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Last Updated: Saturday, 30 December 2006, 13:03 GMT
In pictures: Execution aftermath

Iraqi policeman watching execution footage on TV

An Iraqi policeman watches TV coverage of the execution of the former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein for crimes against humanity.

Prime Minister Nouri Maliki signs death warrant

The order to carry out his death by hanging was signed by Iraq's Prime Minister Nouri Maliki.

TV image of death warrant

To convince the world that the order had been carried out, Iraqi TV showed images of the signing, the warrant itself and of Saddam Hussein's last moments.

Shia celebrate Saddam Hussein's execution

The news that Saddam Hussein had been hanged was greeted with delight on the streets of Sadr City, a Shia stronghold in Baghdad.

Drinks being handed to crowds

Free drinks were handed out to the crowds who had gathered to celebrate.

Police celebrating in Basra

There were jubilant scenes in the southern Shia city of Basra too.

Saddam supporters protest

However, in Saddam Hussein's hometown of Tikrit, steadfast Saddam Hussein supporters protested against his death.

Man watching TVs in South Korea

News of the execution rippled across the globe. Here a man watches television in a shop in South Korea.

People reading British newspapers

His death was front page news just about everywhere.

Car bomb wreckage in Kufa

But just a few hours after the execution, Iraq's insurgents struck again - at least 30 people died in a bomb attack in Kufa.

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