How To Clean Wool Carpet
How To Clean Wool Carpet
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If it’s a big wool carpet, you want to wait until it’s nice outside. A good time to do this is in the spring and the fall. So what you want to do is just get a bucket of warm, sudsy water. You can make the water sudsy by using mild dish soap or mild laundry detergent. Woolite works great or if you want to use liquid ivory soap, just something very gentle on wool.

Wool Carpet Cleaning Tips

So obviously, first, you want to wet the rug or the carpet down with the hose. Once you’ve saturated it, grab a sponge and get to work. You may be tempted to use a brush to scrub your wool carpet with. This is probably not a good idea because the brush tends to catch in the wool, and it can damage it. It can really pull the wool from the carpet and be very, very damaging, so use a sponge. If you think you need the water to be a little soapier, add more soap. Just do this from top to bottom. If you have a clothesline, it may be easier. If you have a larger wool carpet, you may want to lay it on the ground and use a mop to scrub it with, but you can use your hands. It does a better job.

Once you’ve washed it with the sudsy water, you want to rinse it off really well until there are no more bubbles. If you do this correctly, you’ll only have to do it once or twice a year at the most, and you’ll have clean rugs in your house.

Cleaning Wool Carpet Using Vacuum Cleaner

You need to use a hardwood floor cleaner or spot carpet cleaner that is quite low and not thick. Turn your vacuum cleaner on and get into the wool, and drag it back. Even strokes, and make sure that you overlap to get full coverage.

Wool Carpet Cleaning Image

To remove stains, you can use a carpet spray or vinegar and water. It’s just a natural ingredient and not a chemical.

All you need to do is spray on your mark, and spray over your mark. Then with your cloth, you gently wipe, but make sure you go out and in. You can leave it for up to five minutes if the mark or stain is a bit stubborn. Or then get your paper towel, fold it, gently over the mark. Using your spoon, you can gently firmly dry it. You can see all the dirt and the damp from the vinegar and the water, on your paper towel. That’s how to do wool carpet cleaning.

Hello, my name is Tara and I am a housewife. I like when my house is clean and I have bought a spot carpet cleaner recently. i’m going to share my experience with you!

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  1. Wool carpets can be quite difficult to clean… at least I’ve found in my experience with them. Honestly, the best option I have found which cleans them wonderfully is a carpet cleaner. These are machines you can purchase which push the dirt from inside the carpet to the top. It’s a great option and relatively cost-effective.

  2. I had no idea how to clean a wool carpet until after I read your article… just wanted to stop by the comment section and share my appreciation for you creating this post. I found it incredibly helpful and just thank you so much!

  3. The only carpets I have in my house are wool carpets. I find that they are softer and better than anything else. Regardless, they get dirty very easily which is the reason I’m on this page. I love how you put this page together for those of us who don’t know how to clean carpets.

  4. Downy floor covers can be difficult to clean… at any rate, I’ve appeared with them. Really, the best decision I have found which cleans them splendidly is a mat all the more spotless. These are machines you can purchase which push the earth from inside the floor covering to the top. It’s an exceptional other option and for the most part monetarily clever.

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