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Announcing Nightingale 1.12

We’re pleased to announce that Nightingale 1.12 is finally available for download! Existing installations of the last release version of Nightingale (1.11.0) will give you the opportunity to automatically update – this will be the first time we’ve ever used our update system. It may or may not work depending on your OS, and how you have Nightingale configured. We hope everything works great, but if it doesn’t let us know, and grab a regular build.

What’s new?

Most importantly, we moved to a cleaner backend. For you, that means Nightingale is more stable; on Linux, it means you use more of your system’s own libraries. This release also brings us closer to using more recent libraries. Behind the scenes, we’re already planning the next release which will use a current xulrunner, delivering more features and performance. Such an upgrade is a very large project, and as such we could use more developers. Feel free to pitch in!

We have also cleaned up our installer for Windows, which no longer requires administrative privileges. We  moved it to a completely new backend and designed it to be much simpler from the developers’ point of view. Working in the old system was quite a pain!

Another platform specific change is LookingMan’s Unity Integration – Nightingale is now able to integrate into Gnome and Unity audio menus and notification systems, a much requested feature that we are very happy to have available for you.

Independent of your platform, there are a number of new and ported addons, some from Songbird, others from scratch. One new addon includes GeekShadow’s fixed and updated port of the SoundCloud addon, a feature any self-respecting player should have.

While we work on version 2.0, this release should last for a while. A large reson being the last big change between 1.11 and 1.12: we fixed tons of issues. From crashing issues on Windows and Ubuntu to cosmetic issues like Nightingale opening with an empty tab – this new version fixes many old issues. We have also improved the branding a bit, updated the locales and made some tweaks – read a full list of changes in the Changelog.

We hope you enjoy the new version; update or install it and enjoy some music! We’d love to hear your feedback in the forums or on the IRC channel, #nightingale on moznet. We’re always looking for testers, developers, theme makers, and users to idle in our forums and IRC, not to mention help out with the project. Feel free to join!

Spread the word – and enjoy the tune of life!

– The Nightingale Community

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