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Ramesses : Egypt's greatest pharaoh

Auteur : Joyce Ann Tyldesley; Penguin.
Éditeur: London [etc.] : Penguin Books, [post 2005], 2001.
Édition/format:   Livre imprimé : Anglais : 11th printVoir toutes les éditions et tous les formats

Everyone has heard of Ramesses the Great - but what is the truth behind the legend? This book explores the life and times of Egypt's greatest king. Ramesses II was the archetypal Egyptian pharoah: a  Lire la suite...


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Personne nommée: Ramzes, (król Egiptu ;
Type de document: Livre
Tous les auteurs / collaborateurs: Joyce Ann Tyldesley; Penguin.
ISBN: 9780140280975 0140280979
Numéro OCLC: 932221233
Notes: Na s. red. data 2001. Data wyd. na podst. ISBN 13.
Zawiera mapy.
Description: XXVII, [3], 225 s., [16] s. tabl. : il. ; 20 cm.
Autres titres: Ramesses, Egypt's greatest pharaoh
Egypt's greatest pharaoh
Responsabilité: Joyce Tyldesley.


Critiques éditoriales

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In her new book, 'Tyldesley has added a new, more human dimension' to the picture we have of Ramesses and 'her book should be required reading for Egypt's imaginative tour guides' The Sunday Times

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Primary Entity

<> # Ramesses : Egypt's greatest pharaoh
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   schema:alternateName "Egypt's greatest pharaoh" ;
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   schema:bookFormat bgn:PrintBook ;
   schema:creator <> ; # Joyce Ann Tyldesley
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Related Entities

<> # (król Egiptu ; Ramzes II
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   schema:deathDate "ca 1235 aC" ;
   schema:givenName "Ramzes" ;
   schema:name "(król Egiptu ; Ramzes II" ;

<> # Joyce Ann Tyldesley
    a schema:Person ;
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   schema:givenName "Joyce Ann" ;
   schema:name "Joyce Ann Tyldesley" ;

<> # Ramesses, Egypt's greatest pharaoh
   schema:name "Ramesses, Egypt's greatest pharaoh" ;

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   schema:isbn "0140280979" ;
   schema:isbn "9780140280975" ;

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