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+1 917-905-6151+91 - 9650337878

No more missed calls or clients with our Virtual Receptionist service.

Your telephone calls are answered live by professional, experienced operators. Calls can be transferred to you just as a front desk receptionist would or a message can be sent instantly via email or txt. Regardless of whether your business is small or large, we are able to provide a call handling solution to enable you to operate more effectively and hopefully help to reduce your overheads.

The service can be set up and used in a variety of ways but the most common is for you to divert calls through to us, this means that you are always in control of when and how you use your virtual receptionist whether we're to answer all calls, overflow calls or calls when you're otherwise engaged. Many clients let us know on a daily basis how we should answer their calls for that day, just as if we were on the front desk, which (as far as your callers are concerned) we are.

How much are your missed calls costing you?

What is important to you?

To know more about our virtual receptionist or telephone answering services, call us, reach us by filling out our Request for proposal form or email us at and we will contact you back dynamically.

Virual Receptionist Services

Request For Proposal
  1. Your Privacy is our priority