New type of gas pump skimmer spotted in Twin Tiers

New type of gas pump skimmer spotted in Twin Tiers

The new type of skimmer sends credit card numbers via text message, as opposed to a Bluetooth skimmer which requires the criminal to be in close proximity to the scene of the crime.

February 5th, 2:10 PM EST by Nick Quattrini
Special Report: Paws for Change

Special Report: Paws for Change

BATH, N.Y. (WENY) -- Nearly two year ago, 104 pet store-bound puppies were rescued after the van they were in overturned on the icey roads in Avoca. Chance was one of those puppies and one of four seriously hurt. "He happened to be a puppy that was in the front passenger foot section of the van," says Connie Terry, who adopted Chance once he was fully-healed. "His kennel crate was crushed and it broke his jaw." While his jaw eventually healed, it wasn't long befo...

November 8th, 6:37 PM EST
Special Report: Something In The Water

Special Report: Something In The Water

Harmful Algal Blooms are becoming more prevalent in the Finger Lakes, and officials are trying to figure out why.

May 9th, 6:42 PM EDT by Cody Carlson
Special Report: Working Towards Home

Special Report: Working Towards Home

ELMIRA, N.Y. (WENY) -- "I was really successful my entire life. I worked at Cornell University for twelve years [and] that's where I got my degree. I got my hair license. I did really good."  Yet every day, April Mace wakes up at a Catholic Charities shelter in Elmira. It's a routine she's gotten used to over the past few months. And despite having a college degree and full-time job, it's a routine that stems back to November of 2015. "I was in a lot of abusive ...

July 2nd, 6:35 PM EDT
SPECIAL REPORT: Holding the Bag

SPECIAL REPORT: Holding the Bag

Big box stores-- that once dominated the market--are declining, but continue to survive in the Southern Tier. And malls--once a destination for shoppers of all ages -- are left suffering. 

July 2nd, 6:35 PM EDT