Tuesday, December 18, 2012

git-coverage: Useful code coverage

I've sorta dabbled in using code coverage off and on, but it never really grabbed me as super useful and fit well within my workflow.

When hacking on open source I want to try out patches, run tests against them, whether automatic unit tests or manually diddling things during testing. What I'm really interested is whether I tested out all the bits of the patch.

Traditional coverage tools tell you about the coverage of the whole project, which you then have to update and dig through to see if your changes were covered. I really don't care about the code coverage of entire projects. This is especially true if I'm just a contributor of a few patches. I want to see the coverage of the stuff I just changed.

Anyhooo ... after much ongoing grumpiness ... I put together git-coverage which is a git plugin which you can use to look at a patch and see which code paths have been run. Basically you use it exactly like you would git diff but it highlights the code in the diff that didn't have coverage. Works with Python, C and C++ code so far.

To use with C or C++ code, you need to build the project using gcc's --coverage info. Something like this:

$ CFLAGS='--coverage' ./configure ...
$ make clean all

Next you make some modifications to the code, rebuild, and run the tests or code. Now the following command will tell you which of your changes were covered.

$ git coverage

Any lines that start with an exclam have no coverage. They're highlighted in red if you have git coloring enabled. If there's no output from the above command, then all lines have coverage. Similar to how if nothing has changed, diff will output nothing.

If you've already checked in your code then you would use the following command to test the coverage of the last commit, similar to how you might use git diff to show the last commit.

$ git coverage HEAD~1

Or you can test coverage of the last N patches by doing stuff like:

$ git coverage HEAD~3..

Normally git-coverage tries to check the coverage of lines surrounding the changes. If you want to suppress this, you just pass in diff options to narrow the diff down:

$ git coverage --unified=0

To install git-coverage put it somewhere in your path. You might use:

$ git clone git://thewalter.net/git-coverage
$ cd git-coverage
$ ln -s $PWD/git-coverage ~/.local/bin

To use with Python code, install the python-coverage package, and run your code or tests like this:

$ # Yup, python-coverage has a rather bold command name.
$ coverage run /path/to/python-code args ...
$ git coverage

Anyway, maybe this'll help someone. It's an itch I've had for some time.

BTW, Phillip put some code into gnome-common which you can use to add --enable-code-coverage to your configure script, and optionally get full coverage reports for the project. Obviously also works with git-coverage.


  1. Hi. Just wondering – why is this a git plugin? It seems to me that it could be a tool that takes a patch as input and annotates it, and can be used in conjunction with git diff:
    git diff | your-tool
    just as with any other way of producing a patch, and following good unix practices.

    1. Well currently it does make some assumptions about the format of the diff.

      But that could change. It could actually be both a git plugin and another tool.

      I would totally be open to such a contribution.

  2. I'm curious: why did you use hard tabs for formatting Python code? 4-space indents is a nearly universal convention for Python.

    1. They just came naturally. I guess I'm a hard tabs kinda guy :D

    2. So I relented, ran git filter-branch, and now everything uses spaces.

      Thanks for the patches, BTW.
