
For many students, Oxford can at times be a challenge. We cope through the strength and support of our friends, and feeling like you are without or disconnected from them can make the experience an even more difficult one. However, if you’re feeling lonely, there are many ways to begin to approach this.



  • If you are feeling homesick, this is not an uncommon feeling and you will not be alone amongst either the JCR or MCR, do consider coming along to a welfare tea and speaking to the peer supporters.

  • The OUSU website has useful advice on dealing with homesickness, too.



If you are looking for ways of meeting new people and experiencing new things, here are some suggestions:

  • College Clubs and Societies provide a great way to meet and talk to new people, and they’re always looking for fresh faces so it’s never too late to start. Speak to the JCR or MCR committee members to find out what’s available.

  • Peer Support teas and other events in College are also fantastic ways to chat to new people.

  • Outside college, there are HUNDREDS of societies out there - check out the Oxford Student Societies list. Pick something you’re interested in, have a Google and ask to be put on the mailing list, and then go along to some events. There’s no better way to be sure of meeting people with a common interest to you!

  • Taking these first steps can be daunting, but finding the courage to put yourself forward is the hardest part of the process. It only gets easier from there. 



  • If you are experiencing feelings of loneliness that are seriously affecting your wellbeing or health and you would like to talk to someone, you are welcome to speak to a College Peer Supporter or to request a free appointment from the OUSU (Oxford University Student Union) Counselling Service.