Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Open Access Journal: Gallia

 [First posted in AWOL 8 December 2009, updated 30 April 2014]

eISSN - 2109-9588 

Créée par le CNRS, la revue Gallia est, depuis plus d’un demi-siècle, la grande revue de l’archéologie nationale, réputée pour la rigueur de ses textes et la qualité de ses illustrations. Gallia publie des dossiers et des articles de synthèse sur les découvertes et les recherches les plus signifiantes dans le domaine de l’archéologie en France. Son champ chronologique couvre la Protohistoire depuis le premier âge du Fer, l’Antiquité et l’Antiquité tardive jusqu’à la fin des royaumes mérovingiens. Son champ géographique correspond à l’ancien espace gaulois et comprend les Trois Gaules ainsi que les territoires immédiatement limitrophes qui participent à leur destinée. En ce sens, Gallia accueille des articles sur des sites ou des découvertes majeures en France mais aussi dans les pays voisins si leur intérêt concerne la Gaule en général.






Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Open Access e-Book: Blogging Archaeology

Blogging Archaeology- The Book
Doug Rocks-Macqueen
Blogging Archaelogy Cover Image
Blogging archaeology Cover Image
I have not posted for a little while and that is because I have been very busy editing and putting together an eBook- Blogging Archaeology. As I am typing this the SAA session on blogging and archaeology is happening. Chris has launched the book there (not sure if it worked but it is supposed to be a giant projected QR code with a link to the book) and I will do so on this blog.

I will make this short and sweet: read it! It is Open Access i.e. FREE to READ! The authors put in a lot of effort and, while I might be a little bit bias, I think it is an excellent book.

Download it here Blogging Archaeology

Chris has put together a really nifty way to view it magazine style-

Virtual Cilicia Project

Virtual Cilicia Project
Surrounded by the steep Taurus and Amanus mountain ranges, the fertile alluvial plain of Cilicia Pedias in modern Turkey is a true treasury of important monuments from numerous ages. Hittite and Assyrian rock reliefs serve as representations of power at this connection between Anatolia and the Levant. Since it relies on Goggle Earth, the Virtual Cilicia Project is able to show you these monuments as well as the ruins of Bronze and Iron Age settlements like e.g. Karatepe with its world-famous carved orthostats in their natural environments. Follow the tracks of Alexander the Great, who made a sacrifice to Athena Magarsia at the northernmost point of Plain Cilicia, before he continued to the city of Mallos, which still has not been located despite numerous efforts. Be impressed by the well preserved ruins of the Hellenistic mountain fortress of Karasis, which is situated upon an inaccessible mountain summit and was only discovered as recently as 1994. Explore the hideouts of the dreaded pirates who terrorized the Mediterranean in the 1st century BC before being defeated by Pompeius Magnus, who forced many of them to settle in cities. Wander through Hierapolis, the residence of king Tarkondimotos, who had formerly been a pirate, but eventually was issued command of the region by Pompeius. Discover the foundations of one of the largest temples from the Roman Imperial Age and explore the extensive structures of Late Antique and Early Byzantine villages and settlements. Learn more about the Byzantine Period in Cilicia, the 5th/6th cent. AD existence of which is attested by the impressive remains of churches and fortifications at Anazarbos. Using the timeline integrated in Google Earth allows you to experience the historic development of settlement interactively and documents the gigantic castle building program, which surrounded the Taurus mountain ranges with massive fortifications during the time of the crusades (11th – 13th century AD). The Virtual Cilicia Project’s goal is to document the vast diversity of Cilicia’s history and to present this cultural heritage in the context of its ancient and modern landscape to the expert and the layman. We are continuously adding information on excavation sites and monuments as well as data concerning the landscape’s development, in order to make the understanding of this settlement chamber more accessible. Explore (Virtual) Cilicia – We are looking forward to your visit and your feedback!

Monday, April 28, 2014

Open Access Journal: Notae Praehistoricae

Notae Praehistoricae
ISSN: 0774-3327

Notae Praehistoricae
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Notae Praehistoricae
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Notae Praehistoricae
Notae Praehistoricae
Notae Praehistoricae
Notae Praehistoricae
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Notae Praehistoricae
PDF draft
Notae Praehistoricae

Notae Praehistoricae
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Notae Praehistoricae

Notae Praehistoricae
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Notae Praehistoricae
PDF draft
Notae Praehistoricae
Notae Praehistoricae
Notae Praehistoricae
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Notae Praehistoricae

Notae Praehistoricae
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Notae Praehistoricae
Notae Praehistoricae
NP20.jpg Notae Praehistoricae
Notae Praehistoricae
Notae Praehistoricae
Notae Praehistoricae

Notae Praehistoricae
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Notae Praehistoricae
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Notae Praehistoricae
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Notae Praehistoricae

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Notae Praehistoricae

Notae Praehistoricae
Notae Praehistoricae
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Notae Praehistoricae
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Notae Praehistoricae
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  eSite_NP33_Couv-BenoitClarys_211113 100 DPI
Notae Praehistoricae
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Homer Marginalia Contest ($1000 prize)

Identify mystery text, win $1000 

[Updated 5 May 2014]
The winner and the solution is announced

Contest to identify mystery script in rare edition of Homer’s Odyssey now closed 
A researcher has identified the script used for annotations in the 1504 edition of Homer’s Odyssey held by University of Chicago Library. We will announce the results in a few days.

Thanks to all the linguists, classicists, and other amateur detectives who responded to our call for assistance. We hope you enjoyed working on the puzzle.]
Example of Mystery Text
Example of Mystery Text
Mystery Text
Mystery Text

Calling all historians of cryptography and stenography, Sherlockians (see “The Dancing Men”), and other amateur detectives!  The collection of Homer editions in the Special Collections Research Center – the  Bibliotheca Homerica Langiana(BHL) – includes a copy of the rare 1504 edition of Homer’s Odyssey that contains, in Book 11 (narrating Odysseus’s journey into Hades) handwritten annotations in a strange and as-yet unidentified script.  This marginalia appears only in the pages of Book 11 of the Odyssey; nowhere else in the volume.  Although the donor of the BHL is suspicious that this odd script is a form of 19th-century shorthand (likely French), he acknowledges that this hypothesis remains unsupported by any evidence offered to date.
The donor of the BHL is offering a prize of $1,000 to the first person who identifies the script, provides evidence to support the conclusion, and executes a translation of selected portions of the mysterious marginalia.  In addition to the photographs in this post, the volume is available to consult in person in the Special Collections reading room.  Please visit the Special Collections website for information about requesting items to get started. The contest is open to all, regardless of University of Chicago affiliation. Please direct submissions to the contest, or questions, to Alice Schreyer, Assistant University Librarian, Humanities and Social Sciences and Rare Books Curator, or Catherine Uecker, Rare Books Librarian.
Homer. Odysseia. Venice: Aldus, 1504. PA4018.A2 1504 vol. 2
Download high resolution page images.
(Note that the unidentified script only appears on these two pages.)

Partially Open Access Journal: ASDIWAL, revue genevoise d'anthropologie et d'histoire des religions

ASDIWAL, revue genevoise d'anthropologie et d'histoire des religions  (partially open)
ISSN: 1662-4653

ASDIWAL, revue genevoise d'anthropologie et d'histoire des religions est produite et gérée par l'association des étudiants en histoire des religions de l'Université de Genève. Eclectique et ouverte, notre revue donne la parole aussi bien à de jeunes chercheurs qu'à des spécialistes reconnus. Elle demeure sans limite quant aux domaines abordés, tout en plaidant résolument pour une approche historique et anthropologique, un «regard éloigné», ainsi qu'un esprit de liberté et d'humour.

ASDIWAL, revue genevoise d'anthropologie et d'histoire des religions is published and managed by the students in history of religions of the University of Geneva. Eclectic and open-minded, it combines the works of young researchers with those of renowned scholars. Our journal has no limits as to its fields of study, though deliberately pleading for a historical and anthropological approach, an “outsider perspective”, as well as a spirit of humor and liberty.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Open Access Journal: Sociedad Española de Bizantinística Boletín

 Sociedad Española de Bizantinística Boletín
El Boletín de la Sociedad Española de Bizantinística, con una periodicidad trimestral, es un instrumento de difusión del conocimiento de Bizancio y de las actividades de la Sociedad y sus socios. Además de las noticias académicas y las publicaciones de bizantinistas españoles, recoge breves estudios divulgativos sobre gran variedad de aspectos de la presencia de Bizancio en la Península ibérica y de las relaciones entre los reinos peninsulares y Bizancio, en parte organizado en secciones fijas como “Bizancio en la actualidad” o “Archivo gráfico de Bizancio y la península Ibérica”.
Boletín 18 (2014)

  1. Acta de la asamblea anual de la S.E.B.
  2. Haendel en Bizancio: La ópera barroca y la historia bizantina.
  3. La Bizantinística en la Universidad española.
  4. La Cantiga 28 de Alfonso X y el asedio de Constantinopla.
  5. Bibliografía
Boletín 17 (2013)

  1. XVI jornadas de Bizancio: el mundo bizantino y el Occidente europeo
  2. Los mosaicos bizantinos del mihrab de Córdoba
  3. El icono bizantino de Jaime I el Conquistador (Jaume el Conqueridor)
  4. Tesis doctorales y tesis de máster
  5. Bibliografía
Boletín 16 (2013)

  1. Rodríguez Adrados y Bizancio: una relación tormentosa
  2. La guardia de "jenízaros" catalanes del emperador bizantino (segunda mitad del s. XVI - primera mitad del s. XV)
  3. Besarión en Roma
  4. Bibliografía
  5. Reforma de los estatutos de la A.I.E.B. (Association Internationale des Études Byzantines)
Boletín 15 (2013)

  1. Acta de la asamblea anual de la S.E.B.
  2. «Chipre, entre Bizancio y Occidente (siglos IV-XVI)», exposición en el museo del Louvre (28 octubre 2012 - 28 enero 2013)
  3. El culto a la Virgen en Constantinopla, Πόλις τῆς Θεοτόκου, según el Tarraconensis 55
  4. Un plato del Louvre
  5. Actividades bizantinas en el sureste peninsular
  6. Bibliografía
Boletín 14 (2012)

  1. Bizancio de actualidad: furia iconoclasta en Mali
  2. Actividades divulgativas sobre la época bizantina en Cartagena
  3. Un cinocéfalo egipcio en el corazón de Segovia
  4. Efemérides olvidadas: 1800 años de romanidad
  5. Un emperador deformado por la peste: Justiniano
  6. Bibliografía
  7. Proyectos en curso (IV)
Boletín 13 (2012)

  1. Bizancio de actualidad: Grecia hoy y Bizancio
  2. La entrada de Roger de Flor en Constantinopla
  3. Bibliografía
  4. Proyectos en curso (III)
Boletín 12 (2012)

  1. Bizancio de actualidad: la polémica en la U.E. sobre los límites de Europa: el papel de Bizancio
  2. Los frescos de la sala capitular del monasterio de Sigena (Huesca)
  3. Joan de Peralta: un catalán encargado de la restauración de Santa Sofía y gobernador de Constantinopla durante el reinado de Juan VI Cantacuzeno (1347-1354)
  4. Bibliografía
  5. Proyectos en curso (II)
Boletín 11 (2012)

  1. Resumen de la asamblea general de la S.E.B.
  2. La Virgen del Perpetuo Socorro, el icono bizantino con más devoción en España
  3. Griegos en la Barcelona medieval
  4. Proyectos en curso (I)
  5. ¿Bizancio de actualidad?
  6. Premios
  7. Bibliografía
Boletín 10 (2011)

  1. XXII Congreso Internacional de Estudios Bizantinos (Sofia, 22-27 de agosto de 2011)
  2. Los últimos bizantinos en España y la fortaleza de Alaró
  3. Bibliografía
Boletín 9 (2011)

  1. Bizancio en el próximo congreso de la S.E.E.C.
  2. El periplo de un capitel bizantino en España
  3. De digitalibus et in interrete mostratis imaginibus Graeocrum manuscriptorum
  4. Sección de tesis
  5. Bibliografía
Boletín 8 (2011)

  1. Acta de la asamblea
  2. Conferencia de Paolo Odorico
  3. Los mosaicos de la villa de Noheda
  4. Cómo una emperatriz de Bizancio acabó vestida de labradora valenciana
  5. Bibliografía
  6. Resolución del acertijo
Boletín 7 (2010)

  1. Reunión de la directiva de la S.E.B.
  2. Heraclio y la recuperación de la Santa Cruz
  3. Bibliografía
  4. Crónica académica
  5. Acertijo
Boletín 6 (2010)

  1. La irradiación de la cultura bizantina
  2. Περα Γαδειρας o los límites del conocimiento humano
  3. Bibliografía
  4. Tesis doctorales defendidas
Boletín 5 (2010)

  1. Investigaciones recientes sobre Bizancio y España
  2. Hallazgo de dos representaciones de acritas en Koron
  3. Archivo gráfico de Bizancio y la península Ibérica (IV)
  4. Lectura de tesis doctorales
  5. Bibliografía
Boletín 4 (2010)

  1. Balance del segundo año de la S.E.B.
  2. XV Jornadas de Bizancio en Ceuta
  3. Archivo gráfico de Bizancio y la península Ibérica (III)
  4. Tesis doctorales relacionadas con la Antigüedad Tardía y Bizancio
  5. Bibliografía
  6. Necrológica: Mark Lawrence Sosower (1949-2009)
Boletín 3 (2009)

  1. Actas de la asamblea
  2. Excavaciones arqueológicas en el cerro del Molinete de Cartagena
  3. Bibliografía
Boletín 2 (2009)

  1. Anuncio de asamblea
  2. Socios institucionales
  3. Logos
  4. Planes de estudio
  5. Archivo gráfico de Bizancio y la península Ibérica
  6. Bizancio en pantalla
Boletín 1 (2009)

  1. Bienvenida a los socios
  2. Noticia sobre la exposición «Le Mont Athos et l'Empire Byzantin, Trésors de la Sainte Montagne», Petit-Palais (París, 10 abril - 13 julio 2009)
  3. Bibliografía
  4. Logos