A whole bunch of dancers were a part of the "rhythm nation" last night.

During Janet Jackson's concert at the Hollywood Bowl Sunday, the singer invited her former dancers to join her onstage for Rhythm Nation, her 1989 hit about uniting to fight for social justice.  

Among them? Jenna Dewan-Tatum, who toured with Jackson in 2001.

For your reference, here's Jackson's Rhythm Nation music video.

Yep, the iconic choreography still holds up.

Dewan-Tatum wasn't the only celebrity in attendance for the Los Angeles concert. Billy Eichner said he had an "insane" time.

Janet brought out the original RHYTHM NATION lineup tonight. Insane.

A post shared by Billy Eichner (@billyeichner) on

And Rosario Dawson connected with the song that goes, "Things are getting worse. We have to make them better. It's time to give a damn. Let's work together come on, yeah."

Jackson, who initially put her world tour on hold to welcome a baby in January, is back on the road with the State of the World tour, twenty years since the release of her Velvet Rope album.


Janet Jackson announced a four-month North American tour, picking up after being postponed by her pregnancy. USA TODAY

Next tour stop? Las Vegas.


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