Legal |
Personal Injury
A large body of law governs your right to recover for personal injuries you sustained. We break it down for you into the following categories: Basis of Actions, Defamation, Damages, Products, Property and Slips & Falls.
Employment Discrimination
Find out what the laws are on discrimination, types such as racial, sexual and age discrimination, and what to do if you think you are a victim. We also give you information on unions and what to do if you got fired.
Learn about bankruptcy, including what happens to your debt and possessions. Plus, get advice about your choices and find links to government agencies. Check out these sections: The Basics, Your Possessions, Your Dept, Your Choices and Helpful Links.
Family Law
Family Law encompasses many different legal areas from divorce and domestic violence, to child support, child custody and adoption. Inside, we give you the basics on these delicate issues.
Medical Malpractice
Find out what malpractice is and how to recover damages. Also, get information on experimental drugs and surgery. Check out our FAQ. get information on consent and learn about some specific cases.
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