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Hamish McRae

Hamish McRae has a long association with The Independent and writes regular columns on business and finance, as well as the intersection between the worlds of economics and politics. He is an internationally respected writer and broadcaster, who has won numerous awards, including the coveted title of Business and Finance Journalist of the Year at the British Press Awards.
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Hamish McRae Will Woodford’s woes challenge the idea of the ‘star’ fund manager?

There is an inevitable question about Woodford: was he really brilliant, or was he, for most of his career, just lucky?

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Hamish McRae How unequal the US is – and why it led to a Trump presidency

Millions of Americans live in financial precarity. This goes a long way to explaining the country’s current political turmoil

Brexit – explained
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Hamish McRae Is Brexit making the eurozone’s economic problems worse?

Brexit Explained: Germany’s recession means the zone’s three largest economies are all stalling

Don't worry about fake reviews online, but beware of the ignorant

At best, people who follow them encounter a huge amount of hassle. At worst, they can lose their life savings

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