Will Christ Return and Save Christians?

Here’s a big question, will Christ return and save Christians from the end times, riots, antifa, or any other threat?  The answer of course, is no.  Christ is a fiction in the minds of Christians, and this idea in their head is powerless to come back and save anyone.  We save ourselves when we act, the problem with Christ is that he keeps you from acting.  So not only will Christ not return, the belief in Christ actually paralyzes the Christians from picking up arms and saving themselves!

Furthermore, it is worse than you have imagined.  First the myth disempowers the Christian from using violence to stop BLM/antifa violence as Christ’s example was to go hang himself on the cross instead of using his godly powers to stamp out evil.  So first of all the belief castrates the person from taking action, and the belief has prepared the Christians to be as sacrificial lambs led to the slaughter.  Christians are trained to suffer and carry their cross.

There is a reason why the myth was written to disempower the sheeple – Rome wanted docile slaves, not warriors.  So the Christian is taught to be obedient to the state and pay their taxes, and to turn the other cheek.  That is a suicide philosophy in the end times, we need to rise up, not bend a knee to BLM or antifa.  So with our society going to hell then maybe it is time to stop being passive and start taking aggressive action.

Some believe that because western civilization is going to hell, that a revitalized Christianity is in order to bring back civility. But this is nonsense because the cat has left the bag, Christianity has been outed as a plagiarized myth.  You can never go back now that we know the origin and purpose of the myth.  Christianity is dead and needs to be buried.

There is a hefty price for everyone being indoctrinated into a religious cult and being brainwashed by a slave myth and we are seeing it now with the massive acquiescence to the corona mask.  Because of massive government and religious indoctrination, most modern humans are obedient and dumb.  Religion does a marvelous job of making people gullible.

Christianity needs to be thrown out – the baby, the bathwater, and the pan. All of it purged from your mind forever and ever. Christianity has failed your genes, white people are doomed because of what this theology has rendered, a weak pathetic man unable to defend himself. Even now as we are being extinguished Christianity is unable to get one shred of will to rise up and do something. And it won’t because it can not.

Christianity has always been a death cult, hatred of the body in favor of the spirit, attempting to gain heaven as you sacrifice the body. White people are flesh, the cult downgraded the flesh and now that flesh is being erased. How can you object, was that not your goal all along?  Denying the body for Christ is how you completely negate yourself.

When you are being led to the gallows by the Jew and his minions just remember why your Christ failed you, you made your salvation by a Jewish man who affirmed the Torah, you said the gates of heaven were only through one man, a Jewish carpenter. The Jews who penned the New Testament propaganda new exactly what they were doing, they owned you by making God a Jew.



Europeans were headed for extinction when they were forcefully converted and made into slaves of a Jewish run state. Now in France, the Holocaust is a new state religion, and 99% of the Christians don’t even have a problem with that, they are sympathetic to the plight of the poor Jews. Those evil Nazis tried to roast them in ovens and if you disagree you are a dirty anti-Semite.

So long as white people accept the evil Hitler premise they are doomed. So long as you agree that putting Jews in ovens is wrong, you are doomed. So long as you think killing Jews is murder and a crime, you are doomed. So long as you see some Jewish man dying for your sins, you are gullible as hell. If you think Jerusalem is the most holy town on the planet, you are clueless.



White women know we are doomed which is why so many are associating with BLM, they are trading their lives for agreeing that blacks are superior. Many of them are willing to have half black mud babies (mudbrids). That is pretty catastrophic I would say, and I would also say we lost genetically when that happens. I happen to live in a liberal town and see the results daily. I see white women of Irish descent with half black babies. That is literal race suicide. I see their act as a survival strategy and I know and accept we lost.

We lost when we were converted to a religion that told us sex was dirty. We lost when we abandoned our reverence for Nature and instead lifted our hearts up to space empire in the heavens above. We lost when the Anunnaki cross bred into our genome, we were domesticated and lost living in the wild “Eden” for ever.  Now we are a pathetic domesticated sentient slave race.

And it seems clear to me our conversion into a domesticated slave then into a Anunnaki worshipping cult was intentional, all directed by a higher mind over a long period of time.  And the joke is (according to many researchers) Jerusalem is a Anunnaki space port. We are worshipping space pirates (who artificially created us) like some backwards Pacific islander who builds stick airplanes to get cargo.  Time to get off our knees, wake up, and dethrone the gods.

I, for one, will not pick up arms to save Christianity. It needs to go and be flushed down the toilet forever.  I will not try to save a religion that worships Jews as God. I will never defend a religion which is based on the lies in the Torah. I am NOT guilty for being born or wanting to be free. The gods are guilty for creation, not me. My only goal in life is to see Jerusalem nuked, the Dome of the Rock turned into a crater of glass. Only by erasing the center of Abrahamic religions can we be set free.

Like I always say – “Man will only be free when the last Christian Identity pastor is strangled with the entrails of the last Rabbi.” I do not identify myself as some thing in some cult which is subverted by Jews. I do not wake up in the morning and say, I am a Christian united for Israel. No, I think, maybe today someone with balls will  nuke Israel, now that would be a good day.

I have the right to exist free and not be under any Church or Jewish Law. I have a right to build a home or shelter without getting a “permit” from some judge or bureaucrat. I have the right to judge for myself which wars I will fight. I have the right to keep my hard earned money, I am NOT part of any collective, my income is NOT part of the national income. I do not believe, nor will I ever lift my heart up to a Jewish character as my lord.

I have no desire to be part of some Hebrew Borg hive mind collective called religion or state. I do not care what the “authority” says, or these psychos like Bill Gates who wants to vaccinate the world. I believe the most moral act is to kill these monsters without any reservations. I do not believe I need to be ordered by the state to go to war as I am free and I have the right to decide who needs to die for crimes against myself.

If you are waiting for the Jewish fiction to rescue you then I say it is a safe bet you are wasting your time. Jesus is fiction. Salvation is fiction. How do I know? No man can walk on water or raise the dead. Those attributes are fictional claims of the writers who invented this new Jewish sun god.   And the believers know that no man can walk on water, yet suspend their knowledge of gravity and buoyancy and believe the fiction anyways!

You can’t be separated from God like the theists say.  There is no such thing as “sin” keeping you from God or your higher self. You can’t go to hell when you are already in hell.  Christian theology is a laughable joke that only fools children and backwards inbred folk in the Appalachian Billy Graham sticks.

The Jew Zeus can not save you, and in fact, this god is a ruse meant to enslave you to the state, and now the state has been taken by Jewish power, then this belief will only confuse and bind you to the problem.  Jesus causes massive mind confusion and if you doubt me go read the many threads on godlikeproductions.com by Christians.  They are hopelessly confused about reality and Trump.

Christians like to say: “Blessed are they who DO HIS COMMANDMENTS”.  More nonsense and treachery to one’s own soul.  You should be true to oneself and not to some overlord, which when that was written may have been Anunnaki commanders or human priests. The idea of freedom is you decide what is right and wrong, and you do NOT obey commands.  Robots obey commands, not human beings.

This problem of obedience is why governments can do false flags then order the troops to go fight an imagined enemy like when Israel did 911 then got the authority the USA to go and kill millions of innocent people, women, children, and men defending their country from imperial invaders who still have not left.

Christians are up the crick without a paddle. When a Christian says “GOD IS NOT MOCKED! ” they have not only lost their paddle (meaning their will and self determination) they no longer even know what a paddle is or what it looks like. They have this notion that some god cares what we do. There may be natural laws that if violated make for painful mistakes, but no god cares what we do whatsoever and if you doubt that just read the daily news.

Neale Donald Walsch does an excellent job in Conversations with God book series addressing the issue of commandments. There are none. God never gave us commands, and as Neale puts it, what kind of god would give you commands and watch you not follow them? Is God mocked by our lack of obedience?  No, that idea came about from our own false perception.

When you think your job in life is to be an obedient slave and proudly wear your coronamask or a cross around your neck as an outward sign of acquiescence, you have lost your identity, you are now part of the Borg, a hive mind, someone who acts as an army of commies or an army of Christ. What is the difference when you are Borg, to a slave why would it matter what brand of dictatorship?

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss. If you live in a system with bosses you are doomed. Monotheism is the original source of fascism. Communism is a Jewish dictatorship, what is Christianity but another type of Jewish dictatorship? The tribes of Europe were forced to convert then once they lost all their identity they now defend the Holocaust, yet another Jewish myth that harms them.

Christians have said to me that if I don’t agree with their religion I am hateful and have a personality disorder.  They sound like extremists to me, not interested in any discussion which exposes their faith as fraudulent. I don’t see any difference between them and a supremacist Jew or a militant Muslim. Many times they have appealed to authority to ban me. What this means is they have nothing in their hands and nothing in their head that can defend their faith.

My arguments against Christianity stand, as no Christian has ever responded in any logical or rational manner in defense of their faith, and I have a hunch I know why –  they have no argument, because the very nature of faith is not rational, nor logical, and no facts can be found in it’s defense. I dare say that faith is based on unprovable beliefs, and that is not some thing they should tout as a superior trait. Call me crazy, but when a Christian says believing that some man raised himself from the dead so you can get into heaven is a crazy idea on the face of it.  No one can do that.

The really big joke is on Christians, and they don’t even know why.  Joseph Atwill has published ‘Caesar’s Messiah’.  The entire thinking world now knows the real origin of Christianity, he proves that Jesus of Nazareth was the invention of the Roman Empire, and Josephus wrote the New Testament after 70AD. It’s not very funny that Christians have ignored this book.

The implications are huge, Professor Robert H. Eisenman Professor Emeritus of Middle East Religions and Archaeology and Islamic Law and the Director of the Institute for the Study of Judeo-Christian Origins at California State University has described the Caesar Messiah thesis as “If what Joseph Atwill is saying is only partially true, we are looking into the abyss.”

Christianity has no defense, it’s history or bloodletting can not be defended, it as the casual agent of the Dark Ages can not be defended, it’s squandering of capital for cathedrals in the Middle Ages can not be defended, it’s genocide of “godless heathens” and native Americans can not be defended, nor can modern Christian Zionism be defended.

This faith that Christians hold dear as superior is a force of evil in the world. The reason for this strange and sad behavior has been investigated by myself and John Kaminski. I point you to a Brian Ruhe interview in which John says Christian leadership offers no moral guide in the War of Terror, especially after 911.

Why the Western World Has NO Morals

“Brian Ruhe interviews internet essayist John Kaminski on why Americans lack morality.  John makes the potent observation that the entire west is without a shred of decency or morals. The listener must wonder how the most God fearing nation of America is completely immoral yet believes itself to be the most moral. That begs the question why Christian Amerika is the Great Satan but believes itself to be the most moral and most god fearing.

How can the most modern Christian nation be the most terroristic nation but internally views itself as godly and innocent? How can the Bible believers be completely without morals or decency if they believe the Bible to be the words of God? That is one of the great questions of our time. I have the decisive answer to this riddle, and it is this, the Bible has turned morals on it’s head.”

The lack of morals in a Christian nation is very interesting because Christians view themselves as morally superior. I say they are not, the reason being when you surrender your mind to faith all kinds of irrationality follows like witch burnings and war. The way this works is this, if you will believe anything to get into heaven and be with God, then you will also do the most immoral acts while on earth being a good little soldier for Christ.

I would like to point out that US Army sniper Chris Kyle was a devout Baptist, went to Iraq, and shot many a innocent Iraqi in the head. Millions died in the Gulf Wars because so many Christians in Amerika support war because of their faith in the Bible, which has tale after tale of mass murder on the orders of God. This horrible Bible has made terror and genocide godly.

So the great evil in the world is sourced in the Holy Bible, whose text convinces the fearful that they can enjoy afterlife in heaven only if they believe in Jesus, and be good obedient slaves in this life, and if the authority says Muslims attacked us on 911, that is good enough and my job is to go kill them, then I must.

Christianity is being fully exposed at this time of history, and currently as Jews burn down the cathedrals in France, so impotent is Christianity it can’t even name the enemy Jew. The Jews have rendered the Goyim impotent with the Christian faith, and even with Jews tearing down the modern world, Christians are powerless to resist because their religion is encapsulated in Judaism. Jesus was a Jew, the savior of the poor Gentiles was a Jew, entry in heaven by only one man, who is Jewish, is the fatal flaw of Christianity.

One thought on “Will Christ Return and Save Christians?

  1. petergrafstrm

    There are different types of christians in the US.

    The more extreme ones were indoctrinated by a modified version of the basic tenets conceived by John Nelson Darby, an agent of the British East India Company.

    I am not sure how it blends with Scofields activities but there were undoubtedly several strands of christian activity determined by the geopolitical aims of the british empire and americans have been Britains suckers most of the time.

    Americans4innovation have become interested in bringing some of this out in the open.

    They want american inventors to get paid for inventions they claim are stolen by the oligarchy. and they see the angloamerican establishment as a foreign element which mainly runs Britains errands and undermines american independence and the interests of the american people.

    Just one example:
    In 1912 the San Fransisco Leader published a leak from an honest english woman exposing thje Pilgrim Society’s instructions to their american members.

    Point 20 out of 24 describes how the american population should be deliberately dumbed down so they would accept lower wages and be easier to rule over.

    Click to access 1912-02-17-The-24-step-Pilgrims-Society-Corp-Imperial-Fed-Strat-to-Return-America-to-British-Rule-by-Lillian-Scott-Troy-by-Hon-J-Thorkelson-MN-1940-SF-Leader-GPO-George-Mason-Feb-17-24-1912.pdf

    The modified version by Darby has been pointed out by some other christians as a preparation for NWO.

    And it was the british elites who wanted the jews out of Germany and therefore also supported the Hitler regime behind a false mask of being his foe.
    The british infiltrated the german cultural elite which made the germans reluctant to bring it up after the war.

    I doubt that any significant part of the banking cartel was against Hitler and they were definitely the ones to make him rise to power and also continued to bring them profits for most of the war although some of the profits were delayed.

    There is an event from the early seventies where Lyndon Larouche debates a jewish economist, Abba Lerner, and the latter says if the german people had just followed our economic advice Hitler would not have been needed.
    The audience was shocked and Lerner was not allowed to repeat such events anymore.

    But it illustrates how all wars are false flags sort of.

    Being run by an upper class power cartel funding both sides.


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