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Welcome to the free trial registration. Each part of process intuitively guides you on to the next stage.

If you need help in setting up your site then
eMail us and we will call you
  • We only need some basic information at this point to get you started.
  • You can add our more comprehensive features to your site at any time. Our feature list is constantly being enhanced.
  • Begin by filling in the form for your store details.
  • You can then customise the text on the payments page and order confirmation.
  • You will then be setup with some example delivery/shipping details.
  • Delivery Charges can altered later to meet your own needs. There is a comprehensive range of options.
  • You then add some basic product information.
  • When this is completed your own personalised catalogue list will be created on our system.

Fill in the form below ensuring that all sections with a red asterisk are entered.

* NB. Items with * must be entered
Enter a code which will be used to identify your store. E.G. If you are the Acme Nut and Raisin store then acmenut would be sensible. This must becomposed of letters and numbers only.
* Your Reference 12 characters maximum.
* Password
Enter a password. This will be used when you want to return to add more items or to change details in your store.
At least 4 characters. Max of 8
* Enter Password Again Enter password again
We need your email address. When any orders are placed this is where the orders are sent to.
* Email
Enter Your Store or Company Name. This will be displayed at the top of the shopping cart and checkout forms.
* Store Name
We have already filled out some of the fields below for cards taken, tax on prices etc. You can accept these values or amend them now or at a later date. If you are happy with them then just skip to the foot of the form and Create the Record.
You can charge in any currency. The shopping cart will also be displayed in the currency of any buyer's choice..
 Currency to charge
  Are your Prices inclusive of Tax Yes No
  Tax rate if applicable
  Do you already have a Website Yes No
  Website Address (if any)
  Cards Taken if Any
(Leave blank if none taken)
American Express
Diners Club
  Cheques Payable to
  Your Address
  Post/Zip Code
  Do you want to use Trade Pricing. (This facility is extra. It can be used as part of the free trial). Yes No
BullGroup, UNIT D, Henfield Business Park,
Henfield, Sussex, BN9 5SL.

Sales and Enquires 01273 491490
Sales at bullnet