Extraterrestrial Contact

Let Disclosure Begin!




Hear Andrew Basiago, Randy Cramer, Ken Johnston, George Green, Sherry Wilde, Miesha Johnston, Cynthia Crawford, Robert Peralta, Janet Kira Lessin, John Titor II, Reinerio Hernandez, Hildregard Gmeiser, Karen Christine Patrick, Olaf Jansen and others share their experiences.

Aloha. I’m Dr. Sasha Lessin. Wife Janet and I are hypnotherapists. We specialize in exploration of nonordinary consciousness, including alien contact.

Collegue Karen Chrisine Patrick joined us in the radio shows below as we interviewed hero whistleblowers, ET ambassadors and genetic donors.

Click on the sound band, arrows or yellow dot in the upper left-hand corner of the interviewee’s photo for each entry below to listen; okay to skip around. I’m adding hotlinks to most of the interviews below. If you click the links, you get extended information pages to which you can click through for illustrations, experiencer bios an publications and contact info on each.

We’ll keep adding to this site.


Below are several findings from the WORLD’S FIRST COMPREHENSIVE ACADEMIC RESEARCH STUDY ON INDIVIDUALS THAT HAVE HAD UFO RELATED CONTACT EXPERIENCES WITH NON-HUMAN INTELLIGENCE! http://www.experiencer.org/survey/ Our Executive Director is Harvard Astrophysicist Dr. Rudy Schild. Our Research Committee Co-Chairs are 2 retired academic professors– Dr. Bob Davis (Neuroscientist) & Dr. Jon Klimo (Transpersonal Psychology). All of our Phase 1 & Phase 2 research data and our research methodology is available in our FREE Website: http://www.experiencer.org/survey/

Our initial survey findings, based upon 600 questions and almost 3,300 survey responses, totally contradict what is being circulated in the Internet and in the field of Ufology.
Over 3,300 participants from over 100 countries

  • Surveys conducted in 4 languages: English, Spanish, French and German
  • Memories only from CONSCIOUS EXPLICIT MEMORIES NOT from Hypnotic Regressions
  • The following data is only from the ENGLISH LANGUAGE SURVEY
  • 65%, or 1,024 of these individuals have had a witness to the UFO sighting
    1,072 have physically seen a Non-Human Intelligent Being
    Over 75% of individuals have viewed their physical contact experiences as “Positive”
    Only 15% have viewed their contact experiences as “Negative”
  • The “Energy Beings” (55%) and “Human Looking Being” (54%) is the most common type of being seen by Experiencers and not the Short or Tall Greys
  • 593 individuals have seen an “Energy Being”
  • 5% view the Energy Being as “Mainly Negative
  • 570 individuals have seen a “Human Looking Being”
  • 5.5% view the Human Looking Being as “Mainly Negative
  • 542 individuals have seen “Small Grey Being”
  • 11.72% view the Small Grey Being as “Mainly Negative
  • 498 individuals have seen “Ghost/Spirit Being”
  • 6.6% view the Ghost/Spirit Being as “Mainly Negative
  • 346 individuals have seen “Tall Grey Being”
  • 10.5% view the Tall Grey Being as “Mainly Negative
  • 270 individuals have seen a “Reptilian Being”
  • 23% view the Reptilian Being as “Mainly Negative
  • 238 individuals have seen a “Praying Mantis Type Being”
  • 9.44% view the Praying Mantis Type Being as “Mainly Negative
  • 1,092 individuals stated they saw “Other Types of Beings”
  • 8.8% view the “Other Types of Beings” as “Mainly Negative”
  • 85% have undergone major transformations for the “POSITIVE” per 75 Life Style Changes Questions (more spiritual, less egotistical, more concern for the environment, less concern for monetary values, etc)
  • 50% have reported a medical healing by a non-human intelligent being
  • 80%, or 1,570 have had an Out of Body Experience (OBE)
  • 35% have had a Near Death Experience
  • 32% of those that have had BOTH UFO Contact AND Contact with a Non-Human Intelligence have had an “Abduction”
  • 71% state that they are “CONTACTEES” and NOT ABDUCTEES
  • 84% do NOT want their ET contact to stop
  • 450 individuals have had “conscious” memories of being aboard a craft
  • 55% have had “missing time”;
  • 79% state the ETs have a personality
  • 66% have received telepathic messages
  • the majority of Experiencers have seen non-human intelligent being (NHIB) more than 10 times;
  • 395 individuals have stated that they believe that they have been involved in what is commonly called an “Alien Breeding Program”;
  • 100 individuals have stated they had a MILAB Abduction
  • 83% of Experiencers believe that the non-human intelligent beings (NHIBs) are somehow related to the “Spirit World”
  • 95% of Experiencers have had some type of “paranormal” experience
  • 826 have received information about advanced science or technology
  • Only 15% have RH Negative blood– the national average
  • Finally, there appears to be a very strong relationship between NDEs and UFO related Contact (OBEs, Telepathic Communication with Human Looking Beings, both groups experience numerous physical and psychic changes such as increased ESP skills, ability to see energy fields, effects on electrical devices, medical healings, “Spirit World” connections, and many other similarities)

Below you’ll find the youtubes and short intos.


Click on the little arrow on the bar below and hear how Johnston got photos showing mile-high domed spaceports, large cities and ancient ruins on the moon and how his regression session with Dr. Lessin awakened memories of how extraterrestrials trained him and other whistleblowers to bring about disclosure of the ET presence on the moon, Mars and Earth.

Click arrow above.

Listen to “Andrew D. Basiago ~ 03-27-2016 ~ Sacred Matrix” on Spreaker.

Click the dots on the icon to hear each show.

Listen to “Randy Cramer on Sacred Matrix with-Sasha and Janet Lessin-2015-10-04” on Spreaker.
Click Circle upper left to start audio.


John entered duty with the air force as an Airman in the U.S. Air Force at Dulce, New Mexico. He was specifically trained because of his abilities to become an officer and pilot. He received intensive training on the latest air frames and power plants available which included the TR-3B spacecraft. John commanded the 177th Time Travel Division. Later he was given the command of a combat group focused on eliminating a threat to the planet by extraterrestrials. He became proficient in martial arts, including karate, and kendo. He is proficient with all firearms in use by the military which includes the most advanced weaponry not generally known to the public at this time. This includes plasma and particle beam weaponry. John retired from the Air Force and entered private life to make the public aware of environmental issues the world faces and force the issue of Disclosure with the government. John verifies the existence of our clandestine off-planet military settlements.


Listen to “Sacred Matrix ~ Cynthia Crawford ~ 11-15-2015” on Spreaker.
Click the dots on the icon to hear each show.

Cynthia Crawford was born a fraternal twin with totally different blood type and tissue type than her twin sister. Unlike her twin, she was born without an amniotic sac, baffling the medical community since it had never happened before. Prior to her birth, her father had been approched by agents with the OSS to participate in a secret government project, and eventually rejoining the Army to work on another secret project for the OSS.

However, it was not until she was in her mid 30s that she learned from her father that she was a hybrid created in a petri dish by a government program utilizing DNA from two different alien races added to human DNA. Throughout Cynthia’s toddler years, she was taken to underground military medical facilities at night for testing and examinations. During this time and throughout her life, she encountered what she believed were alien abductions, examinations, impregnations, as well as miraculous healings and organ replacements.

Through the 1950s and into the late 1970s, Cynthia tried to seek help and understanding of her experiences, but there were no support groups at that time, nor could she find anyone who would believe her experiences. She was chastised for having and using psychic powers. Her life changed when she gave up fear to consciously face these other worldly beings, only to learn that they are her star family. This awakened her to the truth of her mission that brought her to this planet at this very special time in history.

In 2003, Cynthia began making ET sculptures with the assistance of the various star beings that she had encountered, and later added more sculptures that other contactees had experienced. It is important to note, however, that Cynthia’s Guides only allow her to make sculptures of benevolent beings for it is these beings that put their frequency into the sculptures to assist the star seeds in their mission on Earth. To date, she has received thousands of emails from people all over the world who share their experiences and or communication, as well as healings, with benevolent beings after receiving their sculptures.

Today, Cynthia devotes her life to doing counseling, workshops and talks, teaching how we are all connected to the star people and how to live in an integrated Galactic society in the very near future. She also teaches about DNA activation, remembering and reactivating your own true powers, and self-empowerment.

See more at: http://aquarianradio.com/2015/11/18/cynthia-crawford-bio/#sthash.gmXgdyQH.dpuf

Listen to “George Green ~ 12-20-2015 ~ Sacred Matrix” on Spreaker.
Click dot on George’s photo to hear show.

A former investment banker, George is probably the last person you’d expect aliens to choose to communicate with but that is exactly what has happened to publisher George Green. He shared how he was contacted, why he was chosen and the vital message he agreed to relay. George agreed to publish the extraterrestrial information to “awaken” us earthlings so we may all be in contact (those that choose to be). George will discuss how and when he saw his first spacecraft, subsequent investigation and how things began to “happen” in his life.

In the 1980’s, Green said he went to visit Billy Meier at his complex in Switzerland, and it was there that he began having direct contacts with aliens, who he said looked human in appearance. Later Green said he moved to Idaho, to be able to more clearly receive transmissions from the beings, who informed him that Earth was considered a “prison planet” by other species in the galaxy. George rebuilt his world and is in direct contact with Pleiadian intelligences and other beings. He has devoted his life to spreading the word that all is not as it seems.

Listen to “Sherry Wilde~05-29-16~Sacred Matrix~Janet & Dr. Sasha Lessin” on Spreaker.<a class=”spreaker-player” href=”https://www.spreaker.com/user/aquarianradio/sherry-wilde-05-29-16-sacred-matrix-jane” data-resource=”episode_id=8650142″ data-theme=”light” data-autoplay=”false” data-playlist=”false” data-cover=”https://d3wo5wojvuv7l.cloudfront.net/images.spreaker.com/original/ad421cebf57c27ef6872d2567c751b31.jpg” data-width=”100%” data-height=”400px”>Listen to “Sherry Wilde~05-29-16~Sacred Matrix~Janet &amp; Dr. Sasha Lessin” on Spreaker.</a><script async src=”https://widget.spreaker.com/widgets.js”></script>
Click dot on icon to hear Sherry.

Sherry Wilde was living an idyllic life as a wife, mother and business owner until 1987 when her community experienced a UFO flap that was considered one of the most active in the world. No one could have ever guessed the unbelievable turn of events that would occur over the next 18-24 months as Sherry was forced to accept her involvement in a phenomenon that was totally unknown to her. Faced with the indisputable evidence that she was experiencing contact with extra-terrestrial beings was astonishing to this pragmatic and levelheaded woman of 37, but to learn her contact had been ongoing for her entire life almost pushed her over the edge.

Sherry spent the next several years of her life trying to erase the experiences from her mind and did her best to return to a normal life, but when heavy contact started again in late 2009, after several years of relative peace, she could no longer ignore it. Inexplicably she found herself writing a book about the encounters as her memory opened up to the past events and the teachings these beings had imparted to her. Overcoming her fear and learning the truth of her involvement with these ultra-dimensional beings became her life goal. She now accepts the truth of these encounters and has cooperative contact on a regular basis with the beings she affectionately refers to as “her guys.”

Sherry has had an overwhelming amount of physical contact with beings from an alternate reality and has worked her way through the layers of disbelief, fear, confusion and ridicule. She found support and answers in places she never expected and through that process began to remember the truth of who she is. In this lecture she shares highlights and intimate details of that journey and talks about the differences between being an abductee and a volunteer.


Sherry’s the real thing; I have looked into her eyes, felt her heart. She, like many of you, is an ambassador of powers that value us Earthlings and our beautiful planet. Hear her story and tell us yours at  https://www.facebook.com/groups/1522717851335629/

Listen to “Sacred Matrix -Barbara Jean Lindsey -Sasha and Janet Lessin-2016-09-25” on Spreaker.
Click Circle upper left to start audio.

In 1989, Barbara Jean had an extraordinary near-death-experience after full-body channeling an ancient Egyptian being. Her lungs collapsed and she died in front of a live audience. Over the next few days she fought for her life (on the physical plane, spiritual plane and beyond). Barbara Jean’s story, journey and transformation are chronicled in her autobiography, Dying For the Light.

Listen to “Sacred Matrix Rey Hernandez with-Sasha and Janet Lessin-2016-09-11” on Spreaker.
Click Circle upper left to start audio.

Rey’s old dog was dying.  His wife prayed over it.  She called Rey to see what she perceived as an angel that Rey perceived as an energy ball.  The dog was healed.  Rey had been tapped as an ET experiencer ambassador.  He founded FREE, the scientific research and contactee-support organzation cited at the start of this post.


Click Circle upper left to start audio.
Miesha is a second-generational experiencer. She had her first experience at age three. She has, had numerous contacts and abductions and has been involved with at least 5 different alien types: grays, insectoids, mammalians, reptilians, and human looking groups. She has had many MILAB experiences and has been in the underground bases which includes a black ops branch of our government and some Grey and Reptilian factions. She was born and raised in a MK-Ultra family started her trauma based training for Project Monarch at age 3 and was put in to service at age 9. She has had three missing periods of time in her life extending to 8 months. During which time she has little or no memory of what happened. Including a wedding & husband she has no memory of at all.


Listen to “Osie & Elizabeth April with-Sasha and Janet Lessin–05-08-2016” on Spreaker.

Click Circle upper left to start audio.

Elizabeth April explores the topic of hybrids who combine human and alien species.  She had her first conscious abduction at age 18 and learned she connected to the extraterrestrials through her past life lineage. Through channelling, meditation and many inter-dimensional self-portraits, she came to terms with her connection, the information she accessed and the reason for her existence.

Osie, as a young child in rural Newfoundland on the outskirts of Grand Falls, woke up screaming every night from her terrible nightmares. She was abducted as a child and is still being abducted today by aliens who have been doing medical procedures to her for her entire life. She writes, “I have been experiencing “missing time” / “out of body” my entire life. In January 2015 I remembered what was happening to me.  It was terrifying. I’d wake from a nightmare, feel a sudden “pull” and I float to the sky, stars, then onto a metal table. I felt excruciating pain as things/hands/tools were forced into my body through my stomach.  I would black out. I would see them above me. I could hear them (in my head) saying,  she’s awake. Then I was pushed down and would find myself in my bed again. It always happened at night and I was always taken from my bed.”

Listen to “Robert Perala ~ 05/15/16~ Sacred Matrix ~ Revolution Radio” on Spreaker.
Click Circle upper left to start audio.
Robert Perala was taken aboard a spacecraft by three extraterrestrial astronauts. He was returned sunburned and covered in a honey / oil like substance. After locking himself in his apartment for 3 months, he found his way to the first UFO Conference of it’s kind headed up by Dr. J. Allen Hynek founder of Project Blue Book. Robert is a clairvoyant, and has seen visitors and apparitions all of his life

HILDREGARD GMEINERListen to “Mark & Hildegard ~ 06-26-2016 ~ Sacred Matrix- Host Karen Patrick” on Spreaker.
Click Circle upper left to start audio.

In her early thirties, during many near-death-experiences Hildregard realized consciousness is not limited to the physical vessel, where generally put most of our focused attention.  She was able to experience her 3-D life, as well as many other realities simultaneously, without being bound by a physicality. Surrounded by the light, she was able to feel, hear and communicate telepathically with different levels of intelligence.  Since then, she has been receiving ongoing telepathic guidance from her Andromedan brother Lui Mar, a 7th dimensional consciousness scientist from Boötes/Andromeda Galaxy. She regained her health against all expert medial prognoses given at the time by following the telepathically received insights from the invisible worlds.


Listen to “Michael Lee Hill 07/26/15 Anunnaki, AR Bordon” on Spreaker.
Click Circle upper left to start audio.

Michael reveals that the Anunnaki pledge amends for suffering they caused us. Anunnaki Prince Marduk, who has been running the Earth atop the pyramids of clandestine governmental, intelligence, spacefaring, military, criminal, banking, opium-financed and ET-Earthling research projects has contacted Hill. Marduk claims to have had a great change of heart, been redeemed, and wishes to make amends to humanity for the harsh treatment to which he has subjected us.

Michael says, “In July, 2008, a man called “Loki” led Hill into a round gazebo named, “I Dream of Genie Bottle”. There, Hill met MARDUK, in control of Earth since 70 CE. Marduk wore “a glowing, white-hooded robe and his face was not human, wavy with very sculpted features, very beautiful. He seemed transparent.” His face seemed translucent. Marduk brought in a man and a woman to do painless procedures on Hill to read his mind; they’d read and uplevel his “third eye”. They had shiny, flashing instruments and laser pointers. One device looked like a small wand with a bright purple/blue LED on top of it. They told Hill they’d remove some memory blocks. When they were done, the male said. “I heard that you wanted to meet us and that you filmed our craft over Lake Erie.”

Marduk said Hill’s belonged to the Serpent Lineage within the Anunnaki Ruling Family that supports Marduk. Marduk said Loki led Hill to the gazebo to discuss how Marduk would bring a change how Nibiru’s King Nannar runs the Earth. Marduk said he had a new “game plan” for humanity and that both Hill and someone else were incarnated here now to help Earth with its end time changes.

Hill asked Marduk and his associates if he could see their faces, and they said, “Not now; Tomorrow.” Next morning, Hill saw Marduk and a female walking up to his tent on the dirt road, and though they looked like Earthlings, Hill instantly “knew” it was the Anunnaki leader and his consort. Marduk said, “Good morning, Commander Michael.” Hill now saw Marduk had radiant blue eyes. He and Hill spent that day together, and Marduk made dinner for Hill. (Bill Birnes writes,‘The Anunnaki are not 3rd Density beings; they are interdimensional and capable of bending and manipulating light so what we see can have a different shape and form if we look at them from a different light perspective.


Click Circle upper left to start audio.

Click the arrow on the icon below and hear her mind-blowing experiences.
Listen to “Starseed Awakening with Miesha Johnston 2015 09 19” on Spreaker.

Janet Kira Lessin wrote “Journey of Souls, Book 1: Pierce the Veil”–the story of her hero’s journey through consciousness. Janet tells how at eighteen months of age, Masons ritually evoked her spirit and how she stayed connected to the paranormal her whole life. Extraterrestrials revived her from a brutal rape she suffered at age 4. They fortold her role in helping humanity survive and thrive.

In 1996, a team of Grey Aliens and American soldiers abducted Janet from her dorrn on Johnston Atoll in the Pacific. They took her in a USO to a base under the atoll. There, twelve-foot Nordic-looking extraterrestrial humans, the Anunnaki, marched with her to a huge female dragon. The Dragon readied Janet to speak for modern feminine Homo sapien aspirations before the Gallactic Federation. The Dragon opened Janet to the consciousness of Ninmah, Mother of Humanity, charged with creating a civilized civilization based on peace, love, and partnership.

The audio program ends with a meditation for extraterrestrial, spiritual and helpful paranormal experiences to assist you on your journey to higher consciousness and to aid your return to humanity with what you learn.

More at http://wp.me/p1TVCy-3Uk

Click Circle upper left to start audio.

OLAF JANSEN: Adventure in Inner Earth-Agartha
Click Circle upper left to start audio.

Dr. Sasha and Janet Lessin read selected excerpts from “The Smoky God” by Willis Erickson. Erickson interviewed and published the notes of Norweigan sailor Olaf Jansen the Lessins read.

Jansen said a storm drove him and his dad in small fishing sloop near the North Pole into the Inner Earth. They returned to the surface world in Antarctica, near the South Pole, where the Dad drowned.

Olaf asked his rich Uncle Osterlind to fit out an expedition back to Agartha.
Osterlind brought Olaf before authorities to (Olaf thought) plan the expedition he proposed. But, said Olaf, “upon the conclusion of my narrative I found myself arrested and hurried away to dismal and fearful confinement in a madhouse, where I remained for twenty-eight years. “I never ceased to assert my sanity, and to protest against the injustice of my confinement. Finally, on the seventeenth of October,1862, I was released.

“I shipped with a fisherman on a long fishing cruise to the Lofoden Islands and eventually bought a fishing-brig of my own. For twenty-seven years thereafter I followed the sea as a fisherman, five years working for others, and the last twenty-two for myself. I took great care not to mention to anyone the story concerning the discoveries made by my Father and myself. In 1889 I sold out my fishing boats, and found I had accumulated a fortune quite sufficient to keep me the remainder of my life. I then came to America. When my days on Earth are finished, I shall leave maps and records that will enlighten and, I hope, benefit Mankind. The memory of my long confinement with maniacs, and all the horrible anguish and sufferings are too vivid to warrant my taking further chances.

“We’d left Stockholm in our fishing-sloop on the third day of April, 1829, and sailed around the Scandinavian coast to the westward for the Lofoden Islands. We sailed through the Hinlopen Strait, coasted along the North-East-Land, and sailed along Franz Josef Land to its West Coast. In 24 hours, we came to a one or two acre warm and tranquil inlet. In front of us to the North, lay open sea.  Father said that still farther north was land more beautiful than any that mortal man had. I exclaimed: “Why not sail to this goodly land? The sky is fair, the wind favorable and the sea open.”

Jens, Olaf’s father, said: “Son, are you willing to go with me beyond where Man ever ventured?” When Olaf said yes, they sailed due north for thirty-six hours till they lost sight of Franz Josef Land.

Hear what the Jansens saw on this show; learn more about it at http://wp.me/p1TVCy-41U



Click circle to hear about Centering, Subselves and benefits of exploring the paranormal, extraterrestrial and multidimensional

If you’re an extraterrestrial or interdimensional Contactor, you may’ve suppressed an inner voice that agreed to your contacts. Perhaps you agreed and forgot you did. Maybe you remember ETs invaded you and think they did so against your will. But a protective part of you– a primary subself–labeled the contact to which you agreed as “involuntary.” Your primary self may have hidden from your awareness that you said yes to paranormal or extraterrestrial contact.

I suggest you let yourself remember such experiences. You can opt to keep your contacts private or share them. You learn, when you follow the cues at https://www.facebook.com/School-of-Counseling-416599551860…/ , to review and relive your contacts from your Center. Then you choose what to tell and what to hide from those who might freak if they hear what you experienced. The cues teach you to center yourself, to identify with your Center. Your Center is your conscious awareness of your many subselves or inner voices. From your ever-expanding Center, you coordinate behavior that meets the deep needs of ever more of your inner voices. Your Center takes into account the needs of your Contactor subself as well as the needs of your primary social and practical selves. Primary selves like your Pleaser, Intellect, Parent, Judge and Self-Critic may keep you from the full awareness of the Contactor part of you so you can meet your social duties and not sound like a crazy to other people.

From your Center, you choose the degree to which you reveal or conceal your Contactor subself and its unconventional experiences. You assess how much of your Contactor you reveal to your own awareness and to other people. From your Center you can assess probable pushback you’ll get if you remember and share your contacts. You predict possible pushback from mates, friends, bosses, disinformation agents, military intimidators, religious bigots, and people who fear your revelations. Such people may fear your revelations if they’ve repressed their own paranormal intimations. You decide how much to reveal and how much to conceal, but you can at least let yourself remember.

The cue sequence at https://www.facebook.com/School-of-Counseling-416599551860…/  begins with an evocation of your primary inner voices. Seek their permission to explore your Contactor. Your primary voices that protect you from shame and punishment may’ve blocked you from either recalling your contacts or may have blocked you from recalling that you consented to contact. You’ve must get permission from your protective primary voices to let you hear the memories, desires and needs of your Inner Contactor. In the cue-sequence, you tell your primary voices you’ll let them stop interviewing your Contactor if these they sense that you’re recalling too much too fast. Your protective voices let you remember enough for you to handle as you respond to the cues.

Get the cues at https://www.facebook.com/School-of-Counseling-416599551860…/


Read More

TIME TRAVEL: Articles & Youtubes

TIME TRAVEL: Articles & Youtubes

time travelTime Travel2 Time Travel3


TIME TRAVEL? CAN JOURNEYS TO PAST CHANGE PRESENT AND FUTURE?</p><br /><br /> <p>Get the rest of the story at<br /><br /><br /> http://extraterrestrialcontact.com/2013/07/11/time-travel-articles-youtubes/

  • Andrew D. Basiago Sasha, No, because time travel to the past affects events in the past’s present, and hence become part of the original past, not some imaginary, secondary past. Since time is linear and time travel allows for non-linear transepts from the present to the past, such interventions contribute to the creation of the original past as it existed from the perspective of the future before the intervention from the future was undertaken. In this sense, time travel to the past can only retro-causally close a time loop and fulfill the past, but not change the past. In the quantum hologram, there is only a “do,” but never a “re-do.”
  • Ollie Newell Mua So which “future” would you go back to after fixing the past… is it the original future that has not apparently changed since everyone else would not know it had, or a new timeline that the fix I suppose could theoretically have created as a result?
  • .
    Tom Clearwater Andy, would you say the seed of everything that happens in a past moment, including a future transept, is part of what that past moment was?
  • Andrew D. Basiago Tom, Precisely, and because of movies about time travel that purport a “re do” of a past event caused by the time traveler, that is one of the most difficult things for people to grasp, yet the sine qua non of time travel is to intervene in the original event in its present, not some replaying of the event triggered by the trip to the past by the time traveler. Why would that happen if time travel has led to the presence of the time traveler from the future in the past’s present?
  • Tom Clearwater Exactly, gotcha. Took a bit to think that through, but I get it now. Very subtle. It’s a beautiful wholistic understanding actually, and how I have all along intuitively viewed time without the benefit of the lens of thinking about time travel.
  • .
    Ted Nomura Unfortunately the only true time machine technology we have now is still a one way trip.Of course if we have a very powerful telescope a million light years away, we can actually see Earth from there what it looked like a million years ago. Getting there is another matter.
  • Andrew D. Basiago Ted, Ben Rich of Lockheed Skunkworks stated before his death that we have the technology to get ET home.
  • .
  • Makoto Mituboshi i do not know if Andy like this but at the Montauk project they play so much Nazi game and changing too many past scenario and they almost lost this time line and they got pale and stop it and just bring back as it is. the timeline is like a metal wire………..
  • Andrew D. Basiago Makoto, Not true. Rumsfeld wasn’t present at the meeting at which time travel to the past via chronovisor involving children was shut down. Probes to the past involving chronovisor were shut down because every time they sent the same child or a different child to the same past event the event changed and so because of the inherent dangers to the children involved they decided to shut down time travel to the past. I also cannot endorse your claims that the past can be changed and that a timeline can snap as the result of fatigue from over-visiting..
  • Ollie Newell Mua Have they time travelled post Syria and seen how their Utopia works out given that today it appears US and UK are on the verge of starting yet another “liberation” for the Muslim Brotherhood and Al-CIAda?
    Makoto Mituboshi i do not know if Andy like this but at the Montauk project they play so much Nazi game and changing too many past scenario and they almost lost this time line and they got pale and stop it and just bring back as it is. the timeline is like a metal wire if you bend too many times it will break from the metal fatigue. Rumsfeld also told Andy and his father that they stop playing the visiting past because they discovered it could be very dangerous to our timeline. we may become Ka-poo!
    Andrew D. Basiago Makoto, Not true. Rumsfeld wasn’t present at the meeting at which time travel to the past via chronovisor involving children was shut down. Probes to the past involving chronovisor were shut down because every time they sent the same child or a different child to the same past event the event changed and so because of the inherent dangers to the children involved they decided to shut down time travel to the past. I also cannot endorse your claims that the past can be changed and that a timeline can snap as the result of fatigue from over-visiting.
  • .
  • Makoto Mituboshi one more question, also at the physically visiting Lincoln assassination scene not by the chronovisor but by the real using tel portation device. you said every time you visit the past was bit changed, correct? either the person pass by or how they dress or the security people there sometimes stop you and so forth… it was bit different each time correct?  Was that all by the chronovisor? give me one example you used teleportation device and physically went to past and have to sleep there sometime
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  • Andrew D. Basiago Makoto, I only visited the Lincoln assassination via chronovisor and, yes, in those five to six probes it always resulted in a slightly different event scenario..
  • .
  • Makoto Mituboshi When you visit past time in NY and you were chased by bullies. was that visitation by the chronovisor? or teleportation device?  Now I remember you visited Gettysburg address physically using teleportation device. correct? you met your Dad there also he departed form the different date but ended up with the same past with you because you both are form the same time line.
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    Andrew D. Basiago Makoto, The trip to NYC around 1900 was via chronovisor. I wasn’t chased by bullies but was confronted by a bully when I told him that I was from 1971. So, you see, I was defending my time travel experiences even as I was having my time travel experiences!
  • Makoto Mituboshi ‘Back to the future’ ( Michael J Fox ) story was actually derived form the project Pegasus!  and We are still waiting for your book Andy! come to think about it, Marty’s father was threatened by Marty (was he pretended from the Mars?) to defend his mother from the bully (I forgot his name) while he was half a sleep…in his bed. He eventually successful sciify author.
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    Ollie Newell Mua Biff was his mom’s tormentor. Heaven forbid we have the likes of Biff in charge of anything! When will we be allowed clean powered cars that fly also?

  THE MONTAUK PROJECT & THE PHILADELPHIA EXPERIMENT Al Bielek, Preston Nichols, and Duncan Cameron, The only 3 Known Survivors of the Eldridge Tell All Publicly These Montauk Project retirees-Al Bielek, Preston Nichols, and Duncan Cameron give an introduction about what the various projects were all about. They also talk about how and why the project got started, and what their involvement’s were. Preston Nichols-Philadelphia Project Engineer, Builder of the Eldridge Generators Delta-T Antenna After a series of crashed saucers in New Mexico and other parts of the world, the government decided that they needed to set up a series of bases to investigate this phenomena and find personnel that could decode the salvaged equipment into a working new technology (reverse engineering). The Montauk Project was to be an elite black project investigating paranormal, psychic, and unconventional sciences. It was to include the most intelligent respected scientists in the world using the most sophisticated advanced computer equipment available. Al Bielek-Philadelphia project Retiree The Montauk project turned out to become a huge project branching off into many other smaller projects including Mind Control, Telepathy, Teleportation, and Time Travel. Al Bielek, one of the key people involved in the group, gives and introduction about the project and talks about how the project started with the following three pioneer people: John Hutchenson Sr., Dean of the University of Chicago. Dr. Kurtenhauer, Austrian Physicist (who later formed the Institute of Advanced Studies in Princeton, New Jersey). Nicola Tesla, visionary, and worlds greatest inventor. Invited to join later were Dr. John Von Neumann, acclaimed mathematicians and physicist, and Albert Einstein, Nobel prize winner, physicist. Both of which accepted and worked in the project, Einstein resigned in 1932 for his own unknown reasons. Von Neumann was a well educated doctor of physics, and there was a lot of fighting between him and Tesla, as Tesla had no formal education and relied mostly on his visionary talents. Nicola Tesla was named Director of the project. Tesla was given anything that was required by him for the testing of the project. Tesla required and was given a navy battle ship on which the experiments were to be tested. The first test of invisibility occurred in 1940 and was slated as a full success when a navy ship with no crew on board vanished from this plane of existence (see map of vanished location). Tesla stated that there would be a serious problem with personnel if anyone were to enter the ship while the gauss coils were turned on and the Electro Magnetic radiation would damage them within this reality. He said in numerous occasions that he was in contact with Extra-Terrestrials and that the ET’s had also confirmed that there would be a problem. Tesla wanted to clarify the problem before any farther experiments would begin. However the Navy said no, they were fighting a war and had no time to waist. On the second experiment, Tesla, not wanting to destroy lives, discreetly sabotaged the controls, and when they pulled the switch, nothing happened. He then resigned and quit the project in 1942. Joining the now called Philadelphia Project ,under the direction of Dr. Von Neumann, were Dr. Gustoff and Dr. Clarkson to farther investigate these problems. Also called in was Dr. Levinson (1912-1976), of which there seems to be no history of his existence. He however he did leave behind 3 books, all of which were banned and destroyed, regarding the Levinson time equations of space. Dr. David Hilbert, born 1912, was signed up due to his knowledge of multiple and alternate reality’s, and multi space time. Von Neumann died later in 1957. Al Bielek was invited to join the project in Aug 1939 dufe to his unique knowledge and ability in Psychic and Metaphysical ability. He was educated by the Navy as to the projects intentions, through to 1940. He was assigned to providing detailed reports on the projects progress. Bielek , a rather unique character, was borne in Aug 1916 as Edward A. Cameron, and after retiring from the project, was de-briefed and brainwashed. He had his memory erased of all the Montauk events, and then had his consciousness removed and put into another body and incarnated and born as Duncan Cameron in 1917. With much deprogramming and regression analysis, Bielek was able to pull back and verify most of his memory. The Philadelphia project, became the Phoenix project when the case was re-opened again in 1947 at the Brook-haven space-time laboratories, to see if they could salvage some this “non-working” project, and hide their ships and aircraft from radar (today’s Stealth Technology). Al Bielek and Duncan Cameron were assigned to the psychic division of Montauk and worked with time tunneling and Teleportation. One of these are the famed “Montauk Chair“. The Montauk Chair was essentially a mind amplifier. They found that they could easily re-program people when they were put into the orgasmic state of emotion, this would separate the conscious mind, and free up the unconscious submissive mind and allow programming. The chair would pick up this thought. With the help of a psychic and machines, anyone who sat in the chair could simply concentrate and an alternate reality would be created. During these tests at Montauk from 1947 to 1987, they developed the technology that a transmitter could warp space and time just like gravity. Preston Nichols built this transmitter. They were able to find a time vortex that would tunnel them back and forth between 1983 and 1943. This vortex was about 5 miles in diameter and could teleport you as far as 100 light years away, to and from any time in the past or future. They experimented to see the earth a thousand years in the future but found that anything beyond the year 2021 was unrecognizable and found no tangible future beyond 2021. Preston explains also that if someone were teleported back into time say 3 minutes, they would eventually meet themselves and explode. With this transmitter, what ever you could think of would appear. Al Bielek and Duncan Cameron describes the many adventures of going through the vortex to not only different times, but also different locals. Cameron would psychically create it, while Bielek would be teleported to it. Objects could be taken to and from these different locals and times instantly. He tells of a Time-Life magazine that was taken from 1987 back to 1947 during a test. You could take a picture or video tape anything while in the tunnel and take it back with you. There may however be repercussions. By having knowledge about the future, this knowledge has now altered the present. Al Bielek describes the fluid like structure and the cork screw sensations when he passes through the vortex. Many people were lost when the generator received fluctuation or was turned off. This is the reason why they used single people with no family and no previous history, so that they would not be missed. Many recruits were sent to the year 6069 and then returned to describe what they saw. If they described what they saw what was known to be there, then they would continue in the project since their testimony could be validated. Duncan describes the Earth in the year 6069 as a city of unrecognizable ruins in a different evolution than the one Earth is in now. A big gold horse (with a dial on its belly) monument of some kind caught his notice (i.e. the front cover of the first Montauk book). Al Bielek and Duncan Cameron were also assigned to be on the USS Eldridge. Both jumped off when they found that they were starting to phase out of this reality. Preston Nichols, a receiver / transmitter specialist, was assigned to the design of weather control technologies using techniques of Wilhelm Reich. They were able to control storms, tornadoes, and various other weather systems using Z-Argon gases at the 406 MHz frequencies. These were to be incorporated into the Phoenix Project. The projects developed from weather control and invisibility, to Human Mind Control. Their Idea was to control the mind of the enemy and make them surrender. By setting the emotions of people, then recording their psychic brain wave patterns, they found that when they replayed these patterns to other people, they too would be set to that emotion. Preston also explains on the video how Teleportation to a future fixed point would alter the return to the same fixed point of a past, and that this would set up a re-occurring loop of a certain time line, while leaving other alternate past point time lines in perfect alternate possible futures (it gets complicated here), and sets up a locked time line. Preston farther explains how altered states of reality works in the “No perception of time” state. The Montauk Air force base was used for this testing from 1969 to 1979. These devices were perfected to the point where they could produce a mind control laser beam to make a person feel anything they wanted: love, hate, depression, etc. They could point this beam at a school of fish and make them swim in any direction that they wanted. Some 250,000 people were mind programmed and tested during this time. A side effect of this programming was that the people who were used for testing, some of them without their knowledge, all obtained an altered Aura. These altered Auras that can still be seen today by psychics and equipment. They had the power of creation so long as the power was supplied to the transmitters which required gigs and terra watts. After the project was over, employees were de-briefed, brainwashed, reprogrammed, and had their memories erased with the knowledge from the project. In addition to this Al Bielek’s conscious was put into another child’s body after birth. Much of this technology was given to the upper government by a number of Extra-Terrestrial races in exchange for control and treaties (more on this in later Videos). These Black Projects costs billions and billions of dollars to run, and it was not only one base at Montauk, but 25 bases all across the land all running in parallel. The question arises “where did all the money come from?”. Its interesting to note that the money was not funded by the government!. Apparently the money used to fund these projects came from some secret society that got the money from a Nazi gold train carrying 10 billion dollars that disappeared during the war, and was found 10 years later in Montauk, only now the value was hundreds of billions of dollars due to inflation. The projects ceased on Aug 12 1983 when Montauk ran out of these billions. The projects continue on in many veins ,contributing to some of the technology today, such as the B3 bombers (Stealth Technology).

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