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Just in are these low cost Russian night sights,
complete with Infrared illuminator. Good quality russian optics give excellent performance
at a budget price!
Quantity | Item | Description | Price: | Cart |
Accessories pack for the above night sight gives you
two mounts one for mounting the unit on a standard video camera and one for mounting the
unit on a standard camera (screws into filter thread on front of lens) Also included is a
smart carrying case, service manual and a set of batteries.
Quantity | Item | Description | Price: | Cart |
Range of visibility, man in 1/4 moon light 100m
Field of view 35 deg
continuous operation 25 hour battery life (2 AA
cells), continuous operation with IR illuminator 15 hours
140 x 55 x 77mm
Weight of complete set 1kg, adapter sizes 37mm and
image to enlarge
One of our top most
selling night sights is this
Russian TZS4. This
sight enables you to see in very low light levels, or with the aid of the built in
infra red
illuminator- in total darkness. In 1/4 moon light you would spot a man at 150m, in total
ness at 75m.
Magnification 2.3x, 240x66x190mm, 0.9kg, focusing range 1.5m-infinity, M42 camera
mount included, runs
on 2xAA batteries, 100mm focal length, 8 deg illuminator divergence, 50hrs
continuous (no
illuminator) 10hrs with, carrying case and strap.
Quantity | Item | Description | Price: | Cart |

compact night vision scope.
A superb ergonomically designed hand held unit utilizing the
latest in GEN 1 night vision technology. Features built in infra-red illuminator
allowing use in near or total darkness. Extremely robust in construction with a
solid metal body designed to withstand shocks and protect the unit from water,
dirt etc. Extremely easy to use, the unit is wellbalanced and fits sugnly in the
palm of your hand. The unit and infrared illuminator are operated via thumb
switches located near the eyepiece. A range of apertures on the lens allows you
to adjust the brightness of illumination. Suplied in padded carrycase with
shoulder strap.
Range of visibility up to 250m
Range of visibility using IR illuminator 100m
Objective lens diameter 58mm
Magnification 1.8
Field of view 20 deg
Focusing range 0.5m-INF
Supplied with black night vision simulation filter
Batteries required 2xAA
Weight 915g
Quantity | Item | Description | Price: | Cart |
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the contents page The site features
shopping carts, circuit downloads, secure credit card transactions, multiple currency and
automatic world wide shipping cost calculations.
Enjoy your visit, let us know what you think, and don't forget to register with us for
inclusion on our e-mail newsletter, The Bull Electrical Flyer!
Oh, and don't forget your free gift!
Jim Payne
Phillips video disc players model no VP406
Click images to enlarge
hese VP406 laser dic players are designed to play laser video
discs of different sizes, (8" and 12") the units were removed from a
large Company in working condition . 220v, scart socket, phono sockets and
an RS232 Computer interface for controlling the units from a PC. Output is
digital video and analogue sound. Sold as seen, at this price we can only sell
them like this! £14.95 each or 2 for £19.95
Quantity | Item | Description | Price: | Cart |
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