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Welcome To Thikrin
District of Hebron
ذِكْرِين/زِكْرِين - זיכרין
Ethnically cleansed days ago

النسخة العربية
כדי לתרגם עברית
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Statistic/Fact Value
Israeli occupation date October 22, 1948
Distance from district center 27 (km) Northwest of Hebron
Elevation from the sea 200 (meters)
Map location See location number #9 on the map
Israeli military operation Operation Yo'av
Exodus Cause Expulsion by Jewish troops
Village remains
after destruction by Israelis
Thikrin was completely destroyed, and only house walls and rubble left behind.
Ethnically cleansing
by Israelis
Thikrin inhabitants were completely ethnically cleansed.
Land ownership
before occupation
Ethnic Group Land Ownership (Dunums)
Arab 17,186
Jewish 0
Public 9
Total 17,195
Land usage in 1945
Land Usage Type Arab (Dunum)
Area planted w/ olives 560
Planted W/ Cereal 15,058
Built up 63
Cultivable 15,058
Non-Cultivable 2,074
before occupation
Year Population
1596 220
1922 693
1931 726
1945 960
1948 1,369
Est. Refugees 1998 8,406
Number of houses
Year Number of houses
1931 181
1948 341
Town's name through history During the Roman period, Thikrin was known by Kefar Dikrina.
Schools Thikrin had an elementary school for boys.
Nearby wadies & rivers Wadi Bisiyya was nearby village lands
Water supplies A well located nearby Wadi Bisiyya used to be the main source of drinking water to the inhabitants of Thikrin.
Exculsive jewish colonies on town's lands No Israeli settlements on village lands
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Town Today

According to the Palestinian historian Walid Khalidi, the village remaining structures on the village land are:
"The site, overgrown with tall weeds, scrub, and other wild vegetation, contains a number of olive and carob trees. Truncated stone terraces, partially overgrown with cactuses, further mark the site."

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عمر عبدالله أحمد المنشاوي - -
حازم جمال ابو جبة - الاردن, الاردن
khalil abuthinin Singapore, Singapore
ايمن سعد - ال ذكرين فلسطين, فلسطين
راني عبد العزيز ابوجبة ابوجبة عمان
اياد وصفي علي حرب تيلخ عمان, الاردن 0795571533
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ولاء ابوجبه ابوجبه عمان , الأردن
منذر ابوشاور ابوشاور عمان, عمان
سامي عقل عقل أبو ظبي
mohammad.haif حيف amman, jordan
الخراز الخراز / الدعاجنه -
حسام الغربات - البقعه, الاردن
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ابراهيم سعيد ابو جبة ابو جبة الرياض
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ايادماجدالصوص الصوص عمان
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