
The Laplacian for a scalar function phi is a scalar differential operator defined by

 del ^2phi=1/(h_1h_2h_3)[partial/(partialu_1)((h_2h_3)/(h_1)partial/(partialu_1))+partial/(partialu_2)((h_1h_3)/(h_2)partial/(partialu_2))+partial/(partialu_3)((h_1h_2)/(h_3)partial/(partialu_3))]phi,

where the h_i are the scale factors of the coordinate system (Weinberg 1972, p. 109; Arfken 1985, p. 92).

Note that the operator del ^2 is commonly written as Delta by mathematicians (Krantz 1999, p. 16).

The Laplacian is extremely important in mechanics, electromagnetics, wave theory, and quantum mechanics, and appears in Laplace's equation

 del ^2phi=0,

the Helmholtz differential equation

 del ^2psi+k^2psi=0,

the wave equation

 del ^2psi=1/(v^2)(partial^2psi)/(partialt^2),

and the Schrödinger equation

 ih(partialPsi(x,y,z,t))/(partialt)=[-(h^2)/(2m)del ^2+V(x)]Psi(x,y,z,t).

The analogous operator obtained by generalizing from three dimensions to four-dimensional spacetime is denoted  square ^2 and is known as the d'Alembertian. A version of the Laplacian that operates on vector functions is known as the vector Laplacian, and a tensor Laplacian can be similarly defined. The square of the Laplacian (del ^2)^2=del ^4 is known as the biharmonic operator.

A vector Laplacian can also be defined, as can its generalization to a tensor Laplacian.

The following table gives the form of the Laplacian in several common coordinate systems.

coordinate systemdel ^2f
Cartesian coordinates(partial^2f)/(partialx^2)+(partial^2f)/(partialy^2)+(partial^2f)/(partialz^2)
cylindrical coordinates1/rpartial/(partialr)(r(partialf)/(partialr))+1/(r^2)(partial^2f)/(partialtheta^2)+(partial^2f)/(partialz^2)
parabolic coordinates1/(uv(u^2+v^2))[partial/(partialu)(uv(partialf)/(partialu))+partial/(partialv)(uv(partialf)/(partialv))]+1/(u^2v^2)(partial^2f)/(partialtheta^2)
parabolic cylindrical coordinates1/(u^2+v^2)((partial^2f)/(partialu^2)+(partial^2f)/(partialv^2))+(partial^2f)/(partialz^2)
spherical coordinates1/(r^2)partial/(partialr)(r^2(partialf)/(partialr))+1/(r^2sin^2phi)(partial^2f)/(partialtheta^2)+1/(r^2sinphi)partial/(partialphi)(sinphi(partialf)/(partialphi))

The finite difference form is

 del ^2psi(x,y,z)=1/(h^2)[psi(x+h,y,z)+psi(x-h,y,z)+psi(x,y+h,z)+psi(x,y-h,z)+psi(x,y,z+h)+psi(x,y,z-h)-6psi(x,y,z)].

For a pure radial function g(r),

del ^2g(r)=del ·[del g(r)]
=del ·[(partialg(r))/(partialr)r^^+1/r(partialg(r))/(partialtheta)theta^^+1/(rsintheta)(partialg(r))/(partialphi)phi^^]
=del ·(r^^(dg)/(dr)).

Using the vector derivative identity

 del ·(fA)=f(del ·A)+(del f)·A,


del ^2g(r)=del ·[del g(r)]
=(dg)/(dr)del ·r^^+del ((dg)/(dr))·r^^

Therefore, for a radial power law,

del ^2r^n=2/rnr^(n-1)+n(n-1)r^(n-2)

An identity satisfied by the Laplacian is

 del ^2||xA||=(||A||_(HS)^2-||(xA)A^(T)||^2)/(||xA||^3),

where ||A||_(HS) is the Hilbert-Schmidt norm, x is a row vector, and A^(T) is the transpose of A.

To compute the Laplacian of the inverse distance function 1/r, where r=|r-r^'|, and integrate the Laplacian over a volume,

 int_Vdel ^2(1/(|r-r^'|))d^3r.

This is equal to

int_Vdel ^21/rd^3r=int_Vdel ·(del 1/r)d^3r
=int_S(del 1/r)·da

where the integration is over a small sphere of radius R. Now, for r>0 and R->0, the integral becomes 0. Similarly, for r=R and R->0, the integral becomes -4pi. Therefore,

 del ^2(1/(|r-r^'|))=-4pidelta^3(r-r^'),

where delta(x) is the delta function.

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