
CrowdSifter - Content moderation made easy

Protect your users and your brand from offensive content 24/7.
Moderate thousands of images daily. Get started in minutes.

How does CrowdSifter work?

We gather your user generated web content, show it to an pool of thousands of people online, they sift through it and flag potentially inappropriate content. Every image is sent to multiple moderators to ensure fast, high quality results.

View a short demonstration of the product.

Warning, there is brief nudity in this screencast.

What types of content do we moderate?

We filter inappropriate image content such as pornography, violence and hate speech. We are currently testing text, video and audio content filtering.

How quickly and how much can we moderate?

Every image is checked by a human within minutes of uploading. We can comfortably handle tens of thousands of images per hour.

How much do we charge?

Contact us at info@crowdsifter.com for a quote.