Secondary school league table: Search for the top schools for GCSE results

Secondary school league table: Search for the top schools for GCSE results

Thousands of secondary schools across England have their GCSE results published by the Department for Education on an annual basis. 

The latest results are for last year's academic year, which ended in the summer of 2018. Each school has been ranked in our searchable league table according to the percentage of students achieving five A*-C or 9-4 grades, depending on individual subjects.

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Our interactive tool allows you to search school results in your area and compare schools of your choice against one another.

Clicking on an individual school's name brings up more detailed information, including the percentage of pupils achieving five or more A*-C/ 9-4 grades and the school's Progress 8 score.

Individual school pages also display the school's location, as well as the total number of pupils sitting exams last year.

The top 100 schools

The table includes the percentage of pupils achieving five or more A*-C/9-4 grades and the school's Progress 8 score. 

It also shows the latest Ofsted rating for each school. 

The Telegraph has ranked schools according to the percentage of pupils achieving five or more A*-C/9-4 grades, and how they fared in the DfE's Progress 8 measure. 

Based on these categories, Barnet's Queen Elizabeth's School and the Colchester County High School for Girls performed the best in 2018. 

All 10 of the top schools for these metrics are sponsored academies. 

What has changed? 

Last year's league tables include the new 9 - 1 grading system for a variety of subjects, including maths, English language, and English literature.

The new scale is currently being phased in, and will apply to all GCSEs this year. 

The new scale is a shift away from the A*- G system that students, parents, and teachers have been familiar with for decades, but exam boards say it is “anchored” in the old A* - G system.

The bottom of a grade 7 is equivalent to the bottom of a grade A, for example, and the bottom of grade 4 is equivalent to the bottom of a grade C. The bottom of a 1 is aligned to the bottom of a G.

Progress 8 

The Government introduced Progress 8 two years ago, an indicator which show show a school is performing nationally in terms of seeing students' progress in eight core subjects from primary school to secondary. 

While the process of calculating Progress 8 is rather complex, the main thing parents need to know is that a minus score (below 0) means the school is performing below the national average, a neutral score (0) means the school is performing at the national average, and a positive score (above 0) means the school is performing above the national average. The higher or lower the score, the better or worse your child's school is performing. 

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Note: Schools may not have data in the tables for several reasons, including: small numbers of pupils (which risks an individual pupil’s results being identified); investigations into maladministration of tests; or for other reasons beyond the school's control. Many independent and state schools score zero (or very low scores) if they enter all or most pupils for alternative qualifications that are not accredited by the Government.

The table in the article uses the most up-to-date Ofsted data, which was released in September. It may well be that subsequent revisions are not yet reflected in nationwide Ofsted data. We update the table periodically as soon as Ofsted releases national revisions.