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    • PULL Archiving   07/22/20

      Hi all, I paid the server bill for the month so the site can be archived, sorry for the mess, didn't realize there'd be such an uproar. The site's in read-only mode. Happy archiving. Here's a link to a user-made PULL discord server: https://discord.gg/vZFEm75


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About disappointedwitch

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  1. disappointedwitch added a post in a topic PULL Is Closing.   

    Are you sure that's not a reddit for Pretty Little Liars, the show? (which the site name is probs based on tho lol)
    The one I see is "r/prettyuglylittleliars" and it's restricted so you have to request to post, but most posts are about PULL being down or technical difficulties I think. It definitely looks like it's for this site.
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  2. disappointedwitch added a post in a topic PULL Is Closing.   

    I saw that there is actually an r/prettyuglylittleliars reddit already, but idk if it's like official or not lol
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  3. disappointedwitch added a post in a topic Rant Thread   

    True I know it can't just be me who's sad  hoping I can possibly stay connected with some people or if not, that there will be some type of new site to reconnect
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  4. disappointedwitch added a post in a topic Michelle Moé   

    Welp I'm sure Michelle is going to be happy the site is closing. All I can say to her now is hopefully she'll realize the absurdity of the things she's said one day and that she learns to actually be secure in herself in a healthy way, not a weird superiority-mixed-with-inferiority-complex way.
    It's been real you guys! c':
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  5. disappointedwitch added a post in a topic Rant Thread   

    Dang even though this is just an anonymous gossip site, I feel pretty sad that it's closing. Even though I only joined in 2018, I've been reading it longer than that for sure lol. I've met some pretty cool people on here. :')
    Since Nyx doesn't want the site remade, maybe there can be a subreddit or something created for PULL users? Since sites like lolcow seem super hard to navigate.
    EDIT: I see there's already an r/prettyuglylittleliars reddit thread lol which could maybe work temporarily.
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  6. disappointedwitch added a post in a topic Michelle Moé   

    Honestly same...her videos are like a trainwreck. I want to look away, but they're so ridiculous, I can't.
    I hadn't watched any of that video screencapped till now, but godDAMN it was painful just to watch 30 seconds of it. She is talking about super stereotypical traits when regarding race, saying "there are 3 genetic races" "caucasian cheekbones look like this and asian cheekbones look like this" "if you're this race you have this skin tone blah blah". She says "you will never successfully change your genetic/racial makeup except through longterm breeding".......ok ew ? as if humans are some science experiment animals that you breed one group with another group to create your ideal race of smth. While yes obviously people trying to racefake or change their natural-born features is weird and unnatural, she's taking this super unnecessary scientific approach for something that is clearly a social problem.
    And why is she completely unaware that genetic admixture has been happening for centuries? Literally unless a group is just cut off from the rest of society and history and has never been exposed to invasions or foreigners visiting and living in their societies, then there's a big possibility of admixture with another ethnic group or race. For some examples, a big portion of black American's have some European or possibly Native American genetics, Latino people having Spanish and native central American genetics, Turkic people have a mix of European and East Asian genetics, people in transcontinental countries who would make her head spin bc they're either both or neither race, like you mentioned Eastern Europeans having admixture somewhere down the line with Mongolians, Puerto Ricans having high genetic variation from Europe, Africa, and indigenous groups, all the different Jewish ethnic groups in different continents, America having different waves of immigration and intermixing, Afro-Arab groups in the Middle East, or just freaking common interracial marriages having children, plus so many more examples. I feel like she just read "3 main branches" and stopped researching there, as if history also just stopped there and those groups never interacted with one another.
    So according to Michelle: only 3 groups. No variation. God, how boring and one-dimensional do you see people if you only group them into 3 possible boxes? All these different groups are unique, and watering everyone down to just 1 of 3 choices is just kinda sad. I hope if she's sadly gonna continue on her race obsession she'll at least one day appreciate the huge variety there really is among people and countless ethnic groups.
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  7. disappointedwitch added a post in a topic Michelle Moé   

    I agree, and also what I'm confused by too is that hasn't she spent most of her life in Austria? Obviously she has a right to feel proud of her Asian heritage, but at the same time, culturally she's probably much more similar to other Austrians than people who grew up in Asia. Maybe that's why she feels insecure? But I still don't know why she, or others, can't be proud of both their culture (nationality) and their heritage (where their family is from). Vivekatt only slightly reminds me of Michelle, only because she's also an Asian YTer who does makeup videos living in Europe, but that's the only similarity. She seems proud of being from Beijing, China but she also feels secure in herself to feel proud of living in Sweden. Vivekatt doesn't act like she's any better or worse than anyone else, unlike Michelle obviously.
    And yep Michelle hella nitpicks and hyperfixates on features that she deems as "only European" or "only Asian", etc. Like unless it's related to actual racefaking, I see no reason to for that, because if she was really interested, she'd see how diverse people's features are, rather than generalizing, gatekeeping, or putting people in boxes.
    @shady was trying to quote you and it got deleted ugh lolThat's true, at least the way I saw the makeup, similar to cat-eye makeup, definitely looked more like makeup that is more common in the Middle East. And if people are following this as a "Bella Hadid trend" then that makes sense too because she's half Middle Eastern. Hell even when people follow Kim K makeup, regarding one of those TikTokkers, she's half Armenian too, so I'm not surprised this makeup is something similar to Arab makeup. But nooo according to Michelle it's all just "white people stealing East Asian features", despite everything being globalized now, especially makeup, regardless of a person's ethnicity.
    And totally agree, nowadays makeup, fashion, hairstyles, etc. is influenced way more by the whole internet than what is popular in a person's country or city. If anything, people can be more influenced by people from other countries than their own country depending how much time they're on the internet. So naturally there's gonna be more crossovers of cultural influence. Idk why people think it's "stealing" unless they're so insecure about their own heritage so they feel possessive, but that's a natural occurrence being exposed to a different culture, you're gonna be influenced.
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  8. disappointedwitch added a post in a topic Rant Thread   

    True, and I'm not surprised unfortunately. Double standards I guess. I also saw soooo many apologists on Twitter who came with their whataboutisms saying "if you're mad about the Hagia Sophia being a mosque, then what about the Cordoba Mosque turning into a cathedral in Spain? What about that??" Which is a huge difference obviously, because Spain was invaded so naturally the Spanish took back buildings built on their land. But they're defending invaders and undoing all the progress for unity that Turkey had done before. So of course more people will be pissed than a mosque built on invaded land turning into something different.
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  9. disappointedwitch added a post in a topic Rant Thread   

    Honestly same. That's similar to a big reason I'm pissed Hagia Sophia was recently declared officially a mosque, because during the Ottoman Empire, aside from it being stolen from Constantinople and finally neutral as a museum since the 30s, there were tons of slave raids done in Southern and Eastern Europe to bring back to Turkey and other parts of the Middle East, but was justified because they weren't Muslim so their lives didn't matter. I don't even see it as a "Christian vs. Muslim" problem, it's a "Muslim vs. non-Muslim who doesn't want to convert to Islam" problem. A popular historical figure is Roxelana, but she was lucky to have gotten powerful, unlike all the other Balkan and Eastern European girls kidnapped and sold into slavery who stood no chance. Having it return to a mosque is a slap in the face to everyone and every culture ruined by Islamic invasion.
    But that history doesn't matter to a lot of people because it's not "recent". They don't even realize the Ottoman Empire only finally fell after 600yrs during WWI. Or they'd say slavery done based on your religion isn't "as bad" as slavery done based on skin color.
    Imperialism is bad either way, whether it's British imperialism or Islamic imperialism, or others. Selective history is unfortunately common.
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  10. disappointedwitch added a post in a topic Michelle Moé   

    After looking up the fox eye makeup, just based on Google results, it really looks like Michelle deliberately only chose people doing the fox eye makeup who also did the hand gesture, as if to say the two go hand-in-hand. While I'm sure there are some people who may be doing it in a mocking way, a good amount of those poses don't look like they're trying to pull the eye, but just trying to draw attention to it?? "Seeing that pose gives us fvcking PTSD" Girl PTSD ain't the right word.
    Maybe I'm just not keeping up with trends, but a lot of those "fox eye" styles just look like cat eye makeup to me with more eyeshadow than eyeliner? That aside, she says "when white influencers just pull their eyes bc they say 'i'm gonna do the fox eye challenge' so it makes this explode" which seems like an oversimplification of what people are doing. Not even just white people, but some of the girls in her video doing this makeup style definitely look also Latina or Arab as well so not just "white people trying to look Asian"... But Michelle wouldn't say anything about them, just group them all together and say white people doing things she finds offensive. "If I was a white person who didn't have to worry about being made fun of my eye shape" again, you mean non-Asian, bc pretty much anyone who's not EA or SEA will probably not have monolids.
    Literally said about criticism: "it kinda feels like you're just projecting your own racial insecurity onto me". Says the YTer who makes every other video about race and only seems secure by convincing herself that white people want to steal her features. Honestly anyone who has to completely generalize about race are probably the insecure ones. Look I agree, if someone is being racist, you have the right to feel upset, but those rules apply to everyone, and you can't just deflect criticism by claiming that someone else is the racist or insecure ones. That doesn't promote dialogue.
    And she showed a SOUTH PARK screencap of Cartman and Butters in yellowface as justification of people still doing yellowface. Umm hello, that was the point of that episode, showing Cartman is a racist asshole? But why do research if on the surface level you think it proves your point?
    Also a full 4 minutes of that video are just reposted TikToks...
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  11. disappointedwitch added a post in a topic General e-Artist thread   

    I tried to read through most of the thread yesterday, and yeah it seems sooo many weeb artists are sketchy people. Like why is no one in those circles, well, normal? I saw Ems mentioned a few times but I didn't know who they were referring, but damn...that's so petty and childish??
    What I learned from the thread, at least assuming the testimonies on lolcow are true: Punimelt/Michy had a hate group chat for someone named Pedro, who also seemed sketchy, but if someone is your friend then why tf would you do that? Cutehospital/Audrey stole money from pre-orders apparently, and like you mentioned when Michy told Audrey that she may have autism, Audrey told someone else that she thought she was lying, so Michy cut her off. Audrey posing like she was hospitalized for cancer or another terminal disease, but she actually had an ED. And Audrey basically being really spoiled complaining about how her parents are abusive for not picking her up from the airport, yet they pay for 3 vacations a year to visit Japan. She acts like she's the expert on mental health, but she's definitely not improving anyone's mental health it seems.
    Overall, Audrey patting her own back for how special she thinks she is, and fake toxic positivity. I don't even know who to "side" with, bc I used to be a fan of both of their work, but I knew Audrey would post stuff of Twitter that rubbed me the wrong way, so I already had suspicions quite awhile ago, but Michy also seems untrustworthy af too. There's no one to side with. My head hurts 
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  12. disappointedwitch added a post in a topic General e-Artist thread   

    Thanks for the link! Wow it kinda looks like they're both shitty, but definitely looks like cutehospital/Audrey is much more manipulative. And making it look like she had a terminal disease and basing a whole comic book on it WOW. I can't stand when someone preaches all about ~be kind, take care of each other's mental health uwu~ and they end up being the toxic ones.
    OT but I once ordered a shirt and some stickers for cutehospital but it was packaged terribly, literally no protection just thrown into the plastic shipping bag and the sticker sheet was dented in the middle of the sheet  (not directly on a sticker thankfully, but so carelessly packaged) I should've told her I wanted a replacement or something.
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  13. disappointedwitch added a post in a topic General e-Artist thread   

    Anyone know Punimelt or cutehospital? They both are artists who have an anime-inspired art style and they seemed to have been good friends because they had collab pieces together, like 2 different shirt designs they collabed together with and they each sold one in their online stores. I noticed that they don't follow each other anymore though, which may not mean much, but they were definitely following and supporting each other's work before. Just wondering if anyone might know anything about them and if they had a falling out maybe?
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  14. disappointedwitch added a post in a topic Unpopular opinions   

    100% agree. They also can't tell the difference between what is a joke and what is actual discrimination. Jerry Seinfeld was right too, in that political correctness hurts comedy. Like they've got this double standard where jokes relating to race, gender, sexuality, etc. are fine if it's about a majority, but if it's about anyone who's not a cis straight christian white american male, then it's a 180-degree full-blown discrimination apparently. As if there's no grey area in between. Be like South Park, equal opportunity offenders lmao. And a bit OT:
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  15. disappointedwitch added a post in a topic Confessional   

    This is probably gonna sound superficial, but it's a confessional thread so I gotta be honest lol. I wish I had more friends who were older than me, even just slightly. Most of my friends are younger than me and while I love my good friends dearly, I wish I had older friends to look up to. My birthday is late in the year, so in school I was usually one of the oldest kids in my grade as my birthday came before a majority of other kids. I don't know why but that always made me insecure, despite it being a very minor difference. And for some reason it was always easier to be friends with students who were younger than me or in grades below me, but it was nearly impossible to be friends with kids in older grades. It always irritates me too when my younger friends have birthdays and they're like "omg I'm so old now   :(", like does that make me a grandma or something?? Now that I've been out of school for a long time now, meeting people of different ages isn't really as much of an issue. But I still wish I could be friends with someone older than me who actually has similar interests, or someone I could look up to as a mentor or something. It's not like all my friends are younger than me, but a good portion are and idk why it makes me insecure for some reason, even if it's just by a couple months or a couple years difference. Well anyways, I also wouldn't just be friends with someone just to have an older friend, but I guess I wish my friend group was more balanced. Idk, I probably don't even make sense.
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