How to Use This EPUB to MOBI Converter

To convert, simply drag and drop your file into the designated space above, or upload the file directly from your computer folders. You’ll be prompted to enter your e-mail address in the next step — this is simply the means through which our EPUB to MOBI converter will send you the converted file.

Voilà! If you wait a few minutes, your brand-new MOBI file should arrive in your inbox as an attachment, where you can download it onto your computer. This EPUB to MOBI converter is free and 100% secure. So that we can ensure your privacy, all files are deleted from our servers in 24 hours.

If you’re planning on uploading it to your Kindle next, we’ve got you covered below.

How to Upload Your MOBI Onto Your Kindle

So you’ve just successfully got yourself a MOBI file. That begs the question: what do you do with it now?

Since MOBIs are designed to be read on Kindles, chances are that getting your file on your Kindle will be your next step. There are several ways to go about this.

Send to Kindle by E-mail

Each Kindle is assigned a Send-to-Kindle e-mail address ([name], so you can e-mail your MOBI file to your Kindle in a few easy steps. This is perhaps the simplest way to transfer a MOBI file to your Kindle.  

  1. Locate your Kindle e-mail address. You can discover this information by visiting your Manage Your Devices page at Manage Your Kindle on

  2. Add the e-mail account to your Approved Personal Document E-mail List. To do this, simply visit the Personal Document Settings page at Manage Your Kindle.

  3. Attach your MOBI file to an e-mail and address it to your Send-to-Kindle e-mail address

  4. Hit send!

Load to Kindle by USB

For anyone who’s averse to e-mail, there’s always the old-fashioned method: using a USB. This is fairly straightforward if you’ve got a USB nearby.

  1. Grab a USB and use it to connect your Kindle to your computer.

  2. When the internal folders of your Kindle open on your computer, find the Documents directory on your Kindle.

  3. Copy the MOBI file from your computer to this directory.

Read on Your Desktop

Lastly, you don’t need a Kindle to start reading your MOBI. If you’d rather not make the effort of reaching for another device, you can always read the MOBI right on your computer.

  1. Download and install Kindle for PC.

  2. Navigate to your MOBI file in your documents and right-click, opening it with Kindle for PC.