
Welcome to the StoryTelling Wiki

This project is an attempt to collectively develop a general body of theory and lore around the art, science, social activity, performance form, and basic human characteristic of StoryTelling.

Think of it as a living, changeable database of everything related to StoryTelling. An Encyclopaedia, of sorts, maintained by the StoryTelling community at large. As active as a mailing list, as informational as a FAQ.

Anybody can write, anybody can edit. Sign your contribution if it seems appropriate. Don't worry too much about ruining anything (though, please, play nice.) Most writing of this nature can be reconstructed fairly easily, if need be.

This wiki was launched in February 2003, and moved to its own domain in June of the same year. It was started by SabinDensmore and TimJennings, who would like to hear your comments/suggestions regarding both form and content.

Maintained and Hosted by sherbert interactive