
UML wins mayor, deputy mayor in Pokhara Lekhnath metropolis

- Post Report, POKHARA

May 26, 2017-CPN-UML candidates Man Bahadur GC and Manju Gurung have been elected the mayor and deputy mayor of Pokhara Lekhnath Metropolitan city.

According to the final result published on Friday, GC became the first mayor of Pokhara Lekhnath metropolis by defeating Nepali Congress’ Ramji Kunwar. GC secured 60423 votes while Kunwar garnered 46416 votes.

Likewise, Deputy mayor elect Gurung received 56448 votes and her closest rival Saraswati Gurung of the Nepali Congress earned 44338 votes.

The ruling CPN (Maoist Centre) and Nepali Congress had jointly fielded the mayoral candidates in the metropolis.

Similarly, UML candidates were elected ward chairman in 22 wards and 11 NC candidates won the ward chairman post out of 33 wards in the city.

Published: 26-05-2017 09:58

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