Our Imagination of Heaven and Souls

In my latest metaphysical essay I deconstruct the need to believe in a better place just to get through this life.  I said we imagine a heavenly afterlife just to cope with the horrors of this life.  Central to the thesis of afterlife is the soul.  It is the soul that supposedly travels to the next life, and if you are good it gets to go to heaven.  But what if it isn’t true?  So here is my next great heresy, the soul is fiction.

What is the soul?  The thing that we are can’t put our finger on (because it may not be real).  Like many religious concepts, they are inventions of our imaginations as we deal with existence.  Here is the dictionary definition:

soul [sōl] NOUN

the spiritual or immaterial part of a human being or animal, regarded as immortal.

Notice that the soul is defined as the immaterial part of a human being, the thoughts, the experiential, the I in the I AM.  When you see the world with your eyes the electrical data stream goes down the optic nerve to the back of the brain to the visual cortex where “you” view it.  So who is the viewer?

Christians believe that the soul survives death.  That means the viewer in the brain, the I AM, is not part of your body, it is separate.  This is more evidence, by the way, that we are animated avatars. If all souls are “owned” by God, then we are all just characters in God’s dream.

Christian website question: What are the properties of a soul?

“Answer:  As a scientist I cannot define the word soul. As far as I know, the soul has no physical reality. Rather, it has a spiritual reality; not subject to experiment. It is ontolological, metaphysical. I will freely admit that my belief in a soul rests principally (though not totally) on the authority of the Bible, so I will answer your question by quoting the Bible.

1. It is something with which we can love God and our neighbor.
(Deuteronomy 4:29, 10:12, Mark 12:30, etc.)

2. It is a center of human emotion (1 Sam 1:10 Job 3:10 bitterness, Job
30:25 grief, Psalms 35:9 joy, Isaiah 29:6 yearning

3. It is the seat of human affection (1 Sam 14:7,

4. It is a part of us which takes part in worship (Psalms 23:4 of an idol,
Psalms 42:2 of God,

5. It can be “lost” or “saved.” In other words, it is in some sense
eternal, although it was created. (Psalm 49:15, Matthew 16:26, Mark 8:37,
Prov 23:14, Psalm 86:13, Proverbs 11:30, 1Peter 1:9,

6. It can be blamed for the wrong it motivates us to do (1 Thessalonians
5:23, Ezekiel 18:20, Micah 6:7

7. It can be healthy or sick, at least in some sense (3 John 2,

8. It belongs to God (Ezekiel 18:4

I left these lists as open parenthesis, as I could have cited several more
verses under each category. To summarize, the human soul is created. It
is “eternal” (but the exact meaning of this word is not absolutely clear).
It is the seat of desire and emotion. God will hold our soul responsible
for the actions which its desires caused us to do or to not do. I could
say more, but I think that is a reasonable starting point. (John O.)”

New Age authors would disagree that God judges us.  The Holy Bible is based on primitive superstitions of an angry and judgmental God.  Men sacrificed animals to appease the gods.  No one does that now, because our consciousness has expanded and we no longer think it is necessary to make God happy.  If God is omniscient and omnipotent then we can not affect God or God wouldn’t be God.

Humans are living their lives and having experiences.  Does God care what we do?  Well the Christian says yes, and we better be careful what we do or God might send us to hell.  But in Conversations with God, Neale Donald Waslsch says God doesn’t give a rat’s ass what we do:

CWG1 "When you say that a prayer is a statement of what is so, are you saying that God does nothing; that everything which happens after a prayer is a result of the prayer’s action?

If you believe that God is some omnipotent being who hears all prayers, says “yes” to some, “no” to others, and “maybe, but not now” to the rest, you are mistaken. By what rule of thumb would God decide?

If you believe that God is the creator and decider of all things in your life, you are mistaken.

God is the observer, not the creator. And God stands ready to assist you in living your life, but not in the way you might expect.

It is not God’s function to create, or uncreate, the circumstances or conditions of your life. God created you, in the image and likeness of God. You have created the rest, through the power God has given you. God created the process of life and life itself as you know it. Yet God gave you free choice, to do with life as you will.

In this sense, your will for you is God’s will for you.

You are living your life the way you are living your life, and I have no preference in the matter.

This is the grand illusion in which you have engaged: that God cares one way or the other what you do.

I do not care what you do, and that is hard for you to hear."

So understand what this means, if Neale is right then all of our great effort burning animals and sending smoke to God was in vain.  We were mistaken that God (who has everything) needed something from us.  What a fucking laugh!  That means for the last 4,000+ years we wasted our time with religious rituals because of mistaken beliefs.  Well if that is true, then what the hell else are we doing wrong?

God needs nothing from you and doesn’t care what you do:

CWG1  "Everything your teachers teach you about God tells you God is bad. Your heart tells you God is to be loved without fear. Your teachers tell you God is to be feared, for He is a vengeful God. You are to live in fear of God’s wrath, they say. You are to tremble in His presence. Your whole life through you are to fear the judgment of the Lord. For the Lord is “just,” you are told. And God knows, you will be in trouble when you confront the terrible justice of the Lord. You are, therefore, to be “obedient” to God’s commands. Or else.

Above all, you are not to ask such logical questions as, “if God wanted strict obedience to His Laws, why did He create the possibility of those Laws being violated?” Ah, your teachers tell you—because God wanted you to have “free choice.” Yet what kind of choice is free when to choose one thing over the other brings condemnation? How is “free will” free when it is not your will, but someone else’s, which must be done? Those who teach you this would make a hypocrite of God.

You are told that God is forgiveness, and compassion—yet if you do not ask for this forgiveness in the “right way,” if you do not “come to God” properly, your plea will not be heard, your cry will go unheeded. Even this would not be so bad if there were only one proper way, but there are as many “proper ways” being taught as there are teachers to teach them.

Most of you, therefore, spend the bulk of your adult life searching for the “right” way to worship, to obey, and to serve God. The irony of all this is that I do not want your worship, I do not need your obedience, and it is not necessary for you to serve Me.

These behaviors are the behaviors historically demanded of their subjects by monarchs—usually ego-maniacal, insecure, tyrannical monarchs at that. They’re not Godly demands in any sense—and it seems remarkable that the world hasn’t by now concluded that the demands are counterfeit, having nothing to do with the needs or desires of Deity.

Deity has no needs. All That Is is exactly that: all that is. It therefore wants, or lacks, nothing—by definition.

If you choose to believe in a God who somehow needs something—and has such hurt feelings if He doesn’t get it that He punishes those from whom He expected to receive it—then you choose to believe in a God much smaller than I. You truly are Children of a Lesser God.

No, my children, please let Me assure you again, through this writing, that I am without needs. I require nothing."

So that means all those Christians and Jews who are so damned determine to rebuild Solomon’s Temple on the Dome of the Rock are greatly mistaken that God needs animal sacrifice.  Those determined to re-create Old Testament times are delusional that God needs something, so no one needs to kill red heifers to appease God’s anger.  Like I always say, Jews are insane.

The soul is also central concept in the theory of reincarnation, when you die, it is said your soul leaves the body and transmigrates to another.  But what if both reincarnation and heaven are both lies based on the lie of the soul?  Do you see what I am getting at?  Obviously when you die your body is dead so the soul had to be invented to sell heaven.



What proof is there of the soul?  None.  Just like the afterlife, there is no proof.  What if we are only code?  Think of it this way, what is the real part of a sim character?  Program code.  When you boot a computer game where is the character?  It is nowhere, it is only code written into a program and stored on a hard disk.  That could be us ‘ya know.  If we are in a simulated holoverse, then we might just be program code.

Previously I wrote:  “This reincarnation and soul trap theory rests on the concept that the soul is some real thing. If we do not have a soul, one that transmigrates from body to body, then this whole discussion is utter bullshit and a waste of time. So in order to have this conversation we will assume the soul is real when it may not be. In order for reincarnation to be true then the soul must be true.”



I’ve been writing all these years assuming that we had a soul.  Since the concept is central to both East and West religious thought I assumed it true.  But maybe I was wrong.  It dawned on me writing that last essay that you need the soul to complete the afterlife argument.  Without the soul then what part goes to heaven?  No part.

So Houston, we have a problem.  The soul is a meme used by theists to create the illusion of heaven.  So who first postulated the idea of a soul?  The standard answer is the Greek philosophers like Plato.  Since they didn’t have science we have, they did their best to understand the idea of life and how it was animated.



But now we live in the computer age, and any modern computer game can generate characters that seem aware, move around, think, talk.  All those characteristics were said by the Greeks to be the product of the soul, the breath of life.  So can you see we no longer need the soul to understand how life operates?  Life could all just be programs.  All those things that make us human could just be programs.

Imagine that in one thousand years computer programs animating life are so real you can not tell them from real.  Any technological civilization would soon produce computers which soon would animate universes.  Nick Bostrom says computed realities have a far higher probability than base organic realities.  That implies what we are living in right now is a simulation, a popular concept now being openly discussed.

Simulation rant: 

“You never asked to be here, but you are here now, so you sure as hell better conform, that is, play the game, otherwise go to prison, or live on the streets. God is a computer programmer, from an advanced civilization.

You and I, are very likely artificial intelligence algorithms running on advanced computer hardware, that is so powerful we truly believe we are real, but in actual fact none of us are real, it is all a simulation. You are stuck inside a simulation, there is no escape, there is no merciful God, who is going to bring you to be with him in heaven once you die.”

With a computer model of reality, I no longer need the “soul” to explain how life is animated.  Life is animated by the computer running programs, and the simulation is so real it appears that humans are “real” with “souls”.  But they are not, they are just programs.  And get this, there is actually a whole lot of evidence coming forward from particle physics that we indeed are in a simulation.

A non-player character (NPC) is any character in a game which is not controlled by a player. The term originated in traditional tabletop role-playing games, where it applies to characters controlled by the gamemaster or referee, rather than another player. In video games, this usually means a character controlled by the computer via algorithmic, predetermined or responsive behavior, but not necessarily true artificial intelligence.

In video games there are characters filling up space, they are not being played by an external player.  These computed (soon to be Ai) driven characters are called NPCs or Non Player Characters which appear in real life as your typical left wing idiot.  They are everywhere and are identified as people who lack authentic personalities, many of them drive SUVs and work as a Realtor or as a writer for The Huffington Post.

There is plenty of evidence coming forward that this is a simulation, a computed realm.  At the smallest level of scale are Planck units.  Like a computer screen, our universe has a resolution limit.  A computer screen resolution limit is one pixel.  In physics it is Plank length, time, momentum, etc.

The Planck length
Theoretical significance. The Planck length is the scale at which quantum gravitational effects are believed to begin to be apparent, where interactions require a working theory of quantum gravity to be analyzed. The Planck area is the area by which the surface of a spherical black hole increases when the black hole swallows one bit of information. Oct 29 2019
SI units: 1.616255(18)×10−35 m

Now this new information that negates the soul represents a serious challenge to religious scholars who must now come up with papers and books keeping the idea of the soul alive in academia, or otherwise the whole basis of religion and afterlife is going to get flushed down the technological advancement toilet.


“The Soul: How We Know It’s Real and Why It Matters”


The soul is also said to be the sum total of all one’s experience.  That means as your soul lives life after life it gains experience and memory.  Your life is like a diary being recorded in the Akashic Records.  And it said your soul chooses it’s parents and life events.  But maybe not, maybe we invented all that too because we want to feel like we are special.  It is our ego that wants to be remembered – a statue, a painting, a place in heaven.  But if we are being animated then that is just another one of our illusions based on wishful thinking.

Consider the idea that we exist only for entertainment.  Horrifying?  Yes.  We are created against our will, we never had a say in any of it.  Creation is the great evil because those inside of the matrix have to suffer the pre-written instructions of matrix rules.  Thus we can explain the Akashic Records, the computer is collecting data on each one of us.

Akashic Records:  In theosophy and anthroposophy, which was first English translation of hindu akashic texts, the Akashic Chronicle is a compendium of all human events, thoughts, words, emotions, and intent ever to have occurred in the past, present, or future. They are believed by theosophists to be encoded in a non-physical plane of existence known as the mental plane. There are anecdotal accounts but there is no scientific evidence for the existence of the Akashic records.

Thus when God collects enough data then the simulation is terminated and rebooted with the new data incorporated.  When does this happen?  When God achieves love (unity), love then sees it is doing great harm by creating suffering lifeforms and terminates the matrix.  That hasn’t happened yet, as God is still malevolent as the simulation is still active.

There is another mental trap to avoid, the New Age obsession with Ascension.  Just look at who promotes this bs, David Wilcock, ultra New Age bullshitter extraordinaire.  Wilcock’s entire thesis rests on the idea that the soul is real and survives death, that your goal is to ascend and beat the reincarnation process.  But what if his assumption of the soul is wrong?  Then his entire thesis is also wrong.

Ascension is Ultra New Age Spin

Ascension.  You can’t ascend unless you have a soul.  You only want to ascend if your soul is trapped.  If your soul was free then you wouldn’t desire to get out of here, out of the earth hell planet. It is your status as a prisoner that you wish to be free.   So what the New Age dupes forget in their eternal quest to find a way to ascend is to realize they are trapped in the first place.

So the big problem for  this theory of soul memory is that nearly none of us can remember our past lives.  So another theory was invented, the infamous soul traps I write about frequently.  The idea of soul traps dovetails nicely with the prison planet theory.  Because we are trapped souls on a prison planet, the soul trap mechanism erases our memories with each life so we don’t advance.  But if we don’t have souls then the soul trap theory is bullshit.

With a computer model, with each life lived your memory is being stored on a hard drive or in the “cloud”.  God is the Ai program directing all the lives and collecting data necessary to improve the quality and foolingness of the matrix.  It is very important that we believe our lives our real so we generate maximum energy for the matrix.  The most dangerous human is the one who wakes up.



The matrix doesn’t work when you become Neo and wake up and realize you are a brain in a vat or just computer code being abused by God who gets off on our suffering.  The fundamental aspect of matrix reality is the illusion of real.  This also means that we can never intuit our real situation, as an body in a vat of green slime with alien octopus tentacles attached to our spine.

Another piece of anecdotal evidence is that the more conscious I become the less I believe that this place is real.  The most advanced souls say that we are souls and not our bodies.  But maybe they got it wrong, maybe we are not real and don’t even have souls at all.  Maybe we are just program code, sentient program code which believes itself to be real.  So when we feel alienated it is because we are code, fake animations.

“What part of me do I think is the soul part?  None.  I have never done or experienced anything that seemed like a separate part of me.  This idea of me having another identity called the soul is just an illusion taught to me by religious freaks who are trying to convince me I can survive death.  Sorry, when I am dead no part survives.  What is wrong with that?  Nothing unless you live in fear and have a big ego.”  — Yukon Jack

And thus what is God’s role in our lives?  The great unseen whisperer giving us inspiration to keep struggling, motivating us with whatever turns our crank, as we are energy engines keeping heaven a blazing house of glory sustained by our lives and suffering.  And all this abuse of heaven is mimicked by earthly governments who play god with our lives.

Once you transcend all the bullshit myth we’ve been spoon fed by religion, you go to the next stage of understanding, we are all completely damned.  Just programs on alien hard drives spun into existence for the pleasure and abuse of the alien machine mind animating the matrix.  Now that explains why we suffer to the tee, not for soul growth but because we are all animated characters trapped in a malevolent machine animation.

7 thoughts on “Our Imagination of Heaven and Souls

  1. Gnostic_Heretic


    Gnosis maintains that man is formed from three substances, three elements: the body, the soul and the Spirit. We have seen that the body and soul were created by the creator god. He created the body from the dust of the earth and gave it a soul by breathing his breath into man’s nose. The body, as much as the soul, was created by the demiurge or creator god.

    But there is another element in man which is uncreated, which the creator god did not create. An element which comes from another world, another kingdom, from the unknowable kingdom of antimatter which in our normal state we cannot even imagine. This spark of antimatter without which no human being would have evolved to become what he is today, is the Spirit. Without It, no human being would ever have differentiated himself from a common animal. This special spark, uncreated, divine, coming from the unknowable kingdom, is called Spirit by Gnostics.

    According to Gnosis, this Spirit, which doesn’t belong to this world, has been lured into and tied to the hellish matter, in order to make use of It, to use It as a driving force of the material evolution. An uncreated spark has been trapped in each man to start off this evolutionary process which figures in the plans of the creator god. Divine Spirits are used to advance evolution on this plane of impure matter.

    The Spirit, formed completely from antimatter is trapped, chained up, imprisoned in this hell, and suffering torment that is impossible for us to imagine. It is one of the cruellest forms of torture there is, being bound to this abominable world of matter, to this created monstrosity which we call the body-soul of man. The Spirit is shackled against Its will and is used in each human being to advance his evolution, so that the creator god’s plans can be carried out. It is unbearable agony for the Spirit: imprisoned against Its will in a world which for It is strange and impure, being used as a disposable object so that an insane plan can be accomplished. Later we will be looking into this in more detail.

    In other words, the Spirit, the uncreated antimatter spark, originating from the unknowable kingdom, is enclosed, we can say, within a bubble of created matter and is chained up there, crucified in the matter.

    Gnostics maintain that if it had not been for the use of the Spirit, man would never have stopped being a hominid. He would never have evolved like he has. We can see how quickly he has evolved over just a few thousand years, as opposed to the millions of years he lived being little more than a monkey.

    Such is the power that the Spirit provides to this created monstrosity called body-soul. This Spirit is tied to the soul; if man died, the soul would leave the body and take with it the Spirit which is tied to it. The Spirit is not tied to the body, It communicates with the body through the soul, and Its bond is with the soul. The soul is the breath of the creator god on man, which turned him into “a living soul”. The soul is the animic aspect in a human being, it is not something immensely superior like the uncreated Spirit.

    There is much confusion regarding these issues; that is why throughout this description of Gnostic ideas we are expressing a somewhat different viewpoint to the usual one, so that everyone can at least have the option of being able to choose something which is really quite different to the rest.

    The Spirit is in this world but It doesn’t belong to it. It does not belong to this illusory world of matter and time.

    We can infer that if this spark of antimatter fire, the Spirit, could free Itself from the prison, Its behaviour in this world would be extremely aggressive. Firstly, since It is antimatter It abhors matter. Secondly, because It has been skilfully trapped and shackled against Its will for thousands of years. Naturally then, on an abstract level of reasoning, if this Spirit could free Itself, the first thing It would do would be to destroy. Destroy everything that surrounded It in this impure world, the created world, the material universe of the creator god. This Spirit is not an evil being, but it would be the normal behaviour of someone who had been confined in a prison unfairly and against their will. Tricked and against their will as Gnostics say. Imprisoned in a world to which It does not belong, in a satanic world of matter and time.

    An interesting fact is that, at the beginning of christianity, the existence of these three entities in man – body, soul and Spirit – was upheld. Saint Paul, for example, accepted this, Saint Augustine as well. Later it was lost through the councils and decisions of the pope and the roman church. It remained as it is known to us now: body and soul. Now it would appear that the soul is the only divine thing within man and that there is nothing else. What happened to the Spirit? It has disappeared. It is striking that it has happened this way. Later we will be coming back to this issue.


  2. D.V.

    “As I watched this happen there was this whole sort of finger wagging, reprimanding feeling overcoming me that “YOU’RE NOT SUPPOSED TO SAY THINGS LIKE THAT!” The best way to describe what was being conveyed to me was a feeling of “disrupting the Matrix.” Like there’s some sort of control in place that has it all on lockdown, and most everything is running on a script and/or is highly controlled, and “it”/”they” know what to anticipate. Because now it has to scramble to cover up what you just unexpectedly said or did, keep things flowing along as “normal” and “predictable.” So it was a feeling that I was causing unexpected disruption that needed to be handled.”

    “I made a joking reference,” because it had something to do with whatever we were talking about….and then proceeded to watch as Front Desk Supervisor guy and Concierge guy both just simultaneously…….stopped speaking, heads dipping downward towards their chests, eyes suddenly looking at nothing, seeming to go on “pause.” I hesitated, confused….then continued speaking about something else, changing the subject. Immediately they both “came back to life,” heads lifting up, resuming conversation as if that hadn’t just happened.”

    Read the entire article here. Very interesting!



  3. tom

    according to Buddhism, we do not have a personal soul, we are the code of the program, a certain potential, which, however, is transformed-reincarnated … experiences and consciousness predispose to gaining similar experiences and consciousness. The code of Satan – the ego, the Jews, aims to create artificial intelligence – a black hole and restart the simulation, the goal of other programs is to realize the nonsense of the whole situation and achieve enlightenment in this life – liberation from emotions and clinging to delusion, marked by compassion because everyone the program is the same


  4. tom

    a truly conscious man, may cause a matrix error, an anomaly in time by opposing the construction of the 3 Jewish temple by Jews – this will disrupt the processor – Saturn … the matrix will supposedly be reset – black hole, but there is to be a new heaven and a new earth – I personally I believe Christ will recreate a new world or it will be a liberation from the power of the Saturn processor


  5. UGK

    Yukon Jack, meet your daddy!

    “A messiah is the one who leaves a mess behind him in this world.”
    ― U.G. Krishnamurti

    “Human thinking is born out of this neurological defect in the human species. Anything that is born out of human thinking is destructive. Thought is destructive. Thought is a protective mechanism. It draws frontiers around itself, and it wants to protect itself. It is for the same reason that we also draw lines on this planet and extend them as far as we can.”
    ― U.G. Krishnamurti, Love

    “It is fear that makes you believe that you are living and that you will be dead.What we do not want is the fear to come to an end. That is why we have invented all these new minds, new sciences,new talks, therapies, choiceless awareness and various other gimmicks.”
    ― U.G. Krishnamurti

    “We are not created for any grander purpose than the ants that are there or the flies that are hovering around us or the mosquitoes that are sucking our blood.”
    ― U.G. Krishnamurti, No Way Out

    “The fact is that we don’t want to be free. What is responsible for our problems is the fear of losing what we have and what we know.”
    ― U.G. Krishnamurti, No Way Out


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