Former MP Norval Horner dead at age 83



EDMONTON - Former Member of Parliament Norval Horner has died at age 83.

Horner served in Ottawa from 1972-74 as the Progressive Conservative MP for the Saskatchewan riding of Battleford-Kindersley. He was part of a political family from Alberta, whose members include former federal and provincial representative Hugh Horner and current provincial Finance Minister Doug Horner.

Besides his brief stint as an MP, Norval Horner worked as a farmer and also as a principal with the Sturgeon School Division. He also ran a golf course in Sunnybrook, Alta., for several years with his brother Jack — another former MP.

Horner died April 3 in Nanaimo, B.C., where he moved last year.

A memorial will be held May 3 at 1 p.m. at Serenity Funeral Service in Edmonton at 10129 Princess Elizabeth Ave.

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