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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

Thought: I do NOT think that 50% of the world’s billionaires should be women. I think there shouldn’t be any billionaires at all.


So you are saying 0% of the world should be billionaires?




Why shouldn’t their be billionaires? That makes no sense.


Because the existence of billionaires is predicated on the exploitation of human labor and unsustainable environmental harm.  That level of wealth hoarding is harmful to economies, as it reduces the amount of money in circulation. No one person, no family, could ever conceivably even SPEND a billion dollars anyway, and  it is inherently immoral to accumulate wealth so narrowly while so much of the world lives in abject poverty.  

Better then to create a wealth ceiling, a point at which all wealth over a certain point  is taxed at or very near 100% to incentivize people to actually spend their money rather than hoard it, stimulating the economy and bettering the lives of far more people. Better even still to create and regulate economic systems that protect workers and the environment in a way that such extreme levels of wealth accumulation aren’t even feasible. 


The problem with this is that it reduces the incentive to actually do fiscally well. What’s the point of starting a business if you can’t become wealthy?


There is a very real difference between “reasonably wealthy” and A BILLIONAIRE


No one is saying you shouldn’t have a nice house, we are saying that having multiple really, really ridiculously nice houses while your employees are either homeless or at serious risk of becoming homeless is immoral.


I’ll never understand why this concept is hard for people. I think it’s because they can’t actually fathom how much $1 Billion is.



Let’s say you have a badass job. A great job. You make $100 AN HOUR. You work 10 hours a day ($1000 A DAY), 5 days a week ($5000 a week!!!), every week ($20,000 A MONTH), thats $240,000 Every Year.

It would take you 4,167 years to make a billion dollars.


God dammit


If you were making, for the sake of argument, $25 million a year, you could live a life of extreme luxury. Even then, it would take you forty years of spending none of that money to amass a single billion. There are multi-billionaires out there. No one needs that kind of money.


Currency came into existence to simplify trade. It was meant to make things easier and better for society. When a single person has more than they need, even more than they would need for an extravagant lifestyle, they’d completely unreasonable. Money isn’t meant to be hoarded for status. I honestly think billionaires are addicted to money.

Source: fandomsandfeminism
“ Hepler’s Mold takes over a car-
Ever leave a window open and get snow in your car? Well, in the tropics they have another problem: Hepler’s mold. The bright fungus naturally eats away at trees but naugahyde (the fake leather...

Hepler’s Mold takes over a car-

Ever leave a window open and get snow in your car? Well, in the tropics they have another problem: Hepler’s mold. The bright fungus naturally eats away at trees but naugahyde (the fake leather in most cars) contains ten times more cumulus oophorus cells than the tree bark from which its made.

And here’s the result. The bright fungus has completely consumed the car’s interior. It may look soft and cushy but you’d find no place in the world less comfortable, as the mold can also grow in human lungs. The spores from this car would kill a passenger within ten minutes. The bright fibers of victims erupt from their mouths in a gruesome spectacle that the natives of these regions call “Elmo’s Death”.

Source: jacquithealien