
2019-11-16 22:15:00






【九巴於尖沙咀安排特別路線,全日特快來往大埔 – 271X】


271X - 循環線運作,於富亨開沿271原路至吐露港公路,經青沙公路並加停轉車站,到廣東道跟271X沿路返回大埔






3D, 3M, 5M, 6D, 7M, 11B, 11C, 17, 23M, 24, 28B, 29M, 30, 31, 31M, 32H, 32M, 34, 34M, 36, 36A, 36M, 37M, 38A, 39A, 39M, 40, 40P, 40X, 41M, 41P, 42C, 42M, 43, 43A, 43B, 43M, 43X, 44M, 46P, 46X, 47A, 47X, 48X, 49X, 51, 53, 54, 57M, 58M, 58P, 59M, 60M, 61M, 61X, 62X, 64K, 66M, 67M, 68, 68A, 68E, 68F, 68M, 69M, 71A, 71B, 71K, 73, 73K, 73X, 74D, 74K, 74X, 75K, 76K, 77K, 78K, 79K, 80, 80K, 80X, 81K, 82B, 82K, 82P, 82X, 83K, 83S, 83X, 84M, 85K, 85M, 86, 86A, 86K, 86S, 88, 88K, 89, 89B, 89C, 89D, 89S, 89X, 92, 93A, 94, 95M, 98A, 99, 211, 213M, 214, 234A, 234B, 235, 235M, 238M, 243M, 248M, 249M, 249X, 251A, 251B, 252, 258D, 258P, 259D, 261, 263, 264R, 265M, 268C, 268M, 269C, 269D, 269M, 273, 273A, 276, 276A, 276B, 276P, 277E, 277X, 278K, 278X, 279X, 282, 283, 284, 286M, 286X, 288, 298E, 299X, 307, 601, 603, 613, 619, 641, 671, 680, 681, 690, 934, 936, 948, 960, 961, 968, 978, B1




1 - 只來往基堤道至竹園

1A - 只來往基堤道至觀塘

2 - 全日循環線運作,於深水埗只停蘇屋總站至深水埗福榮街站後,停廣東道新港中心、彌敦道半島酒店、九龍公園、寶靈街及南京街站返回深水埗,停麗閣邨至蘇屋總站各站

2A - 不經太子、旺角,改經界限街、太子道西

2X - 不經太子、旺角,往彩福改經界限街

5 - 只來往新柳街至富山

5C - 只來往新柳街至慈雲山

6C - 不經界限街至加士居道一段彌敦道

9 - 只來往九龍醫院至彩福

11X - 只來往新柳街至上秀茂坪

12 - 循環線運作,不停尖東站至尖東(麼地道)

13D - 只來往九龍醫院至秀茂坪

14 - 只來往新柳街至油塘

15 - 只來往新柳街至藍田北,往土瓜灣不停啟田商場至基孝中學站,往藍田不停基孝中學至啟仁樓站

16 - 只來往九龍醫院至藍田廣田邨

26 - 只來往新柳街至順天

27 – 不停太子站及旺角道,改停伊利沙伯中學站及洗衣街水務署站

28 - 只來往新柳街至樂華

30X - 只來往新界至深水埗南昌街

32 - 只來往新界至深水埗南昌街

33A - 只來往新界至深水埗南昌街

35A - 只來往新界至深水埗南昌街

35X - 全日循環線運作,於九龍只停廣東道新港中心、彌敦道半島酒店、金巴利道、寶靈街及九龍中央郵政局

36B - 只來往新界至深水埗南昌街

37 - 只來往新界至深水埗南昌街

38 - 只來往葵盛至藍田站

41 - 只來往新界至深水埗南昌街

41A - 全日循環線運作,於九龍只停廣東道新港中心、彌敦道半島酒店、金巴利道、寶靈街及九龍中央郵政局

42 - 往長康方向,不經協和小學至石硤尾街休息花園之間各站

42A - 只來往新界至深水埗南昌街

44 - 只來往新界至深水埗南昌街

45 - 只來往新界至深水埗南昌街

46 - 只來往新界至深水埗南昌街

52X - 只來往屯門至深水埗南昌街

58X - 只來往新界至深水埗南昌街

59X - 只來往新界至深水埗南昌街

60X - 只來往屯門至深水埗南昌街

63X - 只來往新界至美孚

66X - 只來往新界至深水埗南昌街

67X - 只來往新界至深水埗南昌街

68X - 只來往新界至深水埗南昌街

69X - 只來往天水圍至深水埗南昌街

81 - 只來往禾輋至深水埗

81C - 全日循環線運作,改經青沙公路,於沙田不停新翠邨至獅子山隧道沿線各站,於九龍只停廣東道新港中心、彌敦道半島酒店、海防道、栢麗購物大道、柯士甸道及九龍中央郵政局

85X - 只來往九龍城碼頭至馬鞍山

87B - 只來往新田圍至深水埗

87D - 全日循環線運作,於九龍只停廣東道新港中心、彌敦道半島酒店、海防道、栢麗購物大道、柯士甸道及九龍中央郵政局

88X - 來往火炭站及藍田站,來回程觀塘道設站

91 - 往清水灣方向不經科大北

91M - 往寶林方向不經科大北

93K - 只來往新柳街至寶林

98C - 不經太子、旺角,改經界限街、太子道西

234X - 全日循環線運作,於九龍只停美孚站、廣東道新港中心、彌敦道半島酒店、金巴利道、寶靈街、九龍中央郵政局及美孚站

238X - 只來往新界至深水埗南昌街

260X - 全日循環線運作,不停尖東站至紅磡站

265B - 只來往天水圍至深水埗南昌街

268B - 全日循環線運作,不停尖東站至紅磡(紅鸞道)

269B - 全日循環線運作,不停尖東站至紅磡(紅鸞道)

280X - 全日循環線運作,於九龍只停廣東道新港中心、彌敦道半島酒店、海防道、栢麗購物大道、柯士甸道及九龍中央郵政局

281A - 全日循環線運作,於九龍只停廣東道新港中心、彌敦道半島酒店、海防道、栢麗購物大道、柯士甸道及九龍中央郵政局

286C - 全日服務

290 - 不停尚德廣場、唐明街及將軍澳站

290A - 不停尚德廣場、唐明街及將軍澳站

290X - 不經寶盈花園/將軍澳廣場至尚德

296A - 臨時總站設於唐德街,不經尚德

297 - 只來往新柳街至坑口

690 – 往港島方向不經啟田道

T270 - 全日循環線運作,經華明,取消花都廣場站,於九龍只停廣東道新港中心、彌敦道半島酒店、九龍公園、栢麗購物大道、柯士甸道及寧波街

W3 – 來回途經百和路




2B, 2D, 2E, 2F, 3B, 3C, 5D, 6, 6F, 7, 7B, 8, 8A, 8P, 10, 11, 11D, 11K, 12A, 13M, 13X, 14B, 14X, 15A, 16M, 18, 21, 23, 26M, 31B, 43C, 70K, 72, 72A, 72X, 73A, 73B, 74A, 75X, 80M, 85, 85A, 85B, 86C, 87K, 87S, 95, 98D, 101, 102, 103, 104, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 115, 116, 117, 118, 170, 171, 182, 203C, 203E, 208, 213D, 213X, 215X, 216M, 219X, 224X, 268X, 270, 270A, 270B, 271, 272A, 272K, 273B, 273D, 274X, 281M, 287X, 289K, 296C, 296D, 296M, 673, 904, 905, 914, W2









九龍巴士 (一九三三) 有限公司

Lastest News

2019-11-16 22:15:00

Special Traffic Report(22:15)

Due to the traffic condition in several districts, there will be special service arrangement for KMB and LWB.


【KMB introduces special routes 271X from Tsim Sha Tsui to Tai Po】


271X – (circular) depart from Fu Heng to Tolo Highway, via Tsing Sha Highway, additional stop at Tsing Sha Highway interchange, return to Tai Po after Canton Road



Normal routeing


3D, 3M, 5M, 6D, 7M, 11B, 11C, 12, 17, 23M, 24, 28B, 29M, 30, 31, 31M, 32H, 32M, 34, 34M, 36, 36A, 36M, 37M, 38A, 39A, 39M, 40, 40P, 40X, 41M, 41P, 42C, 42M, 43, 43A, 43B, 43M, 43X, 44M, 46P, 46X, 47A, 47X, 48X, 49X, 51, 53, 54, 57M, 58M, 58P, 59M, 60M, 61M, 61X, 62X, 64K, 66M, 67M, 68, 68A, 68E, 68F, 68M, 69M, 71A, 71B, 73, 73K, 73X, 74D, 74K, 74X, 75K, 76K, 77K, 78K, 79K, 80, 80K, 80X, 81K, 82B, 82K, 82P, 82X, 83K, 83S, 83X, 84M, 85K, 85M, 86, 86A, 86K, 86S, 88, 88K, 89, 89B, 89C, 89D, 89S, 89X, 92, 93A, 94, 95M, 98A, 99, 211, 213M, 214, 234A, 234B, 235, 235M, 238M, 243M, 248M, 249M, 249X, 251A, 251B, 252, 258D, 258P, 259D, 261, 263, 264R, 265M, 268C, 268M, 269C, 269D, 269M, 273, 273A, 276, 276A, 276B, 276P, 277E, 277X, 278K, 278X, 279X, 282, 283, 284, 286M, 286X, 288, 298E, 299X, B1

Limited service


307, 601, 603, 613, 619, 641, 671, 680, 681, 690, 934, 936, 948, 960, 961, 968, 978

Route diversions


1 – to and from Embankment Road and Chuk Yuen

1A – to and from Embankment Road and Kwun Tong
2 – (Circular) stop between So Uk Estate Bus Terminus and Fuk Wing Street in Sham Shui Po, Silvercord Centre (Canton Road), The Peninsula HK (Nathan Road), return to Sham Shui Po, stop between Lai Kok Estate and So Uk Estate Bus Terminus

2A –not passing through Prince Edward, Mong Kok, via Boundary Street and Prince Edward Road West

2X –not passing through Prince Edward, Mong Kok, to Choi Fook via Boundary Street

5 – to and from Sun : Lau Street and Fu Shan

5C – to and from Sun Lau Street and Tsz Wan Shan

6C – not passing through Nathan Road (Boundary Street and Gascoigne Road)

9 – to and from Kowloon Hospital and Choi Fuk

11X – to and from Sun Lau Street and Sau Mau Ping Upper

12 – (circular) omit stop at Tsim Sha Tsui East Station and Tsim Sha Tsui East (Mody Road)

13D– to and from Kowloon Hospital and Sau Mau Ping

14 – to and from Sun Lau Street and Choi Wan

15 – to and from Sun Lau Street and Lam Tin North; (To Kwa Wan bound) omit stops between Kai Tin Shopping Centre and Kei Hau Secondary School; (Lam Tin bound) omit stops between Kei Hau Secondary School and Kai Yan House

16 – to and from Kowloon Hospital and Kwong Tin Estate (Lam Tin)

26 – to and from Sun Lau Street and Shun Tin

27 – to and from Kowloon Hospital and Shun Tin

28 – to and from San Lau Street and Shun Tin

30X– to and from N.T. and Nam Cheong Street Sham Shui Po

32 - to and from N.T. and Nam Cheong Street Sham Shui Po

33A- to and from N.T. and Nam Cheong Street Sham Shui Po

35A - to and from N.T. and Nam Cheong Street Sham Shui Po

35X – (circular) stop at Silvercord Centre (Canton Road) and The Peninsula HK (Nathan Road)

36B – to and from N.T. and Nam Cheong Street Sham Shui Po

37 – to and from N.T. and Nam Cheong Street Sham Shui Po

38 – to and from Kwai Shing and Lam Tin Station

41 – to and from N.T. and Nam Cheong Street Sham Shui Po

41A – (circular) stop at Silvercord Centre (Canton Road) and The Peninsula HK (Nathan Road)

42 – (Tsing Hong bound) omit bus stops between Heep Woh Primary School and Shek Kip Mei Street Rest Garden

42A – to and from N.T. and Nam Cheong Street Sham Shui Po

44 – to and from N.T. and Nam Cheong Street Sham Shui Po

45 – to and from N.T. and Nam Cheong Street Sham Shui Po

46 – to and from N.T. and Nam Cheong Street Sham Shui Po

52X – to and from N.T. and Nam Cheong Street Sham Shui Po

58X – to and from N.T. and Nam Cheong Street Sham Shui Po

59X – to and from N.T. and Nam Cheong Street Sham Shui Po

60X – to and from Tuen Mun and Nam Cheong Street Sham Shui Po

63X – to and from N.T. and Mei Foo

66X – to and from N.T. and Nam Cheong Street Sham Shui Po

67X – to and from N.T. and Nam Cheong Street Sham Shui Po

68X – to and from N.T. and Nam Cheong Street Sham Shui Po

69x – to and from Tin Shui Wai and Nam Cheong Street Sham Shui Po

81 – to and from Wo Che and Sham Shui Po

81C – (circular) via Tsing Sha Highway, omit stops between Sun Chui Estate and Lion Rock Tunnel in Sha Tin, stop at Silvercord Centre (Canton Road) and The Peninsula HK (Nathan Road) in Kowloon

85X – to and from Kowloon City Ferry and Ma On Shan

87B – to and from Sun Tin Wai Estate and Sham Shui Po

87D – (circular) stop at Silvercord Centre (Canton Road) and The Peninsula HK (Nathan Road) in Kowloon

88X – to and from Fo Tan Station and Lam Tin Station. Additional stop is set up at Kwun Tong Road

91 – (Clear Water Bay bound) not passing through UST North

91M – (Po Lam bound) not passing through UST North

93K – to and from Sun Lau Street and Po Lam

98C – not passing through Prince Edward and Mong Kok, via Boundary Street and Prince Edward Road West

234X – (circular) stop at Mei Foo Station, Silvercord Centre (Canton Road) ,The Peninsula HK (Nathan Road) and Mei Foo Station in Kowloon

238X – to and from N.T. and Nam Cheong Street Sham Shui Po

260X – (circular) omit stop between Tsim Sha Tsui East Station and Hung Hom Station

261 – omit stop at Yau Oi

265B – (circular) stop at West Kowloon Station (Wui Man Road), Silvercord Centre (Canton Road) and The Peninsula HK (Nathan Road) in Kowloon 265M – stop at bus terminus only in Tin Shui Wai

268B – (circular) omit stop between Tsim Sha Tsui East Station and Hung Hom ( Hung Luen Road)

269B – (circular) omit stop between Tsim Sha Tsui East Station and Hung Hom ( Hung Luen Road)

280X – (circular) stop at Silvercord Centre (Canton Road) and The Peninsula HK (Nathan Road) in Kowloon

281A – (circular) stop at Silvercord Centre (Canton Road) and The Peninsula HK (Nathan Road) in Kowloon

286C – whole day serivce

290 – not passing through Sheung Tak Plaza, Tong Ming Street, Tseung Kwan O Station

290A – not passing through Sheung Tak Plaza, Tong Ming Street, Tseung Kwan O Station

296A – temporary stops are set up at Tong Tak Street, not passing through Sheung Tak

297 – to and from Sun Lau Street and Hang Hau

690 – to and from Tseung Kwan O and Wan Chai, additional stop at Immigration Tower; (Kowloon bound) omit stop at Central Ferry Piers and Victoria Park; no passing through Kai Tin Road

T270 – (circular) stop at Wah Ming, omit stop at Flower Plaza; boarding point is at Silvercord Centre, The Peninsula Hong Kong, Kowloon Park , Park Lane , Austin Road, Ning Po Street

W3 – (both bound) via Pak Wo Road


Service suspension


2B, 2D, 2E, 2F, 3B, 3C, 5D, 6, 6F, 7, 7B, 8, 8A, 8P, 10, 11, 11D, 11K, 12A, 13M, 13X, 14B, 14X, 15A, 16M, 18, 21, 23, 26M, 31B, 43C, 70K, 72, 72A, 72X, 73A, 73B, 74A, 75X, 80M, 85, 85A, 85B, 86C, 87K, 87S, 95, 98D, 101, 102, 103, 104, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 115, 116, 117, 118, 170, 171, 182, 203C, 203E, 208, 213D, 213X, 215X, 216M, 219X, 224X, 268X, 270, 270A, 270B, 271, 272A, 272K, 273B, 273D, 274X, 281M, 287X, 289K, 296C, 296D, 296M, 673, 904, 905, 914, W2



All routes resume normal


There may be adjustment or re-routeing on some of the KMB and LWB routes. Some departures may be terminated at mid-way bus stops. Passengers please follow instructions from our staff members at the scene.


KMB and LWB will keep bus service information updated based on current traffic conditions.