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New anti-military, anti-Brotherhood front to be launched Tuesday

Revolution Path Front, bringing together well-known revolutionaries, activists and writers, will work towards continuing Egypt's 2011 revolution

Ahram Online, Monday 23 Sep 2013
Views: 6886
Views: 6886

A new group called the Revolution Path Front will be launched Tuesday in Cairo by a group of political activists who say they aim to work towards the revolution's goals of "bread, freedom and social justice."

According to a statement posted on the front's Facebook page, a press conference is planned to take place Tuesday at 12pm at the Syndicate of Commercial Professionals in Cairo.

On its Facebook page, the front announced its aim fight for the "redistribution of wealth among poor and low-income Egyptians."

Among the expected participants at the Tuesday press conference where the group will be announced are prominent journalists Wael Gamal and Khaled El-Balshi, political activist Alaa Abdel-Fatah, leftist labour lawyer Haytham Mohamadein, renowned writer Ahdaf Soueif, and April 6 Youth Movement co-founder Ahmed Maher.

The front presents itself as an alternative group that will fight against "military oppression" as well as "the Muslim Brotherhood's violence and sectarianism" and seek the "restoration of the January 25 revolution."

Egypt’s military led a coalition of political forces in removing the Brotherhood's Mohamed Morsi from the presidency in July, after mass national protests against the former elected president.

Hatem Tallima, the spokesperson for the new group, told Ahram Online that he is "optimistic" that the movement will "embody the collective voice" of those supporting these ideas.

"However, I know that [the number of] people that believe in our principles is limited for now," he said.

Tallima said that some revolutionaries had sacrificed a rejection of the "authoritarian state" because of their hatred for the Muslim Brotherhood.

"The appointment of 17 governors with military backgrounds, the reinstatement of Mubarak-affiliated figures in some state institutions, and the way by which the constitution-drafting committees were formed give an indication that Egypt is not moving towards the correct revolutionary path," he concluded.

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salah eldin
24-09-2013 06:27pm
not egyptian
Hatem tallima search for a part but he will not found anyby acting against the Egyptian army and aganist the majority of Egyptian people . So THINK he must think good before being an enemy for the Egyptian .
Comment's Title

24-09-2013 10:55am
Long live the Church
Yes to fascism, even Nazism, in Egypt. Yes to Israel and Zionism. Yes even to the destruction of Egypt. The important thing is long long live the Coptic Church. Death to all Muslisms. Deat to Sisi and death to Sabahi, long live the church
Comment's Title

24-09-2013 10:20am
Egyptian schizophrenia
Seriously??? Can Egyptians make once their mind? We don't want army rule... Army help us... No we don't want army... We love army... Army go out... People and army are one hand... Army bad people... Army take bad president out... Army stay out... Without army Egyptians are like kids in the dark
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