baal, Bel, Nimrod, Ares, Mars), son of Damkina (King Alalu’s daughter) and Enki (Enki was son of Anu, Alalu’s successor), could succeed Alalu. Until Anu overthrew Alalu, both Anu and Alalu proclaimed Marduk Heir Presumptive.

Marduk as Mars

Marduk as Mars








Marduk’s father’s brother Enlil (Commander on Earth) gave Marduk rule of the transhipment facility and the Astronaut Corps on Mars. But 350,000 years ago, Nibiru neared Earth and brimstones rained on Earth and Mars, loosed earthquakes and volcanoes on both planets, trashed Marsbase and forced the Corps to leave it. So Marduk lost his command.

Enki took Marduk to the moon. They surveyed the moon as an alternative base. On the moon Enki gave Marduk vast scientific information.

Enki told Marduk he’d help him reclaim his right to rule.

In 9780 BCE: Enki gave Marduk rule of Egypt and its Earthlings. Marduk divided Egypt between his sons Seth and Osiris.

Marduk said he’d marry Sarpanit, a hybrid daughter of Enkime (a direct descendent of one of Enki’s Earthling sex partners). Marduk’s marriage would bind the Earthlings to him; he’d wield them as weapons, and defeat Enlil on Earth. Then with armies of Earthlings, he’d reclaim his right as Alalu’s heir to rule Nibiru.

Enlil let Marduk and Sarpanit proclaim they’d wed at Eridu. But Enlil ordered the couple, after they wed, to Egypt.

200 Igigi astronauts occupied the Lebanon Airport, then flew to Eridu. After the wedding, each astronaut seized an Earthling woman. They took the 200 Earthlings back to Lebanon and radioed Enlil: “Bless our Earthling marriages or by fire all on Earth shall we shall destroy.” Marduk, the astronauts’ Commander, demanded Enlil ratify the unions. Marduk and Sarpanit stayed with other Igigi families in Lebanon and begat Nabu.

When Enlil ordered the Indus Valley developed as a dowry for Inanna and Dumuzi, Marduk had his sister Geshtinanna seduce their brother Dumuzi. After she got his ejaculate, Geshtinanna said, “Marduk of raping me will accuse you.” Dumuzi drowned as he fled Marduk’s agents. Inanna chased Marduk through the chambers of the Great Pyramid. When he came out, the Enlilites convicted him and sentenced him to die.

But King Anu had Ningishzidda rescue Marduk. The Enlilites exiled him to North America. In Egypt, they now called Marduk Ra- Amen (Amen = hidden).

In 8670 BCE, Inanna & the Enlilites again defeated Marduk and his armies. Marduk and his forces fled to the mountains. Inanna blasted them with “an explosive beam and forced them south.” Marduk, Gibil, Seth, Horon and Enki escaped into the Great Pyramid at Giza. In exchange for a peace treaty, Enki surrendered and replaced Marduk with Ningishzidda as ruler of Egypt.

In 3850 BCE, Anu inspected the Earth Project, and at the Peruvian Spaceport pardoned Marduk. Sarpanit had died; Marduk and Nabu moved to Enki’s place in Eridu. In 3460 BCE Marduk extended Enki’s base in Sumer at Babylon (within Eridu), as his headquarters.” Marduk had his Earthlings built a “tower whose head shall reach the heavens–a launch tower.

Nabu gathered Earthlings and Marduk taught them to make bricks for Babylon, his spaceport. With a spaceport, he’d challenge the Enlilite spaceport on the Sinai. But Enlilites bombed the tower and Marduk’s camp at Babylon and he fled to Egypt. Enlilites scattered Marduk’s Earthlings and gave them different languages and scripts.

“Marduk, after a long absence, to the Land of the Two Narrows [Egypt] returned, Ningishzidda as its master he there found.” For the next 350 years, armies Marduk and Nigishzidda clashed over Egypt. Finally, Enki ordered Ningishzidda to leave Egypt to Marduk. Enki hadn’t passed rule of Nibiru to Marduk, but maybe he could settle Marduk in Egypt. Enki gave him computer programs to make Egypt prosper; he gave him all his knowledge except how to revive the dead. Marduk replaced Ningishzidda s image on the Sphinx with Osiris’. Marduk told his pharaohs he’d mummify and rocket them to Nibiru for eternity with the gods. He rallied Egypt against the Enilites.

In 2316 BCE Sargon and Inanna invaded Babylon, filled an urn with Babylon soil and planted it in Agade. The urn from Babylon showed the world she’d bested Marduk and that she’d build her own tower in Agade to launch rockets to Nibiru.

When Marduk returned from Egypt to Babylon, he fortified Babylon and diverted rivers to it before they flowed to other Sumerian cities. He said he’d build his spaceport in Babylon.

Marduk’s new water control system stopped water to Sumer’s Enlilite cities. Inanna loosed lasers on his Earthlings and he shot laser beams at her armies. The Anunnaki Council told Nergal to restore Sumer’s water and disarm Marduk and Babylon. In Uruk, Nergal allied with Inanna and asked Inanna to help thwart Marduk. Nergal and Inanna made love and planned to conquer the Earth.

Nergal and his Africans marched to Babylon, where Marduk greeted them. Nergal promised Marduk if he’d leave Babylon for South Africa, he’d get weapons–Alalu’s hidden nukes–and computers that justified Marduk’s turn as Supreme Anunnaki on Earth hidden there.

Marduk said that if he left Babylon, the waterworks would fail, and Sumer’d suffer floods, dried-up crops and cholera. Nergal said he’d respect the waterworks. Reassured, Marduk went to South Africa. Then Nergal destroyed the system and created floods, dried-out fields and canals throughout Sumer.

Marduk took Harran from Nannar and cut Sumer from trade with the Hittites. Nabu roused the cities west of the Euphrates and Canaan against Enlil. Marduk and Nabu threatened both the Spaceport. Nergal nuked Marduk’s forces in Canaan. Nabu escaped westward to an island in the Mediterranean. The nuclear cloud blew to the Enlilites’ Sumerian turf and killed all Sumer except Marduk’s Babylon. Marduk made Babylon Capitol of Sumer and, around 2000 BCE, said he was God of the gods. He renamed Nibiru “Marduk” and created New Years Celebrations there to enact “his” entry into the inner solar system and creation of Earth, then of Earthlings.

He renamed Mercury, “Nabu.” Marduk developed a priesthood which studied omens and a horoscope that said effects the planets–and their namesakes–had on Earthlings. He degraded Sumer’s astronomical observations, compassionate support of citizens, and the status of women. He excluded women from high office and the exercise of art.

In 587 BCE, forces of Marduk’s Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar overran Enlil’s forces in Jerusalem. Nebuchadnezzer installed a king there, ordered worship of Marduk.

In 539 BCE, Cyrus of Persia conquered Babylon and Marduk welcomed him. Alexander of Greece, who thought Marduk begat him, took Persia, then Egypt. In Egypt, Alexander saw Marduk floating in fluid, dead or in suspended animation.

Moses from Egypt Judac Fine Art.







Moses lived 1391–1271 BCE. He was also known as Aminadab, Amenhotep III).

PharaohThothmose I broke the Middle Kingdom promise that Egypt honor the descendants of Jacob-Israel. Pharaoh meant to work them to death and stop them from breeding. He “ordered any newborn Israelitemale killed at birth.” In 1513 BCE, to save their newborn, a couple descended from Jacob/Israel laid the boy in a box and floated it down a stream where Thothmose’s daughter bathed. She called the boy “Moses” (“Lord/Sir”)and adopted him.

In 1482 BCE, PharaohThothmose III renewed hostilities against Enlilites abroad and the Israelites in Egypt. Moses, now grown, killed an Egyptian overseer who brutalized Israelites.

Thothmose III ordered Moses killed, but Moses escaped to Sinai, where he married the daughter of a Midianite priest.

In 1450 BCE, Amenhotep II, the new pharaoh, let Moses’ death sentence expire. Enlil sent Moses back to Egypt to free the Israelites. Moses tried to scare Amenhotep with magic but Amenhotep resisted and instead ordered Israelites to make three times more bricks than before.

Enlil said he was hitting Egypt with the plagues, infestations, cattle diseases, three days of darkness and weather disturbances that accompanied the nearing of Nibiru or its Lagrange detritus. The distrubances, according to Gordon Gianimoto, released methane gas that killed all non-Israelite firstborn boys who slept by the open first floor doors, but spared the Israelites who, forwarned, had closed their doors and moved their firstborns upstairs.

In 1433 BCE, Amenhotep told the Israelites,Go.” When he thought them caught between the desert’s edge, lakes, then the Red Sea, he sent chariots to recapture them and the frightened Egyptians who fled with them. Enlil either used his climate control devises to sweep a path through the Red Sea and showed the Israelites a way to cross or he merely warned that nearing of Nibiru or its orbital detritus would trigger the eruption of Thera and create tidal surges throughout the Nile Basin. Egyptians chased the fleeing Israelites but Enlil let the sea sweep over and drown them.

For 40 years, Enlil guided Moses and the Israelites through the desert to the edge of the Sinai Peninsula and protected them from Amalekites. Nights, he lit the way with a “fiery beacon.” Days, he led with a dark cloud. He fed them and had them kill 3000 of their number who worshipped other Anunnaki and 23,000 for sex before they married. [Exodus 32:26–28; Corinthians 10:8].

Enlil ordered Moses to climb Mt. Sinai then relay demands to the Israelites. Moses told the Israelites what Enlil wanted. He gave Moses orders engraved in stone. Moses, however, in a fit of rage and murder, destroyed the engravings and the Israelites who’d made a golden calf to propitiate Enlil. Enlil then had Moses engrave another set of rules. Enlil then landed his rocket atop the mount, and, with an amplifier he spoke directly to 600,000 Israelites at the mountain’s base. They must, he said, reject all other Nibiran gods, not even say their names. They must spend every seventh day worshiping him and subjugate women and kids, as well as refrain from murder, adultery, theft and false witness. They must not, he said, crave others’ homes, wives, Earthlings and property.

For 40 days on the peak he either regaled Moses on his spaceship with projections or rocketed him up so he could see and report the Earth was curved (something Earthlings of his day did not know) [DoHerarty: 2011].

Enlil then landed his rocket on the mount and, with an amplifier told the people what he wanted. They had to say they’d obey. He had Moses make a temple and a box (an “Ark of the Covenant”) that sported two gold cherubs) for tablets of his orders. Above a drawer in the Ark, Moses built a Talk-to-Enlil communicator. Moses returned to the Israelites, glowed with radiation from Enlil’s aircraft.

NABU (Ensag, Nebo)

Nabu, son of Marduk and Earthling Sarpanit ruled Borsippa (South of Marduk’s Babylon). As Marduk’s Prophet, Nabu won allies in the cities south of the Salt Sea. He told them to expect Marduk back from exile in North America and said Marduk would take the Sinai Spaceport.

Ninurta and Nergal nuked the Salt Sea cities sympathetic to Marduk. They turned the Salt Sea into the Dead Sea. Nabu escaped the nuclear holocaust to an island in the Mediterranean.

After the fallout felled the Enlilites of Sumer and Marduk finally ruled there, Nabu returned to Borsippa. He visited Marduk in Babylon each year for New Years ceremonies.

ADAD  Adad ran the Lebanon Landing Place.  In 3800 B.C., Enlil put him in charge of gold and tin works at Tiahuanaco, where, as Viracocha, he “placed his symbol of the forked lightening for all to see from the air and the ocean, on a mountainside on the Bay of Paracas, Peru, the anchorage harbor for ships carrying tin and bronze of Tiahuanaco to the Old World.” [ZS, Lost Realms: 252]

Nabu, Marduk’s son and prophet

NANNAR (Sin, Man-in-the-Moon, Allah)

Nannar’s been King of Nibiru since the 1400s (CE) [Bordon: 51 -54]. He may also be Allah here on Earth.

Sud bore Nannar after Enlil raped her, the Anunnaki Council exiled him to Africa, and he returned and married Sud. Nannar married Ningal, Enki’s daughter with Ningikuga, Goddess of Building Material. Nannar and Ningal begat the twins Inanna-Ishtar and Utu-Shamash as well as Ereshkigal. 400,000 years ago, Enlil had exiled Nannar from Sumer, when Enlil thought Nannar supported the revolt of Anzu and the Astronaut Corps.

In 8670 BCE, Enlil forgave Nannar and made him Ur’s god, mandated to develop commerce and currency for Sumer. Nannar, unlike others of Enlil’s lineage had avoided combat in the wars of the Nibirans on Earth. So Enlil choose Nannar to signal Earthlings, even in lands Marduk controlled, to worship Nannar and enjoy prosperity with money and credit. [Giants: 269-70, 278].

Nannar ruled Ur’s 3rd Dynasty. His Earthlings adored him. He bred sheep that made Ur “the wool and garment center of the ancient Near East and “developed foreign trade by land and water.” His half-Earthling/half-Anunnaki staff and their thousands of subject Earthlings built a navigable (and protective) canal to Ur’s two harbors. The canal separated the temple, palace and offices on one bank from shops and homes on the other bank. On their bank, merchants, craftsmen and laborers occupied multi-storied white houses along broad, straight streets. [Wars: 271 -272]




Daughter of Enki and Ninmah, Nanshe presided over weights and measures, storehouses and beer as well as social justice for widows, those in debt, and war refugees in Sumer. Nanshe planned waterways, fountains and gave oracles at Enki’s academy at Basara. She sailed a barge and supervised fish harvest from the Persian Gulf; she looked after Sumer’s bird and animal populations.

In 2220 BCE Nanshe helped her sister Nisaba plan Ninurta’s temple complex at Lagash. Her constellation’s Scorpio.


Nergal-Erra-Pluto,Mars, second son of Enki and Damkina, mate of Ereshkigal. Nergal ruled the south part of Africa.






Nergal turned against his older brother, Marduk and nuked the cities of Canaan allied with Marduk and Marduk’s son Nabu. Nergal allied with Inanna to conquer Earth.


Enki’s youngest son with Damkina. Ninagal piloted Ziasudra’s boat to Mt. Ararrat.


Ningal, daughter of Enki and Ningikuga (the Reed Goddess) married Nannar and shared with him worship of Ur’s Earthlings.

NINLIL (Sud, Leto, Lilith)

One of Ninmah’s medical officers, she became Enlil’s mate after he raped her and impregnated her with Nannar. The Anunnaki Council banished Enlil to Africa for the rape but let him return when he married her. She also bore a second son, Adad, with Enlil.











Genetically Nibiran, Ningishzidda birthed on Earth, son of Enki and Ereshkigal. Enki’d seduced Ereshkigal as he took her to run the Climate Station in South Africa. He left her there, pregnant with Ningshzidda. Enki’s son Nergal married Ereshkigal and sent Ningishzidda to live with Enki.

Ningishzidda co-created us, made us breedable and left us genetic, archetectual, mathematic, astronomical, musical and chemical knowledge that helps us survive.

After the Deluge 13,000 years ago, Ningishzidda (as Thoth) built the Sinai Spaceport and the Giza Pyramids to guide rockets to the Spaceport. He built a model pyramid, then the Great Pyramid at the South end of a straight landing line–through the Landing Platform in Lebanon (Baalbek) to Mt. Ararat (Eastern Turkey) in the North. Ningishzidda installed the power generator, master computer programs and astronavigational equipment in the Great Pyramid and hid records (on indestructable tablets) in secret chambers (Halls of Amenti) under the Pyramid [Doreal, Emerald Tablets:1].

Ningishzidda also built and was the initial face on the Sphinx. He planned and supervised a castle, temple, planetarium and fighter-jet hangar for his cousin Ninurta at Lagash.

Ningishzidda refused to fight for Marduk and Enki in the Second Pyramid War, though he did, when the Council of the Anunnaki, asked, tunnel into and rescue Marduk from the Great Pyramid. Enlilites considered Ningishzidda, though an Enkiite, an ally, since Enlil was, though his mother, Ereshkigal, Ningishzidda’s grandfather. Both Enkiites and Enlilites accepted him, so Enlil, at the Peace Treaty of 8670 BCE, made him ruler of Egypt.

As Thoth, he ruled the Nile for 1,560 years, from 8670 BCE, when Enlil banished Marduk/Ra from Egypt. Enki and Enlil agreed to give Egypt to Ninghishzidda. He ruled through other Anunnaki he put in charge.

Ningishzidda engraved emerald tablets which he showed certain men. He left the tablets–imperishable, resistant to all elements, corrosion and acids–beneath the Giza Pyramid for a future Age of Light.

When Marduk returned from exile, he sent armies against Ningishzidda for the next 350 years. Enki/Ptah (their father), in 4350BCE, ordered Ningishzidda to leave Egypt to Marduk. So Ningishzidda moved on. He guided the building of Stonehenge in England and New Grange in Ireland.

Ningishzidda went to South America and with Adad built a spaceport atop the Andes. Ningishzidda showed the Earthlings there (descendants of Ka-in, the South American “Indians”) how to build observatories with sight-lines to pinpoint stars and see when Nibiru approached. Ningishzidda designed tin and gold-processing plants and planetariums in South America at Sacsahuaman, Cuzco, Machu Picchu, as well as in Central America and the Valley of Mexico (Teotihuacan).

In 3113 BCE, he shipped Middle Eastern-looking Sumerian and Black African overseers and technicians with him to Mexico and Mesoamerica. With them and his “Indians,” he created the civilization of the Maya. He and his African (Olmec) and Middle-Easterners taught the Maya math, astronomy, calendar calculation and temple-building.

The Indians revolted. They drove the Africans and Middle-Easterners ever south, finally out of Mesoamerica.

Ningishzidda left Earth in 311 BCE with the promise he and other Anunnaki would return December 21, 2012 CE to foster the Age of Aquarius.

Ningishzidda as Kukuklan, emerging from his spacecraft, depicted as flying serpent.

Ningishzidda as Kukuklan, emerging from his spacecraft, depicted as flying serpent.


Ninmah (aka Ninharsag, Ninti, Mammi, Hathor, Isis, Athena, Minerva), Nibiran-born, youngest daughter of King Anu. Ninmah 2 pix

The King ended her betrothal to her eldest brother, Enki, when she and Enlil, her next brother, begat Ninurta.

She took female Nibiran Medical Practitioners and grape starts to Sharuppak (Iraq) on Earth. Enroute, she stopped on Mars where she found Alalu dead. She revived Anzu, marooned with Alalu. Her crew made a massive stone monument, a rendering of Alalu, facing the sky, at Cyndonia. Ninmah left Anzu with 20 men to start Marsbase and flew on to Earth.

On Earth, she loved Enki and bore him many girls, including both Ninsun, mother of Gilgamesh and Gestinianna, Nishzidda’s consort. With Enki, and with his son Ningishzidda, Ninmah created us, today’s Earthlings.

Ninmah tutored Enki’s son Ziasudra, the learned patriarch of Sumer.

Ninmah voted on the ruling Anunnaki Council, where she repeatedly supported Earthlings.

On Mount Ararat, Turkey, after the Deluge, 11,000 BCE, Ninmah forced Enlil to spare the Earthlings. He could govern them, she said, through Ziasudra and his male descendants.

Enlil gave Ninmah rule of the entire Sinai–Tilmun (Land of Missiles–as neutral turf between his Enlilite lineage and Enki’s.

In 8670 BCE Ninmah mediated war between the Enlilite lineage (her son Ninurta’s) and the Enkiites, who were holed up in the Giza Pyramid. Enlil, Enki and Ninurta installed Ninmah in a Sinai palace where Enlil titled her “Ninharsag, Mistress of the Mountainhead.”


Ninurta (aka Ishum, sometimes, Ashur; possibly Indra too) birthed on Nibiru, son out-of-wedlock of Enlil and Ninmah.

ninurta with multi-headed missile weapon

ninurta with multi-headed missile weapon








Ninurta served as Enlil’s heir and second-in-command on Earth and ruled Mesopotamia from Lagash, defeated Anzu and Inanna and inadvertently killed Sumer when he nuked Sinai for the Enlilites. He nowadays dwells on Nibiru and is King Nannar’s Chief Warrior, in charge of foreign policy and defence.



NISABA (Sesheta)

Daughter of Enki and Ninmah, Nisaba graduated from Enki’s House of Learning in Eridu. As Goddess of writing, sh ran Enlil’s Academy for Scribal Arts” in Nippur. Astronomer, librarian, number-cruncher-priestess, she calculated the math and layout for Ninurta’s temple complex at Lagash in 2220 BCE [Time: 159 – 16].


Osiris, aka Asar, ruler of Upper Egypt from 8970 to 9380 BCE, son of Marduk.

Osiris married his half sister Isis. Astronaut Commander Shamgaz, Nephys and Osiris’ brother Seth drugged, killed and dismembered him to win the fertile Upper Egypt fief.

Isis retrieved Osiris's body parts

Isis retrieved Osiris’s body parts







Isis impregnated herself with the dead Osiris’s semen and bore Horus, who defeated and Seth.

Marduk, replaced Ningishzidda/Thoth’s visage on the Sphinx with that of Osiris.


Head Emissary for Anu. “He carried out missions on behalf of Anu, conveying Anu’s decisions to the Anunnaki leaders on Earth. He displayed considerable diplomatic skills. When Anu was away from Earth, Papsukkal served as an emissary of Ninurta.


Sargon conquers






Inanna’s Nibiran-Earthling half-brother, gardener, rapist, then lover, founded Sumer’s Akkadian Dynasty. In 2371 BCE, Inanna chose him to lead her armies. They built their capital, Agade and won all Sumer except Lagash. Sargon’s army followed Inanna through Luristan in the Zagros Mountains. Sargon spread spoken and written-on-clay Akkadian all over Sumer and spawned the Semitic languages. [Heaven & Earth: 95; Wars: 10 – 11].

In 2316 BCE Sargon invaded Babylon while Marduk journeyed elsewhere. Sargon “took away the soil” To show disdain for Marduk. He displayed the soil at Agade to tout Inanna’s intention to build a launch site of her own there and from the launch site, take interplanetary power.

But Marduk and Nabu returned from Egypt to Babylon, fortified the city and diverted rivers to it from the other Sumerian cities.

Inanna and Marduk both loosed lasers on each other’s Earthling armies. Marduk’s minions besieged Sargon. [Giants: 270 – 274; Heaven and Earth: 97]

Inanna stayed beautiful and sexy but Sargon aged and “crumbled into a pathetic drunk who died cursing Inanna.” [Ferguson, “Inanna Returns,” in Heaven and Earth, Ed.:97]






Sarpanit, daughter of Enkime (a descendent of one of Enki’s Earthling lovers) wed Marduk at Eridu in 3450 BCE. Her marriage to Marduk and birth of their son, Nabu, showed Marduk’s bond with the Earthlings with whom he planned to defeat Enlil. After they wed, the astronaut corps took 200 Earthling girls and secured Baalbek’s Landing Platform.

When Marduk had Dumuzi killed and Inanna and the Enlilite Council sealed Marduk to die in a sealed chamber in the Great Pyramid, Sarpanit got Anu to save Marduk.








In 11, 000 BCE in Egypt, Marduk, Sarpanit, and their sons, Seth (aka Satu or Enshag) and Osiris (Asar) sheltered with Marsbase’s Astronaut Commander, Shamgaz. Osiris and Seth married Shamgaz’s girls, Isis (aka Asra–Ningishzidda’s child with Marduk’s granddaughter). Shamgaz and Seth allied. Osiris married Seth’s half-sister Isis to block Seth fathering heirs to Egypt. Seth then married Nephys, his full sister. “The full siblingship of Seth and Neptys disqualified their offspring from rulership. Osiris and Isis lived near Marduk in the northern lowlands of Lower Egypt. Seth and Nebat settled in southern Upper Egypt’s mountains, near Shamgaz’s villa and the Lebanon Landing Platform. Shamgaz and Nebat told Seth that while Osiris lived he and the Astronauts would lack good fiefs on Earth.

SHAMGAZ (Azazael)

Nibiran; Commander of the Astronaut Corps, Marduk’s ally. Shamgaz led the astronauts’ capture of Earthling women after Marduk wed Sarpanit at Eridu, forced Enlil to legitimate the captured women as astronauts’ wives. Shamgaz continued to fight on the side of Marduk and Nabu against Enlil and Enlil’s minions.

SUD (Ninlil)

As a Medical Officer from Nibiru, Sud accompanied Ninmah to staff Shuruppak, the Expedition’s Medical Center in Iraq. Commander Enlil raped and impregnated Sud.

The Anunnaki Council exiled Enli to Africa but commuted his exile when he agreed to marry Sud and make her “Ninlil.” After she bore Nannar, the fruit of her rape, she bore Adad.


Ti-Amat–blonde, white and blue-eyed like Nibiran girls–gave part of the genetic material for all us subsequently bred humans. Ningishzidda planted Ti-Amat as a zygote he’d prepared with Adamu’s blood. Ningishzidda planted the zygote in Damkina. When Ti-Amat grew to a viable fetus, Ningishzidda excised her from Damkina.

When Ti-Amat matured, Ningishzidda put ova from her into seven test-tubes. Then he planted the ova in the same female Nibiran doctors who’d borne adapted but non-reproducing males. He anesthetized Enki, Ninmah and Ti-Amat. “From the rib of Enki the life essence he extracted; into the rib of Adamu the life essence he inserted. From the rib of Ninmah the life essence he extracted; into the rib of Ti-Amat the life essence he inserted.” [Enki:148]

Enki, Ninmah and Ningishzidda hid how they’d altered Ti-Amat. She and Adamu stayed in Enki’s Persian Gulf orchard, while her fetus gestated. Ti-Amat made leaf-aprons for herself and Adamu.

Commander Enlil, banished Ti-Amat and Adamu when saw she and Adamu wore aprons and Ti-Amat displayed intelligence equal to that of a Nibiran child. Enlil made Enki confess that Ti-Amat’s fetus would breed, then tied him up. The Anunnaki Council freed Enki, who then put Adamu and Ti-Amat in an enclosure in Zimbabwe where Ti-Amat children who, in turn, bred with each other and with Anunnaki.


Enki’s daughter with an Earthling, Titi and her brother (and Enki’s son) Adapa started the line of superslaves, hybrids with enhanced genetic input from Nibiran genes–Enki’s. 200,000 years ago, Titi and Adapa begat Ka-in and Abael in Zimbabwe.

UTU (Shamash, Apollo)






Before the Deluge, Utu, Inanna’s twin, born on Earth to Nannar and Ningal, ran the Astronauts at Sippar. After the Deluge, he ran Mission Control at Jerusalem. He retired to Sippar. Later, he left South America on a rocket for Nibiru.


Enki impregnated Batanash wife of Lu-March (Enki’s foreman) before the Deluge. She bore Ziusudra. Ninmah loved and cared for him. Enki taught him to read Adapa’s writings. Enki gave Ziusudra plans from Galzu to build a sub. Commander Enlil chose Ziusudra’s sons Ham, Japhet and Shem to rule us hybrids for the Anunnaki and granted Ziasudra and his wife extreme longevity. Ziusudra, whom the Anunnaki granted extended life from herbs that grew in a secluded valley in Sinai, bestowed some of these herbs on Gilgamesh. A “snake” stole the herbs before Gilgamesh could use them to preserve his life.

References click here

Click title below and hear

More on the Gods of Old: Anunnaki: Gods No More by Sasha Lessin, Ph.D. (Anthropology, U.C.L.A.)


Read More



Synopsis: “The U.S. Government has to formally contend with the presence of two Anunnaki camps in conflict with one another, to deal with both.” Prince Nannar-Allah, son of Earth-Commander Enlil-Yahweh runs the camp of Anunnaki already here. Nannar and his czars nowadays run all of Earth’s institutions. Prince Marduk heads the Anunnaki camp of 330 Anunnaki, here from Nibiru since the 1970s. Alexander the Great saw Marduk’s body floating in oil and assumed him dead. But Anunnaki could sometimes revive the dead, keep people in suspended cryogenic-like state or clone them again from their DNA. And the “Marduk” returning could even be one of his descendants who now bears “Marduk” as a title. The Marduk, whoever he really is, intends to depose Nannar and free us from Nannar’s matrix. Marduk brings with him the “Dedicated Human” who, he says, will create “direct democracy” for those of us who survive the Earth changes Nibiru’s nearing will cause.  Marduk’s operatives and agents have infiltrated all Nannar’s organizations and they have been assassinating Nannar’s Earthling assets and Anunnaki agents; that’s why the Nannar’s Anunnaki always travel in pairs now. Marduk covertly instigates actions in the secret groups that rule NATO, Russia, China, Japan, OPEC, the Vatican, Brazil, South Africa, the G8, Iran and North Korea so they create events that drastically reduce our population but do not reveal Marduk’s hidden hand and spoil his PR.

The Anunnaki (people from the planet Nibiru) are Homo sapiens a lot like us.  But they live hundreds of thousands of years. U.S. GovernmeAnunnaki incomingnt officials who’ve dealt with them since the 1940s say that the Anunnaki are “seven or eight feet tall, looking almost like albinos–almost milky white skin with a sort of sweat on their skin like a film, hair snow-white like white wool, kinky.  Some of them wear their hair shoulder-length, others close-cropped.  Their eyes are red when they are not wearing almost black contact-like lenses.  Nowadays, they always travel in pairs. Their cellular electrical capacitance is much higher than ours, which makes them an energetic envelope of much higher electrical potential than ours. When you are in the presence of one of them you can feel a force of intention emanate from them. [Bordon, 2007: 10, 11, 24].

Anunnaki from Penre,  2011

Anunnaki from Penre, 2011*


NInurtaEarthlingSitchin78p106 (1)


A.R. Bordon, for many years our representative at monthly meetings of The Link of  Species Concerned with Earth, writes: “The U.S. Government has to formally contend with the presence of two Anunnaki camps in conflict with one another, to deal with both.”  Prince Nannar-Allah, son of Earth-Commander Enlil-Yahweh runs the camp of Anunnaki already here.

Nannar, aka Sin, Moon God, Allah
Nannar, aka Sin, Moon God, Allah

 Nannar and his czars nowadays run all of Earth’s institutions.  

 Prince Marduk** heads the Anunnaki camp of 330 Anunnaki, here from Nibiru since the 1970s.



 Marduk’s brother Ningishzidda, disavowed cooperation with Marduk and allied with Nannar.  

Marduk intends to depose Nannar and free us from Nannar’s matrix.  Marduk brings with him the “Dedicated Human” who’ll create “direct democracy” for those who survive the Earth changes Nibiru’s nearing will cause.


In 2016 BCE, the Anunnaki Chief Scientist, Prince Enki, told his Sumerian scribe Endubscar that the Anunnaki rocketed to Iraq 450,000 years ago from a planet called Nibiru.  Anunnaki enforcers from Nannar’s camp warned Zecharia Sitchin (the scholar who translated what Endubscar wrote) not to reveal the secret ways the Anunnaki here have controlled the world in recent centuries.
Sitchin tabs 


Sitchin was able to let us know that Enki wrote that the Anunnaki came to Earth for gold to send back (via Mars) to Nibiru to powder into an atmospheric shield.  Miners from Nibiru spent lifetimes mining gold in Africa until, 300,000 years ago, Enki manipulated the miners to mutiny, then won approval from Nibiru to replace the mutineers with a worker race adapted from the Anunnaki genome. Enki, his sister Ninmah and his son Ningishzidda first created short-lived slaves, called Adamites (descendants of Adam, with an “m” for Adam), from their own genome but modified with clay, copper and genes from an intelligent African hominoid, Homo erectus.

Adamite birthT
wo hundred thousand years ago, Commander Enlil ordered Enki to create more efficient, intelligent and obedient miners.  In response, Enki begat a line of Earthlings called AdaPites (that’s with a P for AdaPa, the boy Enki made with an Adamite girl).

adapa as babe  


Fifty thousand years ago Enki and Adapite beauty Batanash begat Noah, who carried Enki’s longevity genes and ruled the Iraqi city of Sharuppak until the Deluge of 13,000 years ago.

Noah birth

Enki saved Noah and many of his subjects from the Deluge.  The Anunnaki then ruled (and still do) though descendants of Noah’s sons, Shem, Ham and Japhet.

The Anunnaki helped flood survivors proliferate and build cities of 50,000 people in the Middle East, Egypt and the Indus Valley.  They built airports, pyramidal powerhouses and temples around the entire Earth.  The Anunnaki ruled the new civilizations as gods.
Marduk rules

The Anunnaki gave us the best and the worst of planet-wide civilization–kings, historians, taxes, temples, priests, bicameral congresses, record-keeping, law codes, library catalogs, furnaces, kilns, wheeled vehicles, paved roads, medicines, cosmogony, cosmology, festivals, beer, food recipes, art, music, music instruments, music notes, dance, textiles, and multicolored apparel.  Sumerian schools taught mathematics, architecture, theology, writing, grammar, botany, zoology, geography. They had (but didn’t show us how to build) a world-wide energy grid, air, submarine and interplanetary transport vehicles and advanced computers.

The Anunnaki taught us hierarchy, misogyny, violence, greed, slavery, debt and war that featured genocide and weapons of mass destruction. In 2024 BCE they ruined their eastern Mediterranean cities with nuclear blasts and fallout storms. Most Anunnaki returned to Nibiru by 311 BCE. But Nannar and his followers of pure Nibiran ancestry stayed.  They secretly run everything on Earth to this very day. They and their half-breeds perpetuate exclusive, hostile nations, economies and religions to war with weapons, ideology and debt to prevent us uniting against them.  Nannar and his minions are still “masters of those in positions of political, military, economic and religious power through whom they could influence the creation of third-party conflicts by manipulation of witting and unwitting minions who wield power within the political/economic/religious/military grid.” [Ibid: 15]

The Anunnaki’s tales of their stay on Earth before they made our ancestors, as well as what our forefathers directly saw imprinted us with the values of the Nibiran hierarchic, male-run, master-slave-enemy mentality. We assumed values of extraction, pollution, monetary monopoly and obsession with gold. Fortunately the genetics team that created us also gave us the capacity and preserved the histories Sitchin and others translated so we can overcome the liabilities the Anunnaki left us. 

Reagan and etI
n 1979, Nannar’s Anunnaki faction, the one running this planet now, forced U.S. President Reagan and USSR Chairman Gorbachev to develop a world-wide “star wars” defense GRID aimed–not at each other–but at incoming spacecraft of the rival Anunnaki faction led by Prince Marduk. “The grid is completely interactive–from surveillance, counterintelligence to asset disposition, military policy to event response sets based on the assumption there will be an invasion by technologically advanced forces incoming. Everything is geared to disallow beachheads fifth column assets have on the ground.”  

Bordon identifies Nannar’s top 10 bosses–the czars–of Earth.  The czars do Nannar’s bidding and run
*”The American/NATO group,
*the Russia/Mafia group,
*the Japan group,
*the China group,
*the OPEC group,
*the Cartel/Triads councils group,
*the supply margin economic/political group in Latin America and Africa headed by Brazil (Latin America) and  South Africa (Africa),
*the seven members of the ecumenical community led by the Roman Pope, *the trigger states, Iran, North Korea as well as
*the G-8.”

President Reagan agreed to defend Nannar’s system of 10 czars that already rules Earth against Marduk’s incoming forces.  “The U.S. Government has to formally contend with the presence of two Anunnaki camps in conflict with one another, to deal with both.”

Marduk brings with him his son Nabu, his brother Gibil, a leader called Nuskum, as well as a person Marduk calls “The Dedicated Human” to free us from the matrix in which Nannar enslaved us. 

Marduk’s incoming faction offers us instead a “direct democracy” to run the planet instead of Nannar’s power elite.  Marduk’s operatives and agents have infiltrated all Nannar’s organizations listed above and they have been assassinating Nannar’s Earthling assets and Anunnaki agents; that’s why the Nannar’s Anunnaki always travel in pairs now.  Marduk covertly instigates actions within the organizations listed above so they create events that drastically reduce our population but do not reveal Marduk’s hidden hand and spoil his PR. [Ibid: 23-24]

It’s time for us to govern ourselves with compassion, empathy and intelligence rather than continue toadying to the hierarchies, secret control and lies of the both false Anunnaki gods–Marduk and Nannar–and their allies among us.  We’ve had enough genetic racism and know everyday people have just as valuable lights to shine as those with more genes from the Anunnaki royals.  We shall not be the spoils of a war between the Anunnaki factions.  Never again.


* Re Anunnaki woman pictured: Here's what Wes Penre wrote on his website: "This particular photo has a story behind it, which I need to tell. It was taken by Dr. Bordon in a meeting in Puerto Rico. This particular LPG-C member, whom of course knew about their existence from earlier annual meetings, was surprised to meet four of these beings in the Puerto Rico gathering. Bordon told me that these beings were taller than humans, but not tremendously taller; somewhere between 6 to 7 feet. They look like albinos, with white, kinky hair, which they sometimes wear long and sometimes short (like in Figures 9a and 9b). Their eyes are red when seen in certain light, and the red eyes in this picture is the only thing that has been manipulated, according to LPG-C. The picture was not meant to come in public domain, and certainly not on the Internet; only for circulation between the LPG-C scientists, The eye color was enhanced to emphasize their real eye color, which did not come out well on the original photo.

Although I felt I had established a relationship with the LPG-C, and especially with Dr. A.R. Bordon, I was skeptic at first when I saw the photo, because I did a search on the Internet and could easily find the photo on different websites. Some even suggested it was a photoshop job of the Polish model, Anja Rubic (fig. 10).

The Polish model, Anja Rubic

“I decided to send the alleged Anunnaki female photo to two different photoshop experts. The first one wants to be anonymous, but the second one was Barbara Brown, aka Wiolawa (http://wiolawapress.com), of Native Indian descendent, whom in my opinion has done amazing research into the exopolitical scene, mostly by using Photoshop as a tool. More often than not, she’s been right on! I didn’t mention anything about what I’d been told about this photo.  In both cases they came back with the same answer: this person is not totally human, but a hybrid. Wiolawa even said she seemed to have some kind of “overlay”. Reptilian? We’ll see…Anja Rubic, on the other hand, having quite some similarities in looks with the Anunnaki female, is not the same person. The observant reader can see that if s/he looks carefully, but one may ask if Ms. Rubic may actually be an Anunnaki hybrid as well? I will left that question hanging, and if someone wants to look into that, it may be worth the effort. LPG-C guarantees that this is how the earth-bound females look like, and they tell me they know this from face-to-face encounters, and also by using Extra Neurosensing (ENS) remote viewing.

To complete the story about the photo of the Anunnaki female, it was stolen (and I know this to be fact) from LPG-C by an impostor, who joined the group, pretending to do so with the best of intentions. He joined under the name Roy W. Gordon. The photo was supposedly taken in 2006, and some time in 2008, Roy Gordon stole it (and other sensitive information) and escaped. The photo was later posted on the Internet by the organization that Gordon was/is a member of: S.A.A.L.M. or the ACIO/NSA (National Security Agency), located in Pine Gap, Australia, known for its huge amount of Reptilian sightings[18], and also one of the major bases for Marduk associated Intelligence Agencies. S.A.A.L.M. stands for “Supreme Annunaki Assembly of Lord Marduk”. Fig. 11 below is showing the S.A.A.L.M. version of the Anunnaki female.

** Alexander saw Marduk’s body floating in oil and assumed him dead, but Anunnaki could sometimes revive the dead, keep people in suspended cryogenic-like state or clone them again from their DNA. And the “Marduk” returning  could even be one of his descendants who now bears “Marduk” as a title.


References click here

Anunnaki Chronology Link click-me

Anunnaki Who’s Who

Anunnaki Evidence

More on the Gods of Old: Anunnaki: Gods No More by Sasha Lessin, Ph.D. (Anthropology, U.C.L.A.)



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Gordon, Robert, Alfred ~ 03/29/15 ~ Sacred Matrix ~ Revolution Radio

Gordon, Robert, Alfred ~ 03/29/15 ~ Sacred Matrix ~ Revolution Radio

Nibiru now has her wings    13071_10202993169454951_5128673367960001569_nHosts Janet Kira Lessin & Dr. Sasha Lessin led a Roundtable Discussion Panel with Alfred Lambremont Webre, Robert Potter & Gordon James Gianiannoto on the Sacred Matrix on Revolution Radio (www.freedomslips.com), Studio B from 8 to 10 PM Eastern Time.

Subjects ranged from Planet X, Nibiru, pole shift, politics, exopolitics, ascension, consciousness, aliens, extraterrestrials and much more. It was a super lively discussion that went in many directions.

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37th UFO Dinner Event ~ Dr. Sasha Lessin & Janet Kira Lessin ~ Anunnaki False Gods

37th UFO Dinner Event ~ Dr. Sasha Lessin & Janet Kira Lessin ~ Anunnaki False Gods

37th UFO Dinner event: Sasha Lessin & Janet Lessin : Enki speaks about Anunnaki false gods…

37th UFO dinner event in Rouen

Saturday April 4  2015 at 7PM (Paris time zone)

Sasha Lessin: Anunnaki False Gods, what did our makers want?

Janet Kira Lessin: Sacred Matrix and Tantra Awakening for soul beings

Janet Kira Lessin & Sasha (Alex) Lessin, Ph. D.



Sasha Lessin

PH.D. (U.C.L.A. Anthropology, Ph.D.)

Sasha Lessin Ph.D. (U.C.L.A. Anthropology, Ph.D.), author of Anunnaki: Gods No More and producer of the hugely popular web site, www.enkispeaks.com, studied with the late Zecharia Sitchin, for many years. Mr. Sitchin asked Lessin to create popular internet, book and college-level courses to revise ancient anthropology. Sitchin asked Dr. Lessin to help disseminate written, graphic and traditional stories of ETs, hithertofore considered mythic “gods” on Earth from 450,000 – 300 BCE as well as the latest findings in astronomy that relate to the planet Nibiru from which the ETs came to Earth for gold to shield their planet, Nibiru.

Live on Skype from Hawaii


Imprints from the Gods of Ancient Sumer : Earthrise transformative Learning

Buy Now!https://i0.wp.com/enkispeaks.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/1aaaBookCover2Image-172x172.jpghttps://i0.wp.com/enkispeaks.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/Galactic-core-3.jpg

Anunnaki computers and weapons


Sumerian civilization: our Anunnaki assets & liabilities


Anunnaki stone circles surrounding our ancestors’ African slave quarters


What Sitchin said Sumerians said Gods said


Anunnaki evidence



Janet Kira Lessin

Janet Kira Lessin, a lifelong scholar and experiencer of ET contacts, and a student of Sitchin as well, is the voice of Ninmah consciousness and is dedicated to bringing the wisdom of Ninmah to the world. She has co-authored Anunnaki: Legacy of the Gods with Dr. Lessin.  She hosts internet radio programs on Revolution Radio and AquarianRadio.com, where she interviews the top researchers and experiencers in UFO, conspiracy, disclosure, ancient anthropology, science fiction and Anunnaki studies. She is a student of Zecharia Sitchin, who certified her in Sitchin Studies.  She attends various UFO and Ancient Alien conferences and interviews these conferences outstanding presenters.

Live on Skype from Hawaii

The Sacred Matrix : Unite, co-create spiritual family through the Sacred Matrix, a revolution in conscious evolution


SOUL BEINGS : We are beings eternally evolving, learning, growing, through lifetimes


Tantra Kundalini Awakening: reconnect souls to their higher awareness of their universal role, Healing Gift of the Gods to maximize Co-Creation of Existence


An evening event full of surprises…

At the L’ETRIER Restaurant, starting at 7PM.. dinner scheduled around 8PM


Bar Brasserie L’ETRIER 75, Avenue du 14 juillet 76300 Sotteville Les Rouen, 10 minutes from downtown.

Contact:  Marc Gray : (33) 06 83 03 68 94  marcgray7695@gmail.com

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Gordon Gianninoto & Janet Stanley ~ 03/01/15 ~ Sacred Matrix ~ Revolution Radio

Gordon Gianninoto & Janet Stanley ~ 03/01/15 ~ Sacred Matrix ~ Revolution Radio

Gordon JG & Janet LS MAY 2006 cropped-01Hosts Janet Kira Lessin & Dr. Sasha Lessin interview guests Janet Stanley & Gordon James Gianiannoto on the Sacred Matrix on Revolution Radio on www.freedomslips.com, Studio B, from 8 to 10 PM.

Attorney, contractor, and ET contactee Gordon James Gianninoto provides an update on what he knows about Planet X and the coming pole shift, the nature of gravity, Earth’s ‘dark twin,’ and why he believes the government is covering up imminent global catastrophe. We also discussed the nature of reality, spirituality, life after life and between death and life, reincarnation, ETs, the Greys, pole shift, ascension, Planet X Nibiru and much more.


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Robert E. Farrell ~ 03/22/15 ~ Sacred Matrix ~ Revolution Radio

Robert E. Farrell ~ 03/22/15 ~ Sacred Matrix ~ Revolution Radio

Hosts Janet Kira Lessin & Dr. Sasha Lessin interview Dr. Robert E. Farrell on the Sacred Matrix on Revolution Radio (www.freedomslips.com) on Sunday, March 22, 2015, Studio B from 8 to 10 PM Eastern time.


Dr. Robert E. Farrell received his Bachelor of Science in mechanical engineering from The Ohio State University, his MBA from Western New England College and his Doctor of Engineering from the University of Massachusetts. He is now retired from Penn State University as Associate Professor Emeritus.

Twenty years ago, he began doing serious research for his science fiction series of novels; Alien Log, Alien Log II: The New World Order, and Alien Log III: The Dulce Affair (Fall 2015). He believes good science fiction is based on good science.

His non-fiction include The Science Behind Noah’s Flood; The Science Behind Alien Encounters; The Science Behind the Creation of Our Universe (Summer 2015); and The Science Behind Gravitational Field Propulsion: Key to Interstellar Travel (Fall 2015).

All books are available as e-books or paper books through Amazon or Barnes & Noble. In 2012 his books made “Best Sellers List” on Amazon. He has lectured many times at universities, science centers, MUFON meetings, book stores, clubs, and senior centers around the country, and has appeared on numerous TV and radio shows including Coast-To-Coast AM with George Noory in 2006 and 2012. His present list of available lectures include: The Science Behind Alien Encounters; The Science Behind Creation of Our Universe; The Science Behind Noah’s Flood; and The Science Behind Gravitational Field Propulsion: Key to Interstellar Travel.

Please visit: www.alienlog.com

In Alien Log two scientists, Dr. Wendy Ahearn and Dr. Corey Newton, are joined in an ABOVE TOP SECRET project under the direction of Colonel Pete Mitchell.  Sequestered in a secret military base buried within a mountain in Nevada, the team is charged by special order of the President to decode an alien artifact discovered during the recovery of a UFO that crashed in 1953 near Kingman, Arizona. Time is critical and failure could doom human civilization as we know it.


Wendy is a brilliant, world-renowned linguist.  Her passion for music is surpassed only by her love of teaching linguistics of the Ancient Middle East.  Corey is the leading expert in the United States on quantum gravity.  Since graduating from MIT only three years ago, he has enjoyed his position as lead scientist for GraviDyne, an astrophysics think tank. His passion for UFOs has often raised the eyebrows of his co-workers.

Besides the President and the dying general who discovered it, the two members of Pete’s team are the only people on this planet who know the artifact exists…at least, that’s what everyone believes.  Wendy is able to learn what the aliens are up to but just as the team is about to access advanced alien technology through the artifact, it is stolen. The culprit is chased into the desert where he is apprehended and the artifact recovered.

Kindle Version

Alien Log II, the New World Order picks up where Alien Log left off, in the desert. During the return to base Corey is abducted. Since the aliens can place a block on the memory of abductees, Corey’s alien captor, Quellin, freely answers any question he might have. During a tour of the mother craft Corey learns many things. For example, he learns the Big Bang Theory is wrong and how the universe is constructed so that remote viewing, telepathy, and past life’s regressions are possible. Quellin explains how hybrids will be used to usher in the new world order and what that might look like.

Eventually, Corey is released and is joined by Wendy and Pete in their quest to unlock the artifact’s secrets. Wendy does retrieve information from the artifact but discovers it is too dangerous to pass on to Pete who will dutifully pass it on to the President. In the end, they solve the problem in a most unusual way.



About: The Science Behind Alien Encounters

The Science Behind Alien Encounters (120 pages) is a print version of the popular PowerPoint lecture by the same name. This lecture has been given over 60 times around the country including universities, colleges, libraries, UFO conferences, MUFON meetings, book stores, book clubs, and senior centers.

Topics covered in the book include the UFO Crash at Kingman, Arizona; A Brief History of Sightings; The Truth Embargo; The Search for ETs; The Sumerian Knowledge; The Deluge; The Great Pyramid of Giza; Contact with ETs; The Amazing Things UFOs Do; Time Travel and How ETs Travel Great Distances; Generating the Gravitational Field; Why UFOs Crash; What the ETs Are Up To; and even, How the Universe Began. An extensive bibliography is presented at the back of the book.

One conference organizer says the following about the book:

“If you can’t attend one of Dr. Farrell’s PowerPoint presentations on the science behind alien encounters, this book is the next best thing. It is based on the best and latest evidence from UFO investigators which indicates an ET presence on our planet. It also deals with perplexing scientific questions such as: How are UFOs propelled? How do they execute high g-force turns without crushing the ETs inside? How do they become invisible to sight? A worthwhile read!”

John White, author of The Meeting of Science and Spirit, producer of “The UFO Experience” conference (1987-1998)

The Science Behind Noah’s Flood

By Author – Lecturer Dr. Robert E. Farrell

The evidence is overwhelming that there was a world-wide catastrophe known as the Deluge (Noah’s Flood). While there are hundreds of flood stories from around the world, in the Science Behind Noah’s Flood the focus is on the Deluge that appears in the Old Testament and is known as Noah’s Flood. Ancient stories such as the Sumerian Epic of Gilgamesh and the older Babylonian Atra-hasis epic are compared and contrasted with Noah’s Flood in Genesis. Dr. Farrell presents evidence that the event occurred in Mesopotamia. Several hypotheses are discussed such as the one proposed by Ryan and Pittman, the one by Dr. Masse, and an hypothesis by the late Zecharia Sitchin that has been updated by Dr. Farrell. He explains what a mega-tsunami is and history of such events. The relationship between ice buildup at the poles and lea level is also discussed. Evidence is presented to support the hypothesis that the Flood occurred 14,700 years ago as a result of cascading ice sheets from Antarctica into the Indian Ocean as the Earth exited the glacial maximum. His conclusions are backed up by the Old Testament; research by glaciologists; recent archeological discoveries in and around Gobekli Tepe; Sumerian “myths” from Zecharia Sitchin’s works; and the spread of agriculture.


The Science Behind Alien Encounters

An Illustrated Lecture by Author – Lecturer Dr. Robert E. Farrell

Covering topics from cosmology and astronomy to anthropology and ancient beliefs, Dr. Robert Farrell’s presentation thrill and inform not only those interested in science fiction but also those curious about the universe. For instance, what is the evidence that we are being visited? What are the amazing similarities between what the Sumerians knew about our solar system six thousand years ago and what present day astronomers know today? What beliefs did the Sumerians have about humankind’s evolution? Who were the beings the Sumerians called Annunaki? What role did the Annunaki play in this? What did well known and  respected scientists such as Werner von Braun and Hermann Oberth say about UFOs? How do UFOs accelerate at one hundred g’s and make right angle turns without harming the occupants? How do the craft propel themselves, change colors, and “cloak” themselves? Is it possible to create gravitational field propulsion? What research is being done in this area? What are the religious implications of ET contact? This is all explained in Dr. Farrell’s lecture. Dr. Farrell has been giving this lecture over 80 times around the country and has enthralled audiences since 2004.

The Science Behind Creation of Our Universe

An Illustrated Lecture by Author – Lecturer Dr. Robert E. Farrell

During a single event this PowerPoint lecture presents the subject in three parts. First Dr. Farrell discusses the history of astronomy and cosmology citing paradigm shifts that have occurred since Ptolemy. Second, he discusses various hypotheses about the origin of the universe including the popular Big Bang theory and its weaknesses. Finally, he presents an alternative theory which uses the same data as the Big Bang theory but does not violate the laws of physics. Dr. Robert Farrell’s presentations thrill and inform those curious about the universe and the world around us.

The Science Behind Noah’s Flood

An Illustrated Lecture by Author – Lecturer Dr. Robert E. Farrell

The evidence is overwhelming that there was a world-wide catastrophe known as the Deluge (Noah’s Flood). In Dr. Farrell’s PowerPoint presentation, he references the Deluge that appears in The Old Testament as well as ancient stories such as the Sumerian Epic of Gilgamesh and the older Babylonian Atra-hasis epic. Dr. Farrell presents various hypotheses as well as his own conclusion that the event recorded by the Babylonians and Sumerians occurred in Mesopotamia about 14,700 years ago as a result of the Post Glacial Sea Rise. He discusses want a mega-tsunami is and the relationship between ice buildup at the poles and lea level. His conclusions are backed up by the Old Testament; the recent archeological discovery in and around Gobekli Tepe; Sumerian “myths” from Zecharia Sitchin’s works; and the spread of agriculture.

The Science Behind Gravitational Field Propulsion: Key to Interstellar Travel

An Illustrated Lecture by Author – Lecturer Dr. Robert E. Farrell

Propulsion by gravitational fields is possible and perhaps is already being done by our military. In this PowerPoint lecture, Dr. Farrell explains the difference between gravitational field propulsion and impulse propulsion such as is done with rockets and jets. He begins by carefully explaining the difference. He then launches into the advantages of field propulsion over impulse propulsion. For instance, accelerations at 100 g’s or greater without harming the occupants allows for trips to the moon in 20 minutes and trips to nearby stars in a few days. Peer reviewed papers on the theoretical possibilities are explained and then Dr. Farrell explains what has and is being done to create gravitational fields in the laboratory. Does the Air Force’s B-2 bomber use gravitational fields to enhance lift? These and other questions are addressed.

General Statements About the Lectures

Lectures are usually a two hour event with a 90 minute PowerPoint lecture, a 15 minute break in the middle, and a 15 minute Q&A at the end. Some can be made into two-class events of 90 minutes each. The duration of the events can be tailored to fit the group’s needs.

The honorarium per lecture is negotiable. They have ranged from $1,200 to $200 depending on travel expenses and the group’s budget. One option some organizations use is to charge an admission of $10 to $15 and use a percentage for the honorarium.  If desired, Dr. Farrell will do a book signing and bring copies of his best selling books. Please visit www.alienlog.com for more information.

Contact information to schedule an event with Dr. Farrell:

(623) 810-5095





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NASA Hiding the Evidence – Nibiru – Inter-Dimensional / Population Control

NASA Hiding the Evidence – Nibiru – Inter-Dimensional / Population Control

Published on Jul 13, 2014

Is NASA hiding the evidence? Made for content. More of NASA Hiding or revealing evidence can be found here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zOc5D…
Inter Dimensional beings and planets?

Why the need for a perfect race, as far back as Plato, when it’s been proven over thousands of years there is no such thing? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e_8u5…

Worried about your guns? They’re not worth much against a government that can press a button and zap a powerful EMP from an orbiting satellite, plane, or even a truck from ‘blocks’ and ‘miles’ away. Understand the reality of technology and just how out of date guns are when it comes to EMP’s or sound frequencies (to name but two). Avoid reacting like the animal they want you to act like (so they can then treat you like one and put you in a cage for growling, snarling and threatening to bite). There is power in knowledge, and knowledge in power, where ever you may find it. The more one learns of the cosmos, even other dimensions, the more one comes to find that, indeed, it was created. Nothing that big happens on just ‘chance.’ Truly. Earth proves that. Where we this day and time, as a race?

Proof that creation takes intelligence to occur and maintain.

Global warming, climate change. It is real.. but are humans really the cause for it?

After depopulating the earth, all those left wanted pets, more units to consume the earths energy and it becomes the same thing that we have now ‘wanting what the next person has.’ Is a serious complete pole shift on the near horizon?.

A jam packed video full of information that, if you can realize it, all relates.

As for the clip on America in this video? Tell me ‘every country’ does ‘not’ do that (use it’s populace for means of building and protecting a future).
As for the segment on the homeless? No person should be treated like trash. Should a disaster occur, how will you be treating those you have coffee with every day, those you smile at, admire, whistle, and wish to impress? Will you be the same person you are now?

A disaster comes in many forms.

How does any country of people attempt to make a change, ‘where every person is considered, fed, and housed,’ when increasing monies are forever needed to protect that very country from invasion by other countries who care only for resources and women? So be it that if one, or many, can no longer contribute to a cities economy (regardless as to if they have for 50 years previous), they are taken out of that city (in other countries they have actual hit squads who go out and assassinate them -children included), and told never to return. After 50 years of input to a city, one should be protected by that city and never abandoned by it.

Perhaps that is just a ‘dream,’ a vision that can never be.

I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (http://www.youtube.com/editor)

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