Messums Logo: Messums are a London Fine Art Gallery
Name:    Edward Piper
Date of birth:    1938-1990
Discipline:    Painter
    Edward Blake Christmas Piper, the elder son of John and Myfanwy Piper, studied at Bath Academy of Art, Corsham and the Slade School in London. While scraping by with photographs for the Shell County Guides and graphic design commissions, he had one real obsession in figurative art: girls. He brought several styles to bear on his desired subject. In her monograph for the Edward Piper retrospective at David Messum Fine Art, in spring 2000, Jenny Pery wrote: 'His main interest was in girls, and for most of his life he made paintings of girls that were as celebratory as they were frankly sexual. The pictures are not portraits, although each model has her own individuality. The models that twist and display in a riot of flowers and patterned garments are studied not as objects of sexual arousal but with the same appreciation that an exotic flower might be studied... looking at a painting by Edward Piper is invariably cheering and invigorating'.